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Synopsis The supreme sovereign system

Alfonso was a historian of earth who suddenly appear in the body of Alfonso Lockheart, a fallen prince that is the Lord
of a formal city known as the wasteland valley, with infertile land and losing the protection of their god, the wasteland
valley is land that is destined to be destroyer by the extreme weather and the attacks of beast.

Alfonso was in a despair situation; however, he wasn’t...

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-1 Time for editing


Hello everyone as you have read on the tittle , I will take a couple to edit my past chapters for th new reader and also
for you, this will take maximun 3 days . I will release three chapter on saturday because of the bonus system of last
week, we ended in rank 48 I think? so yeah I would give three chaps on saturday and two more on sunday so look
forward to it. @@

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1 Alfonso Lockhear
My lord! If we keep like this, our people will die of hunger before the end of the winter!" shout an old man with white
hair. He was Ribeiro Feis, the assistant of the lord of this forgotten city, Wasteland valley, usually he wouldn't accept,
even in his nightmares, that he will end up in this Land, unfortunately for him, the orders from his majesty, Wilbert
Lockheart were absolute.

"I know…." Answer a somehow tired voice.

The voice was from the Lord of this valley, Alfonso Lockheart, the 5th son of Wilbert Lockheart, a prince, or to be more
acquire, a former prince. He was the failure of his family, in his father's eyes. He was not as intelligent as his brothers
or sister nor did he was blessed with the "gift" any god, overall, a total failure.

The event that mark his life happened three months ago when he was supposed to let a campaign to win a mine of gold,
he went with 1000 men, all of them part of his former battalion, the lion's battalion.

The result, 900 died in combat, and he became with a serious injured in his right leg that didn't let him walk well, so he
now need to use a cane. His father views this failure as an opportunity and announce that he will be removed of his tittle
of prince until he could prove his worth with a task, he had to bring back to live the forgotten wasteland valley, sure
enough, went the other princes and princess knew this news, they knew that Alfonso was a lost cause.

Wasteland valley was, 100 years ago, a former city that could almost be par on par with the capital of Leitol, with the
protection of their god, their lands were fertile, and their men were strong, however, everything change went their god
died in the last war, from them the city deteriorate, the fertile land became infertile and their powerful army became a
group of weak men. One year ago, wasteland valley lost his status as a city because they couldn't pay their tributes, so
they lost the protection of the monarchy, this city was the at the north, at the border with the Jubial forest, they not only
suffer from the extreme weather there but also have to defend themselves from the beast of Jubial forest that attack the
city in certain periods of time, the last lord of this land died in the last attack.

When Alfonso get here month ago, hi knew that this land will be his grave. As an inexpert prince who didn't know how
to manage a city, he took wrong after wrong decision and the infertile land became even more infertile. On this day, he
couldn't take this anymore and decided to end his life, it was better than died of hunger.

However, after drinking a poison that will surely end his life, he woke up. He looked everywhere and became lost, it
was obvious, because the person who woke up wasn't the late fallen prince Alfonso Lockheart , instead, it was a
historian who had a specializes in ancient civilizations, Alfonso Miller.

Alfonso was sleeping in his comfortable went he woke up here in a weir outfit, after some screams and negation from
him, he accepted his fate, somehow, he was transmigrated here as Alfonso Lockheart, he retained the memories of the
late prince, so he knew of his actual situation, which let him in despair.

"You got to be fucking kidding me! I had a happy life on earth why the fuck I am here!" he could help but repeat this
phrase over and over again during the night.

The next day, he listens to the situation of the lands and the situation of this land from the mouth of his assistant Ribeiro.

"My lord, are you hearing me!? If we don't do something soon, our people won't have anything to eat! " Repeat himself
Ribeiro with a tone of bitterness and despair in his voice.

"I know, Ribeiro, tell me, with the provisions that we have, how long can we survive?" Ask Alfonso.

"If we are optimistic, and giving only the minimal amount of food, a month" said Ribeiro

"Sight..." Alfonso made a long sight and stood up from his throne.

"Ribeiro, take the food that we have in my storage and add that, with that amount of food, we can make it to the month"

Ribeiro was surprise, the prince, who was known to be a selfish idiot, wants to share his food with the people on town?

"But my Lord! Your food…."

"It doesn't matter, do as I said, I am tired, let me rest for a bit, and we will talk later" saying that, Alfonso went to his
chamber without waiting for the answer of Ribeiro.

It was night, Alfonso woke up from his nap and look at the sky, he looks at the moons floating in the starry sky.

"Sure enough, this isn't earth…" say Alfonso with a sad tone of voice.

"what I am supposed to do now" say Alfonso with bitterness.

Just when Alfonso was pondering, a sound in his head woke up from his thoughts.

[Ding! Recognizing the host…..

Progress: 10%....50%...100%

Progress complete

The supreme sovereign system welcomes its new host, Alfonso!]

"What the…." Thought Alfonso

[In the path to become the greatest sovereign of this new land, the system will

Be your best weapon, be glad, young man!] said a robotic voice with a somehow proud tone of voice.

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2 A cold day of winter

A system? What are you? What can you do?" Ask Alfonso.

[The system is a tool, nothing more nothing less, as for what the system can do, the system will

Begin to explain:

The system has three function: give host missions, given the opportunity to host to buy items and invoke the gods! ] said
the system.

"I don't understand a single thing of what you are saying"

[The missions: Host will have to do some tasks that the system will give to host, there are two types of missions, the
main missions and the secondary missions, the principal mission will be the missions that host can't refuse this type of
missions will give more drachmas, the secondary missions are missions that will randomly emerge when host triggers a
"flag", for now, the system advise that host concentrates in the main missions]

"Drachmas? You mean the old Greek coin? What are the use of these drachmas?"

[Drachmas are the system points, with then you can exchange for items in the store, however the main function of them is
to unlock the gods!]

"Gods? " Ask Alfonso.

From the late Alfonso, he knew that "gods" exist, or that what people believe in here, he, however, was a little
exceptional about this.

[The gods function: the gods exist; however, they have lost their powers and became simple and puny mortals, they will
aid host in the way to become a supreme sovereign, host must use his abilities and the system to bring them back to their
former glory!

There are a lot of gods in the system, host can unlock them with drachmas, however the three main gods: Zeus, Poseidon
and Hades can't be unlocked with the former, they must be unlocked with a special kind of mission, the system will give
more details later.

The gods are in human form but, like the system said, this isn't their ultimate form, the gods must make their comeback! :
Human, Hero, demigod and god , this is the way that the gods must follow in other to return to their original form, the
host can make them evolve to the demigod level with drachmas and with special artifacts of this world, when they get
there, the system will give every god a mission in other to return to their godhood.]

"This is insane... I can actually summon a Greek god here!?" ask Alfonso.

This let a huge impact in his beliefs

"the gods actually exist!? What kind of game in this!" thought Alfonso.

[The store: This function, as its name says, it's a store where host can buy artifacts, elixirs, artifacts of Hefesto,
creatures that are son of the gods like the Nagas, the centaurs, etc…

Everything here can be bought with drachmas] said the system

"Nagas!? But…but…. But the Nagas and the centaurs are living things!" Alfonso couldn't help but refute this statement.

[Everything that the system says its true!

The explaining ends here, the system will give host his first mission.

Main mission:

1) Improve your domain! :

1.1) Survive the attack of the beast! : This month, the beast of the Jubial forest will attack wasteland valley, young man!
You must survive to have a future, repel the attack of the beast and gave hope to your people.

Reward: 5000 drachmas and one random god.

Remark: In case that host can't complete the mission, the system will disappear, good luck, young man!] said the system
with a cold robotic voice.

"...." Alfonso was quiet for some time.

He took a couple of hours to digest all the information that the system had given to him, after that he stood and look
outside oh his chamber and looked at his land.

The weather was cold, and the commoners were in their house, probably this night a lot of them won't have anything to
eat. The air was so cold that probably the people without home would die, this wasn't so uncommon in wasteland
valley, its was a land that was destined to perish.

"I don't know who brought me here… or why….. However, i know one thing"


If history has taught me something is that, all that a empire needs to rise, it's a leader, someone who can change the
wheels of destiny, be their wisdom like Cleopatra or their strength like Alejandro Magnon, I will become that leader,
for this people and for me!" said Alfonso with a resolute voice.

This night marks an after and before to the wasteland valley and the whole empire of Leitol, a young man will be the
new sovereign that will shock the world, however, nobody knew that his story began in this little cold day of winter.

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3 The first god

"After Alfonso confirm his resolution, the system makes an announcement.

[The system has confirmed the host resolution, so the system will give

Host a newcomer bag!] Say the system.

"Newcomer bag?" Asked Alfonso.

[Correct, the system will give a gift to host in order to help him complete the main mission

Will host accept this newcomer bag? Yes/No] asked the system

"Yes!" Alfonso didn't think it twice and said yes.

[Host response yes, the transfer will begin

10%...50%...100% the transfer its complete, opening the newcomer bag….

Ding! Congratulations to host for the next items:

Newcomer bag: 1000 drachmas, one book of agriculture and a random god]

"A god!" say with emotion Alfonso.

He desperately needed something, and this was a huge help! Although Alfonso didn't know what was going to happen
when this supposed "god" appear, nevertheless, it would be a lot of help.

Suddenly, a book appeared in his hand, sure enough, the book was a book of agriculture, it was very thick, however,
Alfonso was a bookworm, so he wasn't dispirited, on the other hand, he was elated. One of the main problems of his
land was that nothing grows here, maybe in this book it will be an answer.

While he was contemplating this book, he thought of something more important, the god!

"A god is really going to appear?" thought Alfonso.

Suddenly, a black portal appears in front of him, one could hear the "booms" sounding inside the portal, like some kind
of beast was fighting a tough fight!

"What is happening!" thought Alfonso.

A pair of beautiful wings extended from the portal, a beautiful girl with and arc and arrow walked from the portal.

"Such a beautiful girl actually exists in this world?" this was the first thought of Alfonso.
The beauty of this girl was out of this world, that white outfit that revel her breath-taking legs make her seems like a
fallen angel.

"So this is a god…no… a goddess" Say Alfonso.

After looking at her, apart from her beauty, the thing that make the most impression is the thing on her hand.

"An arc and arrow…? You are!?" Say Alfonso.

"Puny human, why aren't you prostrating? You are being rude to this goodness" say the girl with a cold tone.

"Artemis!" shout Alfonso.


"Artemis was goodness of the hunt in the Greek mythology, she was the protector of the pregnant women, daughter of
Zeus and sister of Apollo, she was one of the most important goddess in the ancient Greek, she was on par with goddess
like Athena and Hera! " Thought Alfonso.

After looking at her for some time, the system makes an announcement on his head.

[Congratulations host! For acquired your first god!

Artemis, The hunter!

Name: Artemis

Level: Human(5000 drachmas for the next level)


- Beast language. (Level 1)

- Mark of the hunter. (Level 1)

- Sniper (Level 1)

Equipment: Bow and arrow.

Reminder: Artemis is the goddess of nature and women, is exceptionally protector for women and despite men,
specially pervert men, as the goddess of virginity, you will suffer a destiny worse than death if you try something funny
with her! ]

The system gave the information of Artemis to Alfonso, however before he could catch a break, he felt something
poking on his head, it was an arrow.

"Puny mortal, you dare to ignore me! " Said Artemis with a cold voice.

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4 Leitol
"Wait!" Said Alfonso

He had cold sweat running through his back, after all, he had an arrow pointing at his head! Alfonso took a deep breath
and put his right arm in his chest and bow his head.

"Is my honor to meet you, this humble servant is Alfonso Lockheart, the lord of this kingdom" said Alfonso with respect.

"Mm… that's better, as for who are you, I already knew" said Artemis.

"You knew?" Ask Alfonso.

"While you were thinking who knows what, a certain amount of information came to me right through my head…. Who
knew that a goddess like myself will someday be as weak as you, humans, a funny matter indeed" said the goddess who
had a sad tone, however, this was only for some seconds after that, she reverses to her formal cold face.

"However, human, I have an interesting information, apparently you can make this goddess return to her formal self, is
that right? " Asked the goddess.

"Well…. Yeah… I think so"

"Very well, you shall do it immediately! To see the rebirth of this goddess, you are the luckiest man on this planet, be
grateful, human!" said the Artemis.

This sentence sound so arrogant and self-centered that even the most narcissistic person would feel ashamed, however,
Artemis didn't, she was saying as if was a matter-of-fact, this left Alfonso somehow loss of what to do.

"…. I can't…. Or at least… not right now" say Alfonso.

When he said this the face of Artemis became even colder than before, in her eyes one could see murderous intent, as
she could kill anything on her way!

"Are you refuting this goddess order? Human!" shout Artemis.

"It's not like I don't want, I CAN'T! , if you want to return to your former self, you must help me!" say Alfonso with a
little of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"…. I can feel that your words are true, I don't know what the current situation is, human, this goddess will be merciful
and let you be her slave in this world, your first task is to talk to this goddess about this world and the current situation
of this land, as this will be the place where this goddess shall reborn, I will not accept anything that is worse the temple
of hephaestus!" Declare the goddess.

Alfonso felt the incoming pain the ass that this goddess was going to be, he couldn't help but had a headache.

"If this is how all the gods are..." This thought make Alfonso made a long and exhausting sight.

After that he and Artemis when to the hall and sit in the large table, then Alfonso began to explain what he knew about
this world.

The world was divided in four empires: Leitol, GreenCastle, GodHalt and Ocean. Each empire was as large as a
continent. The Lockheart monarchy was the sovereigns of Leitol, his father, Wilbert Lockheart, was the current emperor
of Leitol, there were 3 princes and 2 princesses in the Lockheart family:

Fernando, the oldest one, currently the crown prince. He was known as Fernando The warrior, he has won 15
campaigns against the forces of GreenCastle, he was the favorite son of his majesty, he had in his power 5 cities and is
the commander of the immortals' battalion.

Diana, the second one, she was known as Diana the Barbarian, if Fernando was a warrior, then Diana was a beast, she
was the fiercest of all the sons of Wilbert, she single-handily defended Vega city of the attack of more than 100 hundred
men of GreenCastle, for this merit, the Lord of Vega city make a statue of her at the center of the city. She has in her
power 2 cities and is the commander of the Barbarian battalion.

Raul, the third one, he is known as Raul the strategist, Raul has a weak constitution since birth, however, he has a
brilliant mind, a few years ago, the city of Geio was surrounded by beast and there was no hoped for them, Raul,
without moving a single finger, rescue all the city, what´s more, there wasn't any casualty! He has in his power 2 cities,
he doesn't have a battalion, but he is the head of the spiders, the most important information net of all the Leitol

Carolina, the fourth one, she is known as Carolina the wisest, actually, Alfonso hadn't talk too much to this sister of his,
she was always in her room doing god knows what, however, there was interesting aspect about his sister, every time
the emperor must make a decision that will affect Leitol as a whole, he didn't consult the ministers or Raul, he actually
asks for Carolina advise and take them very seriously. She has in her power 1 city and Surprisingly, she had her own
battalion, the Renegade battalion, she names it herself, as for why, nobody knew.

The capital of Leitol was Dragon city, the Lockheart family lives in the Asteu Castle, name it like this as a tribute to the
god that protects Dragon city, Asteu.

"What a blasphemy!" shout Artemis interrupting Alfonso.

"To think that there will be heretics in this land! Who is this Asteu!?, you, humans, shall only venerate us, the
Olympians!" said Artemis with a resolute voice.

"Let me finish…. " Said Alfonso while rubbing between his eyebrows.

The people on this land, or to be more acquire, in all the four empires, except on GodHalt, the gods are the absolute

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5 Gods and Humans

he gods on this planet,in general, protect the cities, and they gave people "gifts" to the land and the people of the town in
question, as to why the gods to this? Well, there are a lot of theories, some say that the gods need our "faith" , however,
this theory has a major flaw, nobody knew where the gods come from. 1000 years ago, they just appear out of nowhere,
there are no records of them before this date, so if they existed before we even knew them, why do they need "faith"?

Other people say that the gods were always here, however, something happen, the factions in the plane of gods broke in
an all-around war, nevertheless, they understood that the war was never going to end which both sides be as powerful
as they are, so they think of another way, use the disposable "pawns" to resolve the war, that's why they descended.
All in all this two are the most acceptable theories, there are some other theories like the gods were just bored, so they
decide to play a "game", if we had to be open-minded, this theory is not that crazy, who knows how a god think.

"Mmm…. Interesting…." Say Artemis while processing the information.

"There is one more thing" say Alfonso.


"Do you remember, Hercules, the son of Zeus?" Asked Alfonso.

"Of course, I remember! How could I forget about him, he was the favorite bastard of that old man, Well, even I had to
admit that, for a human, he was quite capable" Said Artemis.

"Well, in this world, there are people like him, however, here, the gods don't have children with humans, that's because
they can't come to this plane, that's why, they choose especial people to represent them, they are the darlings of the gods,
they are known as the champions" Said Alfonso.

The champions, the chosen of the gods to represent them, there is a lot of question about how a god choose a champion,
however, everyone knows one fact, every time a city give birth to a champion, the city will prosper, that is because the
god will bless the land just because of him, as to how far the blessing goes, that depends on of every god, for example,
the city of Titanos, which was one of the few cities in Leitol that wasn't under the jurisdiction of Alfonso's brothers and
sisters, was blessed by the goddess of weather, Reita, 500 years ago a hero was born here, Lefro, he was the champion
of Reita, after he died, Reita blessed the land with a natural barrier, so nobody could invade Titanos, one could see that
Reita was a super protective god indeed!

"Well it's not a surprised, we, gods, usually take a liking to some kind of humans, as for me, I am not that bored to see
every single human that is born in the world, only old fogs like Zeus or Poseidon have that much time in their hands"
Said Artemis with a smirk on her face.

"Anyway, I think that I get the general idea, however…."

Before she finishes her sentence, Artemis stood up and walked up to the entrance of the manor, Alfonso didn't say
anything and only followed her.

After going out, the scenery could only be described with one word, lugubrious. The cold wind and the heavy snow in
the roads make the scenery before them extremely depressing.

"This is really as its name say, a Wasteland" say Artemis while contemplating the scenery.

After that she turn around and look at Alfonso straight to the eyes.

"Why do you stay here? You can just away, with me and the other gods, having a stable live in other city or maybe in
other empire while be no problem, have you ever taught about that?" Ask Artemis.

"Well, I thought of that as well" Say Alfonso.

Actually, Alfonso did give it some taught, however he was trapped in here, the system wouldn't let him choose another
land, so he had to stay.

"However, is not so bad…. If we forget about the obvious short comings, this place has some nice stuff, like Titanos,
this wasteland valley had a natural barrier, if someone wanted to invade, they would suffer the same destiny that the
Germany troops had when they invade Russia back in the ww2, another thing is that, they actually had a lot of food in
the form of beast, of course, that is in the premise that they can actually be the hunter and not the prey "and there is one
more thing….." thought Alfonso.

"Because nobody cares about this place" Say Alfonso looking back at Artemis.

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6 Ambition
"Nobody cares about this wasteland, so I basically have no enemies, my family don't care if I die here, however, that's
not bad, actually, that's good!" Shout Alfonso.

"I don't understand" Said Artemis.

Alfonso turned around and show her back at Artemis.

"If history teach me something is that power is a fearful thing, everyone wants power, specially, if its right under your
nose, since the beginning of time, the power that have destroyed the majority of civilizations on earth hasn't been the
natural disaster or the wars between civilizations, do you know what is the threatens thing in an empire?" asked Alfonso

"…" Artemis just kept quiet.

Then Alfonso turns around again, however this time, there was another look in his eyes, even Artemis was surprised,
because his eyes were a bit…. Sinister.

"It's the internal struggle of power, father killing his sons, sons poisoning their fathers ,etc… and the Lockheart
monarchy it's not an exception, maybe, for most people, they think that my dear brothers and sisters live in harmony just
waiting for father's decision of who will inherit his throne, however, Artemis, I can tell you this, after my father dies,
there will be a massive war between the four princess and princess. At that time, I just must watch in my comfortable
throne, after they take out their own eyes between them, I will make my move" said Alfonso.

Artemis was taken back, this kind of speech….. If she didn't know that the one that stood in front of her was Alfonso,
she would totally have thought that she was in front of experience monarch!

"This guy with blond hair and purple eyes that didn't look that could hurt a fly… actually had this kind of plans? I am
actually starting to suspect that the cane that he always uses is just a façade to make him look weak" Artemis had to
reevaluate the image he has of Alfonso, he was quite the scheming person.

"This is just based on the premise that they will actually fight, maybe they will be resolved the thing in a more
diplomatic way?" Asked Artemis.

"Maybe…. , maybe I am thinking too much, however, Artemis, there are lot of factors that could mark the beginning of a
battle to dead, just a little spark will be enough, who knows if this spark comes from them…. Or someone else?" Said
Alfonso with a calmed smile on his face.

"…. Quite the schemer, human" Artemis couldn't help but say.

"What are you talking about Artemis? I am just a cripple-fallen prince who wants to survive in this wasteland, what my
dear family does have nothing to do with me, not anymore" Said Alfonso with an innocent face.
Alfonso was actually doing this on purpose, he had to let Artemis that he wasn't just a weakling, he had ambitions, he
had to make Artemis thought that everything was under his control, furthermore, what he was saying wasn't just a façade,
he had thought a lot about this, what can he do in order to survive in this world? After analyzing the character of
Artemis he could see that the gods were prideful to the core, they wouldn't summit to anyone, if Artemis was like this…
how about Ares or Athena….. He even didn't want to think about Zeus. So he made a choice, he needed to change his
characters in order to take control of his own destined, step by step, he had to became in a sovereign that could
command even the gods!

"I won't really care if my brothers or sisters destroy each other, however, if they actually decided to have some thoughts
about my city, that changes things" Thought Alfonso.

"So now that we have talk things out, we need to take care of some things, Artemis, this wasteland is about to face a
disaster, I need your help," Said Alfonso while looking

"I am listening" Said Artemis.

"At some point of this month, there will be a lot of beasts attacking this valley, as we are now, we won't even know
how we died, Artemis, you are a hunter, the best one in all the world, help me pass this trial and I will grant your wish"
said Alfonso

"Hoh? What if I say no?" Asked Artemis.

"Then we shall die here together, actually, dying with a beauty isn't that bad" Say Alfonso with a smile on his face.

"It will too much of an honor to you, human!." Said Artemis, while walking right in front of Alfonso with her cold eyes.

After some minutes, Artemis made a smile.

"Maybe I am just imaging thing, however, I kind of like that look in your eyes it doesn't show fear instead, it shows
ambition, I wouldn't expect less from my slave. Very well then, Alfonso! This goddess shall, for now on, help you in
your conquest of this foreign land! , do not disappoint me" Said Artemis with a resolute voice.

"It's my pleasure. Let's go back, its freezing here, we have a long day tomorrow"

Just like this, Artemis and Alfonso went back to the manor.

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7 Plans
The next day was, as usual, cold. The commoners of the Wasteland Valley had a harsh morning, as the soil was infertile,
they make most of their income selling fur from the animals they hunt, however, the animals that they could hunt were
rabbits or other small animals, they couldn't go too far in the Jubila forest because that was a path of no return.

Alfonso woke up earlier than usual and went to the hall. After the conversation with Artemis, she went to a room to
sleep, she wanted the principal room but after entering, she told him that this room reek of him, so she decided to go to
another room.

Alfonso only chuckle with this reaction, obviously he knew her despite for men in general, so he didn't take it personal.

After some minutes, he began to read the book that the system gave him.

This book explains all about agriculture, from the types of ground that exist to in what kind of weather seeds could
grow, after analyzing this book the entire night, he was somehow taken back, as a historian , he knew what kind of seeds
he needed, he took Russia as a mold, he knew a few techniques that could use in this extreme conditions like the
Hügelkulturs, however, these techniques were for a long-term plan, it will take at least 6 months to one year to simulate
the conditions in which the seedlings could germinate.

"For now I have two goals, the first one is to stop the beast, the beast horde it's actually a blessing disguise as a
calamity, if we make the right moves, we will have a lot of food to survive, my next goal is to take the first step in
making this infertile land, fertile, or at least, we need to have the necessary conditions to germinate something, humans
couldn't survive with only meat, we need to have something else with it… thankfully, the system with help with that"
Thought Alfonso after looking at the store.

[Gaia´s blessing

Type: Elixir

Usage: 1 per bottle.

Cost: 50 Drachmas.

Description: This item contains the blessing of the titan Gaia, the mother earth. Any land will become fertile after the
use of this elixir, this elixir can convert 1 cubic meter of infertile land in fertile]

"This elixir is quite good, however… 1 cubic meter…" Thought Alfonso.

Wasteland Valley was a big town and it could divide in 4 zones, the commoners zone, the agriculture zone, the border
zone, and the main plaza.

The agriculture zone was huge, at least it had 200 to 300 hectares, however, it was actually called the agriculture zone
to sound nice, if we had to be more precise, one should call it wasteland, the agriculture zone had the tools and
appearance of one, however, nobody actually used it, there was a kind of vegetal that could germinate here, however,
the process was a long one, and the probability of the seed of dying was at least 80%, only 10 or so families in the
commoners were dedicated to this business, by the way, the vegetal in question was carrot.

"I need at least 50 of these bottles to build an orchard big enough to feed all the people in town, that's 2500 drachmas, I
have in my disposition 500, so I have a long way to go… " Thought Alfonso while looking throw the window.

"Let's move to the next matter, Artemis"

Alfonso called Artemis who was sitting opposite to him, she was, as usual with her with outfit and her brown wings
behind her back, however, something caught the attention of Alfonso. In her finger, there was a small bird, the bird was
looking at Artemis while she did the same.

"Chirp… chirp … chirp" Said the Bird.

"Chirp… chirp… chirp?.... chirp…. Chirp …. chirp" Said Artemis.

"Chirp!" Say the bird.

"Chirp" Say Artemis.

After this "conversation" the small bird flew and went back to the forest. Alfonso, who was momentarily speechless
before this scene, remember something.

"This should be the beast language ability, right?" Asked Alfonso.

"That's right, I was asking that fellow when did the beast plan to attack this town" Say Artemis.

"!? This information is huge!" Say Alfonso with an exciting tone of voice.

"Yeah, the little fellow told me that, based on the speed that they were moving, will attack in three weeks, there will be
a total of 50 beasts which includes wolves, bears and falcons" Report Artemis.

"I kind of expected wolves and bears but… falcons?... you gotta be kidding me..." thought

Alfonso, while he feels that his headache was coming again.

"It's seems that "it" is moving again, so the weaker animals are escaping" Said Artemis.

""it"? What do you mean "it"?" Asked Alfonso

"The little fellow didn't know; however, he knew that "it" was also known as the king of the forest, it seems that "it" is a
lot of trouble and had a huge appetite, "it" will eat everything that moves, that's why the animals are running away" Said

"Will "It" come here?" Asked with a worried expression Alfonso.

"No, "it" never leaves the central zone of the Jubila Forest" Answered Artemis.

"I see, I almost got a heart attack there… well, at least, we know when the enemy is coming and who is, that is a huge
advanced already, thank you, Artemis"

"Hmph, I say that I will give you my help , human, so this is why should be expected" Said Artemis with her usual cold

"Ok, we have a clear view now, so my need to move to the next phase, Artemis, you have the power of a normal human
right now, however, your abilities makes you exceptional. Tell me with honesty, how many men will you need to repel
the horde?" Asked Alfonso.

"If I include myself, at least we need 20 warriors who can keep busy the beast, as for how many archers, you only need
me" Declared Artemis with a confidence voice.

I couldn't be helped, despite all, she was the goddess of hunt after all!

"…." Alfonso couldn't help but stay quiet for some time while considering some things.

"As far as I know… there are only 15 warriors in this town, they aren't even nearly enough…. Let's talk to the captain,
he has fight the horde of beast before, maybe he can add some useful information" Said Alfonso while grabbing his cane
and going out with Artemis.

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8 Performers
"So, it's finally that time of the year again.... How many of us will die this time.."

A muscular man with fur as his clothes was making a long sight after thinking about the future. Deferio was the captain
of the guards in Wasteland valley, they were ex guards of differences battalion that decided to retire due to different
things, they were all born in Wasteland Valley, so they didn't want to leave their town unprotected because the guards
assigned by the empire retire after they lost the condition of city. All of them were past 40, so they couldn't be consider
young anymore, however, they were diligent, they train all day despite the harsh environment in Wasteland Valley, after
the last horde, they lost 50 of their men and the lord of the town, this was a huge impact to them, from them on, they train
less and less, some of them even didn't want to train anymore, the only exception was Deferio, who train diligently
every day. They heard the news that a new lord was coming to this town, so they were elated, after all, maybe this new
lord could change the destiny of Wasteland Valley, however, their exciting gradually disappear after they knew that
their new lord was the fifth prince, or rather, the former prince Alfonso Lockheart, when they knew that their lord was
the failure who led 900 men to their deaths they knew there was no hope.

"No matter what, I am a protector of this town, I was born here and will die here…. However, I don't want to see this
town died, not like this" Lamented Deferio.

"Captain, I know that you love this town, however, I am afraid there is no hope" said one of the soldiers that was lazing

Actually, there was another reason why these soldiers didn't leave Wasteland valley, they didn't have another place to
go, they didn't progress in their military career, so, after they pass the limit age for being a soldier, they didn't receive
anything for their former battalions, so they went as they came, poor. This was ordinary, only people who stood out in
battle, will have a place in the battalion even if they went unable to go to combat.

"I won't let this town died in my generation, as for the future… dead people can't do shit" said Deferio.

The other soldiers look at Defereio and make a sight, then they grab their swords and started their usual practice.

Just as Deferio was going to take a break, he saw a silhouette coming to them, when he saw again, he saw a blonde guy
with purple eyes looking at them, he was firmly grabbing a cane with a calm smile. Next to this man, was a short man
with short black hair and a white outfit, this short had cold eyes and white skin one could even say that he looked a little
feminine. Deferio stop was he was doing and bow to this pair, to matter what, this person was their lord after all!

"Good morning, My lord Alfonso and sir" said Deferio

Just as he finishes his sentence he saw something weird, the prince was covering his mouth while looking at another
direction, while the guy at his side was astonished, like he didn't believe what he has heard.


Alfonso went to training field of the soldiers with Artemis, he was worried about her appearance, she had wings on her
back after all, however the system easy his worries.

[Host doesn't have to worried, the only one who can see Artemis in her goddess form is host, to other people, she just a
regular human] said the system.
This please Alfonso and went to the training camp, he was a little curious how other people saw Artemis, just as he was
immersed in his thoughts, he had arrived at the camp, there, a muscular man with short hair and a scar on his face greet

"Good morning, my lord Alfonso and Sir" said Deferio

When Alfonso heard the word "Sir" he almost burst in laughter, so he had to cover his mouth a look to the other side just
to make sure he didn't do it. She was Artemis, the "hate men" goddess, was confused for a "Sir"? If this wasn't hilarious
as fuck them nothing was!

Artemis was shocked.

"I, this goddess, a "Sir"?" thought Artemis, she couldn't believe her ears


Just when Artemis was about to explode, Alfonso took his cane and stomp it in Artemis´s feet, then he made an
awkward caught.

"Captain…., good morning to you too, let me present you, this is Artemis sh- I mean he is here to observe your training
so as I, please don't mind us" said Alfonso with a calm smile.

Deferio was taken back, his lord was here to observe the training? This was unusual, why would he do that?

"Well, he was part of a battalion after all, maybe he wants to remember his time in the battalion" Thought Deferio

When the other soldiers here this, they only chuckle, they all have only one thought.

"This Lord of us truly have a lot of time in hands''

They didn't put much attention in Alfonso and Artemis and did their own training, everyone worked differently, after
one-hour Alfonso suddenly called them. They all stropped and stood before Alfonso and Artemis.

Alfonso was just there observing them, he suddenly took his cane with both hands and stomp it hard on the ground, then
he said something that make them speechless.

"Are you really soldiers? Or just performers?" Asked Alfonso with a cold voice.

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9 Mark of the hunter

The 15 soldiers including Deferio were taken back after this declaration, they were only able to process it after 1 whole
minute. They were enraged. Everyone turned their cold eyes to this lord of them.

"You have quite the big mouth for a useless prince" one of the soldiers couldn't resist anymore and Said what everyone
was thinking.

In normal circumstances, Deferio would have slapped this soldier for insulting their lord, however, this time, he just
reminded silent, his face didn't chance, but he was also furious.

"He betters apologies" Thought Deferio.

"Hoh? You have guts as big as the heavens to talk to your lord like this and you, Deferio, to actually allow this, are
quite gutsy as well" Said Alfonso.

"However, my words won't change, I can tell you with certain, that any of you were training, you were at most,
pretending to, the only one who was training was Deferio, however his training was ineffective" Said Alfonso without
changing his expression.

"Oh? Then my lord wouldn't mind to giving us a lesson, right?" Said Deferio while chuckling looking at the right leg of
Alfonso, the other soldiers also make a sly smile.

Alfonso only smiled slightly and walked in front of Deferio.

"I will ask you something, do you really think that, with this "training" you will be able to stop the horde?" Asked

Deferio and the soldiers were taken back, he only looked down without Saying anything, even Deferio didn't Say
anything, he knew that stopping the horde was only an illusion.

"I won't talk too much since actions speak better than words, Artemis" suddenly Alfonso called for Artemis who was at
his side still massaging her feed.

Artemis was about to Said something when she looked at Alfonso, they both stay silent and Artemis suddenly stood up
and didn't say anything just staying beside Alfonso just like a soldier waiting for his orders.

"Deferio, you Said that you wanted a lesson, right? As you see, my leg is still healing so my friend here will entertain
you, you don't mind right?" Said Alfonso with a calm smile.

Deferio looked at Alfonso and then at Artemis, this man with a delicate body actually wanted to fight with him, even if
he won he wouldn't feel good about it!, Deferio was even pondering if this guy could actually lift a sword, however,
after looking at the calm smile of Alfonso, he became curious, his lord didn't actually think that this fellow could win

"….. Very well then, let me choose you some equipment and a sword" Said Deferio.

"I don't need it, if you make me use my arc, then you can consider it your win" Said Artemis

Deferio was speechless once again, this guy had a huge mouth! This time, Deferio didn't hesitate anymore and went
straight to the battle platform.

"I will make sure that you don't stay in bed for too long" Said Deferio.

"What a coincidence, I was just about to say the same" Said Artemis with her usual cold voice.

After that, Deferio grab his sword and went straight for Artemis. He was fast, as an ex-soldier, he has been in many
battles, he was used to killing, even if he didn't want to, he had a special kind of "aura" went he grab a sword, one could
see that he has killed a lot of men! However, Artemis just looked at him like she was looking a clown. Went Deferio
was only a few inches away from her, her eyes tremble a little.

"Mark of the hunter" she murmured,

Then, when the blade was about to hit her, she moves her body to the right and with her delicate hand, she made a chop
move with her hand right to the throat of Deferio, Deferio felt the danger and make a back jump. He was scared for a
minute there, he felt if that hand actually hit his neck, he would have died!

"He isn't normal" though Deferio, then he grabs firmly the sword with his two hands and put a serious face.

"I underestimated you, I am sorry, for this moment, I will be serious" Said Deferio.

Artemis didn't say anything and stay still while looking at him.

Deferio make a long sight and move twice as fast as before then he made a long swing with the sword and went straight
to the head of Artemis!

Artemis only looked at him.

"A bit interesting, a shame that the technique is not there" Said Artemis

When the sword was in just above her, she made a little jump to the front and, put her hands on the ground and make a
kick that impact in the stomach of Deferio after that, with her other leg she jumped back and stood up.

Deferio was grabbing his stomach holding back the desire to thrown up, just as he was about to stood up, he felt a cool
sensation, he looked up and saw Artemis holding his sword pointing straight at him.

"You have the strength, however, with that pathetic sword skills, you are just trash" Said coolly Artemis.

Deferio stood there without moving, he knew that he lost in quite the fashion, this impression of this guy make a
complete turnaround.

"With this kind of ability he could be at a commander of a squad in of the immortal's battalion!" thought Deferio.

The other soldiers were also shocked, their mouths were so open that an egg could enter without issues, there was one
more person that was also astonished and that was Alfonso.

"Impressive, as expected of a god, and she is only at the human level….. if she was at the semi-god level…." Alfonso
couldn't image how powerful while be Artemis at that point.

"She said .. Mark of the hunter… if I am not wrong, that was one of her abilities, system can you show me that ability?"
Said Alfonso

[Mark of the hunter: Artemis has a great understanding of her prey, she will "mark" and enemy and see the flaws in their
moves, also this ability makes Artemis able to observe his prey at a range of 1000 meters!

At level one, Artemis is only able to use the mark of the hunter at two enemies.]

"!! Wow, that's quite the ability there" Thought Alfonso without changing his expression as this was an expected result.

Artemis didn't say anything else and left the sword in the ground and walk to side of Alfonso once more.

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10 Formation
Deferio was giving some first aid and after 10 minutes he manages to stand up. Artemis wasn't that strong, however,
because of her experience as well as the mark of the hunter, she was able to hit where should be hit to disable an enemy.

Deferio and the 15 soldiers stood there with an awkward expression on their faces. Deferio was the first one to talk he
bow and Said with sincerity to Alfonso.

"We are sorry to act disrespectfully against my lord, if you want to punish us, we won't say anything" Said Deferio

Alfonso just smiled, he wanted this result, soldiers in general only respected the powerful, although he wasn't powerful,
the person by his side was and, because she acted as his subordinate, the other ones couldn't help but think highly of

"Captain, I know about you, you were a servant for this empire, for that, I must thank you, however, right now you are
part of this land, therefore, you serve me, the lord, Am I clear?" Asked Alfonso.

The fifteen soldiers bow and yelled in unison

"Yes, Sir!"

"Very good, actually, the reason why I am here is, first, I want you to tell me about your experience with the horde" Said
Alfonso to Deferio.

"Yes, my lord" Said Deferio

Deferio began to tell him about his experience with the horde, however, it wasn't that much of what he knew, however,
there was something interesting, in the Jubila forest there were "special" beast, this special beast were basically
animals that have some kind of intelligence, like a human, so there were able to make tactics, however, they were very

"This is another unexpected variable…. However, is their intelligence is not at the human level just yet, then my plan
can continue like it was" Thought Alfonso.

After their conversation Alfonso began to ponder while Artemis quietly looked and him. Although now was not the
time, she didn't forget about her stomped feet.

"Just wait, human, when we get home, you will beg for mercy!" Thought Artemis while making an inner smile.

"Deterio, do you all practice any kind of formation?" Asked Alfonso.

This was an unexpected question. In the battalions, usually, they have their own signature formation, for example, the
immortals had the immortals' formation who was known in all the empire, however, to execute it, it was as hard as it
could be, that's is because a formation must be specially encrypted in every single member of the members, one little
mistake while make the formation crumble.

"Well we usually do it like this, I go in front, the others are arranged in groups of 5, one in the left and another in the
right, the other four people are at the very back and use arrows." Said Deferio.

"This…." Alfonso was speechless.

"This… "Formation" …. Even the most inexperience general would know that, in front of wave of enemies that
surpasses with numbers, they won't last a second, this is worse than I originally thought" Said Alfonso.
Deferio was a ashamed, he knew that this formation was lacking, a lot.

"I will give you a formation" Said Alfonso.

"Is going to be the lion´s formation?" Asked with bitterness Deferio.

As an ex-soldier, he knew about the lion´s formation, if we have to describe it in few words we should say that it was
overwhelming, it focuses in the power of numbers to annihilate an enemy with the most efficiency, however, this
formation didn't suit their present situation.

"No…. Given the current situation, the lion´s formation doesn't suit you, I will give you a new formation, however, for
this formation to be use as its fullest, you will have to practice 24 hours and have a lot of confidence in your allies like
they were your brothers, no mistake can be allowed or else, this town is destined to perish in this month" Said Alfonso
in serious tone of voice to Deferio, after that, he didn't let Deferio speak and began to explain the formation, Deferio
was astonished.

"This formation!?" Said Deferio.

"Don't lose time, go and tell your fellow soldiers about it and start practicing right now, we don't have much time." Said
Alfonso while standing making his way back to the manor.

"My lord" Suddenly Asked Deferio.

"What is it" Said Alfonso without turning back.

"Thank you" Said Deferio while bowing to Alfonso.

"Work hard, the fate of this land is your hands" Said Alfonso while disappearing from their sight.

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11 Camel
After they managed to get into the manor, Alfonso sit tiredly in his throne.

"I am really not fit to these things" Said Alfonso.

He was tired. He was, after all, just a historian from modern earth. Being all highly and mighty is not easy, especially
since those cold eyes of those soldiers were really scary.

"But this is all for the sake to live" Thought Alfonso.

Just as he was immersed in his thoughts, he felt a pair of cold eyes looking at him.

"Alfonso, you have a huge pair of balls! To actually stomp this goddess feet!" said Artemis while walking straight to

"Artemis, you know why I did that, I couldn't let you injure Deferio, without him, this town will not survive!" Said
Alfonso with black lines on his forehead.

"Hmph!" Said Artemis, however, she didn't anything and just stay still there.

After some awkward silence, Ribeiro walked up, he was surprising of seeing this guy in white suit.

"Who is this guy?" Thought Ribeiro.

Alfonso, notice this and make a gesture to Ribeiro to sit up.

"Ribeiro, this is Artemis, he is a fellow friend of mine, he will stay here for some time" Said Alfonso without giving
more explanations.

Ribeiro was a little taken especially because this guy, Artemis, didn't leave after he and Alfonso began talking about the
future plans of Wasteland Valley.

"Ribeiro, how many people work in the agriculture zone?" Asked Alfonso.

"10 families my lord" Said Ribeiro

"Very well then, I need you to find the more experience person there and bring him to me"

Said Alfonso.

"? My lord has something in mind?" Asked Ribeiro without thinking.

"That's right, I have a plan, but this is a long-plan term, I have some things to discuss with an expert, go, don't waste
time." Said Alfonso.

"Understood, my lord" Said Ribeiro, he was really confused by this, his lord wasn't known as someone who will be
able to make "a plan" .

"What is he thinking?" thought Ribeiro while going to the agriculture zone.

After he was gone, he began to read the agriculture book. He needed to be sure that his plan was suitable, what he
needed the most was information, with his studies, he had a roughly idea of what to do, however, this book had
additional information that was needed.

Artemis looked at Alfonso for something, she got bored and went to the window to talk to the birds that came to the
window like they were called. After one hour, Ribeiro came in, but he wasn't alone, he came with a man that was at
least 50 years, he had a big belly and brown bear.


Camel was an old farmer that has lived all his life in Wasteland Valley, his wife died 5 years ago, and he dedicated all
his life to be a good father for his three daughters. His father was a farmer so as he, he didn't know how to do something
else, however, he was the best in what he did, he actually could put food on his table, something that few people could
do with the infertile land of Wasteland Valley. Winter was a harsh season for the family of camel, the few foods that
they have become even less, this winter, was especially hard, so Camel was having a headache thinking how to, at least,
give his daughters food. While he was pondering in his chair, someone told him that the lord of wasteland valley
wanted to meet him, this surprising him a lot, he was a just common farmer, what the lord wants for him.

"Maybe he become interested in one of his daughters?" thought Camel.

His daughters weren't ugly, in fact, there were quite pretty, no one could think that a big belly man like him could have
such pretty daughters! , with this thought, Camel became exited, Camel knew who his lord was, he was an ex prince,
this prince was known a failure, despite this, nobody could say that this lord was a playboy, so Camel hoped that the
prince could take one of his daughters, maybe then, his daughters would have a better live.

After arriving at the manor, he became nervous, his home was made from wood and was very small.

"This manor is huge!" thought Camel

After arriving in the hall, he saw a young man with blonde hair and purple eyes, he had a gentle smile, he was sitting in
his throne with a cane between his hands, at his side was a young man with short hair and a white outfit.

He was a little surprising, he thought that the prince was someone more... imposing? However, these young could
produce a sense of calm and his nerves went away.

"Your servant, Camel, is here as your command, my lord" Said Camel while bowing.

"Hello Camel, my name is Alfonso Lockheart, as you know, I am the new lord of this land, please have sit, I have some
things to discuss with you" Said Alfonso while making a gesture to Camel to sit down. Camel sat down opposite to
Alfonso and then waited for Alfonso to talk.

"I heard that you are the best farmer in this land, it's that true?" Said Alfonso with his usual smile.

"Well I have been doing this for more than 40 years, I know a thing or two" Said Camel

"Very well then, I have something in mind, I would like your opinion, your SINCERE opinion" Said Alfonso while
emphasizing in the word sincere.

Camel was a taken back, he didn't want to talk about his daughters?

"As you know, people think that this land is a dead land, in part, that is because of its infertility, this has been a problem
for a long time, so I made a plan, a plan to revive this infertile land!" Said Alfonso

Camel couldn't believe what he had heard, his lord wanted to revive this land!? But that's impossible! With the course
of the years, a lot of people had tried this however, the only conclusion was that this land was unsalable, at most it
could grow a few types of vegetables and even then, the amount of this was minimal.

"I can see in that you don't believe me, however, that's okay, I want you to hear me first, I will explain a method to
"simulate" a fertile ground, this plan is a long-term plan, please give me your opinion"

After Saying that, Alfonso began to explain his plan, if we have to put it in simple words, it was to use the dry wood to
use as artificial bed and then use compost or other organic materials and put them on the bed leaving small holes finally
one put the small branches to cover everything, after that you put some earth and finally cover everything with straw.

When camel here these methods been to process in his mind, after some time, he had only one question in his mind.

"My lord, this servant has only one question, what is compost?" Asked Camel.

Alfonso wasn't surprise that he Asked this question because the term compost wasn't used, on earth, until the last
century. So he calmly explained.

"Compost is procedure that used several organic materials, for example, stool , and then with several steps, one could
convert them in nutrients that improves the earth." Said Alfonso.

After hearing what Alfonso Said, everyone in the hall, including Artemis were stunned.
They only had one thought.


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12 Sense of belonging
Alfonso was expecting this reaction, so he waited for them to proceed the information. While he was waiting he was
thinking of something else, where should he get the material for the compost? He had three options: skins of any kind of
fruit or vegetables, stool from animals and stool from humans.

"The first one is discarded for the moment, fruit and vegetables is what we lack so using the few that we have in
compost is not worth it.

The third one has its advantage, first we have a lot of it and the procedure of making the stool of humans in compost is
not that complicated, however, it had disadvantages, first ,the stool of humans smells too bad and attracts too many
parasites that could potentially bring diseases like flies, in summaries, the expenses weren't worth the profits.

So I would go with the second option, luckily, we have someone that could interact with animals, I need to use the most
of it" Thought Alfonso.

While he was in deep thoughts, the other three weren't just sitting there, especially Camel. At first, he was reluctant to
the idea, but then he thought about their current situation and take another look to this idea, putting aside the stool,
everything the lord Said was impressive, no, impressive couldn't describe this anymore. This maybe be and after and
before for all the people in wasteland valley!

"If we use this procedure, in four, no! in three months we could start putting the seeds, so we could have food by the end
of winter!" Said emotionally Camel.

Alfonso looked at him and then smiled, he was now sure what to do.

"Camel, I give you total authorization, go and tell the 10 families that will start this new method right now, go prepared
everything, take this note, here is the procedure to prepared the compost with animal stool, I want all the people in this
town to have enough food to live a healthy life, about the stool, I have my methods to acquire it, you just need to wait"
said Alfonso.

Camel was almost at tears, those word "I want all the people in this town to have enough food" was marked in his heart,
he only had one thought.

My lord is such a generous lord!

"As your orders, my lord!" Said camel while kneeling in front of Alfonso.

After that Camel went back and the assistant follow him to arranging everything, when they were gone Alfonso talk to

"I know what you want, I already call 20 animals between rabbits and deer´s to defecate near wasteland valley, you just
to tell those guys to recollect that, tsk, how would have thought that, I, Artemis, would become just a poop distributor,
what a cruel destiny!" Said Artemis while sulking a little.

"Sorry about that, but we have to do what we have to do, don't worry, went you became a god again, you will view this
as a funny anecdote" Said Alfonso.

Artemis didn't say anything and went to her room.

Alfonso chuckled a little and then thought about his next plans, the farming and the beast horde have already been
embarked, so what I need now is two things, money and people.

Alfonso knew that these two points were crucial, he needed money, a lot, to buy seeds from other towns and to hire
people with jobs like tailors blacksmiths.

He also need people, if history has taught Alfonso something is that unity it's a most in a empire to prosper. When the
title of city was revoked, wasteland valley lost something important, way more important than the guards or the help of
the capital.

They lost the sense of belonging. What is wasteland valley? Is a town, no, not this moment, is just a place where people
live because they don't have anywhere else to go. In few words, this wasn't Wasteland Valley, this was just a piece of
land where people live, the people here didn't identify themselves with this town.

"In order to regain that, they need to see hope, luckily, the battle with the beasts is coming soon, this will be a major
turning point, I need to defeat them to defend this town, however, If I want to gain the admiration of the people, I need to
leave an impression in their hearts, in other words, I need to make myself as a symbol of hope for this people" Said

While looking at his cane, then made a long sight.

After that he skip dinner and went directly to sleep.

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13 Brontes`s Composite Bow

The next day, Alfonso woke up later than usual, it was almost 10:00 a.m. when he went to the hall and saw Artemis
talking to a little bird, Alfonso was just going to sit down when he saw something at Artemis's back, the bow, and the
arrows, they were always there, but this time, Alfonso pay close attention to them. Artemis, feeling Alfonso's gaze, stop
talking to the little bird and turn around.

"What are you looking at?" Said coldly Artemis.

"Artemis, that bow…. I feel is very familiar, if I am not wrong, that should be a longbow, right?" Asked Alfonso.

The longbow was a traditional bow that many cultures in history use, the Greek, was part of them, if was a good bow
for hunting, however, there were better ones, for example the composite bow. It was a larger bow with a special
characteristic, the string could stretch longer so the distance that the arrow could travel was approximately 300 mtrs,
contrary to the longbow could 180 at most.

"Yes, that's right. When I woke up, I already have it, I don't were the bow that the cyclops forget for me was" Said
Artemis with a sad expression.

The bow that she was talking about was her silver bow, it was a bow that was fabricated by the hands of the cyclops in
mount Leuco on Creta, when he was three years old. Her bow was a symbol of her power, in fact, in many places
Artemis is also known as the Madam of the silver bow. For these reasons, Alfonso could understand why she seemed
sad while remembering her bow.

"Don't worry, I promise you that I will give that bow back to you, I don't know how, thought" Said Alfonso.

Artemis stay quiet, but her expression seems to relax, just a little.

"Well, the reason why I was Asking you is that I want to give you a new bow, Is called the composite bow" After that
Alfonso called the system 'store, sure enough, that bow was there. The composite bow was popular in Asia, not so much
on Europe so Alfonso was quite surprising to find it there. Alfonso originally thought that he will have to find someone
who could make this kind of bow, however, a message appeared in his head, it was the system, with some good news.

[Brontes's Composite Bow

Description: This bow is lighter than the longbow and the string stretches more so the distance that the archer can
acquire is 300 mtrs, however, this bow is also more fragile than a longbow, so it isn't suitable for wars, however, it's a
perfect bow for hunting!

Remarks: it includes 50 arrows.

Price: 300 Drachmas]

The heart of Alfonso bleed when he payout the 300 Drachmas.

"I am too poor" thought Alfonso.

After he buy the bow, a light appear in Alfonso's hand and then the bow appear, following that , the arrows began to
appear. Artemis was surprise to see this development, however, she knew that the thing that summoned her here was the
same thing that was doing this. After 1 minute, the last arrow appears and then Alfonso pass the bow to Artemis, she
studied it for quite something, after that, she made an unusual smile.

"I like it! Well done, Alfonso! You finally pay tribute that this goddess deserves! , as expected of my slave" Said
Artemis while replacing the old bow and arrows with the new ones.

Alfonso forced a smile when he heard the word 'slave' however, after seeming Artemis playing with the bow like a kid
with a new toy, he relaxed and then sat down in his throne. When he thought about it, he pondered about something, the
weapons that this town had, were mediocre, almost all the weapons in storage were so old that they could break at any
moment, he thought about this before, however, there wasn't time to forge that many weapons for the soldiers, however,
it seems that the system could provide some aim. He opened the store and began to search for weapons that the soldiers
could use, he found some, however, he didn't have too many points to buy them, what took him for surprise was that the
swords and shields from a common soldier were 20 or something Drachmas, this was weird, why the metal swords and
lances could cost less than a bow with was made of wood?

He Asked the system.

[The material used on these weapons are normal,, however, that bow was made by the cyclops Brontes, although this
product was a failure for him, for a human archer, this bow could bring the best of their potential!, the wood that is used
in this bow is a special type of wood that was grown in a fertile ground blessed by Demeter, so the bow is more
flexible and more resistant that any ordinary composite bow] Said the robotic voice of the system.

Alfonso thought that it was reasonable, so he didn't ask any further, after that he use the remaining 200 points in buying
15 lances and 15 shields with 1 long sword for the captain he had money to buy one more thing, surprisingly, he bought
something for himself. A cane, however, this cane wasn't an ordinary one.

[Chrono's cane(DAMAGED)]

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14 Daily life
[Chrono's cane(DAMAGED)

Description: After the war with his sons and daughter, Chrono implore his brothers, the 100 hundred hands cyclops, to
build him a cane because he damaged his leg. One of his brothers, Leterio, took pity of him and make him this cane. This
cane contains the essence of Chrono; however, it is damaged due to the passage of time. Right now, this cane only has
the property to 'freeze' the time of the leg, so the injury couldn't spread forward to the rest of the body and can alleviate
the pain that It causes.

Price: 100 Drachmas

Remark: this cane can be repaired]

Alfonso went in deep thought when he read this information, he was at first stupefied, this cane actually belonged to the
titan Chrono! He was Zeus's father, the one that, for some time, was the lord of all things!

"The state of the cane is damaged, but, this remark.... It can be repaired? How?" Asked Alfonso.

[Host doesn't have the authority to possess this information.

Please, complete the missions and when the requirements are successfully achieved,

The system will inform host.] Said the robotic voice of the system.

Alfonso wanted to ask more, however, he felt that the system will give him the same answer.

The cane was black and had a golden handle, when Alfonso used it, he couldn't feel the pain that he always had when he
walks, this pain was minimal, so he usually didn't make any complaint nor one could feel nothing. Wrong when he
walked, however, an injury is an injury after all.

"Well, the effect is already good enough" Thought Alfonso.

After changing canes, he looked at Artemis who was looking the cane, he was wondering why was that, went she
suddenly looked at Alfonso.
"Whatever that thing is, be careful to not used it in front of father, else, he will kill you" said Artemis and ignoring

Alfonso was taken back by this statement, but after thinking a little, he realized. Chrono was the archenemy of Zeus,
although he was his father, he was planning to eat Zeus if Rea didn't interfere, maybe Zeus and the other gods would
have ended in Chrono 's stomach.

"Better be careful of it in the future" Though Alfonso.

Later that day, Alfonso gave the new weapons to the soldiers who cheerfully accept them, of course, they asked about
the origin however, Alfonso evaded the question and went back.

Just like this two weeks went by.

Alfonso began to get used to his life here, he went early in the morning with Deferio and inspect their training, after
several days the soldiers began to change their lazy attitude to a more serious one, Alfonso gave then a new 'menu' of
training, he gave them the ranger school method.

The ranger school method from the USA was the most extreme military training on earth, it was made to take the
soldiers to their limits. At first, the soldiers were against it, however, after experiencing it for a few days, they get used
to it, of course, after the day ended, they were so tired that they could barely walk to their homes; despite this, they were
quite happy, because they could feel the changes in their body and their mental state

"We may have a chance" thought all the soldiers.

Alfonso was quite satisfied with the soldiers' attitude, after he saw the soldiers practicing, he went to the agriculture to
discussed the situation of the land, Camel was excited, he talked to the other ten families and all of them concluded that
this method was the right one. Camel had 2 families to be in charge of the compost, he passed the method that Alfonso
gave them, like Camel, they asked where they should find the stool, however, a few moments later, 20 rabbits came
from the forest and turn turns to defecate in a pit that they had specially prepared for this.

They asked Camel what the hell was going on, however, Camel could only make a bitter smile, that was because he
didn't know either! He asked Alfonso sometimes, however, Alfonso always told him that he didn't to care about that, so
Camel didn't insist.

At afternoon, Alfonso will talk with the situation in general to Ribeiro, who listen carefully. Ribeiro was so surprised
of all the plans that his lord had, that he began to question if the person in front of him was really Alfonso Lockheart, the
same idiot that let 900 something people to their deaths, the same person who lived in the shadows of his brothers and

"Maybe…. He did it on purpose? But why?, there was no point in a façade to begin with!" Thought Ribeiro.

After sending Ribeiro off, he has dinner with Artemis, who also get used to the live in Wasteland Valley. She wasn't
with Alfonso all day, she always wakes up earlier than Alfonso and go to the border between the town and the Jubila
forest, there she practices with her new bow, she stays there practicing for 4 to 5 hours after that, she doesn't live but
stays there to talk to her "friends" the birds, little blue, little red and little black. Apparently, apart from Alfonso, she
doesn't like talking to humans. This was before 4 days ago when she meet Alfonso in the way to Camel's house, she
tagged along and Zeti, the oldest daughter of Camel, she was a pretty girl with brown hair , she was 40 years old and
was pregnant, Artemis, at seeing her, make a beautiful smile then she walked in front of her and kneel, then she put her
hand in the belly of the surprised Zeti and then she smiled satisfied and stood up.

"Is a healthy boy" She said.

Zeti, who didn't know what to Said, just smile.

"It will be good, my late husband wanted that this little guy was a boy" Said Zeti, with a sad smile.

"Late husband?" Asked Artemis.

"My husband died a few months ago, he went to the Jubila forest to try to get some food, then he never came back" Said

After that Alfonso offer his condolences and went to discuss with Camel about the future plans for the agriculture zone,
meanwhile, Artemis was talking happily with Zeti, at first, she thought that this guy was trying to woo her, not only her
but her father as well as her sisters, the only one who knew what was going on was Alfonso. Artemis wasn't only the
goddess of hunt, she was also the protector of pregnant women, Zeus gave her this duty after he granted the seven
wishes that Artemis asked Zeus.

After they left, Artemis promise to bring more food for her and her baby, Zeti declined and told that Artemis that she
wasn't ready for another compromise, of course, she did as gently as possible, after all, Artemis was the lord's friend!
She couldn't afford to offend him. Artemis just made a smile and told her that she just wanted the best for her baby, Zeti
was still reluctant, however, she accepted in the end. Artemis went back and the next day, in the afternoon, she will join
Alfonso and go to Camel's house, she will talk to Zeti bring some rabbits for her to eat, Zeti was happy and saw in
Artemis a friend.

Just like that, the day of the invasion was approaching, soon, before he noticed, Alfonso only had two days before the
horde arrive to Wasteland Valley

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15 Speech
Alfonso was tensed, the big day was nearing, the preparations were completed, however, there was a detail that the
friends of Artemis didn't know, where they will attack? . The Jubila forest encloses 3 zones of Wasteland Valley, The
agriculture zone, the commoners zone and the training zone, the three of the them were huge so they couldn't possible
attack 2 zones at the same time, however Alfonso, was worried, he needed something that tells him where would they
attack, if not, he could only guess, however, if he chooses wrong, then the horde will break into the zone and destroy it
before the soldiers get there.

"I put sentinels in the three zones, if something changes, then they will light a fire that we will able to see even from
here, in the manor, however, if the day comes and I still don't know the exact location I will put the soldiers in the
commoner zone, no matter what, we need to ensure the people's safety" Said Alfonso to Deferio and Ribeiro.

Artemis wasn't here, she went to the agriculture zone to escort the ten families to the commoner's zone.

"As you wish, My lord" both of then kneel and obey Alonso's order. They were pleased and grateful that their lord
would put the people's lives over the assets in the agriculture zone. This proves that their lord wanted the best for their
people and not only for him.

"Ribeiro, gather all the people in Wasteland Valley in the main square, I have something to tell everyone" Said Alfonso

Ribeiro was surprised, nevertheless, he went straight to the main square to gather the people, Deferio went behind him.
Meanwhile, Alfonso went back to his throne and prepare. He put his white suit, his new cane and began to walk,
slowly, to the main square, before he set one feet outside, Artemis came back, this time she was dressed in a black
military suit, this suit was from Alfonso but Artemis demanded a new change of clothes a few days ago. When she saw
this black suit, she decided that it was her, without consulting Alfonso, she put it and began to use it, Alfonso was a
little surprised, however, he didn't give it much thought.

"Artemis, any news from little blue, red or blacky?" Asked Alfonso.

"Nothing, it seems that someone is blocking the information if I should guess, there is a Lycos that is controlling the
horde and its intelligence its greater than expected" Said Artemis with a serious face.

"Lycos? You mean a wolf?" Asked Alfonso.

Lycos was how the ancient Greeks refer to the wolves, the term Lycos comes from the Latin sun, they were knowing as
the representation of the sun, in fact, Apollo, who was the representation of the sun in the ancient Greek, has in origins
from a wolf, sometimes, the Greeks will think that Apollo manifested himself on earth in the form of a wolf.

"Yeah, the difference with a normal wolf if that the Lycos have intelligence, however, this Lycos in too intelligent, to
the point, that it seems to know that someone is gathering information, so he chooses to stay quiet about the attack" Said

Pain begin to appear inside Alfonso' s head.

"A intelligent beast to the point that it could make countermeasures? What kind of logic is in that!?" Thought Alfonso.

"Well, maybe I am overthinking, however, you should prepare yourself for this possibility" Said Artemis.

Alfonso stay quiet for some time while they walked to the main square. They took 20 minutes to get there, they look at
the sea of people who were gathered and he was surprised, why was there so many people?

"My lord, I have done as your command, there are a total of 200 people here, this is all the population of Wasteland
Valley" Said Ribeiro while caching sight of Alfonso and Artemis.

Alfonso didn't know but Wasteland Valley had a lot of people, however, because the land was so big, he never meet
with too many people, in fact, a lot of people could stay at home for days because the cold weather. Alfonso took a deep
breath and then began to walk to a platform that it was specially put there by the last lord, the platform was used before
to make public executions, now was just accumulates snow.

Alfonso walked the ladders and look to his people, they had worried expression, however, the majority had a resigned
expression, a expression that Saids that they knew that the end was near. There were children, adults, pregnant women,
older ones. Alfonso could see that a lot of people haven't eaten in days, their faces and their flat stomach reveal this

Alfonso stood there for some time without talking. After one minute he took a deep breath and make a confident smile.

"Hello, my people, some of you know me, some of you don't, for those people, let me introduce myself, I am Alfonso
Lockheart the current lord of this land, as many of you know, the horde of beast is nearing, they will be here tomorrow"
Said Alfonso.

When he told everyone that the horde will be tomorrow, panic began to take over the people. Alfonso knew that this
will shock people, so he stayed quiet for some time

"Is the end!"

"I don't want to die , mommy!"

"Why, why did I have to be born in this dead land!"

This were the phrases that all the people were shouting, Deferio wanted to silence them but Alfonso just shook his head,
then went everything began to get out of the soldiers' hands, a voice shook their minds.

"You all, regret being born in this land" Said Alfonso, his voice make everyone stop in their tracks and look at the small
silhouette in the platform.

"You all think that, this is a dead land"

"You all think that, this is the end"

Said Alfonso with the same tone of voice, however, something changes, it was like the scene before were everyone was
trying to run for their lives never happened. Silence, the place was as quiet as possible, the only voice they could heard,
was the one in the platform.

Alfonso paused for a moment before looking at them and Said with an imposing voice.


This made everyone speechless, even Artemis, Ribeiro and Deferio were taken back.




All the people in the square begin to look around, surprisingly, this dead land began to look more…. Familiar….
More…. Beautiful. The older one, began to remember their lives, this land was their birthplace, they have many
memories in this place, despite the adversity, they have families, they had their whole life here, when they think this, not
only the older ones even the younger generation had the same thought.

This is our home!

given their life in vain. That this nation, will have a new birth of freedom. And that the government of the people, by the
people and for the people will not disappear from this planet! "

People began to tear and they all, began to shout.





Even Deferio, who also was tearing, and the soldiers joined. Artemis was looking from the side and her mouth made a
satisfied smile.
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16 Title hidden
For some time, the desolate Wasteland Valley, became an ocean of claps. This speech was an important one for the
people, they needed hope, they needed a symbol, they needed... a leader. Alfonso knew a lot of speechless, as a
historian he had studied the most important speechless through history. Alfonso knew that he needed a speech that will
give hope in despair situation, that's why he used the speech of Gettysburg of Abraham Lincoln.

After everyone in the town was tired of clapping, Alfonso command to everyone to stay in the commoners' zone, this
time, they seem more willing to follow the orders of Alfonso, so they quietly stay there, the people who lived in the
agriculture zone stay in a house that was made for storing the food, it was huge, so everyone could fit.

Alfonso with Artemis and Ribeiro didn't return to the manor but stay in the main plaza, he was tired so needed some
rest, Artemis stay quietly by the side of Alfonso, looking at him.

"Quiet the speech you give there, I must Said that maybe you were born for being a leader" Said Artemis with a calm

"Well, they need it. If history has taught me something is that in time of despair, the common people are the one who
suffers the most, that's why, they tend to find someone who can give them a glimmer of hope, that's why a lot of people
through history had taken advantage of this fact, they take despair as a ladder, so they can climb to power, once in there,
they forget about the people who make them get there, that kind of people are called dictators, however, there is always
two side of history, if dictators existed, then their opposite also exist, people who put aside their own benefits and lead
humanity to a new era, people who could move the masses and transcend, people who will forever be remembered as
role models, they were minority thought." Said Alfonso.

"Hoh? And then? What are they called?" Asked Artemis.

"They have a lot of names, some people called then Leaders… other idealist…. Even some people called them stupid,
however, I prefer another term for people like them" Said Alfonso.

"And that term is?"

Alfonso stay quiet for some time, after that, he made a light smile and then stood up and look at the Jubila Forest from
his platform.

"Someday, you will realize it yourself, as for me, I still don't know if is the correct answer, so, for now, I will not say
it. In my original home, I couldn't find an answer, maybe in this world, I can" Said Alfonso.

Artemis just stay quiet and didn't insist on the topic, however, she was very curious, what was Alfonso's answer?

"Let's go back to the manor, tomorrow, we have a big day" Said Alfonso while going down and making his way back,
Artemis did so as well.


Alfonso and Artemis had a quiet dinner, neither of them talked. Artemis went back to her room and Alfonso went to his.
It was a quiet night with a full moon, beautiful night indeed. Alfonso was reading calmly the agriculture book, he was
not sleepy yet, so he thought about killing sometime. It was midnight when Alfonso closed the book and decided to
sleep, just as he was about to change his clothes, he took one last look at Wasteland Valley.

"Maybe I am not so passionate as people believe with this land, however….. I am starting to like this dead land, its
strange thought, when I was on earth, I travel a lot…. I didn't have a place to called home, the world was my home,
but….. This is not bad either" Said Alfonso while looking at the moon at the sky.

At that moment…. Something changed…. Alfonso was about to close the window when something catch his
attention….. He wasn't so sure either, so he kept looking, at the agriculture zone… something seems off. When Alfonso
looked with detail, something entered his sight.

A flame!

A flame began to appear in one the points where he puts the sentinels!

"You gotta be kidding me" Thought Alfonso.

While he was astonished, someone came rushing to his room, It was Artemis. Floating beside her were little blue, little
red and little blacky, who were chirping without stop.

"Alfonso!" Said Artemis.

"Tell little blue and little red to bring Ribeiro, Deferio and the soldiers must have seemed the flame and are on their
way, we need to hurry as well!" Said Alfonso while grabbing his cane.

It was here

The horde has arrived.

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Alfonso and Artemis get to the Agriculture zone in 10 minutes, when they get there Deferio and the other soldiers were
already there, they were in groups of five and divide in three teams, the first team had Deferio as the head, and were the
ones in front, the other two oversaw the oldest members of the team beside Deferio. Alfonso and Artemis didn't say
anything but get into a higher position to oversee everything, Artemis also needed this kind of position to use the best of
her abilities.

A young sentinel ignited the flame, Heler. A few minutes ago, he was just about to go to sleep when he heard something,
when he looked at the Jubila forest, he saw a pair of eyes looking straight at him, he became scared, however, he didn't
the flame just yet, he needed to be sure that he wasn't imagining things, after all, if he ignited the flame and his lord came
and there wasn't anything there, he wouldn't imagine the consequences!

Heler, looked up, just as he thought he was mistaken, a falcon come straight at him and bite his shoulder!
"AHHH!" Shout Heler, with his shoulder bleeding, he put out his sword and slash the falcon, the falcon evaded and
back up, and then he looked at Heler and use his beck to penetrate the already injured shoulder of Heler.

"FUCK OFF!" shout Heler while swinging his sword, he knew that the injured in his shoulder was serious, so he
needed to ignite the flame immediately, he evaded the attack of the falcon and ignite the fire, however, just as Heler
ignited the fire, he felt the claws of the falcon on his neck.

This was the last thing that Heder felt before falling to the ground.

When Alfonso looked at the body of Heler, he almost threw up, he swallowed the vomit that was in his mouth and then
looked at the Jubila forest. Floating at approximately 3 meters in the air, where 10 brown falcons, below then there
were 10 black bears who were barely visible.

"This is not good" Said Alfonso.

"What is it?" Said Artemis

"Someone is commanding them" Said Alfonso while looking at the dead body of Heler.

"Is not a coincidence that they choose midnight to attack, look at those bears, they are black, the night is a perfect
camouflage for them, moreover, they attack the sentinel, that someone knew that the sentinel were crucial to us in order
to know where would they attack, so they couldn't use a sneak attack, is obvious that someone is in charge of this beast"
Said Alfonso with a agitated voice.

"It must a Lycos!…" Said Artemis while grabbing her bow.

"It should" Said Alfonso while grabbing his cane and looking below, he saw the soldiers with a heavy expression.

The beast stood there, like waiting for something. A few moments later, something came from the Jubila Forest.

30 black wolves walked slowly and stood in front of the beast, who lowered their heads, the other wolves were also
black, and they had a fiery expression, in front of them was one wolf that stood up among the rest. It was a wolf with
white fur and blue eyes, it had scars in all his body and was bigger than the rest of the wolves, at least, to times bigger.

"Is it…. The Lycos" Said Artemis.

Alfonso looked at the Lycos while it looked at him, it seems that it knew that Alfonso was the leader and vice versa.
Alfonso looked up and shout to the soldiers.


"YES, MY LORD!" Shout the soldiers.

The beast made a huge grown and the Lycos also make howls that resonate in all Wasteland Valley.

Just after the howl, the bears charged towards the soldiers!

The falcons chirp and began to ascent!

The wolves began to surround the bears while also charging!


"LONG LIVE WASTELAND VALLEY" Even Artemis shout while standing at Alfonso side.




The rest of the soldiers also shout while seeing the beast approach them.

The battle for the destiny of Wasteland Valley,

Has begun.

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The big Lykos make a howl and the bears began their attack, Alfonso stood there while looking firmly at the Lykos.

"We have three lines of defense, the first one is one that I specially make for the bears, is a good thing that I prepared in
the three zones just in case" Thought Alfonso.

The bears, despite their size, could actually run pretty fast. They were just 100 meters in front of the soldiers when
suddenly something happened. The ground, that was covered with snow, suddenly tremble and the bears, who were
rushing towards the soldiers didn't have enough time to react when they suddenly fell!

The Lykos made a gesture and the wolves that were surrounded the bears stooped their tracks, however some of them
were unlucky and fell in the dimple.

"Artemis, SHOOT NOW!" Shout Alfonso.

Artemis didn't think twice and ignited a part of her arrows and then shoot it to the dimple, when the arrow fell on one
side of the dimple, all the arc of the "dimple" ignited a became a huge fire that block the advance of the wolves!

"I made Camel and the others made this dimple like they were making a "bed" of compost, first they put the dried wood,
then the branches, after that the compost again the dried wood and covered it with snow, this also prevent the wolves,
who had a good sense of smell, find it. The bad thing about compost is that is extremely flammable added with the
woods it was alike a huge barrel of gasoline, the minimum spark could ignite it! " Thought Alfonso.

The Lykos was taken back for a moment, the bears were growling while their huge bodies began to incinerate, the were
being burned alive! The Lykos stay still for just some seconds before giving his next order, the wolves jump in the air
and began to run towards the bears.

"What are they... I see! "

While Alfonso was pondering what were they doing, the answer became clear by their next action. The wolves leap up
on the bears burning body and use them as a bridge to pass to the other side. It was a marvelous strategy indeed, just a
bit morbid thought.

While the wolves were passing the barrier of fire through the bears, the falcons began their attack, they ascend rapidly
to the air, because it was dark, just as they ascent a few inches in the air, they disappear front sight. This made the
soldiers; how could they fight something they couldn't see?

"Squad one to three, use a defensive position, tactic number fourth, now!" Shout Alfonso.

Like they were a machine, the soldiers group up and lift their heavy shields making a barrier above them, every part of
their heads were covered, just as they finish, a chirping sound could be heard and eight of the falcons descended and
attacked the groups! Every time their claws clashed with the heavy shields, sparks appear, the soldiers felt the heavy
claws of these animals clash their shields and felt glad that they learned this formation, if they tried to resist this attack
with just one shield they will probably throw their shields due to the impact, however, now it was like the others were
sharing the impact, so it made it more tolerable.

"Artemis!" Shout Alfonso.

Artemis grab her bow and began to point at the falcons.

"Sniper!" Shout Artemis.

Just as she said that, she stretched the string of her bow and an arrow flew, the arrow flew in the air for some seconds
and pierced the head of one of the falcons, who, after the impact, fell from the sky.

"This must the sniper ability" Thought Alfonso while looking at the system.

[Sniper (Level 1):

Description: Artemis was born as a hunter, she and her brother, Apollo, were considered the best archers in all the
Olympus, even Zeus couldn't say for certain that he could evade an arrow from Artemis without suffering injuries. The
sniper ability makes Artemis able to maximize her range of attack and predict the moves of her preys with one hundred
percent of certain.

Range limit: 100 meters.]

"Thank god my first ally was Artemis" Thought Alfonso while looking at Artemis who was shooting down the Falcons
one by one.

Before he could relax Alfonso, He noticed that the soldiers were already engaging the wolves, they were getting trouble
because the attack of the wolves were fierce, and the blades of the soldiers could barely penetrate their skins,
obviously, they were different from the wolves on earth, however, something else made them extremely dangerous.

"They are absolutely fast!" Thought Alfonso.

The wolves were too fast! They were going side by side trying to bite someone, if someone got bitten by those huge
fangs… they were dead!

"Squad number one, two and three, make the formation!" Shout Alfonso.

"Yes, My lord!" Shout the soldiers while blocking the attack of the wolves.

They rapidly near each other and made a one sole group of fifteen, all of them raise their shields and made a fortress
form all sides, the wolves try to attack, but they couldn't shake this "fortress", just went the wolves were backing up, the
soldiers took out their blades, put down the Shields and make a stabbing motion with their blades.
"Growl!!" Some on the wolves were pierced by two or more blades before they backed up.

The soldiers made a swift motion and put back the shields, so they make the fortress once again.

This formation was used in an oriental culture, it was a perfect combination of offense and defense, however, to used it,
one requires years of practice. The soldiers could barely use it thanks to their experience, the only problem was that
they were using blades instead of spears.

It was a quite well-known formation on earth.

"The spartan formation!" Thought Alfonso

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19 A huge change!
The Spartans could be described with one word, warriors. They were born as warriors and died as warriors, they train
in extreme conditions since young, the spartan people, no matter the gender, learn arts and were rised by their mother
until the age of the seven, after that, the males were trained to be perfect warriors. Shortage fights with fierce animals
were just part of the daily lives of these warriors until the age if 18, when they could be part of the infantry.

The Spartan formation that Alfonso taught to the soldiers were the perfect combination of defense and offense, however,
this kind of training required many years too perfect, this why Alfonso was worry, however, it seems that the soldiers
could, at least, maintain the defensive stance of the formation , that was good enough.

"While they became the shield, Artemis while be the "sword" , if the enemy can't reach here, then we have a chance...…
However, I felt that something is not right…. But what is it?" Thought Alfonso while looking at the beast trying to
penetrate the fortress of shields. Artemis concentrate her attack on the falcons and the wolves.

The original ten falcons were reduced to two while the wolves were reduced to 20, she had kill 3 while the attack
stance of the formation kill two.

"All is going smoothly...the only thing that is strange is... the Lykos hasn't move yet!" Thought Alfonso.

Like Alfonso, the Lykos haven't move from his original position, he was behind the wall of flames, it seems like it was
waiting for the flames to extinguish, what make Alfonso uncertain it was the fact that the Lykos have been looking at
Alfonso this entire time, like it was waiting for… something.

"I am being paranoid?" Thought Alfonso.

Then he looked at the battlefield and...…. Realized something!

"25 wolves... 10 falcons...5 bears….1 Lycos... That's it! The number doesn't match!" Said Alfonso.

In the original information of little blue, the number of the hordes were more or least 50, maybe even more.... But
now….. Adding the ones who were dead, the number of beast are barely forty- one!

"Maybe the information of Little Blue was wrong, however! , I can't shake this feeling off, the information until now has
been on point, no matter what, there is something wrong, and also, the Lykos…. Why Is he watching me all this time…..
Maybe he is just measuring me? Like he is seeing what I am doi- "

Before Alfonso could end his train of thoughts, something, like a flash passed through his mind, a sudden thought

"Seeing? No... maybe... maybe is not just seeing…. Is monitoring, like it is watching over me….."

Suddenly Alfonso thought of this and began to put the pieces together.

Watching over..... missing beast….. Attacking at night... Lykos.....

Alfonso could feel his body turning cold, he's eyes became bigger, and he felt a sense of extreme danger.

"AN AMBUSH!!" Shout Alfonso.

Before Alfonso could Said something else, he felt a pair of eyes looking at him from the dark, without thinking he grab
Artemis and push her down from the little hill that they were on.

Artemis was so concentrate on her attack that she couldn't prevent Alfonso for pushing her, after she reacted of what had
happened, she was already on the flat ground, before he could yell at Alfonso, a shout break in the battlefield and, for
some time, everyone could feel their hearts stop.


The shout of Alfonso could be heard while his body rolled down from the hill, behind him a trace of blood and 5
wolves were following!

Artemis took a few seconds before she could react, her calm face suddenly changed, an anger that she never felt before
suddenly go through her body she clenched her teeth and run towards Alfonso.



Shout Artemis while throwing her bow, she made it just barely before the first wolf could stick its fangs on Alfonso'

Artemis made a kick motion and manage to repel the wolf, however, the other wolves also arrived and began to attack
Artemis from all sides.

The soldiers, still stupefied, became blue paled. They already consider Alfonso, their commander, their lord! , so they
couldn't possible let him die!

However, just before they could rush to Alfonso's side, a voice halt their steps.



It was Alfonso's voice, it wasn't like the imposing voice that before, it sounded more tired, and also, one could feel the
pain that the owner of that voice was going through, however the soldiers couldn't help but clenching their teeth and
forming once again the formation.
Alfonso, who barely could stand the pain, stood up, he was bleeding a lot, he took a look at the place that the wolf had
bitten, and he couldn't help but make a bitter smile.

"It just.... Happen to be...… my right leg..... ha, ha….. now… I can barely stand the pain because... of the….. cane of
chrono….. however.... I … can….. tell...… my leg.... Is useless…. now"

Alfonso knew, that his leg would have to be amputated.

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20 Blank
Alfonso´s state of mind was in chaos. However, he stood up and lift his cane.


Alfonso use his cane to hit one of the wolves 'head!



Shout Alfonso while beginning his attack once again. Maybe if he was in his original body, this injury will be painfully
enough for him to pass out, however, he was in Alfonso Lockheart body now, before all of this happened, Alfonso was
a commander of the Lion's battalion, therefore, he had a well-trained body, despite his weakling look.

Artemis, who was astonished at seeing this scene, recover and began her attack once again, the soldiers, who were
supporting the fortress, stopped looking at Alfonso a concentrate their all in defending.

"YOU BEASTS SHALL NOT PASS!" Shout the soldiers while boosting their strange with Alfonso's figure.

The fight was fierce. On one side Alfonso and Artemis were engaging with the wolves, although we may say both of
them, in reality, it was just Artemis fighting and Alfonso giving some hits with his cane, it couldn't be helped, he could
barely stand, his injure was too serious. On the other side, the soldiers were doing their best to stop the beast and
counter attack whatever they could, however, the battle was lasting too much, they weren't the Spartans, the shields
were heavy and, without the proper training, the fatigue was already accumulating, if they could, they would have
already through their shields away and collapse on the ground.

While this was happening, a silhouette began to rush towards the formation, Alfonso and Artemis felt the sudden change
and turn around, then, their faces pale once again.

"The Lycos!" Shout Alfonso.

The soldiers didn't notice until it was too late, a huge wolf suddenly tackle the soldiers.

The formation collapsed!

All the soldiers fell to the ground and see the silhouette, it was a huge wolf, it has a height of at least 2 meters, his fur
was white and his eyes blue, in its body were a lot of scars, it was obvious that this wolf has survived a lot of battles.
After this, the other wolves began to show their fangs to the soldiers.

Some of them were shaking.

Some of them closed their eyes.

Some of them cried.

They all have different reactions, however, there was one thing in common in all of them

This is the end. This was the thought that all of them had at this time.

Just when the soldiers accepted their fates, a voice broke the silence.


All of them opened their eyes and saw a silhouette in front of them, this silhouette was short compared to the big wolf, it
was bleeding from all his body, especially from his right leg, he was grabbing a cane with both of his hands to not fall
down, no matter how you look at him, this person could be described with one word, pitiful. However, the soldiers
couldn't look at Alfonso like that, it was strange indeed, for the rest of the world, this person may be just a pitiful person
at the end of his life, but, for the soldiers, he was the most valiant warrior!

All of them stood up behind Alfonso and glared at the wolves.

"FIGHT!" Shout Alfonso again.




The soldiers shout in unison while rushing towards the wolves, it was an unwinnable battle, they were destined to lose,
nevertheless! , they choose to fight until the bitter end!

Artemis was fighting with the wolves in a fierce battle, she received injuries in all her body, however, she was able to
kill 3 wolves alone. The soldiers began to fight the wolves, the only ones who were quiet were Alfonso and the Lykos.

Alfonso looked at it and vice versa, the Lykos seems to be looking at Alfonso' s leg, while Alfonso looked at him and
made a light smile.

"I...was wondering... why.... Why did you... not attack…. before…. Why would you….. choose….. to wait until now ....
To appear...…. Why..... choose.... To make a tackle ….. instead of using.... Your…..fangs...…I think….. I
think I know… why" Said Alfonso with a trembling voice.

"You… don't….have them…. Do you?..... your fangs" Said Alfonso.

The Lykos only looked at him, before showing the inside of his mouth, inside Alfonso could clearly the marks of where
the fangs should be, however!, there weren't any fangs!

"We…are alike.... As… don't have…..your fangs... I don't leg" Said Alfonso.

The fangs of a Lycos, they were the symbol of their power, without them, they were just big dogs. For a Lycos, living a
life without fangs was worse than death!

"I know... why are... you...…. Living like that....." Said Alfonso while looking back at the wolves who were fighting the

"We… aren't different…. We both fight... for the sake.... Of our people...….. However, if we…. Continue..... There
won't be anyone…. . That needs you…..or me…." Said Alfonso to the Lykos.

The Lycos stayed like before, however, Alfonso suddenly heard a voice inside his head.

"When I was at the Jubila forest, "it" came. It tried to devour my fellow brothers and sisters, I choose to fight, I barely
make it alive, however, I lost the most important thing in my life... when I was in the brink of dead, they rescued me at
the spend of their lives. I didn't want to be rescued, I didn't choose to be a leader, however, I didn't have a choice. For
their sake and for their future, I became one" Said the Lycos inside Alfonso's mind.

"I understand..... I also….. didn't want…. This... If I could choose….. I would rather be a normal...person…. Living a…
simple... yet.... Happy life…" Said Alfonso to the Lykos.

He really felt like this, if he could, he would rather be reincarnated as a child on earth with an average condition life,
just like before. This kind of life where he had to struggle every day, worrying not only about his life but the life of
others was tiring.

"However, this kind of life is not bad, at the end of the day, I have a place to call home" Thought Alfonso.

"Just…. Like…….. I don't want ... my….people to died….. so , how about…. We make a deal..... let's be…..
allies" Suddenly proposed Alfonso.

The Lykos was taken back, there was a reason he attacked Wasteland Valley despite being so smart, maybe it could
have chosen to end this in a more diplomatic way, however, it didn't choose this option, there was a reason behind this.

Humans could not be trust!

Every single creature on Leitol knew about this. There was a reason for this, this story is an old one, so old that humans
had already forgotten about it, however, the other razes apart from the humans didn't. Once upon a time, humans and
beast lived in peace, they share earth and were on equal circumstances, they eat what earth give them and were satisfied
with it, however, nothing last forever. Someone….. or something… suddenly appear, it was what the humans called
nowadays "gods", this "gods" gave the humans power, enough power to be the sovereign of all the creatures. The "trust"
and the "friendship" that the beast had with the humans broke just as fast as they gained power, they were hunted and
became food for the humans, they were forced to live in hiding. Some of them were forced to live in the jungles, other in
the forest even some of them were forced to live underwater. It was a cruel destiny, after some time, humans began to
became "friends" again with the beast, however, they change their "titles" from friends to "pets".

They weren't as intelligent as humans, because the "gods" gave the humans power, so they didn't develop their society
fast enough to catch the humans, therefore, the beasts are known just as part of chain of food for humans.

All this information was given to Alfonso, who didn't know what to Said, however, he tried to process this information,
however, he couldn't take too long to proceed it, his body was hurting too much, he wouldn't be able to stand for much

"I…….not… like.. the people of…..of this world" Said Alfonso.

"How can I trust you!?" Asked the Lycos.

"Because….. I am not….. from this world!" Said Alfonso, although he was trembling, his words were filled with
The Lykos looked at him with disbelief, however, he couldn't see false in Alfonso's eyes.

After some time, The Lykos walked in front of Alfonso.

The soldiers, Artemis and the other wolves stop what they were doing after seeing this, Artemis was about to run
towards them, but she was stopped by the wolves, the same goes for the soldiers.

With its teeth, he bit its lower lip, after some time, some blood began to fall to the ground, Alfonso saw this action and
nodded his head, he bit his hand hard enough and blood began to flood from it, he lifted his hand and his blood also fell
with the blood of the Lykos, mixing them on the ground.

"….. is...… Alfonso…. Lockheart" Said Alfonso.

"My name is….


Said the Lykos…no….. Cerberus before making a loud howl, after that, the fiery wolves stopped their attacks and
slugged behind Cerberus.

The other soldiers and Artemis run fast to Alfonso, Artemis felt that something wasn't right because Alfonso was just
standing there, without moving or Saying anything. Just as she was about to Said something. Alfonso fell to the ground.


"My lord!"

Artemis run quickly to Alfonso's side, however, he didn't respond

"He is bleeding too much! We need to give him first aid, NOW!" Said Artemis while carrying the fainted Alfonso. She
didn't wait for the soldiers or the wolves to Said anything and began to make her way back to the manor.

"You must endure, Alfonso! , don't die on me, please!" Said Artemis while running as fast as she could.

The soldiers stood there for a few seconds before running behind here, however, some of them stood there and fainted,
they were to tire.

The wolves weren't uninjured, some wolves lay in the ground, while some of them surrounded Cerberus, like they were
Asking something.

"I also don't know why... I just feel that….. He is different..." Said Cerberus while looking at the silhouettes that were
disappearing in the dark of the night.

Meanwhile, without Alfonso knowing, A message from the system appear on his mind.

[Congratulations to host!

For passing the first trial in your way to be a sovereign!!


The system has detected that host is in a death-like situation, that's why, the system will begin the god chosen system

Process finished! ]


[Back in the manor]

In the hall of the manor, A portal appear, if Alfonso was here, he will have recognized this portal, after all, the last time
Artemis came from this same tunnel!

However, this time, the atmosphere was different, this time, there weren't any turbulent sparks like last time but…. It
gave a calm feeling….. like all your worries could go away…..

After some minutes, a silhouette came from the tunnel, it was a girl of 14-16 years old, she had white skin and had
brown-hair with two braids. She used a long green dress, unlike her sister Artemis, she had a joyful and candid smile.

"My~ My~ where I am?" Asked the goddess.

She sat in the hall for some time without doing anything.

[15 minutes later]

"Well, nothing to do about it~ let's just wait for someone to appear to ask for directions~"

Just as she stood up, someone came running from the entrance. It was Artemis, she was carrying the fainted Alfonso who
was as white as a sheet.

At seeing her, the goddess became happy.

"My~My~ its you! Artemis~ what a coincidence~ " Said the goddess.

Artemis stopped her tracks and looked at her side.

She froze in the spot.

"It's you!?" Said Artemis.

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21 Rewards
Huh… where…" When Alfonso woke up he discovered that it was morning.

"It seems that somehow, I make it. I must say that this body is quit impressive, If I was Alfonso from earth….. well…. It
goes without saying….. this is.... My bed?" Say Alfonso while looking around. He saw the familiar room where he
always sleeps, when he looked at the side he saw a pair of black beautiful eyes looking straight at him.

"Wow!" Alfonso was surprised and couldn't help making an awkard yell.
"What are you yelling at, idiot." Say the beautiful girl of black eyes.

Obviously, this girl was Artemisa, who had spent this whole time watching at Alfonso. Alfonso looked at her and then
he thought of something, after that, he made a childish smile.

"We did it" say Alfonso.

"Yeah, we did" Say Artemisa with a carefree smile.

Just as he was about to ask something, another sound came from the other side of the bed.

"My~ My~ Artemisa, you men-hater talking to a guy like this?~ the world is going insane isn't it~ " Say the voice with a
little teasing tone.

Artemisa did say anything and stay quiet.

Alfonso, however, was taken back. When he looked at his other side, she saw a girl with a green robe and brown hair
who didn't look that old, in fact, he could say that this girl was only a 14-16-year-old girl. After seeing her, There was
only one question in Alfonso's mind.


"My~My~ you are quite a courageous boy, Little Al~ , to be able to turn the tables of that unwinnable fight~ , you are
quite impressive~" Say the girl with a candid smile, Alfonso look at her smile and he couldn't help by feeling his heart
pound a little bit.

"What a beautiful smile" Say Alfonso without thinking.

"He~he~ thank you~ " Say the little girl.

Alfonso was a little embarrassed, however, his body became cold before he knew it, he could feel a pair of eyes
piercing straight to his heart. He didn't need to turn around to know who was making this glare at him, so he didn't do it
and just cough before calming his mind.

Just when he was about to ask who this girl was, a message or to be more acquire, several messages from the system
pop in his mind.

[Congratulations to host!

For completing your first trial in the way to becoming a sovereign


As the system say before the host will receive 5000 Drachmas plus one more god!


Host fast finally past the first mission so the next one would open immediately

Main Mission:

1) Improve your domain!

1.1) Survive the Horde! (complete)

1.2) We are hungry! :

Description: You have survived the horde, however, the winter has yet to finished, your town is dying for hunger,
without people, Wasteland Valley will die before the arrive of spring. Your mission is to make a sustainable way to
ensure food, this sustainable way have to be a long-term one and can't be the hunting of animals in Jubila forest,
something else , you cant have only one or two vegetables in your domain, that will be unhealthy for your people, so you
have to, at least, 10 different kind of vegetables un your domain plus you have to breed at least two different kind of

Rewards: 5000 Drachmas plus one god.

Limit: Host has until the end of winter.

Remark : If the people who dies from starving excess the 20% of the total of people in Wasteland Valley, you will have
failed the mission.] Say the system with its robotic voice.

Before Alfonso could analyses this new mission, another announcement of the system stupefied him.

Sub-Mission 1 : Allies(completed)

Description: In your way to your conquest, you will need allies, make use of your strategies to gain the trust of someone
who host consider have the potential to be an useful ally.

Rewards: 1000 Drachmas.

Remarks: In the last battle, your spirit and your courage make you able to turn the tables and make the enemies in your
allies. The wolves have recognized you as an ally, with their power and yours. The sky is the limit!]

[When facing despair, people usually succumb and accept reality, however there are a few of them who won't, they
will, fight against destiny and they will overcome it! , in your last fight, you did exactly this, for this fact, the system had
activate a new function... The Hero function!]

When the system told Alfonso this, a new icon appears in the system, it had an "H" form and below says the word hero.

[The hero function will make you able to buy some of the heroes in the ancient Greek to be your allies:

Aquiles, Heracles, Helena, Boreas, etc…

This are just a few names in the list of Heroes, however, to invoke a hero, you don't only need Drachmas, they have
their own special conditions.

Because of your hard work in the first mission, the system will give host a unique, consumable item:

A hero Emerges! : This is a badge that the system especially made for host, this badge can invoke a random hero, no
matter who is it or what conditions it has, and will be able to assist host in a precarious situation, however, the invoker
hero can only stay for 10 minutes, please be careful were you use it.]

"This hero function is good! I can't believe it, Heracles... so he really existed?! If the tails about him are true then…..
wow I cant even imagined how powerful he could be!" Thought Alfonso while making a stupid smile. Although he was
an historian, he used to like the histories of the heroes in the mythology, especially the Greek one!
"And this badge….. well I least I have a trump card now in times of despair… however…. I would like to have it
before the horde arrived" Thought Alfonso while making a bitter smile.

Just then he remembered something.

"Oh yeah, I didn't ask, who are you madam?" Asked Alfonso with respect, why?, because he more or less could guess
the answer.

"My~ My~ I am too young to be called madam, just called me by my name~ , although is not good to say it myself but,
compared to the other gods in the Olympus, I am very easy going~, also, It was me who cure you so don't forget to give
me some tributes later~" Say the girl with her candid smile.

"Mmm? Wait a minute.... Candid personality...Can cure... say that se is easy going, however she still demands for
tributes...….Maybe!?" Thought Alfonso while the system confirms his thoughts.

[Congratulations to host for acquiring his second god…..

Demeter, The Protector!]

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22 Demeter
Sister of Zeus and daughter of Rea, Demeter was an important goddess in the live of the people in the ancient Greek, she
was the goddess of agriculture however, there are some particularities about her. She had one daughter that she loved
the most, Kore, she was her beloved one and they were very close to each other. One day, Hades saw Kore walking in a
pastureland and he kidnap her and bring her to the underworld. Demeter look for her for nine days without eating or
sleeping until she hear from Triptolemo that Hades had kidnap her, she became furious and kill the land and threat Zeus
of not lifting the curse until Kore, at this point she had another name already, the queen of the deadland, Persephone; In
the end, she and Hades make a deal, 5 months she will stay with Demeter, 5 months in the underworld with Hades and
she will have 2 months for her. This myth was a famous one in all the Greek culture, it explains the stations, when
Persephone is with Demeter, she is happy, and the ground is fertile and everything can grow, in other words, its
summer, however, when Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter is sad and everything dies, in other words, is
winter. For these facts, there is a lot of discussion between historians about Demeter's actual role even nowadays,
everyone agrees that Demeter is the goddess of agriculture, however, some people affirm that she is also the goddess of
live, she and Hades are basically opposites, this a known fact, however, how far this opposites sides actually were was
in discussion.

"Well, I have the real one here, so I can just ask her" Thought Alfonso.

"Anyway, let's check her information"

[Demeter (Spring form), The Protector

Level: Human


Call of nature (level 1)

Plant Language (level 1)

Passive skill:

Metamorphosis (level 1)]

"? What the….. passive skill?" Thought Alfonso while selecting on this passive skill.

[Metamorphosis (Level 1) :

Description: Demeter is a kind spirit, she is the protector of earth just like her grandma Gea, however, after she lose her
brightness due to the kidnap of her beloved daughter, something changed in her, she split her personality in four, spring,
summer, autumn and winter. When she is in her spring form she is a candid and lovely girl of 14-16 years old; when she
is in her summer form, she is a candid woman of 20-30 years old; when she is in her autumn form, she is a mature
woman of 40-50 years old with a calm personality and when she is in her winter form, she is a sad old woman of 60-70
years old.

This changes also affects her powers.

Call of Nature(Spring) level 1 :

Description : When Demeter is in her Spring form, Call of nature can heal anything that is dying, filling it with life
force, however, Demeter can only use this ability twice.

Remark: Can be used in any living creature.

Call of Nature(Sumemr) level 1 :

Description: When Demeter is in her summer form, she can give live to anything that is dead, rescuing the soul of the
living object from the hands of Hades, however, Demeter can only use this ability once.

Call of Nature(Autumn) Level 1:

Description: When Demeter is in her Autumn form, she can cursed any living creature with the mark of Tartarus, when
this mark in on a living creature, this cursed will bring disaster to the one who had it, however, Demeter can only use it
three times.

Call of Nature(Winter) Level 1:

Description: When Demeter is in her winter form, she can kill any living creature and send the soul to the abyss of the
Tartarus, however, after using this ability, Demeter will enter in a deep slumber and she only would be able to wake up
if she sees her beloved Kore.]

After the description of the system, Alfonso pondered a lot, the abilities that Demeter had were exceptional, however,
there was a limit of how many times she could use it but what surprise him the most was the last ability…. Specially the
post effects of using it.

"If I remember correctly, Persephone is in the underworld with Hades.... Don't tell me that, if she use that ability I will
have to bring her to the underworld...…. Fuck…" Thought Alfonso.

If this was really true, then he will never ever let Demeter use this ability!

"Demeter.. I have a question…. Why are in you in your spring form? We are in winter" Asked Alfonso.
"Well~ I also don't know~ All I know is that there are 3 months, 3 weeks and 6 days before I changed to my summer
form~ , and I quite like this form~ " Say Demeter with her usual candid smile.

"If I am not be rude…. Can I ask you… what was your original form?" Asked Alfonso.

"Alfonso!" Suddenly shout Artemisa.

Alfonso was surprised; however, he knew that he had asked something he shouldn't have. Demeter only look at his
apology face and make a smile then, she became near Alfonso and hugged his head.

"My~ My~ Don't make that kind of face little Al, is not your fault~ , Actually , I don't really remember myself, is been
too long~ , however, I only know that if I want to return to my original form, I must reunited with my beloved Kore,
sight~ , however , that big bad old man wont let her go" Say Demeter with an unusual bitter smile.

Just when Alfonso was about to say something, a pop appear inside his head, it was the system.

[Sub-mission: Mother and Daughter

Description: Demeter is a candid soul, however, she had a huge scar in her heart, as a partner of the gods, you can sit
still and do nothing! Travel to the underworld and rescue Persephone but remember! The underworld is a dangerous
place, only chosen people have been able to go and return, for this mission you will need at least, 5 gods at the hero
level to assist you.

Reward : 200,000 Drachmas plus Demeter's ultimate form

Remark : there is no time limit for this mission]

The system told Alfonso his next sub mission, at first he almost wet his pants, he had to actually fo to the underworld!
However, after reading the remark, his soul came back to his body.

"Well, I will a loooooooong way before I could even think about doing that mission…. However, 200,000 Drachmas....
Jesus! " Though Alfonso

So many Drachmas in a sub-mission, if he make a rapid conjecture, the harder the mission the reward would be
better…. Then….. a mission that is equal to 200,000 Drachmas…

"Isn't that suicide?" Though Alfonso while making a bitter smile

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23 Consequences
"Well~ lets forget about the boring stuff~ , Little Al, although I do admire courage, there a thin line between bravery and
stupidity" Say Demeter while changing her tone of voice.

"And when you make a stupid decision… there a consequence…" Say Demeter while looking at Alfonso's right leg.
Alfonso became pale immediately, he tried to move his leg, his soul left his body when he couldn't feel anything… like
there wasn't a leg there! However, he sees something unbelievable, his right leg make a small move, Alfonso didn't
know what to say, he tried to move it to the right, and once again, he couldn't feel anything but his leg made the motion
of movement, Alfonso was stunned for some time before he turned to Artemisa.

"What is going on?" Asked Alfonso.

Artemisa just looked down in a guilty manner, she remember that Alfonso basically injured himself because of saving
her. Demeter looked at Artemisa and made a long sight, then she explained to Alfonso.

"When Artemisa brought you to me, you were at verge of dying, I used my knowledge and, with me and Artemisa, we
managed to save you, however, your leg was literally dead, the bite that you suffer destroy your muscles and break your
bones, I don't how did you manage to stood that after that....anyway the big problem was that the injured was coagulating
your blood, if we didn't amputated your leg, there will be serious consequences, however, Artemisa insist that there
must be a way to conserve your leg, so we came to a decision" Say Demeter while taking out a small branch.

"I make an incision in your leg and then put this kind of branch inside, then I used my powers to make it grown to
replace your bones and repair your muscles, that's why you don't you have any sensation on your leg, however, you can
control the movements of it because I connected a thin branch to your nerves, do you understand?" Asked Demeter.

Alfonso was stunned, he couldn't' talk for a very long time before he sat down and lift the bed sheets. He saw that his
leg was brown, not brown like when he tans, this brown was like the brown of wood. Alfonso need several minutes to
proceed after he finally, calmed down, Artemisa and Demeter didn't say anything to him and just stay there, after they
saw that Alfonso calmed down , Demeter proceeded.

"There is something else that you need to know, the fact that I could made a branch and inserted in your brain isn't
possible with a normal human, the branch will try to pierce the brain because of the huge amount of life force I need to
put in the branch to make this work, you will need a body that can regenerate faster than the branch pierce your brain, in
other words, you are not a ordinary human, at least, not anymore." Say Demeter.

"Wha….what do you mean by that? How can I not be a normal human?!" Asked Alfonso who was surprised once again.

"I can explain that" Say suddenly Artemisa.

"Remember that you and that Lykos mixed your bloods? , well, what you were doing was actually a kind of ritual, if you
want to put in other words... you are cursed" Say Artemisa

"What the…" before Alfonso could say anything else a message from the system pop in his head.

[Host conditions are abnormal, like goddess Artemisa said, Host is cursed.

Lycanthrope Curse:

You made a pledge to never betray the wolf's clan, to make sure that you don't break your promise, Cerberus cursed you
with this ritual, if you betray the trust of Cerberus, you will turn into a Lycanthrope, when there is moonlight , you will
became a monster, however, this cursed is for both sides, if Cerberus ever betrays you, he will die. Another side effect
of this curse is that you received part of the wolves abilities:

Innate Regeneration : Your wounds heals 80% faster than usual.

Wolves Language : You can talk to any kind of wolf.]

"I was wondering why did Cerberus wanted me to do that….. however, this is not bad, because of this , I can, at least,
have something to call leg, of course, its not actually a leg" Say Alfonso with a bitter smile.

"Looked for the bright side Little Al~ being a friend of the wolves is awesome~ , big brother spent countless of years
trying to persuade the wolves until they finally agreed to being their subordinate, you know?~" Say Demeter while
returning to her usual candid smile.

Alfonso just stood there and then make a long sight.

"Well , what is done is done, at least, I can live a normal live, that's more than enough given the current circumstances I
guess, thank you for saving me Demeter, and also you Artemisa" Say Alfonso with a light smile.

Artemisa just sit there without changing her expression, although, if one looked closely enough, he could see that there
was some red in her cheeks, on the other side, Demeter, who had been hugging Alfonso' head all this time, hug it even

"My~ My~ little Al, you are really cute~ , I wish my little brothers and sister were like you~ " Say Demeter while
smiling candidly.

Just like this the trio stay in Alfonso's room for some time chatting, however, Alfonso didn't know that while he was
happily chatting with two goddess, Ribeiro was having a huge headache.


[At the entrance of the manor]

"What I am supposed to do with this" Thought Ribeiro.

It was obvious that he was quite frustrated, because there were 20 something wolves at the entrance of the manor!

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24 Choice
After some time, Alfonso, with the help of Demeter, finally he got up from the bed, he was unable to walk for some time
due to the pain on his leg. After some time, he grabbed his cane and walked out of his room. Just as he walked out,
Ribeiro, who breathe a sight of relieve when he some Alfonso, told him about the situation outside.

"Let them come in" Say Alfonso while Demeter help him sat down on his throne. Ribeiro was about to argue about
Alfonso's decision when he noticed Demeter. He made a slight gesture and they say.

"You must be Artemisa' grandmother right?, although you are so old, you have the energy to actually help his majesty, I
am too shameful indeed, please auntie sit down while I help his majesty" Say Ribeiro while smiling to Demeter.

Alfonso was about to say something when he felt a chill on his back, he turned around and saw Demeter making yet not
making a smile.

"Don't tell me….." Thought Alfonso.

Artemisa, who was at his right side, confirm Alfonso's guess.

"Although Demeter rarely guess angry, she absolutely hates when people call her old, in fact, even in her winter form,
you must not called her grandma, or else, you will suffer a worse destiny than Erisicton , so be careful" Say in a low
voice to Alfonso.

Meanwhile, Demeter walked slowly towards Ribeiro.

"My~ My~, what an insolent mortal~ , I will remember your face in eight months~" Say Demeter.

Alfonso was about to interfere when Ribeiro, add fuel to the fire.

"Mmmmm…. I don't understand you , grandma . Well, anyway I will take the opportunity to also to congrats the hero's
of Wasteland Valley, My lord Alfonso and Artemisa! , I saw it all from the sideline, my lord was so awe-inspiring,
your actions were just like the champions of the legends! And you Artemisa, you were so mainly! Every time that you
shoot those wolves, you looked so valiant! , you are indeed a man among men , let me bow to your mainlines" Say
Ribeiro while making an exaggerated bow.

Alfonso almost fell to the ground, he had to grab his hurting stomach and pinch his arms to not laugh.

Artemisa was about to grab her bow when Alfonso lift his cane and stomp it hard on Artemisa's feet. A familiar scene
when they when to the training zone appear.

After fifth minutes, when everyone calmed down. Ribeiro made the wolves came in. In front of the wolves was
Cerberus, he and Alfonso looked at each other for some time before they both made a slight chuckle.

"Welcome to my manor Cerberus and the wolves' tribe, my name is Alfonso Lockheart, Lord of Wasteland Valley, front
today onward, we shall fight side by side like brothers, please, treat this place as your home" Say Alfonso with a slight

"We, the wolf, tribe , greet his majesty Alfonso, As the contract says, we are now a single family, we live with you or
die with you! , I , Cerberus , shall kill enemy that dares try anything to our home" Say Cerberus while making a slight

After the boring stuff, the wolves take the backyard of the manor as their home. Alfonso and Cerberus began to discuss
something about the food and their place in Wasteland Valley.

"I will like the wolves to guard the city, although in Wasteland Valley, robbing and stealing is too rare, there existed
some cases, so I will give total authorization to the wolves to stop this acts even if it means with violence, also I will
like 15 wolves to accompany my 15 soldiers, so we can make a wolf-man company, in future battles, they could fight
individually but also as a unit, Also, I will like 2 wolves that knows about the Jubila forest to assist my friend Artemisa
to hunt food, is a shame to say it but, in Wasteland Valley, there are no other hunters than he" Say Alfonso to Cerberus.

"We have no problem, we are 25 in total, so I will send 5 wolves to assist you, Artemisa, 5 of them shall patrol
Wasteland Valley and the others will go to the training ground" Say Cerberus while looking at Artemisa who was at
Alfonso's side.

Actually, Alfonso thought that patrolling wolves would be an inefficient, however, he was doing this because he, in the
future, was planning to make a "police", a force that will ensure the safe guarding of the common people, so this was the
first step to his plan.

"What about you Cerberus? I wouldn't mind if you stay here in the manor" Say Alfonso to Cerberus. I was a little bad to
say it but Cerberus, who didn't have its fangs, was a little useless in combat, its only weapon was his oversized body.

"In fact, I would like to make a shameful request" Say Cerberus suddenly to Alfonso.

While Alfonso was wondering what Cerberus was talking about, Cerberus suddenly turned to Demeter.

"I can feel life force in you, Although , I don't know why, but I can feel you aren't just a normal person, Alfonso, your
injures were healed in just a few days when you would normally need, at least, a month. I don't know what price I have
to pay, however! , I beg you, please re grown my fangs!" Say Cerberus while bowing to Demeter and Alfonso.

Alfonso was stunned, he didn't though about it, but, maybe Demeter could actually help Cerberus! , before Alfonso
could say anything Demeter was the first to talk.

"You don't have to bow so hard~ , hello, my names is Demeter. As you have guessed , I can help you, however, the
number of times that I can you my powers in limited to two, I already use it on time on Alfonso, and the other one is
destined to the ground of this town, as you may have notices, this land is too unfertile, the people on this place dies of
hunger, so we need my powers to survive this trial, is not only us but also you, wolves, who are part of us now,
however.." Say Demeter while turning and looking at Alfonso.

"The decision is yours" Say Demeter with a serious expression.

Artemisa had talked about the situation of this land to Demeter, however, it wasn't necessary, she already could guess
the state of this land just by looking outside, as the goddess of agriculture she knew that this land was "sick" and it was
a terminal "sickness".

Cerberus looked down and he also looked at Alfonso. The decision was his.

"What should I do?" Thought Alfonso.

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25 Cerberu“s choice
"Demeter, I got a question for you" Say Alfonso while taking out a bottle of the bless of Gaia.

"If I were to use this bottle on this land, it would have the same effects as your blessing?"

Demeter look at the bottle for some time, after that she smell it a ponder for a bit, after 5 minutes, she gave her

"This is a tear of grandma Gaia, in her times, grandma used to be to powerful, even when I was at my primer, the earth
only obeys me because grandma permitted it. However, after the last rebellion of the giants and the fall of typhon, she
lost 90% of her powers, unfortunately, this tear is from the time she lost her powers so…no, if we were to used these
bottles on the land, the land could be cured at its 50% , however, if we use my call of nature, I can guarantee that it will
cured at its 100%" Estimated Demeter.

After saying that, Cerberus was a little sad, however, he understood the importance of land, after all, food was equal to

"There is no need to say anything more, I know that my request was too much. Alfonso, we are both leaders, so we need
to put the majority first and then ourselves, so don't worry about it" Say Cerberus.
Alfonso was a little sad about this, he hasn't known Cerberus for a long time, however, he knew that Cerberus wouldn't
say this in normal circumstances, it was just that the lost of its fangs was a very big loss for it!

"System, what are my options?" Asked Alfonso to the system.

[For Cerberus's problem the system has three options:

1) Use Demeter's powers : This is the least suitable option, host must be aware about your situation, so don't waste
Demeter's ability.

2) Wait for Apollo's arrival : Very few people known but Apollo was a lycanthrope! Not because he was cursed
instead, he defeat the king of wolves and the king gave him the moon's blessing, making him able to transform into a
lycanthrope, if Apollo gave Cerberus his blessing, then its bloodline will awake and then its fangs will regrown.

3) Buy a bottle of Lycaon's blood: Lycaon was the king of Arcadia, he infuriated Zeus and was transformed in a
Lycanthrope, he was the first Lycanthrope. If Cerberus absorbs the blood it will have a chance to regrown his fangs,
however, it bottle cost 1000 Drachmas and there is a possibility that instead of re-growing his fangs, Cerberus will
transform in a lycanthrope, in other words, half man, half wolf]

The system gave Alfonso , three options, the first one was discarded, Demeter's blessing must be used in the land of
Wasteland Valley, the second one was an option, however, how long will it take? , there are twelve main gods in the
Olympus, Alfonso didn't know, when will he be able to get Apollo, in fact, he didn't knew if there were only twelve

"Hestia was one of the main gods, however, after Dionisio was born, she abdicated, and left the spot to Dionisio to not
created conflicts, this is just one example of who were the gods in the Olympus; Pan, Eris, Eros, etc…., there are too
many other gods so maybe I will be able to unlock also unlocked them?" Thought Alfonso.

"Anyway, the last option since like it's the ideal one, however.... 1000 Drachmas….. my heart bleeds just thinking about
it" Alfonso was pondering when he looked at Cerberus, it looked like Always, however, Alfonso knew that kind of
look, he chuckled and looked at his own leg.

"Cerberus, I may have a way, however, it will cost me and, even if we do it, its not certain that you will be able to re-
grown your fangs, there is a possibility that you will turn into half-man" Say Alfonso to Cerberus.

Cerberus was surprised for some time, he pondered and finally came to a decision.

"I will like to give it a try….. my fangs, for us, wolves, our fangs are a symbol of who we are" Say Cerberus with

"Alright, I will give you this bottle then" Say Alfonso9 while spending 1000 Drachmas.

"The process will take sometime, two weeks at least, you will be in a dormant state, so, do you anything to say before
drink it?"

"I will remember this favor forever, it doesn't matter if it works or not. Alfonso Lockheart, I , Cerberus , promise to be
your blade from this day onwards" Say Cerberus while bowing to Alfonso.

Alfonso made a light smile, he knew that Cerberus wouldn't accept a favor just like that, that's why he emphasizes the
fact that he needed to pay a price for that bottle, Cerberus was a prideful creature, just like Artemisa. Maybe it was a
petty trick, however, Alfonso needed all the cards that he could have for the future. Alfonso small red bottle Appear in
Alfonso' hand, he gave the bottle to Cerberus who immediately drank it.

After that Cerberus closed its eyes and sleep, Alfonso make the wolves take it to one of the empty rooms.
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26 blank
The next day, Alfonso, Demeter and Artemisa when to the agriculture zone, there, they meet Camel and his family.
Artemisa when towards and they began to talk, meanwhile, Demeter when to the ground and put a sad face.

"This land is so pitiful, is dying bit by bit, who was the one who did this!?" Shout Demeter.

"Someone did it? , what do you mean?" Ask Alfonso.

"I mean exactly what I say, someone did this, this land is cursed!" Say Demeter with indignation.

"A curse!?" Shout suddenly Camel.

Alfonso knew about the history of Wasteland Valley, the "one" who cursed this land is the previous god that protected
this land. Kurio.

"Our god died fifty years ago, I was just a child when it happened. The land began to turn unfertile, the winter began to
turn colder and colder as the years when by, my father used to tell me that this land was a paradise, at least, It was
compared to what it is right now" Say Camel with a sad voice.

"Kurio... People say that he was the god of fortune, he could bring luck to everyone he wanted to, that's why, he was
loved by all the empires, why did he choose these land to protect, nobody knew, however, what everyone knew was
that he loved this land too much." Thought Alfonso.

"Today, it will be a day that will mark and after and before in the history of this land...….. Demeter… do it" Say

"Alfonso~ Don't forget my tributes later~ " Say Demeter while lifting her hand.

The ground tremble a little.

Alfonso almost felt to the ground, fortunately, Camel grab him just in time.

After a few seconds. Everything when back to normal.

Demeter, with a tired expression sat on the floor and wipe her forehead.

"As always, doing this is tiring~, however, everything is good now~ I lifted the curse Alfonso~ " Say Demeter.

"Good! , thank you so much Demeter" Say Alfonso with a happy smile.

Finally! Finally! He could start his plans for the agriculture zone.

Although the land is now fertile, the weather hasn't changed, so we will still do the "beds" Camel, I will give you this
bottles, they are 20 of them, use 5 per 1000 square meters, go and tell Ribeiro to take all the seeds we have, if he
doesn't have enough, then go to Yulip town to buy more, tell him to use all our money, if my calculations are correct, we
would have food in 1 month, and also, after he finished, tell him, to meet me at the commoners zone!" Say Alfonso while
buying with 2000 Drachmas, 20 tears of Gaia, Demeter told him in the way that this tears could be used as a fertilizer to
this land, and it worked at least 20 times better than compost, so the usually six months that it will take to the seeds to
germinate, it will only take weeks!

"Yes, my lord!" Say with Camel enthusiast l, he, as an expert farmer, could tell that something was different of the land,
he could feel it. So, he didn't lose time and went straight to Ribeiro.

After he was gone, Alfonso didn't leave, he thought about some other matters.

"I still have 3000 Drachmas….. I will save 1000 just in case, so I will use the other 2000" Thought Alfonso.

"Artemisa" Call Alfonso.

"Hmm? What is it?" Artemisa, who was chatting happily with Zeti, turn around and looked at Alfonso.

"Artemisa, for now on you will be in charge of the hunt team, you will stay here and wait for the five wolves to come, I
already talked with Cerberus , they will assist you to hunt food for the people" Say Alfonso.

Artemisa was a little taken back before she made a light smile, after all, as the goddess of hunt, what she loved the most
was hunting in the forest!

"Are you going to be alright, Artemisa?" Asked with worry Zeti.

"Don't worry, when I come back, I will give you a huge piece of the meat for you and your baby!" Say Artemisa.

Zeti just only smile and resume her talk with Artemisa.

Alfonso made a light smile and went to Demeter's side.

"Demeter, can you accompany me for a little bit?" Asked Alfonso.

"Sure~" Demeter didn't asked for more and they were to the commoners zone, Alfonso needed the assist of someone to
walk even with his cane, his injuries still hurts after all. Demeter, who recovered from the fatigue of using call of
nature, when with Alfonso.

"What are we going to do now Alfonso~?" Asked Demeter.

"I still don't know anything about the people who lived here, so I wanted to do a population census" Say Alfonso.

Alfonso didn't have time to think of anything else before the horde, however, now, the knew that there we still a lot of
things to do.

"I don't know what a census is~ however, you shouldn't walk to much in this state you know~" Say Demeter with worry.

"I know, however, I wont be the one who will do it, It will be Ribeiro, I came here to let him know how exactly he had
to do it and there is something else" Say Alfonso

"What is it~?" Say Demeter.

"I wanted to see how the common people live" Say Alfonso while knocking on the first door he encounter.

After some time, a thin woman opens the door, when she opened, he was so surprised that her mouth was so open that
an egg could enter.
"Yo-you-your majesty! Wha- wha-wha...." The woman couldn't stop her surprise, after all, the one in her door, was the
one who everyone in Wasteland Valley was talking about! After the fight with the horde, the soldiers came back and
told everyone in the town about it.

"Hello, I came here to have a little chat with you. May I come in?" Say Alfonso with a light smile

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27 In the name of Alfonso Lockhear

When Alfonso came in, he saw a young man bowing towards him, this young man was Orph, he was a young hunter who
usually when to the forest to hunt small rabbits and so on. Alfonso, Orph and his wife, Tepio, sat at the dinner table with
Alfonso, Demeter was playing with the kids at other room.

"Your majesty , is my honor and pleasure to meet you in person, although is not too much, please accept this" Say Tepio
while bringing two roasted rabbits.

"I know that hunting isn't easy, please don't mind me, just a small leg will do, how about we have dinner, I am a little
hungry myself" Say Alfonso with a light smile.

The husband and wife pair were surprised, however, they also made an inner sight of relieve, after all, this two rabbits
were their only food for 3 days! , it wasn't easy to eat in Wasteland Valle, of course, food more value than any gold.

After the three of them sat down, Alfonso began eating, however, the pair of wife and husband just stay quietly there,
without making any sound, like they were afraid of disturbing Alfonso.

"Please, this is your home, just eat, is a little embarrassing if I eat by myself" Said Alfonso.

The other two just look at each other and then began to eat. They were hungry after all.

"I must say that this is delicious, you are quite the good cooker, Tepio" Say Alfonso.

"Fo-fo-for your majesty, to actu-actu-actually say that….I, Tepio, cant be thankful enough!" Say Tepio, who's nerves
hasn't settle down just yet.

Alfonso just made a small smile and continue.

"Actually, I came here to ask a few questions, if you don't mind"

"Please, your majesty, you can ask anything" Say Orph.

"Very well, then, I wanted to ask about your life here, what do you think about it? Do you like it?" Asked Alfonso.

The pair was a little surprised about this question, just when they were about to answer, Alfonso added.

"Please be sincere"

The pair was silence for some time before Orph talked.
"We…. don't like it, I came here from Tulip town when I was 18 years old looking for a fresh start in this town,
however, I discover that this was a dead land, If it wasn't for the fact that we invest all of our money in this house...…
we will have moved out long ago" Say Orph.

"Honey! You!..... Please! Your majesty have mercy, my husband didn't really mean what he said" Say with a scary face

After all, the one in front of them was the lord of this land, and her husband just say that he didn't like he's land, some
lords have eccentric personalities, maybe he will take offense and kill them in the spot!

However, just remained as calm as before, he really appreciated the sincerity of Orph, and he could also understand the
worries of Tepio.

"Then, I will ask something else, what do you think of me as the lord?" Say Alfonso, however, this time, he was looking
at Tepio, like he was waiting for her answer. Orph notice this and he thought that maybe he infuriated Alfonso for what
he said before, Tepio also though so, but just as they were about to apologies as well, he so that Alfonso didn't see mad,
in fact, he had the same smile as he had as the beginning, Tepio relaxed a little and then talked.

"As first, we didn't have too much hope of you, after all….." Tepio didn't dare to talk more however, she keep looking
at Alfonso's cane.

"Haha, I understand, please, go on" Say Alfonso.

"I am so sorry for my impudence... like I was saying, we didn't have much thought of you at first, however, after that
speak that you gave before the horde arrive, we could see a ray of hope, but hope is just hope after all, we didn't dare to
believe that we will able to survive, in fact... we, and some other families, just the few money that we had to send our
children to Tulip town, they returned just yesterday. Anyway, after the soldiers came back, they told us everything that
happened, we couldn't believe what they said, if was like they were telling a child's history, with a great hero saving the
day, of course, we also thank the soldiers, they put in danger their lives to protect us, however, your majesty was the
most impressive, even Deferio was the one who first label you as a hero, the kids also learned this history….. you are
their hero" Say Tepio with some tears on her eyes.

Alfonso just stood there for sometime without doing anything, then he made a long sight and his smile disappear, he
became serious, like he had made an important decision.

"Then, I have one las question for the two of you...….. what do you want me to do for this town?" Asked Alfonso.

The two of them were stunned for a second, before they stood up and kneel before Alfonso.

""Please save this town!"" Say both as the same time.

Alfonso didn't reply, when they lift their heads, they saw that Alfonso had already stood up and was looking at them
with resolution.

"I shall not let my town, and their people, die, this, I promise on my name, in the name of Alfonso Lockheart!" Say

The husband and wife began to cry, like they were a pair of kids.

After some time, Alfonso bid farewell to the couple and went back to the manor.

"Did you find what you were searching for~?" Asked Demeter
"What are you talking about?"

"The big difference between me and the other gods, is that I have lived in both worlds, I have lived as a human and also
as a goddess. I have seeing, the lives of great warriors, people who transcend history and became legends, and I have
also see normal people, who didn't have any extraordinary life, they lived normally and died in a normal way, their
problems weren't as "hard" as killing the kraken or rescuing a princess, their problems were about food or who shall
their kids marry. I can say with confidence that I can tell an extraordinary person and a normal person apart, and you ,
Alfonso, are as normal as one could be " Say Demeter with a sly smile

Alfonso just made a bitter smile, as expected from Demeter.

"Well, I don't know if I get my answer, however….." Say Alfonso while looking at his injured leg.

"I just have to keep moving forwards, that's was what, I , Alfonso Lockheart, choose" Say Alfonso with resolution.

Demeter just made a kind smile while the both them when back to the manor.

However, went they get there Alfonso felt something was wrong.

"Demeter, we didn't forget something?" Asked Alfonso

"Hmm~? Now that you mention it~ I think we did forget something~" Say Demeter

"Ah!" Suddenly Alfonso had a realization.


[At the commoner's zone]

"Strange… where is my lord?"

Say Ribeiro, who had to spent 4 hours there before a wolf came telling him that his majesty was already back in the

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28 Economic issue
The next day, Alfonso woke up earlier than usual, this was because he felt his leg was hurting, he didn't get used to it yet
so he when to his table and grabbed his cane, this cane was just like morphine to him, it could alleviate his pain. After
that, he got changed and went to the hall, Artemisa was already there, yesterday, she went with the wolf that she named
it one, two, three, four and five.

"Because it is convenient" She said.

The wolves told her that the Jubila forest could be divided in four parts, the borderline part, the outer part, the inner
part, and the center part, she and the wolves hunted in the outer part, there she hunted deer. Yesterday, they hunted 5
deer, that was already a lot. Artemisa cut the deer in parts and then the wolves put in the "refrigerator", the refrigerator
was the named that Alfonso give to the space covered in snow that he kept his meat. Alfonso wanted to keep meat in the
refrigerator until he has enough to distribute to the people in town.

"Right now, we have a huge problem with the distribution of goods, there is not a set process to follow, people here
don't "trade" money for goods, they hunt their own food, we, as the "government" don't have anything to do give, the past
lord spend all of our reserves and we can't force the people to pay tribute because they simply don't have money, for
this , I have two paths now, first, use the capitalist form, the agriculture zone will give a huge harvest in three weeks I
will assign half for us and half for selling, I get enough gold, and we start to exchange gold for goods, of course, I will
you the population census before to know what jobs are suitable for each family; my second option is to use the
communist form, I create my own currency and give the same amount of goods to every family, we already have the
prime material for food. Each method had their pros and cons, if we use the first form, we will be tight on money and
food, we will have to live with the minimum amount of food, but that's not main problem, the main problem is that
people will know that this town have a way to get food, as a dead land, everyone thinks that this land is unfertile, in
fact, our own neighbors think that Wasteland Valley will disappear with the horde, That's why I send Ribeiro to buy the
seeds in cover, I want to keep everyone in the dark, at least , until we are capable of defending this town; on the other
hand, the communism form have the main problem that will we isolated form the other towns, like we are a separate
empire, if I do this, people will think that we abdicated from the Leitol empire and I won't be able to life with easy,
plus, I won't be able to bring people with capabilities from other towns, and.... There is another problem…. The
communism method hasn't worked on earth before... at least….. not with the real expectations of communism, I mean, I
prepared to be an historian for along time, studying until I burned my eyebrows, I wouldn't want to gain the same amount
of resources as a cleaner" Thought Alfonso.

As someone who was born in the capitalism era, he wasn't inclined to use the communist method.

"I must this carefully…" Thought Alfonso

While he was pondering, Demeter, who just woke up, went to the hall. Artemisa told Alfonso that Demeter always
sleeps until late. After she arrived , Alfonso went to the dinner room, and they all had breakfast-lunch, the breakfast was
made by Ribi, Ribi was the only servant in the manor, she was a woman of 40 something years old, Ribi is a quiet and
polite woman, she doesn't have a family and have worked in this manor for 30 years, Alfonso tried to talk to her
sometimes, however, she just bow to him and then go back to work.

"Well, although, she doesn't talk too much, she is impeccable in her work." Thought Alfonso while eating his breakfast.
Although he was a lord, after he gave half of his food to the people in the commoner zone, he's meals always consisted
in meat with water, with a little bit of rice.

"My lord, we are running out of meat and rice" Say Ribi.

"Artemisa brought some meat yesterday just a little bit of that for today's dinner, about the rice, Ribeiro will bring some
in a week" Say Alfonso.

"As your orders, my lord" Say Ribi while bowing, after that, she went to cleaning.

"Artemisa, who is the hunting?" Asked Alfonso to Artemisa who was calming eating a piece of meat.

"Is good, there is a lot of wild animal in the outer zone, I will be taking one, two, three, four and five again today, also, I
will be bringing two soldiers with me, they found me yesterday telling me that they wanted to help, so they will be my
bags, I will be able to bring more food." Say Artemisa.

"That's great, keep the good work" Say Alfonso with a light smile.

"What about you Demeter? What are your plans? "Asked Alfonso.

"Well~ I don't have any powers now, so I was thinking of going to that Camel guide to teach him a thing or two about
agriculture ~" Say Demeter with her usual candid smile.
"That will help a lot, Although I have some knowledge, I can't compare with the goddess of agriculture, thanks" Say
Alfonso to Demeter.

After they finish their meal, each of them when in their own way, Alfonso was pondering and pondering about the
economy issue.

After some time, he asked the system about it.

[Th system will not interfere with host decision, however, you have to be careful

Of with path you choose, because this decision could make you vulnerable to foreign enemies] Say the system with its
robotic voice.

"….. If I want to exchange Drachmas for the currency of this world….. can I?" Asked to the system.

[Yes, host can exchange 10,000 pieces of golds for 1000 Drachmas] Say the system

"Oh!, then is 10 pieces of gold for 1 Drachma right?" Say Alfonso with enthusiasm.

[No, as the system said is 10,000 pieces of golds for 1000 Drachmas, host can't exchange less

Drachmas than this amount, for example if you want to exchange 999 Drachmas for gold, you can't, at the same time you
can't exchange 1001 Drachmas, if you want more pieces of gold, you will need to exchange 2000 Drachmas ] Say the

"That's not fair…" Say Alfonso with a bitter smile, however the system didn't say anything else.

With this new information, Alfonso sat in his throne, after 1 hour, he stood up.

"I know what to do" Thought Alfonso.

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29 A happy surprise
It was a cold day as usual, Demeter and Artemis when to do their own thing. Alfonso, had delayed the population
census for a couple of days so it was time to implemented, he had Ribi to called for Deferio.

"My lord" Say Deferio while kneeling

"Deferio, today I want you and the soldiers to help me with something, I want you to go to every single house in this
town and record every single member, then, separate it in three categories, children, adults and elders, then disturb thus
two in males and females, after that, record the occupations of the family, who works and what they do, lastly, I want
you to ask them what is the most crucial thing that they want to improve in this town." Say Alfonso.

"Your wish is my command" Say Deferio.

After the battle with the horde, Deferio became complete loyal to Alfonso, he didn't know why his lord wanted this
information, however, he didn't need to know, he will just carry his order as his loyal servant.

"Very good, bring the reports by the end of the day" Say Alfonso.

After he bit farewell to Deferio, he began to read the agriculture book once again, although he didn't need to anymore,
he was quite the book-worm when he was on earth, so he liked to read a lot. After one hour, he closed the book and then
stood up and looked outside of his window.

"I want to establish 5 ministries in this town: Agriculture and Livestock, Economy, Civil, Exportation and Medicine. I
have already set the first stones in Agriculture and Economy, I will have Demeter in charge of the first one, I will to find
someone to the second one, maybe myself. Civil will be the ones who are in charge of construction and infrastructures
of the town, I have in mind who will the one in charge of that, I only hope that I get him earlier than the other gods;
Exportation while in charge of trading and making good relationships with other towns, also, they will be the ones who
export the unique kind of goods that this town will produce in the future; as for the last one, is maybe the most crucial
one, if we think about it, in the medieval era, what killed the most wasn't the wars , it was the diseases, who will not
know about the black pest, who killed 2% of the global population….. The problem is that I have cero knowledge in
medicine, and, as far as I know , there is not god of medicine in the Greek mythology, some people said that it was
Higia, however, there is a lot of discussion about this, I can't put my bet in something I am unsure, I asked the system
this, however, it refused to tell me which gods it had….. I have in mind someone who may have the knowledge that we
need, after all, she is the most intelligent god among the ones in the Olympus" Thought Alfonso.

After some time, he was about to go back to read when little blue, little red and little blacky came, they were chirping
happily, they looked for Alfonso, as if they were asking something. Alfonso looked at them for some time, and then he
figured it out.

"If you are looking for Artemis, she went to the forest with the wolves to hunt for food" Say Alfonso.

He pondered If they could understand him, surprisingly, they could. After nodding, they left, however, little blue stayed,
it when to Alfonso's shoulder and began to chirp. Alfonso was taken back, he wondered about why didn't this little
fellow go with its friends, however, after looking it for some time, he found that this little fellow was surprisingly cute,
he tried to fondle it, little blue didn't resist and chirp happily, Alfonso lift his hand and little blue sat in his hand,
looking straight at him.

"Little fellow, you may not be as intelligent as Cerberus, however, you are not stupid either.... Mmmm?... maybe..."
Alfonso suddenly thought of an idea.

He went to his desk and write a small message, then he grabbed a thread and tied up the message on little blue's foot.

"Little fellow, you know Demeter, right?" Asked Alfonso.

"Chirp-Chirp!" Say little blue.

"Good, I have a favor to ask, please send this message to her, she is in the agriculture zone, 15 minutes from here, can
you do it?" Asked Alfonso with a smile.

"Chirp!" Say enthusiastically little blue, like a kid who was doing he's first errand.

Alfonso opens the window and little blue flew to the agriculture zone.

"This bring a memory to my head, back in the ancient Greek, pigeons were used to convey the winners of the Olympic
games. However, to train the pigeons, one needed a lot of time, this could be the beginning of a communication
service!" Thought Alfonso.

After 20 minutes, Little blue came back with a message in its foot, Alfonso took the note and read it.
I am fine~ I will be back in two hours~

- Demeter.

It was a short message, however Alfonso couldn't help but smile kindly, after that he looked at little blue and fondled its
head, then he stood up and went outside.

"Well, I need to walk, even if it's just a little bit, I need to distress myself after all, would you accompany me, little
blue?" Asked Alfonso.

"Chirp!" Say loudly little blue.

After 20 minutes Alfonso, went to its throne, just as he sat down, Deferio was back.

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30 Incomming trouble
"My lord, I came back with the information" Said Deferio.

Deferio and the soldiers took 3 to 5 hours to do the census, quite fast indeed. Well, the main reason was that there
weren't a lot of families in wasteland valley, in fact, they could have finished in two hours the problem was to organize
the information, only two of the fifteen can write. Alfonso received the 6 pages of information, however, the information
wasn't organized, well , at least, not as he wanted to be organized.

"Well, I can't ask them too much, the fact that two of them can write already surpassed my expectations" Thought

After he sent Deferio back, he organized the information, when he realized, it was already night, Artemis and Demeter,
were already back.

"What are you doing Alfonso?" Asked Artemis.

"Well, I asked Deferio and the soldiers to bring me some information about the people" Answer Alfonso.

"My~ My~ , I know about that~, two soldiers came to Camel's house and asked some questions~ so this was why~"
Said Demeter.

"Speaking about Camel, how is it going? What are you teaching them?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well~ I must say that I am quite impressed about that method you taught them~ it's good in this kind of lands with cold
weather, however, I made a few adjustments but, in general, the idea is good~ , the earth is also happy~ , they told me
that Camel and the others treat them well, despite they were infertile, so they promised me to grew healthy and delicious
vegetables~" Said Demeter with a happy smile.

"? The earth talked to you?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well~ I am not so good at speaking with it as grandma but yes, I can~"

Alfonso was quite surprised about this, however, after thinking about it , he remembered that Demeter had a skill that he
hadn't read, so he open the system.

[Earth Language (level 1)

Description: Demeter can receive the emotions of the earth in her surroundings and interpret its emotions, remember,
this is just an interpretation, she can't "talk" to earth m just "interpret" its feelings. The only one who can talk to earth is

Range: 500 meters]

"So that's how is it" Though Alfonso.

"How about you Artemis? How is it going with the wolves?" Asked Alfonso.

"Is going well, is being a long time since I felt so close to home, hunting is in my blood after all, this time, we manage to
hunt 6 deer, one, two, three , four and five are slowly learning the pleasure of hunting, of course, they are becoming
better, they resemble me a little about my nymphs that father give me." Say Artemis with her usual cold face.

Alfonso was already used to it, he knew that she was only cold on the outside, inside, she was quite happy.

"That's great, I told you that I will send some soldiers to assist you but I needed them today, sorry about that, tomorrow,
Deferio will send to men for you, so don't worry about it" Said Alfonso.

"Don't worry about it, anyway, why did you want to do that... census thing" Asked Artemis.

"Well , it has a lot of uses, first, I will tell me how much food I need, what people can and can't do, and most
importantly, how many people I have under me, in the future, I plan to make Wasteland Valley a big town, so I want to
know how many were first and how many it will have later, I will compare and extract some key information , also,
these people will receive….mmm…. Lets called citizen privileges" Said Alfonso.

Artemis and Demeter didn't fully understand what Alfonso mean however, they knew that he did it for an important

"However.... We may have a huge problem now." Said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

"What is it" Asked Artemis.

"Look here, I recollect the information and did a careful study of it, all in all, a few remarkable points; first, there are
250 people in Wasteland Valley, fifty more than what I originally though, despite how dead this land is, there is a lot of
young people, so we have to accelerate the process of the distribution of food, this is a must; Second, of the 250 people,
240 believe that food is the most important problem that I need to solve, 9 believe that is the thieves that steal food from
others, and one believe that is the hunting grounds from his, that is being stolen from a young man with five wolves"
Said Alfonso while looking at Artemis.

"Hmph! , that bastard, I know him, he can't even hunt a deer, and he dares to complain!" Said Artemis.

"Well~ but this doesn't look so serious, does it~?" Asked Demeter.

"No…. The problem comes here, of all the 250 people, only 151 knows math, basic math, 100 knows how to read and
only one knows who write" Said Alfonso, feeling an incoming headache.

"? Wait….. The numbers don't seem right..." Said Artemis.

"That's the problem here, it would be surprising it someone knew more than one subject, at least, it would here, I mean,
the people in this town are farmers and hunters. However, if someone actually knew math and could read that would be
a great notice for us, what we need more is this kind of people.... However, the person who knows this, doesn't only
know math and how to read, he is also the only one who knows how to write! Of course, this is without counting the two
soldiers of Deferio" Say Alfonso.

Artemis and Demeter were surprised.

"But…. This is good, isn't it? Someone who can do this must be an elder that stayed in another town for some time and
somehow learned, he will be a huge help!" Say Artemis.

Alfonso's face became even more bitter.

"THAT IS THE PROBLEM! This person... is just a 4 year -old child!" Say Alfonso.

"" WHAT!?"" Say Demeter and Artemis at the same time.

Both of them were very surprised, they, as goddess, have seemed "geniuses" before, however… this child, in this kind
of environment, can do all of this? , how is it possible!?

"This is impossible! Even if he is a genius, he wouldn't be able to...… unless!!" Suddenly Artemis froze on the spot.

"Yes…. I think is just as you say, this kid.....

Is a champion!"

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31 Tailor

While grabbing his bear, a 45-year-old man was pondering about his situation. His name was Tailor, he was a farmer in
wasteland valley since he came to this town four years ago, his wife died when this little boy was born.

"Dad…. Did I do something wrong?" Said a little boy with black hair who was next to him.

Tailor looked at the little boy and smiled while caressing the little boy's head.

"No.. Don't worry, little pit , you didn't do anything wrong" Said Tailor

This little boy was the only family he had left, he wasn't born in Wasteland Valley, he was born in Utio Town. Utio
Town was a big and prosper town in Leitol, it was under the protection of goddess Yutio, as a matter of fact, the name
of the town is a tribute to their goddess. Tailor used to be just a small teacher in Utio Town, he used to teach the noble
families. One day, he accepted the job to be the personal teacher of a rich noble girl, Teresa Utio , she was the
successor of the throne in Utio Town. Unexpectedly, this two had a good relationship, Tailor saw her as a daughter, and
Teresa, could see in him, a father figure.
Years when by and Teresa finished her studies with Tailor, however, they didn't stop seeing each other, they were good
friends after all. One day, Tailor was just lazing around in his home when someone knocked his door, he was surprised
to see her , she was one of the servants of Teresa, however, what he was most surprising, it was the little "object" in her


"There is no time, please let me come in" Interrupt the girl.

Tailor didn't have time to say anything before the girl came in and closed the door. He served her a cup of tea and then,
the both sat down, looking at each other.

"Mr. Tailor, I have a request from my lady, please take this child with you and get out of Utio Town" Say the girl while
giving the little baby to Tailor.

"What? What are you talking about? Where is Teresa?" Said Tailor while feeling a sense of crisis.

The girl just looked down with a sad expression, the feeling of crisis in Tailor' heart became even stronger.

"My lady… dead!"

"WHAT!?" Shout Tailor while grabbing the girl's shoulders.

"My lady…. My lady came to my room a few minutes ago, she was covered in blood while holding this child.... She
told me to bring him to you, and also, to tell you that you must protect this child, at any cost…then...then….. She stopped
breathing" Said the girl while crying.

Tailor was in shock, he collapsed on his chair.

"She is dead, how, why, why is she dead!" murmured Tailor.

Just as he was about to ask something, a sound came from outside.

"WHERE IS SHE!? FIND HER! I WANT THAT KID!" A voice of a man could be heard, Tailor recognized this voice,
it was the voice of one of his students, the little brother of Teresa, the crown prince of Utio, Sebas Utio!

"Please! Protect this child!" Say the girl while giving the child to Tailor one more time.

Tailor looked at the child, he didn't know what to do.

"TAILOR! OPEN THE DOOR! THIS IS AN ORDER!" Suddenly a voice came from outside, it was one of the soldiers.

Tailor just looked at the girl one more time, before he grabbed the child and run towards the back door. Before he went
outside ,he could hear that the soldiers had already forced his way inside the house.




Tailor couldn't hear more and grabbed his horse. He went far away, and he stopped when the horse could not run
anymore. He left the horse there and run into the forest. He ran like he had never run before. After two days, he got to a
nearby town, there he called one of his acquaintance and ask for some gold, he used the money to buy food and a
carriage, he left the same today.

"The farthest town in Leitol is Wasteland Valley" Thought Tailor.

It was night, he could finally catch a break, after that, he looked at the little boy in his arms, he couldn't help but
remember Teresa, he couldn't stop the tears falling from his cheeks.

"I promise I will protect this kid, even if it cost my life" Though Tailor with resolution.

After traveling for 3 months, he sold the carriage and used the money to buy a small house to a family in Wasteland
Valley, the family, who wanted nothing more than get out of that dead land, accept with pleasure. Tailor asked them
before they left to teach him how to farm, which they did. After that, four years have passed in the blink of an eye, he
taught his "son" how to read and math, however, he didn't know how, but he learned how to write out of nowhere. When
he asked him where did he learned that, little pit responded.

"I just learned it observing how you do it, it's not so difficult" Said pit.

Tailor was stunned.

"Not difficult? You know how many years it took me to learn how to write, little bastard" Thought Tailor with a bitter
smile. He knew that this kid wasn't normal, the speed of how he learned things was astonished.

"Maybe this was the reason why Teresa wanted to protect you? But why?"

This question has been in the head of Tailor all these years, however, it was still a mystery.

He decided to keep this fact as a secret, it wasn't so difficult thought, after all, Wasteland Valley was a dead land,
however, this morning a few soldiers came asking for some questions, Tailor, who hasn't told little pit that he need to be
low profile, spill the beans in a sec.

"Don't worry little pit, I won't let anyone hurt you" Said Tailor with a smile

"Yeah!" Said the little fellow with emotion and then hugged tailor's leg.

"But dad, why are you still calling me "little pit"! I am an adult now! Please called me by full name!" Say little pit with
a funny expression.

At seeing him, Tailor couldn't help but laugh.

"Ok, ok , little adult, how about you use that energy to help with these vegetables?" Say Tailor

"Okey~" Say little pit.

The next day, Tailor was about to resume his usual daily work, when someone knocked his door.

"Hello, my name is Alfonso Lockheart, do you mind if we have a little chat?" Say a young man with blonde hair and
purple eyes.

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After receiving the information from Deferio, Alfonso went to Tailor 's house. He went alone this time, although he took
more time than he would have taken if someone went with him, however, he wanted to, maybe is because he wanted to
prove something, just as he was half the way to Tailor's house, someone was waiting for him, it was little blue. He
didn't know why, but this little fellow has taking a liking towards him. He was surprised, however, he smiled kindly,
and then he nodded, little blue chirp happily and sat on Alfonso's head, little blue was, more or less, at the size of a
small pigeon, so it wasn't so heavy.

"Was wrong little fellow? Are you cold?" Said Alfonso.

"Chirp~" Said little blue.

Alfonso just laugh and resume his way to Tailor's house.

When he got there, he took a look at Tailor's house, it was just like every house in Wasteland Valley, it was a house
made of wood, it was more or less like a wooden hut. Alfonso looked on the right side and could see a small cabin.

"It must be for the farmer's tools" Thought Alfonso.

He knocked the door, there, a 40 something year-old man opened the door.

"Hello, my name is Alfonso Lockheart, do you mind if we have a little chat " Said Alfonso.

"Your majesty, is my, Tailor, honor to meet you" Said Tailor while bowing.

Alfonso nodded and before he could say anything, he saw a small boy peeping out of Tailor's leg.

"Hello" Say Alfonso with a kind smile.

"H-h-hello, Is-is my pleasure to meet you, your majesty" Said little pit, while bowing clumsily.

"Don't need to be so cordial, Mr.Tailor, today I came here to talk with you and your son about the census that we have
yesterday" Said Alfonso.

"Yeah….. I know" Said Tailor

Alfonso could feel the nervousness in Tailor's voice, he wasn't surprised, if he could figure out that little pit was
special, then his family obviously could figure it out it, maybe he thought that Alfonso came here with some evil
thoughts towards pit.

Alfonso sat down and took a sheet, before he could take a pen, little blue pick out for him. The pair of son and father
were curious about this little blue bird who was on his majesty head, however, they didn't say anything because they
knew it wasn't their place to ask this question.

"This is my friend, little blue" Said Alfonso while smiling.

"Pit, I want you to do me a favor, could you write your father's name and occupation in this sheet?" Ask Alfonso,

Little Pit was usually shy before strangers, however, he didn't know why, Alfonso give him a sense of security, like he
was a kind grandpa. So he did as Alfonso told him, Tailor also didn't know why, but Alfonso seems to have a special
kind of "charisma" that make people feel at ease, despite this, he maintained his alert, he wasn't as naïve as a child after

"I am done!" Said Pit while giving the sheet back to Alfonso. Alfonso grabbed the sheet and nodded, then he put the
sheet on his pocket.

"Pit, I want to ask you a few questions, let's say for example that I want to give you some candies, however, I only have
15 and me and your father also want some candy, so, how much candy do I need to give to you and your father so the
three of us can have the same share of candy? " Asked Alfonso.

Tailor was a little confused by the question, however, he did the calculation quickly, just as he finished, little pit also

"5 candies each!" Said Little Pit with a smile.

Alfonso nodded with a satisfied expression.

"Mr. Tailor don't worry, I won't hurt him or you, I came here with just one purpose, little pit, do you mind if I chat with
your father alone?" Said Alfonso with a smile, Tailor was about to say something, but Alfonso stopped him, he was
waiting for little Pit answer.

"Ok!" Said little Pit, before going outside to play.

Before long, in the room Alfonso and Tailor looked at each other.

"Mr.Tailor, You and I know that little pit is special, like I said, I don't have any ulterior plans, I just want to know
something, do you have anything to share with me about little pit?" Said Alfonso with a serious expression.

Tailor just looked at him, he hesitated for some time.

"No, I don't" Said Tailor.

"I see, then I believe you, I would like to teach little pit a few things, you are also welcome to come if you want" Said
Alfonso with his usual kind smile before standing up. When Tailor saw this, he was confused, he knew that Alfonso saw
through him, he was obviously hiding something, however, Alfonso seems to don't care.

"Wait! ... aren't you….. aren't you going to ask…..?" Asked Tailor with an awkward expression.

"If you don't want to share it, then you don't have to, everyone has his or her own secrets, I promise you that I won't hurt
you or your son, and the words of I, Alfonso Lockheart, are made of gold" Said Alfonso without looking back.

Tailor was a little taken back, before he bowed to Alfonso.

"I…. I only want to say that, we may bring trouble for your majesty if we stay in this town" Said Tailor with a sad
expression, he could feel the sincerity in Alfonso's words, so he didn't want to bring any harm to this kind person.

"Don't worry, life without problems if a live who hasn't been lived, don't forget to come to my manor tomorrow with
little Pit, maybe you will also learn a thing or two" Said Alfonso while taking his leaving, Tailor didn't say anything
else m he just bowed once again.

"Thank you" Said Tailor while observing the parting figure of Alfonso.

Alfonso and Tailor didn't know, but little Pit have been listening the whole time through the door, Although he was just
a 4-year-old kid, he could understand a lot of things with this conversation, he heard that Alfonso was coming back, and
he rapidly tried to hide, Alfonso opened the door and saw little pit, he thought that it was funny how this little kid tried
to hide, he smiled and fondle the little boy's head.

"I will see you tomorrow little fellow" Said Alfonso

"I….I like you, your majesty!, you are a nice person!" Said little Pit.

"You can just call me uncle" Said Alfonso

Although Alfonso was only 25 years old, in his past life he was 70 years old, so he didn't mind people called him uncle,
he smiled and waved his palm to little Pit.

"Uncle! You one more thing!" Shout Little Pit towards Alfonso.

"What is it?" Asked Alfonso.

"Call me by my name, because I am already a grow man!" Said little Pit.

"Oh! Then I will do that…mm?....know that mention it, in the census, it says that your name is Pit…" Said Alfonso.

Just as he said that, Tailor, who heard this conversation, came out with an awkward expression.

"Actually... I kind of get used to called him little Pit, so I just told them that….. I am so ashamed" Said Tailor.

"Sigh… you can't do that you know, I need that information to be accurate, then if your name isn't Pit, then which is?"
Asked Alfonso.

"My name is an abbreviation; my real name is…

PYTHAGORAS!" Said little Pit while going inside the house with Tailor.

Alfonso stood there for some time without knowing what to do.

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33 blank
Pythagoras, everyone knew who he was, he was the father of geometries, there was even a school after he died, they
were call the "Pythagoreans" , he wasn't just a mathematician, he was a philosopher and the first "pure" mathematician,
although Alfonso wasn't a mathematician, he knew a lot about Pythagoras.

"Is a coincidence? No , it can't be, don't tell me that If go randomly knocking doors, I will find a kid called Newton or
Einstein!" Thought Alfonso.

Just as he was about to go back to Tailor' house, a message from the system came to his head.

[Congratulations to host!, you have triggered a sub mission from the Hero's function!

Sub-mission : The rise of a star!

Description: you have encountered an important hero of the ancient Greek:

Pythagoras, The Mathematician!

The conditions to acquire this hero are as follows:

1) Find Pythagoras(complete)

2) Become the mentor of Pythagoras(incomplete)

3) Hide Pythagoras until you are strong enough(incomplete)

To completely unleash the potential of your hero, you will need to complete the conditions of the system

Remark: Be aware, the young Pythagoras has a complex origin, you will need to be extremely careful, if the enemies
find him and you don't have at least one god at the hero level, you will suffer!

Rewards: Pythagoras plus 5000 Drachmas ]

The system gave Alfonso yet another mission, however, this one made Alfonso pondered about some points.

"System, you say that the hero function was based on the ancient Greek, I thought you were referring to the mythology
Greek, you know like Perseus or Heracles" Said Alfonso.

[The system have a variety of Heroes, is not limited to the mythology, however, every hero has his or her own
conditions ,some of them can be bought just with Drachmas, others have special conditions, like Pythagoras, others need
both options, all In all, the system will only remain host that be careful when you plan to release a hero, maybe the
conditions to release him or her are not met and you will have paid the drachmas in vain]

"…. You know, you need to say these things sooner, when he said Pythagoras I almost got a heart attack" Said Alfonso.

[Dear host….

You didn't ask] Say the robotic voice of the system.

"…" Alfonso was speechless.

After some time, he returned to the manor, he had to pause sometimes though, his leg was hurting even with the help of
the cane of Chrono.

"Chirp?" Said little blue with a worry face.

"Don't worry…. I already get used to it….still…. This really sucks" Said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

After he got back, Artemis was already in the manor.

"Artemis, how was the hunting" Asked Alfonso.

"….. As usual..." Said Artemis, she seemed like she wanted to say anything, this was clear to Alfonso because she was
looking at his leg.

"Just say what you want to say" Said Alfonso.

"Alfonso, you shouldn't go outside without company, you are injured" Said Artemis with her cold face.

Alfonso was taken back, he thought for a second.

"Are you worry about me?" Asked Alfonso.

"... yes, I am" Said Artemis.

Alfonso was surprised once again. He was surprised that Artemis, this hated-woman was worry about him….
However, he wasn't so surprised about this fact, the fact that surprised him was she said it just as it was natural.

"She isn't supposed to be that kind of people… you know… cold outside… warm inside…author…. You aren't
following the script" Thought Alfonso.

After some time, Alfonso just smiled kindly.

"Thank you, I will have Ribi or Demeter accompany me the next time"

"Mmmm… If I am free, I don't mind accompany you" Said Artemis while going back to her room.

Alfonso also went back to his room, he was very tired. Little blue followed him.

"Chirp!" Said Little blue.

"? What's up little fellow? Are you hungry?" Asked Alfonso.

"Chirp-chirp~" Said little blue.

"Ok, let me look at the system maybe I can find something for you to eat…..mmmm…. Here is some wheat" Said

Little chirp happily and ate the wheat.

"Is a shame that the weather doesn't help or else I wouldn't need to buy seeds" Thought Alfonso.

The system had some useful resources however, the weather in Wasteland Valley was close to Russia's, however, the
weather on the ancient Greek was a tropical one.

"Well, not used to regret now, anyway, Cerberus should be waking up by the end of tomorrow, it would good that his
fangs re-grow, the hunting is going good, we have enough food for the commoners to survive for some time with 2 meals
a day, although it's not enough, it will have to do for now, Ribeiro should come in the next 4 days…. Well , all in all,
everything is going smoothly, you don't just love when everything goes according to plan?" Thought Alfonso with a
satisfied smile.


[Tulip Town]

Tulip Town was at the south-east of Wasteland Valley, it was five to six on horse, although they were neighbors, Tupip
Town was half the size of Wasteland Valley, their main economic source was the olvie, they didn't have a forest near
them like Wasteland Valley, so they needed to buy meat from other cities. Felio Grimo, the lord of this town, was
having a headache.

"My lord, Wasteland Valley have already fallen, the horde may appear at Tulip Town at any moment!" Said the
personal advisor of Felio.

"I know…. We need to be prepared, Arcadia won't let this opportunity go, that fucker of Titio has eyes in this town
since a long time ago....." Said Felio.
"My lord, we should make countermeasures for this possibility, if the horde really comes, at least, we need to protect
you and the royal family!" Said the advisor.

"Leonardo, don't forget that we still have the protection of her majesty Diana…. My daughter is committed to one of its
generals after all" Said Felio.

"Your majesty… we both know that general Lucino almost killed miss Susana!" Said Leonardo with indignation.

Susana was the daughter of Felio, Lucino was a general under Diana, Alfonso's sister, when he was young, he saw
Susana in dragon city, he immediately wanted her, and, with the excuse of a military issue, she raped Susana and worse
yet, she became pregnant. Felio was so enraged that he wanted to fight with Lucio until death, however, her majesty
Diana inter, she punished Lucio sending him to the border lines between both empires and forced him to compromise
with Susana, Lucio had to accept, after some time, a notice came from Susana, she tried to lose the baby falling down
from a cliff; she succeeded, however, she also lost the mobility in both legs.

When Lucio heard about this, he breathe a sigh of relieve, he didn't want any child after all, even less coming from the
daughter of a far away town like Tulip city, overall, Susana could be described just a whim of him. Diana also heard
about this, yet, she didn't say anything.

"We can't depend on her majesty…. My lord, I have some news that you may find interesting" Said suddenly Leonardo

"Now what?" Said Felio

"The guards have informed me that someone came to Tulip Town just a few days ago, he bought a huge amount of seeds
and then leave…. His destination was the north…. Wasteland Valley!" Said Leonardo.

"What? Why should someone go to Wasteland Valley that dead land." Said Felio with confusion.

"I don't know; however, I already send the Cats to follow him" Said Leonardo

"Good job let's wait for the news then."


"This journey is finally ending, I will be in home after some 2 days, his majesty will be happy, I made a good deal with
these seeds!" Said Ribeiro while traveling in his carriage.

He didn't notice that four shadows were quietly following him.

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34 Distribution
It was warmer than usual today, Alfonso got up at nine, later than usual. When went to the hall, Artemis was already
gone, however, Demeter was there.

"My~ My~ , Little Al, good morning~"

"Good morning Demeter, did you already had breakfast?" Asked Alfonso.
"No~ , I was going to have it with Artemis, but I thought you will be lonely, so I waited~" Said Demeter with her usual
candid smile.

"Well, thank you lets dig in, today we have a big day" Said Alfonso.

Today, he was going to announce the new system of food, he already talked to Deferio and asked him to congregate all
the people in Wasteland Valley

"Yeah~, I won't go to Camel's house anymore, I already tough enough~, I told him to teach the techniques to the other
families, I am already tired after all~" Say Demeter

After that, they both had breakfast. Alfonso asked Ribi to check on Deferio and tell him that everything needs to be done
by the afternoon, As he returned to his room, little blue also woke up, yesterday, he slept at Alfonso's side, this was a
little dangerous, it was a good thing that Alfonso don't move when he sleeps, since a little child, a funny fact, was that
both Alfonsos didn't have this habit. Little blue chirped happily and sat on Alfonso's head.

Alfonso went out with Demeter helped him and went to the town, Alfonso felt a little helpless, he didn't want anyone to
help him, however, he had to admit that his leg didn't hurt when someone helped him.

"Little Al, it's not a shameful thing to ask for help~ , I and Artemis will always let you a hand, you are not alone" Said

"Yeah… I know" Alfonso felt a slight warm on his heart.

After walking for 30 minutes they got to the main plaza, it was the second time that Alfonso came here, the first one was
when he did his speech before the horde came in, this time however, it was a lot different from before.

"Look in his majesty! , the hero"

"He is just as brave as the stories tell"

"Some people say that he only uses that cane to put a facade"

"He is so young and so handsome!"

"Your majesty, we love you!"

The fight with the horde already became a legend in Wasteland Valley, people call this battle "the cane's wrath" as a
tribute to Alfonso. Alfonso was stunned, however, he knew that this was a good thing , people needed a figure to
admire, he didn't want to be that one thought, however, he didn't have any options, at least, not at the moment. He
climbed the platform and then smiled to everyone.

"Hello , my fellow citizens, I, Alfonso Lockheart, greets you!" Said Alfonso.

A round of claps came from the audience.


A round of louder claps than before came from the audience.

Said Alfonso.

At this moment, everyone didn't believe what they just heard… they could have food!?

"Am I… am I dreaming?"

"Is this for real!?"

"Your majesty, I love you!"

"I think is true, I have sent that Artemis fellow hunting for the past days at the west side!"

"Yeah! Me too"

Some commoners were exchanging ideas, meanwhile, Alfonso stood there, just looking at their reactions.

"Is a little sad that they get so emotional just for food" Thought Alfonso.

It was not that rare thought, food was the most important thing in a place like Wasteland Valley ,however, Alfonso was
born in a normal family on earth, he wasn't rich, but he never lacked food. Since he came to this place, he had the least
food than usual, but it wasn't nearly enough to compare to common people, who could go two days without eating.


Although it was not a lot, stealing was a problem in Wasteland Valley, so he needed to be severe in how he managed
this, furthermore, he personally despises thieves.

SHALL ONLY SEND TO PEOPLE AT THE MOST" Said Alfonso while descending the platform, Demeter helped

After that, each family send two representatives to retrieve the deer, Alfonso was exhausted, so he had to rest for a
while before, going back to the manor, he sat on his throne and waited for some time, while people were going to the
"refrigerator", Ribi entered the hall and bowed.

"Your majesty, a little boy and his father are calling for you"
"Let them in" Said Alfonso.

The pair of son and father came and bowed, they were little pit and his father tailor.

"You came, that's great, don't worry, your deer is separated, so we will begin the class now, is that okay?" Asked

"We have to thank your majesty for your considerations" Said Tailor.

"Uncle is the best!" Said little pit.

Alfonso smiled and began his class.

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35 Lesson
The mano of Alfonso have two floors and one underground, on the first floor there are the main hall, the kitchen room,
the dinner room and the servants rooms, Ribi and Ribeiro live on this floor. On the second floor there is a gathering
room that connects the thirteen bedrooms. Alfonso when with little Pit and Tailor to the gathering room on the second
floor, he gave each other a piece of sheet and a pen, little pit was impressive with the huge manor it was the first time
on his life that saw such delicate furniture and it was warmer here than in any other house in Wasteland Valley, on the
other hand, Tailor was also impressed but for something completely different, as a teacher and scholar he had visited
the houses of the riches' nobles in Utio Town, compared to those houses, this manner was extremely….. Poor.

"Let's begin…. For now, sat on the couch, as I told you before, I will give you a few lessons, I will teach you
mathematics, but that is a surprise for later" Said Alfonso who was in front of them.

Tailor was puzzle, he though when Alfonso said to come to "classes" to his manor, he was indirectly asking him to
teach, he was a scholar after all, however…. Alfonso was just a twenty-something years-old man, furthermore, he
wasn't known for being an intelligent person such as his sister.

"Well, maybe he learned a thing of two back in Dragon city that could be useful" Though Tailor, but the truth was that he
didn't believe his own thoughts, he considered himself a teacher after all, so he had his pride as one. Being a scholar in
Leitol was something to be proud of, few people could acquire this tittle, one had to take an exam that took place in
Dragon City every 10 years.

"Very well then, I will start, I will divide the lessons into three subjects, algebra, geometry and arithmetic, today we
will start with algebra" Said Alfonso while grabbing a piece of sheet and pen himself.

"What? Alge… what? What is that?" Thought Tailor

"You see, in our world, we humans have made a… lets called it structure, this structure let us comprehend the world, at
least, we think so. The world "talks" to us in a language, however, we aren't able to comprehend it, because we don't
talk it, so we need an "interpreter" to help us, this interpreter are mathematics" Said Alfonso.

Tailor was astonished when he heard this introduction.

"He…. How.... This…" Tailor didn't know what to say.

"Algebra is the first step to us to be able to became interpreters, you see, Algebra is the branch of mathematics that
studies the structures of the world, organizes it and put it in quantities terms that we can understand, for example…. I
have here a sheet, how many sheets I have little Pit?" Asked Alfonso.

"Uncle, you have one!" Said little Pit with enthusiasm.

"How about you Tailor, how many sheets I have?"

"Your majesty, you have one" Said Tailor.

"That's right, then… I grab this other sheet; how many do I have?" Asked Alfonso.

""2!"" Said both at the same time.

"Excellent, however, have you ever though… what are you doing exactly right now? Well, the obvious answer is that
you are adding up one plus one, lets up something to that then, let's say that I have two sheets and two pencil, so, let's
say that I buy pencils and now I have 3 sheets, how many pencils did I buy?, this time, don't answer me, I want you to
see this, of course I know that you know the answer, but remember, this is because we are using numbers that aren't so
complicated, so I will write something and I will have you to interpret it"

Alfonso rapidly wrote something on the sheet

2 + x = 3;

"Wha... what adding a number and a…. Letter?" Tailor was taken aback by this, he has never seemed something like
this…. What was this?

"Uncle, I don't understand! How can you add a number and a letter and come with a number?" Asked little Pit.

"Well, you see this will be the base for us from now on, this is how you interpret the results that you have come with but
in sheet, this is called an equation, you see this is exactly what you did with problem before, the difference is that you
subconsciously did it, I am just writing your thoughts process" Said Alfonso with a smile.

"….. I understand!" Said Tailor while grabbing the sheet.

"I don't quite understand it~" Said little Pit.

"Don't worry, today I only wanted to you to make this little introduction, lets out some other examples so you can

Just like this, Alfonso give more examples, Tailor was already like an honor student listening to a great master, Little
Pit was worthy of being the genius of the Ancient Greek Pythagoras, he understood it and even made some abstraction
about it.

"Uncle, I have an idea how to interpret furthermore the process! If I put minus two on both sides, I will have the "x"
alone!" Said Little Pit with emotion.

"That is right Little Pit, this has a name and it is called the distributive propriety, however, that is a little too advance
for now, so let's end the class here" Said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

"This little guy is too talented, in a few years, he will be teaching me instead, well that is expected from Pythagoras I
guess" Thought Alfonso.
"We have learned a lot today, I can not thank his majesty enough" Said Tailor while bowing deeply, he's respected for
Alfonso has increased by a significant amount.

"Uncle this is funny! Let's continue!" Said Little Pit.

"Sorry little guy, we will have to ended here, If we don't, I won't have the time for the surprise!" Said Alfonso.

""Surprise?"" Asked both of them.

"Yeah, sit down, I will tell you a history, not all the story though, I will tell you a part of it every time we end a class,
by the way, we will have classes only five days a week, you are free on Sunday and Saturday" Said Alfonso.

"Ok.." Said Little Pit with a little regret, he couldn't help it, he like this class a lot!, Tailor also made a slightly sad face.

"Oh~ a story? I also want to hear about that~" Suddenly a voice came from one of the rooms, It was Demeter.

"Alfonso, I also want to hear it" Said Artemis, who have just came back from hunting.

"Well, it's not a problem, sit down"

When everyone sat down, Alfonso also sat down, he was tired of being stood up for almost 1 hour

"I will start now, this is the story of benevolent princess who lived in a far away kingdom… her name was Snow
White." Said Alfonso.

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36 Intruder
"And then… the evil queen, dressed as an old woman gave snow-white an apple, but it wasn't a normal apple, it was a
poisoned apple…" Said Alfonso.

Everyone was listening attentive to the story, even Artemis was all ears. Alfonso looked at them, it was quite funny to
see everyone reactions.

"As expected of a classic" Thought Alfonso.

"We will continue on Monday, it's getting late after all" Said Alfonso with a sly smile.

"What.. Uncle you can't do this! You must continue!"

"That's right Little Al, you can't leave it like that!"

"Alfonso, you better continue or else...!"

Everyone made their position clear, the only one who didn't speak his thoughts was Tailor, however, everyone could
see that he also wanted to hear more.

"Calmed down, I also get tired you know, Tailor, take Pit home and repast the class, on Monday, we will see more
complicated things, so you need to have this memorized" Said Alfonso with an exhausted voice. In fact, he was really
tired, walking from the manor to the town and then back is very tiring, it takes at least twenty minutes walking, of
course, Alfonso could just use a horse, however, he was a bit afraid, so he insisted on walking.

Everyone made a complicated face, however, Alfonso didn't say anything else and went on his way.

"Ahh.. I am tired..."

Alfonso went inside his bedroom and just thrown himself on the bed.

"Being a teacher is exhausting, I can't do this for a long time, I have other things to do, however, I have to at least give
Tailor a base to start the massive education program in Wasteland Valley" Thought Alfonso.

Alfonso was planning this from the beginning, he had two goals in mind; first, he had to begin a massive education
system in wasteland valley, however, he couldn't do it himself, at least, not for a long time.

"I don't have the time or the capacity to be a teacher, I somehow managed with two, but, more than that is impossible,
the fact that Tailor is a teacher sure save me a headache, with him learning the basics he will somehow do it….. I hope"
Thought Alfonso.

The second goal in the main of Alfonso was the crucial one, in fact, this idea of his surge when he was thinking what
economic model he need to use.

"Being Capitalism or Communism they have a basic law within, and this law go back to 1789 with the universal
declaration of human rights, first article, all humans are born as equals... this is must in order to use one or other model,
however, in this place….. This law isn't applicable!" Though Alfonso.

In wasteland Valley and in all Leitol, the concept equality didn't exist, for example, a baby, who was born in a
commoner's house, would never be able to become a noble, even if he became something like a scholar, they won't be
able to make enough money to being a noble, furthermore, the merchants that make a little bit more of money, had to
report their goods to the lord of the town, if they exceed a certain amount, they will be forced to give part of that money,
in exchange, they gave an "honoree medal" that gives the commoner the possibility to ask for protection once, however,
this medal was just n ornament, because the laws also says that the lord have the right to refuse the request if they
consider it to be too dangerous.

"But this isn't the clearest example, the clearest one are that anomaly called the champions!" thought Alfonso.

The champions, humans that are chosen by the gods of this universe to fight the battles that couldn't fight, how they
choose one, what criteria they have… nobody knew… however, what its clear is that when one became a champion, it
means a complete change in his or hers life, and not only for them, also for the town they live in.

The town that the champion called his or her home will receive the protection and the blessing of the god, The monarchy
family will instantly give the title of noble to the family of the champion and the town will be exonerated of paying
tributes to the royal family as long as the champion lives; the champion in question will receive a "gift" from the god
and will become a man above men, Also, the royal family must give the champion an option, he can became a head
scholar or became a general of the battalion that he chooses.

"The capitalism model is based on the premise that we are all equals and have the same chances as everyone else…
what a joke, even here, the commoners are different from the commoners on Utio town… even myself could be, at most,
a merchant in a more successful town like Vega City" Thought Alfonso while making a slight sigh.

"Taking this in account, I have to use the communism model… which is basically forced everyone to be equal….. Well,
kind of…. I mean, I don't think that Marx thought like this but well….." Alfonso was having an internal struggle.
"Well, anyway, I better sleep for now, tomorrow will be the day that Cerberus wakes up, it will be interesting" Though
Alfonso while closing his eyes, He instantly felt in a deep sleep.


It was past midnight.

Alfonso was happily sleeping, when he felt…. Something…

"Hey, wake up….."

Alfonso didn't answer.


The "thing" shook Alfonso, despite this, Alfonso was still sleeping.

"I told you to wake up!"


"FUCK!" Alfonso almost cursed, he opened his mind and saw sitting on him, She was a beautiful woman with perfect
white skin….and a pair of wings on her back.

"Artemis..?" Asked Alfonso.

"Alfonso….. I have something to say…. Will you... listen?" Said Artemis with a timid voice.

Alfonso didn't know what was happening, he only had one thought on his mind.

"She looks….. So beautiful under the moon…" Thought Alfonso.

"Wha…. What is it….." Said Alfonso

He could hear his heart beat increasing.

"Alfonso..." Said Artemis while looking straight in the eyes of Alfonso.

Alfonso was on the verge of collapsing.

"This… this couldn't be… couldn't right!??"

"Alfonso…. Don't panic….


I am not Artemis"

Alfonso's face instantly became pale.

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37 Do not forget!
"Wh...who.." Alfonso was so stunned that he couldn't complete the phrase.

"I….. Don't have a specific form….. or name.... For years people have called me by different names…. Atropos…
Cloto…..Laquesis….. etc... all in all, I am just a bystander" Said figure, curiously the voice of Artemis that Alfonso
heard before wasn't there, now, it was a mix between a man and a woman, furthermore, Alfonso couldn't tell the age, if
he didn't see the form of Artemis, he wouldn't be able if this voice was human or not!

"Wait a minute! Cloto….. Laquesis….. Atropos…. Where have I heard those names before!?" Thought Alfonso.

"I…. don't have much time…..Alfonso Lockheart….. you are a new variable that it wasn't in my calculations before.... I
warmed Primordius about this….. but she didn't listen...….. She never listens" Said "Artemis"

"Primordius.... Who-"

"You don't need to know.... However, what you need to know is this...… No matter what you do….. No matter the not trust the gods….. nor the ones that are here…. Or the ones that you have brought to this world…"
Said the voice.

"She… she knows about the system!" Though Alfonso.

"... I don't understand! " Said Alfonso.

Before "Artemis" could say anything else, she looked a little absent-minded and then made a long sigh.

"She already caught me ... its seems..... That my time is over...…" Murmured "Artemis".

"Artemis" looked behind her, Alfonso follow her gaze, but he didn't see anything there.

"Alfonso….. you must not forget... you have to remember!" Said "Artemis" while lifting her hand and pushing hard
towards Alfonso's chest, Alfonso saw that the hand passed his skin and felt the hand grabbing something.

His heart.

"What are you doing…." Said Alfonso who has never felt so afraid on his life like now.

"Artemis" grabbed his heart and began to tighten it.

"Do…..not...forget!" Said "Artemis".


A small crushing sound could be heard in the quiet night.


"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Alfonso shouted like never before.

"Ha….ha…ha…..ha" Alfonso was out of breath, he rapidly sat down on his bed, he looked one side to the other, but he
couldn't see anything.
"What…. What happened….. I remember that Artemis was.....hmmm?.... wait…..Artemis? that isn't it....she told
me.....?...someone told me something…?" Alfonso though that he was forgetting something, but he didn't know what was

"Ouch, what?" Suddenly, Alfonso felt a small pain on his chest.

He unbuttoned his pajama and saw a small hand mark on the left side of his chest. He instantly became pale.

"What the hell is this?" Thought Alfonso.


[At the same time]

[In a place who anyone knew about]

"Artemis" was sitting in a chair surrounded by darkness, the only thing that it could be heard was the ticking of a clock.

"Primordius.... I don't know what are you playing at...…..but you are playing with something you shouldn't..." Said

A figure could be seen in the shadows, it couldn't be determinate if the figure was a woman or a man, however, what it
could be distinguished in the darkness was a pair of large-red eyes and a playful smile.

"....." The figure seems to move his/her mouth, but nothing could be distinguished, however, "Artemis" seems to

"!?...Primordius!... are you planning to...!" Said "Artemis" while her face became ugly.


The figure said something else and then chains began to appear behind "Artemis", the chains lock Artemis limbs.

"Primordius….. Don't do it!" Shout "Artemis", however, all she could saw was the smile of the figure growing wider
and wider.

"PRIMORDIUS!!" Shout "Artemis" before been complete drag by the darkness.


At the next day, Alfonso woke up as usual.

"Strange…. Did I have some weird dream yesterday?" Thought Alfonso.

However, he didn't give much of a thought and began to dress. When he took out his pajamas, he saw a small mark on
the left side of his chest. It was a hand-size mark.

"Weird…. What is th-"


Before could conclude his thoughts, a phrase come to his head.

"Forget….. Forget about what?" Though Alfonso.

He thought and thought, but nothing came to his head, so push back to his mind. The strange thing was that, every time he
looked at his chest, the same words came to his head.



Alfonso came to the main hall, Artemis had already left to her usual hunting duties, Demeter was looking through the
window, she was talking to little blue, who when to his "home" yesterday for some reason.

"Alfonso, good morning~" Said Demeter.

"Good morning, Demeter, hello there little blue." Said Alfonso.

Little chirped happily and took its spot on Alfonso's head.

"What are the plans for today?~" Asked Demeter.

"Well, Cerberus should be waking out anytime soon, so we should just-"


Before Alfonso could complete his phrase, an exploding sound came from the second floor, Alfonso and Demeter
looked at each other for one second before running towards the second floor. When they got there, smoke was rising
from Cerberus's room.

"What happened" Though Alfonso.

He and Demeter stood there for some time, but seeing that nothing happened, they slowly walked towards the room,
when they got there, they could see the figure of Cerberus through the smoke, however, when the smoke dissipated, and
they took a better look of the figure… they find something….. Strange….

""What the fuck is that?"" Thought Alfonso and Demeter at the same time.

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"Cerberus….?" Asked Alfonso with a question mark on his head.

"Hahahahah! Alfonso! It worked! I can feel my fangs again, they are stronger than ever! Hahahaha!" Cerberus, with a
cheerful laugh, answer to Alfonso.

"Well….about that….." Demeter said.

Cerberus sure was a fierce wolf, he was huge with black fur and scars on every inch of its body, its eyes were
murderous black. This is how Alfonso remember Cerberus, however....
"Alfonso, this favor you have to do to me, Cerberus, I shall remember for the rest of my days, I promise that I shall
become your sword and your shield!" Said Cerberus in a dignified pose.

"Cerberus, I am very grateful for your words, but first you have to know-"

"Haha, You shouldn't have any trouble with those little rascals of my, did you? I will go to them and ask for a careful
report!" Said Cerberus while going to the backyard in an unbelievable speed, he was so fast that got there in just two


With a huge growl, Cerberus gathered all the wolves on Wasteland Valley, even the ones on patrol were summoned, the
ones with Artemis also run towards there. Artemis came just behind them. After 20 minutes the wolves have gathered in
the backyard, Alfonso and Demeter were in an awkward situation, obviously, they didn't know what to do, Cerberus
simply was too euphoric to listen to them.

"Huh…huh…. This guys just run of their own…..huh….huh.. What is going on Alfonso?" Asked the out of breath

"Well… you see-"

"My fellow brothers, I, Cerberus, have obtained a new life from this man, Alfonso, who helped me re-grow my fangs!
We, the wolf tribe, are creatures that return kind with kindness, for this moment on, we shall protect this town with all
we have and I personally will kill anyone who disobeys this order!" Shout Cerberus.

"....." The other wolves didn't say anything, they stood there, confused, as if they didn't know what to say.

"What?, you already forgotten me just because you haven't seen me for just a week?! Did I make myself clear!? " Shout

This time, his shout came with something else, it was like a shock wave have appeared out of nowhere, the other
wolves feel an inner tremblor, and then they grow together, Cerberus made a somehow satisfactory smile and then turn
around, just to see the surprised Alfonso and Demeter.

"Sorry about that, this is a small gift that I receive after acquiring the blood that you gave me, it isn't the only one
thought, my strength and my speed have practically double and my vision, smell and hearing have also improved, I have
to say that it was the right choice indeed! Now, even if I can't beat "it", I can at least escape with no problem!" Said
Cerberus with an excited voice.

Just then, Cerberus notice something…. Strange.

"Mmm? Alfonso did you grow taller? How come?" Asked Cerberus.

It was obvious, previously, Cerberus standing up on his four legs was at the height of Alfonso's stomach, but now…. He
was a few inches below Alfonso's knee.

"Well....."Alfonso didn't know what to say.

Cerberus was a little confused by Alfonso s' attitude and looked at Demeter who had her hands on her stomach.

"I….pff...please…haha....please don't look at me….pff" Said Demeter while avoiding Cerberus gaze.

Cerberus was more confused than ever.

"Mmmmm..?" Artemis, who didn't know what was happening, approached Cerberus and, with both hands, hold it.

"Whose is this little puppy?"

"Eh?" Asked the surprised Cerberus


Siberian Husky

A dog that comes from the Husky family, their origin comes from Russia, they are very docile and educated, Also, they
are very smart. Well then, why are we making a little introduction of this kind of dog?



who was currently on the floor holding her stomach, was already laughing for ten minutes, and she didn't seen to be
stopping anytime soon.

Alfonso, who also wanted to laugh, was pinching his own hand to not to, why?, because of the current "puppy" who was
whining on his lap.

"Auuu~ , How did this happen?, I, Cerberus, ended in this state?, How!? Auu~" Said the tearing Cerberus.

"Well, stay calm Cerberus ,maybe the evolution woke up some weird gen that you have but, all in all, you recover your
fangs and you also became stronger, aren't you glad?" Said Alfonso while stroking Cerberus's fur.

"It isn't! How I am supposed to be a sword!?, a symbol of fear and power looking like a cute puppy!?? Auu~" Said the
sad Cerberus.

"I don't know why are you being so melodramatic, calm down, it just a change on appearance what the big deal? and
you, Demeter, could you stop already?" Asked Artemis with her usual cold face.




The only one who wasn't 'aware of the situation was little blue who was, as usual, sleeping on Alfonso's head.

This situation lasted for 20 more minutes before Demeter finally stopped, Cerberus finally calmed down, all in all, the
situation wasn't so bad, he traded power and strength for his fearsome appearance, it was a good trade.

"Is it, right?" Thought Alfonso.

"Anyway, I shall maintain my promise, I promised to your sword and I shall do so!" Said Cerberus after recovering its

"I know that you will do so, we are one huge family after all" Said Alfonso while looking straight at Cerberus.

"By the way…"

"What is it?"

"How long are you going to stay on my lap?"

"Well… its cold, so let me stay here for the time being" Said Cerberus while rolling up and then sleeping comfortably
on Alfonso's lap.

"You know Alfonso~…" Said Demeter who was standing at his left side.

"What is it?.."

"If you find a bit more animals, you could become a walking zoo~"

"..." Alfonso was speechless.

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39 A perfect night for a game

Fuuuu~ , Finally at home, it's been 10 entire days" Said the exhausted Ribeiro who was finally at the entrance of
Wasteland Valley. He brought with him the seeds for the agriculture zone that Alfonso asked him for. In his package
there were 5 huge bags, in total, he spent all the gold that the later Lord left behind to buy these seeds.

After arriving at the entrance, he saw a pack of wolves running towards him, he was scared, however, he remembered
what happened before he left and stood there. The wolves checked him, smell him and then help him to carry the bags.

"Wow, these wolves are smarter than I thought!" Though Ribeiro while going to the manor.


"My lord , I am back" Said Ribeiro while kneeling before Alfonso.

"Good job Ribeiro, how was it? Did you get what I asked you?"

"According to your majesty's order, I brought 5 bags, 3 of them contains cereals while the order ones contain
vegetables." Informed Ribeiro.

"One more bag than what I originally though….. good job Ribeiro, you deserve some rest I will give you one three days
off, you deserve it" Said Alfonso with a pleasant smile.

"Your words are enough my lord, I don't have a family, so I wouldn't know to spend my free time" Said Ribeiro with a
bitter smile.

He had dedicated all his life to the royal family, of course, he had a lover here and there, but his situation didn't let him
establish a family. After that, Ribeiro when on his way towards his room.

Alfonso felt a little bad for Ribeiro.

"He is just like me back then, married to our jobs…" Though Alfonso.

It was a cold night as usual in Wasteland Valley, everything dies at six, no one wanted to be outside, it was too cold
after all, so the nights on Wasteland Valley were dead silence, this night however, it was different.

"I can't believe we have to come here, this dead land is as cold as everyone says" A young man wearing a thin black
cloth was regretting the fact that they accepted this mission, however, there wasn't much they could do, it was an order
of the lord after all.

"Well, nothing to do about it, let's end this quietly, after all, we only have to know where that guy went to" Said another
man in black cloth, the voice of this man was deeper than the former one, he was older.

"Cat 1 , cat 2 , stop chit chatting, lets get going" Said another person, this person's cloth was different from the other
two, the cloth was purple, in the cat's organization, this cloth represent the females, so obviously, this person was a
female, from her voice , one could determinate that she was at least 30 years old.

"Cat 3 its right, lets finish this quickly" Said Another purple-clothed person, this person was the leader of this small
squad, her size was the smallest of all the team, and, apparently for her voice, the youngest one.

After hearing what cat four had said, the other three change their attitude and enter Wasteland Valley, the only light that
they could see was the moon light, however, this environment was their favorite one, after all , from and organization
that works in the shadows, the night was a perfect camouflage.

After walking silently for ten minutes, they notice how huge Wasteland Valley was.

"This is a little.... Strange" Murmured Cat four.

"What is it?" Asked Cat two.

"Well you know, this place was supposed to be the scenery of a fight between the horde and the people from Wasteland
Valley…but…. The houses seem undamaged…. Don't you find it strange?"

"….. Now that you mention it…." Said Cat one.

They stopped their tracks for some time, they were in the commoner's zone, they looked at every side, but, just as cat
four has mention, this place didn't look like the scenery of any fight at all.

"This is strange indeed….." Said Cat three.

"Mmm…. What's that?" Asked Cat four looking at the darkness.

Not to far from they were, something was approaching slowly, it was a pair of blue eyes, however, this eyes were
profound , like human ones, but they knew that it couldn't be humans, why?, because while the silhouette approached,
they notice that it were too small to be humans.

"Its that... a puppy?" Asked Cat one.

In front of them , a cute puppy with grey-white fur was approaching, after seeing the small puppy, the fourth of them
made an relieve sigh.

"What….. is only a small puppy, it quite cute, come here little boy~" Said cat two.

"We don't have time Cat three" Said Cat one

"Don't so stingy, I have never seemed this kind of puppy before though.." Said Cat two.
"Anyway lets go, we still have to find that guy." Said Cat one.

"I don't think that is possible"

Suddenly a voice come from nowhere, the four of them rapidly take out their daggers and assumed their position,
however, they didn't see anyone.

"What the..... It couldn't be..." The four of them had the same though, their gaze fell on the small puppy.

"Its… its not possible…. Right?" Asked Cat three.

"I am afraid that is it possible, you little rats have entered somewhere you shouldn't…." Said the small puppy with its
cute small mouth.

"?????? A ….. a talking puppy???" Asked Cat four.

"I don't know what are you or who send you, but you better get out of the way, or else..!" Said Cat one while pointing
her daggers to the little puppy.

"Oh… you have spirited little girl, in normal times I wouldn't bother with you, however, I am the sword of my lord so,
Lets start our game." Said The little puppy.

Just went he finished a dagger came and cut its neck! , the cut was clean, it was obvious that the person who did it had
killed many times like this, and who was the person who did this?, It was obviously Cat one.

"This is not good…" Said Cat one.

"What is it? You finish it didn't you?" Asked concerned Cat three.

"…..My instincts are telling me just one word.....DEATH "Murmured Cat one.

Cat one's instinct had saved her uncountable times in the past, so he trusted his feelings one hundred percent, and her
instinct were telling her one phrase.

"We have to get out of here as fast as we can!"

"Oh? Are you leaving already? That won't do…. The game is just starting after all"

Suddenly, a deathly voice came, went all of them turned around, they saw the "dead" puppy, looking at them just like
before, however, this time, its eyes were as black as the darkness.

"Run!" Cat three shout, however, when they turned around, they saw 20 wolves surrounded them.

"This night is just perfect for a game, isn't it?.... well them…..Let's resume our game, shall we?

Said the little puppy, who was slowly walking towards them.

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40 New Abilities
Alfonso was sitting on his throne with black lines on his forehead, he was angry.

Alfonso wasn't someone picky, he could very well so every kind of environment, however no matter where or when, he
had a habit that hasn't changed since he was young.

He hated when people interrupt his sleep, since he was a little kid back in London , he had to sleep 6 hours at least, no
matter what happen, when he asleep less than that, he was moody all day long. This was the situation tight now,
however, this situation in particular couldn't wait until tomorrow so Cerberus woke him up.

This situation was strange indeed.

"Cerberus, what did you to them?" Asked Alfonso.

"Nothing much, they are just in an illusion, when I woke up my bloodline, I got this ability, wherever someone looks at
my black eyes, they will enter a world of illusion, of course, it doesn't work on everyone, but these little ants aren't a
problem, I like to called it blackmoon" Said Cerberus who was on Alfonso's lap, Alfonso already give up on the idea of
driving him away.

Alfonso was a little confused, just them , he saw something strange, he focused his eyes on Cerberus a window appear
in front of him.

[ Cerberus

Level : Wolf king.

Bloodline : Lycantrophes.

Habilities :

- Human language(Level 3)

- Blessing of Selene(Level 1)

- Blackmoon(Level 1)

- Comander(Level 4)

Description : Cerberus has awoken his bloodline thanks to the blood of the Lycanthropes, he has the chance to evolve
two more times, host most help him evolve, he will be a useful ally!

Remark: To achieve the next evolution, you will need Apollo and Selene at your side.]

"What.... Selene? The moon goddess? But... Selene is Artemis!" Thought Alfonso.

Selene, the moon goddess was the representation of light in the ancient mythology, however, after years of study every
expert knew that Artemis and Selene were the same person.

"But…. They aren't? I will have to talk to Artemis later" Thought Alfonso.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen the stats of Artemis or Demeter , they wouldn't have change... right? " Thought
Alfonso while looking at Artemis.

[Artemis, THE HUNTER

Level : Human


- Mark of the hunter(Level 2) : + added two more targets to mark of the hunter.

- Beast Language(Level 2) : Capable of talking with all animals on Leitol, this doesn't include Mythology Animals.

- Sniper(Level 2): Range Amplified, 1500 meters.

- Shadowless (Level 1) New ability.

Shadowless : Artemis was asked by her mother Leto, The titan of the night, what blessing of her did she want , she
decided to ask for this ability. As an experience hunter, Artemis knows that the key to be a hunter master is to
understand her prey and its environment, the enemies marked by Mark of the hunter will be unable to found her at night,
if she is hunter on the forest, she will receive a bonus of speed.

Remark: Thanks to the battle with the horde, Artemis became a step closer to achieve the hero level!

Remark 2: Drachmas needed for the next level : 1000 ]

When Alfonso saw this, his head became full of questions.

"System…. What do you mean by this?" Asked the confused Alfonso.

[As you may know dear host, the requisite for the evolution of the gods are the use of Drachmas , however, this isn't the
only method, for example, Artemis is the goddess of hunt, so when she experiences a battle, she became more
experience in using her own abilities. This make her regain a part of her former powers, this is why the Drachmas for
her next evolution has diminished, the same goes for the other gods.]

".... I think I get the idea, so you mean that I must make the gods used their powers to reduce the number of Drachmas
that I need to spend for their next evolution, right?" Asked Alfonso.

[More or less] Answered the system.

Alfonso thought for a moment, it seems that he still didn't know a lot of things about the system, this was troublesome, he
needed all the information that he could get, after all, information was the key to succeed.

"What about Demeter?" Thought Alfonso.


Level : Human.


- Call of nature (Level 1)

- Plants Language (Level 2) : Able to talk to all the plants on Leitol , this doesn't include mythological ones.]

Passive skills:

- Metamorphosis (level 1)
- Light of live (Level 1) New Ability

Description: As the goddess of Life, Demeter an aura that calm people and give them peace, when Demeter is close, All
the mentally ill people will improve drastically, also, All the food that she taste will be purified.]

"It seems that Demeter also gain something new, but this passive skill is pretty awesome, mental diseases are something
that even in modern times, don't have cured, but with her around, one could improve, how awesome is that" Thought

After some minutes, Alfonso close the system and looked at the four people who were looking at the ceiling like a par
of zombies, he gave a signal and Cerberus make a gesture with her little head, after that, the cats feel a sense of

"Where…..where are we...?" Asked Cat one.

"Welcome to Wasteland Valley, my name is Alfonso Lockheart the lord of this town, so, now that I introduced myself, I
would like to know two things, first, who are you? And second, what reason do I have to keep you alive?" Asked
Alfonso with an unusual cold voice

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41 Cat one
"Alfonso? …. The former prince, the loser prince, Alfonso?" Asked Cat Three without thinking.

Alfonso wasn't angry, after all, the loser prince wasn't he but the former prince Alfonso, so whatever someone recalled
his former tittle, he didn't take it to heart, however, there were some people who didn't think like this, like Cerberus.

Cerberus looked coolly at Cat Three and then made a gesture with his head, instantly one of the wolves jumped and
open its mouth.



Cat Three shout like he never shouted in his whole life. The big whole just have bitten his leg pulling out a piece of
fresh meat. The pain was so intense that he almost fainted, the other cats, except form cat one, tremble in fear at this

"I am being merciful just because this is my lord manner and I don't want it to stink, however, if you offended my lord
again believe thati will make you wish you were dead" Said Cerberus with an icy cold voice.

Not to mention the cats, even Alfonso tremble a little with its words, it was a huge contrasted with its cute face thought.

Cat One, who has been looking at her surrounding the whole time, didn't let this action slip her sight.

"It seems that this lord of Wasteland Valley isn't that frightful, in fact, one could say that if the wolves hadn't act, he
wouldn't have done anything to cat three, this badass lord is just a façade, however, that little puppy is troublesome, I
don't what it is or how can it get the wolves to obey it, but it has total control over the militia force here, at least, the
most terrifying one!" Cat one obviously was talking about the wolves.

She gave a deep thought about her current situation, these capacities of analyzing the situation this fast didn't come from
the cat's organization, it came from somewhere else. She had worked previously for his majesty in the spiders, both
organizations were similar, but they were worlds apart.

"However, what I am more curious is those two fellow at Alfonso's side, that feminine guy with white suit and that old
woman, both of them didn't even blink when that wolves bite Cat Three, they seem….. Indifferent, like they used to it"
Thought Cat one.

"Please!, please help me!, I need a shaman , I, I am going to die!"

Cat Three, who was bleeding on the floor was desperately asking for help, Demeter made a small sigh and put a type of
ointment on the injury, this ointment was something that she found in the borderline of the Jubila Forest, it could
alleviate the pain and accelerate the process of cicatrization, like morphine; After that, she grabbed a piece of cloth and
put them around the arm.

After this process, Cat three finally fainted for the loss of blood.

"I won't repeat myself, Why are you here?" Said Alfonso to the remained three cats.

"Wa…wait..please! I will talk! We are the cats, we are an organization from Tulip town, we came here under the orders
of his majesty to investigate a certain man that was bringing several bags of seed to this land!, also , his majesty wanted
to know the situation in Wasteland Valley, please believe us! We didn't come here to try to bring any harm to anyone, in
fact, we thought that this place was already destroyed by the horde!" Said sincerely Cat two.

Alfonso remain quiet for some time.

"I knew that sending Ribeiro to Tulip town was a dangerous gamble…. It seems that I lose" Thought Alfonso.

This was the worst possible scenario, the last thing he wanted was to attract attention.

The seconds after Cat Two talked felt like hours to them.

"Cerberus, take our guess to the servant's room, I will think what to do with them tomorrow, also, I don't need to
remember you what would happen if you try anything funny… right?" Said Alfonso with his usual calm smile.

However, this time, that smile felt like the voice of the devil to the cats who trembled once more before bowing to
Alfonso and quietly following the wolves.

"Wait a minute, please leave that one here, the tiny one." Said Alfonso.

Cat one, for the first time, tremble a little. The other three when on their way and she remained.

"Did you need anything from me your majesty?" Asked cat one with a respectful voice.

"Well, you see, I have a little thought here, I think that you are the leader of the group, I don't know if you can confirm
it?" Said Alfonso.

"….." Cat one didn't answer immediately.

"Well, I will take that as a yes, so now, let me ask you something….. If I kill you and your friends here….. What will
your lord do?" Asked Alfonso with a calm voice.
Cat one was taken aback by this statement, he isn't just basically asking her if he should kill her or not. She thought for a
moment before answering.

"If you kill us the lord of Tulip would think it was the horde, so they won't send anyone else here, however, Tulip will
enter a state of chaos, and they prepare for an invasion, I don't know if his majesty will take the first step to attack the
horde or just wait in Tulip Town, however, given the current circumstances , this possibility is almost zero" Said
Sincerely Cat Two.

She knew that lying would be meaningless here.

"However, this Alfonso since more cunning than what he looks like, better be more careful around him" Thought Cat

"….Mmm… I thought so" Said Alfonso with his signature smile.

Cat One didn't say anything else and just stood there, in silence, waiting for whatever Alfonso's decision would be.

"What are your conditions?" Asked Alfonso.

"?, I don't understand your majesty"

"I mean what I mean, what are your conditions? You see,

I have a little job that requires your abilities." Said Alfonso with a mysterious smile.

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42 One year contrac

[The next day- Morning]

It was earlier than usual, Alfonso couldn't sleep well yesterday so he took the chance to finish reading the agriculture
book, so he was sleepy, he watched his face and when to the hall where he met with Artemis and Demeter.

"Good morning, same as usual Artemis?"

"Yeah, I like the forest, I feel at home, Alfonso I must remain you something, we have to do something about the food, as
I am a single there is a limit of food that I can bring, the wolves helps, however, we aren't able to bring that much." Said

As the one who hunted the food , she was aware how much they have in the refrigerator, after the massive food giving,
they loss almost all the reserve, the next time the people came for food, she wasn't sure if will enough.

"Don't worry, I already thought about it, in fact, I have a new assistant for you" Said Alfonso

"Who?" Asked Artemis

"Well, is the little thief from yesterday, something tells me that she would be a really great help…. Oh, speaking of the
king of Rome, there she is" Said Alfonso while looking at the right side.

There, the cats were standing in an awkward situation, besides them, there were 10 wolves guarding them.


Yesterday, after Alfonso when back to his room, the wolves take care of them, not in a bad sense of care, they escort
them to their rooms and stay there to make sure that they don't escape. Cat one also went to a similar room, however, the
one who guard this room was no one other than Cerberus, in fact, he sleep inside the room.

"Mr.Cerberus… right?... I won't try anything funny so could you at least waited outside… your eyes…. Kind of scare
the hell out of me." Said Cat One , who was still traumatized of the bluemoon, nobody knew what she had seen there,
but , she would rather kill herself than see that thing again.


With that simple word Cerberus didn't say anything else and stood right there.

Cat one made a small sight and went to sleep obediently.


"My lord, I have brought them here" Said Cerberus while sitting beside Alfonso.

"Chirp~ Chirp~"

Little Blue, who was sitting in its usual spot, was curiously looking at Cat one and the others, like a curious kid.

"Thanks for that Cerberus, Good Morning everyone, we already introduced ourselves yesterday so let me go straight to
the point, I didn't want any mice sniffing on my town, but you came here, so you put me in a bad situation" Said Alfonso
while looking at them.

"…." The four of them didn't say anything and waited for Alfonso to make his decision.

"I want to make a deal with you" Said Alfonso with a firm tone.

"???? A….. a deal?" Asked the four of them.

"Cat one, how much did the lord of Tulip pay you to come here?" Asked Alfonso.

"100 hundred gold coins.." Said Cat one.

100 hundred gold coins, it was a lot, at least, in towns like tulip, wasteland valley, etc…, 100 gold coins could ensure
food on the table for at least a year.

"Mmm… I will pay you 1000 hundred gold coins, the job is simple, for one year, you will stay here and work with the
wolves and my head hunter, Artemis" Said Alfonso.

When the cats heard the amount of coins that Alfonso offered, they almost fell, even the composed Cat One, was

"A….A THOUSAND GOLD COINS!!!???" Shout Cat Two.

"That's right, in this town, we don't really need money, so I will more than willing to give you the money, however, you
will have to work for it, so, what do you say? Do we have a deal?" Asked Alfonso.

The four of them cautiously talked with each other for some time, after that, Cat Two spoke.

"Your majesty"

She, and the rest of them, kneel in front of Alfonso.

"We, the cats, swore loyalty to you for one year" Said Cat two, emphasizing the words "One year", however, Alfonso
didn't mind.

"I know you will, if you don't….. well.." Alfonso didn't finish his sentence he just smiled and patted Cerberus.

The four of them shivered slightly, they seem to be really afraid of Cerberus.

"Just in time, the four of you go with Artemis to the Jubila Forest, she will explain to you how to hunt, do a good job,
believe it or not, Cerberus isn't the scariest person here" Said Alfonso while making a little chuckle.

Artemis just looked at him for some time before turning around to the door.

"Follow me"

She said those words and left.

The cats were stunned for some seconds before they obediently follow her.

"Are you sure about this Alfonso? " Asked Demeter after everyone left.

"You seem a little upset, Demeter"

"…..I don't like them, people who sell their loyalty for money, are no good people" Said Demeter with an indignant

Alfonso didn't know what to say, in fact, he didn't find anything wrong with that, in the modern world , humans usually
"sell" themselves to get money, it was something so natural that everyone stopped thinking and take it by something

"Well, everyone had their own circumstances, just let them be, what we need the more right now are skilled hands that
can make good use of the few resources that we have"

"….." Demeter didn't say anything else.

Alfonso feel a little awkward, he didn't know what to say.

"By the way Little Al~, now that we are alone, I can finally ask you~" Said Demeter returning to her usual candid tone.

"What is it?"

"Can you tell me the continuation of snow white? I really couldn't sleep thinking about it~"

"..." Alfonso was speechless, it seems that Snow white was more popular than the initially thought.

"Pretty please~ ?"

"…..Sure, come on, lets go to the main hall" Said Alfonso with a bitter smile, in the end, he really couldn't say no to
Demeter, after all, she wasn't someone who asked much.

Just Like that the day went by, at night, Artemis and co-o came back as usual, however, there was something different in
Artemis expression, like she was pondering about something.

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43 Conversation part one

"Whats wrong Artemis?" Asked Alfonso.

"Mmm… I was thinking of something….. Alfonso, that girl, the little one with black eyes, she has high perception and
good reflexes for being just an amateur, if I had my previous powers, I would have recruited her" Said Artemis.

Artemis was obviously talking about Cat One, after they went to the Jubila forest, She and the cats were(forcefully)
achieve a certain amount of deer, Artemis and the wolves didn't teach them anything, they just stood there waiting for
them, the cats were a little lost about what to do, in the end, Cat One made a plan for them, unlike Artemis her main
weapon was a close range one, a pair of black daggers, the other cats also have similar weapons, except for cat two,
funny enough, she didn't have a classic range weapon like a bow, instead, she had a sling, her projectiles were a kind of
rock that was harder than a normal one. In the previous fight with the wolves she couldn't do anything because of the fact
that she couldn't position herself in the battlefield.

"Speaking about blessings... Alfonso, I think is time for you to helps us to get to the next level" Said Artemis with a
serious tone.

Alfonso knew that this topic would eventually come, however, he tried to not think about it, as for why, it was very

"I don't know what they would do if they achieve the next step" Thought Alfonso.

The system, the gods…couldn't put his mind at easy every time he thought about it.

"Its impossible that something exist out of nothing, something… or someone wanted me here, in this place, it is no a
coincidence that I am here, it cant be, I wasn't anything special in my other world. I am a historian, I do hypothesis
based on facts, however, the variables are too dark to make one now, however, I do one now, the gods need me for their
path to godhood, but, when they reach that step, I won't be longer necessary. What will happen to me?" Thought

The gods, what are they looking for? What was he to them? A partner, A tool? And most importantly, what will happen
when they regain their former powers...

Alfonso thought for a long time, seeing that he didn't know what to answer, Demeter was the first to react.

"Artemis~, I just remember that Alfonso and I had to talk about something regarding the agriculture zone with Camel, do
you mind~?" Said Artemis seems to notice something, she looked at Alfonso, she made a long sigh and then turn around

"It's okay, I remember I had something to do as well."

Said Artemis while going to the refrigerator, the wolves made a slow bow to Alfonso and then went with Artemis, The
cats were already in their rooms.

"Little Al~"


"Do you mind if we have a little stroll outside?~"

"No, Lets go"

With that, Alfonso and Demeter when outside, they walked for a very long time, they didn't go anywhere in specific,
they just walk in circles. They didn't speak a single word.

After twenty minutes, Alfonso stopped.

"What's the matter, little Al~" Asked Artemis.

"You aren't going to ask?"

"Ask…. Ask what?"

"Why I didn't answer Artemis"

"Oh… that…. No , I won't. I don't need to, because, I already know the answer" Said Artemis without looking at

"Its not that I don't trust you…. You and Artemis are the only friends...…no, in fact, you two are more than friends to me,
in this new world, you two are the only ones that I have" Said Alfonso, facing Demeter's back.

"...I know that" Answered Demeter after a brief pause.

"It's just that…" Alfonso didn't know how to put it in words.

After that the both of them remain in silence once again.


Said Demeter, breaking the silence.

"Alfonso, do you know what the difference between gods and humans is?" Asked Demeter.

Alfonso remained silence.

After some minutes, he made a bitter smile.

"I don't know…. No human can know"

Demeter made a small smile and said

"As expected, you are indeed an interesting human, yeah, like you said, you cant know, we , the gods, are something that
surpass humanity, we are above you and will always be, for us, humans are just toys, we can kill you just by thinking
about it. Don't think that I am an exception, I have killed many humans before, I have seen them died of hunger,
sicknesses… for us, watching you human died, is the same as you were watching an ant died, nothing worth mention it"
Said Demeter in a voice that penetrate Alfonso's heart.
"Me, Artemis and my other brothers and sisters are the same. The fact that I don't have my powers now, and I am just
like any other mortal upsets me every single time of the day, I feel vulnerable, I feel powerless…. I feel human"

After a long paused, Demeter finally spoke out her mind. Alfonso only listened her.

"The same goes for Artemis, however, she seems to put your feeling in a high regard, to actually waited this long to ask
for an evolution….. it seems that seeing that little Cat One shook her, is obvious, just think about it, seeing someone so
good in what you are supposed to be the best, it will shake the core of everyone…. " Said Demeter.

After some minutes, Alfonso finally spoke.

"Demeter…. What…. What will happen to me when I give you back your powers?" Asked Alfonso.


Demeter didn't say anything, she just stood there for some time, looking at the full moon.

Just then, she turned around and made a face that Alfonso have never seen before.

"Alfonso, I only have one purpose in this life, and that is to rescue my daughter from the underworld, I will do anything
for that objective, no matter who interpose in my way….. humans….gods…. destiny…. I will kill every single one who
steps on my way…. And that.."

She paused for some time.

"And that includes you, Alfonso"

Said Demeter with a coldness that it was so inappropriate for this candid goddess that, if Alfonso wasn't standing there,
he wouldn't have believed that the one talking was Demeter.

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44 Conversation- part two

Alfonso stay quiet for a long time, however, his gaze never left Demeter's eyes.

"At the end, no matter what you look like or how much empathy you have for us, you aren't human" Said Alfonso

"It's in my nature, whatever I like it or not, I am a goddess" Said Demeter with a bitter smile.

Demeter looked at Alfonso and she was surprised of what she saw.

"This is a first, for your character, I didn't believe that you could get so pissed"

Alfonso didn't say anything, he slowly walked towards Demeter, the funny thing was that , while he was walking, his
expression changed to a more relaxed one, however, the stomp he made with the cane became louder and louder.

Alfonso stopped when he was at 3 meters of Demeter.

"What are you aiming for?" Asked Alfonso.

"I already told you thought" Answered the confused Demeter.

"Funny, if you want to play innocent, then I will follow." Said Alfonso

At that moment, he took a step forward and grabbed Demeter's collar.

"You think I am scared of you?" Said Alfonso.

"Eh?" Demeter, who was so stunned, didn't know what to answered.

"Let me tell you something, If history has taught me something is that, no matter what time or what civilization, POWER
ALWAYS RULES, In this place, in this world, I AM THE ONE IN CONTROL, not you, not Artemis, not any of the
gods!" Said Alfonso while letting Demeter go.

"I decided since I got here, I will do everything to survive, and, just like you, I will eliminate everything that interferes
in my goal, If someone wants to hurt me or my people, they will wish they were dead!"

Demeter didn't know what to do.

"Is this…..Is this really the Alfonso that I know!?" Demeter thought.

"You are just a fragil-cripped human, how are you going to survive in this place, you will be dead if I and Artemis
didn't help you!" Said Demeter.

"Maybe, but don't forget that I am the one who bring you here in the first place, even if I am a crippled human, I have
power, and that power is you, the gods!" Declare Alfonso.

"Hoh? That's strange, Didn't I just tell you that once we get powerful enough, our positions won't be the same? "

"That's on the premise that I stay the way I am now" Declared Alfonso.

"What do you mean?"

"Demeter, don't tell me that you think that just because you are gods, no one can kill you? I know, and you also know,
that gods can die... or I have to remember you that you used to have a brother called Pan."

"!!" Demeter made a surprised expression

Pan, he was a Greek god who didn't shiny that much compared to his older brothers and sisters , however, he was very
well-known in the historian's community for being the one and only god that died, a lot of myths and legends described
how he died in different ways, however, the fact that he did die was well-known among the Olympics.

"Are you treating me, Alfonso?" Asked Demeter

"No, not before not now did I ever consider you or Artemis an enemy, I am just telling you what will happen if…. This
is not a threat… is a promise" Said firmly Alfonso.

Demeter just looked at him, like it was the first time seeing him. After a while, she smiled.

"You will have to became more than just a powerful man to rule over us, more than our sovereign Zeus"
"Of course I know that, I, as a human, will rule over the gods"

Alfonso raise his cane and pointed it to Demeter.

"I will surpass Zeus and became the supreme sovereign of these lands, this world will be my Olympus!" Declared

Demeter stood there and made a bright smile, like a wife seeing her husband in his shiniest moment.

"Big words you got there, however, can you actually do it? "

A voice came from behind Alfonso, however, he didn't need to look back to know who that person was.

"Artemis, I was wondering how long you will be hiding" Said Alfonso without turning back.

"You knew?"

"I had a feeling, no matter how much you respect Demeter, you wouldn't just let such an important topic just like that, but
after Demeter told me that she will "kill", I confirm it, after all…"

He looked again at Demeter who made a guilty smile.

"Demeter, in this form, isn't someone who would use the word "kill" " Said Alfonso

"Well~ , he got me Artemis, little Al is very perceptive after all~" Said Demeter returning to her usual candid

"Sorry for the inconvenience Demeter" Said Artemis

"My~My~ , no need to~, however, it seems that you are still not satisfy, am I right?" Asked Demeter.

After saying that Demeter sat in the ground while looking at Artemis and Alfonso, her job was done after all.


Alfonso turned around.

"Alfonso, since I came to this world, I have seeing you how you transform from a normal human to something else,
however, despite seeing your change, I haven't change my mind.

I still think that humans could never surpass the gods, not even you " Declared Artemis.

"…." Alfonso stayed quiet.

"I can't follow someone who is inferior to me, I can't, no matter how intelligent you are, or how many plans, at the end
of the day, you are just a human, that's why…!"

Artemis grabbed her bow and thrown it to the floor.

"Prove it to me , prove that you aren't just empty words, if you can't even defeat me in my most vulnerable state, then
surpassing my father is just a dream, and I don't have time to be with dreamers!" Said Artemis with a cold tone.

Alfonso stayed quiet, but at the end, a small smile appeared in his mouth

"You want proofs right? Then I will show them to you"

Alfonso grabbed his cane, and he felt his body relaxing then, he looked at Artemis.

"She still looks beautiful under the moon" Thought Alfonso.

He took a deep breath.

"Then LETS BEGIN!" Shout Alfonso while spreading towards Artemis.

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45 Artemis vs Alfonso
Artemis was surprised , she didn't think that Alfonso would spread towards her, after all, he was a crippled man!

Although she was surprised ,her expression became colder.

"Mark of the hunter" murmured Artemis

After a while, points appear in all Alfonso's body, for this, Artemis could interpret that Alfonso was even below an
average soldier, physically speaking.

Artemis waited for Alfonso to be near her and made a sidekick aiming to his injured leg!


However, before the kick reach the leg, something blocked it.


The cane intercepted the leg of Artemis.


Before Artemis could end, a punch flew stray to her face.


A bit of blood appeared in the face of Artemis while she got back two steps, for the impact, it was obvious that Alfonso
didn't hold back at all!

"Impossible, this time reaction…."

Artemis was confused, she wasn't a master of close combat, however, she knew the basics, and she knew that Alfonso ,
in his condition, shouldn't be able to react this fast.

Alfonso go back some steps and stared at Artemis, his heart was beating like crazy.

"My assumption was right, this is the biggest flaw in the mark of the hunter!" Thought Alfonso.
"Mark of the hunter, Artemis signature ability, no matter what time is it, she will always use this ability, like the
description says, she will be able to see the flaws on my movements and my body, that's why this ability is so scary,
however... that's also the hole in her armor!" Thought Alfonso.

Mark of the hunter, the ability to see flaws, it was obvious that the human body have many flaws, however, some flaws
are "deeper" than others. Artemis, who knows this, always attack at the "deeper" flaw, that's why this ability was lethal,
because we usually don't know where our flaws are, however, this wasn't the case for Alfonso, he was more than clear
were his flaws were, and he knew, that his biggest flaw was obviously his crippled leg!

"I know my own body the most thanks to the system" Thought Alfonso.

Artemis looked at Alfonso and then, the wings on her waist extended.

"Nice punch.

It won't happen again" Said Artemis.

After that her wings cover her for a sec before she disappeared in front of Alfonso!

"This!" Thought Alfonso


A huge noise come from his side, Alfonso looked, he saw a white hand pressing on his ribs.


A few crunching sound could be heard before Alfonso jumped to one side, however, the damaged was already done.

"AHHHHHH!" Shout Alfonso.

He could barely breath, however, he didn't stop moving he grabbed his cane and put himself on guard.

"The…. Recovery… working…." Thought Alfonso.

If he was the Alfonso before the horde, he would probably need to stay on bed for at least a month, however, now, he
had his passive ability!

"Where is she…?"Alfonso tried his best to avoid thinking in the pain he was feeling from the side and started looking
from Artemis, however, he knew that it was meaningless.

"Shadowless, what a disgusting ability" Thought Alfonso.

As he was marked with the mark of the hunter, he couldn't see Artemis.

"However, as her previous ability, it isn't flawless"

After thinking for a moment, Alfonso looked at the store in the system and saw what he was looking for.

After some time, a palm came from behind Alfonso, sending him one more time to the ground.

"Shit… my back!" Cursed Alfonso.

"Is that all? Then, I am utterly disappointed, Alfonso" Said Artemis, however, her silhouette didn't appear.

"Well, it is?..." Said Alfonso with a low voice.

"Hmph, then, you can just stay here." Said Artemis

After that, she run towards Alfonso and made a lethal kick aiming to his head!

However, After she lifted his right leg, she felt like she was losing balance.

"Eh?" Thought Artemis, then, she looked down, she saw the cane one more time, grabbing her ankle.

"Time for you to be on the ground!" Shout Alfonso before pulling the came towards him. Artemis, who had her leg
lifted, suddenly fell to the ground from the loss of balance.


Artemis fell to the ground and hit her head, just as he was going to stand up, Alfonso jump and put his cane on her throat,
however, Artemis didn't let him. She made a swift motion and grabbed the cane, however, just she grabbed the cane,
Artemis felt a repulsive force coming from the cane!

"Shit!" Artemis cursed while letting go of the cane.

Alfonso didn't miss the opportunity and once again put the cane on her throat, this time, he put all the weight of his body
on hers.

"Give up!" Shout Alfonso.

"Not yet" Answer Artemis,

Her wing suddenly move, she lifted a little bit of earth with it and throw it to Alfonso's eyes.

"Fuck, my eyes!" Alfonso grabbed his eyes, Artemis lifted her body and pushed Alfonso to the ground this time.

Alfonso tried to move, but he was unable to shake Artemis out.

"How?" Asked Artemis

"How what?"

"How did you know I was there?" Asked Artemis with curiosity.

"Oh that….. With this"

Alfonso took out a small empty bottle from his pocket, After Artemis saw it, she recognized it.

"The tear of Gaia?"

"That's right, although this tear is colorless, it had a kind of smell that is difficult to confused… If I had to say it in other
words, I would say that is like perfume" Answer sincerely Alfonso.

When Artemis hid his ribs, Alfonso took out the bottle and throw it towards Artemis.

"…. As expected, you are quite the tactician"

"Thank you"

"If you were born in my epoch, every god would love to have you as their champion....even I " Said Artemis while
looking straight to Alfonso.

"…. Unfortunately, you couldn't surpass the gods, is truly….. a shame" Said Artemis while making a small sigh.

"Oh? But I haven't given up yet" Said Alfonso.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean…. This!..... go LITTLE BLUE!" Shout suddenly Alfonso


Above his head, little blue suddenly appear, with its small claws it flew straight towards Artemis' eyes.

"Shit!" Artemis shouted, then instantly cover her eyes

Alfonso took this chance, he grabbed his cane and lifted with all his strength.


A loud sound came from Artemis's head as the cane impact towards it.

Artemis's vision blurred for a moment before falling to the ground.

Alfonso stood up slowly while grabbing his ribs. A small trace of blood could be seemed in Artemis's head. Alfonso
kneel and watched Artemis who was grabbing her hurting head.

"I think….. I won this one…. Don't you think?" Asked Alfonso to Little blue who was floating at his side.

"Chirp~" Nodded Little Blue.

"That's...that's cheating!" Shouted Demeter, who has been watching the fight from afar.

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46 Title Hidden
"Cheating? No, no . If history has taught me something is that history itself its wrote by the ones who win, you call it
cheating, I call it tactics" Said shamelessly Alfonso.

Alfonso knew that his only possibility to win was with a surprise attack, after all, Artemis was way beyond his league,
however, he also knew that Artemis was playing with disadvantage since the beginning.

"No matter how good she is, she is a hunter, so she isn't good at hand-on-hand combat, I bet that the other gods will
probably will need to lift a finger to kill me" Though Alfonso.
After seeing that Alfonso didn't say anything else, Demeter made a sigh and went to Artemis side, she was still lying
unconscious on the spot.

"She is just unconscious, the blow didn't hit anything important… Little Al, when she wakes up, she will really kill you"
Say Demeter while touching her forehead.

"I don't…..hmmm…..well I will think about it later" Said Alfonso.

After some minutes, Artemis finally woke up. At first, she was a little confused but alter, she almost killed Alfonso for
real this time, however, we won't got into details.

"Like I say,,,, is called tactics!" Said Alfonso, while sobbing his purple eye.

"Shut up! It's supposed to be an honorable fight but you…. You cheat!" Shout Artemis.

"I didn't , little blue was always above my head, if you didn't see it, that's your problem"


"Well, at the end I won, didn't I?"

Artemis didn't know what to say , at the end, she just made a long sigh and look straight to Alfonso.

"Well, no matter what , a win is a win" Said Artemis.

"Are you sure about this, Artemis?" Demeter asked with a firm voice.

"...Yeah….. I have made my mind, plus , he did win after all."

Suddenly, Artemis did something that made Alfonso stunned.

"Alfonso Lockheart"

Artemis said with a firm voice, then she knelt in front of Alfonso.


Suddenly a message from the system appear!








Alfonso didn't know what to do, when a small golden light appear above Artemis head, the small light took the shape of
a small pigeon and then blew towards Alfonso passing through his forehead.
"What the-"

[System notification!]

Before Alfonso were able

[Goddess Artemis has jury loyalty towards host, Alfonso Lockheart

Sub-mission: Loyalty (1/12) :

Description: The Greek gods are entities summoned by the system in order to aid host, however, the system does not
have the authority to change their state of mind, they are rulers, not servants. In this world, you have to use the best of
your abilities to ensure that the gods follow your leadership. When a god jury loyalty, he or she will be unable to hurt
you, he or she has accepted you as his or her lord and will be unable to change for the rest of his or her life!

Rewards: 10000 Drachmas, One random ability of the god or goddess.

Remark One: The ability that its selected will come with all the passive abilities associated.

Remark two:

Congratulations for making your first god, Artemis, your Loyal servant.

Keep walking the path towards been a supreme sovereign!]

Alfonso didn't any time to react when he felt a small pain on his forehead.

[Congratulations to host, you have acquired the follow abilities from Goddess Artemis:

Active Ability : Mark of the hunter(Level 2)

Passive Ability : Shadowless(Level 2)

Remark: Your abilities will level up when goddess Artemis level up]

"Mark of the hunter? Well you sure are lucky"

A voice came from his side, he saw Artemis looking at him with curiosity.


"Well, your iris… its color change to red" Said Artemis.

Alfonso noticed that he could see points on Artemis body, then he looked to his own body, the points on his body were
so big compared to the ones on Artemis.

"I…I don't what to say...why…." Alfonso was confused, he didn't how a small duel lead to this.

"You know, when I was younger, I used to watch my father all the time, he was impressive you know"

Artemis say while an unusual smile appear on her face.

"He had his flaws….like women….. but, all in all, he was….my hero" Said Artemis.
"He always taught me that humans are fascinating creatures, they always surpass their limits in ways that even gods
couldn't…. I never believe it…. Not until now" Said Artemis

Then, she grabbed Alfonso's hand looked at him.

"I have a feeling….. That you will change my mind over and over again… and that feeling….. I like it, so let me by your
side, until you change the world" Said Artemis with a small smile.

Alfonso was fascinated with Artemis, he had a sudden urgent to hold her in his arms, but he managed to suppress it. He
only looked at her and hold her hand even harder.

"I promise that I will show it to you" Said Alfonso with a smile

"I know you will…. My lord" Said Artemis

Both of them looked at each other for some time.

"Ahem.... I am still here you know?"

A voice suddenly broke the moment, Alfonso looked and the one talking was no one other than Demeter, who has been
almost forgotten.

"My~ My~ , way to go little Al, managing to acquire Artemis's oath~ , not bad, not bad at all~"

Alfonso feel a little ashamed, so he didn't say anything, on the other hand, Artemis didn't seem to mind.

"Anyway, now that everything is resolved. How about we head back?" Asked Artemis.

"Wait" Said Alfonso.

"What is it little Al?"

"There is one more thing..... I've never say it to you before, so I may as well say it now…. I wouldn't been able to get
where I am if you two weren't there for me…. So, I wanted to say…

Thank you" Said Alfonso while bowing towards Artemis and Demeter.

They were both surprised, before long, they made a small smile towards Alfonso.

"And for your efforts until now, I would like to give you the both of you something"

""?"" The both of them didn't know what Alfonso was talking about.


[Yes, Host]

"Invest all the Drachmas that you need and let Artemis and Demeter evolve to the Hero level!" Declared Alfonso.

[As you order, Host!]

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47 Prologue
It was a cold night on Tulip Town. The night-life on Tulip was quite prosperous, this city was also known as the "rest
of Heroes", men and women came here to satisfy their carnal desires. On Tulip, prostitution was a well known
business, In fact, the major powers on Tulip Town were on this business, of course, like any other business, it had it
dark side.

As for the most known brothel on Tulip, it will be without a dude Angels. Angels was known for being the most
exclusive brothel on Tulip, not anyone could enter, you have to, at the very least, come from a royal family and the
minimum of gold that you have to spend were at least 3 golden coins, of course, you will have access to the "finest"
woman and man, everything that your heart desire, you could get, some people even say, that you could get children
here, of course, that will be an extra charge.

However, these are only rumors….

Inside Angels, in a luxury room, A man of 40 something years old was happily drinking with a gorgeous woman, she
was dressed in a tight black dress, and had a tattoo on his neck, a pair of white wings, this was the "Mark of property"
of Angels.

"Cirus, come here babe, I am really tired" Said the man.

"I am here, my king, how is the work going?" Said Cirus while sitting on the man lap.

"Is exhausting, his majesty is giving me more and more work, even I get tired you know?"

"Well~ I am also really sad, you used to come here all nights, but now, you come here 3 or four times a week at the

"Ha~ tell me about it, is just that those fucking morons hasn't come back from Wasteland Valley, if this continues, I am
afraid that we will have to prepare for the worse" Said The man with a worried face.

"The worse? What do you mean?"

"...Is nothing, I am just blabbering around because I am drunk, now~now~, don't be lazy and move that ass, oh!, and call
your sister too, I am on fire!"

"Oh~! Ok, ok , you are the greatest my Lord~" Said Cirus while hugging the man.

"HAHAHA, I know I am! HAHA"

Soon, another beautiful girl came to the man' s room, after that she joined them. What they do in that room that
night….well…. it doesn't need an explanation.


[Somewhere far away from Tulip Town- Vega City]

[In the moon's bar]

"Master, that old man is doing it again" Said a muscular man with a mustache.
"Ha~ , I know it, he comes here every single day and whatever he comes, he always talks nonsense! My head hurts just
by hearing him you know" Said the master of this bar, Yuri.

"Why don't you just kick him out?"

"Well….. I feel sorry for him, and more than that, he always pays his debs on time... unlike you"

"Oh…ja, ja… Well ,you know master…. The business isn't going so well~"

"Yeah, yeah, sure"

"And you cant compare me with him, I mean…. He only pays his drinks with the money that he takes away from us!"
Said the man with indignation.

"I don't know why you keep competing with him, he always wins, literally, I 've never seen anyone beat him in a
discussion… even scholars can't beat him, you remember Harrison?, he wanted to discuss about the concept of Justice
with that man… after 1 hour, he went crying back to his house and has not left it since them" Said The master.

"Is because that man always cheat!, Look! He is doing it again!" Said the muscular man

Both them look a few tables away from them, there, an old man was looking with some tears on his eyes to a young man
with dark hair.

"Like I tell you, JUSTICE IS WHAT IT IS" Said the old man.

"How did you get to that conclusion?" Asked The young man.

"That's… that's is common sense!"

"What do you mean exactly by common sense?"


"You can't explain an expression with the same expression is like I tell you that a table is a table because is a table, it
doesn't make sense right?"


"Lets go back a little bit back, lets assume that you are wrong about what you call common sense, what consequence
will that bring to you?"

"....." The old man couldn't take it anymore, and a few tears rolled from his check.

"Hey, why are you crying? Usually , someone cries when someone is sad, but I feel that you aren't sad, why is that?"

"That's because-"

"Speaking about sadness, emotions are truly fascinating, why do you think-"

PLEASE JUST SHUT UP?" Asked the old man.

"No, no, Lets continue, why do you think is so important that humans know how to cr-"
"NO, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! , MOMMY SAVE ME!!!" Said the old man while running away from the bar.

The other customers, who were watching the show just made a small sigh.

"Other one that bites the dust, huh?"

"I know the feels man, the first time I discuss with that kid, I wanted to kill myself, I didn't know what to believe

"Tell me about it, when we discuss about love…. I almost leave my wife "

"That young man is amazing… in a pretty strange way"

While all the customers were discussing, the young man was sitting on his table, he made a small sigh and look at the
money the old man left behind.

"When will you come…. The person that she promises me that will understand me the most…." Said the young man
while asking for some beer.

"Alfonso….." Murmured the young man while drinking a long sip of beer.


This place was a dark one, darker than night itself, no human lived on this land. Only then, who were worship by
humanity could live here. Nobody knew where this place was, it didn't have a name, it didn't need one to begin with.

"Asteus" A small silhouette, like the silhouette of a child, could be distinguished in the darkness.

"Hmm, what is it, Peto" Said a voice coming from nowhere, but , at the same time, from everything.

"It seems that a new champion has born in Leitol, at not only one, but two of them!"

"Hoh? That's very unusual… where are they?"

"That's the strange thing…. Vulcanus feel they aura for only a fraction of a second, however, she is sure that she feel it"

"Maybe is her imagination?"

"Maybe….. Is strange because she told me that the aura came from far away, the place that Primordius used to
protect….. Wasteland Valley I think is was called?"

When he heard the word "Primordius", his attention suddenly was called.

"….. Leave a message to one of my champions, whoever is free, go to Wasteland Valley and bring me all the info that
they can get"

"As your order" Said the small silhouette while bowing.

After Peto disappear, Asteus remained for some time, after that, he disappeared and reappear in other space, however,
in this space, the laws of time and space where a little off.

"Primordius.... You better stay quiet on this place, you know that I can kill you anytime I want right?"

A pair of red eyes came from the darkness, Primordius didn't feel comfortable anytime he looked at those pair of eyes,
he felt like…

"Like they are laughing at me" Thought Asteus.

After that he leave that space, and everything was enveloped by darkness once again.

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48 Conspiracy behind the curtains

"Leonardo, what's the situation?" Said Felio Grimo, The lord of Tulip Town.

"Your majesty, We haven't heard a word of the cats since they went to Wasteland Valley, I am afraid..." Said Leonardo

"This is what were afraid of…. It since that the horde has already invaded Wasteland Valley and when they run out of
food, their next stop will be Tulip Town….."

"Your majesty, that isn't the only problem" Said Leonardo with a heavy expression.

"What is it?"

"…. Yesterday, I went to Angels, When I was going out this morning, I heard a commotion at the entrance of Tulip,
there, I saw a young man with long-brown hair with two escorts, they had the Arcadia's emblem on their shields….."

"You mean..."

"As I am afraid, Arcadia had sent an ambassador, he is waiting outside…." Said Leonardo while looking at the

".... I knew that old man would make a move, I didn't expect to be this fast though....." Said Felio while grabbing his

"Let him in" Declared Felio.

After that, Leonardo bowed and made a gesture, two maids opened the door, A young man with long brown hair came in
escorted by two guards, this young man was the youngest son of Titio Grero, Felipe Grego.

"To actually send his own son…." Though Felio with a bad premonition on his heart.

"Long live the king of Tulip Town, Felio Grimo, I , The third prince of Arcadia, Felipe Grego, is honored to be in your
presence" Said Felio while making a small bow.

"Prince Felipe, you are been to humble, How could I not meet you, however, this king is wondering, why have you
come to this town?" Asked Felio

"Straight to the point huh? I like his majesty's forwardness. You see your Majesty, my father is extremely worried about
the possible treat that the horde is currently representing to Tulip Town, as a Brother Town, we, Arcadia Town, can
stay still, so, I have a proposal from my father, you see, My father had told me that he would send Alfredo, the champion
of Arcadia city, with 500 men to help Tulip Town, what do you say?" Said Felipe with a confident smile.
"It seems that the old man is putting my back against the wall…" Thought Felio.

"….You forgot something in your statement, Prince Felipe"

"Oh what is it?"

"What are your conditions" Declared Felio with a firm voice.

"Hoh, How could I forget such a crucial detail, it seems , that I , Felipe Gregio, have much to learn, for that, I
apologies" Said Felipe while bowing

"…." However, Felio didn't answer.

"My father only wants you to marry princess Susana to me, of course, she will get all the benefits that Arcadia Town has
to offer, for instance, she will only have to change her last name to Arcadia, I know that princess's Susanna is your only
daughter, but you don't have to worry, I assure you that I will not make the same mistakes that Lucio Did." Said Felipe
with a happy smile.

Felio had to try really hard to not walk and slap his pretty face to dead.

"You forgot to mention that, since Susana is the heir to me throne, The Arcadia family will have the control of Tulip
Town" Said Felio.

"I won't deny it, however your majesty, I will be totally honest with you, you don't have a choice, have you?" Said

"YOU DARE TO DISRESPECT HIS MAJESTY!" Shout Leonardo, who couldn't tolerate anymore.

Immediately, the two guards of Felipe point their swords to Leonardo.

"Stop it!" Shout Felio

"Felipe, Tell the old man , that I will not accept his proposal, if you don't have anything else to say, get the hell out of
my presence!"

Felipe was about to say something, but he stopped, he made a small smile and bowed to Felio.

"It seems that my presence it's no longer welcomed, so I will just leave, I hope to see your majesty again, goodbye"

With that, Felipe and his guards left.

"Your majesty…." Leo said while looking that Felio hasn't said anything since Felipe left


"My lord"

"Put the town on red alert, nobody enters or leaves, I want all my guards to prepared themselves"

"Your majesty….. you mean..!"

"We can't defend against two enemies, so we need to strike while we can
In two weeks,



"Your highness, are you sure we shall live just like this? We promise that you promise that you will take Susana back to
Arcadia" Said one of the guards to Felipe who was calming reading on his room.

"Oh? But we will take Susana back to Arcadia" Said Felipe


"You know? Actually, my father hasn't told anything about helping Tulip Town" Said Felipe with a little smile.

"Wha- then..."

"Well just look, at most in a month, I will take Susana back to Arcadia and it will be as easy as taking a candy from a

"I have faith in the future lord of Arcadia, my lord Felipe!" Said the guard while kneeling.

"And your faith will be rewarded in the near future, I can't wait until my father gets old enough to past the throne… so I
will give him…hmm… let's call it a little push, for that, I need that you and your brother to do a couple of tasks for me"

"Your wish is my command"

After that, the guard left the room.

"Felio, you are so easy to read that is quite admirable, you will be my secret ally, for that, I promise to treat your
daughter well"

After that, he closed his book and looked at the moon.

"You just don't love when everything goes according to plan?"

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49 blank
"My lord we had successfully harvested the first batch of wheat on sectors 2 4 and 6 , the potatoes haven't harvest just
yet, however, the sector 1 and three are almost there, Camel told me that we will have it at most by the end of the month,
with this, we should have enough food for the spring even if the commoners had three meals a day!" Said
enthusiastically Ribeiro, who was reporting the state of the agriculture.

Sitting om his throne, Alfonso happily read the information.

"This is awesome, it was two weeks less than expected, it seems that using the tears of Gaia had a nice effect on the
land, this is going well." Thought Alfonso.
"Ribeiro, how are the classes going?"

"My lord, as you requested , the adults send their children under the age of 13 to classes, Tailor is given classes from 8
a.m. to 2 p.m. , it seems that everything is going well, the percentage of adults that comes to classes is 49%, mostly
women, the majority of men are on the hunting teams, so they don't have time."

"That's okay, now that we have more hands we can use our human resources more efficiently- oh speaking of the devil,
they have come back."

When he say that, A woman with brown wings on her waist came in, at her side, there were 20 wolves, these wolves
were bigger than before, apparently the influence of Artemis make them stronger than before.

"Well, it may be because of her new abilities" Thought Alfonso.

Just when the wolves came in, another 10 children came in. These children were all white color and were all female,
they had a bow and arrows just like Artemis.

"These children of Okeanos surely were expensive" Though Alfonso

Okeanos. Also known as Oceanus, was the personification of the sea in the Greek Mythology, when Artemis was born,
her father Zeus gift her seven wishes, one of them was having her own little army of children of Okeanos, sixty of them.

"Of course, every of them cost 100 Drachmas, I could only afford 10 of them, and once more, I am broke…. Well, is
worthy, these children of Okeanos might not be as good as Artemis, but they surely are way more powerful than a
normal archer, even Cat one wouldn't be able to beat the ten of them" Thought Alfonso.

"Artemis, guys , Welcome back" Said Alfonso.

"My lord, I am back"


""We salute his highness Alfonso Lockheart"" Said in unison the 10 girls.

Alfonso wasn't use to this kind of Formality, but the children wouldn't salute in any way than this one to him, so give up.

"Artemis, how is the hunting going? The commoners are adapting well?" Asked Alfonso.

"Hmph! Well , at least they don't hurt their own fingers while drawing the bow like before, I feel sorry for my little girls
that have to patiently teach them, if this was the past, they should have pierced their heads with an arrow for being such
idiots!" Said Artemis with her usual cold voice.

Alfonso didn't say anything and jus chuckle already, he was used to Artemis hard words anyway.

"Where are the cats?" Asked Alfonso.

"I don't know anything about the other three, but my stupid disciple is currently training, I set her a mission, if she cant
get it done by the end of the day, I will punish her" Said Artemis with a sinister smile.

"Poor kid…." Thought Alfonso.

After Artemis evolve to the hero level, she decided to take Cat one as a disciple, of course, Cat One refused, however,
Artemis had her own ways to convince her….. however, we will not talk about them, because we could traumatize our
dear readers, lets just say that she convinced her, so Cat One became Artemis's first disciple.

"And what is her mission?" Asked Alfonso.

"To get neear you within a range of 5 meters without you notice her" Said Bluntly Artemis.

"Artemis…." Said Alfonso while feeling an incoming headache.

"Of course I have to be hard on her, she will be my future champion after all" Said Artemis.

Alfonso felt his headache increasing, but he didn't say anything else.

"Your majesty, as for the other three cats, I have them take miss Demeter to the Agriculture zone as her escorts" Said

"Oh, it seems that those three have been around Demeter a lot lately, don't they?" Asked Alfonso.

"Its Demeter, she has this aura that attracts people after all" Said Artemis.

"I guess so….. Anyway, it seems that Little Pit while come in just a few hours, so I will go back to my room to prepare
for the lesson, don't forget to show up Artemis" Said Alfonso.

"…..I always go"

"I mean to ALL the lesson"

Artemis was taken back but this statement, the true was that Artemis didn't go to Alfonso's lesson until the very end, yes,
just about the time he begins the story time...

"I don't see the point, I don't get it."

"You are a goddess"

"I am not Athena"

"That's not the point here!" Said Alfonso.

"Anyway I am going back now, girls, lets go!" Said Artemis, after that, she went to her room, following behind her,
were the little girls, these little girls were a bit special, they didn't need to sleep, so they usually stay on the first floor

"My headache is increasing by a lot today….. anyway you guys can go to your usual patrolling duty, the dinner will be
as usual so don't be late" Said Alfonso to the wolves.

The wolves howl and prostrate to Alfonso before going on their way. After Alfonso signed(forcefully) the contract with
Cerberus, he gained the ability to comprehend the wolf language and vice versa ,the wolves usually were very friendly
with Alfonso, they even let him mount them, of course if other human try it, they will rip them to pieces.

"Those guys are living a good life, nothing compared to before, however, I think that they need to see some blood every
now and them, they can't forget that they are swords after all"

A voice came from Alfonso's lap, if was the lazy formidable wolf leader Cerberus.

"I don't know... I would like to omit bloodshed as most as possible."

"You are as soft as always Alfonso."

"Maybe" Said Alfonso with a small smile.

"Chirp~, chirp, chirp!"

A small voice came from above Alfonso's head, it was little blue , who was comfortably sleeping.

"What do you mean by stupid dog?! Alfonso! Control that little idiot or I will make chicken wings today!"

"Chirp!" Said in a firm voice little blue.

"Stop it , you two, for god's sake…." Said Alfonso.

With that Alfonso went back to his room. Just when Alfonso was about to relax, a message come from the system.

[Congratulations to host! , the mission We are hungry has been complete!]

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50 New mission
[The main mission "We are hungry" have been completed, Congratulations to host!]

When Alfonso heard the notification from the system, he was relieved.

"I only had two more weeks before the end line, good thing that the tear of Gaia surpass my initial calculations" Thought

[As before the system will give host the following rewards:

- 5000 Drachmas

- One god from the system

Additionally, the next mission is now available:

[ 1.4 ) Declaration of Independence!

Description : Now that you have successfully ensured that you people are anywhere near dying, you have to start
thinking further, right now, your nation Is as poor as one could think, people live in bad conditions and the weather
doesn't help, you have one year to improve the infrastructure of Wasteland Valley ensuring that every single family will
have a home and stable job, additionally, you will create a government that will administrate everything that happens on
Wasteland Valley, for this, you will need to find People with especial abilities to be the head of 5 ministries: health,
economics, education, culture and Infrastructure, finally, you will have to make a flag on your own and separate yourself
from the Lockheart's Monarchy. In one year, on this same day, you will declare your independence.

Rewards : 10000 Drachmas plus two gods.

Remark One : The first minister, the minister of economics ,Pythagoras, has already been found.]

Alfonso looked carefully at the description of the new mission.

"One year….. Its not enough time at the rate that I am going, especially the fact that I have to find 4 more ministers, I
mean, finding Pythagoras could already be called a miracle… What I am supposed to do now" Thought Alfonso.

This past months have been quite relaxing for Alfonso, now that the new mission came, he felt a lot of pressure.

"Well, I gain nothing by worrying, What I need to do now is concentrated in what I can do, and that is… Changing the
infrastructure this Town!" Thought Alfonso.

In fact, Alfonso knew that he had, somehow, build better houses for the people here, the prefabricated houses were
made of bad wood so the cold air could trespass easily the houses and the weather didn't help, even in summer. The
problem was how.

"My knowledge on construction is basically in the amateur level, although I have the basics… is not
enough….unless…..!" Suddenly Alfonso Thought of something.

[The system will begin calling the new god now]

A message from the system suddenly popped on Alfonso's head.

"Alfonso, What's happening"

Suddenly, Artemis appeared behind Alfonso.

"Artemis, didn't you go back to your room?"

"I feel something, so I came, Demeter must be on her way… don't tell me that…"

"Yes, is as you are thinking… One god is coming!"

Just when Alfonso finished his sentence. A black vortex Appear in front of him.

"My lord, what is that!" Shout Cerberus.

"Chirp!" Said Little blue while floating beside Alfonso.

The vortex began to emit a force that me everyone flew apart!

"Shit!" Said Alfonso

Before he falls to the ground , somebody caught him.

"Alfonso, Are you okay?" Said Artemis.

"Yeah.. Thanks, but what is happening? This is totally different when you came!" Asked Alfonso.

"... Demeter, as well as I, aren't exactly powerful gods on the Olympus" Said Artemis.

"… What do you mean?" Asked Alfonso while the force on the vortex keep increasing.

"As you may know, I am the daughter of the most powerful god on the Olympus, Zeus, however, my mother was only a
titan that loss her powers in the war between gods and titans, that is why, my powers are equivalent to second-
generation gods…. Just like my brother Apollo… " Said Artemis while trying to repel the powerful curtains of air that
the vortex was generating.

"However….. there are gods like Demeter, who aren't like the rest of us, for example, in this form, Demeter could be
considered to have less power than a second-generation god, however is she was in her adult form, she could defeat me
easily and if she was in her old form… she could barely fight hand-on-hand with Poseidon or Hades." Said Artemis.

"And...and what about her ultimate form…?" Asked Alfonso.

Artemis stayed silent for some time, after thinking about it, she said

"Even my father wouldn't be able to defeat her" Said Artemis.

Alfonso was stunned, he didn't know that Demeter was so powerful! But… but it was strange!

"Demeter is the goddess of Agriculture, in theory, she shouldn't be this powerful….. it seems that we, historians, have
miss something, I need to be careful with the information I have from the gods…." Thought Alfonso

Finally, the powerful winds coming from the vortex settle down, just in time when someone came to the hall.

"Artemis, what is happening!" Said Demeter while entering the hall in a rush.

"Demeter, it seems that something troublesome is coming." Said Artemis while looking at the Vortex.

Alfonso looked at the vortex and feel something coming from it.

"What is this….. I feel….. hot" Said Alfonso.

Suddenly the temperature of the hall increase and increase until everyone felt suffocated.

"Who is coming?!" Asked Alfonso while painting.

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51 A nice guy ?
A mature man, maybe in his earlier 40s came out from the vortex, he had short red hair and red-sharp eyes; he was taller
than Artemis, just a slightly bit shorter than Alfonso, he was tanned and his arm were as twice as the ones of Alfonso, he
was bar-chested and had a white kerchief bound to his head, finally he had a hammer on his right hand, all in all, he was
a very handsome middle age man.

This made Alfonso very confused.

"Its not possible….. This doesn't match the description on him!" Thought Alfonso.

[Congratulations to host, for acquiring your third god


This announcement from the system confirmed Alfonso's thoughts.

"Is really chilling here, isn't it?"

This was the first words of Hephaestus, who was looking around with curiosity.

"Hello, nice to meet you Hephaestus, my name is Alfonso Lockheart, I am the Lord of this town" Alfonso took a step
forward and made a bow towards Hephaestus.

As he had the experience with Artemis, he was ready for the boasting of the prideful gods.

"Hello mortal, Is a little disrespectful that you give your tributes first, but I will let it pass this time, however, for being
a blacksmith, you seem to lack a little bit of muscle don't you think?" Surprisingly enough, Hephaestus didn't boast
around or made a demand like a certain someone, however, he had this air of majesty typically of a god.

"Maybe…. He is a nice guy?" Thought Alfonso.

"Brother is being a while" Said Demeter while giving Hephaestus a big hug.

"Demeter, is being a while, you are in your childhood form now? , well ,you always liked that form" Said Hephaestus.

"Brother Hephaestus, I am glad to see you again" Said Artemis while smiling, something rare on her.

Alfonso was a little confused, he assumed that the gods didn't get along that well between each other, well, Demeter
was an exception.

Demeter saw the confused face on Alfonso and then made a bitter smile.

"Well~ little Al, I know why are you confused, let me explain it, is true that we, gods, don't get along that well with
each other, but Hephaestus is loved in all the Olympus, he is a nice guy after all~" Said Demeter.

"Maybe the only one" Added Artemis.

"My~ My~ , don't say that Artemis, your brother will cry is he heard you"

"Hmph! Don't talk about that drunker, I haven't forgiven him for trying to raped one of my champions back them!"
Declared Artemis.

"Anyway" Interrupted Hephaestus.

"Mortal, can you explain the situation for me? " Asked Hephaestus.

Alfonso, Artemis and Demeter explained all the situation to Hephaestus.

[One hour later]

"I see... I think I can picture all the situation now" Said Hephaestus.

" That's great, I will like you to help me, Hephaestus, of course, I will also try my best to help you regain your godness
as fast as possible, just like I do with Artemis and Demeter" Said Alfonso.

"I don't mind… Well, its not like I have an option anyway, I mean, here I am a simple mortal" Said Hephaestus.
"That's great, thanks!" Alfonso was surprised and happy, he didn't think that the next god will be so cooperative unlike a
certain someone!

"Alfonso, I have the feeling that you are thinking something rude" Said Artemis

"I… I don't know what are you talking about….. Anyway, I will one again welcome you to Wasteland Valley,
Hephaestus." Said Alfonso.

"Don't worry mortal, anyway, I have a request"

"What is it?"

"Do you have a something to cover me? Is freezing here" Said Hephaestus.


Alfonso looked at Hephaestus prominent chest and then looked at his pitiful normal chest.

"This is going to be troublesome" Thought Alfonso.


"Thanks for bringing me the shirt his fast , RIbeiro" Said Alfonso who was sat on his throne.

"I am honored for your words, your highness, but I must say that this was a difficult task, I had to ask from house to
house and finally I found someone fat enough that had a spare of clothes" Said Ribeiro.

After that, Ribeiro went on his way.

"Anyway, is good that the one who appear this time was Hephaestus" Said Alfonso to Artemis who was at his side.

"Well, is good and all…..but..."

"But what?"

"Mmmm….. I think you will understand soon enough, but let just say that Hephaestus have some….. Troublesome
habits..." Said Artemis in awkward way.

"?..... What do you mean by-"

"Mortal, did you get it?"

Before Alfonso could finish his question, Hephaestus appeared with Demeter at his side.

"Here you go….. by the way…."

"What is it?" Said Hephaestus while putting the huge shirt.

"I…. I have a question…." Said Alfonso, he didn't know if he should ask, but the curiosity was killing him.

"Just ask"

"Well….you see...I…always heard about your great name but….. in those descriptions….you were a little more ug-
Before Alfonso could finish, Artemis cover his mouth without letting him a single word.

"Alfonso, come here for a sec!" Said Artemis and Demeter, who also was alarmed.

They dragged the confused Alfonso to a corner were Hephaestus couldn't hear.

"Are you an idiot!?" Said Artemis and Demeter at the same time.

"What.. what did I do?"

"Little Al, what were you going to ask Hephaestus back there?"

"Is you that, we, historians, know for sure that Hephaestus is nowhere near as handsome as that Hephaestus"

"Listen to me Alfonso, never, ABSOLUTELY NEVER, ask Hephaestus about his appearance, do you understand!?"
Said Artemis with a firm voice.

"What…. Why….. what happen?" Asked Alfonso.

Artemis and Demeter looked at each other and made a small sigh.

"Little Al, you seem to know a lot about us…. Then you must be aware who is the wife of Hephaestus right?" Asked

"Is Aphrodite right? But why do you mention….. wait... Don't tell me!"

"That's right, since that happen, Hephaestus has developed a huge complex with his appearance, the Hephaestus that you
see there is the result of him "asking" father and Sister a favor, however, he always reacts….in a REALLY bad way
when someone mentions his past appearance. " Said Demeter.

"This is the fault of the stupid lecher, Ares who couldn't keep his thing on his fucking pants" Said Artemis with
repulsion on her voice.

"By the way… what happen to the last person that mention that?" Asked Alfonso.

"The last person was actually a champion of my father.....I think that he is still burning on the Tartarus….." Said Artemis
with a little bit of fear.

The back of Alfonso became wet almost in instant.

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52 Worries
[Hephaestus The Blacksmith

Level : Human

- Pyrokinesis (Level 1) : Hephaestus was recognized as the god of fire in the Ancient Greek, as such, he can produce
flames just by thinking about it.

- Fire control (Level 1) : Hephaestus can control the fire in his surroundings.

Control Area: 10 meters.

Passive :

- Forge Mastery(Level 1) : Hephaestus, over the curse of the years, acquire huge knowledge on the forge, he can forge
from artifacts to weapons.

Remark : He can only forge artifacts on the human level.

- Fire body (Level 1 ) : Hephaestus has a certain amount of immunity towards fire, however, this immunity can increase
when this ability gets stronger

Fire immunity: 10% ]

Alfonso read the information about Hephaestus with detail, he was surprised with his abilities.

"He is really strong, his fire abilities make him a huge treat on the battlefield, however, I never hear legends of him
fighting" Said Alfonso while sitting on his throne.

"That's natural, Hephaestus don't like to fight, he is more or less a pacifist, he only likes to be in his workshop, well….
That and….. " Said Demeter who was at Alfonso's side.

"And that bitch" Said Artemis who was also in the hall.

"Don't call her a bitch, she is my wife after all" Said Hephaestus who was practicing with his hammer.

"Mortal, I am more or less aware of the situation, so I will coopereted, however, I must request that you give me a
workshop fast, I don't feel comfortable here" Added Hephaestus.

"Don't worry, I send Ribeiro to prepare a house that you can use as a workshop, at least for now, fortunately, when the
horde was about to attack, a lot of people left and leave their homes empty." Said Alfonso.

"That's great" Added Hephaestus before resuming his hammer practice.

Alfonso didn't say anything else, and they waited for Ribeiro, when he came in, little Pit was also with him, it has been
three months since little Pit began his lessons, at first, Tailor could keep with the lessons, however, it was obvious that,
the harder the lessons became, the less he could keep with the pace of Little Pit, so he stopped going to the lesson, so he
didn't delay Little Pit progress, he focused 100 percent on his lessons, so he didn't that much of time anyway. Little Pit
could now go to Alfonso's manor alone, hoewer, Alfonso send two wolves to escort Little Pit so he didn't meet any
danger every night.

"My lord, I encounter Little Pit on the way, I have prepared the house that you requested." Said Ribeiro while bowing
towards Alfonso.

"Good Job, Demeter go with Hephaestus to see the place, I will begin the lessons with Little Pit"

"Sure~ , don't begin the story time without me~, I want to know if Hamlet complete his revenge~" Said Demeter.

The history that Demeter was talking about was Hamlet from Shakespeare, Alfonso didn't think that the story time will
be so popular, even Ribeiro came now and there to heard, is quite questionable that he tells this story to a 4-year-old
child thought.

"I am running out of histories that's why.." Said Alfonso to himself.

After this, Alfonso began his lesson, while Demeter bring Hephaestus to his new home.


Cerberus was a nigh creature, although he usually stays with Alfonso, sometimes, he goes for a stroll. This night he was
walking as usual when something caught his attention.

"Isn't that... Deferio I think?" Thought Cerberus.

Deferio was worried, right now, the number of soldiers he had at his dispotion was 50, compared to previous 15, it was
a huge improvement, however, there was a problem.

"All of them are kids between 14 and 16 that don't have any kind of experience in battle" Thought Deferio.

Ever since the fight with the horde, the soldiers, or like his majesty like to called them, the Spartans, became instant
heroes in Wasteland Valley, a lot of young men who passed the age of obligatory school chose to enter the Spartans,
however, training this young men was difficult and Deferio knew that they wouldn't learn much without actual practice.

"However, where to find them….. I mean, I am glad that this kids doesn't have to fight with their lives on the line in the
battlefield, however, we also need to be the force that can defend his majesty and this town…." Thought Deferio.

Deferio give the young men the training that his majesty give them back then, of course, he reduced the intensity so the
new recruits could adapt before going to the actual training. While he was pondering, Cerberus approached.

"Hi there, it seems that you are worried about something Deferio."

"Oh, its lord Cerberus, I am glad to see you" Said Deferio with a salute.

Despite being enemies at first, Deferio and the soldiers knew that the wolves didn't do it for malice, they did what they
did in order to survive, for that, Deferio had a lot of respect towards Cerberus, this also applied to Cerberus who saw
with his own eyes how this 15 something army fought bravely in an impossible mission.

"So, what is it?" Asked Cerberus.

"Well, it like this.." Deferio explained his worries to Cerberus.

"I understand your point, in fact, Alfonso is a too naïve, he tries to improve the happy lives that everyone has now, but
he doesn't see that, if someone were to actually attack we don't have the means to defend ourselves, he needs people to
see the dark side of the world, work in it and grab his back if he falls " Said Cerberus.

"Of course" Said Deferio with resolution.

"You know…. I actually have the same worries about my wolves, so how about we make some arrangements, so they
don't slack off" Said Cerberus.

"What do you mean?" Asked Deferio.

"Well, lets just say that the night season will be longer than usual " Said Cerberus with a sinister smile.
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53 Hidden threa

It was morning, usually Alfonso would still be sleeping, however, this morning something woke him up earlier than
usual, too early in fact.

"The fucking sun has not yet rise!" Cursed Alfonso.

At his side, another figure woke up, it was no other than Demeter, who had sleep by Alfonso's side the entire night.
However, Alfonso was so furious that he didn't notice this goddess sleeping by his side, not only that, he didnt even
notice that Demereter had walked by his side this entire time grabbing his hand. He really hated when people woke him
up after all.

Curiously enough, They weren't the only ones who woke up earlier, every single member of the manor woke up earlier
than usual.


"So…. I think that the troublesome habits of Hephaestus are…." Said Alfonso.



"As you guessed"


"He likes his job a little bit too much"


The causes of all these strange things began yesterday.


Yesterday, Hephaestus was quite satisfied with his new workshop, so he insisted that he wanted to start as soon as
possible. However, he had several demands.

"I need my equipment; do you have it?" Asked Hephaestus.

Alfonso thought for a sec before going to the system, indeed, there was something like that there.

[Blacksmith's set

Price : 3000 Drachmas

Includes :

- Forge

- Anvil

- Mold

- Pincers

- Hammer

Remark : All of these tools were selected by Hephaestus although they are nothing especial, it's still something he put
some effort in selecting ]

When Alfonso read the price he almost spit blood.

"3000 Drachmas! Why don't just rob me!" Thought Alfonso.

He finally had some funds, and he had to spend more than half of it in less than a day.

At the end, with pain in his heart, Alfonso bought the set, of course, he could send some people to buy a normal set of
instrument, however, he felt that it was disrespectful towards Hephaestus, he wanted to make a connection with this god
that could become the key for his future plans, so he decided to take this as a small invest.

"Here you go"

Hephaestus examined the set of tools before given a satisfied nod.

"I remember this set, I gave it to one of my apprentices, thanks mortal, I will surely give you something in return…. Do
you mind giving me that cane of yours?" Said Hephaestus,

Alfonso was surprised, he looked at the cane of his. He already that this cane was a part of him, even if he could walk
normally. He would still use this cane, so he was a little reluctant, also there was that other post-effect.

"The pain will be unbearable" Thought Alfonso.

We can't forget that the cane is working as morphine for Alfonso, once put down the cane, the pain will come. A curious
fact was that Alfonso usually sleep with the cane by his side, he couldn't tolerate the pain after all.

"Don't worry, I just want to repair it, of course, I can't bring it nearly as close as it used to be , however, I can repair the
small cracks that it has" Said Hephaestus.

Alfonso knew that the cane has some damage, it was obvious, the bite of Cerberus wasn't something light after all.

Alfonso reluctantly give his cane and Hephaestus went back to his workshop.

"Eh?" Demeter felt something that made him look at Alfonso in a special way.

After that they went on his way to the manor, Alfonso was supported by Artemis, Demeter was just quietly looking at
Alfonso, to be more precise, Alfonso's gestures.

Alfonso thought that he could merely make it to the manor, so he didn't need to walk anymore.
Alfonso, however, had underestimated the post effects of his injury.


On their way, the pain become more and more unbearable, it was so painful that he felt that he was going insane.

"I cant, I cant, I need my cane, I need my cane…." Shout Alfonso.

Artemis, who was supporting Alfonso was shocked, she didn't think that the injury was this serious.


"Little Al! calm down!" Demeter run over and lifted the agonizing Alfonso.

"My cane, give me my cane!"

A special kind of green aura appear in the body of Demeter, after the aura appear, the face of Alfonso changed for a
most relaxed one, after that he lose consciousness.

"Demeter, he is..!"

"Don't worry, he is just sleeping" Said Demeter.

Artemis made a relieved sigh before grabbing the sleeping Alfonso, however, Demeter was still holding his hand.

"For now, I need to stay by his side, if he wakes up, he will suffer the post effect of his injury once again" Said

"I don't understand, even if his injury is serious this is….." Said Artemis.

"I have a theory….but if is true then the consequences are severe" Said Demeter in a serious tone.

"What do you mean…"

"The cane of Chronos, when I first notice it, I only thought that it was a mere artifact that someone made for him,
however…. I have notice something… Little Al never let that cane go… never" Said Demeter.

"That's because of his injury!"

"A mere injury isn't so powerful to make someone go insane!" Declared Demeter.

"What are you talking about?"

"When Alfonso gave the cane to Hephaestus, a little bit of my power when to Alfonso, usually, this power never
activates, at least….."

"At least what" Asked Artemis.

"At least someone is mentally ill!" Said Demeter

Artemis was shocked with this statement and looked back at Alfonso. Demeter was actually talking about her passive
ability that power up when she evolved to the hero level, Light of life!

"Mentally ill, what are you saying!"

"I know is sounds completely insane, but I didn't make a mistake, when Alfonso dropped the cane, his mental state
became rare, is like the pain he actually feels multiply in his mind, causing his body to react like this, is like something
is telling him that his injury is worse than what it actually is." Explained Demeter.

Artemis was stunned. Who would have thought that a simple cane could cause this!

"What do we do now?"

"For now don't mention it, it just a hypothesis anyway, however, we must be careful with that can... nothing good comes
from that old fart!" Said Demeter with an unusual angered expression.

After that the two of them agreed that Alfonso should sleep with Demeter.

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54 Iron Problem
"Here you go Mortal, it was worse that I had originally thought, well, I will skip the details come, take a look at it" Said
Hephaestus while giving the cane back to Alfonso.

Alfonso took the cane and the familiar feeling of relieve make him smile.

"Feels good" Thought Alfonso while grabbing his leg.

Alfonso noticed that the changes in the cane, however, he decided to consult the system, sure enough, the results shocked

[The Cane of Chronos(2% restored)

Remark: By the hands of the god Hephaestus, The cane of Chronos has recovered a little bit of his past glory, however,
because the materials that Hephaestus used were too common, the improved mas minimum.

Remark 2 : The cane of Chronos can now freeze the time on your injury in a range of 5 meters.]

Also, was delighted with the upgrade of his cane.

"Its not a lot of improvement but is something" Thought Alfonso.

Alfonso decided to test the new cane, he left in the floor and walked three steps away from it, indeed, he could still feel
the powers of the cane even if he wasn't touching it.

" Not bad, not bad at all" Thought Alfonso.

"Thanks Hephaestus" Said Alfonso.

"No problem, however, I must that I used all the iron that you gave me just to repair the cane" Said Hephaestus.

Alfonso was stunned. He remembered that he gave Hephaestus all the iron that the previous lord of Wasteland Valley
had accumulated.

"He practically used the amount of 20 swords just to repair the cane…" Thought Alfonso.

In fact, Alfonso was worried about this, it wasn't only the iron, Wasteland Valley had a lot of problems, the main one
however, was that it didn't have any natural resources, for example, the nearest town, Tulip, may not have mines but it
has a natural environment for agriculture, Alfonso had to adapt the ground of Wasteland Valley, in order to use it, just
like this, Wasteland Valley wasn't near any coaster so commerce with other towns was just a dream, it didn't have any
mid were they could extract resource like iron or gold and finally, it didn't have a natural resource of food, well ,now
that they had Artemis, the jubila Forest became one.

"This is really troublesome, I need a lot of resources if I want to build a kingdom, however, the nearest town that
provide this kind of resources was Arcadia, however, Arcadia was a 1-month trip from here, given the fact that I can't
transport a large amount of resources in one go, and even If I could, It will be to eye-catching" Thought Alfonso.

Arcadia had a mine where they extract iron and gold, it was a prosperous town because of this, and what's more, the
first princess of Leitol, Alfonso's sister, was the who protects this city.

"Every prince in Leitol had 2 or more cities under their wing, my dear sister is in control of Arcadia, well, just in name
thought, that freak is only interesting in war, so she leaves everything to her commanders" Thought Alfonso.

After that, He, Demeter and Ribeiro went to the manor, Hephaestus decided to stay on the workshop while Artemis
when back to hunting.

Just when they arrived, Alfonso was surprised that Deferio and Cerberus were in the hall waiting for him.

"Hello, Alfonso"

"My lord, I, Deferio, feel honored to see you."

Cerberus and Deferio greet Alfonso and the rest, they went to the hall and Alfonso sat on his throne, Cerberus took his
position on Alfonso's lap.

"Deferio, is nice to see you, how are you?" Asked Alfonso.

"Thanks to your majesty efforts, we are all alright, however, this time I came here to inform his majesty something" Said

"What is it?"

"The equipment that we have is already worm out, in fact, a lot of our swords have broken" Said Deferio with a solemn

"...How did this happen?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well….." Said Deferio while looking at Cerberus.

"Ok, ok, I will explain" Said Cerberus.

"You see, I planned a new kind of training with the soldiers, I used my Bluemoon, to create an illusion on them, I let
them see an illusion of their worst enemy, so they were battling for the whole night before collapsing, the catch is that
every time they kill their enemy, another one will appear and will have learned mistakes of the previous one," Said
"Wha-! Cerberus, that's dangerous! What is they actually kill someone!" Said Alfonso.

"Don't worry, I and Deferio were on the battlefield, so there wasn't any accident" Said Cerberus.

"Still! If something went wrong the soldiers could get seriously injured or the wolves could get stabbed!"

"Anyway, because they get too focused on it, some of them started hitting trees and the already worn out blades broke."
Said Cerberus.

Alfonso and Cerberus discussed for a long time before they both made a compromise, Alfonso will let Cerberus
continue their training with the condition that Cerberus made them used a wooden sword instead of a real one.

"Well…. Shit, now what?" Thought Alfonso.

Alfonso was in an awkward position, just a few hours ago, Hephaestus had used all the remain iron on Wasteland
Valley for his cane.

"Your majesty, I can go to Arcadia to retrieve the iron" Said Ribeiro.

"No, if you want to go to Arcadia you have to past Tulip, I don't want anyone to recognize you..."Said Alfonso.

After thinking for a bit, he looked at little blue who was resting on his head.

"Little blue, do me a favor and call Artemis and Cat one here" Said Alfonso.


Little blue lazily got up and went on his way, after two hours, Artemis, Cat one and little blue were back.

"Alfonso, What's the matter"

"You majesty Alfonso Lockheart, did you call me?"

Surprisingly enough, Cat one get used to living in Wasteland Valley, Alfonso was very confused about this, just because
he offered a little bit of gold, she quit from her previous life on Tulip Town.

"That's is strange indeed." Thought Alfonso.

"Cat one, I have a mission for you, go with Cerberus to Arcadia and bring back Iron, remember do it carefully, I don't
want anyone know that Wasteland Valley still exist, got it?" Said Alfonso.

"I understand" Said Cat one.

"Woho~, its been a long time since I traveled, this will be fun" Said Cerberus while moving his little tail.

"Very well then, you will go tonight, Cat one, how many weeks will you need?" Asked Alfonso.

"...… One month" Said Cat one after thinking for a while.

"That's fast" Thought Alfonso.

Well, it wasn't that surprising, the speed of Cat one and a normal person couldn't compare after all.

With that, Cerberus and Cat one were to Arcadia City to retrieve the materials.
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55 blank
The next day was a little warmer than usual. Alfonso and Artemis were the first to arrive to the main hall.

"Are you sure about this? You are sending Cerberus and Cat one two of our main forces on a trip that will take at least a
month, if something where to happen we will be at disadvantage" Said Artemis.

"Of course, I don't want to, however, I don't have a choice, I can't send you nor Demeter and Hephaestus would surely
don't agree, Ribeiro isn't an option anymore and Deferio is busy with the training with the army" Said Alfonso

"What about the other three cats? You could send them instead of Cerberus."

"No, it's too dangerous, I don't complete trust them, if they were to reveal the conditions that we live in, it will be
catastrophic, as I said before, we need to stay in the shadows for as long as we can"

Alfonso knew that surviving the attack of the horde would attract a lot of unnecessary attention, especially because of
his identity as the loser son of the king, so he wanted to build his force before that happen.

"It will happen eventually, its just a matter of when" Thought Alfonso.

"Speaking of something else, I heard that Cerberus left a certain kind of training to the soldiers?" Asked Artemis.

"Yeah, it seems that they are under the influence of Cerberus's technique, they train really hard, its good an all but I just
hope nobody gets hurt" Said Alfonso.

Cerberus live something before it left, Although Cerberus couldn't control the illusions, he could control what kind of
things were in that kind of illusion, for example, the first time he used it was against the Cats, it couldn't control what
they saw, however it controlled what was in the illusion, fears. As for the soldiers, it was the same but instead of fears
it was enmity and the target was the wolves and vice versa.

"Well, let's just wait then….. I have something to tell you by the way" Said Artemis.

"What is it?"

"Well, the last time that we went to hunt, I saw a significant improvement in the hunting, the men could already hunt
without instruction, so I thought about it and decided to let the people by their own, they know the system already so if
shouldn't be to hard." Said Artemis.

Alfonso thought about it for a minute.

"Well, its nice that they can do it by their own, however, they do still need a leader, so they don't fight for the food"
Said Alfonso.

"Already thought about it, I sent little red and blacky to supervise them, if anyone breaks the rules they will inform me,
of course, I don't anyone would have the guts to disobey." Said Artemis.

"..." Alfonso didn't want to ask where did she get that confidence so just let it past.
"Good morning~"

A voice came from behind, it was obviously Demeter who just woke up.

"Good morning, although is going to be noon soon." Said Alfonso.

"Demeter, you need to correct that habit of yours" Said Artemis.


After that, they had breakfast, Demeter went on her towards Camel's house at the Agriculture Area.

"Well, what are you going to do now? I thought that you loved hunting" Asked Alfonso to Artemis.

"I do, I am the goddess of hunting after all, however, I want to do something else, I will explore the Jubila forest, not
just the border zone but further than that." Said suddenly Artemis.

Alfonso was surprised.

"Absolutely not" Said firmly Alfonso.

"Why?" Asked Artemis, surprised by the firm tone of Alfonso.

"The Jubila forest, we don't know what it has, however, we do know that there is something there that made Cerberus
scary enough to abandon his home, going there, alone, is insecure therefore, I won't Allow it" Said Alfonso.

"Alfonso, I appreciate the concern, however, we need to look further, we don't know what we could find, maybe,
Wasteland Valley isn't a waste, who knows, maybe we find something useful" Said Artemis.

Alfonso thought about it after listen to Artemis, she did have a point after all.

"Let's do this, you can go, however, you can't go beyond the inner part of the forest and if you feel any kind of danger,
you have to come back immediately, put your life always at first, you understand?" Said Alfonso with a worry face.

"Understood, my lord" Said Artemis while bowing.

After warning her a few more times, Artemis went on her way towards the Jubila forest. However, Alfonso was still

"I know that she is strong but…." Thought Alfonso.

After some time, he made a small sigh.

"Anyway, I still have somethings to do, for now, let's go to Hephaestus workshop." Said Alfonso


"Mortal, you came" Said Hephaestus who was practicing with his hammer.

"Hello Hephaestus, I came here to discus some things with you" Said Alfonso while entering the workshop.

A fun fact of the workshop was that, comparing with the outside, it was like going from a cold-snow day to a sauna.
"As always, is hot here" Thought Alfonso.

"So, what do you have in mind?" Asked Hephaestus.

"Well, here is the thing, I want to make a big reconstruction in Wasteland Valley" Said Alfonso.

"Oh?, That sounds interesting"

"you see, as you may notice, the houses here are made with poor materials, so I want to make something that could
retain better the warm, so the people here don't suffer because of the cold, I was wondering if you could give me some
ideas" Said Alfonso.

As a matter of fact, Alfonso did have some kind of knowledge in construction, but, he didn't know about the process of
materials and things like that, he was only a historian after all.

"Well, you came to the right place, you might not know it, but I am the one who build the maze towards the Underworld,
one of my best jobs if I had to say" Said pridefully Hephaestus.

"Of course, I know it" Thought Alfonso.

"That's why I need your help." Said Alfonso.

"Well, let me do some blueprints, however, I will need some time, I need to consider several factors before anything"
Said Hephaestus.

"No problem, and thanks for the help" Said Alfonso.

"Don't worry, I love to be busy after all"

After discussing some other things, Alfonso left the workshop, it was almost night, so he went straight to the manor.
When he got to the manor, he saw Demeter who was going around in circles, when Alfonso saw her, he knew that
something wasn't right.

"Demeter, what happen?" Asked Alfonso.

"Alfonso! We are in trouble!" Said Demeter.

"What is it!?"

"When I was on the Agriculture zone, the ground talk to me, not far away from here a huge amount of people, at least
1000 men its moving, their destination its Wasteland Valley!" Said Demeter.


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56 Before the battle

"Your majesty, we are four days away from Wasteland Valley" Said Leonardo.
It has been 2 days since He and the army of Tulip left Tulip town, they prepare for a long time before this journey, they
had to take out all the army they could achieve, in fact, some people here weren't even soldiers, they were just young
men who happened to be healthy a such, they could go, in other words, they were basically going to be meat shield.

"Thanks Leonardo….. haa…. How many years has gone by since I had my last battle" Said Felio while looking at his

This sword was the legacy of the Gremio family, it was called the Lion's heart, quite the imposing name.

"How are our forces?" Asked Felio

"They are scared, some of them are in their first battle after all, nevertheless, I think they are in got shape" Said

"… Then that's good , our opponent this time are beast, this has their pros and cons, the pros are that they are not that
smart, so they can't plan any strategy they will just attack, however, that's also their biggest advantage, they are savage
and brutal, they only know how to battle, I think... I think a lot of us will not return to Tulip Town" Said Leonardo with a
heavy expression.

"…. I know it" Said Felio while looking at his troops.

"So young….and yet…." Thought Felio.


After a small sight, Felio put aside his thoughts and looked forward.

"Leonardo, promise me something."

"Your wish is my command"

"If….if we lose the battle…. You will take Susana away and hide her" Said Felio.

"YOUR MAJESTY! , Even if I had to day I will sure you return to Tulip Town!"

"… I cant Leonardo…. I cant just abandon the boat that sinks….. All I wanted was for Susana to be happy…. How
could I know that Lucio would…..I cant repair what I did to my only daughter that day… I am not asking you this as
the king of Tulip Town, but as a friend." Said Felio while looking at Leonardo.

Leonardo just looked down and didn't say anything.


[Tulip Town]

It was night in Tulip Town, as the town of desires, usually would be livelier than ever at this hour, however, it was
completely silent.

[Gremio Castle]

In a dark room a girl was lying down on her bed, her room wasn't so luxury as one would think giving the fact that this
lady wasn't just a nobody, she was the princess of Tulip Town as well as the only daughter of Felio Gremio, Susana
"Father….. I hope you return safely.." Murmured the young girl.

She touched her small stomach and felt an intense pain.


This name was engraved in the heart of Susana, this man was the reason she was like this today, a crippled girl who had
to stay on a chair for the rest of her life. But what she hated the most was that even if her grieve was deeper, she
wouldn't be able to even touch the shadow of that man.


While Susana was absent-minded, someone knocked her door, she was surprised, nobody visits her except her father or
the maids but neither of them should be in the castle right now.

"Who….who is it?" Asked Susana.

The door slowly opened, Susana has never seen the man in front of her, he was a tall handsome man with black hair and
luxury clothe, beside him , were two black clothed men.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, princess Susana, my name is Felipe, I am the third prince of Arcadia, as the rumors says
your beauty doesn't know limits, its my pleasure to meet you" Said Felipe while bowing towards Susana.

"Prin…prince it's a little inappropriate to be here at this hour, excuse me , but you will have to leave immediately
otherwise, I will be force to call the guards" Said Susana while sitting out.

"Oh….That's strange went I came in , your guards didn't say anything they just let me come in…" Said Felipe while
opening his arms.

"What…..what do you want?" Aske Susana.

"I just want to take you on a night walk to Arcadia, I hope that the princess doesn't mind"

"….If I refuse?"

"Oh! But that's the beauty in my offer.... You don't have the choice to refuse." Said Felipe.

One of the man rapidly went behind Susana and put a piece of cloth in her mouth.

"Hmhh...!!" Susana tried to struggle but it was futile.

"Let's go back" Said Felio while the other man put princess Susana on her shoulder.

"…Wait" Said Felipe.

"Lets go thought the backyard, I don't like the smell of blood" Said Felipe while looking behind him.

The scene was grotesque, 5 corpses were lying on the floor, neither of them were complete.

Just like that, Felipe and his men went back to Arcadia.


"What is Cerberus?" Asked a small girl with black hair while looking at the small dog beside her.

"Ho! Something interesting its about to happen come ,lets go fast to Arcadia" Said Cerberus while moving its small tail.

"Something interesting?"

"Yeah, its seems that we will be a little later than expected, lets go" Said Cerberus.


Alfonso was having a headache at the moment.

"Can you repeat it just one more time" Said Alfonso.

"Like I said, I was on Camel's house went I felt that something was wrong, I asked the plants and the ground nearby, it
seems that a huge army is rapidly closing to Wasteland Valley, they will be here in four days!" Said Demeter.

"Well, isn't the time just perfect? We sent two of our main forces to buy iron, we have less than 80 men and wolves at
the moment to fight, and we are fighting against an army of 1000, well ISN'T THAT JUST FUCKING PERFECT" Said

"Calm down"

Suddenly a voice came from the entrance of the main hall, it was Artemis.


"I heard it from little blue, it seems that we are going to be attacked soon?"

"Four days" Said Alfonso.

"... Just barely enough time" Said Artemis.

"..? what do you mean?" Asked Demeter.

"Well, I am not like Athena or Ares who can't plan a campaign to fight army vs army, however, don't forget who I am"
Said Artemis with a small smirk.

"You mean…?" Asked Alfonso.

"We have the upper hand because we are locals and all the people on this town have learned how to use an arc and a
bow, yep, that will be enough"

"Let the hunt begin!"

Said Artemis while smiling

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57 Phrase
It was night, as usual, Wasteland Valley was quiet, however, if one looked closely, a few silhouettes could be seen in
the shadows.

"We will have 4 divisions this time, remember draw an imaginary line with me at the front, nobody crosses that line"
Said Artemis at the few silhouettes in the shadows.

"The heads of the divisions are me, Deferio, Alfonso and Wolf one, Deferio and the Spartans will be in charge of the
front, once we initiate the attack they would eventually come from us, the archers, your duty is to prevent that, got it?"

"I won't disappoint you" Said Deferio

"Wolf one, you and the wolves are the surprise force, your abilities as wolves let you camouflage in the night, in
addition, with the heavy snow that is surrounding Wasteland Valley, you will be able go around in the battlefield, wait
for my signal, your duty is to take the archers of the enemy"

Wolf one, as well as the other wolves nodded.

"Alfonso, I don't need to tell you what to do right?" Asked Artemis.

"Of course not" Said Alfonso with a confident smile.

"Just in case I am sending little blue, little red and blacky with you, in addition, Demeter will help you with her

"Okay~" Said Demeter.

"Okay everyone, listen to me" Said Artemis.

"This time, we won't go in a frontal fight like the horde, this time, will we ambush our enemy and use our territory in our
favor, this is new ground for the majority, so I will only said that you have to your best, nor for me nor for Alfonso, but
for the future of Wasteland Valley"

This time, Alfonso didn't make the speech before the fight but Artemis, Alfonso was the one that propose this because
the one who is command in this operation is actually her, surprisingly, Artemis didn't refuse.

Everyone nodded with trembling hands, obviously they were a little scared since this was their first battle, however,
soon enough the anxious went away.

"Lets go, don't forget, THEY are the prey and WE are the hunters" Said Artemis before moving forward.

Everyone moved as well.


The forces of Tulip were almost at Wasteland Valley, just one day away, however, the weather was getting colder and
colder the nearer they get to Wasteland Valley, so they needed to take a rest more often than planned.

"Sure is cold here, what kind of idiot would build a town in this place?" Said Leonardo while rubbing his hands.

"Believe or not, this is fairly good, spring is almost here after all, if we came a few months before, we would freeze
before we reach Wasteland Valley" Said the king while drinking his wine.

The forces of Tulip were camping, they were separated in four squads each of them had 250 men, the king and the other
commanders of the army were on a meeting.

"We have to be careful this time, we don't know our enemy, the only thing we know is that they aren't human" Said one
of the commanders.

"Yeah, the beast of the Jubila forest are known as the most fearsome beast in all Leitol, even the king doesn't dare to
send forces to the inner part of the forest, the creatures there are so (powerful) than even a champion wouldn't have it
easy to defeat them" Said another commander.

"Don't be so nervous, I mean, we are going to fight only small fries like wolves, bears or things like that, if the
troublesome fellows of the Jubila forest could actually get out of there, then Wasteland Valley would have disappeared
a long time ago"

"Nevertheless, don't forget our objective, we must not lose to many men, after all, this is just the prequel of the main
fight, the fight with Arcadia!" Said Leonardo

"We aren't 100% sure that they will attack, nevertheless, we can't give them the chance" Said the Felio while standing

"My commanders, you six have served me for a long time, so I know your capabilities, in this fight, we have to lose the
less possible men as we can, as Leonardo said, our minds must be focus on the fight that we will have with Arcadia,
this fight is to ensure that we don't get attacked by two enemies, don't forget it. We will arrive tomorrow at Wasteland
Valley, lets make this as clean as efficient as possible" Said Felio

""As your majesty wishes!"" Shout the six commanders.


It was past midnight and the majority of the army was sleeping, however, there were a few men who were guarding.

"Man, why do we have to stay awake while everyone else sleeps, is impossible that the beast are smart enough to plan a
sneaky attack!" Shout of the guards.

"Shhh!, lower your voice! If commander Leonardo wakes up, he will beat us like last time!" Said another guard.

"Sorry, it just that…that you know…. Its cold and its dark… makes you want to sleep right?" asked the man.


A small sound come to his ears, however, he let it pass.

"Oy, respond me at least, if I don't talk to somebody, I might get asleep" Said the guard.

But the other man didn't answer.

"Hugo?" Asked the man.

However, when he looked at his side, he was stunned. Because a small red hole appeared on his head.

"ENEMY ATTACK!" Shout the solider


This time, the soldier tries to evade it, he barely did it, however, the arrow still penetrate his shoulder.

"What is happening?!" A commander came from his tent and saw the soldier in the ground.


"What?! " The commander saw the arrow in the young soldier's shoulder.

"Arrow!? Which means... a human attack!?"

Suddenly, the commander looked up, he felt that the moon was turning black

"No… wait… that's.....



"Stay in position!" Shout Artemis.

"Artemis, the surprise attack was a success, we confirm that we have penetrated their camp, the wolves have already
gone on their way towards the sidelines" Reported Alfonso.

"Good, you stay behind and wait for your turn, Spartans!"

""YES SIR!""

"First! Call me "Sir" again and will rip your mouths, second! The enemy has already noticed us, they will send their
cavalry sooner or later, its your turn!" Said Artemis.

The spartan nodded and when on their way.

Shout Deferio.

"The Spartans have been training with the help of the illusion of Cerberus, however, before he left, he undone the
Illusion, however….. It left a "key" phrase" Thought Alfonso.

"Spartans!" Shout Alfonso.



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58 Battle against Tulip Part one

"Wha- what is happening!?" Shout Leonardo while leaving his tent.

"Commander! We are being attacked by enemy forces, the sentinels at the north side has been annihilated!" Shout one

"The beasts are already here!?"

"No! I am afraid….. is a human attack!" Said the guard.

"What?! Human!? But that is impossible! At least....."

"At least Arcadia forces had prepared an ambush attack" A voice came from behind.

The king of Tulip Town came from his tent with Lion's heart on his hand.

"Send the first cavalry with Furio on the front, the second and third unit will protect their backs, the enemy is in the
shadows so will be bombard the entire area with arrows, they must be at least 200 enemies judging from the rain of
arrow from before" Said Felio after some analyzes.

Felio wasn't always the king of Tulip Town, he had been a vice commander under the flag of the now retired king of
Leitol, of course, he knew his stuff.

"YES, My LORD!" Said Leonardo before going on his way.

"Arcadia forces... why this whole thing smells fishy?" Murmured Felio.


The first squad of Tulip has suffered the most with the sneak attack of Artemis losing almost one hundred men in the
process; the second and third squad were the flanking forces of Tulip, in other words, they were the archers.

THEY HIDING SO SHOOT WITHOUT CONCERN!" Shout the leader of the second and third squad , Furio.

"YES, COMMANDER!" Shout the nearly 150 men.

"SHOOT!" Shout Furio.


UNDERSTAND!?" Shout the commander of the first, four and five squads.

"YES SIRE!" Shout the nearly 700 men.

The squads form 5 groups of 140 and took a 1-2-1 formation with the five squad at the front.

"LETS GO!" shout the commander.




With Deferio's command, the Spartans took their positions, before the battle with the horde, the Spartans didn't have
enough training and the defense was shabby, as a result, the wolves managed to penetrate the formation, however with
the addition on the new recruits plus the training of Cerberus, the Spartans could now became a fortress, of course, it
was far from enough in comparison with the actual Spartans.

With the Deferio at the head the Spartans form in a triangle formation.

Just when they finished their preparations, a sound come into their ears.


When Deferio look up, he saw a rain of arrows coming on his way, however, he didn't show the least bit of fear.


With Deferio's command, The Spartans received the first attack of Tulip!


The sound of metal colluding with metal could be heard while the solid formation of the Spartans received all the
enemy attack!


"ENEMY SPOTTED!" Shout one of the archers.

"They seem to be the front line, strange, I only see 50 something men.... Why?" Murmured Furio.

"Commander! What do we do?"

"Prepare another round! The front line squads aren't close enough to the enemy just yet! We will give them as much info
as we can! This time, concentrate all our attacks on those men!" Shoot Furio.


Nobody noticed that a small flower behind them was moving in a funny way all this time.


"Artemis, they are preparing another round of attack, this time, they will focus the Spartans" Said Demeter with a small
smile on her face.

"Roger" Said Artemis.

Alfonso, who was nearby, could only smile wryly.

"The new abilities of Demeter after promoted to the Hero level sure are handy." Thought Alfonso after taking a look at
the system.

[Demeter, The Protector (Spring Form)

Level : Hero

-Call of Nature(Spring)(Level 3) : Demeter can use her nature powers to give life to anything that is ill, this can only be
used on living things.

-Plant Language(Level 3)

-(New) Nature Attendance(Level 1):Everything that Gaia gives birth has a spirit, Demeter, as her granddaughter has
inherit this knowledge and finally came with this ability, in a small range she can communicate with the plants and
synchronize her five senses to that plant.

Range : 100 meters.

Passive abilities:

-Metamorphosis(level 1)

-Live of live(Level 3) : the range has increased.

New range: 10 meters.

-(New) Ying-yang : Demeter its known as the goddess of Live but her roots are in Dead, so she can feel the presence of
the grim in a person, there is a small chance that she can drive them away.]

"What can I say… she is really op" Thought Alfonso.

"However... if I must say that someone is op….."

Thought Alfonso while looking at Artemis.

"Then she is the winner, no doubt" Murmured Alfonso.

"Then, Let's do it again" Said Artemis.

Her wings instantly expanded, and her pupils turned red, she lifted her bow and surprisingly pointed to the sky!

"Hunter's domain!" Shout Artemis and then… she shot!

"What an insane ability" Thought Alfonso.

[Artemis, The hunter

Level : Hero


- Mark of the hunter (Level 3) : Mark of the hunter doesn't work in a single target anymore but works in an area .

Range 100 meters.

- Beast Language(Level 3) : Capable of talking with all animals on Leitol, this doesn't include Mythology Animals.

- Sniper(Level 3): Range Amplified, 2000 meters.

- Shadowless (Level 2) : Bonus of speed amplified by 50%

(New) Hunter's domain : Artemis has another identity as the goddess of the moon Selene although she isn't aware of it,
with the blessing of the moon, she can use the light of the moon as arrows than attack the enemy in an area.

Remark one : In a full-moon day, Artemis can use this ability at her most and get the bonus of the Shadowless ability.

"Just that ability make her quite the treat, of course, its useless in daytime" Thought Alfonso.

In fact, what the Tulip army didn't know that all the rain of arrows has been shot only by Artemis, the other people of
Wasteland Valley were hiding somewhere else, of course they didn't have any way to knowing that.

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59 Battle against Tulip part two

"Commander! The enemy is preparing another round of arrows!"

"Prepare evasion tactics! Squads disperse and regroup!" Shouted one commander.


"Furio, I am counting on you!" Thought the commander.

The rain of arrows came once again, this time however, the soldiers were prepared, they rapidly broke the formation
and disperse, however, some causalities were inevitable… or at least they should be, however….

"Archers! Concentrate your attack in the arrows! Intercept them!" Shouted Furio.


The Archers did as such, they aim to the incoming arrows intercepting almost every arrow! , this was a flaw on the
ability of Artemis, when the hunter's domain was activated, the arrows came from the sky in the same angle, so they
were relative easy to intercept.

"Excellent, I own you a drink after this Furio" Thought The commander while regrouping and continue their march
towards the Spartans.


"Commander Leonardo! The enemy is at sight! It seems that is a group of 50 men with shields and spears..." Reported
one soldier.

"The cavalry will wait in position, let the infantry advance…. Remember, we are against our sore enemy Arcadia!
Don't show mercy!" Shouted Leonardo.


The infantry was advancing rapidly towards Deferio and the Spartans, son enough there was only a difference of 100

"The enemy is front of us, they are 50 something men, however, we must underestimated our enemy! Battalions one and
two, surrounded the enemy by the sides, battalion three you will cover the rearguard , the rest of you, follow my lead!"


"However.... Why don't I see the flag of Arcadia in their uniforms?" Murmured the commander while approaching the
Spartans, however, soon these thoughts disappear because the enemy was just right in front of them!


"Squad 4! We have only one mission! We must not let the enemy any breathing! Lets surround the right side and they
will have no mean to disperse!"

"YES SIR!" Shouted the commander of the squad four.

The same conversation was taking place on the left side of the Spartans.

Soon enough the Spartans were surrounded by the two forces.


"Spartans! Use defense formation B, now!" Shouted Deferio.


The shields of the Spartans went down, and they reposition their self in an inverted triangle with Deferio and the other
old members at the front, after that Deferio and the others lifted their Spears and prepare for the collision.

In fact, the uniforms that they were using now were a far cry from the original Spartans, first, they were using their old
uniforms of Wasteland Valley, fortunately, their weapons weren't that bad, after all, Alfonso had to almost 1000
Drachmas to bought them including the shield and the Spears.

"HOLD ON!" Shouted Deferio.

The infantry of Tulip were just a few meters away front them!


A huge collision could be heard while the fifty men resisted firmly the first impact!

This was the result of hours and hours of training in the illusion of Cerberus, their fortress wouldn't fall so easily!

"ATTACK!" Shouted Deferio.

The Spartans rapidly lower their shields and penetrate with their spears!


This cry could be heard as the men in front were stabbed. Like a machine, the Spartans changed to defense position once
more , waiting for the enemy attack.

"Captain! Two squads are preparing their attack! Thy are coming from the sides!" Informed a soldier who was on the
right side of the formation.

"We won't be able to maintain the formation! We must disperse and reform the formation in small squads!" Shouted
another Spartan.

"CALM DOWN! Trust in his majesty! , he told me that no matter what the formation must not be destroyed, so we will
do that!" Said Deferio

When the soldiers heard "Trust in his majesty" they couldn't protest anymore, after all, they have faith in Alfonso.

"He won't let us die!"

This was the thought of everyone.


"What kind of formation is that!?" Shouted Leonardo who was watching the battle from a higher spot.

"… Truly marvelous, this formation has everything, from absolute defense to absolute attack... I have never seen it
before….Leonardo…. I had this thought on my mind since the beginning, but now I am sure of it.... We are not fighting
Arcadia" Said Felio who was at Leonardo side.

"What!? Then.... Then who are fighting!"

"I don't know... but one thing I know for sure is that they have a great strategist on their side!" Said Felio.

"Who am I fighting!?" Murmured Felio.

"If that is true then….. Then we are in great danger! We can't afford to lose more forces!" Said Leonardo.

"That's right….. Leonardo prepare my companion, we are going to the front!" Said Felio.

"But your majesty-"

"Do as I say!"

"As you order!" Said Leonardo while bowing.


"Captain! They are here!" Shouted one young.

"Resist!" Shouted Deferio.

Just when the words escaped from his mouth the other two squads who were on the side collide with the formation!.


"HOLD ON!" Shouted Deferio.

The formation shake, the impact of three forces colliding was too much for Deferio and the Spartans, in fact, it was truly
a miracle that they could stand still giving the force of the impact.
"Captain! We must break the formation!"


"But captain!"

"TRUST!" Shouted Deferio.

"Once more! Break their formation!" Shouted the commanders from Tulip.

"YOUR MAJESTY!" Shouted Deferio.


Just when the commanders were preparing for the final push, a howl could be heard in all the battlefield.

"What- what is that!" Shouted one of the commanders.

"The reinforcements are here!" Shout Deferio.

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60 Battle against Tulip part three

"What- what is that?" Asked one of the tulip soldiers.

"I don't know!" Shouted another one.

"What is this uncomfortable feeling" Thought the commander of the front line squad.

He turned his side to the darkness, for some reason, he felt like….

"Like a prey"

His instincts told him that danger was coming on the way.


"EVADE!" Shouted the commander.

Suddenly, from the darkness, an object with an unbelievable speed run towards him.


A huge wolf came running towards him!

The commander merely dodged the attack, however, the wolf didn't stop, it continued his attack on the next soldier!


The soldier wasn't so agile as the commander and couldn't complete evade the attack of the wolf, as a result, the soldier
was bitten on the leg, almost ripping it out.


The soldiers break their formation an approached the wolf, however, before they could breathe.


More and more wolves came from the darkness aiming at the soldiers!

"RUN!" Shouted the commander.

However, someone stopped his way.

"Where do you think you are going?" Said a man with a spear and a shield on his hand.

It was Deferio.





The other Spartans gripped her spears and began their assault towards the enemy, with the wolves helping them from the


"Wolves!?" Shouted Leonardo who was watching the battlefield on his companion.

"There isn't much time, lets go!" Shouted Felio who began his march to the battlefield.

"Wait for me your majesty! Cavalry, follow your highness!" Shouted Leonardo, who was the commander of the cavalry


With Felio on the head, the group was quickly approaching the battlefield, however….



One of the soldiers fell down from his horse if someone looked up, one could see that the horse had an arrow embedded
on its leg.

"ENEMY AMBUSH!" Shouted the soldier.

"The enemy has archers on the sidelines! Break the formation, don't make yourself and easy target!" Shouted Felio while
increasing the speed of his horse.

"BREAK THE FORMATION, go in that direction and take down the archers, I will follow his majesty!" Shouted



"They are coming, just as Sir. Artemis said" Said one man in the shadows.

"Yup, time to back up, the mission was accomplished, be a distraction of the cavalry" Said another man

Suddenly, a plant nearby began to move funny.

"Attention~ everyone~ , follow the path of flowers and you will be fine, remember the darkness is our ally, Alfonso
told me that you will receive a nice bonus for the good job~" Said the plant.

"AS YOU ORDER, LADY DEMETER!" Said the men while following the path of flowers.

"Wow, man we will get a bonus! I hope is more food, this trip made me super hungry you know!"

"Yeah, yeah"

These men were no other than the commoners from Wasteland Valley, by the orders of Artemis they sneak around and
have been hiding since then, their mission was simple, when they saw the cavalry, they will attack and then retire, attack
as many times as needed to break their formation, however, they only needed one shoot to finish their job, of course, this
was all thanks to the fact that the battlefield was in chaos so the commanders didn't have the cold head to analyze the
hold situation.

One man who was also running turn around to look at the path of flowers.

"Anyway, that way of communicating is pretty weird, don't you think?" Said of the man.

"Tell me about it, that old lady surely has a lot of tricks under her sleeve"

"HO~HO~, Who is an old lady?"

The man felt a cold voice coming from behind him, when he turned around he only saw a small flower, however, this
small flower seemed to be looking on his way.


Shouted the man before running at full speed.


"It seems that the attack was a success, they spread the cavalry" Informed Demeter.

"Excellent, now its time to end this, we can't prolong it or else, we will lose the advantage and that will be our end"
Said Artemis.
"Yeah, its now or never, lets go!" Said Alfonso while grabbing his cane.

"MARK OF THE HUNTER!" Shouted Artemis

"SHADOWLESS!" Shouted Alfonso.


"FUCK THIS WOLF!" One soldier who had a big wolf over him, grabbed his sword and made a swift motion cutting
the leg of the wolf.

"AOO!" The wolf retreated with pain.

The soldiers didn't let the opportunity go and surround the wolf with ten men.


The soldiers began to attack the wolf from all sides, the wolf defend with everything it could, nevertheless, the soldiers
managed to take him down.

"Grrrr~ *cought*"

The wolf, who was coughing blood, firmly stared at the soldiers, without fear.

"This is for my fallen brothers!" Shouted one soldier while lifting his sword.

Just as the blade was about to cut the wolf's head, a hand grabbed the sword.

"You will pay for that" Said a cold voice.



Before the soldier could finish his sentence, a punch came to his face sending him away.


The other soldiers had the same fate and were sent away by punches.

"Are you okay?" Asked Artemis to the wolf who was injured.


"Don't worry, I will send you to Demeter soon" Said Artemis while standing up.

The other soldiers of Tulip didn't miss this small fight and couldn't help but feel scared at the sight of Artemis, who
looked like an impenetrable fortress.

"HOW DARE YOU!?!" A voice from afar.

When she turned around, she saw two men coming towards her.

One was a muscular man with black hair in a brown horse.

The other one was another man with black hair, however, this one had a huge sword on his back and his horse was

"So, he is the leader" Thought Artemis.

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61 Just a wolf
"Who are you?" Asked Artemis to the two men.

"INSOLENT!" Said Leonardo.

"I won't ask a second time" Said Artemis.


"Stop, Leonardo" Said Felio while the getting off the horse.

"My name is Felio Gremio, King of Tulip Town, who are you? And why are you attacking us?" Said Felio in a calm


"Don't worry Artemis, I will answer"

Suddenly, A voice came from behind Felio, when he looked down, he saw a some kind of cane aiming to his throat!


Leonardo rapidly took off his sword

"Lower.Your.Weapon" Said Alfonso while pressing the cane.

However, despite being in this situation, Felio didn't even blink, he was as calm as before.

"I suggest lowering your weapon too, my friend" Said Felio while looking down.

When Alfonso follow his gaze, he saw that the tip of a sword was poking his hip.

"When!?" Though Alfonso.


Artemis shouted while preparing her bow.

"Stop Artemis, lower your weapon"


Finally, Artemis lower her bow.

"You too, Leonardo"




Leonardo put down his sword.

However, Alfonso keep his cane in the throat of Felio while Felio did the same with his sword on the hip of Alfonso.

"You are fast" Said Alfonso.

"And you a little rat, to actually came so close without my notice." Said Felio.

Alfonso and Felio stared for sometime, before long, Felio made a small smirk and let go of his sword, Alfonso did the
same with his cane.

Alfonso took a few steps back, just two steps in front of Artemis he stopped.

"Welcome to Wasteland Valley, its own nation with its own rules"

"And you are?"

"My name is Alfonso Lockheart, Sovereign of Wasteland Valley."


[Somewhere near Arcadia]

"We are almost in Arcadia, remember, we only came here to buy steel, we buy it, and we get out , you understand?"
Said a girl with a black cloth and black hair.

"No, this is what we are going to do, we are going to stay on Arcadia for sometime"

Below her a small puppy talked in highly-mighty manner.

"Cerberus, his majesty was very specific, if we are late, then master will be furious and if she is furious then I am
screw, not you, me" Said Cat one.

"Come on , don't be a pussy, I have this feeling that something interesting is going to happen here, in fact, I can tell you
this, we may Alfonso if we get some useful info" Said Cerberus.

"Are going to get paid extra for this?"


"Then forget it"

"You... greedy bastard…..Hmmmmm?? wait, wait, wait , let's go back a little bit…. Did you say your master was a….
"she"?" Asked Cerberus.

"Hmm? Yeah, what about it?"

"Are you blind or something? Is clearly that Artemis is a he not a she"

"? What are you talking about, didn't you see those beautiful wings on her hip, those were surely impressive"

"? Ha? What wings? Tell me , are you… you know….. eating some strange mushrooms o something? You sure a strange
one Cat one."

"…ha…. I won't say anything else….. anyway….. we have a mission so lets go" Said Cat one

"This little girl surely is a weird one." Though Cerberus

"Oh yeah, one more thing"

"What is it?"

"When we are in Arcadia, don't talk"

"Hmm? Why?"

"Because you don't see a talking puppy every day, you will attract unnecessary attention" Said Cat one.

".....Fine….." Surprisingly, Cerberus compromise.

"And, if you must talk, don't call me Cat one"

"Then how should I call you, your majesty?"

"....Io will be fine"


It was morning on Wasteland Valley and it was colder than other days, usually, the farmers and the commoners will get
up early to do their activities, however, Alfonso gave them a day off and promise to give each family a huge piece of
deer to eat, this was a sore of compensation for yesterday's battle, of course, everyone was happy about it, the soldiers
received a piece of land and 10 pieces of gold each. In Wasteland Valley the land wasn't worth that much, however, the
soldiers still happily accepted, of course, they value much more the 10 pieces of gold, how could they knew that in the
near future they will the luckiest men in all Wasteland Valley to receive a piece of land that cost at least, one hundred
times more than now.

However, that was a story for another day

While everyone was still sleeping, Alfonso, was having an important meeting.

"So, Mr.Gremio , are you telling me that you came here because you were worried of the tread that were the beast, its
that correct? " Asked Alfonso.

"That is correct, we were in a predicament, like I mention, we sent a team to scout this terrain, but they didn't come
back, since we didn't get the info, we assume the worst, so we decide to strike first, who would have tough that you will
actually be able to survive and not only that, you even get the beast to cooperate with you… I must say that the rumors
about your majesty were complete wrong" Said Felio.

"Well, thank you"

"However, this and that are to different things" Said Felio.

He crossed his eyes and looked directly to Alfonso.

"I cant overlook the fact that you attack us. I loss 120 men yesterday, they had families, they were important, you cant
possible tell me that I forget about that, right?" Said Felio.

"I will admit it, that I am part responsible for this, I should have sent an ambassador to know exactly what were your
intentions in coming here" Said Alfonso in a calm matter.


"However" Interrupted Alfonso before Felio could continue.

"However, you must understand something, Every town, every city, every valley in Leitol give us their back when we
need them the most, that makes us...aware of strangers…..of course, if they come with good intentions we will be open
to listen, however, someone who comes with an army of 1000 something men, they simply don't come to have a nice tea
chat, do you understand?" Said Alfonso.



Deferio, who was behind Alfonso took out his spear.

"Stop" Said Alfonso.

"We are here to talk not to fight…. Your name was Leonardo, right?"


"Two things, first, you are wrong I do know how it feels to lose a man, you are looking it yourself" Said Alfonso while
looking at his side, Leonardo follow his gaze.

On the floor, Demeter was attending a wolf who was badly injured, this wolf was the one that Artemis barely safe,
although it didn't die, it loss one eye, and he could barely walk.

"He will survive, however, he won't be able to fight anymore…. I am sorry" Said Demeter while hugging the head of
the wolf.


The wolf looked at Alfonso.

Alfonso stood up and bowed to the wolf.

"Thanks for your service to Wasteland Valley, I, Alfonso Lockheart, will be eternally grateful" Said Alfonso.

The wolf looked happy and then fall sleep.

"I will take it to another room" Said Demeter while grabbing the wolf.

"…what are you being so melodramatic about… its just a wolf" Murmured Leonardo

However, it didn't escape Alfonso's ear.

"Just a wolf?" Said Alfonso in a cold way while looking straight to Leonardo.

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62 … Can someone explain to me what has just happened?

"Just a wolf?" Said Alfonso

Leonardo was a little scared of the gaze of Alfonso, nevertheless, he stood firmly.

"Y-yes! I said it! It its just a beast! A wild animal, what are you so concern about it? We, on the other hand, lose
PEOPLE, more than one hundred men, people, how can the life of a simple animal could compare with the life of an

Before Alfonso could say anything.


A slender-white hand slapped the face of Leonardo, despite this, the hand left a huge mark on Leonardo's face.

"I don't know who you think you are, but you in Wasteland Valley, here, we and the wolves are not different, we are
allies and most importantly, we are friends, so you better shut the fuck up, or else, I will do it for you, do you
understand?" Said Artemis with a cold gaze.


"Leonardo, that's enough" Said Felio, who has been quiet the whole time.

"…." Leonardo was upset, but he remains in silence.

"Sorry about my commander, he lost a lot of brothers yesterday"

"I will let it pass, however…. There won't be a second time" Said Alfonso while sitting down.

"I understand, lets go back to the topic, As I was saying, you can't deny the fact that you attacked yesterday first, we are
under the monarchy of the Lockheart family, as an ex-royal member you should understand this better than anyone else,
we follow protocols, we follow rules, if you had stopped and send someone to talk to us, we would have solved this in
a proper way, but now, I have 800 something men waiting for an answer for all this, I can't simply go and say, "it was a
mistake, sorry" you must understand Mr. Lockheart , we are currently in a tight spot, our swore enemy is preparing for
war and I can't afford to lose a single man, much less 150 of them" Said Felio

Alfonso thought for some time.

"…..Like I say before, I now that this time, I was too hasty, however, there is a fundamental mistake in your reasoning…
you mention rules and protocols, however, I did remember that there was a protocol that, if a village, town or city was
under attack from external forces, then they have two options, they can request an intervention from Dragon city, or they
can ask help from a neighbor town, everyone knew that we were going to be attacked by the horde a couple of months
ago, so, where was our help? Where were your protocols?" Said Alfonso .

"….You now that Wasteland Valley isn't consider a town under the monarchy of the Lockheart family, we didn't have to

"But you could, in this godforsaken land lives families, families that didn't commit any sin other than being born here,
those protocols that you are so proud about can be resume in one phrase, "We are a big family, so we support each
other", well, I am afraid that we aren't part of that family, I told you from the beginning , this a nation with its own rules,
we aren't part of the Lockheart monarchy, for us, you are just a strange army that decided to come here for unknown
reasons, like you can't afford to lose a soldier, I can't afford to lose a single person in Wasteland Valley, I can't…. And
I won't, did I make myself clear? "

"..... you are being ruthless, do you really think that just because you say it, it means that you can suddenly become an
independent nation?...hahahahaha" Said Felio


Felio suddenly punch the table and looked at Alfonso, it was the first time that Alfonso felt such coldness from Felio's

"You are just playing the role of a king, you may have power here, but if you go to the capital, you won't last a second
there... you are just an ignorant brat who couldn't stay in the big stage and was sent here to be the leader of a dead land"

Alfonso remained in silence, however, his expression remained as calm as ever.

grabbing his spear and rushing towards Felio.

Felio didn't say anything and just grabbed his sword, he stood up and waited for the attack in a calm way.

"DIE!" ´

Deferio throw himself with his spear.

However, before the spear could meet its target.


Something blocked the way of the spear, it was a cane.

"Deferio, did I give you the order to attack?" Said Alfonso


"I won't repeat myself Deferio."

"I said that we are here to talk not to fight, are you defying my orders?"

"I wouldn't dare!"

"Then sit down"

Deferio looked at Alfonso while feeling regret for acting so hasty, he took a deep breath and sat down.

Alfonso, however, didn't. He stood there while looking at Felio, who was one head taller than Alfonso, despite this,
Alfonso didn't feel intimidate at all.

"If we go to war, we both lose, tell me, what do you propose?" Said Felio while taking a step forward.

"I need resources" Said Alfonso while also taking a step forward.

"I need a strong ally" Said Felio who took another step.

They were just a few inches away from each other.

"He…" Said Alfonso while making a smirk.

"Do we have a deal, loser prince?" Said Felio while extending his hand.

"I really hate you, you know?" Said Alfonso while extending his hand.

"What a coincidence, the feeling is mutual" Said Felio.

After that they both shake hands.

"Loser" Said Alfonso.

"Look who is talking" Said Felio.

"If you lose to a loser that makes worse than loser, how can you look at yourself in the mirror"



After some awkward seconds...



After that, the both of them went outside, leaving the other ones.

"... Can someone explain to me what has just happened?" Said Artemis.

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63 blank
""Master, welcome back"" Reported two little girls dressed in white.

"Ahh, I am back, how was the hunting?"

""No problem as usual""

"Where are the other ones?"

"They are punting the food on the refrigerator"

"Good, you can go now, remember, the commoners still have classes today"

""As you order""

These little girls were the assistants of Artemis, the children of Okeanos, they didn't participate in the hunt because was
worry of a surprise attack, so he left them to protect the city; their job was basically to be Artemis's secretary, however,
they also did a lot of jobs in the manor, furthermore, they are the ones who receive the commoners when Tailor dictated
his classes, they also when hunting on their own and bring the food to the mansion.

Suddenly, someone opened the door.

"Oh, mister Artemis , you are back, have you seen your majesty?"

It was Ribeiro.

"Ribeiro, Alfonso has just go out a few minutes ago, do you need something?"

"Well…. I wanted to discus with his majesty about an issue…"

"What is it?"

"….." Ribeiro was a little hesitant.

"Just tell me"

"..okay…. the issue is like this, I heard a few people talking on my way home, it seems that is some displeasure in the
way his majesty is managing the economic issue" Said Ribeiro.

"Hmm? What do you mean"

"Well… you see, the problem is like this, the commoners go for hunting, and then they give it to us, in exchange we give
them money and food, correct?"


"Well, that's the issue, there is no point in having money in wasteland valley because we don't own any shops that
requires money, if someone wants something they usually made them themselves or exchange with someone else for
something, so the people are complaining and thinking that they should just keep the hunt for themselves instead of
giving it to us" Said Ribeiro

"….. Well, its true that money is useless on Wasteland Valley, at least for now, however, is also true that we are too
nice to the commoners, and they are actually complaining?, humph, this is why I tell Alfonso that he is too much of a
soft-heart" Said Artemis with an irritated voice.

"What…. What do you mean?"

"Tell me something…. Do you work for free?" Asked Artemis to Ribeiro.


"You get your money plus food, then tell me something, where does that food comes from if you don't hunt?"


"Tell me, Tailor works for free? And little Pit? That he works for free? The soldiers, do they work for free?"


"We give them their food, that food comes from the manor, Alfonso, as the leader of this place should have a better food
than everyone else as so as we, however, we eat almost the same as the commoners, if they can even think of these facts,
then the education program is useless because they will forever be idiots" Said Artemis obviously annoyed.

"Well…. That's true"

"Let them complain all they want, however, if there is someone who hides their hunt them report it to me, I will deal
with the, you know what? Lets took the initiative ourselves" Said Artemis.

"Shouldn't… shouldn't I tell his majesty…."

"No, Alfonso is too busy to deal with this stupid problem, I will take care of it, GIRLS!"

""Did you call master?"" Suddenly, ten little girls appeared and bowed to Artemis.

"Go with Ribeiro and inspect house after house if some family is keeping more food than normal, bring them to me"


"Ribeiro, go with the girls"

"…yes…" Said Ribeiro helplessly.

"Sir Artemis is too radical…. Next time I will wait for his majesty" Thought Ribeiro while was being dragged by the
little girls.


"Why are you yelling all the time Artemis~" Asked a voice behind Artemis.

"Demeter, how is the wolf?"

"He is going to live….. but he lost the vision in one eye and one of his legs is almost cripple, he will be a like Alfonso"
Said Demeter with sadness.

"…..Damnit" Cursed Artemis

"…Its not your fault"

"….I know that" Said Artemis.

"Lie" Said Demeter with a kind smile.

Artemis just made a small smile before going back to her room.

"Sigh~ , you are too hard on yourself Artemis, you are just like little Al in that aspect" Said Demeter while looking

She closed her eyes and feel the air blowing on her face, She suddenly feel…. something.

"I have a really bad feeling….." Said Demeter while looking through the window.


[Arcadia Town]

Arcadia was one of the most prosperous towns in the north of Leitol, they had the blessing of the goddess Yurit, who
was known as the goddess of metallurgy, they were blessed with a mine of gold and mine of silver, it was not a surprise
that even the price and princess of the Lockheart monarchy had eyes on them, eventually, the princess of Leitol, Diana,
became the "protector" of this land, and acquire the tittle of "Town"

There was a huge difference between Valley, town and city on Leitol; On earth, the tittle of town was given to a group
of people without a correct political structure that live together and have some kind of arrangement between and the
economy its not managed by the "government" instead, its managed by the business on town, and the demography its
different, towns tend to be less densely populated, the geography is similar to a city but in a smaller size, However, in
Leitol was totally different.

Lets compare Wasteland Valley and Tulip Town, why did Tulip had the title of "Town"? because they were blessed by
a god, it didn't matter what kind of government they had or even if they had a government, just by having the blessing of
a god, they receive that tittle, of course, with the tittle came benefits as well as responsibilities, for example, with the
tittle of "Town", Tulip had the right to ask for help to the royal army if they were under attack of foreign enemy or to
interfere in a diplomatic issue with another town, furthermore, they could send their children to the "Dragon Academia"
in Dragon City to aim for a position in the militia or the government, of course, all of these didn't come for free, they had
to pay their taxes to the royal family, and , if a royal prince or princess wanted, they could become "protector" of that
town, this also implies that the town will have to pay a fee to the protector.

On the other hand, we have Wasteland Valley; The tittle Valley just imply one thing, that you don't exist for the royal
family, in other words, nobody gives a shit if you live or die, in fact, if a town decides to take position of your land, you
only have two options, surrender or die.

Human rights? What are those? Can you eat them?

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64 Felipe“s sin
"Father, I am back" Said a Young man with black long hair

"Felipe, how was the negotiations?" Asked an old-fat man with a bold hair.

This man was the lord of Arcadia Titio Grego, next to him were two men, one of them was tall and muscular with a
tanned skin, he was the oldest son of the Grego family, Excelio, the other man was as tall as Felipe, in contrast with his
older brother, Rodof had a skinned texture, however, he was the most similar in appearance to their father

"It was as one would expect; the king of Tulip didn't want to accept the alliance" Reported Felipe.

"Hmph! That idiot always makes things difficult!" Said Titio.

"Father, we don't have to worry, the opportunity is here, with the incoming attack of the horde, Tulip will have to face
an enemy from the back and the from" Said Excelio.

"Yeah! It will be too easy maybe we don't even have to send Alberto" Said Rodof.

Ttio looked at his sons and made small chuckle.

"That's right…. Why I am so upset? It just a matter of time before I take Tulip, I must be thankfull to Wasteland Valley,
the fact that they lose to the horde and give them food was my blessing" Said Titio.

"Felipe, is there anything else you want to report?" Asked Titio.

"No" Answer Felipe.

"Them you may go on your way, oh yeah, call Alberto on your way, I have some matters to discuss with him" Said Titio.

"As your order, father"

"Oh yeah, one more thing" Said Titio.


"Your wife is coming here, you better treat her well"

Felipe stopped on his tracks for a second before nodding without looking back and then went on his way.

The father and sons duo looked at the back of Felipe before it disappear.

"Sigh…." Excelio made a long sigh while looking at the back of Felipe.

"What are you sighing for?" Asked Rodof

"What do you mean why? You and I as well as father" Said Excelio while looking at Titio.

"Know that Felipe doesn't want to get married….after all-"


Before Excelio could finish his sentence, Titio enraged shut him up.

"I am sorry father" Said Excelio while looking down.

"It's a disgrace to our family that I had a son with such abdominal tastes, you think that the memory of that isn't enough
and you wan to make me remember!? GET THE HELL OUT! AND YOU TOO RODOF, I WANT TO BE ALONE!"
Shouted Titio.

""YES FATHER!"" The two men bowed and went on their way while leaving Titio alone.

"Why did you have to say that? You know that father hates to hear about that subject" Said Rodof to his brother.

"...I know…." Said Excelio.

"You know that the only reason why Felipe its alive is that he is the smartest of us and it's a great at dealing with all
kind of stuff, so he is useful to father" Said Rodof.

"….In the past…. Father used to be the proudest of Felipe, he always told everyone that his son was going to be the next
king of Tulip….. alas….." Said Excelio.

"Isnt better for brother? You are now the heir of Tulip?" Said Rodof.

"….. I suppose"


Titio was in his throne with an awful expression he didn't want to remember what happened 10 years ago, but the
memory always return when he looked at Felipe.

"What are you doing?" Said a younger Titio while looking at the scene before him.

In a dark room, two men were surprised on a room hugging and kissing, one of them had a long dark hair while the other
one, well, Titio didn't remember him, because all his attention was on his youngest son, Felipe.

"Fa-father, please, wait I can explain it" Said Felipe

"YOU UNFILIAL SON!" Shouted Titio while throwing a punch to his son.


The punch was so hard that it broke felipe's nose.


"Lord, please have mercy!"

Shouted the other young man while kneeling.



Two men got into the room after hearing the yelling, it were Execelio and Rodof.



Excelio who saw this scene was speechless, however, he was so afraid of his father right now, he has never seen him
so mad before, so he passed his sword without thinking.


"NO, FATHER!" Shouted Felipe, however, it was too late.

A round object rolled to his side Felipe, his face looked pale, and he touched his stomach in pain.


Felipe couldn't help it and throw up, however, this upset Titio even more.

He grabbed Felipe by the hair and throw him another punch, and then another one and so on.


"FATHER STOP!, YOU ARE GOING TO KILL HIM!" Said Excelio while grabbing his father from behind.

Felipe had to stay on bed from one month before he could walk again.

After Felipe recover he was immediately called by Titio to his throne. When Felipe got there, he saw his father as well
as his brothers

"Father" Said Felipe

"Shut up, you listen, and I talk, understand?" Said Titio.


"From now on the heir to the throne shall be your brother Excelio, your prince's privileges are revoked, and you shall
assist your brother and I in everything we need and you shall remain in the palace always escorted by a guard that I
designate, have I make myself clear?" Said Titio.

Felipe wanted to say something but, in the end, he just nodded.

"…Yes, father"

"One more thing, I will arrange a marriage with the daughter of the coller family, Sana, you shall meet here in a couple
of days" Said Titio



Felipe didn't say anything else and nodded.


Felipe was in his chamber looking at the ceiling.

"It's been ten years since that day." Murmured Felipe.

He sat down and looked at his side. His room was a simple one bed and one huge closet

He opened his closet and bent down, he took out a small key from his pocket and search in the closet, at the of the closet
was a small lock, when he put the key, a *CLANG* sound could be heard.

The back of the closed opened and a small entrance could be seen.

Felipe enter and walked in the darkness, after walking for some time, a small light could be seen at the end. When
Felipe got there, the figure of a woman could be seen, this woman was beautiful, maybe the most beautiful woman that
Felipe has ever see.

"Hello, princess Susana"

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"Fuck you."

"Woah, that's quite the mouth for a princess," said Felipe while sitting beside the princess.

Susana was sat on a huge bed. The room was adorned with luxury furniture and although it was not big, the room had
everything that one needed.

"You are as beautiful as everyone says," said Felipe while stroking her hair.

Princess Susana was surely one of the most beautiful women in all Leitol with her green eyes and her long blonde hair.
Furthermore, with her pearl-like skin and slender figure, she was known as the Beauty of the North in Leitol- of course,
this was after the "accident".

"Don't touch me!"


With her hand she hit hard on Felipe's hand before cuddling in a corner of the bed.

Felipe looked at the princess and just smiled. "Well, don't worry. I won't hurt you nor would I let anyone do anything
bad to you. I only want you to stay quiet, although…." Felipe paused while looking at the bare legs of the princess. "I
don't think it will be necessary, right?" asked Felipe.


"I will send my subordinate to give you food as usual," said Felipe while walking out of the room.


Felipe stopped in his tracks without turning back. "What?"

"Why are you…doing all of this?"

"….To prove something"

"What are you trying to prove?"

"….That I am not just an object."

After that, he out of the room without looking back.

Susana though hard on the words of Felipe and the way he said them

To her, Felipe gave a familiar feeling, almost as…

"As I was talking to myself."


[Arcadia Town]

It was a dark room, however, a lot of noises could be heard.


"More. More~"


The voices of women were too many to count.

"Fuuuu~ come one. Move your hips more."

A male voice could be distinguished between the women voices.

"Lord Alberto, I can't move anymore-"


The figure threw a huge slap onto the woman and she was sent flying a few meters before her head met the wall. She fell
unconscious on the spot while some blood was seen on the floor. Nobody knew if she was dead or alive.

"Fucking bitch if I say something you must answer, 'Yes, master!' What a fucking trash! Who is next?!"

The other women were horrified by the scene and they couldn't speak.

"I say, who is next!? Or all of you want to die?!" shouted the man.

"I…. I-I am ne…next," said one women who was shaken all the way to her toes.

"Oh~ you quite the cutie, entertain me well and you won't end like that stupid whore over there," said the man while
pointi g to the unconscious girl.

"Ye-ye-yes, master."

"Good, come here."


Suddenly the door was knocked and a man enter the room.

"Lord Alberto, His Majesty is requesting your presence in the manor," said the man while bowing.

"Oh? It's you, Felipe? I am busy right now, tell your father that I will go when I have the time."

"I am afraid I will have to insist. We have a little emergency right now."


"The King of Tulip, Felio Grego, is currently sending troops to fight the horde and their defense will be shallow…. You
understand what I mean right?" asked Felipe with a small smile.

"Oh! Finally. Some fun," said Alberto while standing up and putting on his clothes. "Let's go."

"As you order," replied Felipe.


It's been a couple of days since Felio and his men came to Wasteland Valley. They were allocated in the Commoner's
Zone for now except for Felio and Leonardo who stayed in the manor. In these couple of days, Felio and Leonardo
toured Wasteland Valley.

"I am stunned," said Felio who was walking with Alfonso in the Agriculture Zone.

"Oh? Why is that?" asked Alfonso.

"Everyone knows that Wasteland Valley isn't a fertile land, that's why we called a dead land, but now…" Felio looked
at the farmers taking out the cereals and the vegetables. "It's seems that everyone made a huge mistake."

Alfonso looked at him and just made a small chuckle. In fact, what everyone knew was the actual truth: this land was a
deadland. However, because he had the system, Alfonso made the impossible, possible.

"Well, thanks for that, but as you may see, we don't have enough resources to feed all the people on Wasteland Valley.
In fact, this is our first bunch of vegetables and cereals since I took command of Wasteland Valley," said Alfonso.
"Demeter, do you mind elaborating to our guess?"

"Coming~" said Demeter who was with Camel and the farmers.

"This bunch is capable of feeding to all Wasteland Valley for exactly one month. As you see, we don't have enough food
to feed all the families. Our main problem is seed because the land…. Well, this land is what we have the most. If you
look we only use 10% of the land in the Agriculture Zone and everything else is just dead land. This is why our main
source of food is hunting," explained Demeter.

Felio nodded while thinking.

"As you may see, what we need the most is resources…. Not only material but also human resources," said Alfonso.

"Human resources?"

"Come with and you will understand, Demeter. I will see you in the manor."
"See you, Little Al~"


Before long, they arrived to a big wooden house. However, what was strange is that the nearer you get to the house, the
hotter you felt.

"This is?"

"This is where our blacksmith lives. Let's go," explained Alfonso.

When they entered the house, Hephaestus was practicing with his hammer as usual.

"Hephaestus, hello."

"Oh? Is that you, human? You came just in time. The materials that I have are almost over. Bring back some more. This
time I will make swords and armors,"said Hephaestus.

"Hephaestus, let me introduce you to Felio Grego. He is the lord of a neighbor town and he is going to be our provider
of resources," said Alfonso.

Felio was a little taken back by the hulk appearance of Hephaestus, but he nevertheless smiled kindly.

"Nice to meet you."

"Hmmm." Hephaestus nodded while going back to work.

"By the way Alfonso," said Hephaestus

"What is it?"

"How were the spears that I made?"

"Excellent- despite the low-quality material- they actually bore the attack of a whole army. Thank you." Alfonso smiled.

Hephaestus made a small smile and went back to his exercises.

Alfonso and Felio left the house shortly after that.

"As you can see Mr. Grego, we don't have many talented people. My blacksmith can manage for now but when we get
more people, he will need help. We don't have any kind of shops in Wasteland Valley so we don't have any kind of
commerce and my people live in cold and have to hunt every day just to have something to eat. Although I have an
education program, I only have two teachers. My militia only consists of 50 something men and the majority have joined
just a couple of months ago. In other words, they just kids. All in all, Wasteland Valley has a lot of work to do, so, I
can't take the luxury to go to a war- not without benefit…. Do you understand?" asked Alfonso to Felio.

Felio looked at Alfonso for some time and made some calculations in his mind.

"I will open free commerce with Wasteland Valley, I will do a deposit of 10,000 piece of gold for the next bash of
vegetables and cereals, on the condition that you and your men fight for me in the incoming war. Additionally, I will add
50 bags of potatoes, which is the specialty in Tulip and I will send 5 families of farmers and two tailor apprentice. I
exchange, I want to send a bunch of children of Tulip to Wasteland Valley to be part of your educational program.
Lastly, I will send one of my generals to Wasteland Valley and 200 men. In exchange, I want you to teach my archer
squad lead by Furio the art of archery. They will stay in Wasteland Valley for one year- of course, they will pay for
their meals and everything. They will be just like any ordinary soldier under your command."
Felio put his conditions forth to Alfonso.

"What do you say, do we have a deal?" asked Felio while stretching his hand.

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66 Unexpected Guess
"I have a few questions if you don't mind," said Alfonso.

"Go ahead."

"Why do you want to send kids to our educational program? As far as I know, Tulip had their own scholars, if they want
to follow the road of a diplomatic, they can always go to Dragon's Academia in Dragon city. Why the sudden interest in
my educational program?"

"Well," replied Felio, "there are a lot of reasons, however, the main one is that…the subjects that you teach here are
quite different from the ones that our teachers have in Tulip- especially mathematics. I attended one of the classes
yesterday and I was fascinated. Although I didn't get much of it, I can say, at least, that they are more advanced than the
ones in my town. That's why." Felio wore a slightly grim expression.

"Cunning fox, I didn't know he went to a class," thought Alfonso.

Alfonso was a little reluctant. After all, the mathematics that Taylor taught was very advanced, so he didn't want to
share them. However, it seem that he didn't have much of an option here.

"…. The soldiers that come here would receive the title of honorary soldier. I will give them the same privileges that
my men have- however- with benefits there are always responsibilities: during their stay they will be soldiers of
Wasteland Valley, so they will only receive orders from me. If you accept that, then we have a deal," said Alfonso.

He needed to make this point clear in case of any misunderstanding.

"….What about if I need them from an emergency?"

"Then you will have to send someone to inform me. If I give the order, then they can't go. If they disobey, then you will
have to pay me double of coins they have consumed until that day and a penalty of 5000 gold coins. Of course, they
won't be received here again," said Alfonso.

"….You are being ruthless."


Felio thought for some time before making a small sigh. "Deal."

Alfonso made a light smile and with that, the alliance between Wasteland Valley and Tulip Town was concreted.

[Allies 2 : Sub-mission complete

Congrats to host Alfonso Lockheart for making your first alliance with a human town. This is the first step to implement
a route of commerce that you urgently need!

Reward: 1000 Drachmas, Affinity with people of Tulip Town increase in 40%.

Remark : The Protector god of Tulip Town has taken a liking to you, the fertility in Wasteland Valley has increase by

"What!?" Alfonso was surprised when he read the information, especially the remark part.

"The protector of Tulip? A god?" Though Alfonso while looking at the panel.

"System, what's the meaning of this?"

[The gods of this land usually overwatch their towns. Some really care about their towns. However, some of the other
don't care. It seems that the protector of Tulip really cares about its people] replies the system.

"So that's the case..."

While Alfonso was meditating, someone came rushing towards them.

"You- your Highness!" A young man with the uniform of Tulip was almost out of breath while his face looked very

"Calm down, what is happening?"

"My- my lord!, we just received bad news from Tulip Town!"

"What?! What happened!?" said Felio while losing his calmness.

"Princess- Princess Susana-"

"WHAT! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY DAUGHTER!?" demanded Felio while grabbing the soldier by the arms.



"Alberto, thanks for coming," said Titio.

"Titio, is it true that you are planning to attack Tulip?" askes Alberto.

"It's true. The chance is finally here. Tulip will most surely pay attention to the horde that is going to attack anytime soon
and, soon enough, their defenses will be low and that will be our opportunity." Titio made a smile as he spoke.

Felipe was just at one side of the room without talking.

"Wait a minute, father."

Suddenly, Excelio walked forward to Titio.

"Father, it is true that we have a small advantage now because of the horde, however, Tulip still has Felio and
Leonardo. They both were part of the battalion of His Majesty Willian Lockheart, so they shouldn't be underestimated. If
we go to all out war without certain information the gains wouldn't worth the loses and we will be vulnerable to an
enemy attack. Furthermore, if Felio, by any chance, send a word requesting an audition to Dragon City about our plans,
we may get on the bad side of the royal family. My advice is to not attack for now and wait for relay information" said

Alberto didn't seem too happy with the words of Excelio, however, Titio made some calculations in his mind.

"What do you think Rodof?" asked Titio.

"I think we should attack, we have been waiting for this chance for a long time. Although, Felio and Leonardo are
strong, we have a champion. What do we have to fear" asked Rodof.

Titio stayed quiet for some time.

"If you are worried for getting on the bad side of the royal family, then you don't have to worry about it."

A voice came from the other side of the room. When the door opened a young lady walked in. She was a small girl with
red hair and a slender figure.

"It's been a while father-in-law," said the girl while bowing.

"Oh, Sana, welcome, welcome. It's good that you are here. Sorry for my idiot son for not receiving you in a proper
way," said Titio while looking at Felipe.

"Hello, husband," said Sana while smiling to Felipe.

"Hello, you are earlier than expected," said Felipe

"Yeah, when I received the letter I was actually on my way here. I bring someone with me who can help you with your
little problem," said Sana while looking at the entrance.


While everyone was looking at Sana, a stomp sound could be heard. Immediately, everyone froze in the place.

When Felio saw the person at the entrance, he almost fell from his chair.

The man was very handsome, with short brown hair and brow eyes, he was very tall, maybe even taller than
Hephaestus, however, what impact everyone the most was the armor he was wearing, he had a golden armor of an
unknown material, although it looked perfect, if one looked closely, one could see the huge amount of slices that it had,
its obvious that it had seen many battles ,at the back, the man had a huge sword who emitted a certain aura that made
people back off. At the center of the armor one could see the symbol of an ax on the left side of the chest area.

"YOU- YOU ARE- !?"

"I came for personal business. Tell me, how do I get to Wasteland Valley?" asked the man with a calm but firm voice.

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67 The four families
"Your- your Majesty, it is my, Titio Gregro's, honor to be here answering your question. Wasteland Valley is to the
north and a 3 week travel from here. If you don't mind, I will lend you my carriage so Your Majesty can travel with the
best of the best that Arcadia can offer," said Titio in a respectful tone.

"Do you think that your lowly town can afford a carriage that can please me?" said the young man in a mocking tone.

"," said Titio while lowering his head.

Seeing the awkward face of his father Rodof was about to talk back but Excelio press firm on his shoulder. When Rodof
looked back at his brother he could see that Excelio was nervous- he was so nervous that he was sweating. Rodof could
not believe that his always calm brother was in this state and he had to re-evaluate the position of this young man.

Susana, who was seeing all of this, just smiled a little. Felipe just stayed quiet on the side.

"Mr.Pentagate, please excuse my father-in-law for his rudeness. He is now in a hard position so this little one was
wondering if you were willing to give us a hand," said Susana in a respectful way.

The young man just looked at the young woman.

"I will do it on the account of your brother, however, there will be no second time," said the young man.

He didn't even hear what Susana had to say however, he already agreed.

"Mr. Pentagate, right now my father wants to take possession of Tulip Town. I hope that you can assist us so the royal
family doesn't make too much trouble. Of course, this will be only a small detour in your journey. After all, if you want
to get to Wasteland Valley you must pass Tulip first," said Susana.

The young man made a playful smile went he heard the words "Tulip Town," but it was only for a second before
returning to his usual calmness.

"Got it, we will depart in two days."

And without waiting for anyone else to answer, he went out.

In an instant all the pressure in the room went away and everyone present felt relieved. Susana just smiled and looked at
Felipe. The two of them thence went together on their way.

"It was good that Susana was here, otherwise, I wouldn't even know how I died," said Titio.

"Father , who was this young man?" asked Rodof.

Titio looked at his son as he was looking to an idiot. He releases a small sigh and looked at the way the young man

"He is the youngest son of the Pentagate family, Lucio Pentagate."


It was late that day and Rodof and Excelio were sitting in front of each other.

"Brother, I don't understand why one of the Pentagate family would come here?" asked Rodof.

"I don't understand either. Leitol can be divided in 4 regions: the west, the south, the east, and the north. Each region has
10-something towns in them and each town has their own lord. However, each Region is commanded by one of the four
Dragon's families: the Terkins on the east, the UnderHeavens on the west, the Boltors on the north, and the Pentagates on
the south. Even the Lockheart monarchy has to think it twice before offending any of them.

"As far as I know, the Pentagates and the Boltors hate each other to the bones. It's really unlikely that the Pentagate
family will send someone as important as him to the north, so my conclusion is that he came by himself for something….
He said he was going to Wasteland Valley, but, as far as I know, Wasteland Valley was destroyed by the horde a couple
of months ago," said Excelio.

"I wonder was is the relationship between Lucio and Susana, to actually give her some face and help us," said Rodof.

"How can you be so stupid I wonder?" said Excelio while making a small sigh.

"Hey, what do you mean by that!?"

"The brother of Susana is the oldest son of the Viritia family and the good friend of His Majesty Fernando, Salas


"And what do you think? I bring a good helper, right?" asked a red-haired lady who was sat on a bed. She was only
wearing underwear and at her side there was young man with long black hair. Despite the girl being so beautiful, the
young man didn't look at her with any lust. In fact, he was as calm as usual. This pair of man and woman were Felipe
and Susana.

"Good job. This time, I want my father and his army go to war. I will then make my move. The news of the
disappearance of Princess Susana has surely reached the ears of Felio, so he should be on his way to Arcadia. Just on
time, while they destroy each other, I will take control of Arcadia," said Felipe.

"Oh? How can you be so sure that everything is going according to plan?" asked Sana in a playful manner.

"I left a mole in Tulip. I told him that in half a month's time he must inform Felio about Susana's disappearance. Felio
loves his daughter so he will be desperately search for her. Eventually, my mole will tell him that he saw a few
Arcadian men in the town the night the princess disappeared. Felio is a smart person so he will immediately know that
the kidnapping was planned by someone of Arcadia, so he will bring his army with him. When the two armies fight each
other, I will begin the second part of the plan." Felipe showed a small smile.

"Oh? You say that this is just the beginning?" said Susana while touching Felipe's face with her slender fingers.

However, Felipe remained as calm as ever.

"You already know about it- taking control of Arcadia is just the first step, my goal is not limited to a second-class
Town like Arcadia…. And our little young master Lucio will help us with that," said Felipe while looking at Susana.

When Susana heard the words of Felipe, her body trembled a little and excitement could be seen in her eyes.

"Let's do it," said Susana while pushing down Felipe.

"No, thanks. You are not my type."

"You know how many men will thank the heavens if I let them touch my hand? And yet, you reject me every single time."

"Isn't that the reason you haven't killed me yet?" said Felipe with a mocking smile.
"He,he. I guess you are right," replied Sana with a lovely smile.

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68 Defence of Tulip Town! Part one


"Alfonso, are you sure about this?" asked Artemis.

"….To be honest, I am not," said Alfonso from behind.

Alfonso and Artemis were sitting on a horse together, the reason being, well, it was really simple.

"I don't know to ride a horse," thought Alfonso while looking at Artemis. He felt slightly awkward right now, not
because he, as a monarch and a warrior, had to be with someone on a horse, but rather that...

"Because I don't have anywhere to hold on," thought Alfonso.

Of course, at first, he tried to hold on Artemis's waist, however….


Every time he did it, Artemis would become silent all of the sudden and her wings would flutter like crazy. Alfonso
couldn't help it, but if someone looked at Artemis, one could notice that her cheeks were slightly red. However, the
main factor of Alfonso's awkwardness was something else, or to be precise, someone else.

"Look at you little Al~. Dominating the wild horse~ . Woo~ woo~ . Come on, what are you waiting for~? Hug her~ hug
her~. Artemis, why aren't you saying anything~? Your shining prince is trying to grab your waist…. Oh? Oh!? That is it!
That's the expression! Hahahaha!" said a jovial voice beside the two of them.

Of course, the owner of this (annoying) voice was no one other than Demeter, who had a smirk on the face since the
beginning of the journey.

Currently, the three of them, plus the ten of Okeanos's daughters, were travelling together alongside the army of Tulip at
all speeds towards Tulip.

"This happened too soon," thought Alfonso while recalling the day before.


DEATH!!" The Lord of Tulip, Felio, didn't have his natural calmness. Instead, he was so infuriated that his veins where

After finding that his daughter had been kidnap, he immediately knew the culprit.

"Calm down, it is of no use even if we panic. First of all, why do they kidnap the princess? Why now and not before,
and most importantly, what do they gain from doing all of this?" asked Alfonso.
Felio looked at Alfonso fiercely. However, after looking at his calm face, his emotions calmed a little. He took a deep
breath and sat down.

"They must know that I came here, to Wasteland Valley, to fight against the horde, so they want to invade Tulip right
now. The most reasonable reason is that they wanted to know information about our forces and have a trap card against
me. That's why they kidnapped Susana," said Felio while looking at Alfonso.

"...." Alfonso stayed quiet. He didn't answer.

"Alfonso, this isn't what we agreed, however, now that we are allies, I express a formal request to Wasteland Valley:
Come with me and help me get back my daughter. If you do this, I will be eternally grateful," said Felio while bowing.

"Your Majesty!" Leonardo shouted. However, after seeing the look on Felio's face, he looked at Alfonso and bowed as
well. He didn't like Alfonso- in fact, he hated him- however, they were their only hoped to repel Arcadia and bring
back the princess.

Alfonso looked at both of them and made a small sigh. "In reality, I shouldn't accept. You know this after seeing the state
of my army. We can't defend ourselves. Moreover, in a front war, we couldn't last five minutes against your army. To
win, we needed several factors, but the most important one was, that we fought in our terrain. Wasteland Valley is a
natural fortress that brings out the best of our capabilities," said Alfonso while looking at Felio.

Felio made a complicated face. He knew that Alfonso would say something like this. Truthfully, if he was in Alfonso's
shoes, he would have done exactly the same. It was a lose-lose situation for him. However, he still needed to ask- after
all, right now, he had almost 70% chance of losing against the army of Arcadia- and that is including him and Leonardo
in the equation.

"However…." said Alfonso.

Felio's eyes lit up.

"However, I can go with some of my best archers there. Of course, I will leave the Spartans in Wasteland Valley, after
all, they will be no factor in the war and I can't afford to lose them, not now…. So, I will go with Artemis, Demeter, and
the girls, to provide help. This is the best I can do."

Felio's eyes were complicated. Although he appreciated Alfonso for the gesture, he wasn't sending his principal army.
On one hand, while he was being strict, the other was sending a warrior, a crippled man, an old woman and 10 little
kids to a war. Felio didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Well, at least it is something. That Artemis dude may be on par with me and Alfonso with his invincibility and can
fight someone at the level of Leonardo. The little girls seem to be hunters so let's just put them in the back. However…
why is he sending an old woman?" thought Felio.

"I appreciate the help, thank you. I, Felio Gremo, owe you a big one this time."

"Oh~ that's good to know," said Alfonso while making a happy smile.

This smile sent chills to Felio's back.

"What…what is it?"

"Hehe, nothing. However, I will let you know something," said Alfonso while the smile on his face grew wider and

Alfonso put his hand on Felio's shoulder. "Nobody. Has Ever. Escaped. From owing me. Something." Alfonso made a
smile never before seen.

Artemis, who was behind Alfonso observing all of this, broke out into cold sweat. She has never seen Alfonso like this.

"Is…is he a gangster or something" thought Artemis.

She wasn't the only though. Everyone in the hall was surprised by Alfonso's "friendly" remainder.

However, the most affected one was Felio, who, for the first time, felt intimidated by Alfonso.

"Did…did I just made a huge mistake?"

Felio couldn't help but think that he maybe has…and he screwed it up really badly this time.


[Back to the present]

"Demeter," called Alfonso while looking at the goddess.

"Mmm. What is it~?" asked Demeter.

Alfonso suddenly stood up on the horse and made a small jump.

Demeter and Artemis were stunned, but before they could react, Alfonso landed perfectly on the back of Demeter's

"Wha…wha-aaaaaa!" Demeter who was looking behind almost lost control of the horse.

"Hey! Alfonso what is the meaning of this?" demanded Artemis who didn't know why Alfonso did that.



"Your wings hurt," confessed Alfonso while looking at Artemis wings.

"Wha-!" Artemis was speechless.

"Even if it's like that, you shouldn't just jump on someone else horse!" said Demeter.

Alfonso looked at Demeter and suddenly hugged her from the waist.

"Yes, that's much better," said Alfonso.

Demeter, who was so abruptly hugged, was redder than a tomato.

"What- what do you think you are doing!?" stuttered Demeter and Artemis at the same time.

"If I don't do this I will fall."

Demeter and Artemis wanted to rebuke but didn't know what to say. By the way, Demeter was quiet all the way after
that. However, her face remained as red as a tomato until they arrived at Tulip.

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69 Defence of Tulip Town! part two

The trip to Tulip would last two weeks. In this time, Alfonso got to know the five generals of Felio, including an
interesting one called Furio. He was an old man with a brown beard and he radiated an aura of bravery. Furio was
interested in Wasteland Valley- to be more precise- in Wasteland Valley's archery. Furio talked a lot with Alfonso
about the Principles of Archery and the techniques, however, Furio didn't know that Alfonso was, at most, an amateur in
archery. Theoretically speaking, because his archery abilities didn't come exactly from him, but from Artemis, the
"process" of using the arch and bow came naturally for him. It was as natural as breathing so, if he wanted to explain his
so called "techniques," he couldn't.

The worst part of this was that the old man Furio was really… persistent. He literally stalked Alfonso even when he
went to the bathroom (in the trees). So Alfonso made a strategically retreat and said thus to the old man. "If you want to
know about this, you should talk to that guy over there- the one in white. His name is Artemis and he is our archery
master," said Alfonso in a casual manner.

With this, Alfonso passed the post to Artemis.

The result?

Well, it wasn't that hard to imagine.

"I will kill you!" shouted Artemis while looking at the old man.

"Come one, little buddy you can't be selfish! I saw your abilities early on! Let's discuss the way of the archer!"

"Leave me alone!"

"I won't!"

Alfonso looked with interest on this scene. Early on, Artemis did punch the old man and it wasn't a nice punch either.
However, that didn't stop the old man, in fact, it increased his interest in Artemis. So he was more persistent in his
attacks. Artemis was stunned at the old man's persistence. She couldn't kill him or even cripple him, so she had no other
option other than to kick his ass. However, this only increased the curiosity of the old man, so Artemis didn't know what
to do.

"I don't know anything about archery!" shouted Artemis in a desperate intent to get rid of Furio.

"LIES! Mr. Lockheart had clearly said that you were a master in archery! So I won't go anywhere until we exchange


Fortunately, Alfonso had prepared an escape route and made a tactical retreat.

Like this time passed and there were only 2 days before they got to Tulip Town.

Alfonso and Felio were sitting in Felio's tent.

"Felio, I have a question," said Alfonso.

"What is it?"

"Tell me the truth. Why did they kidnap the princess?" asked Alfonso.

Felio didn't expect this question.

"What do you mean? It's obvious that Titio, that old bastard, wants to have an ace in his slip in case thing went south!"
said Felio with fury.

Alfonso didn't answer. For this answer, Alfonso could tell that Felio didn't find it suspicious. In fact, Alfonso did think
that most likely, this was the answer- he was 99% sure…. However….

"Why is this bothering me so much?" thought Alfonso.

Something was telling him that this wasn't as easy as it seemed, but he didn't know what was wrong.

"Can you tell me about the princess?" asked Alfonso.

Felio looked at Alfonso, and after some time, he talked.

"When I was young, I fell in love with one woman. I met her in Vega City back when I was a soldier under your father's
battalion. Her name was Rachel…. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen…. After some time, she and I got
married and for safety purposes I decided to retire and come here- to Tulip. Shortly after, my father died and I became
the new lord…. Years went by and Rachel got pregnant, however…after she gave birth to Susana, Rachel died," said

Although he didn't want to show it, one could see the sadness in his eyes.

"I never blame Susana for what happened. How could I? She was all I had left. Susana was smart since she was a kid-
when she was 14 she graduated from Tulip's academia with honors…. However…I thought that she could do more than
that, so I sent her to Dragon's city to study in Dragons City Academia…. There is not a single day that I don't regret that
decision," confessed Felio.

"What happened?" asked Alfonso.

"When she was in Dragon City, she got to know the nobility of Leitol. However, she didn't involve herself with
anyone…until HE came," said Felio with fury in his eyes when he said the word "he".


"One of the commanders of Diana's Battalion and the youngest son of the Pentagate house, Lucio Pentagate."

"Lucio Pentagate….Well, that name sure rings a bell."

Alfonso Lockheart, the previous owner of this body knew this Lucio. In fact, all the nobility knew about him. This Lucio
was the "little boy" of his father Astros Pentagate and since birth he was a spoiled child. However, Alfonso must admit
that Lucio was quite something. He was a champion of the War God Destroyer. Although he hadn't accomplished many
things in the militia like his fellow commanders, not even mentioning the general commanders, at least, he was above
average. However, he wasn't famous because of this- he was famous for something else.

"He loves 'collecting' beauties," thought Alfonso.

"He saw Susana when he was on a visit to Dragon City and not long after that tried to get close to her. I won't lie. I saw
this as an opportunity. Lucio was from one of the four dragon families and, if he became my son-in-law, Tulip Town
might have the chance to become a city. However, Susana didn't want to. Over and over again she rejected him. I didn't
want to offend Lucio so I organize a marriage meeting between them…. I was blind…. After the meeting, I didn't find
them in the hostel….. I search for them for 2 days until, finally, on the third day… Susana appeared. I received the news
and went back to meet her… but her usual smile never appeared again. I went to Lucio for answers. He only told me
that he became bored and threw her away."

At this point, Felio seem to have aged a couple of years.

"She forfeited from the academia and went back home. She didn't talk to anyone, not even me for 1 month…. I went to
her room as usual with food one time, but didn't find her. I and the guards search for her, and after two hours we found
her at the foot of a hill. She was bleeding everywhere…. I took her to the doctor's and they told me that she lost the
baby…. I couldn't contain my tears. I did something irreparable to her. Since that day, Susana couldn't walk- she lost the
mobility in both legs. That's why I am to ashamed to even look her at the eye. All I want- all I wanted is for her to be
happy. How could I do that to her…? What kind of father I am?"

Felio seemed to be in extreme pain at this moment. He didn't look like the brave lord of Tulip. Instead, he looked like a
man on the verge of dying.

After some time, Felio took a deep breath.

"That's why, no matter what, even if it cost me my life, I will bring her back home. That's the only way I can repair my
sins," said Felio with resolution.

"I understand," said Alfonso while standing.

He didn't say anything else and went out of the tent.

Felio just looked at Alfonso with profound eyes.


Alfonso walked to his tent. However, before he entered he stopped.

"It's rude to spy on others you know," said Alfonso.

"How did you know?" asked a voice from behind.

A white silhouette appeared behind Alfonso. It was Artemis.

"You can fool others…but you can't fool me…. I could feel it, you know?" said Alfonso while smiling. "Your

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70 Hidden title
"We are here," said Alfonso while looking at the big wall.

In front of him, was a huge wall made of granite. Alfonso was curious because this construction reminded him of
another one on Earth.

"It's really similar to the Big Wall of Avila, although this one is taller. Making a rough appraisal it is more or less the
same," though Alfonso.

Alfonso looked at his sides and analyzed the terrain of Tulip town. He found a lot of differences when compared with
Wasteland Valley. The first one was the weather. Although Tulip town was cold, it wasn't comparable with Wasteland
Valley. It is like comparing winter in EEUU and winter in Iceland.

The second thing that Alfonso noticed was the land. It was a flatland. It didn't have any kind of hills nearby, unlike
Wasteland Valley which had a few.

"OPEN THE GATE! HIS MAJESTY IS BACK!" shouted one of the soldiers.

In that instant the soldier shouted, the gates made a *clank* *clank* sound and the huge door was opened. When Alfonso
and the others entered, he was stunned.

"Sure enough, this town is like medieval towns on Earth, although it's more organized. It's like the ones before the fall of
Constantinople," thought Alfonso.

The fall of Constantinople marked an after-and-before in the history of human kind.

"Like in every town on Leitol, Feudalism was the norm, however, instead of barter, they used the economic model of the
Renaissance. It was quite interesting indeed," thought Alfonso. "Everyone knows the Medial Era as the Dark Era of
Science- a lot of the discoveries of our ancestors were lost and we went back a few hundreds of years, scientifically
speaking. It was at this time that the church was in their peak of power and gave birth to the Inquisition. That gives you a
lot to think about, doesn't it?"

When looking at the sides, one could see merchants, shops, and every now and then, some "prophets" and "shamans".




Alfonso looked at this people with curiosity. After all, this didn't happen in Wasteland Valley. However, what stunned
him the most was the amount of people.

"This is like a modern city. If I were to bet that for every person in Wasteland Valley there are, at least, ten people in
Tulip, I am 99% sure that I would win that bet."

Destiny was a bitch. Alfonso was clear on this. Think about it. There are almost 40 something towns in all Leitol and
who knows how many humans, but he had to reincarnate in the body of a loser prince in the worst town possible. How
was that fair?
However, sometimes…destiny could become the best lover that you could ask for.

"Excuse me…. My lord, would you buy some bottles of juice? It can cure injuries!" Suddenly a small and trembling
voice sounded out from the side of Alfonso.

When Alfonso looked down, he saw a young girl with dirty black hair and a white dress. This girl seemed to be roughly
16 to 18 years old- just a few years younger than Alfonso- and in her hand was a small basket case with 5 bottles in it.
The liquid inside the bottles were orange.

Before Alfonso could answer a soldier came to his side and blocked his way.

"You lowly commoner! You dare to talk to a noble- you wanna die?!" shouted the soldier.

"I-I am so-sorry!" said the girl while trembling. She lowered her head.

The young girl obviously knew that she could be executed right on the sport if she offended a noble. However, she didn't
have a choice. She had been trying to sell her medicine for 1 week already and nobody would but it. She was at the
verge of dying from hunger. She had used the last of her wealth in buying the fruits to prepare this medicine, so she was
betting everything in this last attempt, but it seemed that it was a failure…. Just as she was about to leave, a voice came
from behind.

"Stop," said Alfonso.

The girl suddenly felt her heart beating like crazy. She had cold sweet on her back and she almost couldn't breathe.

"Did-did I offend him? I am… I am dead!" thought the girl.

"Please your majesty! Pardon my offences! Don't kill me!" shouted the girl while kneeling.

Alfonso looked at the girl and grabbed one bottle.

"How much?" asked Alfonso.

"Eh?" The girl was stunned.

"How much?" asked Alfonso again.

"Ah…eh….10-10 silver coins," said the girl without thinking.

"WHAT!? TEN SILVER COINS?! YOU DARE SCAM A NOBLE!" shouted another soldier.

"That girl sure has guts= to actually try to scam a noble! She actually asked for 10 silver coins just for one little bottle.
She doesn't know how to write the word 'death,' " said one passer-byer.

"Yeah, with ten silver one could buy, at the very least, food for two days. However, she wants to sell a small bottle for
ten silvers? Hehe."

"Such a shame. Blood is going to be spilled so early."

More and more passer-byers stood at one side looking at the scene. Although, it was not common, sometimes an idiot
would make her or himself get killed like this.

"Ten silvers huh," said Alfonso while looking at the bottle.

"Don't worry sir, I will immediately punish this little whore. You don't have to dirt your hands," said two soldiers while
grabbing the young girl.

"Did I say that you could move?" asked Alfonso coldly.

"Eh…. No…but…?" asked one soldier.

"Let her go," said Alfonso.

The soldiers backed up and saw Alfonso take one gold coin from his pocket. The soldiers were immediately stunned. In
this world the most common coin was the silver coin. One gold coin equalled one hundred silver coins; one hundred
silver coin was usually the salary of a soldier for a month. So the fact that Alfonso could casually take one gold coin
from his pocket stunned the soldiers. Just for a moment though after that, they remembered the identity of Alfonso.

"Just what is he planning?" thought Felio who was looking at this scene from the sides.

"You say that this medicine can cure right?" asked Alfonso.

"Ye-yeah," said the girl while looking at Alfonso.

"Okay," said Alfonso. He immediately opened the bottle and toke a long sip. He emptied the bottle in one go.

Alfonso didn't say anything and just closed his eyes. After some time, he opened his eyes and gave the gold coin to the
girl. Then he whispered something to the girl. He took the other bottles and mounted his horse with Demeter.

"Let's go," said Alfonso.

The soldiers were surprised but nevertheless didn't stay long and continued their journey.

The girl just looked at Alfonso from the distance. Then she remembered the words of Alfonso and grabbed the gold
coin, running from the place in fear that other people would have some thoughts towards the gold coin.

"What a lucky girl- to actually make a small fortune from just selling that crappy bottles."

"Maybe that noble takes a like to that girl?"

"Who knows…shall we follow that girl, brother?"

"Forget it. If that noble indeed took a liking to that girl, then if we touched her, we are as good as dead."

One after another, the commoners went on their way. Some indeed had some thought of robbing that girl, however, they
didn't want to make that huge bet. They couldn't afford to make a noble angry after all.


The girl ran for some time, and when she was sure that nobody was following her, she went to a nearby old woman.

"Silvia, give me all the fruits that you have here!" said the girl.

"Huh? Since when did you have that kind of money? Shoo! Shoo! You are scaring the customers."

"Look at this," said the girl while taking the gold coin.

"Woah! Just who did you rob to actually have that kind of money?"
"Stop talking crap, are you selling or not?!" demanded the girl with impatience.

"Sure, sure, just take everything- take the carriage with you. Take it as a small gift," said Silvia with a smile from ear to

"What a lucky day!" thought Silvia.

After the girl bought all the fruits, she brought the huge carriage to her home and started to make more bottles like crazy.

As to why she was doing this…. It is because of the last words that Alfonso said to her.

"I want more. Come to the Lord's manor tomorrow. I want 100 of them and I will buy it at 15 silver each."

Just thinking of this made the girl, who was at the verge of dying just a few minutes ago, feel replenished with energy.

"What a kind noble!" thought the girl.


"Little Al! I am proud of you! You are a kind person," Said Demeter with a warm smile.

"Yeah, I am impressed. You actually bought ten useless bottles. Don't tell me that you took a liking to that girl?" said
Felio with a smile on his face.

Artemis didn't say anything. However, on her face was a small smile.

Alfonso didn't say anything.

"Kindness? I am not that good of a person," thought Alfonso.

Alfonso wasn't a saint- he didn't wish to be a saint and he certainly couldn't help every single person in distress. He was
only going to buy a bottle and that was it. However, a notification from the system stunned him.

[ Congratulations to host for finding a hero!

Hygeia, The Doctor!]

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71 Defence of Tulip Town! Part Three

That night, Alfonso was in his room with Demeter and Artemis in Tulip's manor. One could see the big difference
between both towns just by the size of the manor. Felio's manor was, at least, three times bigger than Alfonso and the
furniture inside make the furniture in Alfonso's manor look like crap.

"Well, it's not like I really care. I mean, on Earth, I used to live in cheap motels when I had to investigate," thought
"Alfonso, why did you tell us to come to your room?" asked Artemis, who was sitting by the window while Demeter
relaxed on Alfonso's bed.

"There are three reasons. The first one is about this," said Alfonso while taking out a bottle. This bottle was the one that
Alfonso bought from that young girl.

"This is… that bottle that you bought from that girl, right?" confirmed Artemis.

"That's right, check this out," said Alfonso.

Alfonso took the bottle and drank all the red juice. After that he put his cane at one side and began to walk in the room.

"This!?" Artemis and Demeter were stunned.

Alfonso was walking like a normal person!

"Indeed. This juice has some miracle effects. It can completely cure the pain in my leg. However, the effect is not that
long… at most I will say that it will last ten minutes and the more I consumed the juice, the less effect will be until the
moment that I grow immune to it. Nevertheless, this little juice will give us a lot of advantage in the incoming fight,"
said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

Artemis and Demeter looked at each other and made a happy expression. This little bottle indeed was miracle!

"With these bottles, we won't have to worry too much about injuries! If it's not fatal, we can cure it!" said Demeter.

"It is as Demeter says. We can protect ourselves. That's why I told that young lady to bring us 100 bottles tomorrow,"
said Alfonso.

"Nice job, little Al!" said Demeter.

"As expected of my lord," said Artemis with a satisfied expression.

"Let's go to the other important topic: the incoming fight…. No, the incoming war, will affect us greatly. We are the core
force of Wasteland Valley. We CAN'T afford to lose anybody in this fight… so, if the situation turn green, we escape
with our forces, no matter the cost. Do you understand what I mean?" said Alfonso with a serious face.

Demeter and Artemis made a complicated expression, however, they both nodded.

They knew what Alfonso meant. In other words, they will flee from the fight without caring if the people in Tulip town

"I know it sounds bad, however, If I had to choose between saving one of the little girls or one hundred people of Tulip
town, I wouldn't hesitate for even one second and save the little girl. Not to mention you girls. I will save you both… no
matter the cost," said Alfonso.

Demeter and Artemis felt touched. They didn't say anything. Demeter just stood up and hugged Alfonso's head. Artemis
didn't do anything but smile sweetly.

Alfonso just made a small smile.

"Little Blue."

Little Blue who, as always, was sitting on Alfonso's head flew in front of him.

"Go to the south and make a quick scan. After you see a group of people, come back immediately," ordered Alfonso.

"Chirp~ chirp~ chirp!"

Alfonso got used to Little Blue dictionary. The little bird was basically saying, "Where is my pay?"

So Alfonso bought from the system some cereal to the bird and then Little Blue happily flew towards the south.

Alfonso stood up and looked towards the direction that Little Blue flew.

"We have, at the most, 40% of winning this battle, and that's counting on Artemis, Demeter, and the 10 Okeanos'
daughters.... And there is the kidnapping of the princess. Something tells me that this going to be way, way, more
dangerous than the horde fight," thought Alfonso with a grave expression.

"By the way, how long are you going to stay there?" asked Alfonso suddenly to Demeter, who was still hugging his

"I like it here. Hehe."


"Mr. Pentagate, we are almost in Tulip town. We should get there in two days at most," said Titio with respect.

This time the whole force of Arcadia was on the move- it was nothing less than 2000 men. Sure enough, Titio was
gaming big in this battle.

"Mmm…." answer Lucio indifferently.

The tent of Lucio was special. It was made of a high-quality material and the inside was almost like a luxury room.
Titio looked at Lucio, but, the other looked at him with his blue eyes as if he was looking at an ant. It was like Titio,
who was the Lord of a Town, wasn't worth a shit at his side.

"Go," commanded Lucio with an indifferent voice.

Titio only bowed and got out.

Lucio was sitting in his tent looking in the direction of Tulip town. He suddenly remembered the beautiful woman with
blond hair and he couldn't help but make a huge smile every time he remembered her.

"Her screams were the best," thought Lucio. "Although I get tired of her… I heard that she tried to suicide."

When Lucio thought this he couldn't stop himself from laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Well, if she wants to die that badly, I guess I could give her a hand. I am a gentleman after all.
The only problem is that, according to the law, I need to compensate the father.… Life sure is unfair. If someone else
tried to even touch that little girl, he could be executed- at the very least, he would be sent to Alcatraz- however, I, as a
noble and son of the house of Pentagate, can **** and kill her and I only need to pay her a few pieces of coins. Not that I
am complaining though."

Suddenly, Lucio stood up from his tent and went outside.

He looked at the direction of Tulip and grabbed a bow which was at his side. He aimed and then shot.

The piercing sound of the arrow could be heard and a lot of soldiers heard this and watched the arrow fly. However,
the arrow didn't hit anything.

"Lord Pentagate, what are you doing?" asked Excelio who came due to the commotion.

"Maybe it was my imagination?" thought Lucio.

He didn't explain himself and went back to his tent.

The intuition of a champion was terrifying, because Lucio didn't know that his arrow almost hit a small, blue, bird that
avoided it at the very last second.

"Th-th-that was too close~! I better go to master!" thought Little Blue while backing out at the speed of light.

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72 Defence of Tulip Town! part four

Alfonso woke up earlier than usual, the reason? Well. Someone came knocking his window: Little Blue. When Alfonso
saw Little Blue's appearance he was stunned. Little Blue had some scars on its wings and Alfonso felt that the little bird
was totally scared, like it had seemed the devil itself. After asking the small bird what happen Alfonso immediately
woke up Artemis and told her the situation.

"A man who can fire an arrow to a small target in a 1000-meter radius… this is troublesome. Even I can't do that
without activating the hunter's domain at its maximum and, even so, I have a big chance of failing…. Who was that
man?" asked Artemis to Little Blue.

"Chip." Little Blue didn't see the appearance of the man. It seems it was too far away at that time.

"We have to make countermeasures ASAP. We need to discuss things with Felio and prepare. If Little Blue is right, the
Arcadian troops will be here, at most, at noon tomorrow," said Alfonso.

Suddenly, someone knocked his door. After Alfonso gave the order, a soldier came into his room.

"Mr. Lockheart, a young lady is waiting for you outside. She is called Hygiea," said the soldier respectfully.


Alfonso stood up, grabbed his cane and went to the entrance. When he got there he saw a young girl in a white dress. It
was Hygiea.

"My lord," said the girl while bowing towards Alfonso.

Behind the girl was a carriage with 100 bottles of the special juice.

"Good, come in," said Alfonso.

Hygiea bowed and went with Alfonso towards his room. Although it was a bedroom, it was two times bigger than his
room in Wasteland Valley.

"Here you go- your payment." Alfonso took out 15 gold coins and gave them to Hygiea.

Hygiea had never seemed so much gold in her entire life. This money was enough to laze around and live like a king for
a few years. She was moved, and she swiftly put the coins in her pockets in fear that Alfonso would suddenly regret it.

"Thank you, my lord!" said Hygiea.

"Actually, I have a business proposal for you. I don't know if you interested?" asked Alfonso.

"Please, my lord."

"I want to hire you as the personal doctor of Wasteland Valley. Of course, I won't mistreat you. I am willing to pay 3
pieces of gold coins a month. What do you say?"

When Hygiea heard "3 gold coins a month" her eyes suddenly transformed into two gold coins.

"I…wait…. Wasteland Valley? It wasn't destroyed by the horde?" asked Hygiea.

"Nope, we managed to survive somehow, and currently, we are hiring talented people," said Alfonso.

"Three…three gold coins, right?" confirmed Hygiea.


"I AGREE!" shouted Hygiea.

Hygiea didn't hesitate anymore and agree right away. As for the possibility of the lord in front of him cheating her?
Well, he didn't have any kind of reason. She didn't think that the lord was that bored. Furthermore, this lord didn't seem
to be attracted by her looks, since she entered the room, the lord hasn't look anywhere else other than her eyes. Plus, he
had a relaxed and calm aura, so she was more than willing to go.

"Good, then I will send on your way to Wasteland Valley today."

"Today? We are going back today?"

"No, you are going back. I have something to do here. However, you need to go today. A big treat is coming to Tulip
Town and you need to get out of here as fast as you can," said Alfonso with a serious face.

Seeing the look on Alfonso, Hygiea knew he wasn't joking around and resolutely nodded. Alfonso arranged a small
caravan and told the man in charge to go to Wasteland Valley. The man was confused, however, money is money, so he
just nodded, received his pay, and went on his way with Hygiea.

"Good," thought Alfonso. "With this we have a lifesaving method. I will have Artemis distribute this to Demeter and the
girls. Next is to go to Felio."

Alfonso went on his way to the manor and gave the bottles of juice to Artemis, grabbing 10 for himself. He searched for
Felio and found him in the main hall discussing with the elders of Tulip Town.

"Felio, I need to discuss something important with you."

"Alfonso, what's the matter?" asked Felio.

Alfonso told him the information that Little Blue told him and after that Felio thought deeply for some minutes.

"Tomorrow…to think that they would mobilize first- and so quickly- that fucking Titio prepare well," said Felio with
fury on his eyes.

"My lord, if the information of Lord Alfonso is correct, then we have to evacuate the town right now! We have less than
1000 men while the other side has almost 5000 men!" shout one of the elders in the room.

"We must evacuate Tulip Town!" another echoed.

"How can we abandon Tulip Town?! Cowards! We must fight until the bitter end! How can I meet my father and mother
on heaven?! I prefer to die than live as a coward!" shouted another Elder.

"That's right!"

The opinions where divided between the elders. Felio suddenly made a small gesture with his hands and everyone
stopped talking. Felio looked at Alfonso.

"Alfonso, what do you think we should do?" he asked.

Alfonso was a little surprised, however, he didn't answer immediately. He thought for a little while, before opening his

"I think that retreating is the best option. This war will be a hard one. We can't use sneak tactics because the terrain is
flat- not to mention the enemy exceeds us 5 to 1," said Alfonso.

Felio made a long sigh, he knew that this was the best option because this was a lost war. However, he couldn't
abandon everything and just run. He was the Lord of Tulip Town. If he was going to die, then so be it, but he won't
abandon the sail that sinks.

"However…I might have a solution. It is not perfect, however, it can let us exploit the potential of our forces." While
everyone was in silence, the voice of Alfonso travelled at the speed of light and everyone looked at Alfonso, stunned.

"You…you have a solution?!?" asked one of the elders.

"Shut up! Let him talk!" said another elder.

Everyone was looking at Alfonso with hopes in their eyes. Even Felio who usually had a calm demeanor couldn't help
but feel excited with Alfonso's words.

Alfonso just made a small smile.

In fact, Alfonso knew that this war had a 99% loss. After receiving the news from Little Blue he had already planned to
abandon Tulip Town. However, he suddenly remembered something: Artemis had an absurd ability called the Hunter's
Domain, plus, the ten little girls. It was a fearsome force, so he thought and thought about the past, and as an historian he
had read a lot of ancient history. Human history was quite fascinating, especially in the militia aspect. Some strategies
were so incredible that even in modern times, people couldn't help but feel admiration to the geniuses who came out
with them. Alfonso had a lot of military strategies on his mind, however, the ones that he could use given the current
circumstances were reduced to one.

It was a strategy that was known to the world because it was the decided factor in the war of the Peloponnesus between
Sparta and Athens!

Alfonso opened his mouth.

"It is called the Greek's Hedgehog!" said Alfonso.

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73 Defence of Tulip Town! part five

""Basically, it focuses on defense," explained Alfonso to the other elders while drawing on a piece of paper.

"We can't make a frontline attack. That will be stupid and we would be doing exactly what the enemy wants. As I said,
this terrain is flat so we can't send our troops on a sneak attack mission, so, our only choice is to use defense tactics. We
will use the cavalry and the infantry as a 'barrier' encircling the archer. Meanwhile, the archers will attack. The first
step is to destroy the enemy's frontline in one go, retreat, and we repeat. The key point in this formation is to NOT break
the formation. The moment the enemy destroys our formation, that is the time we lose our advantage," explained Alfonso
while drawing the tactics in the piece of paper.

The elders where stunned, however, the most stunned was Felio.

"What… what an excellent plan! It uses our little advantage to the max while grabbing the only hole in the enemy attacks
and exploits it to the most! This fallen prince is a genius military tactician!" thought Felio while looking at Alfonso as if
he was looking at some kind of monster.

The other elders where also in deep thought.

"This tactic could… no… it will definitely work!" thought the elders.

"Splendid! It's an excellent plant, my lord. This is the best plan for our current situation!" said one of the elders.


"I also agree!"

All the other elders also expressed their agreement. Felio only smiled and give a hand gesture. Everyone knew what
Felio meant and they smiled.

Sometime afterwards, Alfonso and Felio were the only ones in the room. the other elders were on their way to prepare

"Alfonso, I must say that I am astonished. Even in Dragon City, the people who can come with a formation given the
current circumstances, and in a short period of time, can be counted with one hand. If you show this potential maybe His
Majesty William will accept you once again," said Felio.

"I don't plan to go back to the Lockheart family. It's not ingratitude or hate. I just don't want to be entangled in the
incoming bloodshed for the throne," said Alfonso with a calm face.

"Fight for the throne? But His Majesty already said that his inherit is His Highness Fernando and your brothers and
sister didn't think to argue about that…"

"Well, maybe I am being paranoid," said Alfonso with a small smile.

Felio looked at Alfonso. He knew that Alfonso wouldn't say anything more about his family, however, he could notice
that Alfonso had something else in mind.

"The Lockheart family has always been united and protected each other a lot…. They won't start a massacre just for the
throne… right?" wondered Felio.

"Anyway, I also have something else for you… or to be more specific, for your soldiers," said Alfonso while taking out
a small bottle.

Felio immediately recognized this bottle.

"Isn't this the small juice that little girl sold you yesterday?"

"That's right…. This juice has a good effect on wound. Give each one to your frontline soldiers. This will help them to
resist more on the battlefield. I suggest you take 2 for yourself. I will do the same." Alfonso gave Felio 80 bottles.

Felio was skeptical. After all, it was impossible for such a miraculous elixir to exist!

"Believe me or not, it is your choice." After that, Alfonso stood up to leave.

As Alfonso was leaving, Felio took another look at the bottle and called all the squad leaders.

"Squad Four, Five and Six, this will be your instructions for the incoming battle: Take these juices and give them to the
best of your warriors."

Felio began the discussion with his soldiers.


Alfonso was bleeding- or that how he felt after giving the bottles to Felio.

As to why he gave him the bottles? Well the answer was simple.

"Maintaining the formation is the most crucial factor in this battle, if the soldiers die too fast, then the little girls will be
in danger.… Nevertheless… I wanted to conceal the secret of the juices just a bit more. Enough time is needed to have
sufficient stock…" Alfonso sighed.

Alfonso wasn't a saint, he didn't give the bottles just to save the lives of the soldiers in Tulip. He was just doing it for
himself and his people. Maybe someone will say that he had a narrow mind.

"However, I don't care, I made a promise to myself that I will do everything in my power to survive. I will only care
about me and the people at my side. As for the rest? Well, that will depend on the situation."

Alfonso sat on his bed but he didn't sleep. He was just looking at the ceiling of the room. He thought about the incoming
fight of tomorrow and couldn't help but look at his hand. It was trembling.

Alfonso made a bitter smile.

"Since coming to this world I have the feeling that my state of mind has changed. Maybe it's because my mind was
always worked out by something that I didn't notice but… seeing this… its reminds me that I am still a normal human
with human emotions. I am not a hero nor am I a fierce sovereign…. I am just a normal human that does everything he
needs to survive…. Maybe this is wrong…. Maybe this is right…. I don't know, however, this is my way, and that is
enough," thought Alfonso.
He fell sleep after that.

The next day.

This day, the jubilant streets of Tulip were empty. The commercial zone, which usually was bustling with people, was a
dead zone.

In front of the gates 800-something soldiers were encircling a group of archers. Inside the archer's zone were Okeanos'
daughters plus the squad of Furio.

Each squad leader was in front of the formation except for Furio. Felio and Alfonso were in front of all the soldiers
with Artemis beside Alfonso and Leonardo beside Felio.

Funny enough, each of them had a small flower in their pockets.

"I didn't know that Miss Demeter had such an amazing and convenient ability. It is no wonder you insisted on bringing
her," said Felio while looking at his flower.

Alfonso didn't say anything. He just nodded.

"Artemis, you know what to do, right?" asked Alfonso.

"Yes, my lord."

They stood there… waiting with tensed emotions.

The air felt heavy.

They knew that many of them would not see tomorrow.

However, they choose to stay.

For their beloved ones.

For their land.

"WELL, WELL… FELIO, IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME, HASN'T IT?!" A sound suddenly woke up everyone from their

Felio looked up and saw a fat and tall man with two swords on his back smiling at him.


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74 Defence of Tulip Town Last par

"Titio, where is my daughter?!" shouted Felio with fire in his eyes.
"Huh? Daughter? How the hell should I know where your daughter is?" asked Titio.

"You are faking ignorance, huh?! Do you believe I won't kill you?!" Felio couldn't wait to charge towards Titio.

"Hey, if your slutty daughter went on her own to do something, I don't have anything to do with that," TItio replied with
a smirk on his face.

Alfonso saw the reaction of Titio and he knew that he wasn't lying. Titio didn't know where Susana was!

"I knew it. Someone provoked this war…. Who is it? Who is pulling the strings in the shadows?" thought Alfonso.

"Huh? She isn't here? Well, that's surely is disappointing," thought Lucio who was looking on from a certain distance.
He suddenly lost any interested in this war. "I will only interfere if the things go south…. Shit, this is so boring," thought
Lucio while lying on the grass and closing his eyes.

Alfonso was looking at all sides as he grabbed the small flower.

"Is everyone in place?" asked Alfonso.

On a distant hill, a little girl with closed eyes was looking at the battlefield. She had a green dress and white skin; her
eyes closed while her hands touched the ground.

"In position Little Al~."

Behind the soldiers, ten little girls grabbed their bows.

"Waiting for orders, My Lord!"

"Artemis, remember. At my signal… you attack," said Alfonso while looking behind him at the tallest part of the wall
where nobody was.

"As your order, my Lord." A voice came from the flower.

Ding~ Ding~ Ding~.

A message from the system surprised Alfonso.

[Emergency Mission: Defense of Tulip Town!

Description: The troops of Arcadia have come to take over Tulip town! As an important ally, you must prevent this!
Repel the army of Arcadia and kill their leader, Titio Gremo. In addition, you must ensure that the actual king of Tulip
Town, Felio Grego, doesn't die!

Reward: 10,000 Drachmas and one bloodline.

Remark One: Failing this mission will shut down the system for a year in addition to the reduction of one level in all the
gods you have.

Remark Two: Find the whereabouts of Princess Susana. You will get a handsome reward.]

"…Now I can't run away even if I want to. You are really ruthless system," though Alfonso while making a bitter smile.

"Titio, if you give me back my daughter then I will put down our swords and talk about this like reasonable people. If
you put down your swords…I promise that I will let you have 20% of the resources of Tulip Town plus 10,000 gold
coins and…I promise to serve you for the rest of my live," said Felio while regaining his calm.

"MY LORD WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!?" shouted Leonardo



All the soldiers were stunned by the words of Felio!

Only Alfonso looked at him with an understanding expression.

"SHUT UP!" shouted Felio.

When everyone was in silence, Felio didn't say anything and waited for Titio's answer.

He knew that the chances of winning weren't in his favor.

In fact, being optimistic, Felio estimated that they had 30% of wining, however, a lot of bloodshed will be necessary.
Felio didn't want to sacrifice his men. He knew them. A lot of them were young, had families; had someone who was
waiting for them to make it home safe, so Felio was prepared to gift himself to the enemy in order to ensure the future of
his men and his daughter. That's why, he made this abnormal proposal. If Titio accepted it so be it.

"I have had a long life anyway," thought Felio.

Titio looked at Felio for some time. "Pff, HAHAHAHAHAHAAHha. You sure a funny one, Felio. You must really think
that I am an idiot- why shall compromise with you? I not only have a numeric advantage but I have him on my side!"
said Titio while looking at his side.

Beside him, a tall, muscular, and tanned man was sitting on a black horse. He didn't have any kind of weapon on his
body, however, anyone who knew him will surely know that this man didn't need a weapon In the first place.

"Alberto Kiltops," murmured Felio while looking at the man.

Alberto only smiled at Titio's fierce glance.

"Felio Grego, I've heard a lot about you. When you were in the battalion of His Majesty William, you were known by
everyone. People said that you could even defeat first tear champions despite being just a soldier. Such a fierce strength
indeed. Today, I wuld like to see if the rumors of you are true," said Alberto with an evil smile.

"Dad… maybe… shall we consider the proposal of Felio?" A voice came from the left side of Titio and when he
looked at the direction of the voice, he saw that the one who spoke was his eldest son, Excelio.

"Why do you say so?" asked Titio.

Although, he didn't agree with the conditions of Felio, he has always admired his son. He was an excellent tactician and
he never speaks without a valid and concrete reason- so different from his younger brother.

"Father, this time… I feel like something is odd," said Excelio.


"Yeah, since we came here I have observed them. After seeing our army, they didn't show the slightest sign of fear. This
means they have countermeasure or were too stupid to notice such an obvious fact… and I am a hundred percent sure
that Felio isn't an idiot nor will have a group of idiots as his soldiers," said Excelio.

Titio was a little stunned when he heard this from his son. After thinking for some time, he realized this fact and
hesitated for a bit. However, he had a trap card called Lucio on his side. Even if the situation was the other way around
when he was at the numeric disadvantage, he wouldn't fear because of Lucio.

"We won't compromise. We will kill Felio and conquer Tulip Town," decided Titio with a serious voice.

Excelio didn't say anything else.

"Maybe I am being oversensitive?" thought Excelio.


Felio only looked at Titio and made a small sigh. It wasn't possible to stop today's battle. "Then… so be it!"

He grabbed his sword and pointed it towards Titio.

"LET THIS WAR BEGIN!" shouted Felio.

"ATTACK!" shouted Titio.

The war for the fate of Tulip Town… has begun!

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75 War tactics
"Attack!" The troops of Arcadia were the first one to advantage.

"In position!" shouted Felio.

The army of 1000 men took their position without a thought. 800 make a huge circle with the first, second, third and
fourth squads at the front.

The Greek's Hedgehog consisted of three layers. The first layer had the "tanks". They would receive all the impact of
the enemy attack and their main function was to repel the waves of the enemy. In the inner circle were the "attackers".

Alfonso made a slight modification here. Originally the Greek's Hedgehog would be in a circle however, they didn't
need to form a complete circle. Why? Because the enemy couldn't attack them from the back. After all, behind them
were the walls of Tulip!

So Alfonso had two choices, first was to reinforce the frontlines with more people. This was a good choice, however,
they had a problem. They had, more or less, 200-something archers, it wouldn't be enough attack power with the 5000
something men on the other side. Sooner or later, they would have to face the incoming force with the proportion of 1 to
5. They would lose, so, Alfonso needed something to compensate this. Fortunately, Alfonso was a historian.

"If I had more time, I would love to use the Spartan formation so the defense could be impenetrable, however, the
ground and the flatlands make us too vulnerable. However…." Alfonso mused while running back to high ground at the
top of the walls, to be more specific, the sentinel position. Alfonso wasn't a warrior so he immediately ran back to the
castle after both parties announced the beginning of the war.

Watching from the above, Alfonso saw the development of the battle: the soldiers of Arcadia were rushing towards
them like a stampede. They were doing any kind of formation, or following a patron; just rushing to the enemies.

Felio and Leonardo were behinf the soldiers watching. They knew it wasn't time for them to act…yet.



The soldiers of the enemy side were about to collide with the soldiers of Tulip.

"Idiots" thought Alfonso.

When the army of Arcadia was just a few inches away of the soldiers they suddenly became to a stop.


The first wave of soldiers suddenly felt something was wrong. However, they were too late.

The soldiers of Tulip took out their spears and held them firmly on the front side.

"What…what is that!?" asked Rufo.

Excelio and Titio couldn't tell what "that" was.

"What kind of genius tactician thought of that!?" asked Titio.

Excelio solemnly looked the scene before his eyes.

The first wave of soldiers, consisting of 500-something men, was crushed to the ground while blood escaped from their
chest. Some, the shorter ones, were unlucky and got killed immediately.

"Alfonso really is someone to be feared," thought Felio.

"So you recognized that, Artemis?" asked Alfonso to the flower.

"Of course. If my memory doesn't fail me, Athena was the one who came up with the idea of this array and then Ares
make use of it…. He called it…. Mm? What was its name again?" wondered Artemis.

Alfonso chuckled.

"Well, I don't know how you called it, however, in my epoch we called it the Macedonia Phalanx," said Alfonso.

The Macedonia Phalanx was a well-known military strategy of Earth. It was similar to the Spartan Array. Have you
ever heard that the best defense is the best offense? Well, this array uses that principle to its maximum. However, it had
a lot of defects and it wasn't as perfect as the Spartan's.


The Archers on the other side walked and pointed their arrows.
"Talking about defects…. This is a crucial one: Archers," said Alfonso with a solemn expression.

Although the Macedonian Phalanx was destructive and a good way to defend against frontline attacks, it crumbled to air
attacks, like arrows. For this reason, the Macedonian Phalanx needed two crucial things to be effective: The execution
and the terrain. It was crucial to have the high ground advantage to make this array work.

"It's a shame that Tulip Town doesn't have such an advantage. However, we have our own methods to solve this,"
reviewed Alfonso.

"Artemis, now," commanded Alfonso.

"As your order," said Artemis.

She pointed her arrow to the sky and her eyes changed to red.

"Hunter's Domain." With a small sound, the string was loosed and the arrow flew to the sky.

Lucio, who was still relaxing on the ground, opened one eye and looked at the sky. He suddenly made a small smile.

"Quite interesting- however, not interesting enough," he said.

Just before the archers could shoot, they suddenly heard a sound coming from above them.


Titio and Excelio were alarmed and looked at the sky, their face becoming pale.

"THEY HAVE A CHAMPION! EVADE THEM!" shouted Excelio as he grabbed his father and ran from the battlefield.

Before the soldiers came to their senses the shower of arrows was already on top of their heads.


The arrows make their way towards the soldiers. They ran with all their forces but only 20% survived.

Alfonso looked at the scene and felt a little disappointed.

"At night, the arrows have at least the double of speed and strength. Also, the domain is larger. At night, I am sure that
attack would have wiped them up," thought Alfonso.

"This is not looking good, we almost lost all of our archers," said Excelio.

"Alberto, what are you waiting for!?" shouted Titio.

"Ha? Titio, you have at least 3000 men more than them and you are already asking for help? Fuck off, I will attack when
Felio moves, else, I won't. It's too tiresome," Alberto replied while yawing.

"This…. THIS MOTHERFUCKER!" thought Titio. If it wasn't for the fact that Alberto was a champion, he would have
already stabbed him with his sword.


The army quickly separated into three forces and attacked from the sides. It was obvious that the soldiers of Tulip
haven't practice this array because when they saw the troops dividing they also drove they forces forward, but that was
suicide in this kind of formation!

"INNER CIRCLE, ATTACK!" shouted Furio.

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76 Hidden Title
""YES, SIR!""

At the call of Furio the archers in the inner circle lifted their bows and aimed, the little girls included.


210 were shot. The enemies lifted their shields, however, only the fastest ones were able to survive.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Who came up with this strategy!? It's so shameless!" Shouted Titio.

"Actually, it's quite amazing. Using their only advantage that we can't attack them from behind to their favor… since
when did Felio have someone like this?" Pondered Excelio.

"This is not looking good. Nearly 1000 of our men have fallen while they had lost only 100-something men. The ratio of
dead is 1 per 10!" said Rufo.

"It's seems that we can't stay still anymore," said Excelio while lifting his sword.


On the other side, Felio and Leonardo were looking the battlefield with ecstatic expressions.

"It's working great!" exclaimed Leonardo.

"For the moment at least… but don't forget," said Felio while looking at the other side, "they haven't take action yet."

Suddenly, Felio's eyes focused on someone.

"He's coming!"

A tall man with brown hair and a silver armor walked quietly to the battlefield. His sword had a silver handle and the
blade was rusty. It's obvious that the sword had seen a lot of battles. Alfonso, who was looking from above saw the
man, or to be more specific, saw the sword.

"Interesting," he mused, "that man is using a Spatha, an ancient roman weapon. It's a powerful weapon when it comes to
one on one battles!"

The Spatha sword was the successor of the Gladius sword in the Roman army in the 1st century. The transition between
both swords also reflected the transition between military strategies in the Roman Empire. It was obvious they had to
adapt to the combat style of their enemy, the barbarians.
"It's a shame that this sword was the one that saw the fall of the empire," chuckled Alfonso.

"Anyway… that man…. He's dangerous," thought Alfonso.

Excelio walked into the battlefield slowly and his aura seemed to change.

"Is this what people call… battle aura?" asked Alfonso to Artemis.

"Yes, that man has killed before and not a small amount," confirmed Artemis.

"Leonardo," said Felio.

"Don't say anymore Your Majesty," said Leonardo. He grabbed his swords and walked towards the battlefield.

Both men walked slowly. Leonardo had two swords on hand while Excelio only had one.

"Dual swords?" asked Alfonso.

"Yeah…. Leonardo is a master in dual swords. My father was the one who taught him. He and I were both taught by my
late father back when we were young. It was his personal style…. I wasn't skilled with both swords, however, he was.
In fact, he defeat my father before he graduated," said Felio to the flower.

Alfonso nodded and looked at both men.

"Leonardo, step back. You are not my match," said Excelio coldly.

"We will see about that," said Leonardo.

Excelio made a small sigh before lifting his sword. Leonardo bent his knees slightly.

""HAAAAA!"" Both men ran with all their might towards the other and Excelio jumped while Leonardo lifted both
swords to intercept!


The sound of metal colliding resounded in the battlefield!

Leonardo quickly made a kick motion towards Excelio's stomach. Excelio didn't let him and bent his body evading the
kick. With both hands grabbing the sword he made a rotation and used the centrifugal force to empower his attack!

Leonardo felt the imminent danger, however, due to the position of his body he only could use one sword to defend
while putting all his force into his left arm to pierce the other's foot.


When both swords collided, Leonardo felt his arm turn numb. He let go of the sword and fell down. Due to this, the
sword that was aiming at Excelio's foot didn't reach its target and the sword pierced the ground.

"Damn," Leonardo thought while grabbing his left arm.

"I told you. You aren't at my level." Excelio kicked the sword of Leonardo aside and walked towards Leonardo. He
lifted his own sword and prepared to do the finishing touch.

"What?!" Excelio felt something aiming at him and tried to evade, but it was too late. The arrow pierced his hand!

"AHHH!" Excelio grabbed his hand in pain and let go of his sword.

Leonardo didn't hesitate and grabbed his sword and, with two swords in hand, he made a cross attack towards the back
of Excelio. Excelio felt the danger and jumped forward to evade the blades. He grit his teeth and grabbed his sword
with both hands despite the intense pain in his hand and prepared to attack. However, he felt something coming to him
again, but this time, he was prepared. He lifted his sword and intercept the arrow.


With the back of his blade he deviated the arrow. He rotated his body and thence intercepted the swords of Leonardo
once again.


Like this, Excelio was in a dangerous position: evading both arrows and sword attacks. Despite this, he only received a
certain amount of damage every now and then.

"That archer is aiming at my vulnerable spots every single attack! How??" Excelio panicked as his body started to feel
more and more heavy.

"THAT FUCKING ARCHER!" shouted Titio.

"Mmmm…. Indeed, at this rate, Excelio will get killed," chuckled Alberto.

Titio looked at Alberto with hate, however, Alberto didn't seem to mined.

"What do you want?" asked Titio.

"That's more like it!" Said Alberto with a happy expression.

Alberto lifted 2 fingers.

"20% of Arcadia's income," said Alberto.

"YOU!!" Titio bellowed.

He had an indignant face however, after seeing his son once last time, he bite his lips hard.


"Hehe, I knew you were a smart man Titio!" said Alberto laughing.

Alberto looked above and made a small smile.

"Well, it's time to have some fun."


Alfonso looked at Excelio with his red pupils, he used Mark of the Hunter as soon at the battle with Leonardo started.

"That guy is powerful. He is evading arrows and swords. I would love to have him on my side," thought Alfonso.
Alfonso was preparing to shoot one more arrow when he suddenly felt something. His face became pale and he started
sweating. He even felt that he couldn't breathe. He grabbed his chest and looked at the battlefield. There, he saw a bald
muscular man looking at him with a big smile.


"Alfonso, I will go. That man is dangerous," said Artemis while touching Alfonso's back. Alfonso suddenly felt the
heavy feeling disappearing.

"What… what happen?" asked weakly Alfonso.

"That man used his presence to challenge your spirit. Even this far way, he could kill someone who hadn't been in the
battlefield like you. Only people like Heracles or Odysseus could do something like that!" said Artemis.

"Artemis… this is an order: Protect Felio. Do not let him die. I will be fine," said Alfonso.


"I will be fine, now go."

Artemis hesitated for a moment before nodding and promptly disappearing.

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77 The champion, Alberto Kiltops!

"He is coming," thought Felio.

"Alberto, whatever he's paying I will double," shouted Felio.

Alberto stood in his tracks for some time before making a grim smile.

"Felio, Felio, Felio… even you shouldn't be stupid enough to not know about the consequences that a champion has if he
or she betrays their own hometown. Although Yuria doesn't meddle with human affairs, I will be punished if I strike
against Arcadia, and moreover… I still want to try your blade," said Alberto with a sinister smile.

Alberto walked without looking anywhere else, as if nobody mattered other than Felio. He didn't have armor, nor did he
have a weapon; he was just walking like a normal soldier, or even worse. However, nobody tried anything funny and
Felio gripped his sword harder and harder by the second.

Alfonso was hiding. He had a hunch that, if he tried to sneak attack Excelio, Alberto would do whatever he did
previously one more time, and this time, Artemis wasn't at his side so he didn't dare to show his face.

"Demeter, what is the situation?" asked Alfonso.

"I had a bad feeling Little Al. This Alberto isn't an ordinary person," said Demeter.

"I will do whatever I can. The troops are beginning to lose their advantage. The great majority have already used their
potions!" said Alfono seriously.
The potions that Alfonso was talking abouy were the juices of Hygeia.

Alberto closed his eyes and retrieved a small object from his waist. It was a dagger.

The image of Alberto looking at him with that smile make him smile bitterly. He took a deep breath and gripped the
dagger. He then retrieved the potion and took it in one gulp.

"Don't think that being is the archer is the only think I can do!" said Alfonso

He used Shadowless and proceeded to the battlefield.


"Of course, it wouldn't work." Felio sighed.

The punishment of a god was something… estrange. Some gods didn't really care about betrayal, for example, the
Shadow God, who loved people who betrayed others- even among his champions. On the other hand, there were others
like Asterio who punished betrayal with death. It depended on the god or goddess what the punishment should be,
however, the champions usually didn't wager in this kind of thing in fear that they might upset the gods.

Felio took a deep breath and took out his sword. His sword was know as Lion's Roar and it was made from the most
precious metal in all Leitol and was a gift from His Majesty William Lockheart himself. Felio made this sword famous
years ago when he defeated a General of Greycastle 30 years ago. Although the sword was astonishing, it wasn't
included in the Seven Mighty Swords.

"Lion's Roar…. Indeed it's a fine sword. I must say that I am jealous of you for having it. It's a shame that today it will
change owners," said Alberto who was already 10 steps away from Felio.

"Don't think too highly of yourself Alberto," replied Felio.

"Then come and prove me wrong!" Alberto while made a provoking gesture with his hand.

Felio gripped his sword with both hands and sprug towards Alberto!


Felio swung his sword and sliced Alberto's shoulder. However, before the sword could reach its objective, Alberto
evaded the sword effortlessly and punched towards Felio!

Felio evaded the punch and swung his sword one more time.

Alberto slayed from right to left and up and down with a frightening speed! However, Alberto was able to evade it.




The sword made thundering sounds, it was obvious that each slash was lethal!

"Felio! Take this!" Alberto evaded the sword and made a side kick towards Felio!
"I can't evade it," thought Felio.

Just when the kick was about to destroy Felio's right side, someone appeared at his side and deviated the kick.

"NOW!"shouted Artemis.

She used both hands to deviate the kick of Alberto and then incorporate herself, she took out a blade and pierced
Alberto's thigh!

Alberto looked surprised at Artemis. He didn't knew that there was another champion on Felio's side besides that

However, Alberto just smiled at Artemis' attack.

"Too naive."

The voice resounded in Artemis's ears and she felt an imminent danger coming.


A punch came from above, Artemis managed to retreat her head but the punch clashed towards her leg!

"DAMN!" thought Artemis after looking at her leg.

Artemis had an inhuman resistance and power as a goddess, however, the punch just now almost destroyed her femur!

She rapidly took out the potion of Hygiea and took it, the wound on her leg visibly healing.

"Artemis?" asked Felio.

"Alfonso asked me to protect you," said Artemis while looking at Alberto.

"At least I gave him damage to his leg. This will give us a small advantage," thought Artemis.

"Good ability. I must say that you took me by surprise," said Alberto,

Then Artemis felt something was wrong. Because… there was no blood!

"It's impossible! I used all my force in that stab, but it seems that… it only affected his outer skin!" said Artemis.

Alberto chuckled and took the knife out of his thigh. After seeing it, Artemis became even more shocked.

"The… the knife…bent!?" stuttered Artemis.

Alberto chuckled some more before throwing the knife aside.

"Its no use- unless you use something like Felio's sword, you won't be able to hurt me," explained Alberto.

"What is going on?" asked Artemis towards Felio.

"Alberto Kiltops, Champion of the Goddess of Metallurgy. He is one of the few champions that wasn't born as a
champion but, he used the second method…." said Felio.

"Second method?" asked Artemis.

"As you may know, the champions are born as champions and they manifested their 'gifts' later on. However, there is
another method to became a champion and that is… to kill a champion!" said Felio.


"Nobody knows why but, there are some gods or goddesses who, instead of punishing someone for killing his or her
champions, they reward them with the powers of one. In fact, all gods abide to this rule. Only a few punish the killer. Of
course, this is based on scenario that the fight was fair and square- sneak attacks and ambushes don't count.

"Alberto killed Fertrepo in the Sky Arena 20 years ago so he received the power of the Goddess of Metallurgy, and that
power is what you are seeing," said Felio.

"I like to called it…Armament!" said Alberto.

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78 Blank
"Armament?" asked Artemis

Artemis saw the place that she stabbed, to be more specific, the skin of Alberto.

"Wait a minute…. Is that… cooper?" When Artemis saw the skin of Alberto, she saw an orangish part in the leg.

"I found it strange when I saw him, I know why now." Suddenly, the voice of Demeter came from the flower in
Artemis's pocket.


"When that man entered my range of perception, I felt something similar on him. It's clear now after seeing his
'armament'. Artemis, this guy is blessed with Hephaestus' powers!"

"What!?" exclaimed Artemis.

"When Hephaestus was a little kid, he was thrown by Hera from Mount Olympus. Do you know how he survived?"
asked Demeter.

"No, father never told me nor I was interested," replied Artemis.

"When he was falling from the mount, in order to survive, he developed a strange power. He begged Grandmother Gaea
and she gave him the ability to transform his skin into something so hard that could endure the falling!" said Demeter.

"You gotta be kidding me…." said Artemis with a bitter smile.

Artemis looked at the smiling Alberto and made a small sigh before looking at Felio. "If we want to defeat him, we must
act together. Sneaky attacks won't do anything to him."

"I was thinking the same thing!" said Felio while lifting his sword.
"He he, this is more interesting!" said Alberto. "ARMAMENT!"

Alberto's arm was suddenly covered by a sheet of cooper. He lifted his arm and went straight towards Artemis.

"HAAA!" Felio lifted his sword and put himself in front of Artemis!


The clash between arm and blade made the earth shake a little. Artemis took the chance and she used Felio's back as a
platform. Jumping into the air, she aimed at Alberto's head.


A paned expression appeared on Artemis's face. Nevertheless, she didn't stop there. She propelled herself towards
Alberto's back and punched it!


Alberto's face made a small fluctuation and he turned around to hit Artemis.

"LITTLE ANT!" shouted Alberto.

Artemis retreated rapidly. Felio saw this and swung his sword once again.


Felio swung his sword while Artemis used Mark of the Hunter to attack Alberto's vulnerable points. Alberto defended
and attacked accordingly, however, to his surprise, Artemis was too fast!

"I knew that this ability came with a price… and that price is his speed!" thought Artemis.

Every time Alberto used his armament, he's reaction time as well as his speed slow down by a lot. However, his body
became more and more tough to attack.

"We can't keep going like this" thought Artemis while looking at her hand.

Both of her hands were bleeding and some bones were fractured. Every time she punched, she felt like she was hitting a

"Artemis, we can't keep going like this!" shouted Felio.

"I know!"


"Buy me some time! I have an idea!" said Felio suddenly.


"I will show you why this sword is called Lion's Roar!"


Alfonso used Shadowless to enter in the battlefield. He was wearing a hood so no one could identify him. Although he
wasn't as well known as his brothers and sister, his hair and eyes gave him away.

He marked a random soldier from the Arcadia's army. He were so focused on the enemy attacks that he did not notice
that something had cut his throat until he feel something warm falling from his throat.

"What…" The man touched his throat, but it was too late. He dropped death just like that.

Alfonso immediately used Mark of the Hunter on an other soldier and used Shadowless.

"Something is off…" said Titio, who was looking at the battlefield.

He concentrated and saw a small shadow going behind a soldier and then disappearing.

"THERE IS AN ASSASSIN!" shouted Titio.





The soldiers of Arcadia entered into turmoil when they noticed that someone was killing them at the back of their lines.
This chaos alleviated the pressure that the formation had. Currently, there were less than 300 men so if Alfonso didn't
intervene, the formation would have fallen!

"It's that archer!!!" Titio was so angered that some veins were popping on his head.


He commanded his horse and went straight towards Alfonso.

Alfonso, who was on a killing spree, was also surprised.

"Interesting, I am killing other humans but I don't felt as uncomfortable as I'm supposed I will feel. Why?" wondered

Suddenly, he felt a little shiver on his back. He felt an incoming danger coming from his back and moved to the right to
avoid the danger, but he couldn't evade the spear!

"Ah!" Alfonso shouted while touching his injured arm.

The spear that was thrown cut his right arm, however, it wasn't a lethal shot. If he hadn't jumped to his left side, the
spear would have perforated his chest!


Alfonso looked behind him and saw a fat man looking at him with deadly eyes.


"I don't who you are, but, you have constantly killed my men, and for that sin, you have to die!" said Titio. He took out a
sword from his belt and walked straight to Alfonso.

Alfonso felt pressure. Although it was not at the level of Felio or Alberto, it was obvious that Titio wasn't an amateur!


Alfonso disappeared from Titio's sight and walked towards him.

Titio closed his eyes and waited.

Alfonso went for his throat!

However, before he could complete his attack, he backed up.

Almost immediately, the sword of Titio went forward, cutting Alfonso's hood.

"That was close! If I hadn't backed up, he would have cut me in two!" thought Alfonso.

"You… you are… the fallen prince, Alfonso Lockheart!" exclaimed TItio while looking at Alfonso.



"Hoh! So he was alive! It seems that I will have to make some arrangements. Hehe. Who would have thought that this
boring mission would be a great opportunity to show off to that bitch," said Lucio.

He stood up, grabbed his sword and walked slowly towards the battlefield.

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"Titio, if you recognize me then, you know, that despite everything, I have royal blood. If you kill me, then you will be
offending the Lockheart house, " said Alfonso.

Now that his identity was known there wasn't any meaning in the cape. He took off his cape and showed his face, the
golden hair and purple eyes remarkable indeed.

After seeing the hair and eyes of Alfonso, Titio was conflicted.

"Even if he is a fallen prince, he is the son of the Emperor. If I kill him and the word spreads out then…."

Titio was conflicted.

"No… there won't be any problem."

The eyes of Titio turned cold.

"I was planning to respect the traditions and let the citizens and survivors be slaves, however…." said Titio while
holding his sword.

"Now that things are like this then I will just kill every single person of Tulip, and you, Your Highness, will be the first
one." Titio sped towards Alfonso.


Alfonso's attempt at making Titio back up had backfired on him!

Titio was determined to kill him!

"Mark of the Hunter!"

Alfonso saw 4 points in Titio's body: on his right leg, on his abdomen, and on his head.

Alfonso lifted his cane and countered Titio's sword!


The sword and cane collided. Alfonso's arm turned numb and Titio swiftly grabbed Alfonso shirt and headbutt
Alfonso's forehead.


Alfonso felt his world spin. He touched his forehead and saw blood.

"It seems the rumors are worse than I expected. You suck at fighting! Hmph! It seems that the Emperor must have done
something terrible in his past life to have a son like you!" Titio said.

Alfonso took out the juice and drank it. In a second his dizziness disappeared, but, he knew that this was only a
temporary solution.

"All the training that 'Alfonso Lockheart' had has vanished when I took his body. This man had years in the battlefield,
there is no way I can win," thought Alfonso.

"Since that is the case, then, I have to use my own ways."

Alfonso disappeared from Titio's side.

"Once again, this technique, is useless! No matter how close you get near me, I can feel it!" said Titio while closing his

A few moments passed but TItio didn't feel anything.

"Where is he!?" thought Felio.


Suddenly Felio heard something. He threw himself towards the right side and an arrow passed him. If Titio was just a
second late, the arrow would have penetrated his arm!

"That fucker!" thought Felio.

He looked up and saw Alfonso standing 5 meters away from him with a bow at hand.
"If I can't get near you, then I will just distance myself" replied Alfonso while disappearing once again.

"DESPICABLE!" shouted Titio.

At the same time, he stood there, concentrating on the position of Alfonso.

"I just have to hold it! If I run like crazy I would exhaust myself. He doesn't have unlimited arrows, at most, he should
have two more. If I evade them, he won't have the resources to attack me anymore! I have to concentrate on the
trajectory of his arrow and the sound of the bow stringing, then I will pinpoint his position and kill him!" thought Titio.

Just as TItio was planning his move, Alfonso truly only had two arrows left.

"I only have two chances," thought Alfonso. "If I can't defeat him by then, I will die." Alfonso grabbed the next arrow.


"How much time do you need?" asked Artemis.

"30 seconds" said Titio.

"Got it!"

Artemis jumped to the front while Felio retreated!


He tried to run towards Felio, however, Artemis appeared in front of him.

"I am your opponent!" shouted Artemis while throwing a punch towards his chin!


Alberto used his big hands to try to catch Artemis, however, Artemis backed up at the last second. Then she jumped up
and lifted two fingers aimed at Alberto's eyes.

"I refuse to believe that you can use armament on your eyes!" called out Artemis.

Meanwhile, Felio, who had backed up, put the tip of the sword on the ground. He used both hands and put a lot force to
try lifting the sword, however, his foot was preventing the sword of moving!

"I will concentrate all my energy on this attack!" thought Felio while putting more force on his arms!


The sword start vibrating in the ground like a furious caged beast!

"When you evade my attack, I will jump back and retreated once again," thought Artemis.

However, something unexpected happen!

Alberto didn't evade!

The sound of something been perforated could be heard.

Alberto, with both eyes bleeding, made a sinister smile and lifted his arm to grab Artemis!

"YOU!" Artemis exclaimed.

"In the battlefield, a moment of hesitation is the moment you die. It is just a pair of eyes, aren't they?" Alberto asked
while lifting Artemis.


Alberto threw Artemis onto the floor with all his force!


Artemis threw up blood from her mouth while she felt her bones crack.

"AGAIN!" shouted Alberto.

Alberto lifted her once again.

"COME ON! COME ON! I NEED MORE POWER!" Felio, who was seeing all of this, put all of his force into his arms
and he started bleeding from his muscles. Despite the pain, he pushed his arms to the very limit.

*crack* *crack*

Cracking sounds could be heard from the sword's will in the blade as the momentum increased!


The sound of a lion could be heard from the blade.


Artemis was thrown to the ground once again, and this time, her entire body was bleeding.

Alberto heard the growling sound. He turned around and saw what was happening.

"THIS IS BAD!" Alberto tried to walk to the side but something grabbed his feet.



"...Goi…ng?" Artemis, who had blood in all her face, was grabbing the feet of Alberto!

"YOU! LET GO! LET GO! LITTLE ANT!!!" shouted Alberto. Despite kicking her though, Artemis refused to let go.


Alberto turned around.

The foot of Felio which was keeping the sword on the ground was bleeding like crazy.
Finally, the sword broke in two!

"LION'S ROAR!" shouted Felio.


In that instant! The sound of a lion's growl could be heard across the battlefield!

A figure of a majestic lion ran towards Alberto!

"FULL ARMAMENT!" Alberto called. His body was covered by the cooper skin!

"ROARRRR!" The lion growled while colliding towards Alberto.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Alberto shouted as his body was sliced! It left a vivid trace of blood in the air!

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80 Demeter`s power!

Alberto fell down. A long cut that went from his right thigh until his shoulder could be seen. The attack had almost cut
him in two!

"Ahh…. Ah…." Alberto's voice could be heard while he struggled to stand up.

"That… that didn't kill him!?" asked Felio, who was on the floor.

When he saw that Alberto was still breathing he was so stunned that he almost coughed blood.

"I am…I am too injured to keep fighting… and…. Artemis…" Alberto lifted his head to see Artemis who was laying
down motionless on the ground.

"What…. What to do?" thought Felio.

"Y…O…U!" Suddenly a voice wake up Felio from his thoughts.

Alberto, who was bleeding from all over his body was slowly standing up. His majestic form was nowhere to be seen.
Both of his eyes were closed while blood fell down from his cheek and the slice was so deep that one could even see
his bones!

It was truly a miracle that this man could still be alive!

"I have- I have to stand up!" thought Felio.

He tried to stand up, however, his foot was so injured that he could only kneel on one knee. He didn't try to lift his arms.
He knew it was useless.
"I can't feel my arms," thought Felio.

"He…he…he." Alberto managed to stand up while showing his teeth.


All in the battlefield was silent after hearing Alberto, even Alfonso and Titio were terrified after seeing him.

"Is this the difference between a champion and a normal human?" thought Alfonso.

Alfonso wanted to rush up, however, he gritted his teeth and didn't.

"I can't use my shadowless on other people. I feel it, this will be the last time that I can use Mark of the Hunter. It seems
that I can use it eternally, but I can only use it 10 times at most on the battlefield!" thought Alfonso.

"If I go there, I will just be easy prey to Titio and, even if I go, I can't stop Alberto!"

"WHY AM I SO WEAK?!" cursed Alfonso for the first time.


"FEL...IO" said Alberto after taking his first step towards Felio.


Alberto took another step.


Alberto took another step.


Alberto was in front of Felio.

Alberto used his left arm and lifted Felio!

"IT….WON'T….BE….THAT…EASY," said Alberto.


Alberto used his head to hit Felio and then he threw him towards Artemis.

Felio blacked out on the spot.

"I… WILL MAKE…YOU… WISH...YOU...WERE DEAD!" shouted Alberto while walking towards them.

However, before he could take another step, he felt something grabbing his feet.

"Wha? This…!?" Alberto didn't know if what he was seeing was real or not.

On his feet a small flower was grabbing itself to it, forcing him to stay still!

"Good. They are still breathing!"

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice came to Alberto's ears. However, he couldn't see where it was coming from so he didn't
know who was talking.


Alfonso didn't need to turn around to know who was talking.

"I need to save them as fast as I can, but first…." Demeter looked at Alberto. "You have hurt my friend to the point that
she is almost dead. You will pay for that," said Demeter in a cold voice.

She was enraged!


"You are not worthy," replied Demeter.

Suddenly she closed her eyes. The world turned silent. She walked slowly towards Alberto with her closed eyes.

"I am the Goddess of Earth."

"As well as the Goddess of Life."

"My conviction brings life."

"My happiness brings life."

"My existence is life."

"I am the Goddess of Earth."

"As well as the Goddess of Death."

"My uneasiness brings death."

"My sorrow brings death."

"My existence is death."

Demeter raised her delicate hands and touched Alberto's bloody body.

"YING-YANG!" said Demeter in a slow voice.

Suddenly everything turned dark. The world turned dark and when Demeter open her eyes, incredibly, her eyes were
completely black! They were so dark that it seems like a bottomless abyss!

"Atropos," said Demeter with a chilly voice.

"He-he-he. Your Majesty, it's been too long."

A voice came from nowhere, as if the voice was the world itself.

"Show yourself," commanded Demeter.

"He-he-he. Your Majesty, your current powers aren't quite there to force me to show myself," said the voice.
"I won't repeat myself."

A huge shadow appeared above Alberto. It had a large robe covering its body, however, a small hand could be seen.
The hand was old and scary with long fingers whiter than a sheet.

A small red eye could be seeing from the head of it beneath the hanging hood.

"Why isn't he dead?" asked Demeter.

"He-he-he. Your Majesty, someone doesn't want him dead. He-he-he, so someone asked me to stretch his life a little
longer…" replied the voice in a sarcastic way.

"Is it him?" asked Demeter calmly.

Although her voice was calm, Atropos felt a chill running out from it's back.

"He-he-he. No, it was someone else," said Atropos.

Demeter looked at Atropos. She the looked at Alberto and stretched out her arm to touch his chest.

A small, dim, yellow string could be seen. The string was palpitating between black and yellow.

Demeter grabbed the string, however, after she grabbed it. Her eyes started to bleed and her hand began turning black.

"He-he-he. Your Majesty, are sure you want to do that? It will be a pity if your pretty hand turned black," said Atropos.

"If I had my normal powers, not to mention him, even if HE came, I will still be able to cut it, even if I had to pay a huge
price," said Demeter coldly.

"He-he-he, well that's true."

"I am not gonna stay in this form forever, Atropos. I am someone who remembers favors…. But I am also someone who
remembers grudges."

Atropos looked at her for some time before making a small sigh.

"Well, I will make a small inversion. Give it to me," Said Atropos while extending her hand.

Demeter let go of the string and after a while her hand went back to normal.

"However, I still damaged my soul," thought Demeter. "It will take a while to heal."

Atropos took out a pair of scissors and cut the string.

"He-he-he. I will see you soon Your Majesty. Don't forget your words from today," said Atropos.

Demeter didn't say anything.

After that she closed her eyes and the world came back to normal. Her eyes also returned to normal.

All of this took a while, however, in the real world, not even a second had passed since Demeter touched Alberto.

Alberto turned still. The he fell down, he laid motionless on the ground.
"WHAT?!" Titio couldn't believe what just happen.

"What the…." Alfonso, who knew Demeter's abilities the best, also was astonished.

She took down that big guy just by touching him!


This phrase was in everyone's mind.

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81 Alfonso“s Hypothesis
Demeter took longs and deeps breaths before calming down, her face was as white as a sheet and there was a little bit
of blood in her mouth.

"The backslash was worse than I originally thought," Demeter thought.

Suddenly Alfonso heard the voice of TItio. "That girl is dangerous. I would better eliminate here before I take care of
that coward."

When he saw Titio, he saw that there was fear and decision on his face.

"Demeter's powers are truly impressive. However, it seems that the description of the system weren't quite there. I
didn't know that she could force someone to die, but how did she did it?" though Alfonso.

Of course, Alfonso wasn't the only one. Nobody knew how she did it, only Demeter herself knew.

Titio took long steps towards Demeter. He lifted his sword high and down as if he was practicing how he will cut her!

"I will show you why you don't give your back towards an archer," thought Alfonso while stretching his string.


Alfonso looked at Titio's right shoulder.

Alfonso shot his arrow!

Titio immediately reacted!

He dodged to the left as if he had eyes on his back.

"You finally show yourself!" shouted Titio.

"I knew that you will attack from the bac-" Before TItio could say something else he felt something warm on his hand,
when he looked, an arrow had pierced his right arm!

The sword left his hand while he kneel on the ground.

"I knew that you would lurk me into a trap," say Alfonso while walking towards Titio.

"You knew that I was in the neighborhood yet you still decided to give me your back. There were only two

"One, you were too stupid, or second, you were confident that you would be able to dodge my arrow even if you weren't
facing me directly." Alfonso grabbed Titio's sword.

With a sword in his right hand and a cane in his left hand, he looked at Titio.

"If history has taught me something it is that, no matter the situation, no matter if you have 99.9% chance of winning, you
never underestimate your enemies. So I used my first arrow as a 'phantom arrow'. I shot to your right side, however, I
didn't aim at you. I simple looked at your right shoulder. If my hypothesis was correct then you would definitely dodge
the arrow even if it wasn't aimed at you. Then, immediately after that I shot the second arrow to your left side.
However, this time, I didn't aim at you. I just shot the arrow," said Alfonso.

"Yo- you!" Titio stuttered.

"I noticed in all the fights weve had, that your awareness is impressive. Even If I became invisible you were able to
pinpoint my position. How? You aren't a Champion, however, you have great experience. Felio was able to do that too,
so I had a theory. 'Something' was betraying me and giving my position. Just before Alberto also detected me, my
comrade told me that he used some kind of 'soul power', maybe this was where the clue was, so I made an Hypothesis.
This 'soul' of whatever may be the 'awareness' soldiers sufficiently trained can develop. Similar to a radar, it can detect
enemies even if they can't see them directly.

"When I was fighting you and I used Shadowless, you closed your eyes. This means that you tried to pinpoint my
direction with this 'awareness' every time I was close to you. You were able to detect where I was and even if I was not
in your 'detection range' you still somehow knew that I was looking at you. That's the key word: 'looking' at you, or, to
be more precise, concentrating on you.

"When I focused my concentration on you, you are able to detect me. That's how your 'awareness' works, so I put my
hypothesis to the test and kt seems that I was correct," said Alfonso.

Alfonso had thought hard since he knew that his ability didn't make him completely invisible. The first case was with
Felio. Since then, he had tried to understand how he was able to detect him. Shadowless is an ability that only
eliminated your presence. So it also eliminated the sounds you make and the odor you have. It was mortal ability
towards normal people, however, when Alfonso had to fight against veterans like Felio or Titio, his ability wasn't
useful. Why?

Alfonso knew that they had some kind of method to feel him. He had a theory, however, he lacked proof. It was only
after his encounters with Alberto, and his fight with Titio, when he had enough evidence to put his theory on board.

"You really thought a lot about this right?" said Titio.

"I am weak so, as someone weak, I have to use all the resourses I have on my side and this," Alfonso said while
pointing at his head. "Is my best weapon."

Titio looked at Alfonso and made a small chuckle.

"Well, fallen prince, seems that you are more than just a stupid idiot. In fact, I will say that you deserve to be the son of
your father, however, in the end, you still lose…" said Titio while looking at Alfonso.
"What do you-"

Before Alfonso could end his phrase, Titio grabbed a piece of mud from the ground and throw it towards Alfonso!

Alfonso instinctively covered his eyes and Titio didn't lose this chance and thew himself towards Alfonso.

Alfonso tried to fight but Titio was at least two times faster than Alfonso and had more experience.

He grabbed Alfonso's collar and threw him a punch!


Alfonso had some blood on his face as he dropped the sword.

"Little Al!" Demeter, who saw this, tried to run towards Alfonso, but before she could take a step, she grabbed her head
in pain.

"No, not now!" moaned Demeter.

However, she couldn't stop the pain in her head and she fainted.

Titio grabbed hs sword and lifted it high in the air. "At the end of the day, the one who lives, is the real winner, Your
Highness. Goodbye."

"Hey, hey. You are being disrespectful towards His Highness, you know?"

Suddenly, a mocking voice came from behind TItio. When he turned around someone grabbed his neck and lifted him!

"Lu- lucio, what are you- what are you doing?!" Titio asked while struggling in Lucio's hand.

"L-Lucio?" asked Alfonso while looking at the young man who saved his life.

"Titio, I can't let you kill His Highness. If you kill him, then how I am going to get my rewards?" asked Lucio with a
bright smile on his face.

The sight was incredible. Lucio was lifting a man of hundred something kilos like he was lifting a little cat!

"Lu-lucio, if I left him alive then His- His Majesty, will kill me!" hissed Titio who still struggling.

"Well, in that case, I will not let you die at His Majesty's hands," Lucio replied.

Titio made a relieved sigh.

"You will die at min," said Lucio with his bright smile.

"No, wai-"


Before Titio could say something else, he saw a huge hole on his chest!

Lucio's punch then retracted of TItio's chest after that,l and he threw him away like he was throwing garbage.

"Impo- impossible! His punch actually perforated a hole in Titio's body?!" choked Alfonso in disbelief.
Lucio took a handkerchief and clean all the blood from his hand and arm.

Alfonso felt his back turning cold at this sight.

"Well, Your Highness, it has been a while hasn't it?" asked Lucio.

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82 The price for arrogance

"Your Highness, you didn't die. What a happy, but, unexpected surprise," said Lucio while looking at Alfonso.

"Mr. Pentagate, indeed, I was fortunate enough and didn't die like everyone expects me to. I will have to thank you for
saving my life," said Alfonso with modesty.

He knew that he wasn't a match for Lucio, however, the fact that he saved him give him a little bit of hope, at least, he
wanted him alive.

"Oh, that? Don't worry Your Highness, you aren't of worth dead. However, alive, you have a high value, you know? It
seems that the Lockheart family is trying to pull the Underheavens under their wings, for that, they have arranged a
marriage," said Lucio.

"The Underheavens?" asked Alfonso.

The Underheavens family were the leaders of the west and the head of the family, Invincible Underheavens, was known
for being one of the fiercest warriors in all of Leitol, as well as the porter of one of the Seven Swords, Coiling Dragon.

"That's right. The daughter of Invincible, Unbeatable Underheavens is currently twenty years old and the old man and
His Majesty Willian are old friends so His Majesty proposed to unite the families by marriage. However, the old man
loves her daughter the most, even his son Insuperable Underheavens doesn't receive that much of love from him. So, for
the family to unite, the old man made a harsh condition: whether it is Prince Fernando or Prince Raul, they had to change
their surname to Underheavens!" Lucio chuckled.

"What?!" Alfonso was stunned.

To change the surname Lockheart… it was a disgrace!

"The Lockheart family members are prideful people. I don't see my brother Raul making a move, much less Fernando.
What's more, if one gives up the Lockheart surname they will lose their rights to fight for the throne! After all, only the
royal family, the 'Lockhearts' are capable of that!" thought Alfonso.

Lucio saw the sudden change of expression on Alfonso's face and knew that Alfonso comprehended the situation.

"As you imagined, your brothers refused in one go. His Majesty William of course wanted Prince Raul to be the
'sacrificed' lamb, because he already sees his son inheriting the throne. However, Prince Raul was quick-witted. Before
the notice came in, he escaped to the border so he could avoid the marriage. Well, that is for the time being. This left
His Majesty in quite a predicament, however…." said Lucio while looking at Alfonso.
"Now that you are here." He chuckled. "This can be easy: once I take you back to the Lockheart's, I will be promoted
and compensated. I will show that bitch of your sister that even if she makes things hard for me, I can accomplish things
on my own. Hehe, Your Highness, you are really my lucky star," said Lucio with a grin.

Alfonso chuckled inwards. He obviously knew the consequences if he goes back to the Lockheart family and became the
groom of Unbeatable Underheavens.

"I will basically become a slave. Unbeatable Underheavens has a famous reputation of being… quite the savage!"
thought Alfonso.

"Mr. Pentagate, you must be kidding. How can I, a fallen prince, be accepted as the groom of the Underheavens family.
Even ten of me wouldn't be worth a single finger of my brothers," said Alfonso.

"Well, that may not be true. I saw everything that happened here. You aren't that bad- at least, in ten or something years
of hard practice, with your abilities you could barely pass to be my trainee," said Lucio.

He wasn't being arrogant nor did he look like he was joking. He was saying this as if it was the most normal thing in the

"Mr. Pentagate, you must understand that I don't want to return to the Lockheart family," replied Alfonso.

He didn't mind the words of Lucio.

"Hehe. Well, I wouldn't want to return to the family that threw me up either, however…" Lucio grabbed Alfonso's hair
and pulled, lifting him until they were on eye level.

"I didn't ask you what you wanted to do, Alfonso. I told you what is going to happen, got it?" asked Lucio with a hostile

Then he threw Alfonso back to the ground.

"But first, we've got to clean this," said Lucio while looking at the direction of Artemis and Demeter.

"Wha- what are you going to do?" asked Alfonso.

"What I am going to do? Well, I saw the fights before. That guy and that old woman aren't bad. With some time they may
get stronger. I don't like to leave loose ends so I will kill them before they became a problem. Don't worry it will be
quick. As they were your allies I will make sure that they don't feel any pain. Don't thank me, I am a caring man.".

Alfonso looked at this man and he stood up, taking a dagger from his waist.

He put it at his neck and shouted. "If you touch them, then I will commit suicide here and now!"

Alfonso's hand was trembling however, he didn't retrieve the dagger. He knew that he wasn't a match for Lucio.

"But- at least, I have to made a path for them!" thought Alfonso.

Lucio looked at him. He saw that his hands were shivering, however, his eyes were resolute.

"You know why I hate your sister, Alfonso?" asked Lucio with a cold voice.

Lucio took small steps while walking towards Alfonso and his eyes became colder the closer he drew. His pace and
carefree smile which made it seem like he had all the time in the world was gone.
"Because she always had that look on her face- the same look that you have right now," said Lucio while standing in
front of Alfonso.

"The look that says 'I have everything under control'. You think that you are somewhat special? You think that just
because you survived all this time, you are someone special'? You look calm and resolute when you do things, but
resolution without power isn't resolution, you know what that is called?

"That is called arrogance.

"The sight of you, as well as the sight of all of the Lockheart family, is filled with arrogance. Arrogance under any
circumstance, to be frank, it makes me sick."

Lucio grabbed his sword.

"And for that arrogance, you will have to pay a price."

Lucio lifted his sword.

"I really hate those eyes."

Lucio swung the sword!


Alfonso right eye suddenly turned red-blood.


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83 Hidden Title

Alfonso was struggling on the ground while grabbing his right eye.

"It hurts… it hurts… it hurts so much!" Alfonso couldn't contain the pain, he wanted to faint, but he knew he couldn't do

"If I faint now, them he will kill Artemis and… wait where is Demeter?" Alfonso looked with his left eye, his vision
was blurry, but he could only identify three bodies on the ground.

"One is Artemis, the other one is Alberto and the other one is Felio… Demeter, where are you?" Thought Alfonso.

However, his thoughts were interrupted by the unbearable pain.

"I… potion! That's right the potion!"

Alfonso, with trembling hands, took out his last potion from his shoes, he hid one last potion in case of emergency.
Alfonso almost left of the bottle, he gritted his teeth and with the last bit of his strength he took the potion.


"HA…ha….ha…ha" Alfonso took deep breaths while the pain dropped for quite a bit, however, he couldn't open his

"Oh? What is this?" Lucio was surprised, he walked towards Alfonso and took the empty bottle from his hands.

He smelt the bottle, shake it and then lose interested.

"This bottle, since that you have someone from Vega city to bring it to you, not bad, anyway, its time to finish this, I
have to get back to dragon city" Said Lucio while going towards Artemis while kicking the dagger of Alfonso to the
other side.

Alfonso, who was lying down on the floor looked at Lucio who was walking slowly towards Artemis, his heart turned

"System, if I use the hero badge, how much is the possibility that little pit is summoned?" Asked Alfonso.

He wanted to use the hero badge since a while ago, however, he was nervous, if, by any chance, the system brings little
pit to the battlefield, he would have sacrificed him for nothing, little pit was a hero after all!"

'DING! Answering the question of host, the possibility of bringing Pythagoras is the same as the other heroes on the hero
list' Answer the system.

"Should I... take the gamble?" Thought Alfonso.

Alfonso thought for some time before denying this possibility.

"I will only used it if is the last choice!" Thought Alfonso.

He used all his strength and slowly stood up.

He almost fell down but used the cane to stabilize.

"WAIT!" Shouted Alfonso.

Lucio was surprised, he turned around and saw Alfonso, who looked like a dead man, bleeding from all his body while
his right eye was closed.

"You…" Lucio wanted to say something else but didn't.

He just saw how Alfonso walked.


Step by step.

After two minutes, Alfonso passed by the side of Lucio, however, Lucio didn't stop him, he just stood there looking at

The two armies had stopped fighting, they saw all the process since Lucio entered the battlefield.
Nobody was in the mood, to fight anymore, they knew that their fates will be decided by those two men!

The daughters of Okeanos were crying, they couldn't bear seeing Alfonso nor Artemis in that condition, however, they
knew they couldn't do anything.

"Ha…. Ha…. Ha….ha… ha….ha" Alfonso's heavy breathing could be heard in the battlefield.

Finally, Alfonso stood out in front of Artemis, he endured the pain and extended his arms.

"If you… want to touch…her… you will have to pass through me…" Said Alfonso in a weak but resolute voice.

The other soldiers were also touched. Even the arcadia soldiers were touched at this sight!

Lucio looked at the weak Alfonso, he felt uncomfortable after seeing him.

"Why? You are obviously scared, yet, you still stood there, do you think I don't dare to kill you!?" Shouted Lucio with
an angry tone.

"No… I am… 100% that you will kill me if I piss you off too much" Said Alfonso.

"Then why?" Asked Lucio.

"Because…" Alfonso made a small smile.


Lucio was stunned, the soldiers were also stunned!

The whole battlefield was in silence for some time.

After a whole minute, a voice broke the silence.

"Hahahaha…" It was a cynical voice.

Lucio who had been quiet all this time, started laughing while grabbing his stomach.

"At the end…" Lucio stooped laughing and lifted his sword.

A red aura impregnate his sword while his muscle inflated like balloons.

His all aura changed, he looked more… like a beast!

"You are too annoying, just die" Said Lucio.

With an unbelievable speed, he lifted his sword and tried to slice Alfonso in two.

By reflex, Alfonso lifted his cane with both hands to intersect the sword.


The sound of metal colliding could be heard in all the battlefield.

Both parties used all his force in this attack!


Alfonso tried his best too endure the madly attack of Lucio.


Suddenly a sound came from the cane, Alfonso's eye suddenly view stunned when a fissure appear on Chrono's cane!

"Im- impossible" Said Alfonso.


More fissures appear on the cane until one moment.


The cane was split in two!

"Is this how it ends?" Though Alfonso.

Even if he activated the hero badge now, it will too late the sword of Lucio was just in front of him!

"Demeter… Artemis… everyone" Thought Alfonso

"I am sorry"

Then he closed his eyes waiting for the sword.


The sound of the blade cutting resounded in all Tulip.

After a minute, Alfonso who had prepared for his second death, notice something… strange.

"Mmmm? Where is the pain?" Though Alfonso.

When Alfonso open his eye, the first he saw were small drops of blood sliding down the blade of a sword.

However, that wasn't his blood!

"But if isn't mine then…" Before Alfonso could say anything else.

"Thank you, for protecting us, Little Al" A small and sweet voice came from behind Alfonso.

However, Alfonso didn't recognize this voice.

When Alfonso looked up, he was stunned.

A beautiful face was smiling at him, the woman was extremely beautiful, she had white snow skin and green eyes, her
brown hair was on the longer side, however, it wasn't that long either, just long enough to cover her shoulders.

"Little Al?, there is only one person who calls me like that, but… " Just as Alfonso was thinking,from the broken cane of
Chronos,a green smoke flew and entered in Alfonso by his nose.

'Host Alfonso Lockheart has discovered an unidentified dimension, host will enter in a coma state'

An announcement from the system came to Alfonso's head, while his eye became heavy. He suddenly felt sleepy.

"Who… are… you?" Asked Alfonso while his consciousness was drowned away by a force.

"Don't worry, just rest and leave the rest to me" Said the beautiful woman.

Alfonso closed his eyes and took a final look at the system.

[Demeter, The Protector! (Summer Form)]

Alfonso made a small smile and fainted out.

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84 Congralutions... I am enraged
"Who are you?" asked the "beast" Lucio.

He saw the process from the beginning: before, when he was about to cut Alfonso in two, a figure appeared from the
ground and protected him That's right, this woman appeared from the ground, like a flower. He was stupefied. He had
seen a couple of champions in the past but he had never seen a human literally coming out from the earth, what's more…

"She is beautiful!" thought Lucio.

The woman in front of him appeared to be 20 to 30 years old. She wore a long green skirt, however, the figure of her
legs couldn't be hidden. She wore a brown top that covered half of her stomach, revealing her white skin, and she had a
pair of beautiful green eyes and open brown hair. What's more, she was barefoot.

Lucio had seen a lot of beautiful woman before- Susana was a good example, however, this was the first time he saw
someone like Demeter. After this woman appeared, she had a sun-like smile while looking at the fallen prince Alfonso.
He saw how this goddess-like girl tried to stop the sword with her hand, and Lucio tried to suppress his strength. After
all, how could he bear to hurt such a beautiful girl! However, he knew that it was useless, his momentum couldn't be
stopped. Just as he thought he would cut the goddess' hand in two, an incredible scene happened.

She actually stopped his full attack!

This goddess stopped the attack of a champion with her bare hands!

Lucio felt like he had encountered a powerful wall.

"It's impossible! Not even Alberto could have stopped my attack with his bare hands without been injured!"thought

When Lucio saw a few droops of blood sliding along the blade, he made a small sigh of relief. However, he still was
"I only made a superficial cut at the most" thought Lucio.

The goddess-like figure said something to Alfonso and she hugged him, lifting him like a princess and putting him on the
floor next to Artemis. All this time, this goddess-like figure hadn't looked at Lucio, not even once. It was like he was

After putting Alfonso on the floor, she caressed his hair while making a beautiful smile, like a young maiden in love.

Lucio became angrier and angrier at this sight. He wanted to go and slice Alfonso into pieces.

"Beautiful goddess, it is nice to meet you. My name is Lucio Pentagate, from the Pentagate house. I don't know what
your relationship with the stupid prince is, however, I admire your strength and beauty. How about I invite you to the
Pentagate House as an honorable guest?" said Lucio.

However, the beautiful goddess didn't answer, she was still caressing the stupid prince hair, like she didn't hear him.

Lucio was about to explode from anger. He felt so insulted!

"Hey! I am talking to you!" Lucio couldn't suppress his anger anymore and shouted.

The beautiful goddess stopped her actions and stood up. However, she was still turned around; she was giving her back
to Lucio without saying anything.

Lucio suddenly felt the temperature increasing.

1 degree… 2 degrees…3 degrees….

As a trained soldier, and a champion, his body was very sensitive to these kind of changes. At first he thought that it was
the weather that was changing.

However, the temperature increased more and more by the time.

5 degrees…8 degrees…10 degrees….

The temperature suddenly increased by ten degrees!

Lucio began to feel hot and the other soldiers also noticed the temperature change.

Suddenly, the cloudy weather changed ans the sun actually appeared!

The soldiers didn't understand why the temperature was changing, but Lucio did. However, he refused to believe it!

"It's not possible! There is no human that can change the weather! Even the Champion of Weather herself can't make the
sun appear!" thought Lucio.

He suddenly noticed that his hand was trembling a little.

He gritted his teeth and bit his lower lip to calm himself.

"My name is not beautiful goddess."

Suddenly Lucio heard a sweet and beautiful voice and he was charmed by the voice. However, he also noticed a chilled
tone in the voice.
"After all, if someone wants to associate a figure to beauty, that will be Aphrodite, not me," said the beautiful woman
who slowly turned around to look at Lucio for the first time.

"My name is Demeter," she said.

When Lucio saw the face of Demeter, a chill ran down his back. The sweet smile from before was nowhere to be seen
and instead, a cold and calm face greet him. Moresover, Lucio felt something else from her.

Murderous intent.

"Demeter, right? What a charming name. You are blessed by the gods with beauty and power. As long as you stay by my
side, there are no limits to your achievements! What do you say? Leave that piece of crap and come to my side. He
doesn't deserve you. I don't know what lies he said to you but let me tell you this: he's a fallen prince who isn't loved by
anyone- even his own family gives a crap of whether he lives of dies. You want to know what his nickname was back at
the Lockheart family? He was called the Idiotic Prince," said Lucio with confidence.

Demeter didn't say anything.

The temperature began to increase once again.

11 degrees…13 degrees…15 degrees….

This time, even Lucio began to feel uncomfortable with the sudden rise of temperature.

"Are you done?" asked Demeter.


"I asked you, are you done?" asked Demeter once again.

"I don't understand what you-"

"In all these years, there has been a lot of people who tried to piss me off" she said while walking slowly.

16 degrees…16.5 degrees…17 degrees….

"I didn't really give them much importance."

Suddenly, sun rays appeared slowly in Demeter's hand.

17.5 degrees…18 degrees…18.5 degrees….

"However, you really have done it this time. Congratulations."

19 degrees…19.5 degrees…20 degrees….

The sun rays slowly took a form on Demeter's hand, to Lucio's surprise, and into the form of a scythe!

"I am enraged," said Demeter while swinging her scythe towards Lucio.


Lucio tried to defend by putting his sword in front of him.

To his shock, the scythe passed his sword as if it was water and slashed Lucio's abdomen.
"ARGGGGG" Lucio make a small cry while looking at his chest. He saw a huge burn mark!

"Be prepared" said Demeter. "You won't die that easily."

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85 Hidden Title
"Can she…use the power of sun!?" thought Lucio.

Seeing the beautiful goddess in front of him, Lucio became solemn.

"This kind on injury is defin- wait… where is the injury?"

When Lucio looked back at his abdomen he noticed that the slice that Demeter did to him earlier was gone!


"It was some kind of illusion?"

"No! The pain was real! Even now I can still feel the pain of being burn!" reflected Lucio.

"What did you do!?" shouted Lucio.

Demeter was calmly looking at Lucio. She lifted her scythe and went for the attack once more!

"Bitch! Don't underestimate Lucio Pentagate! One-Ten Army!" shouted Lucio.

One-Ten Army was the blessing of the god Destroyer!

"One-Ten Army gives me the power of ten experts soldiers that I had defeated. I stole their powers and abilities! Let's
see how you defend this!" shouted Lucio while his muscles grew bigger. He was almost the size of the mountain-like
man Alberto.


Lucio lifted his sword and swung it towards Demeter.

Demeter made a small smile.

Lucio felt that something was wrong, however, he couldn't stop the momentum of his sword.

Demeter swung the scythe and cut Lucio once again, however, she didn't evade the sword.


To Lucio and everyone's, the sword cut Demeter's body, leaving a huge scar on her body. Blood sprayed everywhere.
Lucio couldn't understand what was happening!

Lucio felt the burning sensation in his chest, just like before, however, after some seconds the scar disappeared like it
was never there to begin with.

Demeter still looked as calm as usual.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened!

From Lucio's body, yellow lights appear and floated slowly towards Demeter. When the yellows lights arrived at
Demeter's body, she opened her mouth and with one gulp, she ate it.

"Gross," muttered Demeter while making an awkward expression.

Lucio felt tired after the lights escaped from his body. He felt that his power… abandoned him.

Lucio's face turned as white as a sheet.

"What did you do to me!?" shouted Lucio.

However, Demeter didn't answer him. She just stood there while her sweet smile turned more… evil.

Her external injuries heal at eye-naked speed and after some seconds her injuries were healed.

Demeter lifted her scythe once more and walked towards Lucio.

Anger filled Lucio.

"Answer me! HAAAA!"

Lucio once again swung his sword towards Demeter and cut Demeter. This time he went for her head!


Demeter's head flew from her body!

However, her body acted on her own and sliced Lucio once again!


The burning sensation came once again, yellows lights escaped from Lucio's body and floated Towards Demeter.

To Lucio and everyone's horror, the body of Demeter walked to her head that was laying on the floor.

She picked it up and put in her head once more.

Demeter moved her head from side to side.

*Crack* *Crack*

Her neck make some cracked noise and her head was attached once more, the yellows lights travel to her mouth once
more and, like before, she eat them.

"Really disgusting," affirmed Demeter in a mumble.

Lucio was scared.

He had never felt this scared in his entire life!

"What are you, monster?!" demanded Lucio while swinging his sword towards Demeter.

"Wasn't I a beautiful goddess?" asked Demeter innocently.

The process repeated a couple more times.

Lucio cut Demeter in two, cut her hands, her head; cut every part of her body. However, nothing worked.

Every time the lights escaped from his body, Lucio became skinner and skinner. After the tenth time, he didn't have the
strength nor the will to fight anymore. He was too tired.

"I… must escape!" thought Lucio.

He turned to run, however, before he could get too far, he noticed that he couldn't move.

"What is this…. What is this!? Move! Move! MOVE!" shouted Lucio.

However, no matter what did, he couldn't move!

"Feeling regret?" A voice came from behind Lucio.

He turned around and saw the goddess…no... the demon behind him.

"Hiiiiiii!" Lucio shrieked while falling to the ground.

"You like it? I call this the Ying-Yang Domain," said Demeter.


"In my domain, physical attacks are useless. No matter what, you can't hurt me," explained Demeter calmly.

"A domain!? No, it's not possible! Only the Champions that are the Kings of Champions on this plane have domains!"
said Lucio.

In Leitol, the Champions could be divided into three. The first ones are blessed by the gods and develop a special
affinity with the elements of the god; they are the Champions. The second type are those champions who gained the love
of one god. When a human gains the love of one god, this god gives them the title of "King" among humans. They can
manifested the powers of the god itself- not just a blessing. So this type of Champions are called the Kings of
Champions. The third type are the humans that became the successor of a god. Nobody knew exactly how this process
works, however, the successor of a god can use all the power of his god and they can even use their bodies as vessels to
invoke the god to descend to this plane! These champions were called the Emperors among Champions.

In Leitol, there was only one known Emperor Champion and that was the emperor of Leitol, William Lockheart himself!

"I don't know about that, however, I don't like to lie. If you believe or not that's for you to decide," said Demeter.

"In the Ying-Yang Domain the only possible attacks are soul attacks. However, you must be cautious, because every
time my scythe hits you… well, why don't you see it for yourself?" said Demeter while pointing to Lucio.

Lucio was confused however, after some time he suddenly became still. Slowly, he looked behind him.
He almost fainted over what he saw.

He saw a huge shadow with red eyes was looking at him.

"A-a-a-a-a-a Grim reaper!" said Lucio with trembling voice.

"Not exactly. Every time my scythe cuts you, your soul loses some light. If you want me to rephrase it, every time I steal
some of your soul. You lose…. Mmmm… let's call it your 'place' on the plane of the living, and the big fellow you see
behind you just wants a 'place' to stay, got it sweetheart?" asked Demeter with a cute smile.

Lucio fell to the ground with his knees looking lifeless.

Demeter slowly walked towards him and lifted his chin with her lovely hand.

"I told you that you won't die that easily.

"Welcome, to your worst nightmare."

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86 Loyalty
Wa-wait, please wait! If you kill him then, we are all dead!" Suddenly a voice came from behind Demeter.

When she looked back, she saw a man handless man walking towards her, it was Excelio.

"Who are you?" Asked Demeter Calmly.

Excelio was frightened, he had seem all the battle before so he knew that even 100 of them weren't a much for this

He kneel in one knee.

"Your highness, my name is Excelio, son of the late king TItio" Said Excelio

"Ho? You're the son of that man, yet, you plague pardon to his murder?" Asked Demeter.

"Don't misunderstand this humbles one intention, I don't see the day when his head leaves his body, however, I am now
talking by all the people here, not even you, your highness, can afford to offend the Pentagate house" Said Excelio.

Demeter stood calmly there, this put Excelio even more nervous.

"Your highness, maybe with your ability, you could escaped , however… what about prince Alfonso?" Said Excelio
while looking at Alfonso.

Demeter changed her expression, she seem to be thinking about something.

Meanwhile, Lucio saw the light at the end of the tunnel, he wanted to go to Excelio's side and give him a big kiss.
Everyone was waiting for Demeter's decision.

After two minutes, Demeter made a small sigh and looked at the battlefield.

The causalities for both sides were heavy, Arcadia, with had initially 5000 men, now had 1000 men at the most while
Tulip had 200 something men.

"Then lets end here" Thought Demeter.

"Today, both sides have suffered a crushing defeat, there is no winner in war… only death. Parents who won't see their
children grow, children who would make their parents wait forever for his or her return, this is what war means" Said
Demeter slowly, sadness could be perceive in her tone.

"Today, both sides will pledge their loyalty to his majesty Alfonso Lockheart" Said Demeter while looking at Excelio.

He was now the new lord of Arcadia after all.

Excelio looked back at his father, who laid down on the ground and some tears appear on his face. He wiped them and
looked back at Demeter then he nodded.

Demeter turned around to where Alfonso was.

"Your silence means that you also agree, right Felio?" Asked Demeter.

The "unconscious" Felio suddenly opened his eyes and made a bitter smile while nodding.

He sat down with great effort and looked back at Excelio.

"If you give me back my daughter, then I have nothing else to say" Said Felio.

"I told you since the beginning, I don't know where your daughter is, nor my father knew" Said Excelio.


"What will be the point of lying at this point" Said Excelio while looking at Demeter.

"he isn't lying Felio" Said Demeter.

"It- its not possible! Then where is she…" Thought Felio.

"Its not the time, to talk about this" Said Demeter.

She took a deep breath while the scythe disappear from her hand.

Then she turned towards Lucio.

"Don't think that this is over, I said I wont kill you, however, I never said that I will let you off" Said Demeter.

"You. You heard him! If you do anything to me, my father wont let you off! You and that idiotic prince will suffer the

Before Lucio could finish talking, a huge punch arrive to his face.

And just like that, Lucio fainted out.

"So noisy!" Said Demeter.

Everyone didn't know whatever to laugh or cry, this was Lucio Pentagate! The sole sound of the word Pentagate could
bring masses to their knees, yet, this goddess actually punched him on the face because he was too noisy!



It was midnight a figure was covered in bandages while resting on a bed, although she was all covered up, her beautiful
figure could be distinguished, it was Artemis.

"Although she broke almost all of her bones, her soul wasn't injured" Said Demeter who was at her side.

Artemis was almost at the edge of dying, however, thanks to Demeter's power, she managed to save her, Although she
can cure external injuries, she cant cure internal injuries, like soul's injuries.

"However, now that I am at my summer form, my healing power have decrease, so the process of healing while be
longer, she will need to stay in bed at least for a month" Thought Demeter.

After looking at Artemis for some time, she give her a slight kiss on her forehead and closed the door of the room. She
passed a few rooms and enter the last room on the left side, this was Alfonso's room.

After entering Demeter looked at Alfonso, although the injuries of Alfonso weren't as bad as Artemis in the sense of
bones reconstruction, his injures were more critical.

"His left eye is permanently lost, even I can't cure him, what's more, after losing the cane of Chronos the process of
rooting of his leg has worsen, even if I cured him, it will only last for a couple of days before the rooting starts once
again, at this rate, he will have to take that potion for all his life and, when it lose his effects then…" Demeter had a
painful expression while looking at Alfonso.

"What is strange is that he hasn't wake up, not matter what I did, He doesn't wake up, I tried perceiving his soul with the
Ying-Yang domain, however, something is blocking my vision, Alfonso, where are you?" Said Demeter while taking his

Demeter closed her eyes and remembering the events of today.

"No matter what, I promise to wait for you"

Demeter kneel in on the floor while grabbing Alfonso's hand.

"Even if you never wake up, I will be there for you"

She put her forehead on Alfonso's hand.

"My lord"


[Sub-mission : Loyalty (2/12)

Congratulations to host Alfonso Lockheart for gaining the loyalty of two gods

Reward: 5,000 Drachmas]


Alfonso was woken up by the announcement of the system.

"Where… where I am… ahh… fuck… it stills hurts" Said Alfonso while grabbing his left eye.

He slowly stood up and looked around, he saw sand and sand and more sand.

"Am I…am I in a dessert?" Thought Alfonso.

"Ho? You finally woke up, you know, I finally have someone to talk to and he is asleep, watching you sleep isn't that fun
you know?" Suddenly a voice came from behind Alfonso.

"Who?" Alfonso turned around and saw a huge throne, sitting one that throne there was a 12 to 13 years old child sitting
with his eyes closed, he only had one arm and one leg.

"Who are you?" Asked Alfonso.

The child smiled and pointed up.

When Alfonso looked up, he saw his broken cane floating above the child.

"Me? , I am the owner of this cane, little boy" Said the child.

"Well, how are my bastard kids doing these days?" Asked the child.

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87 Prologue part one

"Its been three weeks since your father and brothers when to the battlefield, they should be back by now right?" Asked a
woman to a young man with long black hair.

Both of them were sitting in a huge dinning table opposite of each other, behind the man were three robust men with
armor guarding him, they didn't talk, they just stood there.

"Yeah, by now they should be back, if they aren't, there is only one possible answer… however…" Said the young man.

"Maybe they stablish their dominion in Tulip before coming back?" Asked the young woman.

"Not likely, my father maybe harsh and unreasonable sometimes, however, he isn't stupid, he know that, at the very
least, he has to send someone back to report to me so I don't send reinforcement in vain and left Arcadia in a vulnerable
state, the fact that no one has come back is the sign that something went wrong in Tulip" Said the young man.
"Felipe, this is bad you know? You father doesn't matter that much, however, we don't have any notice of Lucio… you
know that my head will roll if he doesn't return in one piece to his home right?" Said the young woman while making a
small chuckle.

"For someone who talks about a matter of life and death you sure are relaxed, however, its impossible that something
happen to Lucio no one has the ability of defeating him, and even if someone does, who will be so stupid to touch
someone of the Pentagate family?" Said Felipe.

"Hehe, well of course there is no people that can mess around with the Penatagates at least…" Said the young woman
with a sweet smile.

"At least?"

"At least, the family in question is more powerful than the Pentagates" Said the young woman.

"Sana what are you sayi- wait, are you talking about him?" Asked Felipe in disbelieve.

"Yep, if I don't remember wrongly, the idiotic prince shall be the lord of that dead land, Wasteland Valley, coincidently
enough, Lucio's mission, and also the reason why I managed to bring him here, was also in Wasteland Valley" Said

"Impossible, Wasteland Valley was destroyed by the horde a few months ago" Said Felipe.

"Ho? How are you so sure?"

"Well, that's because…." Felipe stopped and thought for a while, indeed, there was no way to know for sure that
Wasteland Valley was destroyed and the idiotic prince was death, at least someone goes there personally.

"There is no way that the idiotic prince managed to survive the horde, not to mention that he is a cripple, he doesn't even
have any kind of man nor army that can deal with an attack ot that magnitude, at least he was a champion himself, which
he isn't, he is 99.9% death" Said Felipe.

"And how about the remaining 0.1%?"

After asking the question Felipe though for some time.

"Anyway, lets just say if, a huge IF he did survive, the horde is nothing compare to a champion, even one hundred
Alfonsos would not be able to injure Lucio" Said Felipe.

"Mmm… maybe you are right, maybe I am exaggerating" Said Sana while lifting her shoulders.

"Anyway, this is becoming a huge concern for me, if I want my plan to enter the next phase, Lucio must come back, only
if I present him as a gift to The Boltors, I will be able to gain their trust and enter in the big stage" Said Felipe.

"Haha! To use and confabulate against a champion and a champion of the Pentagate family , you are insane! You know it
right?" Asked Sana.

"He is just a childish kid born with a golden spoon on his mouth, in reality, he is scum and society will be better without
him, I am just doing the world a favor" Said Felipe.

"A favor,huh. That's why you stole the throne of your father and kill of the ministers in Arcadia?"

"Them why?"

"Because they were obstacles in my way, that's all" Said Felipe like it wasn't a big deal.

Sana looked at Felipe with lovely eyes while making a huge smile.

"Cold,intelligent and decisive, truly the qualities of a king, hehe, I am looking forward to the changes you will to this
land" Thought Sana.

"Stop looking me with those eyes, I am eating" Said Felipe while putting some food on his mouth.

"Darling, all of sudden, I feel like eating you, how about it? Lets do it on this table, hehe, I always wanted to try it once"
Said Sana.

The guards that were behind Felipe gulped a little bit after seeing the charming and lovely appearance of Sana.

"Are you an exhibitionist?" Asked Felipe without changing his expression.

"Hehe, for you, I am willing" Said Sana.

"No thanks, you aren't my type"

"Ch, you so boring darling, well, whatever, I will do it with some guard today as always I guess, of course if you are

"Be my guess" Said Felipe without stopping eating.

"Hmph!" Sana pouted a little, then she took her spoon and started eating her soup.

After they finish, Sana went with Felipe until a certain point, Sana called a guard over and say something to his ear, then
the man nodded and went on his way.

"Today is Hilberto, huh?" Thought Felipe while watching at the man's back.

"Well, I will going for now, I have to give the meal to the princess" Said Felipe.

"I hate that you have to see that princess every day" Said Sana.

"Whoever I see its not on your business right?"

Sana flipped, she grabbed Felipe's collar.

"Well, yeah I DO FUCKING CARE, because I love you more than anything, so I get jealous every time you see that
whore" Said Sana.

"That's why you have sex with different men every day?" Asked Felipe.

"If you tell me to stop then I will obey you and kill every single man I slept with before" Said Sana resolutely.

"Ha… I told you before, she isn't my type" Said Felipe while looking at Sana.

Sana looked at Felipe for some time and then he let him go, Felipe then went on his way.

Just went he was about to disappear in a corner, he heard a sound from behind.
"If you ever, EVER touch that woman, I will torture that woman until she begs me for death"

Them, he heard the sound of footsteps getting further and further away.

Felipe stopped his tracks for sometime and saw his hands, they were trembling.

"indeed, a dangerous woman" Said Felipe.

Then he resume his way towards Susana's room.

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88 Prologue part two

In Arcadia, there was jovial atmosphere on the air, after all, a new king was born!

About three days ago, prince Felipe, the youngest son of the former king Titio, Announcing that his father died an
honorable death while fighting against Tulip town, at first, there was a memorial service to his highness Titio, funny
enough, nobody was sad about the death of the former king, after all, he didn't do that much on his government, few
people on the inside were actually happy, with the change of government there will be a possibility of ascension and
now that a lot of important members died, the positions of power were there to be snatched.

The ceremony consisted in prince Felipe praying to the gods that his father lived in their glory, after the simple
ceremony, King Felipe present her wife… the daughter of the Veritia family, Sana Veritia as the queen of Arcadia. The
king announced three days of party and laziness to commemorate the brave heroes that fought and died in the battle
against the army of Tulip.

In the main plaza near the manor, Felipe made a great stone wall were the put the name of every single soldier that
fought in the battle of Tulip, after that he kneeled in from of the statue for one minute, after that he stood up and turned
around, he saw the citizens watching at him with tear on their eyes.

GOVERNMENT OF ME, KING FELIPE!" Shouted Felipe to all the 10000 habitants of Arcadia.

The habitants exploded while everyone shouted the name of Felipe!






While everyone was celebrating, two shadows were watching everything, when the commotion ended, the two shadows
hide. After confirming that nobody followed them, they took out their wardrobes.

"Told you that staying here was the smart choice" Said A small white puppy.

"You are making my work harder than it should be, master will be mad at me" Said a lovely girl with black hair while
looking at the small puppy.

"Don't worry about it, however, something seems strange, they said the heroes of Arcadia right? It seems that while we
were out something happen back at Tulip, it seems that Arcadia invaded Tulip, however, something smells bad here…"
Said the small puppy.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this, went we past Tulip, I saw their army, they didn't have more than 1000 men, so, the question is, how did the
army of Arcadia of 5000 something men pay such a heavy price to obtain Tulip, do you see the problem there?" Asked
the puppy.

"But what does it have to do with us?" Asked the girl.

"A lot actually…" Said the puppy while looking up.

When the girl looked up, she saw a small blue bird floating above her head.

"Little blue? What are you doing here, shouldn't you be by his majesty side?" Asked the girl surprised.

"It seems that you have a lot to learn cat one, if this was Artemis, she would have notice, little blue since it got here 20
minutes ago" Said the puppy.

"Cerberus, I told you to call me Io here, not cat one" Said cat one.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Little Blue, what you said… its true?" Asked Cerberus while looking at Little Blue.

"Chirp! Chirp~, chirp!" Said Little Blue.

Cerberus stood quiet for some time, there was so worry on its face.

"What's the matter?" Asked cat one.

"Its seems that Alfonso and the others get involved on this war, Little blue told me that Felio, that old fellow, requested
help from Alfonso, the night before the battle, Alfonso told Little blue to come to find us, in case went south, so we can
escaped back to Wasteland Valley without passing through Tulip" Said Cerberus.

"Chirp!" Nodded Little Blue.

"Will they be okay?" Asked Cat one.

"I don't know… At the very last, they should be able to escape however…" Said Cerberus.

For some time, neither of them talked.

"Anyway, shouldn't we rush towards Tulip then?" Asked Cat one after some time.
"No, not yet" Said Cerberus.


"Its seems that my intuition were in the right place, little blue, you told me that Felio said something about his daughter


"Cat- Io, it seems that we have an important mission here as well" Said Cerberus.

"If I am not wrong then, the person we saw that day went we left Tulip was actually the princess of Tulip, princess
Susana!" Said Cerberus.

"What?" Asked Cat one.

"Yeah, we need more information, but, if it turns out that what I say it's true then… we must rescue her and bring her
back to Tulip!" Said Cerberus


That same day, at night, the streets of Arcadia were busier than usual, usually the nights of Arcadia were really quiet, it
wasn't anything compare to the endless night on Tulip were the night life was their biggest commerce.

"Hey, did you hear? It seems that there is a ghost on the manor of the king!" Said one drunk man to one of his friends.

"Dude you are… like totally drunk, what are you talking about!"

"No, no I am serious, you see, I guard the manor at nights you know… and, one night, I was like patrolling you know?
And then went I was almost by the king's room, I heard it you know! woman's voice you know!?" Said the drunk man.

"A woman's voice? Hehe, it shouldn't be his majesty "love voice" right?"

"No, no , you don't understand man, it wasn't like moaning or any of that shit you know? It was more like a crying you
know, and you may not know this, but! The king is actually a flower boy you know?" Said the drunk man.

"Flower boy!? Hoy, hoy, man watch out, if you said things like that your head may roll you know?"

"Haha, its not a secret you know?"

"Haiss… such a shame having such beautiful and charming woman at his side and he… man what a tragedy indeed!"

The drunken man laughed for some time and talked about other random things, however, their conversation didn't escape
of the hearing of Cat one, who was sitting on the bar, drinking a beer with her cloak covering her face.

"Gotcha" Said Cat one in a low voice while finishing her drink.


Outside of the manor, two guards were watching at the beautiful moon while cursing their own bad luck.

"I can't believe that we have to guard while everyone else is having a party now man, what a luck!" Said one of them

"Nothing to do about it man, tomorrow we are free so lets reserve energy for tomorrow, I will go to celebrate with my
wife!" Said the other man

"Tch.. you are lucky man, I also want to meet a beautiful woman like your wife" Said the other man.

"Well, its not always happiness, lately I am having some issues… you know… in that area" Said the man while looking
at his private area.

"Hey man what happen?" Asked the other man.

The soldier was a little hesitating, he didn't know if he should tell or not, after some consideration, he talked.

"I… well… this is personal man, I am trusting you to not tell anyone, not even your future wife, got it!?" Said the man.

"Easy man, I promise"

"Well, okay its like this… actually, lately every time I want to do it with my wife… the face of… my mom pops up and
ruin things, you know, down there" Said the soldier with some redness on his face.

The other soldier looked at him for some time, after that he laughed a little.

"Hey ma, you don't have to worry about that, It happens to me all the time you know?" Said the other man.

"Really?" Asked the man with some relieve on his face.

"Yeah, every time I have sex I always picture your mom, anyway I have to go to the bathroom" Said the man while going
to the backyard.

"Well, that's a relieve since I am not the only one" Thought the man.

After some time.

"Wait a minute…" Thought the man.

"Excuse me"

Suddenly a voice cut his trains of thoughts. When he looked down, an old woman with a cane and closed eyes, beside
her was a small white dog. The man felt at easy while looking at the woman.

"Madam, its late, at your condition you shouldn't be walking like this" Said the man with a smile on his face.

"Ho-ho, these old bones where coming back from a family reunion but I get a little tipsy and lost my way, do you mind
telling me how do I get to the canteen? I lived near there" Said the old woman.

"Oh, of course you see, you just have to go this road and walked straight until you get near the old henry's shop, then you
turn right and walk for two or three minutes-" Explained the soldier.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, young man, I will be going on my way now then" Said the old woman while turning back.

The soldier looked at the back of the old woman with some sadness.

"Poor woman, leaving her alone at her age" Thought the soldier.

However, after looking at her for some time, he notice something was amiss…

"Wait… where's the puppy?" Though the soldier.

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89 Cursed
"I wonder… how father is doing" Thought Susana while looking at the ceiling.

She had grown sick of looking at the same ceiling after two weeks, surprisingly enough, his captor, the prince of
Arcadia Felipe, came everyday to give her food. She thought that, since he is a prince, he will be quite busy and let his
"guards" do the dirty job for him. After looking at the ceiling for some time, she closed her eyes and sat down, she lifted
her delicate hand and grabbed one book from the stand nearby her bed, since she didn't have anything to do and been sad
didn't resolve anything, she investigated the room she was in, no long after she found this stand that had the amazing
amount of 30 books on it. As the princess and future inherit of the throne of Tulip, she obviously knew how to read, and
she quiet enjoyed. This time is was a book about the different towns in Leitol and their history.

"It's quite boring I learned all of this in Dragon's academia" Thought Susana.

After some minutes, while she was still flipping the pages, she heard the sounds of steps. She closed the book and saw a
shadow coming.

"He is here again" Thought Susana while looking at her other side, looking at a small sand clock, when one looked
inside the sand clock, and one could the last bit of sand running out.

"On time, as always"

Felipe came to Susana's room with a plate of soup and some drinks, he put the soup at Susana's side and waited
patiently. Susana, at first, refused to eat, however, what surprised her was that Felipe didn't became mad nor said
anything, he just stood silently waiting, Susana couldn't resist after five hours and she drank the soup.

"Just on time as always" Said Susana while receiving the plate of soup.

Felipe didn't say anything and give her the plate of soup, he sat down on a chair nearby and grabbed a book and started
reading it.

Susana was already used to this scene and began to eat in silence.

"Can I ask you something"

Suddenly a voice interrupted Susana's meal, the voice came from the man in front of him, she looked at him, he was still
flipping the pages of his book.

"What- what is it?" Asked Susana.

"If you had the chance… would you change yourself?" Asked Felipe with a normal tone.

Susana didn't know how to answer this question; however, she gave it some though.

"In which way?" Asked Susana.

"you are beautiful" Said Suddenly Felipe.

Before Susana could say anything else, Felipe continued.

"Maybe… you are too beautiful, for your beauty, you have suffered, you have struggled, and, at the very end, you have
become like this" Said Felipe while looking at her legs. "If I must say it myself, your appearance isn't a blessing…It's a
curse" Said Felipe

"Do you regret been born like this?" Finished Felipe while looking once again back to his book.

Susana was stunned, she didn't expect that this man was going to asked her something like this.

Suddenly, a few horrible but unforgettable memories came to her once more.




"Shut up! I am Lucio Pentagate, you low class woman dares to slap my face, be thankful enough that I don't kill you!"



"I am sorry your highness, it seems that you are pregnant" Said an old woman.

"How!? How did this happen Susana!?" Shouted Felio to her daughter who had a black face while touching her tummy.


"I refuse to birth this monstrosity to this world" Said Susana while looking down, below her, there wasn't any ground,
she was in a cliff.

She took another step forward and fell into the dark.



Susana opened her eyes and saw the face of Felio, who seems to have aged several years crying at her side while
grabbing her hand.


Susana felt pain coming to her heart every time these memories came, she shut her eyes for some time, she took a deep
breath and saw Felipe who was still flipping the pages of his book.

"i… don't regret been born like this, what I regret, it's the decision I made" Said Susana with a bitter but, at the same
time, resolute voice.

Felipe stopped.
"What do you regret?" Asked Felipe.

"I regret that I didn't die instead of my baby" Said Susana.

Felipe was stunned from this answer.

Susana shout her eyes like she mas remembering something.

"Every night…."

"I heard the voice of someone calling me"

"Its always so dark that I can even see my own hands"

"The voice always sounds happy but at the same time… sad when it calls my name"

"When I want to get near the voice, my body stops, however, the voice becomes clearer and clearer"



"why…why…why… why…why…why… why…why…why… why…why…why… why…why…why



The heartbeat of Felipe increased.

Susana raised her head, despair could be seen in her eyes.

"I cant… give an answer prince Felipe" Said Susana.

"I am cursed prince Felipe, but, my curse wasn't caused by the others" Said Susana while looking at Felipe.

Felipe couldn't look at his book anymore and looked at Susana straight into her yes for the first time.

"I am cursed…

Because I wasn't strong enough to face tomorrow without been ashamed of what I am" Said Susana.

Felipe's heart beat was beating faster than ever, Felipe closed his eyes and remembered something from his own past. A
small tear could be seemed on his eyes.

Susana was the one surprised this time. Felipe took notice of this and wiped his eyes while making a bitter smile.

"It seems that my own curse its lifted" Said Felipe.

"What…what do you mean?" Asked Susana.

Felipe didn't answer she looked at Susana for some time before making a small smile, he looked at the sand clock. He
stood up and closed his book.

"it seems that someone has come to bring you back, isn't that right?" Said Felipe.
"Little fellow"

Suddenly, from the dark, a pair of grey eyes illumined the dark hall.

"Shishishishi, it seems that you are more than just a pretty face, isn't that right, prince Felipe" Said the small husky.

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90 Prologue part 3
"A puppy?" Though Susana.

"Shishishi, you are more than a pretty face aren't you, prince Felipe?" Asked the puppy with a small smirk.

"I am flattered by your commentary" Said Felipe.

"Oh?" Cerberus was somehow stunned, after all, its wasn't common that you see a puppy talking, however, this man
didn't see that surprised, however, there was respect on his eyes, as he could see the strength of Cerberus, this make
Cerberus felt more alert about this prince.

"Felipe, I am sure that you are an intelligent man, as such, you are aware that I came here with a purpose, I came to take
princess Susana back with me" Said Cerberus.

"I am well aware of you intentions, however-…"

"Don think too high of yourself, little puppy"

Before Felipe could finish his sentence, a sweat voice interrupted him, Cerberus became alert and jumped to one side,
one second later, a small crater appear in the place where Cerberus was!

Cerberus looked solemn at the silhouette behind him, it was a young woman of 20 to 25 years old, however, he gave
Cerberus a dangerous vibe.

"What was that power, she didn't even move!" Though Cerberus.

"Not bad little puppy, to evade my [Gravity fall] so easily, this will get interesting" Said the young woman.

"Stop Sana, this is not the time nor the place to start a fight" Said Felipe while looking at Sana.


"No buts, we will follow the plan" Said Felipe while looking back at Susana.

He though for some seconds before looking back at Cerberus.

"Lets make a deal, I will give you back the princess, however… you must bring someone back to me"

"And that will we?" Asked Cerberus.

"Lucio Pentagate" Said Felipe.

Susana heart trembled a Little after hearing this name.

Cerberus looked at Felipe.

"Where do I find this "Lucio"?" Asked Cerberus.

"Go back to Tulip Town, he should be there if he isn't, then visit Wasteland Valley, no matter what, bring him back…
Alive, if he is dead, then bring me the killer and the body" Said Felipe.

Cerberus looked back, he saw the young woman looking at him, she seems to be waiting an opportunity.

"Fine, I agree, however, if I want to accomplish this, I must first be able to return alive" Said Cerberus while looking at
the Sana.

"Sana, go back, until tomorrow, you aren't allowed to leave this manor" Said Felipe.

Sana looked unwilling.

Felipe just looked at Sana before making a small sigh, suddenly he took a long and deep breath.

Cerberus suddenly saw a small treat of blood on Felipe's mouth, however, this didn't stunned Cerberus, what stunned
him was the fact that the young woman was silently in Felipe's arm, she seem to have fainted.

"Wha-what?" Asked incredulously Cerberus.

"Go, I will give you one month" Said Felipe.

Cerberus looked back at Susana, he turned around and run away from the manor


Outside of the manor an old woman was wondering the surrounding, after walking in circles for almost an hour, she saw
a small white lthing running towards her, she immediately grabbed her face and started to… "peel" it, after she peeled it
for some time, a young woman's face was discovered, it was cat one, alias Io.

"You sure were fast, where is the princess" Asked Cat one, after seeing Cerberus.

"Not possible for the moment, however, we reached an agreement, lets go back to Tulip Town, we must find someone"
Said Cerberus.


"His name is Lucio Pentagate"

"Pentagate!?" Shouted Cat one.

"Do you know him?" Asked Cerberus.

"No, not in person at least, but everyone knows about the Pentagate family, they are the rulers of the south, it seems that
the head of the Pentagate family is currently the most powerful king of Champions in Leitol." Said Cat one.
"Oh really? I lived in the Jubila forest all this time so I didn't know… Anyway, lets go back, I am worried about
Alfonso's health as well"

"Wait before that, we need to accomplish the mission that his majesty give us in the first place" Said Cat one

"That can wait for the next day!" said Cerberus

"But master will get mad at me…"

"Tch! Okay , okay lets buy the things tomorrow and then we go back, Little blue!" Said Cerberus.

"Chirp~" Little Blue showed its head, he had been hiding on a nearby three for quite some time, it had to be say that,
despite it been just an animal its intelligent and survival instinct were truly out of this world!

"Little blue, go back and tell everyone that we are going back tomorrow" Said Cerebrus.


"What do you mean for "I am tired"!? Go, this is an order!" Said Cerberus.

"Chirp, chirp~, chirp!"

"No, I am not Alfonso but-"


"What!? Your mom is the idiot! Your whole family are idiots!"


"No, fuck you!"


"Oi! My mother is sacred you little fucker!, wanna take this outside!?"


"We will settle this one and for all!" Said Cerberus while going to the tree.

Cat one who had seen all of this, yawned and sat at a nearby tree.

"Lets sleep" Thought Cat one.


The next day a small puppy and a young woman with a wardrobe that cover all her boddy where in their wait towards
Tulip while sitting on a big carriage, the young woman was the one ridding the carriage.

"We managed to bought a good amount of iron… Its good that I knew a few trustful merchants" Though Cat one.

Cerberus was lazily yawning sitting on the lap of Cat one.

"Your fur tickles" Said Cat one.

"Aaaa~, don't bother me, I am going to sleep" Said Cerberus while closing its eyes.

Cat one didn't know whatever to laugh or cry, she made a small sigh and proceed on her way towards Tulip.


Coincidently, Little blue was also in the carriage sleeping, it seems that he was tired for all the trip.

"Anyway, lets hope that everything its okay back at home" Thought Cat one.

"Home? What I am even saying" Murmured cat one.

She didn't notice that Cerberus opened one eye.

After some seconds he closed it again and sleep soundly all the trip back to Tulip.

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91 Artemis wakes up
"Where…. Where am I? Ouch, it hurts!" A young woman woke up early in the morning. She had bandages in all her
body. She felt that all her body hurt from the tip of her toes until the tip of her hairs.

"Artemis! You finally woke up!" A cheerful voice came from her side, when she looked at the direction of the voice,
she saw a young woman with brown hair and green eyes looking at her with a joyful expression. Artemis was surprised
after seeing this young woman.

"Demeter? You woke up your summer from?" Asked Artemis.

"Yeah… however, my soul was injured when I evolved, so I only have 70% of my original powers in the summer form,
to recover, I will need a few months, so I will have to stay in this form for at least a year or even more depending of
how much I use my powers" Said Demeter with a bitter smile.

"You forced the evolution, didn't you?" Asked Artemis with a serious tone.

Demeter looked at her and nodded.

"Back there, I did enter in the metamorphosis stage, however, it take me three days to complete the evolution so, I had to
use some on my life force to increase the speed of the process" Said Demeter.

"How bad it's the injury?" Asked Artemis.

"I wont be able to use the Ying-yang domain until I enter my autumn form" Said Demeter.

Artemis made a long sigh and looked at Demeter.

"What happened after I fainted?" Asked Artemis.

Demeter recalled all the events of that day, the death of Alberto, the fight with Lucio and the loyalty decree of both
parties towards Wasteland Valley.

"What happen to that guy, Lucio" Asked Artemis.

"He is in the basement of the manor, locked up, I have part of his soul so, if he tried anything funny I will just devour it
and the "shadows" will hunt his body" Said Demeter.

"I see… then what about Alfonso, where is he?" Asked Artemis.

Demeter remained in silence.

Artemis's face became pale.

"Where is he!?" Asked Artemis while trying to stand up.

"Don't stand up you will hurt yourself more, he is resting in the room next door, is just…" Said Demeter.

"Is just what?"

"He hasn't woke up since that day" Said Demeter.

"What do you mean by hasn't woke up!? Is he that injured?" Asked in pacnic Artemis

"No, his external injuries are fine, however, his left eye was beyond salvation, he completely lost it, apart from that, he
is fine, however, it seems that his soul receive some kind of injury, I can't heal it, not with my summer form, and,
because I cant enter the Ying-yang domain, Its impossible for me to check out his soul anymore, I used my last chance to
do it and something blocked my vision" Said Demeter.

Artemis took a few minutes to finally calm down.

"Can I see him?" Asked Artemis.

"Yeah, however, for now, just rest, you aren't exactly in a nice position either. You broke almost all your bones, you are
blessed that we recover some of our powers and our bodies are stronger than normal humans, if not, you will death by
now" Said Demeter in a serious tone.

Artemis relaxed and lied down on her bed.

"I know my body the best, is as you say I will need a month to recover, however, to recover my fighting shape, I will
need half a year, my injuries are to sever" Said Artemis.

"Its good that you know, well, I will let you rest… don't go on your own and worsen our injuries" Said Demeter with a
severe tone.

"Come on, I am not that drunker, you can trust me" Said Artemis with a slightly awkard expression.

Demeter made a sweet smile.

"Of course, I can trust you" Said Demeter.

Artemis made a reliavable sigh.

Suddenly a sound interrup her thoughts, she looked at her own foot and saw a handcuff, she tried to move her foot but
the handcuff was roped to the bed.

Artemis had some small black lines on her forehead while looking at Demeter who was still smiling radiantly.

"I say you could trust me!" Said Artemis.

"But I trust you~" Said Demeter.

Artemis signaled her foot with her hand.

"This doesn't look like trust at all!"

"Just in case, just in case~" Said Demeter.

"I forgot that her personality changes every time she changes forms" Though Artemis.

"Well, I will be going, take care~" Said Demeter.

Artemis lied on her bed while doing a small pout.

Demeter closed the door and Artemis was just about to go to sleep once again when she saw that Demeter had her head
showing from the door.

"I almost forgot" Said Demeter.


"I will be sleeping on the same bed that Alfonso since the cane broke, so he doesn't feel any pain" Said Demeter with a
slightly playful smile.

"WHAT!?" Said Artemis.

"Yeah, you know he and me, man and woman, he is quite sturdy despite his looks~" Said Demeter.

"DEMETER! You bitch, let me go!" Said Artemis while trying to cut the handcuff.

"Bye Bye~" Demeter closed the door.

"DEMETER!!!!" The shout of Artemis could be heard in all the manor of Tulip.


It was late at night went Demeter enter Alfonso's room.

What? You thought she was only teasing Artemis?

No, no. She was serious.

In fact, she has been doing it for the first night since Alfonso stayed in the manor!

She felt comfortable sleeping by his side.

However, she only slept at his side nothing more. This night however, something surprised Demeter, just as she was
about to change into her pajamas, she saw Alfonso's face, the moonlight make Demeter notice something slightly
different on Alfonso.

"Its just me… or his hair is turning black?" Though Demeter while looking at Alfonso's head.

Indeed, if one looked closely, Alfonso's hair, who was originally blond due to the blood of the Lockhearts, suddenly
had blackness on the left side.

"What is happening" Though Demeter.

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92 A pair of brother and sister part one

[Braxton Town]

Braxton Town was a town with approximately 20,000 citizens, it was located at the North region of Leitol, this town
wasn't particularly famous for anything except for the fact that you must past this town to get to Vega City, Braxton was,
more or less, a merchant town, curiously enough, Braxton didn't have a sole lord. The history of Braxton is quite
interesting, originally, Braxton was divided in 2 powers. The monarchy and the merchants, one day, the merchants
announce that they wanted to migrate to other towns to do commerce, however, the monarchy was having internal
struggles for power and, for that, they need money so they couldn't afford to lose the amount of merchants that wanted to
emigrate, so the 5 princes, decided to make a move. Each of them give part of their inherence to one group of merchants
so they could back them up, however, what the merchants didn't know was that the merchants were expecting this move.
The merchants form a sole big merchant group knew as "Blue wings" with the 5 previous heads of the merchants as the
co-founders, so, went this group grouped all the inherences that the princes gave them, they had enough power to kick
out the monarchy family, since then, Braxton have solely relay on the 5 group heads to take the important decisions.

"The history of this town is quite interesting indeed, however, this doesn't help me right now" A man of, approximately
40 to 50 years old was looking at a book that related the history of Braxton, he had a huge bag on his back, he was more
or less tall and had white skin and black hair. Obviously, this man was a traveler, so he shouldn't be the spot light in
Braxton by any chance, after all, traveler came out and in everyday in Braxton, if this was Wasteland Valley, now that
would be something different. However, this man was a little… strange. Every time he passed a lot of old man and
young man step aside and hide themselves in fear, what was more rare is that these people were all scholars and
educated people, this fact make the people on Braxton curious, especially one young boy, who had been looking at this
man since yesterday.

"Brother, are you staking that weird man today as well?" Asked one little girl who was observing his big brother hiding
in a corner while looking at this man, the girl looked adorable with her big black eyes and her short black hair, she had
a elegant white one piece dress, she appeared to be 11 to 13 years old.

"Shh! Tili, you are going to blow my cover!" Shouted the young boy. He looked like an educated young man with a book
on his hand and a pair of glasses, he had short black hair and black eyes as her sister and appeared to be 14 or 15 years

"Brother, why are you following that man? Its been an entire day, dad will be mad if you skip your lessons! " Said Tili.

"Bah! Who needs that lessons, I learned I needed when I was at your age, since then, it has been one disappointment
after another, I want to be challenged!" Said the young man.
"But you are already the best! Isn't that enough?" Asked Tili.

"You don't understand, no one can say that they have learned enough, been an scholar is a endless journey, the day that
you think you know everything is the day that you stop being an scholar and became a mediocre" Said the young boy
with conviction.

His sister, Tili, made a small sigh while looking at the direction of the weird old man.

"Then… what's so special about that weird old man?" Asked Tili.

The young man looked at his sister while signaling her to move quietly.

"You see… two days ago I was reading a book-"

"As always" Interrupted Tili.

The brother blushed a little and coughed awkwardly.

"Anyway, I was reading when I saw teacher Ruben walking, debating with teacher Ruben is always gratifying so I call
him out but he didn't heard me, so I decided to say hi but he entered the bar before I could, I tried to enter but they didn't
let me. Disappointed, I decide to wait for Teacher Ruben at one side-"

"Since you don't have any friends" Interrupted the sister once more.

This time, the brother blushed more.

"So, I waited for some time, after an hour or something, I saw teacher Ruben going out, however, when I went to greet
him, I saw something unbelievable! Teacher Ruben was crying!" Said the brother.

"What? Crying? Why?" Asked the sister.

"I didn't so I try to ask him, he only said me this "that man destroy my vision of the world!" while signaling at that guy, I
didn't know what that means, so I decided to stay and see, you know that the teachers and upper class students always
frequents this bar, after some more time, more and more teachers and students go out from the bar, some of them were
crying, others were just silently looking at the sky, others stood in fetal position, it was quite the view, I try to asked
them what happened there but all of them told me the same thing" Said the brother.

"What they told you?"

"STOP ASKING WHY!" Said the brother while looking back at the weird old man.

"Ohh!" Exclaimed the sister.

"Apparently this man had already challenged all the scholar in Braxton, well except for the deacon" Said the young

"The deacon is a level 5 scholar, it's impossible that someone can win against him, well, maybe except those old
monsters in the capital" Said Tili.

"Of course, I know that, however-"

Before the brother could say anything else, he saw the weird old man entering the bar, not long after that, another old
man with white hair an a elegant aura entered the bar.
"THE DEACON!" Shouted the brother.

Beside the deacon, ten other scholars stand behind him with solemn faces.

"Those are the apprentices of the deacon!" Said Tili.

"What is happening, why did these men, who always stay low studying and debating, decided to come to a bar?" Asked
the sister.

"Maybe is because of him?" Said the brother

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93 A pair of brother and sister part two

"Brother, what kind of person would be able to summon even the deacon?" Asked the sister Tili.

"I… I don't know" Said the brother.

"Something that brother doesn't know!? Woah, so there are thing that you don't know" Said the sister with an
exaggerated expression.

The brother blushed.

"There are things that you don't know and yet, here you are, losing time stalking a weird old man, WOAHHHH!" Said
the sister.


The brother felt an arrow piercing his heart.

"I will tell dad" Said the sister.

"Wa- wait, little sis, no, my adorable and beloved sister, I your bother, Dalton Hirus, will be eternally grateful if you
didn't tell dad about this" Said Dalton while looking(begging) his sister.

"Of course I wont tell dad, my beloved brother, because we brother and sister support each other, by the way brother,
the other day, Victor asked me to go out with him, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I didn't answer but I don't want
to go out with him, what can I do, big brother?" Asked Tili with a mindful expression.

Dalton sweated cold.

"But he is a hulk like man that can kick my ass with the tip of his finger-" murmured Dalton.

"Dad~" Interrupted Tili.

"FINE, FINE, I GET IT! I will go tell him to stop bothering you" Said Dalton with tears on his face.

"I love you brother~" Said Tili with a big smile.

"I hate you!" Though Dalton.

"Look brother, the deacon is coming back!" Said the sister while signaling at the door of the bar.

Dalton rapidly turned around and saw the deacon and his apprentices coming out, the deacon didn't have his solemn
aura, he seemed to be a little… dark.

The other apprentices had the same expression, suddenly, t he deacon sat down on the floor, grabbed his knees and sank
his face in his legs, the other apprentices did the same. The people nearby didn't know what was going on, however ,
they didn't take much importance, after all, only scholars knew who this people actually were, others simplify thought
that they were a group of drunk people.

Dalton took a deep breath and went towards the deacon and group. He was nervous, after all, he might the brightest
student , but he was still a student, and he hadn't took the scholar exam in Dragon City yet, so he didn't even have a rank.

"Deacon, is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Dalton Hirus, I am a student of Braxton's Academia" Said Dalton with a
bow towards the deacon.

However he didn't receive an answer, he only saw the deacon looking at him for a sec before returning to his sulking

"Dea…con?" Asked Dalton once again.

However, there was not answer.

"Hey! Lets discuss a little more, why did you say that love doesn't have a concrete definition! Lets discuss this in a more
profound way, why must love not be definite as a sensation but as a nature condition of the human race, lets discuss
this!" Suddenly a voice came from behind, the weird old man with a beer on his hand and his bag on his back asked
while looking fervidly at the deacon and his apprentices.

"These questions…!" Though Dalton.

"Hmmm?" The weird old man looked at Dalton with an interesting look.

"Young man, you seem like a dragon among men, want to discuss life with this old man? I promise that it will be worth
your time!" Said the old man.

Before Dalton could answer, the old man open his huge bags, incredible, inside the bag there were nothing but books!

"Come on young man, lets debate…hmmm…? This is good! Let's discuss about justice!" Said the weird old man while
grabbing one book.

When the weird old man took out the book, the deacon and the others shivered a little before running with all their
forces. Dalton wasn't sure what was going on, however, he did knew one thing.

"I must avoid a debate with this man!" Though Dalton.

Just as he was about to said something else, suddenly, the old man stood still, he grunted a little before making a "tsk"
sound, he grabbed all his books and packet them, then he began to walk towards the north.

"Excuse me… sir, where are you going?" Asked Dalton while following the old man.

"I have business elsewhere, I must fing the man that can satisfy my thrist of knowlogde! " Said the old man.
Dalton felt something inside, he could empathazie with the man desire!

"That's why you are travelling sir?" Asked Dalton.

"That's right! I have someone telling me to go to the north, I am originally from Guinzo Town! At first I thought that
waiting on Vega will be enough, however, the voice told me that I need to go further, so I will go! I won stop until I find
that man!" Said the old man.

Dalton was absolutely sure that this man was a grand master in a pilgrimage, an academic one! After all, the only
people that can destroy deacon's heart with a simply debate should be one of the old monsters on Dragon city. If he
could follow such a master…

"My future is limitless!" Thought Dalton.

"Excuse me sir, my name is Dalton Haus, I might not be much by I will appreciate that you let me go with you in your
journey! I promise that I will not be an obstacle, if you want, I can even become a servant in your trip!" Said
passionately Dalton.

"Correction sir, make it two to this journey, my name is Tilian Haus, sister of Dalton, please take care of us!"

Suddenly, before the old man could answer, one head popped out of nowhere, Tilian Haus or "Tili" had been following
his brother who forgot her existence since he met the old man.

"Eh? Are you thirsty of knowledge young man?" Asked the weird old man.

"Absolutely sir!" Answer Dalton.

"What about you, young lady?"

"I am not" Said Tili.

"Then why do you want to come?" Asked the weird old man.

"Because its look like fun!" Said Tili with a big smile on her face.

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94 The old man“s name

Dalton sweet cold at this moment, he almost wanted to hit his sister, this man was a scholar! He was serious man who
was a the pinnacle of the knowledge world! How can you say something like "because it seems fun!"

"At the very least…lie for fucking god sake!" Though Dalton.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" The weird old man suddenly laughed, this took Dalton and Tili by surprise.

"I like your answer young lady, and you, young man, you seem to really be in search for knowledge! You resemble me
when I was younger, sure, lets go, the more the merrier!" Said the weird old man.
"Great! So I just have to go home and-"

"No, no, Dalton, time is precious! Lets go just like that, after all, a man only needs a pair of clothes and his brain to
survive, lets go!" Said the weird old man.

"But…" Said Dalton.

"No buts! young man, we cant wait more time, the voice tell me that, if we lose more time, we will miss that man!" Said
the weird old man.

Dalton was taken back, first, he didn't know what was this "voice" that the old weird man has been talking about since a
while ago, nevertheless, he needed to go home to at least let his father know that he will going for a while.

"Oh yes, yes, you are right sir, but you see, maybe we men can be like that, but we have a young girl here who needs-"

"I don't mind" Interrupted Tili

"Don't need to be modest sis-"

"I am not" Said Tili with an innocent smile.

"This little!" Thought Dalton.

"HAHA, that's the attitude lets go! Is a long journey! We need to go fast so we don't miss that man" Said the old weird

"Excuse me sir, who is this grand master that you are talking about?" Asked Dalton.

This weird old man had been talking about this "man" since a while ago, can it be one of those old monsters?

"I don't know, all I know his name is Alfonso" Said the old man.

"Only his name…" Dalton made a long sigh.

"Anyway, I made a decision and a man doesn't back on his word! Lets go, I don't do anything in this place after all"
Though Dalton with determination.

"Lets stop just a few seconds on the patrol at the exist to let them know about our journey so they can inform of our
journey to our parents" Said Dalton.

"Okay, lets go with that!" Said the old man.

With this, this strange but colorful group make his way out of Braxton.


Henry Haus was enjoying his meal with his wife. As one of the group of five powerful merchants on Braxton, he had a
high position on Braxton. He was, in general, a good man, a good father and a excellent merchant, he only had one
concern on his life and that was his two beloved children, Dalton and Tilian.

"Those kids are gonna make me go old faster" Said Henry to his wife, Olivia.

"Don't worry dear, they are at the age of been naughty, it will strange if they didn't make troubles every now and then,
just let them be" Said Olivia with a smile.
"Well, I guess you are right. Anyway, if they are in Braxton, I can protect them if they do something stupid" Said Henry
while taking a long sip of his wine.

an agitated voice.

Henry didn't panic, he was used to this.

"Fufufu" Olivia only laughed a little while she took a sip of her tea, she didn't like wine.

"What did my idiots kids do this time?" Asked henry.


""PFFFFF!"" Both parents spit their beverages.

""WHAT!?"" Said both at the same time.

"Yeah, they leave this letter" Said the man while giving a letter to Henry.

The letter says like this:

'Dear father and Mother:

We are going on a journey for some time to have fu- to improve our knowledge.

Please don't worry about us.

Tili and Dalton.

Pd: This was all Dalton's idea, I don't have anything to do with it. '

The letter almost broke on henry's hand.

"D-A-L-T-O-N!" Shouted Henry with all his heart


"What was that?" Dalton felt a shivering in his back.

"Hey Tili, what did you write on Father's letter" Asked Dalton.

"Only the truth, brother" Said Tili.

Dalton was sure that he had made a terrible mistake letting her sister do the note for father.

"Trust in the foundation of everything young man" Said the weird old man how was listening to the sibling's

"It's as sir says" Said Dalton humbly.

"Stop calling me sir, I don't feel good, call me by my name, Dalton" Said the weird old man with a smile on his face.
Dalton was exciting, it seems that this grand master its friendlier than he thought.

"What is your name old man?" Asked Tili.

Dalton almost coughed blood.

The weird old man only laughed.

"You both can call me Socrates"

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95 Good piece of news from afar

[Furion Town]

This was a special town on Leitol, why? Because it was the borderline between Leitol and the empire of Greycastle,
the town was practically a dessert, only military people could be seem, however, the people who were born in Furion
were prideful to be part of Leitol. This is for the simple fact that this town was part of Greycastle until twenty years ago
when the great battle of Furion took place, it was at this battle that the actual monarch of Leitol, Willian Lockheart,
became famous among his peers by leading the battle an successfully conquering this town. Since then, the few people
who stayed here were the ones who received serious injuries and stablish themselves here, of course, his majesty
William didn't forget about the people of here, every family of Furion lived the life of a king, this was also the reason
why people on Furion were so… filial towards the flag of Leitol, or to be more specific, the flag of the Lockheart

Inside a tent was a man of thirty something years old, he was reading a book while looking at a pile of documents. He
looked troubled by the information he read, after some time, he stood up and went to retrieve a sword, however, this
sword was… special.

"What kind of sword is this?" Though the man while looking at the sword.

The sword was thin and curved, however, it had the same height as a normal sword.

The man took a piece of paper, it was a report:

'This sword was taken by one of the captured soldiers of Greycastle, after some interrogation the man said that this kind
of sword was called "Katana" and it was given by the actual crown prince of Greycastle, however, before he could
give more information, something happened to the prisoner, he grabbed the sword and suicide by stabbing the sword on
his stomach. We think that this was of mechanism to not divulge important information, the details are still unknown'

"Katana? This is a kind a sword that I have never seen before, it seems that the actual crown prince of Greycastle is
modifying the structure of the militia in Greycastle, but why?" Though the man.

"Black Widow" Said the man.

"My prince, did you call me?" Suddenly appear from out of nowhere.

Nobody could see where the voice came from, however, the man didn't seem to panic, he stood there while looking at
the documents.

"I will need more information about the movements of the crown prince of Greycastle, tell Red back that investigated in
detail" Said the man.

"As you wish my prince" Said the voice.

"What information do you have about my "situation"" Said the man after a while.

"It has not improved; his majesty Willian is still waiting for an opportunity to bring you back for the marriage with miss
Underheavens" Said the voice.

"Damn" Said the man.

This man was obviously the prince who had run from marriage, the second prince of Leitol, prince Raul!

"However" Said the voice." We may have a solution"

"Hoh? What is it?" Said prince Raul.

"Your idiot brother is alive" Said the voice.

Raul was stunned.

"What? That idiot Alfonso is still alive? Did he survive the horde? How? Give me the details!" Said prince Raul.

"We do not have the information just yet, that is because we don't have a "child" on Wasteland Valley, however, we do
have some on Tulip, the one in charge of that area is wolf, he told us a very interesting information, it seems that your
brother has the help of two champions!" Said the voice.

"WHAT!? Two!? Who are they?!" Asked Raul.

"We don't know, one of them is a young man with average look, while the other one is a goddess that could compete
with the beauty of her highness Diana" Said the voice.

"My little brother, how did you manage to attract these powers…" Though Raul.

"And there is one more thing, this goddess seems to have a very unusual power, a power that can even make the last son
of the Pentagate Family, Lucio Pentagate feel powerless" Said the voice.

Raul didn't know what to say, a power to suppress a champion… he could count with his hands the number of people
who could do that!

After some time, Raul took a deep breath and analyze the situation.

"Well, this is little bit troublesome, nevertheless, this is good news for me, now that my cute little brother is alive, I can
get off of the engagement with that barbarian… black widow, does my father know what this news?" Asked Raul.

"Not yet, brown recluse haven't display the information yet" Said the voice.

"Excellent, if the information is displayed them maybe the Underheavens could have ruined my plans by protesting but
now…. Hehe, black widow, write the following letter and pass it to brown recluse, he shall give it to my father and
take a copy to the head of the Underheavens in a year counting from now" Said Raul.
"As his majesty wishes" Said the voice.

'The youngest son of the Lockheart family had accepted the engagement proposed by the Underheavens family, starting
from now, in two years, I shall return to the Lockheart family to prepare for the wedding


Prince Raul'

"Go, Black widow, I will be going back to the capital in six months and do me a favor, the notice of my brother being
alive cant reach the ears of my father nor the ears of the Underheavens, understood?" Said Raul.

"Understood, I will keep an eye on the Lockheart family, I will led mouse keep an eye n the Underheavens" Said the

"Good" Said Raul.

After a while, Raul sat down and grabbed once again the sword, in the blade, his handsome face could be seem, the
blonde hair and purple eyes, symbol of royalty, were shining with a dangerous light.

"My dear brother, I must thank you, you, being alive, is the best notice that I have received, be grateful, I have prepared
a "gift" for your return, a young and beautiful wife, aren't I an exceptional and kind brother?" Thought Raul.

He put his happy thoughts aside and started to analyze the "katana" once more.

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96 Emperor
It has been 2 weeks since the battle in Tulip, Artemis recover faster than expected, now she could walk, however, she
will need to use a cane for some time. All in all, the loses on Tulip were great, today it was a special day, because
today was the memorial of all the people that day on that day. Inside the crow, a lot of woman and children were crying
for the people that didn't make it, and for those who did survive, Felio give them an obviation and a prize for their
efforts in battle, however, the soldiers didn't seem to be so happy about this compensation.

"This is the true about war, there is no winners and losers, there is just sadness and emptiness" Said Demeter who was
looking from the manor with Artemis.

"Since we were children, we have lived in war, even us, gods, have seem so much blood that I don't feel anything while
looking at it, that was our destiny, starting for the war with our grandfather and ending in the war between our own
children" Said Artemis.

Both of them were looking the memorial from Alfonso's room. Since she could walk, Artemis came to stay with Alfonso
for some time, keeping him company.

"Anyway, lets resolve our problems first, what did you and Felio agree with?" Said Artemis.

"The initial deal was modify a little, for our efforts, the routes of commerce while we constructed by Tulip and they
will give the position of "right hand" of Tulip to one of us, this person's authority will be almost the same as Felio's, for
least, they will send 100 slaves to work for us on Wasteland Valley" Explained Demeter.

"Was that enough?" Asked Artemis.

"Not really, if we wanted to, we could have asked for all Tulip, however…" Said Demeter while looking at the bed
beside her.

"I don't think he would have done that" Said Demeter.

Artemis also looked at Alfonso and made a small sigh.

"We don't know enough about politics, if Athena was here then the situation will be different however, we cant make
rush decisions, while Alfonso its in a coma, we need to pretend like everything its under control, at least until our
injuries heal up" Said Artemis.

"Is as you say, Alfonso was the one who made the decisions, now that he cant, we need to relay only in our experience,
however, I didn't like to interact with humans in the past so I don't know much" Said Demeter.

"As for me, I was always hunting in the Olympus, I don't know anything about politics as well" Said Artemis.

The both of them were conflicted.

Just when they were loss in their own thoughts, someone knocked the door. It was a servant from Felio.

"Sir Artemis, miss Demeter, my lord summons your presence" Said the servant.

As always, Artemis wanted to punch this servant for calling her "sir", however, now she didn't have the strength to do
so, so she just made an angry face while walking to the hall with Demeter behind her.

When they arrived, they noticed that the hall was empty the only ones there were Felipe sitting on the throne and
Leonardo who was behind him, Leonardo didn't have the rush personality from before, this time he was calm, Artemis
looked at Leonardo who made a small bow towards her, she notices the missing arm on Leonardo's right shoulder.

"What a shame" Though Artemis.

"Hello friends, it seems that you are recovering well" Said Felio.

"Yeah, our injuries aren't as bad as it seems" Said Demeter.

"Excellent, what about Alfonso, how is his condition?" Asked Felio.

"He is resting, he should get better soon" Said Artemis.

They didn't tell Felio about Alfonso's real condition, they only say that he was badly injured and needed rest.

"I understand, the magnitude of the battle was something that nobody could expect, I own him an apology" Said Felio
with a bitter smile.

He knew that he was in the wrong this time, after all, he didn't expect that the two champion, Alberto and Lucio will

"I had my doubts about Alberto, because he usually doesn't care about this kind of battles, however, the apparition of
Lucio was out of any expectative" Sighed Felio.
Artemis and Demeter didn't say anything, they were upset with Felio and with all reason, however, deep inside, they
knew that it wasn't Felio's fault.

"Anyway, we will only stay here until tomorrow, we have to get back to Wasteland Valley" Said Demeter.

Alfonso's security was in danger here, so they needed to return to Wasteland Valley as soon as possible.

"I understand… actually, I called both of you because someone was asking for you this morning" Said Felio.

"Who?" Asked Demeter.

"She said her name was Cat one… she also had one little puppy beside her" Said Felio.

"Oh, it's my stupid disciple" Said Artemis.

"So, she is his disciple" Though Felio.

"Let them in!" Shouted Felio.

The servants nodded and went outside, after some minutes, a young girl with black hair and a hook entered the hall,
beside her was a small while puppy.

"Master" Said Cat one while kneeling.

"Raise, let's talk in private, come with me" Said Artemis while grabbing her cane and going to her room.

"Well your majesty, excuse us" Said Demeter with a small bow.

"Its okay, don't need to be so formal" Said Felio with a smile.

After that, the four of them went to Alfonso's room.


"What happen here?"

When the door was closed the first to talk was Cerberus, who saw Alfonso resting on the bed, he made a relievable sigh
after seeing Alfonso, then he asked.

"Its like this…" Demeter explained everything towards the duo.

"Injured soul… that's troublesome" Said Cerberus while looking at Alfonso.

"yeah, we can't do anything, we just need to wait for him to wake up" Said Artemis.

Cat One remained in silence.

"We also have something to inform, master" Said Cat one.

"What is it?" Asked Demeter.

"its about the whereabouts of the daughter of Felio, princess Susana" Said Cat one.

"And then Zeus went to the one hundred arm cyclops and they make then the three artifacts, the thunder of Zeus, the
helmet of Hades and the trident of Poseidon, that's how they won the war, after that, they banished the Titans to the
Tartarus" Said Alfonso with some sweet on his face.

For some unknow reason, this little crippled brat, alias Chronos, wanted to tell him what he knew about him, so he told
him what he knew from his previous life to Chronos.

"HO! Hahahaha, well, well , well, I must said that you humans are well informed, hehe, its as you say, that's how my
stupid brats defeat me" Said the Chronos while lifting his sole arm.

"After that, I was sent to this prison and, as you see, they make sure that I don't do anything else" Said Chronos while
showing his missing arm and leg.

"I see" Said Alfonso.

"Anyway, I already get used to the idea of being here, however, it's boring as hell~, I am the master of time so
technically, I can't die, at least another person takes my place as the sovereign of time" Said Chronos.

"And that's when you enter in the board, little boy"

"Be glad"

"You will be my successor, an emperor" Said Chronos while laughing.

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97 Legacy of Time
"An… emperor…" Though Alfonso.

Of course, Alfonso was absolutely interested in this offer, after all, what he lacked now the most was the strength! In the
fight against Lucio and Alberto, he couldn't do anything. However…

"Something smells fishy here, in the first place, Chronos isn't exactly the honest Abe so there must be something that he
isn't telling me" Though Alfonso.

Chronos just looked at Alfonso with a playful smile. Alfonso felt more insecure.

"There are two things that I make myself clear, before anything…" Said Chronos.

Alfonso listen attentively.

"The first one is, despite I say successor, I would make more sense that I said that you will take my place, in other
words… hehe" Chronos stood up and disappear!

Alfonso looked everywhere, suddenly two ballless eyes looked at him. Chronos was in front of him scaring the hell out
of him, he wanted to scream but Alfonso realize that he couldn't move.

"You are going to became me, you are the next Chronos" Said Chronos with a sinister smile.
"And the other thing is…" Chronos lifted his arm and put his fingers on the closed eye of Alfonso.

"YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE" Said Chronos coldly.

"Wai…wait" Said Alfonso

But it was too late. Chronos insert his fingers inside Alfonso's eye and…


He extracted his eye!


He wanted to move but he couldn't.

He wanted to shout but he couldn't,

He wanted to faint but he couldn't.

Chronos saw the painful expression on Alfonso's face and his smile became more pronounced.

With the eye of Alfonso on his hand he closed his palm with force until the eyeball was crushed. He then lifted his pal
and put in Alfonso's face, covering his eyeless part.

"Here it comes" Said Chronos.


The titan Chronos has inserted the body of Host, the legacy of time. New mission activated'

[Mission: The Legacy of time

Details: The father of the gods, the titan Chronos, has accepted you as the successor of his throne, however, to be the
sovereign of time isn't easy, Chronos has divided his legacy in four, each part of his legacy are hidden in four artifacts
that belonged to Chronos: The cane of time, the ring of time, the cape of time and the eyepatch of time, each artifact
contain the four concepts of time, once together, host will received the essence of time and will be able to inherit the
throne of Chronos, however, be careful, each artifact had limitless power, if host fail to receive the inherence, then the
artifact will consume the soul of host.

Rewards: Legacy of time, the throne of Chronos and the whereabouts of the other Titans!]



[Emergency Mission: The curse of Chronos!

Details: Chronos has infected your body with the curse of time, your lifespan has been reduced to ten years, if you don't
inherent the legacy of time by ten years starting from now, you will suffer the backslash of time and will be trapped in
the limbo of time, the same as Chronos, for all eternity.
Rewards: Removal of the curse.

Remark one: The curse of Chronos give you affinity with the essence of time and make your body impossible to receive
any kind of curse that is inferior to the curse of Chronos]

After receiving the notification of the system, Alfonso felt something that he hadn't felt in his two life. He had murderous

"CHRONOS!" Shouted Alfonso while grabbing his injured eye, he hasn't felt so enraged in all his life!


When he looked back at Chronos, Alfonso notice that he had changed, Chronos now didn't looked like a child, but he
looked more like a teenager, like a 15 to 16-year-old young man.

"Congratulations, you passed the first trial, the cane of Chronos is yours" Said Chronos while the cane that had been
floating this whole time, descended towards Alfonso's hand.

"This cane contains the concept of stagnation, once you became familiar with the concept a portal will open and you
will leave this dimension, hehe, however, don't take your sweet time in here, you don't have much time after all" Said

"I will make you pay for this" Said Alfonso.

"I look forward to that, little boy, see you~" Said Chronos

After that, he disappeared from the place while leaving Alfonso on the dessert with the cane.

"Huh? My eye doesn't hurt anymore…" Though Alfonso.

He slowly opened his eye, he saw small green particles on the air.

"What are those?" Though Alfonso.

He suddenly looked back at the cane of Chronos, the cane looked exactly as before, however, it also felt different, when
Alfonso looked at it, it status displayed.

[Cane of Chronos:

Status: 50 % repaired

Thanks to been in the dimension of time, the cane has improved drastically, however, it has absorbed all the power that
it could from this dimension, so it had stopped his recovering, to recover completely, host must access to the other
dimensions of time.


Freeze of time: It can stop the time permanently of any object or living creature. However, to the freeze to be effective,
the object or creature in question must have the same soul power as the host.

+New ability Chrono sphere! : The cane of Chronos invoked a 5 radius sphere that trap the enemies and freeze them for
5 seconds.

Cooldown: 3 days
Remark: It doesn't matter the soul level; all creatures will be trapped in the Chrono sphere]

"This…" Alfonso was surprised by the new abilitie of the cane, Alfonso grabbed the cane and felt refreshed and
relievable, as he was thirsty and suddenly someone give him a bottle of water.

"I surely have become depended of this cane" Said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

Suddenly, he felt a pain coming from his eye, it was his left eye. He immediately closed it.

"It seems that bastard did something to my eye" Though Alfonso.

He concentrate and open his eye once more, the pain came once again but Alfonso tried to endure it, he put the cane of
Chronos in front of him to use it as a mirror, sure enough, the blackness of the pole reflected his face, he saw that his
eye has lose its purpleness and was now green what's more, his hair now have some part that were black.

"Damn" Alfonso immediately closed his eye.

"It seems that my soul power isn't enough to maintain my eye open… speaking about it, I don't have any clue what this
soul power is or how it works, its seems that I will have to speak with Demeter and Artemis later about this, I cant
afford to keep using my powers like before, If I used them recklessly, I will end up hurting myself" Though Alfonso.

He took some time to analyze all the events that happen until now, he took a deep breath and grabbed the cane of
Chronos, he closed his eyes and lied down while trying to comprehend the mysteries of the cane and this place.

And so, time passed without Alfonso known it.

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98 blank
"I see, so he Lucio is the key, is good that I didn't kill him" Said Demeter wile analyzing the information that Cat one
and Cerberus gave her.

"He deserves it though" Said Artemis.

"Nevertheless, the question is… shall we hang over Lucio or no?" Said Demeter.

The four of them thought carefully, there many variables and consequences on this decision.

"If we gave him to Felipe, then we would become enemies of the Pentagates, the sovereigns of the south, and maybe of
Alfonso's sister, princess Diana, however, if we don't, we would become enemy of the Boltors and the Veritias, one of
them are the sovereigns of the north while the other one have the favor of the crown prince, prince Fernando" Said

"So no matter what we do…"

""We are screw"" Said the four in unison.

After some time, the four of them couldn't decide what to do, the opinions were half and half.
Cat one and Demeter were on the idea of giving Lucio to the Pentagates.

While Artemis and Cerberus were on the idea of giving them to Felipe.

"Anyway, we have one week to decide, after that, we need to make a decision, we go back to Wasteland Valley and
contact the Pentagate family or the four of us go to Arcadia to give Lucio to Felipe" Said Demeter.

"I agree, however, we have stay here for far too long, I will send little blue to Wasteland Valley to inform Ribeiro and
Deferio that we will take some more time to go back, also, I will send the little girls back, there mission has ended"
Said Artemis.

Demeter nodded.

"Okay, I am sure that everyone is exhausted, so lets go to rest" Said Artemis.

Everyone them left Alfonso's room.

When they were going on their way, Cerberus suddenly paused and looked back to Alfonso's room. Them his eyes
produce a dangerous light, he went on his way.

Before Artemis could enter her room, she felt someone behind him, without turning she knew who he was.

"What is it Cerberus?" Asked Artemis.

"I was wondering if you could tell me where this Lucio guy was" Said Cerberus.

"Demeter will get angry you know" Said Artemis with a smile.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I am just curious, that's all" Said Cerberus.

Artemis didn't say anything but lifted her arm and signaled with her finger for ten seconds, then she entered her room.
Cerberus nodded and went on his way.

Just went Cerberus had disappear, a shadow appeared from behind him, it gorgeous silhouette was looking at the small
puppy while disappear in a corner.

"Artemis and you Cerberus are too sentimental" Said Demeter while making a small sigh.

"I will only allow it this onetime" Said Demeter while disappearing.


Inside a cell in Tulip's manor.

A handsome man with brown short hair was sitting while looking at the ceiling.

"Damn, I can't even escaped, that bitch took too much of my soul, with one move of her finger, I am done" Though Lucio.

He knew his body really well, he knew that this time, he was in a precarious situation.

"Soul power it the core of every champion, every human has soul, however, we usually don't feel it, we know that it's
there that's all, the ones who can feel their souls are the ones who are selected as champions. Every time we use "our
gifts" we need to pay some part of our soul, however, that isn't a huge problem because we can refill our soul with some
time, this refill is thanks to a connection towards the soul dimension, in the soul dimension, there are particles that, once
we absorbed them, we can refill our souls, once our souls are "full" then the connection of u with the soul dimension its
broken, however, with enough practice we can open the soul dimension even if we have our soul "full", once opened
we can increase the amount of soul power that we naturally have, this step is the most crucial one to became a king
among champions, however, this is unnatural, my soul power isn't recovering at all, it means that bitch didn't took my
soul power, but she halt my soul power, how is that possible!?" Though Lucio.

In this world, the fact that someone can "steal" soul power its not possible, not even an emperor should be able to do
that so Lucio was very conflicted right now, that's why he was quietly resting in his cell, without making any harsh
move, he knew that the lack of information was a fatal weakness so needed to be totally sure that his soul can recover to
actually try to escaped.

Unknow to Lucio, someone make his way to his cell and was looking at him since some time ago.


A voice cut the train of thoughts of Lucio.

"Who?" Asked Lucio.

"Lucio Pentagate right?" Asked the voice.

"Yeah, who is speaking?"

Suddenly, the lights were out.

In complete darkness, Lucio's heartbeat began to beat faster.

"I heard that you cut my friend's eye" Said the voice.

From the darkness, a pair of huge blue eyes appeared in front of Lucio scaring the hell out of him.

"Who's speaking!?" Lucio couldn't feel calm anymore.

"You think that losing part of your soul was your punishment?" Asked the voice.

"You couldn't be further from the true"

The pair of blue eyes grew bigger and bigger, they were almost at the same size as a human!

"I will make sure that you beg me for death" Said the voice with coldness.


Alfonso was lying down on the sand while grabbing the cane of Chronos. He had been thinking and trying to
comprehend the concept of time, stagnation, however, nothing comes to his head.

"This is quite difficult" Though Alfonso.

"Chronos talked about essence, right? Essence of time… mmm…."

"Maybe… those green particles?" Though Alfonso.

He wanted to try his luck, after all, he had been lying down like an idiot 3 whole days without making any progress.
He opened his left green eye, the pain came immediately, however, he tried to endure it.

"The particles…" Thought Alfonso.

What he saw after he opened his left eye was the same world however, floating in from of him, were small green
particles. Alfonso lifted his hand and touched one.


Suddenly the particle entered in Alfonso's body.

Alfonso felt a warn feeling inside of him, however, for some reason, he also felt… hungry.

"Let's take some more… ouch! Nope, nope, let's wait until the pain goes away" Alfonso couldn't endure it more and
closed his eyes, as he do so, the particles also disappear.

Alfonso didn't notice, but went grabbed the particle, something poked his head from the sand. A small green head
looked at Alfonso curiously.


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99 Alfonso“s analysis
"It's not smart to just randomly do this, nor it is efficient" Though Alfonso.

It had been one day since he began to absorb the green particles, he though that, with practice, he would be able to open
his eyes for more time, however, he finally gave up on the idea, at most, he can maintain his eye open for ten seconds
without passing out for the pain. He set his limit to 5 seconds to not injure himself badly, however, there was a n
improvement with a day of practice and that was that he now could absorb 5 particles each time he opened his green
eye before he had to rest. Alfonso tried some experiments, first he thought that he only needed to remember the position
of the particles and, after the time was finished, he would grab them, however, it fail; Next, he tried to take more than
one particle every time he lifted his hand, he succeeded, however, he could only grab five particles, if he grabbed more,
after he eat them, the would felt an incredible danger from the particles, he knew that he ate more than five, there would
be some kind of backslash, Alfonso didn't know why though.

"Well anyway, lets conform with I got, the feeling of hunger its nowhere near to disappearing." Though Alfonso.

He had eat hundreds of this particles and felt that the hunger was still there, however, he do felt something else, he felt
that the particles weren't static, they had some kind of movement, however, it was so slow that he though that they were
static, after confirming this, he ate more and more particles, the movement of the particles became cleared and cleared
until one point. After one day, he finally saw the patron of the particles.

"It seems like they move in a parabolic way, just like the earth movement which respect to the sun" Concluded Alfonso.

Alfonso them though about this movement, a parabolic movement, usually when something had any kind of movement, it
means that there are forces that interact with the object and make them move, Alfonso wasn't exactly an expert in atomic
theory nor in science but he knew the basics.
"Okay, I am a historian, a graduated man from the best University of Europe, Cambridge, so, let's think this with the
scientific method, I don't really remember all the forces that interact with the planet but the most important one of them
is the gravitational force, so, in other words, the sun and the earth have their only gravitational forces that attracts and
repels each other, of course the gravitational force of the sun its stronger than the one on earth, so, let's make an analogy,
let's think that the particle is the earth, sure its rotating around… something, mmm… okay, let's just say that its floating
around a 'sun of time', yep, let's go with that. So, we have two variables, the first one is that I don't know exactly what
this 'sun of time' is, however, this can be omitted since It really doesn't matter that much, so the next question is the
important one, what is the 'Gravitational force' that interacts with both bodies, the particle and the 'sun of time'…."
Though Alfonso.

He sat down and started to think, just as he was immersed in his thoughts, his stomach made a growling sound, he knew
it was 'Lunch time' so he opened his eye and grabbed 8 particles.

"I grabbed three extra particles, well let's just toss them away" Though Alfonso.

Just as he was about to toss them away, he heard something.

"Hizz~ "

Alfonso was surprised, as an historian, it was not the first time that he had heard this sound, so knew that he shouldn't
felt alarmed.

"It's a snake, snakes are very sensitive to the changes in their prey, so I must maintain calm" Though Alfonso.

He slowly turned his head, but he didn't see anything.

"Mmm? My imagination?" Though Alfonso.

He lifted the particles in direction to his mouth went the sound came again.


This time it was clearer.

Alfonso turned in the direction of the sound, finally, after focusing for some time, he saw a small snake popping his head
at two or three meters away from him, the snake seemed to be looking at the particles with great desire, however, he
also seemed scared of Alfonso because he altered his gaze between Alfonso and the particles.

Alfonso took a good look before deducing the family of that snake.

"I had seemed all kind of snakes… but this snake likely to be a python!" Thought Alfonso.

The pythons were usually a type of snake of the constrictor family, they lived in tropical areas.

"But… why is there a python in a dessert?" Thought Alfonso.

Surprisingly, he wasn't scared of the python, maybe is because he had fought seem people way more than dangerous than
a python, or maybe was because he saw that the python was actually scared of him.

"Well, lets just leave it alone and eat" Alfonso took the particles and put in in his mouth while tossing the other three.

The python suddenly notices this and run will all its forces towards the particles that Alfonso tossed away, however, it
was too late when it came close the particles already disappear. The python looked sad.
Maybe it was Alfonso's imagination, but he seems to saw a small tear in the python's eyes.

Alfonso looked at the python with detail, he saw that the python had, more or less, twenty centimeters, quite small.

The python seem to notice the gaze of Alfonso, it quickly dig in the sand and take some distance between him and

Alfonso didn't know whatever to laugh or cry, but he also realized something.

"This little fellow seems to want the particles" Thought Alfonso.

Alfonso felt the pain his eye lesser and he opened once again, this time he grabbed six particles. The python once again
looked at the particles with desire.

Alfonso put the particles in his eye, but he separated one and looked at the python.

The python was nervous; however, it was so hungry that he took the bait. It run and quickly snatched the particle and eat
it before running back to its previous position. Alfonso laughed a little and closed his eye. He rested for some time, he
needed two to three minutes before he could open his eye once again. The python looked at Alfonso before slowly

Alfonso notice this but he didn't move he lied down there while resting, he didn't felt any ill intention of the python. The
python became close and looked at Alfonso, it seems to be analyzing him. Alfonso didn't mind.

After three minutes the python was still observing Alfonso.

Alfonso suddenly sat down making the python scared, the python took all its courage and didn't move, Alfonso open his
eye and once again took the particles, he grabbed six once again. He eat one and lifted his hand, he looked at the python
and nodded. The python seems to understand and swallow the particle, it was happy.

"Hisss~" The python made a happy sound.

Alfonso smiled and lied down once again. This time the python stretches its head until it was at Alfonso's level. Alfonso
looked back and saw that the python's eyes were purple.


Suddenly, Alfonso felt a voice coming to his head.

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100 Drakini
"Hm? Who is speaking?" Asked Alfonso.

"M—m-me sir" Said the trembling voice.

Alfonso looked at the sides but didn't see anything, the voice was almost like a child voice, maybe a ten or twelve years
old boy, however, the voice seemed very nervous.

"maybe…" Although it was impossible, he had seen many impossible things so far so he looked at the small python at
his side.

"You are the one talking, little fellow?" Asked Alfonso.

The python nodded.

"That-tha-that's right sir, my name is Drakini, is-is-is my pleasure to meet you" Said the python alias Drakini.

"Drakini, nice too meet you, not need to be so formal, my name is Alfonso, Alfonso Lockheart" Said Alfonso while
giving a small smile.

Alfonso was actually enjoying this small conversation, after all, he hadn't talk too anyone for days, well apart for the
stupid brat (That's how Alfonso is now calling the titan, father of gods, Chronos.).

"Drakini, how come you are here?" Asked Alfonso.

"We-well I was born here, I don't have a lot of memories, went I became conscience, I was already here, the only thing
I knew was my name and that I shouldn't get close to the crippled god" Said Drakini.

"The crippled god?" Asked Alfonso.

"Th-th-the god that had one arm and one leg, now tha I see , where is he?" Asked Drakini confused by looking at the

"Oh, him" Said Alfonso while some bitterness.

"He just went to attend some business, he wont come any time soon" Said Alfonso.

"Si-si-sir knows the great god!?" Asked Drakini with admiration.

"Yeah, more that I will like though" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso didn't want to think of the stupid brat so he put his thoughts aside.

"Anyway Drakini, it seems that you were quite hungry" Said Alfonso.

The little python became a little red while lowering its head.

"It-it-its as you say sir, since I was little, I have been eating the essence of the god, however, I can only eat one or two
per month since I can't clearly see them I can only perceive them, that's why I usually sleep all the time, however, just a
while ago, I woke up because I felt the presence of the essence of the gods coming near me, that's was went I saw you
sir, excuse my rudeness" Said Drakini while lowering its head.

"Essence of the god?" Asked Alfonso.

"Ye-ye-yeah, what are you are eating sir it's the essence of the god, in other words, the soul of the god" Said Drakini.

"The soul of Chronos, you gotta be kid-…mmm? Soul…force… wait a minute!" Suddenly Alfonso sat down starling

"That's right how did I forget such a value information, all this time, I have neglected an important piece of information,
the particle!" Though Alfonso.
"If the particle is part of the soul of Chronos… lets called it soul energy… if the soul energy it's the one rotating, then
the only possible force that could interact with soul energy its soul force! However, what is soul force? Well, lets put it
in this way, lets assume that the soul energy it's a lake, this lake it's connected to an ocean, however, if it wants to move,
then they need a 'route' right? That's went the soul force enter in action, the soul force it's the bridge between the soul
force and the 'sun of time', of course, the bridge works in both ways" Though Alfonso.

"okay let's assume that, then lets make an hypothesis, I have been eating the soul energy of Chronos however, there is a
limit of how much I can absorb, why is that? That is because I can't see the particles, I can only see them if my left eye
is open, this is the key word, open, why I am seeing? I am seeing the soul world with my eye left? Usually the soul
energy cant be seen, however, my left eye let me see it, in other words, my left eye is the connection between me and the
soul world, after I closed it, the connection is cut and I can enter the soul world anymore… Okay, then, what if… I
could perceived the soul world without opening my eye? Can I do it?" Though Alfonso.

He tried to remember the connections between him and the soul world.

"I have been interacting with the soul world since I came to this world…yes… I have! But I didn't notice…
shadowless…mark of the hunter… this abilities are connected to the soul world but, I didn't have the necessity to know
about the soul world because I only needed the system to make use of them, however… this time the legacy of Chronos
isn't part of the system, so I cant just use it, I need to learn it on my own. Okay lets first use my abilities, Mark of the
hunter!" Said Alfonso while using the ability of Artemis, mark of the hunter on Drakini.

This time however, he didn't just let the marks appear, he tried to felt the process. Alfonso was fascinated.

Alfonso felt that red particles were suddenly merging in his eye, the red particles were really similar at the green
particles, the particles however, didn't move, after they assemble in his eyes, Alfonso felt it for the first time.

"My soul energy!"

Alfonso felt his soul energy, suddenly connecting the red particles with something, then the particles started to move,
just like the green ones, in a parabolical orbit, what was amazing is that all of the particles were moving at the same
time, after the particles agglomerate on Alfonso's eyes, the red spots appeared on Drakini's body, the ability was

"Fascinating" Said Alfonso.

Drakini was a little confused since he didn't know what was he has been doing since a while ago. Alfonso disactivated
mark of the hunter.

"I can feel my soul energy"

Alfonso could felt his soul energy, it was a white like he was covered in a white mantle, Alfonso had to concentrate
really hard to felt his soul energy, he also noticed that the white mantle wasn't completely white, so parts were green.

"Maybe its because I have been absorbing part of Chronos's soul?" Though Alfonso.

Suddenly, the hungry became more intense, Alfonso tried to felt the particles, however, even with all he has done, he
couldn't felt the soul energy of Chronos.

Alfonso was a little frustrated, however, the hungry was intense so he opened his green eye and saw the green particles
floating, however, this time, the particles were doing something courius, they seemed to be attracted towards Alfonso,
until now the particles just floated there moving on its own, however, this time , the particles were slowly moving
towards Alfonso, he opened his mouth and the particles entered by their own, Alfonso felt satisfied, just as he was
about to close his eye, he remember something and grabbed a couple of particles, after that, he closed his eye.
"Heard you go Drakini" Said Alfonso while giving five particles to Drakini.

"Si-si-sir, Are you sure!? Said Drakini while drooling.

"Just grabbed them, you have help me a lot, thanks" Said Alfonso.

Drakini happily eat them, and the both of them, man and snake, laid down on the sand while touching their stomachs.

"Chronos said that a portal will open on its own went I comprehend the concept of stagnation, but I don't really know
what he meant by that" Though Alfonso.

"Drakini, ready for another round?" Asked Alfonso after some time.

"Can-can-can I have more?" Asked Drakini with enthusiasm.

"Sure, just keep me company" Said Alfonso with a soft smile.

After that, both snake and human began their "banquet" .

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Cerberus was feeling great today, he walked up with a smile on his face.

"You seem to be in a happy humor today, did you do something interesting yesterday?"

Interrupting Cerberus happy thoughts a happy yet no happy voice came from behind Cerberus.

Cerberus felt a little cold in his back.

"He-hey Demeter, don't scared me like that" Said Cerberus.

"Why did I scared you, could be… you have something to hide?" Asked Demeter.

"We-well… lets just say if… if I accidently went to the prisoner's room, and then I accidently used bluemoon to get him
be gang raped by some muscular-tall-black guys, what would happen to me?" Asked Cerberus.

"WHAT?!" Asked Demeter with an astonish face.

Yesterday, Cerberus used his ability, bluemoon, to make Lucio enter in the illusion world, of course, he didn't have the
ability to control what happened in the world but he could, to some extent, influenced what will happen, for example, in
the case of the Spartans he make them saw their worse enemy but, he didn't knew the circumstances nor who their enemy
actually was, in the case of Lucio, well… he brought the things to the next level.

"I put him in an only-men desert island… and then I transform him…into a cute girl… *tehee*" Said Cerberus while
showing his cute little eyes to Demeter.
Demeter put his finger on her eyebrows.

"So, this is how Alfonso always felt" Said Demeter while feeling the incoming headache.

"Listen to me, that guy, despite everything, it's a prisoner, if he suddenly has a mental collapse then how are we
supposed to give him to one party or other! If the Pentagates don't get Lucio Pentagate but instead a retard, Who is going
to take responsibility for the wrath of the Pentagates? Do you want to put Alfonso in danger?" Said Demeter.

Cerberus lowered its head, he knew that he shouldn't have acted so rashly.

Demeter made a small sigh after seeing Cerberus.

"Listen, I know how you felt, I almost made the same mistake back there, however, we must think with the heart and feel
with the head, don't put your emotions in first place, after all, your live isn't the only one in danger if something went
wrong" Said Demeter while looking at Alfonso's room.

"I got it, sorry" Said Cerberus.

"Well, it's not like he doesn't deserve it though, went I swallow his soul, I saw part of his memories, he had raped more
than twenty girls, truly disgusting" Said Demeter.

"Anyway, let's go see him" Said Demeter.

"Well, I had some things to do so-"

"I say WE, got it sweetheart?" Said Demeter with her happy yet not happy smile.

He grabbed Cerberus from the collar and went on her way towards the basement.

"I preferred the older Demeter, this one is scary" Though Cerberus.

Back in the basement, Demeter entered, as always, the room had only a small candle as a light, she entered and went to
Lucio's cell, went she saw the state of Lucio, she almost fainted.

"Where are my husbands? Hey you, you are the one got me there, please let me go back, I miss them so much~"

Lucio Pentagate, the youngest son of the Pentagate family, was actually talking in a lower voice than usual make him
sound more… feminine(?). He took out his heavy armor and was crying like a maiden whose heart was broken by her

Cerberus was sweating so much that he though he was taking a shower.

"What… what I have done!?" Though Cerberus.

"Cerberus" A cold voice came from above Cerberus.


"How much time that he passed on the island?" Asked Demeter.


The atmosphere's temperature was decreasing at a fast speed.

"" Murmured Cerberus.

"What did you say?" Asked Demeter.

"Twenty years" Said Cerberus.

Demeter was stunned once more.

"My head hurts" Said Demeter.

"Alfonso come back quickly… I hate your work!" Though Demeter with resignation.


Artemis was sitting on a chair while peeling an apple, where did she get the apple? Well , she brought it one the market
of course. She had gone for a walk a couple of days ago, she didn't felt good staying in bed all day, after all, she was the
hunting goddess. When she saw the apples, she instantly bought them.

She peeled the skin with great skill, after cutting an apple in four parts, she replaces the ones that she had let the day
before. This became her routine, she came to Alfonso's room, she would stay here for some time peeling the apples and
put them in a furniture next to his bed, then she will eat the old slices of apple, finally she will wait for one or two hours
and then she will go to do her things.

"I am sure he will want to eat something went he wakes up" Though Artemis.

Although her face was as cold as always, if Alfonso was awake, he would see the sadness on her eyes. She wouldn't
admit it thought.

"I am sure, that, even in your dreams, you are still working hard for give us a better future, that's why, I will leave you
this small gift, it's my way to say "thank you" , I am not good with words, so this is the only thing I can do, so keep
working hard… my lord"

Artemis left the apple slices and then went out of Alfonso's room.


It was late at night, Demeter was exhausted.

She had take care for the time being, as for Cerberus… well, let's just say that he got his punishment. A very ,VERY,
heavy punishment… did we emphasize the word "very"?

She entered Alfonso's room and closed the door, this has become her own routine, she didn't visit Alfonso all day,
except for the nights. She went to the window to see the big moon on the sky.

"It doesn't matter which worlds is it, the moon is always beautiful" Though Demeter.

She turned around and saw the four slices of apple on the furniture besides Alfonso's bed, she made a sweet and candid

"That little girl, cold yet warm" Thought Demeter.

She sat down besides Alfonso.

"Today, that idiot Cerberus did what I told you he would do, can you believe it? He actually turned that womanizer into
a well… you know, that kind of guy, its was really stressful to deal with" Said Demeter.
Just like Artemis, she also had her routine, she always sat down and talk to Alfonso, of course, it was more like a
monologue, but she felt that Alfonso may wake up if he talked to him. Depp inside, she knew that it was useless, but, she
do it every night.

"Your job is really hard you know? I don't want to do it anymore… that's why...," Demeter looked at Alfonso and put
her hand on his face.

"Please, wake up, we need you…"

"I need you" Said Demeter with sadness.

Demeter felt it was strange, she had always been an independent god, yet , here she was, asking a human who is several
times weaker than her, to protect her.

"Fate it's really a joke, I passed all my live been an observer, I always thought that, been a god means to be superior to
humans in all aspects, yet, I only managed to realize how complex were human emotions went I loss all my godhood"
Thought Demeter.

Demeter put aside all her worries and took her clothes off, she put her pajamas and laid down at Alfonso's side.

After some time, she felt asleep.


It was late at night, Demeter was happily sleeping went she heard something.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

"Mmm…? What is this sound?" Though Demeter half-sleep.

*Munch* *Munch*

"It sounds like someone eating…but…" Demeter sat move her body to see at her side.

"Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry, I was really hungry you see"

Suddenly a voice, came from her side, she almost immediately woke up after listening to the voice, after all, she had
been waiting to hear this voice for far too long.

She sat down and looked at her side, she saw a young man with blonde-black hair eating at her side.

"Do you want so-"

Before Alfonso could finish his sentence, he felt a warm body throwing towards him.

"You take too long, idiot" Said Demeter with a happy face.

Alfonso only made a small smile.

"I am back" Said Alfonso.

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102 Hidden Title

Today there was a lot of people on Alfonso's room, with the good news of him waking up, everyone was happy, even
the cold faced Artemis was making a sweet smile. Others were more pronounced on their affection thought, this is the
example of Cerberus, who, went he heard the notice, escaped his punishment and run towards Alfonso licking his face,
after that he sat down on his lap and refused to stand up.

The ones in Alfonso's room, where the people of Wasteland Valley, Cerberus, Artemis and Demeter.

"Sorry I took too long, I actually went to a very peculiar place and meet a shitty brat" Said Alfonso to everyone on the

"Shitty brat?" Asked Demeter, who was sitting on Alfonso's bed wearing her pajamas.

"Your father, the lord of the titans, Chronos" Said Alfonso while opening his eye.

Artemis and Demeter almost jumped out after seeing Alfonso's eye, everyone felt the powerful energy on his eye as

"It seems that grandfather gave you part of his powers, but why?" Asked Artemis.

"It was like this..." Alfonso related his experience with Chronos to the group.

"Father! Always causing troubles! To actually cursed you! Fuck! That shitty old man!" Demeter was the first to explode.

Alfonso haven't seen her cursing this way before, it seems that she really hated Chronos.

"Anyway, I have inherited(forcefully) the powers of Chronos, however, I can't control then that well right now, so I
won't be using them for the time being" Said Alfonso.

"That's for the better" Said Artemis, she suddenly looked back at Alfonso and saw a small ring on his middle finger, she
became curious and touch it.


Suddenly the ring made a "hizzing" sound, stunning Artemis.

"Alfonso… this ring…" Said Artemis.

"Oh sorry, I almost forgot, Drakini, come out and present yourself" Said Alfonso.

"y-ye-yes, sir!" Suddenly a voice came to the head of everyone.

The green ring on Alfonso's hand suddenly transformed into a small python.

"He-he-hello, nice to meet you, I am the loyal servant of master Alfonso, my name is Drakini" Said Drakini.

Everyone looked curiously at Drakini, feeling the gaze of all everyone, Drakini became shy and transformed back in a
ring and put himself in Alfonso's middle finger.
"Sorry, he is not used to seen people just yet" Said Alfonso.

"Its okay Alfonso, however, I also feel the power of time, on this little snake, why is that?" Said Demeter.

"Well, he absorbed some of the essence of time back in the time dimension, but I don't know more than that" Said

"I see" Said Demeter.

Alfonso felt an intense gaze on him, he turned to his right and saw Artemis looking at him, no, to be more precise, she
was looking at his ring aka Drakini with an intense gaze.

"Hey Alfonso, could you called that little fellow out once more" Said Artemis.

"O-okay" Said Alfonso while touching his ring.

Instantly the ring transformed in the small python Drakini.

Artemis grabbed the small python by its tail and examine him

"!?" Drakini was scared almost at the verge of tears, it looked back at Alfonso with begging eyes.

Alfonso felt sorry for the little snake but he only could made a "I cant do anything" face.

After some time, Artemis finally left the poor python who run towards Alfonso, hiding behind him

"Alfonso" Said Artemis.


"You surely are a lucky guy" Said Artemis.

"Mmm? Why?"

"This little snake of yours it's not a python" Said Artemis.

"? If it's not a python then what is it?" Asked Alfonso.

"Come here, little fellow" Said Artemis.

Drakini showed its head with fear, it looked back at Alfonso and resigned itself, he went back towards the hands of

"You see here? On his head, there is a small protuberance, right?" Said Artemis.

Alfonso and Demeter touch it, sure enough, there was a small protuberance there.

"Well, this small protuberance is it's horn" Said Artemis.

"Horn?...wait a minute… Do you mean!?" Said Demeter.

Alfonso was confused, Artemis passed the little snake back to Alfonso and made a small smile.

"This small snake of yours was called in our times as a basilisk, the king of snakes!" Said Artemis.
Alfonso was stunned.

"A basilisk!?" Though Alfonso.

Basilisk, it was the mythological monster that often appear on the Greek mythology, its origins has been lost on time, the
most famous mention of this creature were on the historis naturalis of the roman emperor Plinio. Known for its toxicity,
the basilisk was a small snake that could kill everyone who looked into its eyes, what's more, its poison caused the most
painful and horrible death to anyone who was bitten by it, some people think that its horn are the prove that they have
some relationship with the dragons!

"To think that he was a basilisk…" Alfonso had zero doubt of the ability of Artemis to deduce animals, she was the
hunter goddess after all.

"Drakini did you knew?" Asked Alfonso.

"I-i-I didn't know, wait, what is a basilisk anyway? Its sounds cool! " Said Drakini.

Leaving aside Drakini everyone else were still impressed, except for Cerberus, who only looked at Drakini and then
went back to rest.

"Anyway, what happen after I fell asleep, what happen to Lucio?" Asked Alfonso.

Cerberus suddenly felt an intense gaze on him.

"Well, I will tell you with D-E-T-A-I-L what happen after you fainted" Said Demeter.


"My head hurts…oh… it's been a while since I say that" Said Alfonso while rubbing his eyebrows.

"Well, now that's your job, finally I am out" Said Demeter.

"I will have to make a visit to him to see his state for myself" Thought Alfonso.

"Anyway, we have been here for quite a while, its still night, so let Alfonso rest, we will continue this tomorrow" Said

All of them agree, it was still four something a.m. so they were still tired.

"Okay lets leave" Said Artemis.

All of them stood up, reluctantly, Cerberus also did so, he had to go back to his punishment after all.

What? You thought that Alfonso would let him of? No, no, what he did was wrong, so he must fulfill his punishment.

"Good night everyone" Said Demeter while closing the door.

"Yeah good night" Said Artemis and Cerberus while leaving the room.

Demeter turn of the light and laid down besides Alfonso.

"What are you doing?" Asked Alfonso.

Of course, he wasn't blind, he didn't have time before, but now that he could see the new Demeter, he didn't know where
to look.

Demeter really had a killer body, even Artemis didn't have that many curves, however, what cached Alfonso's attention
the most, were not her butt nor her breast, it was…

"Her legs are so…"

That's right, our mc, aka Alfonso Lockheart, had a thing for legs, what? You thought he didn't see Artemis nor Demeter
in that way? Please, he is human after all, of course, went he was in her young form, Alfonso didn't actually see her as a
woman, but now…

"What do you mean? I am about to sleep" Said Demeter.

"I mean… why here?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well, your cane broke so I thought that your leg will hurt so…"

"Oh, you don't have to worry, I have my cane right here" Said Alfonso while grabbing the cane of Chronos.

"Oh…well, I felt comfortable here, so don't think of the small details, anyway, I am tired, goodnight~" Said Demeter
while covering herself.

"That's not the issue here!" Said Alfonso.

However, as a man who hated the most to not sleep, he didn't have the energy to discuss right now, so he only yawned
and covered himself, then the both of them felt asleep.


Artemis was also preparing to sleep, she didn't need to change into her pajamas since she run towards Alfonso's room,
so just covered herself and light of the candle.

After some seconds….

"Wait a minute" Though Artemis.

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103 New function


Alfonso felt incredible this morning.

"It feels like ages since I sleep this well" Though Alfonso.

When he was at the desert he always had to sleep in the sand, of course, he didn't actually had to sleep, he didn't get
sleepy after all, but, he felt that he needed to sleep so he forced himself to.
He woke up and saw that it was still early, the sun was just beginning to rise, quite curious indeed, after all, Alfonso
was known to always wake up late. Alfonso looked at the side of the bed, he saw Demeter, who was still sleeping. A
fun fact was that, the bed was quite big, a king size bed in Alfonso's world, but, despite this, Demeter was sleeping with
one leg on the air.

"It seems that she moves a lot while sleeping" Though Alfonso.

On the other hand, Alfonso was more like an statue, as far as he remember he always sleep the same way, resting on his
left side.

Alfonso looked at the sun that was showing the first rays and looked at his "ring", the pattern of the ring was particular,
if one touched it, one could felt that it was really hard.

"Drakini" Though Alfonso

"S-s-sir, good morning" From the ring, a trembling childish voice came to Alfonso's head.

"Good morning, Drakini I had something important to tell you" Said Alfonso.

"W-w-what is it sir?"

"Remember what happen on the other dimension, don't tell anyone about it, not even my friends " Said Alfonso with

"What happened there… you mean that, right?"

"That's right, you can`t say it to anyone" Said Alfonso.

"I get it sir, Drakini will follow your command" Said Drakini.

"Good" Alfonso looked back at his bed to see Demeter, he felt somehow guilty to hide something from her and Artemis,
however, he had his thoughts about it.

"Its not a secret that can't be hidden for long thought, however, I have to get use to my new powers before that" Said

Alfonso suddenly looked at the few people who were beginning their day, he suddenly looked at one young man who
was holding some fruits while putting them on a small carriage. Alfonso's eye suddenly turned red, however, after some
time the eye came back to its normal purple color.

"Now. its only one minute at the best, huh" Said Alfonso with sadness.

Alfonso recalled what happened before they came back from the dimension.


Alfonso and Drakini get used to their routine after two weeks, basically it was like this, the both of them woke up and
started toeat the particles, Drakini will listen to Alfonso who wanted someone to talk, after all, if one stayed alone for a
long time, they could develop some mental issues.

"That's how, the world war II ended, the event that market this was the fall of the wall of Berlin" Said Alfonso to

Since they didn't have anything in common tried to tell him different fairy tales of his world to Drakini, surprisingly
enough, they didn't catch Drakini attention, Alfonso though that since he was technically a child, he would like these
kinds of histories, however, Drakini find them quite boring, he tried his best to hide it thought.

Due to this, Alfonso suddenly talked about his favorite subject, history.

Drakini be quickly get hooked by history, and since ths was Alfonso's hobby and vocation, he was more than happy to
chat with him.

"Sir, your world its always filled with war and, it seems to me, that it always for the same reasons!" Commented

"Oh? And what reasons are those?" Asked interested Alfonso.

"If I had to resume it in one word, it would be… power!" Said Drakini.

"Well, it's a shallow definition, after all, its not always that, however, its true that behind every kind of motive, power
it's the catalyzer of enmity and will eventually led to war, that's why it's so important to study our history" Said Alfonso.

"What do you mean sir?" Asked Drakini.

Alfonso made a small smile.

"I had study history for more than forty years, history has taught me a lot, but, the most important lesson that it had taught
me is this…"

"Those who don't know their history"

"Are doom to repeat it"

Alfonso took a deep breath and though back of his university days back in England on his original world, back then,
Alfonso was a young men of eighteen to twenty years old, however, he remember that day like it was yesterday. He was
just taking his breakfast with her sister when his father came rushing to the kitchen, he hold the "THE TIMES"
newspaper on his hand.

"My son, my daughter, the war has finally ended!" Shouted his father.

Everyone on his family were celebrating, the streets were filled with people shouting. Alfonso also joined the

"However, how long will last the period of peace this time?"

This though was on Alfonso's mind for a long time.


"Back then, for one month, I always woke up in the middle of the night for fear that the rings of war will sound once
more" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso was lost on his mind went he eat the last bunch of soul energy went he felt somehow different, the hungry
sensation that he had felt all this time was slowly disappearing.


Congratulations to the host Alfonso Lockheart for completing the first concept of Chronos : stagnation. New function of
the system activated'
A message from the system came to his mind, he suddenly felt warm on his left eye. He felt that his left eye was
becoming hotter and hotter, lucky for him, after some minutes the pain disappear.

"System, what did you do?" Asked Alfonso.

'The system used the soul energy of Chronos and extracted the first concept of time, stagnation' Reply the system.

"What new function do you have?" Asked Alfonso.

Alfonso looked on the 'Window', beside of the 'H' icon that was the hero option, a human body like figure appear, when
Alfonso 'click it' a 3D hologram appeared in front of him.

[Alfonso Lockheart

Level: Human

Status: Crippled (Permanent)-Cursed

Bloodline: Human (Lycanthrope blood detected- possibility of evolution: 90%)

Loyal gods: Demeter and Artemis

Total of gods: three.



1) The eye of Chrono: A gift from Chronos, when all the four concepts of time you will be able to display its power at
its best, for now you can only use the power of stagnation. Apart from this the eye of Chrono help you look on the realm
of the gods, the soul realm.

2) Time Lock- Level one (40%): You can lock time for 10 seconds, all people whose soul are weaker than you will
freeze, for those who are stronger, they will felt their body heavy and will move in slow motion while your eye is open
and looking at them.

3) Mark of the hunter-Level two (60%) : You can choose two objects and you will be able to see their "flaws"

Remark: The powers of time in your body are too strong, so strong that your body isn't able to able to maintain more
than the soul energy of time, so the particles of time are beginning to "eat" other types of soul energy.

4) Shadowless - Level two(80%) : Once you have a target marked by "Mark of the hunter", you will become invisible.

5) Ying-Yang domain- Level three (1%) : You can enter a domain were you are invulnerable to all physical attacks, the
only attacks that can be used are soul attacks.

Range: 5 meters.


Light of Live- Level one (10%) ; Your presence can heal a person.

Range: 10 meters.]
"I am… losing my powers!?" Alfonso heartbeat began to rise at a alarming rate.

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104 I will tell you a secre

"What is the meaning of this?" Though Alfonso.

"What is the meaning of "eating"? I can be that my initial hypothesis was too shallow and there is more in the soul
energy than what the eye's seen?" Though Alfonso

While Alfonso was thinking, Drakini, the small python suddenly realized something different in Alfonso.

"S-s-sir, it seems that some particles are escaping for your body… no, wait, its not particles its like… mmmm… it
seems like waste of the particles… maybe?" Said Drakini.

"Let me see" Said Alfonso while opening his left eye.

However, he didn't see anything that looked different from before.

"It seems that the power of perception of Drakini it's even better than my eye, at least for now" Though Alfonso.

"System, I want information of the particles, specially the information of 'the sun of time' " Said Alfonso.


This kind of information cost one million Drachmas' Answer the system.

"What!? One million!? Why don't you just rob me!" Though Alfonso.

'This kind of information is only available to god level entities after all' Answer the system.

Alfonso wanted to reply but he could only made a small sigh.

"Since that I wont be able to stop the process for now, however, I will limit it, system, Is there any way to conserved
the rest of my powers?" Asked Alfonso.

'The best way of conservation it's to not use it, however, I will only slow the process, it won't stop it' Said the system.

Alfonso thought for some time, he proceeded the information and then make a decision.

"System, I want a limiter to my powers, set it yourself, I want the rest of my powers to last, at least until I find the
second object of the legacy of time… wait a minute"

"I bought the cane of Chronos in the system so maybe-"

'Dear Host

Just to remain you, the other objects of the legacy aren't available in the system~' Said the system while crushing
Alfonso's dreams.

"It wont be that easy huh, well, at least I try, for now, just put the limiter, can you do it?" Said Alfonso.

'Its possible'

"Good" Though Alfonso.

Suddenly, just as Alfonso was planning ahead, a tremblor shake the dimension.

"Wha-what" Thought Alfonso.

A crackle appeared in the sky while huge craters began to appear on the ground.

"W-w-what is happening?!" Said Drakini.

"Hehe, congratulations little boy, you only took ten years to in this dimension to acquire the first concept of time, well,
aren't you quite the diligent one" A voice came from above, Alfonso recognized his voice immediately.

"Chronos!" Shouted Alfonso.

"Correct~, In memory to this happy occasion, I will give you that little fellow as a pet, take care of it, or my stupid
daughter will kill you, hehe" Said Chronos.

"Stu- stupid daughter?" Though Alfonso while escaping from the craters.

"S-S-Sir, wait for me please!" Shouted Drakini.

"Jump Drakini!" Shouted Alfonso.

Drakini jumped on Alfonso's hand converting itself in a green ring.

"What? You could do that Drakini?" Said Alfonso.

"I-i-I couldn't! what is happening?" Said Drakini.

"Your welcome" Said Chronos.

Alfonso felt more and more irritated, suddenly from the sky a small hole appeared, the hole began to swallow
everything on the dimension leaving only darkness!

"I set this dimension to destroy itself when you finish the task, well I already opened the portal, so you just need to
jumped there and you will woke up" Said Chronos.

Alfonso looked in front oh him, A small white portal began to manifest, however, the portal was 100 meters away from

"By the way~" Suddenly the voice came once more

"If you get swallow by that thing, you will die a horrible death so do your best little boy, I hope you won't make me way
for so long, I will be waiting for you in the next Legacy" Said the voice will disappearing.

MY NAME ISNT ALFONSO!" Shouted Alfonso with all his heart.
"S-s-sir the darkness is approaching rapidly!" Cried Drakini.

"I know!" Shouted Alfonso.

Alfonso run with al his might while ignoring the fact that his leg was hurting like hell.

"This is the bad side of being a crippled" Though Alfonso.

The darkness was catching quickly.

"Shit!" Though Alfonso.

5 meters until the portal.

"S-s-sir the darkness is already behind us"

Alfonso didn't dare to look behind and just run with all his might.

2 meters

"JUMP!" Thought Alfonso.

Just as the darkness was already touching his feet, the darkness suddenly halt for half a second!

Alfonso heard a voice coming from the darkness.


Alfonso didn't whose voice was this, but he didn't let this chance slip away.

He used his last bit of effort and run.

Alfonso jumped with all his might!


"I really hate that guy" Though Alfonso.

"But whose voice was that, it was a woman's voice, remember… what I am supposed to remember?" Though Alfonso
while grabbing his head.

However, something Alfonso told him that it had to do with the gods and the system, although he wasn't so sure either
way, so decided to follow his intuition.

"Maybe I am over exaggerating?" Though Alfonso.

He looked back at the sleeping Demeter, he though for some seconds before going back to the bed, he looked at her
sleeping face and made a worry face, he turned around and was about to close his eyes went he felt a pair of hands
grabbing his back.

"Something on your mind?" The voice of Demeter came from behind, despite her sleeping face from before, the voice
didn't sound like someone who had just woke up.

"You were awake?" Asked Alfonso.

"Want me to tell you a secret?" Said suddenly Demeter.


The voice of Demeter changed a little.

"I never sleep" Said Demeter with a small giggle.

Alfonso's heart skipped a bit.


"Yep, and I heard everything you were talking with your little friend" Said Demeter with a happy tone of voice.

However, Alfonso didn't feel like this happy voice was happy at all, in fact, he felt somewhat… scared. Alfonso
calmed himself with some effort, but he didn't dare to turn around, he was afraid of what he would see.

"Its not that I don't want to tell you, but something inside me tells me that I shouldn't, sorry" Said Alfonso.

Honestly, he didn't want to lie, not to them at least, they were his important friends after all.

Demeter was in silence for some time.

"You are speaking the true, I am glad" Said Demeter.

"Of course, it's true, I won't ever lie to you nor to Artemis, you are my important friends after all" Said Alfonso.

"Hmmm… but you can hide something from us?" Asked Demeter.

"That's…" Alfonso didn't know what to said.

Demeter's arm hugged Alfonso from behind, he could even feel the chest of Demeter on his back.

"I am kidding, it's okay that you have some secrets, it's not strange, no, in fact, it would be weird that you trust us blindly
from the beginning, trust I something that you build little by little after all" Said Demeter.

Alfonso felt the tone of Demeter had, somehow, lightened, so he could finally breath a relaxed sigh.

"However" Said Demeter.

"I can accept some secrets, but… don't ever, ever… tried to lie to me" Said Demeter with her happy tone.

Alfonso felt that he couldn't breathe.

"By-by the way, what would happen if I, it's just only a big if, I ever lie to you" Asked Alfonso.

Alfonso couldn't see, but he felt that Demeter's smile disappeared.

"As my master and the man that I am in love with"

"I expect only sincerity from you"

"if you ever lie to me"

There was a small pause.

Alfonso that the time suddenly increased by one hundred times, after all, this small paused felt like years.

Until finally, Demeter opened her mouth and a sweet voice came from it.

"Your destiny would be ten times worse than Lucio's, you got it, sweetheart?"

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105 Alfonso“s answer

"Glad that I didn't lie" Though Alfonso.

"Mmm?" Suddenly Alfonso remember all the words that Demeter told him, he felt that she had said something
incredible just now!

"Wait a minute!" Said Alfonso.

He turned around and saw Demeter who was looking at him with her usual(normal) face.

"Did you say… the man you are in love with… you wouldn't mean…"

"Its that strange? I am talking about you obviously… got a problem with that?" Said Demeter.

"No, not really, but… how? Why? When? Where?" Asked Alfonso.

"You miss which" Said Demeter while laughing.

She sat down and looked at the stupefied face of Alfonso.

"We gods always had this doubt about humans, why do you always like to make things like love so complicate? I once
tried to asked this to Aphrodite, she told me that she also didn't understand, you don't need a reason to like someone, it
simply appears, its not like you make an appointment with love. What' s more, we always express our love in a free
way, of course, between gods we have different ways of doing it, take Artemis and me for example, Artemis wont tell
you directly, in fact, she won't tell you indirectly, however, she would be the most loyal to you, even if you marry
someone else, she won't say a thing. Once her heart belongs to someone, she won't ever be able to love someone else,
on the other hand, I am different, I would fight for the one I love, I don't mind if you mistress… however, if you ever
lied to me about it, well~ hehe" Said Demeter.

"It might be my impression, but her smile remains me of Chronos" Said Alfonso.

"For example, the one I can't stand the most among gods, it's my sister Hera, why? Well there are a lot of reasons, one of
them, is her perception of love, did you know? She doesn't really love my brother, yet, she still as jealous as fuck with
him, of course, my brother isn't exactly a saint but still, you know? One time, she made Hephaestus make a piece of god
weapon just to put him in his testicles, so he won't be able to get his little friend up, if she is like that with a man that she
doesn't love… then if she does love someone… "
Alfonso felt a chill on his back, of course, he knows about the history of Hera and Zeus, however, he don't know the
exact details, in the mythology, Zeus was a bastard but Hera wasn't exactly a goody two shoes.

"I don't want to get involved with someone so dangerous" Though Alfonso.

"Anyway, that's how is it… now, its your turn" Said Demeter.

"My turn?"

"Yeah, I already confessed to you, don't tell me that you wont answer, that's not really manly" Said Demeter.

Alfonso seem to realize.

He though for some time.

"I am not in love with you" Said Alfonso while looking at her into the eyes.

Demeter's face didn't change at all, in fact, her sweet smile became more pronounced.

"You have someone you love?" Asked Demeter.


Alfonso grabbed his knees and seem to remember something from a long time ago, with some nostalgy in his voice, he

"Since I was a little child, I always evade love, of course, its not like I didn't have a girlfriend, I did have, but… that
were only small adventures… when I was young, my mom used to tell me that, in the whole world, there exist one
person that is united by you in body and soul, as I grew up, I realized that this concept of the 'soul mate' was a lie,
nevertheless, something inside of me told me, that maybe, maybe there is indeed someone like that, waiting for me, as a
I waited for her, however, the years when by and I grew older and older, once I realized, I was already too old to have
kids, much less to start a family, before I died, my biggest regret was to never find her"

"Coming to this place, to this world, changed a lot about me, the Alfonso from earth and the Alfonso from Leitol, both of
them are the current me, I don't want to be in a frivolous relationship nor do I want to be forced to love someone, I think
that life has giving me a second chance, however, I won't precipitate things, If I ever feel that you are the one, then, even
If you don't love me anymore, I will make sure to conquer your heart once again, but for now, I don't feel that way " Said
Alfonso with resolution.

Demeter made a satisfied smile and looked at Alfonso.

"That will be good enough, for now at least" Said Demeter.

"That's a reliav-"

"I wont stop my approaches though, I am more convinced than ever, I will make sure that you fall for me, no matter what
tricks I had to use" Added Demeter.

Alfonso could only smile bitterly, he stood up and went to the door.

"I will go wash my face, we have a long day, tried to not stay on bed for too long" Said Alfonso while closing the door.

Demeter smiled and lied down on the bed once more.

"Its rude to spy on other people conversations you know?" Said Demeter.

"Hmph, you should be glad that I didn't punch you for talking at someone's back without permission" Said a voice
coming from the other side of the bed.

"Your power are increasing Artemis, I only noticed you a while ago, yet, it seems that you have been here way long than
that" Said Demeter.

From the corner of the room, Artemis appeared with her usual white dress.

"Yeah, I have been here since the beginning" Said Artemis.

"Did you hear little Al?" Said Demeter.

Artemis nodded

"Although I am not comfortable remaining in the dark, it seems that Alfonso has he's reasons, so I won't pressure him,
however, I don't think that the fact of "hiding" information was his idea, someone else put that on his mind, I don't know
who though" Said Artemis.

"I was thinking the same as you, it seems that we have to take a closer look on this, to eliminate the little rat, however, I
wasn't talking about that, I was talking the other thing" Said Demeter with a teasing smile.

Artemis blushed, but only for one second.

"I will remain by his side, that's enough for me" Said Artemis while closing the door.

Demeter made a small chuckle, she dressed and went out.

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106 The letter

Felio had a very miserable face at the moment.

"How did it reach their ears so fast?"

"This is really problematic, ahh TItio, Titio, you knew that this will happen, yet, you decided to bring your champion to
fight, now I have to paid for your mistake" Thought Felio.

While Felio lamenting, three people plus a dog entered the hall.

"Oh Alfonso! You are up!" Said Felio with joy.

"Yeah, I woke up a couple of hours ago" Said Alfonso.

Today he was wearing a special clothes that Felio had prepared in case he woke up, it was a black-elegant shirt with a
pair of white pants, one must say that it looked pretty elegant, Demeter and Artemis had already told Felio about
Alfonso's eye, so he prepared an eyepatch for him, curiously, it had the flag of a wolf imprinted in the center. Of course,
he still used the cane of Chronos to support himself.

This appearance makes him look a bit older, but a little more savage.

"How is your condition?" Asked Felio.

"I need some time to recover, my injuries are light compared to Artemis, nevertheless, they are still there" Said

"I see" Said Felio.

There was a small silence between the tow of them, however at the end, Felio made a small sigh, he called Leonardo to
come in, after some minutes, the one-arm man Leonardo entered with a document on his hand.

"It seems that you lose a good soldier this time" Said Alfonso.

"But I maintain a friend, that's all that matters" Said Felio.

Leonardo felt touched by the words of Felio, he smiled and bowed before standing behind Felio.

"I am not longer a soldier, your highness Alonso. I already retired, right now, I served as the right hand of his majesty
Felio" Said Leonardo while bowing towards Alfonso.

"It seems that his fierce character changed a lot after this experience, that's good" Said Alfonso who made a small nod.

"Alfonso, this time was my fault, although I predicted that Alberto would come, I didn't expect him to actually attack, I
thought that he will just come to put some pressure on us and protect Titio in case that anything happens, however, not
only did Alberto attacked but Titio also brought with him someone of the Pentagate family. I cant do anything more than
apologize to you, I am deeply sorry" Said Felipe.

He stood up and bowed deeply towards Alfonso.

"It's enough, go back to your sit, if the lord of Tulip suddenly bowed to someone, then that will make a lot of people
question about your character" Said Alfonso with a teasing smile.

Felio nodded embarrassedly and went back to his sit.

"Demeter already told me the details about the events after the war came to an end, let me check the document" Said

Leonardo passed the documents to Alfonso.

Sure enough, the conditions that Demeter had told him were there, what's more, there was also a clausula that says that
Felio will retire from his position after her daughter came back safety and the throne will be free for Alfonso to put in
whoever he wants.

"This clausula… I didn't hear of it" Said Alfonso.

"I am sorry, consider this doing an old man a favor, I am tired of being a king, this last war make me realize that, in the
end, I only want to be with my daughter, became a grandpa someday and life a relax and happy life, away from the
struggles of power" Said Felio.

"This is the second time you asked a favor for me, you remember what happen last time, I lost an eye" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso made a small chuckle and waved his hand.

"I am joking, this last wish of you, I accept it, its time that you hang the gloves, old man" Said Alfonso.

Felio made a small yet happy smile.

"I also wish to retire, this old man wants to live a happy life, what's the point to have a big castle and a lot power, at the
end, what you take to the grave it's the memories of your beloved ones, not money or a power position" Though Alfonso.

"Anyway, I had a piece of good news for you, Felio" Said Alfonso.

"What is it?"

"We know where your daughter is" Said Alfonso.


"I-I see" Said Felio.

After hearing that her daughter was safe, he could finally breathe a sight of relieve.

"Felio, It's not like I don't want to save your daughter but you must understand that I am in a delicate spot this time, if I
accept this trial, then I will be offending the Pentagates, you know very well what kind of family are they, even the
Lockheart family wouldn't mess with them if they had the choice to not to, not to mention me, that I am just a simple
fallen prince with little power, do you understand what I am saying?" Said Alfonso.

Felio of course knew that Alfonso was right, offending the Pentagates… even if he had one hundred more guts, he still
wouldn't do it!

"I understand your position Alfonso, however, this I have two valid reasons to accept this propose" Said Felio.

"Oh? Let me heard them" Said Alfonso.

"The first one is that, even if the Pentagate family wants to take action against you, they wouldn't use they full power, in
fact, they wouldn't even send their core champions and that's because we are on the north, this is the Boltors territory
and they hate the Pentagates to death, the only reason that Lucio was able to came here was because he had an invitation,
I didn't know whose family was so influential to even make a sworn enemy of the boltors to past to their territory, but
now I know, it were the Veritias, they surely could make someone like Lucio to past to this territory, however, they
could only od it once, because the Boltors already know that this, if they try to pull this once again, then the Veritia
family is going to suffer the wrath of the Boltors, sure enough, I don't think that the queen of winds is interested in a war
against the Boltors" Said Felio

"Queen of winds?" Asked Alfonso.

"That's the current empress of the Veritia family, although the actual head of the family is a man, in reality, everyone
knows that the real headmaster of the Veritias is the queen of winds" Said Felio.

Alfonso nodded and make sure to remember this name.

"Then what is the second reason?" Asked Alfonso.

Felio smiled bitterly and took out the letter that he was reading before.
"Because the Boltors are already sending someone here" Said Felio.

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107 The Paradise Council

The beings called the champions the top of the chain food in Leitol, for this, every time there was a fight between
champions a lot of common people will die without reason. The peak of this struggle happen five hundred years ago
when the dispute between two champions destroy one town called paradise town, all of their residents die and the land
became infertile, after this, the royal family in addition with the four dragons,The four families in command of the north,
south, east and west, made an agreement called the "Paradise Council" which estipulate that the champions were
forbidden to participate in any internal war, at least, the head of the region agreed with it, if any champion wanted to
take any kind of revenge against another one, they will only have one method, and it was to participle in the sky arena in
Lavosta Town on the east, of course, not only the champions could fight between them, any person could came in here
and make a duel against a champion, in case they win, they will receive the blessing of the god, Alberto was a good
example of this.

"That's why, we went against the "Paradise council" so the Boltors are sending someone to deliver the respective
punishment" Said Felio.

"I didn't know that, it seems that "Alfonso" didn't study the politics of Leitol quite enough" Though Alfonso.

"I see, if the Boltors are already pissed off with us, we won't have a bright future here, after all, they can crush us like a
human crush an ant" Said Alfonso.

"That's right" Said Felio.

Alfonso analyzed this new information and put the pros and cons in the table.

"Well, it seems that we don't have much of a choice here, I didn't want to make enemies with the Pentagates thought, it
seems that my plans must be accelerated, although the Pentagates wouldn't dare to attack me directly, this didn't mean
that they won't attack me at all, I can only hope that the notice of me begin the perpetrator don't reach the ears of the
Pentagates for at least a year" Thought Alfonso.

"Ahh, shit, my headache is coming back"

Alfonso rubbed his eyebrow.

"Ok, I make my decision, we will make the trade, however, you won't come with me ,Felio" Said Alfonso.

"W-why?" Asked Felio.

Of course, he wanted to go! he wanted to go and rescue her daughter the most.

"Because your sentiment will cloud your judgement, we have to approach this task with calm and serenity, I am afraid
that, for the moment, you don't have any of those, don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that is a bad thing, in fact, It
will be bad if you didn't have them, you understand what I am saying?" Said Alfonso.
Felio made a small sigh and nodded.

"So basically, what you are saying is that I make a stupid and rush decision right?" Said Felio.

"Exactly" Said Alfonso.

"I will respect your decision, Alfonso"

"I beg you"

Felio kneeled in front of Alfonso.

"Please bring back my daughter" Said Felio.


In the middle of a rocky route, three people were travelling by horse, what it seems weird thought, is that these horses
were completely white and they were travelling at a really fast speed! Although it was a rocky route, this didn't slow
down their peace.

The three members of this party were one young woman and two sturdy guys behind her.

"Miss Anastasia, we will be arriving at Arcadia inn two weeks at this speed" Said one of the men behind her.

"I got it, it really unfair though, if father lend me 'big white' I will arrive in less than three days, ahh, father is really
hateful" Said the young lady.

Anastasia Boltor was the third child of the head of the Boltor family, Elrick Boltor, as well as his only daughter, she
had a long blonde hair and blue eyes, she was rearing a small light silver armor with a sword hanging on her waist.

"Miss Anastasia, this time, we have two missions, the first one is to discover the true behind the war between Arcadia
and Tulip" Said the other man.

"I get it, I don't understand why father care about this small towns though, they don't provide anything useful to us,
maybe Arcadia a little bit more than Tulip, but, at the very end, both towns are second class towns at the most, now if
we were talking about Braxton or Ditilio, now that would be another issue, it would more interesting at the very least"
Said Anastasia.

"If Ditilio was on the stake, then I am afraid that not to mention use, even your big brother won't be able to interfere,
that's the Veritia family territory after all" Said one of the men.

"I know I am just saying, although big brother is powerful, I don't think that he can win against the Queen of winds, he
wouldn't lose though" Said Anastasia.

"Well, that's true" Said the other men.

"Anyway the important business isn't that task, is the other one, right?" Said Anastasia.

"That's right, in fact, the other business is just a façade, the important task is to retrieve the youngest son of the Pentagate
Family, Lucio Pentagate, who is currently a prisoner on Arcadia" Said one of the men.

"This task is extremely important, not only because we will have a card trap for the royal banquet in one year, but it
will be a huge blow to the Pentagate family" Said the other man.
"I know, the one who capture him was… mmm? What was his name again?" Said Anastasia.

"Its Felio grego, the current lord of Arcadia as well as the son-in-law of the Veritia family" Said one men.

"Tsk, a Veritia son-in-law? I didn't think that those egotistic idiots will agree to something like these, this smells funny
don't you think?" Said Anastasia.

The two men didn't answer.

"Anyway, this is also good, I heard that Lucio had quite the reputation" Said Anastasia while moving her right hand.

Suddenly, some sparks appeared in her hand forming a current that travelled to all her body.

Her blue eyes suddenly turned golden yellow!

"I heard that he is quite strong, let see if he can entertain me for some time" Said Anastasia with a small yet cold smile.

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108 Negotiation
"Hello there, we meet for the third time, isn't that right?" Said a young man with a black shirt and a black eyepatch.

"Your highness, Alfonso Lockheart, as always, you are wrong, this will be the four time, the first time was at your
sister's sixteen birthday, the second time was at your fifteen's birthday, the third time was on the battlefield a few weeks
ago and now, four time"

Alfonso was currently visiting Lucio on the underground cell of the Tulip manor, thanks to Demeter, he has already
recovered from his past trauma, it wasn't easy though.

"It seems that my memory is failing me, we indeed met in my birthday, however, I don't remember meeting you in my
sister's birthday though" Said Alfonso.

"You don't remember because that was the first time you got drunk, it was quite the spectacle indeed" Said Lucio with a
small smirk.

"Damn it Alfonso" Though Alfonso.

"You are right, I don't remember, anyway, I didn't come here to recall the past" Said Alfonso.

"I figure, I must admit that you have impress me, your highness, not exactly for your strength but for your ability to stay
alive despite being thrown out by your family, cockroaches live longer indeed" Said Lucio with a cold smile.

"Thanks for the compliment, I heard that you visited a small island these past days, I hope that you enjoyed your stay"
Said Alfonso.

"Y-you…" Lucio was speechless.

"I am not the same loser prince from before"

"And you currently are not the youngest son of the Pentagate family, Lucio Pentagate, you are now my prisoner,
accordingly to the traditions, now that you lose this war, I can sell you as a slave" Said Alfonso.

"hahaha" Lucio laughed a little before looking at Alfonso.

"I am not scared of you, "Your highness" , you may be stupid" Said Lucio while doing an exaggerated and mocking
"reverence" to Alfonso.

"But I am sure that you aren't stupid enough to make the Pentagate family your enemy, not even your father would do so,
at most, father will scold me, and I will stay in custody of the Pentagate family for a month or two" Said Lucio with

"Well, that may be true" Said Alfonso returning the mile to Lucio.

"However, I don't know if you knew this, but the Boltor family seems to know that you are here" Said Alfonso.

Lucio's heart skipped a beat.

"Th-the Boltors!? No, it's impossible! The Veritia family make me pass here, so how did the notice leak… unless!" Said

"That's right, you were sold, you are nothing more than a pawn in someone else hands, congratulations" Said Alfonso
while clapping sarcastically.

"No! you are lying, why the Veritia family would sold me away!?" Asked Lucio.

"That I don't know, that's why, I will make you a proposition, I need to figure it out who is the puppet master here and
what are his or her plans, so I need information, you will give me the information, in return, I will give you back the
pieces of soul that my companion stole away" Said Alfonso.

Lucio remained quiet for some time.

"What should I do?" Thought Lucio.

"I don't think that he won't give me the parts of my souls that bitch stole from me at the very end, he knows that he can't
hurt me, at least not at that level, because if he do so, my family will do anything in its power to destroy him, he can't
afford to injure me, but… Will he really do it? If this was the past Alfonso, I will be one hundred percent sure that he
would but now…" Though Lucio while looking at Alfonso, initially he has always assumed that this stupid prince was a
loss cause, however, he must admit that now, he has changed a lot, so, he needed to be more careful how he addresses
this issue.

"I will accept this condition, but you have to give me my missing parts first, then I will talk" Said Lucio.

Alfonso looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"It seems that there is some kind of misunderstanding here" Said Alfonso.

"There is no room for negotiation here"

"You WILL give me the information that I need, then I will give you your soul parts, there is no other way" Said

"ALFONSO! Don't push it! I may be your prisoner, but I am still the youngest son of the Pentagate Family while you are
only a bastard fallen prince that nobody gives a damn about!" Finally, Lucio couldn't maintain his confidence and

"Well, that may be true" Said Alfonso while turning around.

"However, I heard that the one behind all of this, will give you to the Boltors and then, I will like to see how are you
going to defend yourself in the state that you are currently in, that will surely be quite the scene, yep, maybe that view its
one hundred times more worth it than the information" Said Alfonso.

Lucio felt a shiver running from his back.

"R-right! How I didn't think of it!? If the Boltors really come and fetch me, the-then I need to have my strength to, at the
very least, defend myself, after all, the Boltors hate the Pentagates to the bone! FUCK!" Though Lucio.

"I will come back in two days, analyze the pros and cons and give me a final answer by then, but think carefully what
you wanna do, after all, I heard that the young miss of the Boltors have a thing for fighting every single person that she
sees, and she doesn't measure her strength. See you" Said Alfonso while closing the door and leaving Lucio alone.


"How did it go?" Asked Demeter, who was waiting at the entrance.

"As expected, I guess, he is a prideful person after all, he wouldn't low his head for a fallen prince like me, anyway,
let's give him some time, I am sure that went he come back in two days, he will cooperate" Said Alfonso.

"You know that there are OTHER ways to get the information, right?" Said Demeter.

Alfonso didn't look at her, but her tone of voice was dangerous.

"Don't, I don't want to see you guys doing things like that, have some faith in me, I know what I am doing" Said Alfonso.

Demeter made a small smile and walked by Alfonso's side.

"Little AL, you are too naïve, that's what make you cute though" Thought Demeter.

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109 Zookeeper
"Now, lets put things in order" Said Alfonso while grabbing a pen.

After setting things with Lucio, He sat in his room's desk an began to organize all the things that happened since he left
Wasteland Valley.

"Lets first get the system's reward, I received a lot of Drachmas to work with, however, the most handsome reward of
the system was this" Said Alfonso while grabbing a small bottle, inside one could see a dense blue liquid. This was the
prize for the system's mission [Defense of Tulip Town!]

[Unidentified Bloodline
Description: Awakes the ancestor's blood of a bird-type of animal, after consuming, the animal in question will suffer a
blood-evolution, however, this bloodline isn't identified so no-one knows what kind of blood it would awake.

Remark: All animals in general are descendant of one kind of Mythological creature or another, however, with the pass
of time, the purity of the blood would became fewer and fewer, so, an animal will have a lot of types of blood on its
bloodline, however, some of them are more condensed than other, so, this Bloodline might fail if the concentration of
blood is too shallow or it isn't In the body at all, if this was the case, the bloodline will have no effect]

"So, the big question here is what kind of bloodline is this" Said Alfonso while grabbing the bottle.

"if we talk about Mythological birds, I can think of some examples, obviously the more notorious one would be the
phoenix or maybe a gryphon, in the Japanese culture we also have the legendary Suzaku, one of the four divine
creatures, another one would be the Buddhism inferior god Garuda and so on, of course, they are mythological creatures
of my world, I don't know if this world had their own mythological creatures" Though Alfonso.

"I already have a candidate to use this, however, I must first council it with the person-bird in question" Though

Just then, he heard a small sound outside of his window.

*Clank* *clank*

"Mmm? Its coming from the window" Though Alfonso.

When he opened the window, a small blue ray flashed to the room and hugs Alfonso's head.


"Hey little blue, its been a while" Said Alfonso

Little blue and Alfonso had their touching reunion for some time, after that, Little blue take its usual position on
Alfonso's head.

"Hey Little blue, I have something to talk to you" Said Alfonso while grabbing Little blue and putting him on his desk.

Little blue felt a little upset, he had been waiting for so long to be in its bed, aka Alfonso's head!

"Sorry, It will take a minute. I promise" Said Alfonso after seeing the pouting expression on Little blue.

Alfonso put the small bottle on the desk next to Little blue.

"I have this in my power, it's a bottle that contains something that can make you stronger, although it will not hurt you, I
first wanted to talk with you before-"


Before Alfonso could finish, little had Already finish the blue liquid.

"Chirp?" Said Little blue.

"Ah? Ah, yeah that's all but-"

Little blue then flew and sat on top of Alfonso's head.

"I… At least let me finish! You don't want to know what you just took!?" Said Alfonso.


"No, of course I will not hurt you but-"


"This little… 'I also know that so stop talking an let me sleep' its not a-"




Alfonso felt frustrated but not matter what he did, little blue didn't answer, he facepalm him before making a small sigh
and resume his work.

"S-s-sir, this little fellow it's too rude towards you!"

A small voice came form the hand of Alfonso, suddenly, his green ring transformed in a small python, Drakini.

"You can understand him?" Asked in surprise Alfonso.

"H-h-him? This little bird is a female sir and a very rude one!" Said Drakini.

"Oh? Little blue was female? I didn't notice that"

"Anyway, he… she is always being like this so I already get used to it, don't worry about it" Said Alfonso.

"I-I-I still felt that its treating you too lightly! You are able to talk par on par with the crippled god that's too awesome,
too cool!" Said Drakini.

"This fellow… is like a kid watching an adult" Though Alfonso

"Speaking of something else Drakini, do you felt comfortable being in the form of a ring?" Asked Alfonso to change

"W-w-well, its this one is honest with sir, I-I-I"

Drakini was panicking, he didn't know if he should tell, this make Alfonso curious, what was he trying to said?

"Just say it, we are friends, right?" Said Alfonso.

Drakini took a deep breath to give himself some courage.

"T-t-this one was wondering, if I…could…sleep…in your wrist…" Murmured Drakini.

"In my wrist? But you are too big for that right?" Asked Alfonos.

"T-t-that isn't a problem!" Said Drakini.

He coiled himself of Alfonso's wrist, surprisingly, he fit!

"It seems that the stupid brat gave you a lot" Said Alfonso.

"Y-y-yes sir! I felt that I can change my height just by thinking about it! This must because the crippled god fears sir so
wants to please you! Sir is indeed fantastic, you are the coolest!" Said Drakini with some stars on its eyes.

Alfonso could only smile helplessly after seeing this small snake.

"its more like he is just toying because he is bored" Though Alfonso.

"Maybe I should ask Drakini what other abilities Chrono give him" Though Alfonso

"Hey Drakini what did Chronos giv-"




Alfonso felt a sensation of Deja-vu.

"This is not possible" Though Alfonso.

"Hey Alfonso, what's up?"

Before Alfonso could say anything else, Cerberus entered to his room.

He didn't say anything else and jumped on Alfonso's lap.

"Hey Cerberus, why aren't you in your 'punishment'?" Asked Alfonso

"I finally got free from Demeter, I am tired, just let me hide here for some time okay?" Asked Cerberus.

"You can't do this, Demeter is REALLY scary when she gets mad, you know that right?"

Cerberus felt a small shiver on his back.

"I-its just for some time, I am sure that she wont say anything"

"I wouldn't be so sure" Thought Alfonso.

Alfonso suddenly though of something.

"Now that I think about it, said something about a powerful girl by Felio's side back at Arcadia, I didn't pay much
attention back them but maybe I can figure out something else if he tells me in detail"

"Cerberus, back them you told us about a champion that use a strange power, do you recall how-"



"Am I… am I some kind of somniferous!?" Though Alfonso.

"How could this happen? They are doing this on purpose right!?" Asked Alfonso.

"Alfonso have you seen Cerberus? H actually dared to escap-"

Just as Alfonso was wondering about this phenome, Demeter and Artemis entered his room, after seeing him, the both of
them didn't know what to say.

Alfonso looked at Demeter.

"Don't say it" Said Alfonso.

Demeter looked at him once more.



Demeter couldn't help herself.

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110 What really matters

It was a full moon night, In the middle of a rocky road, two carriages were travelling to the road, in the front carriage,
Alfonso and Artemis where currently sleeping, while in the second carriage Demeter was 'sleeping', in front of him a
young man with brown short hair and was currently looking at the sleeping Demeter. In the foot of Demeter, a small
white dog was currently sleeping.

"I had this feeling that she isn't sleeping at all" Though Lucio.

It has been three days since they departed from Tulip town towards Arcadia, For Lucio however, this trip was filled
with uncertainness. At the end of the day, he accepted the deal that Alfonso proposed.


"A mission from Asteus?" Said Alfonso.

"That's right, it seems that he was preparing to send one of his champions to Wasteland Valley, however, all of them
were busy so he delegate the work to his subordinate, the god of war Destroyer, an oracle from the Pentagate house
send the message to us, however, after knowing that we needed to go to the north, my father insisted that we shouldn't do
it, but you know, we can exactly say "no thanks" to our deity, so we try to find a loophole so we could sneak in,
coincidently, the lady of the Viritia house, Sana Viritia, came to us requesting assistant to one particular job, we didn't
know exactly what it was, but we accepted anyway and they send me" Said Lucio to Alfonso.

"Now think about it, it seems to much of a coincidence that ALL the champions of Asteus were busy, so I think that this
all plan has something to do with the Veritias, I don't why though" Said Lucio.

Alfonso stood quiet for some time, before nodding.

"I believe you, as I promise, I will give you back your powers, however, you must wait until we get to Arcadia, once
you don't present a treat to us anymore, you will have your powers back" Said Alfonso.


"Really naïve, this fallen prince, or stupid should be the correct answer, he is actually going to give me back my
powers? If I were him, I wouldn't give a damn, was the use to having one more enemy? You may as well destroy the
problem from its root" murmured Lucio.

"I think the same"

Suddenly, a voice came to Lucio's ears, he looked up and saw that this goddess lady was looking at him. He instantly
felt a shiver from his back.

One must say that Lucio really seems to have suffer some kind of trauma, because every time Demeter opened her
mouth, he felt like he had a knife pressing on his neck.

"However, he has something that you don't, and that crucial thing, is the big difference between the two of you" Said

"W-what is it?" Despite he being as scared as he was, he put some courage and asked.

"He has honor"

"He knows that you are likely to take revenge, yet, he still plan to give you back your powers, why? Because he
promised to do so, nothing else" Said Demeter.

Lucio chuckle.

"What's the use of having honor if you are death?" Said Lucio.

"You can't understand that, but to be fair, neither do I, and that is because we and him have different types of view from
the world and its people, he thinks that all of us are equals and he treat us in that way, despite being royalty, he is still
able to felt the same feeling that a commoner would felt, that isn't charity or sympathy, that is empathy, on the other hand,
you see people as they were inferior to you, no, to be more precise, you don't felt that they are humans at all, for you
they are only ants, if you crush a few of them, you wouldn't felt sorry, the same goes for me, to me, you and everyone
who isn't Alfonso's ally are ants, if I crush a few of them, I wouldn't felt sorry, not in the slightest" Said Demeter.

Lucio was stunned from this sentence.

"I don't get it, you obviously are strong, you are stronger than me, if you wanted, you could go to any other of the four
houses, and they will treat you with respect, you could get anything you want! Money, men, power, you could be a
sovereign, people could only look up to you, yet, you decided to stay here, under the wing of a stupid prince, what is
your goal? What can he gave you than I can't!?"

"Untied me and come with me to the Pentagate family, I know that I was rude to you at the beginning, I apologize,
however, as both of us are equals, I ca let bygones be bygones, think about it! With your power and my influence, I will
be the next head of the Pentagate family! And you, you will be the queen that governs by my side" Said Lucio.

Demeter didn't interrupt him, she just stared at him.

"Money? Power? I don't any of that, I always have them, and if I don't, I don't need you to give me those, I can get them
myself, as for men, I don't need 'men' I only need one man, and its sleeping ahead of us." Said Demeter.

"Let me give you one piece of advice, take however you feel like it"

"At the very end, when you are at the door of the death and the king of hell is reclaiming your soul, the power that you
hold will pass to someone else, the money that you have will not amount anything to Charon and the women that you
treasure so much will be waiting for you to died so they can spend your money."

"At the very end, what you keep with you, it's just the feeling that you did nothing wrong, so no one has debts with you to

"The question here is, Lucio Pentagate, when you die, how many people will be waiting for you to settle the accounts?"
Said Demeter.

Lucio couldn't maintain his composure and looked at her with a surprised and yet, scary expression.

Demeter didn't say anything else, she closed her eyes and sleep for the rest of the journey.

One and a half week later, the small caravan arrive to Arcadia.

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111 Meeting between lords part one

"Finally, we arrive to the miners Town, Arcadia" Said Alfonso while admiring the sight.

Alfonso and company finally arrive at Arcadia after a two-week trip, at his arrive, two guardians received them with
the respect. Alfonso wore a clock so no one could identify find, well, to be fair, it was quite difficult to hide his origins,
after all, the only people who have purple eyes and blonde hair are the royal family, however, now that Alfonso's hair
wasn't complete blond and he has an eyepatch, it wasn't so easy to identify him, it wasn't hard though.

"Welcome to Arcadia, I am the new right hand of his majesty Felio" Said a tall man with brown eyes. When Alfonso
saw him, he was surprised.

"Excelio?" Asked Alfonso.

"You are..?" Asked Excelio.

Alfonso made a gesture telling him that this wasn't a good place, Excelio understood and lead them towards the manor.
The manor wasn't so different for the one in Tulip from the outside, however, on the inside, one could see that the
furniture was way more luxurious than the one on Tulip.

"Is expected thought, after all, Arcadia is one of the richest towns in the north" Though Alfonso.

After arriving at the manor, Demeter and Cerberus took the lead while Alfonso and Artemis followed from behind.

"Welcome to my kingdom, I am the lord of Arcadia, my name is Felipe Greco, is a pleasure to meet you"
When they arrived at the hall, sitting in a huge throne was a young man with long black hair and a slim body, he wore a
long purple robe.

"And I am the queen of Tulip, as well as the youngest daughter of the Viritia family, my name is Sana Viritia" Said a
young woman sitting at the right side of Felipe. Sana wore a red elegant dress that stood out her firm and log legs, the
red dress was on par with her red hair and eyes.

"Hello, my name is Demeter, I am here as a representative of Felio as well as the lord of Wasteland Valley" Said

"I brought him, he is outside waiting, where is she?" Asked Cerberus.

"She is fine and safe, I already fetch some men to bring her here, however, I want to talk to the one in charge if you don't
mind" Said Felio.

"With me?" Asked Demeter.

"No, I am talking about the one who is standing behind you, isn't that right? Your highness Alfonso?" Said Felipe.

Alfonso was a little surprised, he didn't expect for his camouflage to be so powerless.

"Well, I was planning to stay in the dark for this, however…" Though Alfonso.

He took off his cloak and reveled his face.

Sana looked at him with strange yet seductive eyes.

"Ho? So you are the idiotic prince, not bad, you look more savage and mature that I remember" Said Sana while licking
her lip.

"The daughter of the Veritia family, Sana Veritia, I have heard of you for a long time, your fame as one of the most
beautiful princess on Leitol , presides you, it's my pleasure to meet you" Said Alfonso.

Before Alfonso could bow, he felt a small pinch of his ribs, when he looked out, he saw a dangerous look on Artemis's

"He,he, finally someone who can appreciate my beautifulness, not like SOME OTHERS" Said Sana while looking at

Felipe made a small sigh, and decided to ignore that commend.

"I want to talk with his majesty alone for some time, if you don't mind" Said Felipe.

"Sure, I want to ask you a few things" Said Alfonso.

Both sides understood what both lords were thinking, Demeter, Artemis and Cerberus left the hall with Sana and

In a few seconds both, Alfonso and Felipe stood face to face, Felipe stood up form his throne, and walked towards
Alfonso, he stopped when he was one meter away from Alfonso.

"I just have one question for you" Said Felipe.

"What a coincidence, I also have one question for you" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso and Felipe waited for some time before speaking

""What is your objective?"" Asked Both at the same time.

It could be said that both of them already figure what happened, on one side, Felipe already conclude that Alfonso
survive the horde, not only thanks to Demeter and the other guy in white, but also himself somehow acquire some kind
of power, not only that, based on the fact that Cerberus was also by his side it means that he somehow acquire the
friendship of this animals, Felipe knew that the Jubila forest had some mysteries, one of them was its creatures, it says
in the legends that the creatures that lives there are extraordinary looking at Cerberus and the way he fough against Sana
give him all the clues he needed, but there was one thing the he couldn't understand no matter how hard he thought about
it, what was the objective in joining in a war that wasn't his, what was he planning?

On the other side, Alfonso already figure out that Felipe was probably the one who bait Titio in attacking Tulip, this
came with the small talk he had with Cerberus and Cat one after they came back from Arcadia and the fact that he is the
one sitting in the throne and not Excelio. As for the matter of the Verirtias, he almost had all the pieces, he only needed
one more crucial piece, what benefit brings to Felipe selling out Lucio and becoming an enemy of the Pentagates?

Both of them chuckle, after some time, Alfonso was the one who talk.

"I want to open a route of commerce from Wasteland Valley to Tulip, my people suffer from hunger, although we are
okay from now, we don't know in the future, that's why, I need them" Said Alfonso.

"Just for that?" Asked Felipe.

"If money don't circulate on a town, then there is no 'Town' only a group of people living together, I don't want that, I
will make Wasteland Valley a town, for that, I need Tulip to stay alive, if Arcadia took control of Tulip, it will take
ages to settle the commerce and for the town to recuperate, it will take at least a year or two, I don't have that time" Said

Felipe stay quiet for some time, after some time, he opened his mouth.

"The ally house of the Boltors, the Ulters suffer a major blow after the head of the family died a few years ago, from that
day on, the house and it resources has been divided between the three princes, but this princes, with their internal wars
are destroying it little by little, so, the Boltors intervene and decided that they will choose the next head of The Ulters,
the new head will not only control the resource but will also enter the social circle of the Boltors making him an
outsider sect, The Boltors have been searching for some time and couldn't find a suitable head, not until I contact them
through the Veritias making them a propose that they couldn't refuse"

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112 Meeting between lords part two

"A propose?" Asked Alfonso

"That's right, A big event its coming to Leitol, the four big families as well as others families will be there, it will take
place in fifteen months" Said Felipe.
"A big event? What event?" Asked Alfonso.

"That's right, it will take place in Dragon City and it concerns the royal family, the Lockheart family, coincidently, you
are the star of this event" Said Felio.

"My family?" Though Alfonso.

After a small pause, Felipe made a small yet cool smile.

"After all, the emperor is celebrating your funeral that day" Said Felipe

"W-what?" Said Alfonso.

"The last prince of Leitol, Alfonso Lockheart die three months ago with the horde, the emperor, in his benevolence, took
out the title of fallen prince and let you be 'bury' in the Lockheart's family graveyard. Aren't you glad, 'prince' Alfonso?
You finally got back to your family, hehe" Said Felipe.

Alfonso clenched his fists, even though he didn't plan to return to the Lockheart family, this was too much, even for him.

"How do you know that?" Asked Alfonso.

"Secret information form the head of the Veritias, let's just said that been the son-in-law of one the most powerful house
in Leitol has its benefits, anyway, the day of your funeral, you father will be doing a selection of the next successor of
your territories as well as decide the next head of your ex-battalion, but only nominated people will be able to
participate, each house that is invited can nominated one candidate, however, the four houses can nominate two
candidates" Said Felipe.

"I see, you will eliminate the competition, and the Boltors will give you a spot, so their chances rise while the
Pentagates chances decrease" Said Alfonso

"That's right, the only possible candidates in the Pentagate family that are available for this kind of spot are Lucio and
his elder sister, Victoria, the other ones are in the militia or are already part of a battalion" Said Felipe.

Alfonso didn't say anything, after some minutes he just nodded.

"It seems that our business is done, I will be going now" Said Alfonso.

Felipe look the face of Alfonso and made a satisfied smile

"You might go now then, I will see you soon" Said Felipe.

Alfonso turned around and was about to leave the hall, but he stopped in front of the door

"…You are a crafty one"

Said Alfonso

"However, I will play with you"

After saying that Alfonso left the hall leaving Felipe there looking at him, Felipe licked the inferior part of his lips.

"Interesting" Said Felipe.

He then turned around and went on his way.


"The princess is on the other room, you might pick her up, we already retrieve the other 'good'" Said one soldier to
Alfonso and company.

Alfonso nodded. After that he, Demeter, Cerberus and Artemis went on their way to retrieve Susana.

"What did you two talk about?" Asked Artemis.

Alfonso didn't answer, he just remained in silence, after some seconds he only say this.

"Felipe Grego, he is a dangerous man" Said Alfonso.

After some steps they discover a beautiful figure sitting in a chair.


"Why did you tell him all the info?" Asked Sana.

After retrieving Lucio, Sana and Felipe went on their way to see him.

"Tell me, if you knew that your father will give you a nice and lovely funeral and distribute all your goods, why you are
still well and kicking, how will you feel?" Asked Felipe.

"Enraged, furious and will killing intent" Answer Sana.

"That's right, back then went I looked at Alfonso's face" Said Felipe while remembering the face of Alfonso, especially
his eye, he couldn't help but smile.

"That wasn't the face of someone who will sit back and enjoy the show" Concluded Felipe

After thinking for some time, Sana reach a conclusion.

"Oh! Now I get it, you sure are a crafty one my dear" Said Sana.

"But I must say that prince Alfonso surely surprise me this time" Said Felipe.

"Why? Because he fell for the trap so easily, well, you couldn't expect more from the idiotic prince" Said Sana.

"Easily? He saw through it just like that, whoever said that Alfonso is stupid must have some mental problems, in fact, I
am beginning to question who is more dangerous, he or his brothers" Though Felipe, but he didn't say it loud, he just
remained in silence.

At the end of the room, a small young man with brown hair was sitting on a chair.

"Nice to see you two again" Said Lucio with sarcasm.

"I hope you can forgive us, Lucio, I don't want to be your enemy, but you pay a crucial role in my plan" Said Felipe.

Lucio looked at him and made a small smirk.

"And what makes you think that you can retain me here? I am Lucio Pentagate! Despite being weak, I don't need even
half of my strength to take care of both of you" Said Lucio.
Felipe only looked at Lucio and made a small hand gesture after that, Lucio's eyes suddenly became blank, after some
time, his eyes came back to normal, however, there was something else on his eyes.

"Y-y-y-y-y-you, what kind of power was that!?" Asked Lucio.

With some fatigue showing in his face Felipe only looked at him and then turned around, his pace was slower though.
Lucio only stood there, without moving, no, to be more precise, he didn't dare to move.

"As always, your power is incredible, I don't understand it, though" Said Sana.

"You don't need to, you just have to follow my lead" Said Felipe.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked directly at Sana, his right surprisingly turned green!

"With my powers"

In the right hand of Felipe, a small yet almost invisible green ring appeared!

"Nobody can stop me, not even an emperor!"

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113 Confrontation
"Nice to meet you, prince Alfonso, my name is Susana Gremio, daughter of Felio and princess of Tulip, for rescuing me,
I can't appreciate you enough" Said Susana while bowing.

She was sitting on a big chair, apparently, the soldiers were the one to carry her here.

"Do you recognize me?" Asked Alfonso.

"Your purple eye and your blond hair betray you, your highness" Said Susana

"Well, in that case I will skip the formalities, however, you don't have to call me prince Alfonso, my current identity is
Alfonso Lockheart, lord of Wasteland Valley, nice to meet you princess Susana, I am currently an ally of Tulip so I
came to pick you up, your father is waiting for you" Said Alfonso.

"Father! He is alive!" Said Susana with happiness.

"Yep, he didn't suffer any major injuries, anyway, let's go, we have plenty of time to talk in the way" Said Alfonso.

"I-I am sorry for the inconvenience but…as you see…" Said Susana with embarrassment and signaled her legs.

"Oh… oh yeah, then let me-"

Before Alfonso could finish, he remembered that he also wasn't in the best of his conditions, after all, he was using a
cane. It was an awkward silence between both.

"Let me" Said Artemis, she effortlessly put Susana in her shoulder.
"…!" Susana wanted to say something, but she couldn't find the words.

"This guy is…!" Though Susana.

Alfonso was also sweeting after seeing this. He made a facepalm while stomping his cane on Artemis's foot.


"That's my line! She is a princess for god sake! At least carry her in a more elegant way!" Said Alfonso with a half
smiling half crying face.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Demeter was laughing at one side with her hand on her stomach.


On the way home, Alfonso felt really tired, so he postponed his conversation with Susana for tomorrow he lied down in
the carriage and felt asleep almost immediately.

"His ability to sleep is impressive, he can sleep so soundly in this poor carriage" Though Susana.

"Well, he loves to sleep after all, it's not surprising"

A voice came from below, when Susana looked , she saw a small white puppy looking at her.

"You were the one who bring them here right? I must also thank you, little fellow" Said Susana with a beautiful smile.

"The name is Cerberus not little fellow" Said Cerberus while jumping and sitting next to her.

"Oh, sorry about that" Said Susana.

"Don't worry, So how are you feeling?" Asked Cerberus.

"I am good"

"Not about that, I am asking about returning back home" Said Cerberus.

"Well, of course I am looking for-"

"I don't think so"

However, Susana paused before completing her phrase., because someone else interrupted her speech, it was Artemis
who appeared by her left side.

"Where did you came from!?" Asked Susana in surprise.

"That doesn't matter for the moment, however, I came to talk to you about something" Said Artemis.

She looked straight into Susana's eyes and then said something that made her blood turn cold.

"You reek of death"

Susana's face became pale.

Cerberus who was looking by the other side, didn't say anything, however, he didn't move from his spot.

Artemis put her hand on the belly of Susana and her face turned colder and colder.

"She wanted to be born"

"It wasn't her time yet"

"And now she is trapped in this plane, she won't be able to past the Styx river"

"You condemned her a life of eternal suffering!"


If Alfonso was awake, he would be extremely surprise, he had known Artemis the most and knew her character,
although she always seen cold, she wasn't really upset or angry, that was her natural expression, however, this time, she
was truly enraged!

"I-I-I" Susana wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in her throat, suddenly, she felt the presence that
always torment her in her dreams, behind her, looking at her, with despair and yet hateful eyes.

Demeter who was inside the carriage at Alfonso's side, wasn't looking at them, but was listening.

"She was always like this went it came to unborn babies, even back in the day, she would sent people who dared to
intervene on a birth to the Tartarus, but in her case… its one hundred time worst" Though Demeter.

"I-I didn't want this children! I was raped! I won't let that man's seed be born on this world!" Said Susana.

"It wasn't this child fault" Said Artemis while grabbing Susana's collar.

"The faults of this world, it had nothing to do with her"

"She wasn't the one who raped you, she wasn't the one wo make you go in despair, so what you did wasn't a favor to
this world" Said Artemis. "It was just murder"

Susana didn't know how to reply, she just lowered her head while some tears appeared on her cheeks.

"That's enough"

A firm yet cold voice came from behind them, after turning around, Artemis and Susana saw Alfonso sitting up.


"Go back to the other carriage Artemis, Cerberus, go with her" Said Alfonso.

Cerberus just nodded and went on his way. Artemis looked at Alfonso.

"Go, I will take care of this" Said Alfonso.

Artemis didn't move.

"Its an order Artemis, go, I will talk to you later" Said Alfonso.

Artemis didn't say anything else, she stood up and disappear from everyone's side.
Alfonso stood up and went in front, sitting down at Susana's side.

"Man, I really hate went people wake me up" Though Alfonso.

"It's a lovely night, so let's have a good chat, princess Susana" Said Alfonso.

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114 Values
Alfonso sat down next to Susana who was cleaning the tears on her eyes.

"Is he also going to throw me in the face the fact that I am a murderer?" Though Susana with a bitter expression.

"How was your childhood?" Asked Alfonso.

"Eh?" Susana wasn't ready fort this kind of question, so she didn't know how to answer.

"I asked you, how was your childhood? Did you enjoy it?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well…it was pretty normal I think…?" Said Susana with some stiffness.

"I don't think that the childhood of a princess is anything but normal" Said Alfonso with a small chuckle.

Susana though for some time.

"I-I used to study a lot, so I didn't go out a lot" Said Susana.

"Oh? Why did you study? You liked to study or because Felio force you?" Asked Alfonso.

"N-no I liked to study, in fact, father told me numerous of times that I should experiment more of the real world instead
of the paper world" Said Susana.

"I see, in my case I wasn't a brilliant nor a very obedient kid, since I was a child, I liked to play a lot and was very
nasty, my mom used to reproach a lot because I failed a lot of my courses in the school" Said Alfonso while looking at
the moon.

Right now, he wasn't Alfonso Lockheart, the lord of Wasteland Valley, he was just a normal old man missing his home.
A lot of memories came into his mind.

"Did you know your mother?" Said Susana.

"Yeah, my dad was always away, sometimes was for work, sometimes was for pleasure, but my mom never said
anything to him, she dedicated her life to rise me and my sister, of course, my father loved my mother, I don't have a
single doubt about that, in fact, I remember one time that my mom threat my father to leave him… hehe… that time he
almost begged on his knees that she stayed" Said Alfonso.

"The emperor really did that!?" Asked Susana.

"Huh… ah…ah yeah, my father Willian really did that, but keep as a secret ok? Otherwise, my had would roll" Said


"Anyway, I was fortunate that my mom was around, she taught me everything, from how to walk to how to be a good
brother, a good son and a good man, for that, I will be eternally grateful" Said Alfonso.

Susana didn't say anything she lowered her head, but a image of a man came to his mind. He had a huge smile while
calling her.

"Father" Though Susana.

"When I was young, I made a lot of mistakes, I make my mother and father suffer a lot, there is not a single day that I
don't ask myself, why didn't I do this? Or Why did I this that?" Said Alfonso.

Susana felt that the words of Alfonso resonated with her heart, so she couldn't help but close her face to Alfonso's in

"But, if live have taught me something, is that there is no "if" in this world, there are no second chances, once you make
a decision, is definitive, you can't erase it, that's why, when you do something, you have to realize what are the
consequences of your own actions, and just for you but the people are your side, I am not talking about your friends, I
am talking about the people who are always by your side, even in your darkest time" Said Alfonso.

Susana couldn't help but grab her chest tightly as is her heart was about to explode.

With some tears on her eyes, she looked at Alfonso and asked.

"Was I… was I wrong?"

Alfonso looked at her and said with seriousness.

"Nobody can't tell you if you are wrong or right, in this world, everything is a matter of perception, there is no absolute
evil or absolute goodness in this world, the only person who can tell you that, is yourself" Said Alfonso.

"No matter what decision you make, if you think it was the right decision, then…that's enough, but remember, no matter
what decision you make, is yours and yours alone, you will have to take full responsibility of it, if it was a right
decision or not, only time will tell, however, you must live with that, you have to keep moving forward, no matter what
you decided" Said Alfonso.

Susana couldn't take it anymore and started crying like a baby, Alfonso only made a small sight and patted her back,
Susana grabbed Alfonso's back and hugged him while crying.

"She is just a child after all" Thought Alfonso.


Artemis was frowning on the carriage, she was alone looking at the full moon.

"Still upset?" Suddenly a voice came from her side.

She turned around and found Alfonso sitting by her side with a small smile on his face.

"I am not upset" Said Artemis with her usual cold face.
"Hehe…I have known you the most since I came to this world, I can already tell that, despite your face, you are quite the
emotional person" Said Alfonso.

Artemis made a small "Hmph" and then turned around, giving her back to Alfonso.

Alfonso made a small chuckle and stood there without saying anything.

After some minutes passed, someone finally broke the silence.

"Do you… do you also think like her?" Asked Artemis.

"Think like her about what?" Asked Alfonso with calmness.

"Would you also kill an innocent one just because of someone else mistake?" Asked Artemis.

Alfonso was quiet for some time before opening his mouth.

"I am not on Susana's side" Said Alfonso.


"However, I am not at your side either" Said Alfonso before Artemis could continue.

Alfonso grabbed Artemis hand and looked her right into her eyes.

"This is not a matter of who is wrong or who is right, were are individuals with our own ideas and our own values, if
she is wrong or not, we don't have the right to judge her, yeah, she might be wrong, however, that is her problem,
Artemis, I am not telling you to change your values however, you must learn that we can't impose our own values to
others, because, went we think that we have the right and the duty to make others accept our own values discarding their
own, is went we transform into another kind of people, your father, Zeus is a good example of that" Said Alfonso.

Artemis looked at Alfonso and was confused by his speech.

"Why can't I force someone to accept what I believe is right? Are you telling me that I have to accept something that
goes again my own nature!?" Said Artemis.

"NO! I am not telling you to change, I am telling you that you must use your own values to change others perspective, not
forcing them on others!" Said Alfonso "Artemis, if your force people to became like you, then, they will not have a
change of heart, they will only act because of fear, if you want to change someone's values you must first change their
heart and the only way to do that is to talk, don't underestimated the word "talk", because talking requires a very simple
yet extremely important condition, and that condition is the two sides are willing to listen the other one" Said Alfonso.

Artemis looked at Alfonso.

"Why must I do something like that?" Said Artemis.

Alfonso smiled at her and caress her face.

"Because you are the goddess, Artemis. Be willing to defend your position and inspire others is the quality of a good
leader, however, the power to inspire others and yet have the heart to listen and respect other's people opinions is the
quality of those who stood among the masses, dragons between men, I firmly believe that you are one of the formers
ones, Artemis" Said Alfonso.

Artemis stood there for some time, before making a small yet satisfying smile.
"Uhm" Said Artemis while grabbing Alfonso's hand.


"Man, I am tired" Said Alfonso while throwing himself to the floor. After staying with Artemis for some time, he headed
back to sleep, he was beaten.

"I am impressed"

Before he could close his eyes, a lovely voice came from behind. Alfonso didn't need to turn around to knew who the
other of the voice was.

"Impressed about what?" Asked Alfonso.

"I heard all of it~ I didn't know that you would be able to calm those two, but you pulled it thrown" Said Demeter.

"It's nothing really, where I came from, the debate between abortion is hot, nobody has the right answer so this kind of
discrepancies are normal between people of different believes, this not only applies to this theme in particular, religion,
money, power, politics, every subject on this world has two parts and people defending one part or other" Said

Demeter didn't say anything but smiled sweetly and hugged Alfonso from behind.

"So, what's your answer? You won't tell me that you don't have one, do you?" Asked Demeter.

Alfonso stood still for some time before murmuring some words that only Demeter could hear.

"What do you think? Disappointed?" Asked Alfonso.

"No, although is not the answer that I wanted to hear, I think that is a perfect answer" Said Demeter.

Alfonso only chuckle a little before closing his eyes, however he was just about to enter the dream world went a voice
made her heart beat faster than ever.

"I am falling more for you, be careful, if you keep like this, one time I will just eat you without warning, don't blame me
by then okay~" Said Demeter while giving Alfonso a small kiss on his check.

"Please spare me from that, I don't want to become food" Said Alfonso with a small sigh.

Then he finally was able to sleep, curiously enough, Susana didn't dream with the baby anymore and, after many years,
she had very good and peaceful night.

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115 Hidden Title

"My daughter! Oh my daughter, I have pray day and finally you are by my side once again" Said Felio while hugging
Susana with tears on his eyes.
Today, Alfonso and company finally arrived at Tulip, Felio, who have been waiting for almost a month finally could
make a sigh of relieve after seeing Susana, Susana was also moved and hugged his father with all her heart.

Alfonso stood by one side with Artemis, Demeter and Cerberus were waiting on the carriage, obviously, little blue was
at her favorite spot as always, however, Alfonso was a little worried.

"Since she took the bloodline, she hasn't woken up, however, there seems to be some changes in her" Alfonso took Little
blue from his head and so her with care, the first thing he noticed was that some of her previous blue feathers were
gradually transforming into orange.

"Aside from that, I don't see any changes" Though Alfonso.

After doing this, he put Little blue on his head once again, there was something that Alfonso didn't understood at all

"No matter how I move or even If I jump, she doesn't fall of from my head, but If I volunteered lift her, I can take her off,
why?" Though Alfonso.

While Alfonso was thinking, Felio put Susana on a wheelchair, it wasn't a great one thought, it was a very rudimental

"Alfonso, I can't thank you enough from bring her back, for this you have my, Felio Gremio, completely loyalty, if you
want my sword to be unleashed, then so be it!" Said Felio while kneeling towards Alfonso.

"You said it, not me, at that time, please be sure to keep your promise" Said Alfonso with a small smile.

"Of course!" Said Felio.

"Anyways, what plans do you have from now on?" Asked Alfonso.

"I will stay as a king after you bring out the person that will replace me, as I said before, I don't want to be a king
anymore, I want to retire and spend the rest of my life in peace with my daughter, however, there is something thatI must
tell to Susana, I will like you heard it as well, Alfonso" Said Felio.

He turned around and looked at Susana.

"Susana, my daughter, since you were a child I always took the decision for you ,I always thought that I was doing the
best for you and I didn't let you decide your own destiny, after so many years, I finally realize that I was wrong, I
shouldn't have force you to do something you didn't want to, so, for this moment on, I will let you decide your own
destiny, you won't have the surname Gremio anymore, you will use the surname of your mother and be free to do what
you want, this is the most hard and yet, the last thing that I will force you to do as your father" Said Felio with firmness.

Susana looked at Felio with a stunned expression, however, she wasn't a stupid person, she knew that her father was
doing this for her anew, she wouldn't be the beauty of the north anymore nor will she be tied to politics issues.

She will truly be free, once and for all.

Alfonso was stupefied by Felio's decision, he knew how much this man loved her daughter, so he knew that the only
wish of Felio was to protect her daughter from everything, despite this, he decided to let Susana make her own
mistakes, Alfonso really felt admiration for this man.

"A father's love" Though Alfonso.

Susana had some tears on her eyes, however, she wiped them and looked at her father, then she kneeled on the ground in
front of Felio.

"For rising me for twenty two years , I cant appreciate you enough, I , Susana Helen of Troy, will forever be grateful"
Said Susana.


Interrupting the emotional scene, Alfonso suddenly shuddered when he heard the name that Susana had just said.

Alfonso grabbed the kneeled Susana by the shoulders and asked her.

"Wh- what name did you just said!?" Asked Alfonso.

"Eh..ah…well… my… my mother's surname was 'of troy' so…" Said Susana with.

"What about Helen? Why did you call yourself Helen!?" Said Alfonso.

"Well, Helen is her second name, her mother was also called Helen so, in the memory of her, I put her that name, she
didn't like the name Helen though" Said Felio who was looking at Alfonso.

"My name is Susana, my mother0s name is Helen" Said Susana.

"You gotta be kidding me…" Murmured Alfonso.

"What's the matter Alfonso?" Asked Felio.


Suddenly, a notification came to Alfonso's mind, he already saw it coming however, he still became surprised after
seeing it.

'Congratulations to host for finding the hero

[Helen of Troy, The Scholar!]'

Alfonso took some time before calming himself, he turned to the stupefied daughter and father duo and said

"Susana, I have a proposition for you"

"How about working for me?" Asked Alfonso.


In the manor of Arcadia a tall and cheerful girl was looking at the man in front of him, the man was looking at her
straight into the eyes, without showing fear, this was strange indeed! Because if anyone else saw this young woman, they
would prostrate on the ground to make her way.

"I am also part of the four dragons, I don't fear you Victoria" Said Lucio while looking at Victoria.

"Ho~ for someone who is about to become a war prisoner you sure are calm, aren't you Lucio? Shishishi, who would
have thought that the proudest son of the gods, Lucio Pentagate, would be reduced to such a state" Said Victoria between

"He is Lucio, as per the contract, you won't do him anything bad and you will add me to the selection list" Said Felipe
who was behind Lucio, at his side was Sana.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, don't talk to me, you aren't different from an insect, so talking to you would be pointless,
blockhead, give him the papers, I will take Lucio for some 'playing'" Said Victoria without even looking at Felipe.

Sana became angry and was about to talk when Felipe grab her hand and shook her head.

Victoria notice this reaction and made a small yet arrogant chuckle.

"If you don't like it, come and play with me, if you can take one of my hits, then you are qualify to talk to me, if you make
me use my powers, then you can became my friends, if you defeat me… shishishi, I wouldn't mind marrying you and
give you a lot of kids" Said Victoria.

"[Gravity falls]!"

Suddenly, Sana's eyes became cold and were filled with murderous intent, she used her powers and went straight
towards Victoria.

Victoria saw this and didn't say anything, she just stood there.


A sound could be heard in the air, Sana realized stupefied that Victoria had disappear from sigh!

"Where" Though Sana.

"I killed you four times" A voice came from behind Sana, when she notices, she realized that there was a sword on her

"Not qualify" Said Victoria with a cold voice, she put the sword back on her waist and went on her way without looking

"Be grateful that you have the Queen of winds backing you, however, mark this words, the next time that you do that, I
will destroy that beautiful face of yours"

Before leaving, Victoria left these words making Sana and Felipe felt a chill on their backs.

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116 Good job, Your highness

"Finally, at home" Said Alfonso.

It has been almost 3 months since he left towards Tulip, so he felt somehow nostalgic after seeing Wasteland Valley.

"So this is Wasteland Valley, it sure is freezing here!" Said one beautiful blonde young woman behind Alfonso, it was
the ex-princess of Tulip, Susana. After talking with her and Felio, Alfonso manage to convince her to stay in Wasteland
Valley and be part of the teachers in the educational program he is managing.
"Just Tailor and Little Pit won't be enough after all, but with her here, it will take some load from their shoulders"
Though Alfonso.

"Your highness! you are finally back!" A voice came from the entrance of Wasteland Valley, went Alfonso notice he
saw Ribeiro, Deferio and the rest of the Spartans, even Taylor and Little pit were here.

"Big brother! You are finally here! I get tired of waiting for you, you owe mt histories!" Said Little Pit while grabbing
Alfonso's hand.

"Your highness, it's good to see you safe" Said Tailor while bowing.

""We greet our lord, Alfonso Lockheart!"" The Spartans kneeled with Deferio at the head.

"Everyone, thanks for receiving us, yeah its been a tough trip but we are finally here, oh yeah, we have some new
friends that will stay here from now on, let me introduce you" Said Alfonso.

Suddenly everyone saw a gorgeous woman in the front site of the carriage, everyone's heart skipped a bit.

"This is Susana, she will help Little Pit and Taylor on the educational program" Said Alfonso while taking out the

Artemis got out of the carriage and carry Susana and put her on the wheelchair.

"Hello everyone, my name is Susana of Troy, nice to meet you" Said Susana.

"Wahhh, you are beautiful, auntie!" Said Little Pit while seeing Susana.

"Auntie" Susana felt an arrow piercing her heart after hearing Little PIt calling her auntie.

*Cough* *Cough*

Alfonso coughed awkwardly while looking at Taylor.

Taylor only made an apologetic bow towards Susana while grabbing Little Pit.

"Anyway, we will have to prepare a room for here at the manor, Ribeiro I leave you this task to you" Said Alfonso.

"As you wish, your highness" Said Ribeiro.

"And one more thing, the ground here it's not suitable for the wheelchair, its covered in snow after all, so we will need
a wolf to help Susana, by the way, were are they?" Asked Alfonso.

"HMPH! My stupid kids there to play lazy while I am not around, hehehehehehe" Cerberus saw that any wolves were
there to receive him, so he began to laugh in a sinister way.

"It seems that he wants someone to blow out some steam after the punishment of Demeter" Though Alfonso.

"Well, they are with the hunters right now, since your majesty went away, the wolves have been practice their
coordination with the rest of the people of Wasteland Valley, now, each family has one or two wolves that their very
close so they got together to hunt, for their service, the family give some of their prey to them, it has create a good
atmosphere here" Report Ribeiro.

"Well, that's good" Said Alfonso.


Suddenly, a small howl, came from behind Ribeiro and the rest, Alfonso saw a wolf coming from behind, this wolf had
one eye closed and was completely white.

"It's you" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso recognized this wolf, he was the one that took the blow back in the fight with Tulip.

The wolf walked towards Alfonso and rub his head on Alfonso's hand. Alfonso couldn't help but smile and rub the
wolf's head.

"Hey!" Cerberus suddenly jumped in front of the wolf and put himself between Alfonso and the wolf.

"Mine, not yours, mine" Said Cerberus to the wolf.

The wolf looked at Cerberus for some time before making a small chuckle.

"This little!" Though Cerberus.

"Okay, that's enough, actually, you came in a good time…mmmm? Now that I think about it, I don't know your name,
would you mind telling me your name?" Said Alfonso towards the wolf.

The wolf moved his head to the sides, Alfonso had a great affinity with wolves, so he understood what the wolf meant.

"You don't have a name?" Said Alfonso.

The wolf nodded.

Alfonso looked at the wolf for some time before remembering something from his past life.

"How about white fang? Do you like it?" Asked Alfonso.

"Aooooo!" The wolf make a happy howl while moving its tail.

"Good! From now on you are white fang! So , I have a favor to ask you, she is my friend Susana, she cant walk, would
you mind giving her a trip to the manor?" Asked Alfonso.

The wolf didn't say anything and walked towards Susana, he made a small bow and offered its back.

Susana was afraid; however, she saw Alfonso who was nodding his head. She took a deep breath and sat on White
fang's back.

"Waooo!" Susana felt somehow excited.

"Hey Alfonso, how long do I have to wait here?" Suddenly a voice came from behind the carriage.

Everyone found the voice lovely and enchanting, they only had one though.

"The owner of this voice must be a beauty!"

"Sorry, I was just about to, okay everyone, there is one more person, actually, she is the daughter of Demeter, Demeter's
family comes from Tulip so she decided to stay there for some time, however, she asked me to take her granddaughter to
replace her, she is also called Demtere, come out" Said Alfonso.
He needed a story to be convinced, he already talked to Demeter and the rest about this and they come with this small
lie, after all, he couldn't just say that the old woman suddenly transformed into a beautiful girl!

When Demeter went out of the carriage, everyone's jaw opened, they were so open than a egg could fit in without any

"OH MY GOD!" Said Ribeiro.

"WOAAHH! Dad, is she a goddess!? She is too pretty!" Said Little Pit.

Even Taylor, who was usually very calm and serene, had his heart beating at the speed of light.

The Spartans weren't an exception some of them were drooling.

"Hello everyone, my name is Demeter, I will be replacing Demeter's grandmother from now on, please take care of me"
Said Demeter with a lovely smile.

All of them, took a deep breath and. Like they had rehearsed it before, looked at Alfonso and lifter thumb.

""YOUR HIGHNESS, GOOD JOB!"" Said Everyone.


Even White fang looked at Alfonso with its eyes telling him.


Alfonso didn't now whatever to laugh or cry.

"These guys…" Though Alfonso while rubbing his eyebrows.

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117 The amazons!

"By the way, did a young girl came went I was absent?" Asked Alfonso.

"Oh, you are talking about Hygieia? Yeah, she can with a letter sign by you, she is temporally resting in the manor as per
your orders" Said Ribeiro.

"Good, it seems that everything is going according to plan" Said Alfonso with satisfaction.

"Well, actually… there is… an issue that requires your highness attention" Said Ribeiro.

"Issue? What happen?" Asked Alfonso.

Ribeiro turned to his right and signaled Deferio.

"Your highness, actually the thing is like this, about a week after you were gone, two visitors came to Wasteland
Valley" Said Deferio.

"Visitors?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yeah, and there is more, they actually came… from the Jubila forest!" Said Deferio.

"What!?" Asked Alfonso in surprise.

"Yeah, they said to be from the only tribe on the Jubila forest, they call themselves 'Amazon', they make a request to see
the Lord of this place, however, seeing that you werent here, they came to me and Ribeiro, they wanted to ask for
cooperation" Said Deferio.

"Cooperation? What kind of cooperation?" Asked Alfonso.

"They didn't want to said it, they told me that they will only talk to the one in charge, so they talked to Hephaestus, I
don't know what they said to him, but he agreed to follow one of them back to their tribe in the Jubila forest, one of them
stayed here so she could wait for you, she is waiting in the manor" Said Deferio.

"They convinced Hephaestus to leave the forge? This is very interesting" Though Alfonso.

"Ok, let's go talk to this friend, by the way, how do they look like?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well…" Deferio hesitated before saying

"They looked like humans, but I have my doubts, its better if you seem him yourself, your highness" Said Deferio.

"?" Alfonso didn't understand what Deferio meant.


"Nice to meet you, my name is Antiope, nice to meet you, lord of the snow land" Said a tall girl to Alfonso and the rest.

"Well, I now get what Deferio mean" Though Alfonso.

The woman in front of him was huge, she was roughly one and a half heads taller than Alfonso.

"At least two and twenty centimeters, wow" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso was fairly tall in this new body; however, he couldn't help but feel tiny in front of this woman, that wasn't all
though, this girl wore an arrow and a arc in her back and was tanned skin. She wore a pair of sandals and a set of
clothes made of fur that was obviously made with the idea of making the body as agile as possible, her hair was long
and dark hair and black eyes.

"Nice to meet you Antiope, my name is Alfonso Lockheart, lord of Wasteland Valley, may I know what brings you
here?" Asked Alfonso.

Antiope took a deep breath and then kneeled towards Alfonso and the others.

"I came here by the others of our leader, Lisipe, to request for help, the lakshets has invaded our territory, please we
beg sir to show mercy and help us" Said Antiope.

Alfonso listen with detail every word Antiope said, he made a gesture to Antiope to stood up, she though for some time
and then said.
"I have more questions for you, as to whatever I will help or not, we will see, everyone abandoned this room, Artemis,
you stay back" Said Alfonso.

"As your order, your highness" Said Everyone and then they left except for Artemis.

Now in the room were only Artemis, Alfonso and Antiope.

Alfonso looked at Antiope for some time.

"Antiope, I only have two questions for you" Said Alfonso.


Alfonso took out a map from the desk and put in in the table.

"Where exactly is your tribe, signaled here please" Said Alfonso.

Antiope hesitated for some time, she looked back at Alfonso and then at Artemis, who was looking at her without
blinking, she took her finger and signaled in the map.

"At the border between the inner part and the outer part?" Said Alfonso.

"That's right. Us Amazons have leave there since the beginning" Said Antiope.

Alfonso only nodded and put back the map.

"My final question is, how did you convinced Hephaestus to go there, what did you say to him?" Asked Alfonso.

"My sister… Mirina, she is the one who convinced your friend, as for the details, I don't know, but maybe…"

"Maybe…?" Asked Alfonso.

"Maybe she mentioned the legend" Said Antiope.

"Legend? What legend?" Asked Alfonso.

"Its… in a fairy tale in our homeland, apparently, in some place near here, our ancestor, the sword goddess had a suitor
who carried one of the seven words, the flame sword, ignite , our ancestor and the man fight for the hand of our
ancestor, but, at the end, our ancestor won the fight and ignite was destroyed, however, its nucleus was lose in the
battle, some people said that it nucleus was made by the god of fire using one of his two hearts, they said that, once you
touch the flame, it will never blow out, not even if the goddess of water herself came in" Said Antiope.

"The seven swords again? I have been hearing about these swords lately" Though Alfonso.

"Okay, that's all I guess" Said Alfonso.

Antiope was about to talk but Alfonso stop her.

"I know what you want to say, however, I can't think of a good reason to help you, I know that it sounds cruel, believe
me, if I had more tools or people by my side I will think about it, but, as you see, there is only a handful of people who
can fight in this Valley, and we just came from a huge war that almost cost my life as well as the rest of my friends, I
won't put them in danger again, not for this at least, I can give you another solution though" Said Alfonso.

"What- what other solution?" Asked Antiope.

"Bring your tribe here, we won't close our doors, we will gladly accept you and your tribe, this is the best I can do for
you and your tribe" Said Alfonso.

Antiope seemed to be troubled, she though for some time, before seeing at Alfonso once more.

"At least… can you come with me to convince our leader? I can't make a decision like this on my own and our land is
where we grow up, we can just give our back to them, but, if is what is needed to do to safe my family, then I am
willing, please, accept this selfish request of mine" Said Antiope.

Alfonso looked at her and then looked back at Artemis, her face was cold and expressionless as always however, she
looked down and saw Alfonso looking at her, they didn't say anything, there wasn't any need to, Alfonso made a small
sigh and smiled towards antiope.

"This request, I accept it" Said Alfonso.


Host Alfonso Lockheart had triggered the side mission

[A helping Hand!]'

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118 Little Pit“s progress

"Antiope although I said I accept, I Will not depart with you immediately, after all, I just came back from a long trip and
I need to check somethings and make preparations, give me one week and then will be depart, is that okay with you?"
Asked Alfonso.

"Yes, sister Miria has already departed with mister Hephaestus and he seemed very strong, by now, they should be in
our village, so we can take a little bit of time before going" Said Antiope.

"Great, felt comfortable here, I will treat you as a guess so don't hesitate to ask me if you need anything, Ribeiro will be
also here so felt at home, I still have some things to do so I will have to excuse myself" Said Alfonso.

"Please don't worry, I am only a guess, is already kind of you accept my selfish request, for that, I, Antiope, give you,
my humbles thanks" Said Antiope.

Alfonso nodded and left the room with Artemis.


"Why did you accept?" Asked Artemis.

"It seemed that you wanted to help her" Said Alfonso.

"I… how?" Said Artemis.

"I told you right? I know you, more than you think, although it's not entirely because of that, I am not that good of a
person either, I asked you, they live in the inner part of the Jubila forest right? The question here is, how did they
survive?" Asked Alfonso.

"Hunting" Said Artemis.

"It can't be only that, the beast of the outer part of the Jubila forest are really dangerous, take Cerberus and the wolves
as an example, they come from the border part of the Jubila forest and Wasteland Valley and yet, they are really fierce,
maybe only you and Demeter can defeat them, I cant imagine how strong may be the beast in the inner part, that's why, I
think they survive by other means, you know what I meant? "


"that's right, I suspect that they have a special kind of crop that we don't know, if we can make use of it, then we won't
need to worry about food again, the hardest part for us to cultivate is to find the rights crops, even if we have some,
there aren't enough if we think in the long term, that's why, we need to go there and find out what crop are they using, we
could even form another route of commerce, that will be the best" Said Alfonso.

"I understand" Said Artemis.

"However, the real reason is that you found that Antiope attractive, right?" A sweet voice came from behind Alfonso.

"Well, I can't deny that her legs were so-"

Before Alfonso could finish, he felt a cold wind behind him, curiously, it wasn't just a wind, but two of them, forming a
terrified glacier. Alfonso couldn't and didn't want to look back.

"De-De-Demeter, where did you come from?" Asked Alfonso.

"Me? I have been here the whole time" Said Demeter.

You know the saying; the fish dies by the mouth? This is exactly how Alfonso feel right now.

"Ah! Big brother! You were there, great, come, come, I wanna show you my progress!" A voice come from the end of
the hall, Alfonso saw Little Pit waving at him, however, for some reason, he saw little pit like an angel coming to his

"Safeeeeeee" Though Alfonso.

"Yeah, I am coming!" Said Alfonso.

"Ah! Big brother Artemis and the goddess is also with you!" Shouted Little pit while looking behind Alfonso.

"Y-yeah, they were on their way to do their things now, right?" Said Alfonso.

"Yeah, I will be back early today" Said Artemis, when she passed Alfonso's side, she took her time to look at him in the
eyes, Alfonso knew exactly what she was saying

"This isn't over"

"You can call me Demeter, I don't like when people call me goddess" Said Demeter.

"Okay~" Said Little Pit.

When she passed Alfonso's side, she stood for some time, she leaned her head towards Alfonso's ear and said sweetly
and slowly

"See you at night, sweetheart, you better be early, or I won't be responsible to what could happen, okay?" Said Demeter
and walked happily towards the Agriculture zone.

Alfonso's back was already so wet that the shirt was almost glued to his skin.

"Big brother, are you okay?" Asked Little pit.

"… Ye-yeah, let's go, I want to see your progress as well" Said Alfonso.

He grabbed little pit and went on their way.


"So my conclusion was, how about we use two 'x' instead of one, but that will be confused, so I add one more letter, 'y',
so I reached the conclusion more easily, however, I noticed that one equation wasn't enough to resolve this problem, so
added one more equation with the same parameters and boom, the answer was there, awesome right!?" Asked Little pit.

"I can't believe he already reached this level in just three months" Though Alfonso while looking at the paper in front of

"Yes, is awesome little pit if you keep at this rate, you will surpass me and your father in no time" Said Alfonso.

"Maybe daddy's level, but not big brother you taught me everything you are a genius right!?" Asked Little pit with stars
on his eyes.

"Where do I have seen those eyes before?" Though Alfonso while remembering a certain snake.

"Also, Also, look at this big brother, I tried to multiply two parameters and used this symbol, I don't know if this is
going to be useful in any time, however! I still think is cool, so I used it anyway, but! I came with a small problem that
needs big brother's help, you see here, look, if I use this equation I get two answers! And what's more, one of them is a
number that doesn't exist! Is a minus two, I am becoming stupid big brother?" Asked Little pit with tears in his eyes.

"Stupid? If you are stupid, then I and the rest of the world are completely retards!" Though Alfonso with some tears as
well on his eyes.

"No little pit deduction is correct, you see, this result is okay because you are using an advanced terminology here, let
me explain you like this, all this time we have been using the natural numbers, in other words, numbers that we can find
in nature, however, the negative numbers form part of a major group of numbers, however, they aren't natural numbers
anymore, they are called integer numbers" Said Alfonso.

Like this, Alfonso guided Little pit all the afternoon until it was night, in midway, Taylor came in, as it was Saturday, he
didn't had to teach classes today, so he became fascinating by Alfonso teachings and listen with careful attention,
Alfonso liked to teach so he also enjoyed this time, however, he was also a little worry, after all, he was an historian
not a mathematician, so he was running out of material, of course, he took some advanced classes in university but,
nevertheless, his major were letters not numbers.

"But, It should be fine for now, at least we haven't enter university level yet" Though Alfonso

Without noticing, it was already past ten, however, Alfonso didn't know, that he was digging his own grave because
someone was waiting for him on his room.

"You dare to be late huh? Hehe, this will be fun" A lovely voice could be heard from Alfonso's room.
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119 Alfonso“s orders

"You don't look well Alfonso, you didn't sleep well yesterday?" Asked Demeter with a playful smile.

Alfonso only looked at her and didn't say anything.

As Demeter said, Alfonso didn't sleep well yesterday, as for why, well he was waiting in his room for something to
happen, he didn't know what but he keep waking up from time to time because he remember the words of Demeter.

As to what did Demeter did?

She didn't do anything, in fact, she didn't go to Alfonso's room at all.

"Okay, you won this one" Said Alfonso who had some bags on his eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about, if you stayed awake yesterday maybe it was because you had something in
your mind that didn't let you sleep, are you feeling guilty or something?" Said Demeter with the same smile.

Alfonso didn't say anything and took his breakfast.


"Let's see, we need to do some changes on the infrastructure of Wasteland Valley, I think that the way we have
distributed our land isn't optimal, we need to put all the commerce in one side the houses in another and the manor must
be at the center, the agriculture zone is fine because is way separate from the rest of the houses, however, not all the
families that help there live in the agriculture zone, some of them live in the resident zone, making their way to tiring and
that reflex in their work" Said Alfonso after looking at the documents that Ribeiro give him.

"Demeter, how is everything at the Agriculture zone?" Asked Alfonso.

"The land is now completely fertile, however, the weather isn't helping, although it isn't as cold as before, nevertheless,
the crops aren't looking good, although our first bunch was good, the quantity of the other ones aren't meeting the
expectations" Informed Demeter.

"It's because we don't have goods crops to use in this weather and we did it in a bad time as well, we cultivate in
winter, that's the worse season to cultivate, we didn't have another choice though" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso analyzed once again, he needed to make some countermeasures.

"I have to get in my hands crops that can grow in a cold weather, the system doesn't have them and the ones in Tulip are
inefficient, it seems that the trip to the amazon tribe is more important than I first initially though" Though Alfonso.

"Keep working on what we have, although is not in the expectations, we still have enough to feed all the people in
Wasteland Valley and maybe use some to commerce with Tulip, okay, how is going the hunt Artemis?" Asked Alfonso.

"They have become decent enough, however, they haven't get used to stay in the wild for extended periods of time, so
they can't camouflage in the environment like a good hunter, that's why, they can only hunt deer and small animals, if
they go further than the borders, their lives will be in danger" Reported Artemis.

Yesterday, she went with cat one to train and checked the current stay of the hunters.

"Ribeiro, has any trouble emerged with the hunters about their payout?" Asked Alfonso.

"No, luckily Deferio and the others, as well as the ones began to supervise the exchange rate, there was a small accident
with one young man who didn't want to exchange his food, so Deferio make a public punishment and whip him, since
then, nobody tried anything funny" Said Ribeiro.

Alfonso though for some time, he knew that this method was effective, for now, but it wont be long before the commerce
starts in this place and then this place will come back too life once and for all.

"Without commerce, this place isn't properly a town, Felio, will send the goods as well as the personal in two weeks,
this will be good" Though Alfonso.

"Ribeiro, in one month, some people will come here to buy our goods, investigate the prices and the trading currency, I
leave this task to you, take little pit with you, he will help you with the calculus, teach him the proper way to handle
these things" Said Alfonso.

"As you wish your highness" Said Ribeiro.

"Demeter, go to Camel and tell him that we are ready to buy the crops, we will use meat and gold to buy them, as for the
negotiation, I leave it in your hands" Said Alfonso.

"As you wish" Said Demeter.

"Artemis, go with white fang and examined the hunters, I want to form a small elite squad, although the Okeano's
daughters are handful, at the end, there are kids and can't move in the battlefield, the other three cats will also join this
squad and they will be their leaders, well, all except for cat one" Said Alfonso.

"As my lord wishes" Said Artemis.

"Cat one"

"Your highness" Said Cat one.

"Prepare, you will come with me to the Amazon tribe along with Cerberus, for now, go with Antiope and try to get as
much information as you can about our enemy and the environment, I want everything from the landscape to the weather,
animals that's lives there, how many amazons they have, what strategy they use to repel the invaders, everything, don't
leave any detail behind and remember, the only way to win a war its to know your enemy, yourself and the battlefield as
the palm of your hand" Said Alfonso.

"As your highness orders" Said Cat one.

"Cerberus, go with the other wolves and asked about the situation in general, I want to know the behavior of my people
in these days, also, tell white fang that he will be in charge on imparting the punishment from now on, as for the details,
I leave them to you, however, you must report to me every time a crime is done and what punishment you did, I trust
yours and white fang's criteria, do not disappoint me" Said Alfonso.

"As you wish" Said Cerberus.

"Yes your highness" Said Deferio.

"I want to test the Spartans, we will go to the military zone and see how are they doing, from today forwards, the
Spartans will only have an elite group of one hundred, not more, in two weeks, a lot of new recruits will be coming, I
have new methods and training for them, that's why, I want to select someone who can become the head of that new unit"
Said Alfonso.

"As you order my lord" Said Deferio.


"Yes, your highness" Said Taylor.

"I want to test the results of the educational program, I will prepare a test for the kids and the adults, make a quick
review with them today and I will do the test tomorrow, also, I heard that you are from another town, as a scholar, you
must now one thing or two about the architectonic structure of them, you will prepare a report for me, I want it in my
desk in two days, you got it?" Said Alfonso.

"Yes, my lord" Said Taylor.

"Good! Everyone has their orders, now, let's go!" Said Alfonso while standing up from his chair.

Everyone nodded and went to do their own duties.

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120 A new uni

Alfonso and Deferio went to the military zone were the Spartans train every day. By now, the Spartans were, more or
less, sixty men.

"For now, we will have an elite of fifty, but the plan is to have one hundred, not all people has the same capabilities are
not all of them can adapt to the style of the Spartans, so I will use another methods to form another kind of group, in the
militia there are two principal types of units, infantry and cavalry, for now, the Spartans are just the core of our infantry,
for long range attacks, we have the Okenano's daughters, however, the problem of numbers is still there, there are too
little, not to mention, we don't have cavalry, there would be a time that we won't be able to fight in our home, at that
time, we won't have the geographical advance and we would only depend in our militia, that will we our doom if we
don't do something " Said Alfonso.

"I understand, your highness" Said Deferio.

When they arrived at the training zone, the soldiers looked at Alfonso and they salute with respect, Alfonso saw the big
changes in these soldiers compared to the first time he saw them, determination and pride were the things that Alfonso
saw in their eyes, he felt reassure with their attitude.

"My soldiers, I am glad and happy that you haven't disappoint me I can see in your faces that you have been training
with diligence, I have an important announcement so listen carefully, in two weeks, some new soldiers from Tulip will
come here to enlist in our militia, so, I will prepare a new unit, this new unit will have different roles and positions in
our formation, they won't be Spartans but something different but, at the same time, with the same value, so I will
conduct a small test for all the people present here, I will select twenty of you to be part of this new unit, they will have
a different training plan as well as they wont be in charge of Deferio, they will have another leader that I will select,
this new leader will have the same position as Deferio and will only report back to me or the one that I put in charge,
Anyone has any questions?" Said Alfonso.

"YES, YOUR HIGHNESS!" Said all the group in unison.

They had engraved in their hearts a word that every wants in his or her people and that word is loyalty, the Spartans
were clear that they survive the horde and changed their life because of this new lord of theirs, who, despite everything,
never gave up on this town, never did he Abaddon his people and turn the tides against an impossible opponent, for that,
the Spartans were one hundred percent loyal to Alfonso, in fact, if Alfonso by any chance told them to throw their life to
save him, there wont be a single person in the squad that will hesitate.

"If his highness said it, then he is right, there is no need for questions" This was the thought on everyone's mind.

"Good! Then lets start, I want you to do these series of exercises in the less time possible, however, you must do it a its
perfection, don't sacrifice efficiency for time, understood?" Said Alfonso.

""AS OUR LORD WANTS!"" Said the soldiers.


Alfonso shouted and pass a paper with the instructions to Deferio, every soldier did a series of routines while Alfonso
and Deferio looked with detail, Alfonso wasn't exactly a professional trainer nor he was a soldier, however, he didn't
need too, why? Because Deferio was at his side.

"I will try to do my own deductions based on what I see, but the one who will give me the real feedback would be
Deferio" Though Alfonso.

"Deferio, look with detail, I will ask you questions, and you must answer according to my standards" Said Alfonso

"I will not disappoint my lord" Said Deferio with seriousness.

Alfonso also looked and tried to be aware of every detail that he could perceive, at the same time, he tried to remember
strategies and formations and separate them in categories.

"I will select this one, for now, is the most acceptable one for our weaknesses" Though Alfonso.


"What is your name?" Asked Alfonso.

In front of him, a young man with black hair and white skin was standing with respect, the training ended, and Alfonso
selected twenty men, he talked with Deferio and, after listening to his observations, he selected this young man as the
leader, as for why? It was because of his performance.


"Cesar, for now one you will be the new leader of my new unit, from now on, you and your unit will train in a separate
terrain, you will come with me and attend a three days studying session where I will give you the tactics and the training
that you will need, I won't have the time to give you like I did with the Spartans so I will trust in you to make this work,

""YES, MY LORD!"" Shouted the twenty men.

"Good, prepare yourself and come tomorrow and the manor in the afternoon, today you will train with the Spartans for
the last day" Said Alfonso.

"My lord, what will be the name of our unit?" Asked Gustav.

Alfonso made a small smile.

"I will tell you that later, Deferio you don't need to send me back I have things to do in the manor" Said Alfonso.

"Have a good day, my lord" Said Deferio.

Alfonso was walking in the snow while thinking.

"Cesar, huh? What a fitting name indeed"

Alfonso made a small and yet cold smile.

"It's time for this world to see the formations and strategies of the most dangerous empire in my world"

"The Roman Empire!"

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121 Visiting Hygiea

In a big room, a girl with short orange girl was working with some fruits, its was quite interesting seeing her, in her
hands was a green apple however, the girl wasn't eating it, she was observing it, smelling it and, after doing all these
preparations, she took out a small knife and cut in five parts, she grabbed what it seems to be a roller and squeeze each
part separately, she took a piece of herbs from a bag and put the apple's pulp with the herb and proceeded to squeeze it
once again, she smell the new product and then combine it with some water in a small bowl. She took the juice and
examined its color while she took note of every progress she did in a notebook. She took a deep gulp on the juice and
waited for some time, after some minutes she made a small sigh and write in the note the word 'failure'.

"This combination is a failure as well" Though the girl while putting the bowl aside.

*Knock* *Knock*

Suddenly, the girl's door sounded, she was startled for some time, before saying.

"Come in, its open" Shout the girl.

When the door opened a young man with an eyepatch and a cane greet him, he had a small yet friendly smile on his face.

"Hello, it's been a while, Hygiea" Said the young man.

"M-my lord" Said Hygiea while kneeling.

"Skip the formalities please, I came here to talk for some time, but it seems that you are busy" Said Alfonso.
"Oh! This… don't worry your highness, I will clean up immediately!" Said Hygiea in panic.

Alfonso only made a small sigh while looking at the table, he saw all the instruments in the table as well as the fruits, it
seems that Hygiea bring these fruits from Tulip before departing.

"Although we don't have the facilities, she still tried to use the few resources we have, she is quite hard working, I like
it" Though Alfonso.

After some minutes, Hygiea made a quick 'cleaning' to her room. She usually never leave her room, nor because she was
afraid, in fact, Ribeiro and the others had been nice and friendly with her, however, she liked to do these small
experiments and she needed to focus, that's why she preferred to be alone most of the time, she only talked with Ribeiro
and the servants when it was dinner or lunch time, she didn't like to eat breakfast.

"Hygiea, it seems that you are trying to make new kinds of potions?" Asked Alfonso.

"That's right, my lord, I don't enough 'Utiuos' to keep doing the potions that I gave you the first time, so I tried to
experiment with other fruits to see if I can get something similar or maybe even better" Said Hygiea.

"it's a shame that I don't know a single thing about medicine, I can't help her with anything" Though Alfonso.

"And how is the progress going?" Asked Alfonso.

Hygiea panicked once again, she didn't know what to answer, its been almost a month and something since she got here,
however, all her efforts had been in vain, so she was a little ashamed to tell Alfonso that she didn't have any result, at
the same time, she was scared, she didn't want to lose this job, the pay was high, the people treat her good, she even had
her own room! In her twenty-four years of life, if she had two meals a day, she would consider it a luxury not to mention

"We-well… about that…" Murmured Hygiea.

"Don't worry, I know what you are trying to say, I am not mad, in fact, I already knew that this was going to happen"
Said Alfonso.

Hygiea saw the face of Alfonso and saw that he wasn't lying, she felt relieved but at the same time, a feeling of
guiltiness and appreciation rose in her heart.

"I-I will do better, for my lord" Said Hygiea.

"I know, just by seeing your hands and your room, I can tell that you work hard, that's good and makes me know that I
didn't made wrong decision went I hired you, however, don't forget this, hard work is only the tool that we have to get a
goal, at the end of the day, the goal is what it matters, although it sounds cruel, that it's how this world works" Said

Hygiea nodded.

Alfonso nodded satisfied by Hygiea's reaction, he took a look at her room and said

"After seeing your work, I felt like I have wronged you, you will need a lab to do your experiments, its not good that you
sleep in this kind of environment, lets do this, I will assign a nearby house as your own lab, I will make a wolf escort
you can come and go like you please" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso liked people like Hygiea, hardworking and passionate about their work, she remained him when he started his
first jobs in museums and galleries.
"I-I…" Hygiea didn't know how to answer, this felt like a dream for her, true to be told, it was quite uncomfortable for
her to live with all the fruits and the bowls here.

"I will get it ready, well, I won't waste more of your time, dinner will be ready in a few hours, we didn't have a
welcome ceremony for you, so we will take this opportunity to celebrate yours and Susana's incorporation to the team,
oh yeah, I almost forgot, today, I will began a new history for Little Pit and the rest, if you want, you are more than
welcome, it will be very interesting I promise, well then" Said Alfonso while waving his hand, he closed the door and
leave the room.

Hygiea stayed in silence for some time before grabbing the fruits and returning to her experiments, however, the look on
her eyes were fervent than ever.

"I won't disappoint my lord"

This was the only though on Hygiea's mind.

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122 Halloween- part one

Alfonso was in his desk writing something on a piece of paper while Taylor and Little pit were waiting for him,
although Taylor seem normal, inside of him, he was nervous. Alfonso was currently writing the questions for the
incoming exam of tomorrow, Taylor, as the teacher, also had some pression, after all, if the students scored bad, then it
reflects that he hadn't do a good job.

Alfonso put down the paper and took a second look at the paper, after been satisfying, he gave it to Taylor

"This will the incoming questions for tomorrows text, I don't need to tell you this but this is also a text for you, my
requires are simple, I want thirty percent of the children approving while ten percent on the adults, I think that my
demands aren't too high, I will treat as I treat everyone, if you don't satisfy my requires then I will have to replace you
with someone else, understood?" Said Alfonso.

Taylor nodded.

"You feel like I am being unreasonable?" Asked Alfonso.

"No, I think that you are right, you gave us freedom to do things our own way and give you the knowledge that we need,
you gave all the tools is fair that we reciprocated with a good performance. It's what it should be" Said Taylor.

"Good answer" Said Alfonso with a satisfy smile.

"Big brother, story, story!" Shouted little Pit by his side.

"Wait for a little bit, a couple of friends are coming to hear the story today" Said Alfonso.

"Who is coming?" Asked Little pit.

*Knock* *Knock*
Before Alfonso could answer, someone knocked the door.

"Come in" Shouted Alfonso.

Outside of the door were three woman and one guy.

"Well, it should four girls actually" Though Alfonso.

Artemis, Demeter, Hygiea and Antiope came in.

"I am sorry for my intromission, Ribeiro told me that something good will happen and I shouldn't miss the opportunity,
so I came" Said Antiope while bowing.

"Don't worry, you are more than welcome, where is Ribeiro by the way?" Asked Alfonso.

"He was behind me-"

"Your highness, I didn't came late did I? sorry, Cerberus said he wanted some more meat so I am late" Before Antiope
could finish, Ribeiro came in while grasping air.

"I was about to start, come in" Said Alfonso.


When Alfonso was about to close the door, he heard something coming from the hall, when he looked, he saw white
fang coming with Susana on its back.

"Hello, my lord, I saw everyone coming so I decided to take a look, what is going on?" Said Susana.

"I was about to told everyone a story, it will be quite entertained, want to come in?" Said Alfonso.

"A story?" Though Susana.

"Sure!" Said Susana while coming to the room, although White fang was big, he found a corner and sat down, Susana,
with the help of Taylor sat on a nearby chair.

"Okay, since everyone it's here let's begin-"

"Hey! Wait for me, I was finishing eating, you can't leave my behind!" Another shout came from the hall.

A small white puppy came from the hall, in the door he made an elegant jump and landed on Alfonso's lap.

"…." Alfonso was speechless. Nevertheless, he made a small sigh and stroke Cerberus's fur, on the corner, white fang,
made a pity look after seeing Cerberus, feeling the gaze, Cerberus turned around and looked directly at white fang.

"Mine" Said Cerberus.

".…" Alfonso was speechless once again.

He laughed awkwardly and made a gesture to Taylor to close the door.

"Well, now that everyone is here, I will begin today's story, as you know, I will be going with Antiope and Cat one so,
during these six days, I will tell a different story, however, before that, Cat one, can you stop that and come with
everyone else" Said Alfonso.

"Sorry master, I failed once again" A voice came from behind Alfonso, everyone a small black-haired girl.

"One minute, not bad, you have improved, but you have a long way to go, come here and take a sit" Said Artemis to Cat

She nodded and sat beside Artemis.

"Well, now let's begin" Said Alfonso, he turned off the candle and created a different kind of atmosphere, the only light
on the room was the moon moonlights.

Alfonso stood up and gave everyone his back.

"You see, today is a special day"

"Today we celebrate the coming of all the evil things in this world"

"People like to call this day, Halloween"

Alfonso's voice became colder and colder.

"In commemoration for this day, I will tell you three stories that happened in a remote place"

Everyone felt a chill on their back, even Taylor swallow.

"The first story is called… 'IT', jejeje" Said Alfonso with an evil smile.

Everyone felt their back's drenching with sweat.


At the end, Alfonso selected three stories of his favorite terror novelist, Stephen king, he selected the ones that didn't let
him sleep when he was a child:


"Well, I used to love Halloween when I was a kid, but it seems… that I... went too far this time" Though Alfonso while
seeing the scene before him.

After finishing his stories, he turned on the candle and told everyone to go back… but…




AM SAFE, I DON'T HAVE FEARS, SO I AM SAFE" Said Antiope while grabbing her knees in a corner.


Everyone was trembling, Taylor and Susana seeing to be afraid of Little Pit because they run to the other direction of the
room, of course, Susana had to crawl.
However, had surprised him the most was this.

He looked down and saw Cerberus hiding inside Alfonso's shirt, while Cat one was grabbing his back with a trembling

"Ups" Though Alfonso.

What relieve Alfonso was that Artemis and Demeter didn't say anything not did they anything, hey stood in their place
without saying anything with their heads looking at the ground.

"Well, at least the both of them are okay" Though Alfonso.

Little did Alfonso knew, that the worse was yet to come.

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123 Halloween- part two

After two hours, Alfonso finally made everyone to go back to their rooms, funny enough, nobody wanted to sleep with
Little Pit, not even Taylor, so Alfonso had to take the bullet and took the little kid back with him to his room.

"Okay Little Pit, you will sleep here today" Said Alfonso.

"B-b-b-big brother Pennywise won't come for me… right?" Asked the trembling boy.

"Don't worry, nothing is going to happen, let's get to sleep, I am sleepy" Said Alfonso while changing into his pajamas.
Alfonso and Little Pit lied down and closed their eyes, however, right after Alfonso closed his eyes, he felt something
heavy on his chest.

"Hmm?" Alfonso opened his eyes and saw a pair of blue eyes looking at him.

"Cerberus? What are you doing" Asked Alfonso.

"Th-this? Ah, well… you know… I though Little Pit would be scared so…" Said Cerberus.


Alfonso didn't say anything and only made a small sigh and caress Cerberus fur.

Alfonso did this for some time before hearing a small breath from his chest.

"Cerberus?" Asked Alfonso.


"Finally" Though Alfonso.

He put, with extreme carefulness, Cerberus at his right side and closed his eyes.
He was about to enter into the arms of Morpheus when he felt another thing on his left side.

"What now?" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso looked at his side and a pair of black eyes greet him.

"Wha- hmm!" Alfonso almost shout but something seal his mouth, it was a white and beautiful hand.

"I-i-if you talk, I will kill you and then I will kill myself" Murmured the voice.

Alfonso was confused, but he suddenly realize.

"Artemis?" Murmured Alfonso.

The hand left his mouth and Artemis nodded. Alfonso's eye adapted to the darkness and, for sure, he saw Artemis by his

"What are you doing?" Asked Alfonso.

"…." Artemis didn't know what to say and she just remained quiet, but her trembling hands betray her.

"You too!?" Though Alfonso surprised.

He hadn't though that Artemis will also be affected, after all, she isn't like Demeter who always came into his room and
sleep with him.

Alfonso understood and didn't made things difficult for Artemis, he stretched his arm and didn't said anything, Artemis
hesitate for some time before using Alfonso's arm as a pillow and hug him from the side.

Alfonso and Artemis keep quiet in the silence, before long…

"Artemis?" Asked Alfonso.


A small breath came from his side, Alfonso made a relieve breath and then turn his head to the other side.

"Although my arm hurts a little, I can finally sleep" Though Alfonso.

A little naïve right?

Because when he turned around another pair of eyes greet him, this time the eyes were green, Alfonso wasn't surprised
this time.

"Are you scared as well, Demeter?" Asked Alfonso.

"W-w-what are you talking about, I am just… you know… doing my everyday habit… scared I… you sure are the funny

"Then, I will ask you to leave since my bed has already two people plus a dog, you won't mind do you?" Asked Alfonso
with a small smirk on his face.

"This is payback from the other day" Though Alfonso.

Demeter shiver a little from Alfonso's answer.

"N-no but, there is a lot of space-"

"But I prefer to sleep with some space, you know that"


Demeter didn't know what to say, she looked at Alfonso with pitiful eyes.

Alfonso only made a small chuckle before offering his other arm, Demeter happily took the other arm and hugged
Alfonso just like Artemis, however, she hugged more… intensely.

Alfonso waited for some time once again, and, after making sure that everyone was sleep, he closed his eyes.

Once again, he was about to enter the dream world when he felt something on his stomach or, to be more precise,
behind his stomach.

"What" Alfonso took a look and saw the leg of Artemis on a dangerous zone.

"Oi! Where do you think you are touching!?" Alfonso wanted to scream but he hold it back.


A cute sound came from the other side, he turned around and his heart almost jumped out of his chest, why? Because
Demeter's face was so close that their nose's tips were touching.

Alfonso quickly turned and looked at the ceiling.

"One sheep, two sheep, three sheep"

Alfonso started to count sheep in an attempt to fall sleep.

"Little Al…were do you think…you are touching…naughty boy ~♥ " A seductive voice came from his left side, a small
chill came from Alfonso's back, when he looked back, he saw that Demeter was still sleeping.

"Lucky guy, me in her dreams" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso wasn't a naïve boy, he was a grow old man, of course, he didn't find the love of his life in his previous life but
that didn't mean that he didn't have sex before, he had it and he loved when he was younger, but as he grew older, sex
became something that wasn't that important, however, he couldn't help but felt aroused with two beauties on each arm.

"People say that every men desire to have a woman in each arm, I find it stupid really, what's the point? But I have to
admit that… It really is a feast to the eyes" Though Alfonso while looking at both women.

Alfonso didn't though much and moved his left hand, who was on Demeter's arm, slowly towards Demeter's thigh.

"…" Alfonso didn't say anything and just enjoyed feeling, with his other hand, he moved his hand to Artemis's thigh as
well, however, because her thigh was lifted, he ended grabbing her buttstock.

"…" Alfonso was again indulged himself in the feeling, however, after some time, he felt a small pinch on his left side,
he froze in an instant, suddenly he remembered something that made his blood go cold.


This phrase came into his mind and he felt, a gaze on him, he turned around, slowly, and saw a small smile looking at

"Well, well… for someone who takes things so seriously, what is this hand doing here~?" Asked Demeter.

"Ah...well...That's…there is a reason-"


Demeter put her lovely finger on Alfonso's mouth, she seductively when to his right ear and took a small bite.

"I will tell you another secret" Murmured Demeter on Alfonso's ear.

"Wha-wha-what is it?" Asked Alfonso with a funny voice.

"I am not the only one who never sleeps" Said Demeter.

"That means…"

Alfonso murmured those words and felt a cold gaze on his left side, he didn't want to turn around.

"I hate Halloween" Though Alfonso.

"Any last words?" A cold voice came from his left side.

"I. REGRET.NOTHING" Said Alfonso.


And just like that, a scream woke up everyone in Wasteland Valley.

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124 blank
"Ready… begin!" Alfonso shouted while he looked at the kids who had their pencils on their hands.

Today was the big exam and Alfonso wanted to supervise it personally, he had his hands behind his back while he
inspected the classroom… well, calling this room 'classroom' wasn't exactly right, however, for the time being, it was
were the students had their lessons.

"I had to build a school and a hospital, those buildings are my top priorities, I need to find Hephaestus and have him to
help with this, the System's mission have a time limit of one month, currently I only have six more months, technically
speaking, it would take at least two years or more to build new structures, however, I won't rush them, the priority right
now it's to improve the current houses, I think I can make it… I wanted to do rebuilt the houses and use the mediaeval
Europe designs, however, I don't have neither the materials nor the topographical conditions to do it, so I will go with
the Vikings, we have the materials and the geography to do it, it wont be that much of a change in reality, just a few
changes here and here, maybe reinforcing the houses, however, the problem is, like in my world, wood don't last long,
eventually, the wood will die and the houses will be destroyed, this is no good, I want to build a solid foundation, I
know that in the south they have adobe so their houses and more refined but I can give me the luxury to go to the south to
bring the materials, it will take to much time and too much money, I don't have neither" Alfonso had a headache thinking
about the infrastructure problem in Wasteland Valley, sure enough, the Vikings had this type of houses that Alfonso
could copy because of all the similitudes that Wasteland Valley has with Norway but it will be searching results in the
short term, in a few years, the houses will disappear.

"But nothing to I guess, I have a rough idea of how to do things, I will write them to Ribeiro in a letter, if I cant find
Hephaestus in one month and bring him back, then I will have to start the project, even if I have to improvise in some
things" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso hated to do improvise things, he preferred to have a plan and do things following that plan, but, if you
improves, you let things go fifty-fifty, you can get lucky and go things go your way, or you can screw things up, and this
bet doesn't concern him alone, he had a lot of lives that will be affected by his decisions ,however, there was nothing he
could do about it, this impotency made Alfonso mad and realize his own flaws as a leader.

"I must bring Hephaestus on time!" Though Alfonso.


The exam was over and Alfonso when to another room, in this room, twenty soldiers were waiting for him.

"Hello everyone, today I will begin the first lesson, you lot should be thinking, why do you need to study, after all you
are soldiers" Asked Alfonso.

The twenty soldiers looked at Alfonso, they didn't say anything, but their confusing was clear.

"Let me explain, all of you come from the Spartans, so you know their formations as well as how to execute it, to be
frank, the Spartans only have one formation that can divide itself in two, attack and defense, nothing more, of course, the
execution if so complicated that others formations looks like jokes, however, the fact that is a 'simple' formation is
there, however, for you, I have other plans, the formations that you will learn are more complicated so you need to first
know the theory and then put in practice, of course, I will do everything in my power to help in this five days, but the
rest depends on your dedication and effort, understood?" Said Alfonso.

""YES, YOUR HIGHNESS"" Replied the twenty men.

"Good, then let's start with some basic information, you will do a separate training from the Spartans first of all, you
will have to work in your footwork and tempo, so you can use these formations, you will keep using javelins as your
main weapon…"

Like these, Alfonso began the education program for the twenty men, he gave them the main exercising program plus the
turtle formation of the roman empire, after three hours, Alfonso let them go back to put what they learn in practice, of
course, he didn't go with them, he gave them his complete trust, this surprised and touched everyone of the twenty men,
after all, giving trust was easier say than done, trust was something that your earned, not everyone could you give their
trust just like that, not to mention, Alfonso was the lord of this place, so he needed to be careful with how things worked
here, when Cease asked Alfonso why he didn't go with them, Alfonso answer

"I trust that you will do things right, I won't be here for some time and you aren't children, you must make your own
decisions, sure you can trick me and say that you worked hard, and I would believe you, because I deposited my trust on
you, however, slacking leads to inefficiency and that would be reflected in your performance in the battlefield, at the
end, I won't die, you guys will, In life you must do things right, always, do what you must do, and don't do what you
mustn't do" Said Alfonso with a serious expression.

The soldiers only nodded profoundly and make their way back to the training zone.

"Everything is going according to schedule, that is good, I will take the chance of this small free time to do some
training on my own" Though Alfonso.

However, before he could enter his room, a commotion caught his attention, a lot of voices came from the hall. Alfonso
when to the hall and saw Camel as well his daughter Zeti with his baby on her hands, alongside them was Demeter and
a pair of man and woman, this man was tall and robust, he had a harsh expression and looked at Zeti with hate, the
woman at his side was older than him, she had some mud on her clothes so it was clear that both of them were farmers.

"Your highness!" Shouted Camel.

"What is going on?" Asked Alfonso.

"You see, this-"

"Your highness, thank god, you are here, you must bring justice to us, this pair of father and daughter are too much! They
actually dared to take more meat for them behind your back! Your highness, you must punish them for us and for all
Wasteland Valley"

Before Camel could talk, the man shouted and kneel before Alfonso.

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125 Is all your faul

In the hall, Alfonso was sitting on his throne looking at the people in front of him, the couple of husband and wife were
sitting on the right side while Camel and his daughter, Zeti, were sitting on his left side.

Artemis and Demeter were standing behind him while Ribeiro was taking note. At the other side of the hall, Deferio and
Cease where guarding the front door with other ten soldiers. In the middle the hall, eight men were standing nervously in
front of Alfonso, these eight men represented the eight heads of the ten families that worked in the farm Area, Alfonso
make these arrangements, so he could make this a public judgement.

"We are here today because of a serious accusation, Camel and her daughter, Zeti are accused of being thieves and stole
goods from his highness, as you all know, Camel was designated by his majesty as the one who managed the goods that
you produced and exchanged them for food, however, one of the heads of the ten families, Usurios had proclaimed that
Camel hadn't do a fair transaction and has keep more meat for him and his family, Usurios, as you may know, this is a
serious accusation and, by disposition of his highness Alfonso Lockheart, if you dare to continue then you will face
serious consequences if you don't have proofs nor concrete evidence for this accusation, do you still want to continue?"
Said Ribeiro while standing up.

"I agree!" Shouted Usurios.

"Correct, as well for Camel and his daughter, betraying the trust of his highness is worth the death penalty, however, his
highness is magnanimous and has declared that, if you confess your crimes, he will not kill you, however, the
consequences won't be less severe, do you still want to continue?" Asked Ribeiro.
"Yes!" Said Camel.

"Good, first lets heard what the witness of this conflict has to say, the right hand of his majesty, Demeter, if you would
please" Said Ribeiro while making a gesture to Demeter.

Demeter walk up and make a reverence before Alfonso.

"Demeter, describe the events that happened there" Said Alfonso.

"Yes, your highness, I was going on a patrol to see the progress of the Farming Area, when I got there, I saw Usurios
grabbing a lot of meat from the back of Camel's house while shouting something to Camel, the both of them enter in a
discussion while Zeti was trying to separate the both of them, the other sisters of Zeti were frightened on the back so
they didn't intervene, the wife of Usurios was shouting curses on the back, when I got there, I forcefully separated them
and bring him back to my lord" Said Demeter.

"Good work, you can back down now" Said Alfonso.

Demeter nodded and went back.

"Usurios, what happen that lead you to a fight with Camel?" Asked Alfonso.

"My lord" Said Usurios while kneeling.

"For days, I have been neighbors with Camel for years, in fact, when the husband of Zeti die, I was always there for her,
however, I began to suspect something a few days ago when I saw Camel and their family eating, the amount of food that
they had was too much!" Said Usurios while turning around.

"Everyone! You won't let me lie, all of us work hard every day to earn food, the ten of us agree to distribute equally the
amount of food that we get from the harvest, however, for some reason, Camel always has more than the rest of us, so I
investigated for several weeks, today , I went to Camel's house and rebuke him about this matter, however, he refused to
answer, so I enter his house and take a look at his warehouse, my lord, I can tell you that my suspicions were true! I saw
a huge amount of meat in his warehouse, at least two or three times more than the rest of us!" Said Usurios.

"Camel is stealing!?"

"But... that can't be true!"

"But Usurios saw it with his own eyes"

A discussion between the heads of the families appear after the declarations of Usurios.

"Silence!" Shouted Ribeiro.

The room became quiet once again.

"Camel, what do you have to say?" Said Alfonso.

"My lord" Said Camel while kneeling.

"As you may know my lord, my family is big, so we have more expenses than everyone else, so the food that I gain from
the harvest, so I used the money that we gain from the harvest to buy the extra meat from someone else-"

Before Camel could finish, Usurios interrupted.

"My lord! As you can see, he is lying, you can asked everyone in this room, in fact, you can ask everyone in Wasteland
Valley, no one is willing to exchange something for gold! After all, gold is useless here!" Shouted Usurios.

"Well, that's true"

"Yeah, I wouldn't trade even a single potato for all the gold of the world!"


The families enter in a discussion once again.

"Enough" Said Alfonso.

"Camel, who did you exchange your good for?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well…" Said Camel while looking at Alfonso, or, to be more precise, behind Alfonso.

Artemis looked at Alfonso and then walk up in front of him, she bowed and then looked at Camel and the rest.

"It's true" Said Artemis


"Someone is that stupid to exchange food for gold?"

"Do you want to exchange with me!?"

Some noise came from the farmers while hearing the answer of Artemis, after all, food was the most important thing in
Wasteland Valley, if someone really exchange that precious resource for something so useless as gold…

"It can't be… someone is really that stupid!?" Though Usurios.

"Wait! My lord, even if… even if what he said is true, the amount of food doesn't fit! The family of Camel is big, they
eat a lot every day, even If someone else sell their food, the amount of food that I found was at least three times the
usual amount!" Shouted Usurios.

"Stupid trash" Said Artemis while making a disgusted face, she turned around and stood behind Alfonso once again.

"You are wrong about that, many of you don't know but you can ask everyone in Wasteland Valley, Artemis is the head
of the hunters, she can hunt whatever she wants, the amount of food that she brings every day is enough to feed us for
days, I wouldn't be a surprise that she can hunt even more" Said Ribeiro.

"But… but that's not fair! Why only the family of Camel can enjoy such treatment!?" Shouted the wife of Usurios.

"That is the food I hunted, I can do whatever the fuck I want with it" Said Artemis.

Instantly everyone became quiet. Although they felt a little wronged, it was true, the commoners had to give part of their
hunt to the palace as a tribute, however, this person in front of them was part of the palace, he didn't had to follow that
rule, however, despite knowing this, the families of Wasteland Valley were grateful to Artemis and the rest, because
they managed to learn their hunting abilities from them.

Usurios made a grave expression before sitting down.

"I have a question though" Said Alfonso looking at Usurios.

"Why didn't you report this incident to the wolves or the guards, but instead, tried to take justice by your own hand?"
Asked Alfonso.

Usurios suddenly felt his heart beat faster and faster.

"Well, that's…"

"In fact, I want to know something, who gave you the authority to forcefully enter in a house and guff around in their
warehouse?" Asked Alfonso.

Usurios didn't know what to say.

"It seems that you don't want to talk, however…"

"There is someone else that have something to say, isn't that right Zeti?" Asked Alfonso while looking at Zeti.

Since the beginning Alfonso had looked at everyone in this room, however, the only one who wasn't looking at him
directly was Zeti, she was with her head down… like she was struggling, however, what catch Alfonso's attention the
most was when Usurios say the day he discovered the extra meat, Zeti seemed to tremble a little.

"I am one hundred percent sure about my guess, however, I want to hear it from her" Though Alfonso.

"I-I-" Zeti murmured

"If you don't say the things on your heart loud, then, they will stay there forever, be brave" Said Alfonso to Zeti.

Zeti looked at Alfonso and then back to Artemis, she took a deep breath and, after one minute, she spoke.

"Th-the true is… that day… after, Usurios came to our house… he notice me and told me that if I didn't want everyone
to hear about this, I should give him some of our food…I…I accepted and give him for some days, but, that day, he came
early in the morning and… told me that he wanted more than just food…so I refused and he-"


Alfonso looked at him and made a gesture to Deferio and Cease, they nodded and grabbed Usurios from his back and
throw him in front of Alfonso.

"You didn't answer my question" Said Alfonso coldly.

"Why didn't you report the stealing before?"

Usurios was sweeting and his heartbeat could be heard in all the room while his wife stood there in disbelieve.

"Usurios, you…" Said his wife with some tears on her eyes.

"Its…" Murmured Usurios.


Everyone couldn't believe what have Usurios have said, even Demeter and Artemis were stupefied, the only one who
didn't see surprised was Alfonso.

"HOW DARE YOU!?" Shouted Deferio while lifting his sword.


PRINCE!" Shouted Usurios.

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126 The weight of a leader

Everyone on the scene stunned by this scene, nobody could believe this man!

In front of the soldiers and his lord himself, he dared to shout such blasphemy!

"It's over, it's over" Though the wife of Usurios while grabbing her tearing face.

Even Usurios himself was surprised, however, he wasn't surprised by the reaction of everyone on the room, no, he was
surprised by the expression of his highness himself.

"He… isn't he upset!?" Though Usurios.

The calm expression of Alfonso made him wonder, how is was possible that, when he delivered steeped on Alfonso's
pride, he was as calm as water!

"You will pay for that" Said Artemis while her eyes became red.

Although Demeter didn't say anything, the temperature on the room suddenly went up by a huge margin and a small
specter of light begin to surge on her hand.

"Why are you all upset? Calm down" Shouted Alfonso.

"But! My lord this man dared to-"

Deferio couldn't finish his answer, before he looked at Alfonso back, he saw him straight into the eyes before unwilling
nodding, he took a step and took his sword back.

"Why?" Asked Alfonso while Usurios.

Usurios was confused by Alfonso's question.

"Why do you have to make other people suffer, just because you hate the way I do things?" Said Alfonso while signaling
at Zeti and her baby.

"What do they have to do with this?"

"I.." Murmured Usurios.

Alfonso walk further to the front and grabbed Usurios collar.

"If you hate me, that's fine"

"If you cursed me, that's fine"

"If you talk behind my back, that's fine"

"if you want to call me a failure, that's fine"

Alfonso took a deep breath and looked at Usurios straight into the eyes.

"I am well aware of my flaws, I know that I am not perfect, I am not so egotistic to tell you all that you have to love me
and praise me like I am a god or something, I treat you and everyone else here as an equal, I don't see myself more or
less than you, that's why, I can respect the view that you of me, however, what I can't tolerate is that you use the rights
that I gave you to camouflage your stupid desires as some kind of retribution to me and my lordship, that isn't justice, is
just plain hypocrisy" Said Alfonso.

He let go of Usurios and walked back to his throne.

"Deferio and Cease, bring him to the plaza in the commoner's area and call every single person in Wasteland Valley to
see, everyone else, follow me" Said Alfonso.

Everyone nodded and follow Alfonso. Even Antiope and Susana, who had been hearing and looking from other room


An hour later, everyone was in the main plaza, it was in this place when Alfonso make his first public appearance back
when the horde was about to invade, this time, the people on Wastenland Valley were more neat when it came to
organization, however, the question that everyone has in their minds were the same, why does his majesty called us?

"I saw someone being dragged by the soldiers"

"You think his majesty is going to…"

"I don't know, however… its possible"

"Really? What did that man do? Anyone know?"

"No, not really, however, I know that man, he is Usurios from the farming area"

Some gossips could be hear from the people while they waited for Alfonso and the others.

After half an hour, Alfonso came while he was followed by Demeter, Artemis and the rest.

He climbed the stairs and looked down, he made a gesture to the soldiers, Deferio and Cease dragged Usurios to the

"Hello, my people, I am your lord, Alfonso Lockheart, this time, I have gathered you here for this person, in front of you
is one of the heads of the ten faming families, Usurios, today, he made two serious crimes, the first one was to hide
value information to me so he could make some benefits for himself, Hiding information is a huge insult to me and the
people who goes to train every day to train in order to protect you, if you hide things from us is the same as telling us
that you don't trust us, you think that we wont be able to help you and that, for me, its an insult!" Said Alfonso with a
grave expression.

Everyone from the public trembled from his words.

"The next crime that this man did was to try to take advantage of his position so he could take liberties with a woman on
this community, I won't say her name but, I must remain you something, and this is for all of you, no matter if you are
man or woman, adults or young man, kids or grow up, when you are in Wasteland Valley, everyone is equal in front of
the law, so, think twice before you do things, I will set an example here and now, what would be the consequences for
being a liar, guards, bring him here!" Shouted Alfonso.

Deferio and Cease dragged Usurios and tossed him in front of Alfonso.

"Open his mouth" Said Alfonso coldly.

Cease nodded and opened the mouth of Usurios.

"Wha… what are you planning to do!?" Shouted Usurios.

"The punishment for being a liar is…"

Alfonso took out a small dagger, he grabbed Usurios tongue.

"WAI-, NO, DON'T DO IT!" Shouted Usurios.

Alfonso only took a second glance at Usurios before making a quick movement with the together towards Usurios


"AHHHHHHH!" Usurios shouted while grabbing his bleeding mouth.

"Usurios!" the wife of Usurios run to her husband while grabbing him, she looked back at Alfonso with hatred.

"YOU ARE A MONSTER!" Shouted the woman.

Alfonso looked indifferently at the woman before making a small slice to the air to clean the blood. He took out a small
bottle from his pocket and throw it to the woman.

"Gave this to him, it will stop the blood" Said Alfonso while getting out of the platform.

Everyone looked at the bloody scene and their hearts trembled for some time.

"Maybe… he isn't that different from the rest of the nobles, they only view us as lowly commoners" Murmured someone.

"Are you a retard!? How can you say that to the hero of Wasteland Valley, that man deserves it! Is already good enough
that his highness didn't kill him on the spot!" Shouted someone.

"Yeah! His highness is a good man! Don't you dare to insult him"

"But he is too brutal, how can he do that?"

Different opinions came to Alfonso's ears; however, he didn't turn around and just continue his way back to the manor.

Antiope and Susana looked back at the back of Alfonso.

"He is a strong man" Said Susana.

"Why do you say so?" Asked Antiope.

"I have seen a lot of the so called "leaders", some of them are heroes to everyone else, some of them are selfish and
egotistic, some of them even don't give a crap about their people, however, in all my years, I have found something in
common in all of them" Said Susana.


Susana looked down and turned around to the south, she seeing to be immersed in her memories.

"Any of them wanted to be a villain, at least, not in front of others" Said Susana.

"What do you mean?" Asked Antiope.

"Everyone wants to be loved, to have their names crafted in history but, they don't want to be remember as 'one more' of
the rest, so they to do their best so they can be 'heroes' in front of everyone, despite that, deep inside, they just don't
want to show their dark side, however… he is different" Said Susana while looking back to Alfonso.

"He could have say that this man was a monster, that he was the worst villain ever, so he could gain everyone's
admiration and respect, however, he didn't do so, he told the true and was partial in his decision, he knew that his action
would be bad for his image as a 'hero', nevertheless, he did it, do you understand what kind of determination must one
have to be able to support the labels of 'hero' and 'villain'?" Asked Susana while looking at Antiope.

Antiope looked back, the silhouette of Alfonso wasn't there anymore, however, for some reason, Antiope could still see
his back, this time, his back seemed bigger but, at the same time, lonelier.

"He really is a strong man…" Though Antiope.

"Maybe… if its him… big sis…"


Alfonso was taking a small rest on his room, he was drinking a cup of wine while looking at the moon, this night, the
moon was hidden by a sea of clouds.

While he drank his wine, he remembered the words of Usurios.


Alfonso's memories began to surge.




The memories of 'Alfonso' made Alfonso felt a little bit of pain in his heart.
"After so many years, I thought I wouldn't felt like this anymore, what was this feeling called it again?" Murmured

"The word that you are looking for is frustration" Suddenly, a voice came from behind him, Alfonso turned around and
saw Artemis and Demeter behind him.

"Is time for the story already?" Asked Alfonso.

"Forget about it, I told everyone to go home already" Said Artemis.

"Why?" Asked Alfonso.

"Because… we want you to have a free day once in a while" Said Demeter.

Alfonso made a small chuckle before looking at the moonless night once again.

"You drink?" Asked Artemis after looking at the cup on Alfonso's hand.

"No, I hate alcohol" Said Alfonso while taking a deep sip of wine.

"However, this night I feel like it for some stupid reasons"

Demeter only made a small smile and walked to Alfonso's side, she grabbed Alfonso's shoulder with her hand

"What are you doing?" Said Alfonso.

"Nothing just felt like doing in it, for some stupid reasons" Said Demeter with a smile.

Artemis did the same on the other shoulder of Alfonso.

"Your shoulder feels heavy" Said Artemis.

"How about you let us some of the weight?" Said Demeter.

Alfonso was surprised to hear this but, he only could make a small and yet reliable smile grabbed both of her hands
with his and told them.

"I can't carry this weight alone"

"So, Please, stay by me side"

"For now, and always"

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127 Dad
The days passed quickly, Alfonso put his men to work and everyone was busy everyday, the incident with Usurios
calmed down by the days, however, the scene when Alfonso cut the tongue Of Usurios still lingered on everyone's mind,
when soldiers and wolves passed by, one group of people would hide themselves while other people had their loyalty
boosted and made a reverence towards them. Deferio and the others were obviously upset for the first group of people
attitude however, he couldn't do anything about it. A thing to recall was that , sine that day, Susana when to Alfonso's
room everyday to chat with him, they didn't chat anything in particular they just chat about random topics, however,
Susana felt, every time that both of them talked, that Alfonso was truly a genius among his peers, his view of the world
and the ideas that he has were outstanding, for example, one topic that the both of them talked about was the education.

"I think that Dragon's Academia as well as the others Academies should restrict their admission to the ones who truly
felt passionate about studying, for that, I think that they should make people take an exam so they could enter, the current
policy is that , if you part of royalty then you can enter at the age of twelve with some basics knowledge, however, that
only make nobles who has cero interested in learning go there to lose their time and the time of others, also, I think that
commoners should also be able to take this exam, who knows how many brilliant minds we are losing with the current
system" Said Susana.

Alfonso looked at her and made an approval smile.

"I admired your view; however, I think that you are mistaken the crucial point here, how are the commoners supposed to
pass an exam if they don't have a private tutor since child like the nobles do?" Asked Alfonso.

"Oh…yeah…I didn't think about that" Said Susana with some embarrassment.

"Don't need to be embarrassed, in fact, you are not to blame, you have always live as part of the royalty, that's why, your
ideas and set of mind are always set on how to do things in the royalty world, however, what you lack, is to extrapolate
those ideas to the rest of your world, that is called getting out of your comfort zone, you lack experience that's why you
can't put the real needs of the commoners in your mind, however, the fact that you can think of a project that view nobles
and commoners as equals shows your worth as a human being, quality that is hard to find in people at your age, I must
say that Felio has a lot of luck to have you as a daughter" Said Alfonso.

Susana stood stupefied for some time before making a happy smile.

"Then… what is my lord's view about this?" Asked Susana.

Alfonso though for some time before answering.

"I would avoid any kind of restrictions to enter an academia, of course, that includes the money that you have to pay"
Answer Alfonso.

"Wha-what?" Susana was surprised by Alfonso's answer.

Alfonso stood up and looked at the surprised Susana and made a small smile.

"You see, I think that education is the base of everything, think about it, if people had education, what would be the use
of robbing and killing? This world makes us different, some of us are born with a spoon of silver is our mouths while
others struggled day by day just to have something to eat, however, education erase that differences and made as equals,
that's why I inserted an educational program that everyone must assist, because I want everyone to have the same point
of start, so no one has any kind of excuse to do bad things, maybe is naïve and too unrealistic, however, I firmly believe
that this is the first step towards my goal" Said Alfonso.

"What is your goal?" Asked Susana.

Alfonso smiled before closing his eyes.

"A world where people won't call me 'my lord' when they see me"
Alfonso made a small chuckle

"instead, they will just call me Alfonso"

Susana felt an incredible feeling on her chest, she suddenly remembered something from her childhood, a memory that
has been lost in time.


"Dad, why did my grandparents don't come to the visit mom's grave?" Asked a little girl while holding the hand of a

"… Because they don't like dad" Said the man with a bitter smile.


"Because I am not a noble, I am just a retired soldier who became the lord of faraway town, a low class noble" Said the

"I don't understand" Said the little girl.

The man only made a small smile, he kneeled and pat the little girl's hair.

"It's too soon for you to understand, however, remember this, Susana, this world divided people since their birth, I
accepted this reality a long time ago… but" Said the man while looking at the grave.

"She told me one day… "The barriers that this world put on us, can be destroyed only by us" I firmly believe that, one
day, your mom's conviction will probe to be right" Said the man.

The little girl didn't know what to say, however, she felt a sudden sadness on her heart.


Susana suddenly realize the meaning behind her mother's words.

"You are truly extraordinary…" Said Susana.

Alfonso didn't say anything and took a sip of his water.

However, the next sentence of Susana almost made him felt from his chair.



Alfonso spit out the water that he just drank.

"What, what did you just say?"

Susana made a small smile.

"Nothing" Asked Susana.

"Oh, okay that's good for a moment there you scared me, well, it's getting late, we should be going" Said Alfonso.
"Okay" Said Susana while grabbing her wheelchair.


Before Alfonso could make open the door, he heard the word one more time.

"You are doing it on purpose don't you?" Asked Alfonso.


"You know what"

"I don't know what you are talking about…"

Alfonso made a small sigh and open the door.


This time Alfonso didn't turn around, he knew that Susana was teasing him.

"Just don't say it in front of the other ones, especially in front of Demeter and Artemis, got it?" Said Alfonso.

"Okay~" Said Susana with a big smile.

The two of them went out to the hall to receive little pit and everyone else.

Just like this, the days pass by and the day were Alfonso had to go with Antiope finally came.

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128 Hidden Title

"Well guys, take care of yourself, I leave Wasteland Valley in your hands" Said Alfonso to everyone in front of him.

Demeter, Artemis, Deferio, Cease, Susana and the wolves were there to say goodbye to Alfonso, Antiope, Cerberus and
Cat one.

"Cat one" Said Artemis.

"Master" Bowed Cat one.

"Remember your mission"

"Protect My lord at all cost, even at the cost of my own life" Said Cat one with calmness.

"Good" Said Artemis.

Alfonso could only smile helplessly at this sigh, he waved his hand and said goodbye to everyone one last time before
he and the rest made their way towards the Jubila forest.


A few hours passed, and they stopped for some time to rest and eat.

"Sorry guys, I know that all of you aren't tired but, as you can see…" Said Alfonso while looking at his cane.

To Alfonso, walking was extremely tedious, in fact, he was already at the verge of collapsing after three hours of
walking, the only reason he could continue on was because he drank one bottle of Hygiea's potion.

"Don't say stupid things, it's a shame that I don't have my big body, if I had it , I could let you mount me" Said Cerberus.

"I also must apologize, Alfonso, I wasn't careful with your condition" Said Antiope while bowing.

"Don't worry about it, lets rest for some time, how about you tell me about the Jubila forest in the process" Said Alfonso
while finding a nearby three to sit.

"The Jubila forest is the last wild zone on Leitol, for ages, it has been the home of all kind of no-human species, we, the
amazons, are the only human tribe on the Jubila forest, this is due to the fact that we aren't originally from Leitol" Said

"You aren't from Leitol?" Asked surprised Alfonso.

"Yes, our tribe came from Godshalt, we came because the first amazon, the sword goddess, was persecuted and we
ended here, originally, we were the protectors of her" Explained Antiope.

"If it's good for you to answer, why was the sword goddess, persecuted?" Asked Alfonso.

"It's not really a big secret so it's okay, it was because she was too powerful" Said Antiope.

"She was so powerful that she could defeat her husband, the heaven's emperor, oh right, let me clarify, every emperor
on Godshalt is called heaven's emperor, why? Because in Godshalt, we don't have 'children of the gods' so, every
emperor declares war against the heavens by declaring themselves as 'heaven's emperors'"

"Wait! So, you mean that in Godshalt… there is no champions?" Asked Alfonso.

"Correct, but, at the same time, is wrong" Said Antiope.

"?" Alfonso was confused.

"Although we don't have 'children of the gods', we do have champions, however, our champions are different from
yours, we don't receive gifts from the gods but, we have a natural gift ourselves, a give that make the gods jealous, that's
why, we don't receive their blessings" Said Antiope.

"Something that make gods jealous?" Asked Alfonso.

"That's right, the most powerful user of this ability was the sword goddess, in all the history of Godshalt, nobody has
ever show such potential as her, her husband, Vladimir Lexus, was jealous of her ability and was angered because,
behind his back, people said that he only had 'paper power' the one who truly controlled the throne was the sword
goddess, so, to show his might, he challenged the sword goddess to a fight, the result? The sword goddess used only
three attacks to destroy him, this make the king furious and accused the sword goddess to be a 'child of the gods' , a
persecution happen and a lot of our sisters die in the process, we managed to escape by stepping a lot of corpses of our
own sisters, it was awful, we managed to came here and made a new life in the Jubila forest" Explained Antiope.
"So that how it was" Said Alfonso.


Just went the four of them were talking, a beast appeared in front of them, it was a bear, however, this bear was huge at
least it had three meters, it was rare to see such a huge animal being so near to the border between Jubila forest and
Wasteland Valley.

"I will take care of this disrespectful fellow" Said Cerberus.

"No, wait" Said Antiope.

She took a step forward and made a deep breath.

"This is a good chance"

Antiope separate her legs and closed her eyes.

She put one hand above and one hand below forming a sphere form in front of her belly button.

"This is the technic that we have practice on Godshalt that made us win the wrath of the gods" Said Antiope.

Inside the 'sphere' something was forming, however, Alfonso couldn't see it, but he could felt it.

"This is!?" Alfonso though.

Antiope exhalate a huge amount of breath and broke the 'sphere', suddenly, all the 'thing' that was accumulating on the
sphere went into her belly button.

Her appearance change, her body became taller and her muscles became more pronounced, her hair grew at a naked eye
speed and her eyes turned white, however, was that, on Antiope's forehead, a few letters appear.


Antiope seems to be a totally different person, even Cerberus was trebling in her presence.


Even the wind seemed to be aware of her because the natural breeze of the Jubila forest seemed to evade her making her
seem like she had a some kind of invisible aura meaning from her body.

Antiope took another deep breath and opened her closed eyes, with a thunderous voice she shouted.

"OVERSOUL!" Shouted Antiope.

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129 Does it work?
"Over… soul" murmured Alfonso.

"Oversoul grant us the ability to take the power of nature and transform it in our own, we take the soul power that is in
the environment and fused with our own, making our own soul power maximize, take a good look" Said Antiope while
she moved forward to the bear.

"Even Cerberus would have some troubles with that bear" Analyzed Alfonso.

Antiope moved forward when suddenly.


She disappeared!

"What!?" Alfonso was surprised.

Cerberus eyes suddenly frowned and move its eyes to the sky.

"GRRRR" The bear seemed as confused as Alfonso.

Right when it moved its eyes to the sides, it felt a dangerous coming to him, he dodged by jumping to the right side, just
in time when a palm descended to its head!


A small explosion sound could be heard when Antiope's palm reached the ground, she composed and stood up once

"Teleportation?" Asked Alfonso.

"No, she just moved too fast for you to follow" Said Cerberus by his side. Cat one didn't say anything, but she agreed
with Cerberus.

"I also couldn't see her, but, the change on the wind give up her position, its similar when master disappears from sigh,
although she herself is invisible, the movements in the ground can not be camouflage, is the same with Antiope and her
speed, but, even them, I doubt that I can pinpoint her position in time before she attacks, that bear would be dead by
right if she had go serious" Said Cat one.

"She wasn't serious?" Asked Alfonso.

The bear looked at Antiope with a meaningful gaze and then turned around, Antiope relaxed and then her hair and eyes
came back to normal.

"We, Amazons, don't kill just for the pleasure of it, we only kill living things to eat, that's the rule our ancestor gave us,
we must respect this planet and it will respect us" Said Antiope.

Alfonso made a small smile and then stood up.

"If only my world would have more people like you, I am sure that we won't be as we are now" Said Alfonso.

Antiope didn't understand what he meant, in fact, maybe the only person who understand that sentence was Alfonso
After witness the might of the amazons, Cerberus and Cat one were looking forward to meet them, however, Alfonso
has other worries.

"If they are this powerful… what kind of enemy could they be facing that they need our help?" Pondered Alfonso.


Thanks to Antiope, Alfonso and the others didn't have much of an issue in their journey, originally, to Antiope I would
have take only three days to get there, however, because of Alfonso, they had to stop and rest longer than expected, so
the journey took an entire week.

"We are almost there" Said Antiope with a smile on her face.

Its obviously that she was homesick.

"Is there any rule that we must follow or some prohibitions that we should know before hand?" Asked Alfonso.

Obviously, as a different kind of people, they have their own rules and it would be best to know them before hand so
there won't be any misunderstanding.

"Mmmm… well… how do I say this…" Said Antiope with some awkwardness.

"?" Alfonso was confused.

"Well, you see, here is the thing, the amazons are an only woman tribe, so, how do you think that we reproduce?" Asked

"Oh… yeah… now that you mention it…" Said Alfonso.

"This is very important so listen carefully, went we are about to die, our soul is extracted from our decaying bodies, the
body is buried in the earth and then we let them rest for three days, after that the soul and the body resonate with each
other and we have what we could our 'rebirth', for each rebirth that we have a number will appear in a part of our body,
by the way, every time that we experience a rebirth, our soul becomes weaker, of course, we must die for all age, if we
die for a disease or we are killed, we can't experience a rebirth, as to how this works and why only us can do it, I don't
know, the only one who know is the ancestor, anyway, let's get back to topic, the issue here is that, no all of us have the
same life span, when the soul is more powerful, our lifespan is several times stronger, for example take a look at this"
Antiope lifter her skirt and, on her thigh, a number appeared.

"seven" Murmured Alfonso.

"That's right, I have died and have my rebirth seven times, my soul is seven times weaker than what it used to be, after
we experience nine rebirths, we can't have more rebirths and we will die, by now, we have lost thirty sisters because of
this" Said Antiope with some sadness.

"I see" Said Alfonso.

"So, you must absolutely not provoked the ones with low numbers, especially… be careful of sister Pentiselea, she
hates men" Said Antiope.

"Oh… by the way, what number Pentiselea has?" Asked Alfonso.

"three" Said Antiope.

"…" Alfonso didn't know what to say.

"Oh, I have a question myself… but I don't know if you could answer it or not" Said Antiope with some redness in her

"Oh, don't worry go ahead and ask" Said Alfonso.

"Does it work?" Asked Antiope.

"What thing?" Asked Alfonso.

"You know… down there…"


"You know… your 'little buddy'"

"Your 'best friend'"

" Your 'Ding-Dong'",

"Your 'wee-wee'"

"your Dong- "


"…" The both of them stood in an awkward silence for some time.

"Why are you asking something like that!?" Asked Alfonso.

"Is because of something concerning our tribe, please just answer! Your friend didn't hesitate when he answered, what
are you so sissy about!?" Refuted Antiope

Alfonso didn't know what to say after some time, he awkwardly answered.

"Yes, it does" Said Alfonso with a tiny voice.

"Okay" Said Antiope.

Alfonso was confused, why would she ask something like that, but he didn't notice that the fist of Antiope made a small
victory pose.

After that the both of them stood silence the rest of the trip until they finally arrived to the amazon tribe.

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130 Meeting the leader

The amazon tribe was just like Alfonso imagine, in his early days Alfonso visited South America he went to Brazil and
Peru se he could learn more about the Inca empire, in those days, he remembered clearly a certain event, he met a some
people on his expeditions, they were called the AWAS, he became friend with a native there and he had the honor to
visited their tribe, the amazon tribe was, more or less, similar to them in their lifestyle, the houses were in high ground
and were made of vegetable fiber. As Alfonso went by he observed not only the houses but also the people there, as
Antiope mention before, the people here were all women, they had the same kind of vestment, a top that cover only half
of the button belly and a skirt, both of them were made of fur, Alfonso supposed it was bear's fur but he wasn't entirely
sure, the tribe was small, however, their houses and farms were well organized, they have some livestock which
surprised Alfonso, he also had some livestock, however, they consisted on only rabbits and so on, in this case, they
have horses, chickens and…

"Oh my god, they have cows!" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso suddenly realized something, here, the weather wasn't cold, in fact, it was a little warm.

"How is this possible, we are only a few days form Wasteland Valley, however, the weather has changed so much!"
Murmured Alfonso.

"Actually, is a little cold, we are just about to enter summer after all" Mention Antiope.

Alfonso was stupefied, he has heard of some places in the world were weather was like this, however, this changed
was to extreme, what was going on?

"If you have any question, meet the ancestor, she how everything works around here" Said Antiope after seeing
Alfonso's face.

However, what Alfonso and his group didn't know was that, while they walking a lot of eyes were following them.

"Hey, hey look, is that...??"

"Yeah! No doubt about it, is a guy!"

"He is really cute, with that eyepatch and the cane, with that blonde hair he gives me the feeling of wanting to protect
him! Don't you think so!?"

"Yeah, yeah, I want him to call me, 'big sister' , and then I will teach him, everything he needs to know about man and
woman ♥ "

"I bet he is a virgin, just thinking about assaulting him tonight makes me… mmmm…"

"What are you all talking about? That guy is all slim and girly, he could be a sister instead, on the other hand, the last
guy, do you remember those muscles!? That's what I call a man!"

"That's right! That guy, I bet he doesn't have any stamina! Instead, that other guy, with those huge arms could hold me any
time he wants ♥ "

"Hey, wouldn't be interesting if we put that guy with girl clothes? I bet he will look gorgeous~"

A lot of weird comments were coming from the girls who were looking at Alfonso, he suddenly felt like a rabbit
entering a wolf den!

"What the hell was that last comment!?" Though Alfonso.

While Alfonso was worrying about his future, Antiope had her own thoughts.
"I am sorry Alfonso, just this time, make a small sacrifice for this tribe and its future"

"Antiope" Suddenly the voice of Alfonso came to Antiope who was lost in her thoughts.

"Wha-what is it?" Asked Antiope.

"Who many Amazon are still alive?" Asked Alfonso.

"fifty" Answer Antiope.

"So, few?" Alfonso was surprised.

"Yeah, We have lost some sister in the fight against the Lakshets" Answer Antiope.

"I was just about to ask, who are this Lakshets?"

"They are a tribe of dragonkin, they are children of the lord of the Jubila forest, Leviathan!" Said Antiope.

"WHAT!? A DRAGON!?" Alfonso was stunned

He has heard a lot of this lord of the Jubila Forest, however, they have never in his wildest dream would he have
imagined that it was the mythical creature, the dragon!

"Leviathan… I have heard that name before…but where?" Though Alfonso.

"Leviathan has been sleeping for the past one thousand years, however, sometimes, he 'sleepwalks' and make chaos,
that's why, many creatures decided to go the border on those periods" Said Antiope.

"And that is how the 'horde' is born" Concluded Alfonso.

"All of this time, the sons and daughters of Leviathan have been the rulers of Jubila forest, however, they weren't
excessive, they only made us paid a tribute and that was all, however, twenty years ago something changed" Said
Antiope "We are here".

In front of Alfonso, a huge house could be seen, Antiope knocked three times and they made a small reverence, Alfonso
follow and also made the reverence, Cat one and Cerberus did so as well.

When they entered, they saw three women, two of them standing while one was sitting between the two, the one standing
at the right side was tall and had a tan skin, she had a spear on her hand and her hair was black and short, the other one
had a bow on her back, she had tan skin as well an her hair was blonde and long.

"My name is Oritia, is nice to meet you" Said the girl with black hair, she made a small smile at Alfonso

"… Pentesilea" Answered coldly the girl with blonde hair without looking at Alfonso.

The girl sitting between the both of them made a small look at Pentiselea before looking back at Alfonso.

Alfonso saw this woman, she was tall, even if she was sitting Alfonso could tell that she was tall, she had tan skin and
her hair was red and short, she had this 'wild aura' that make her look a little savage, however, her eyes seemed as deep
as the ocean, Alfonso could tell that she had experience a lot.

"Look at those legs… Even Demeter's legs aren't as gorgeous as hers!" Though Alfonso.

"Hello, neighbor, my name is Ainia, leader of the amazon tribe, nice to meet you" Said Ainia with a playful smile.
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131 Drako
"Leader of the Amazon tribe, it's my pleasure and honor to meet you, my name is Alfonso Lockheart, lord of Wasteland
Valley" Said Alfonso.

"Alfonso Lockheart? Good name, thanks for accepting our request for help, in this dire situation, to be honest, if we
could, we didn't want to get a third party involved, however, we didn't have must of a choice here" Said Ainai.

"Antiope told me about the situation, however, I don't have all the details, do you mind to tell me more about the enemy
and its purpose?" Asked Alfonso.

"Of course, how much do you know?" Asked Ainai.

"I only know that an event happens in the Lackshets tribe twenty years ago that makes them break the peace agreement"
Said Alfonso.

"Well, that's half of the story, twenty years ago, a baby was born in the Lackshets tribe, his name was Drako, he was
born under the brightest star, since he was a children, he was exceptional in everything he did, when he got at the age of
ten, his powers began to emerge, he has the purest dragon blood in the history of the Lackshets, he has the potential to
became even stronger than his father, about three years ago he assemble all the tribes in the Jubila forest, of course, we
were included, he told us his ambition" Said Ainai.

"What does he want to do?" Asked Alfonso.

"He wants to 'eat' his father" Said Ainai.

"EAT!?" Asked Alfonso.

"Of course, by eat, I don't meant to literally eat Leviathan, he wants to devour his soul, so he can became a true dragon,
Drako isn't a pure dragon, in fact, as far as I know, there are only three dragons who are still alive, one of them is in
Greycastle, Leviathan is the other one and the last one seems to live in the country of the sea" Said Ainai "Anyway,
although his idea isn't bad he doesn't have any method to apply it, that's why he invoked us so we could prove him
alternatives, some tribes plegde their alliance immediately, while others decided to stay neutral, we were with the later
ones, however, somehow, Drako became our of our abilities, he demand us to hang over our technique of the oversoul,
however, this technique can't be used by someone with a weak power soul, I personally warm him, over and over again
I told him that he shouldn't mess with this, I teach him our ability and… the worse happen" Said Ainai with some

"What happened to Drako?" Asked Alfonso

"The soul power in the environment its too… polluted, it contains a lot of impurities that cant affect the mind of the ones
who touch it, there are three kinds of impurities that must never be touched, the eternal power of life, the deadly power
of death and the forbidden power of time, Drako, in his goal to gain more power, absorber too much power of death and
lose his mind, he transformed all the Lackshets in brainless puppets, he wants to transform this land in the land of death,
for years, we have suffered the attack of Lackshets, however, about three months ago, something happen, Drako, who
hadn't meddle in any battle, suddenly appear in the battlefield and massacre three tribes, that's why, we sent Antiope and
the others in request for help, so we can stop Drako before is too late" Said Ainai.
Alfonso was stunned by all this information, especially, because the three powers that Ainai mentioned.

"The forbidden power of time?" Asked Alfonso.

"Among the three powers, the power of time is the most dangerous, that's why is called 'forbidden', didn't you know?
The power of time disappear from this planet more than ten thousand years ago in the god realm war, the legend says
that the most powerful god declared war against all the other gods, the god in particular killed more than half of the
gods, at the end, the gods couldn't destroy her, so they decided to lock her up for all eternity, coincidently, this god in
particular had the power of time" Said Ainai.

"I… I didn't know that" Answer Alfonso.

"Getting back to the topic, Drako is currently preparing his forces to invade our most sacred place, the tomb of the
sword goddess!" Said Ainai.

"Tomb… she is dead!?" Asked Alfonso surprised.

All the amazons made a sorrow face, after some time, Ainai spoke.

"When we were running from Godshalt, the sword goddess received a heavy injure made by Vladimir, she died after the
battle with Timothy, the user of the flame sword, we buried her in that mountain" Said Ainai while signaling a small
mountain behind them.

"Some people has spread the legend that, inside her tomb, the flame sword, ignite, live there, Drako wants that sword,
coincidently, your friend also wants that sword, we don't really care if the sword is there or not, however, we won't let
anyone disturb the eternal resting place of our ancestor, so we would like to request from your help, Alfonso" Said
Ainai while looking at Alfonso straight into the eyes.

She kneeled and put her forehead on the ground and said

"Assist us in defending this tribe and its people, lord of Wasteland Valley, Alfonso Lockheart!"

Alfonso looked at Ainai and then though for some time.

"When will Drako arrived?" Asked Alfonso.

"In one week" Answer Ainai.

"How confident are you to defeat him?" Asked Alfonso.

"About half-half, we are almost equal in power, however, the problem is that his army is too powerful, and we are too
little," Said Ainai.

Alfonso nodded and stay in silence for some time, after one minute he looked back at Ainai and said

"I got it, however, I have one request for you" Said Alfonso.

"Please ask" Said Ainai.

Alfonso put his hand on his chest.

"Teach me how to use Oversoul, that's my condition to help you out" Said Alfonso with conviction.
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132 As dense as a black hole

The faces of the women turned cold for an instant, Alfonso knew that he might be asking for a lot, however, he has his
own reasons to do this.

"I have to get my hands in that ability" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso had a serious problem, his soul power was , at most, average, since he opened to the soul world, he had been
analyzing his own soul power, he had conduct some experiments as well, he had tried to activate his powers without the
help of the system, however, the only ability he could activate was the power of time, he couldn't activate mark of the
hunter and the others, when he used the system, he saw that the consumption of soul power was reduced by three folds,
however, even like this, he could, at most, activated mark of the hunter seven times, and, with the restriction he put on
himself, two times; as for the power of time, he tried using time lock, he could only use it once, before feeling the
fatigue, as for the Chrono sphere, he couldn't activated without passing out, all in all, he was like a super new brand
computer with all kinds of functions but, if you use one, the battery dies, in other word… useless.

"Alfonso, not only your body but also your soul power is… give me a break already!" Though Alfonso.

That's why, when he saw oversoul, he knew that he had to get this ability no matter what!

"Is like having an external battery, when my internal battery runs out, I can use the extra battery" Though Alfonso.

"You understand that you are insulting us when you made that kind of request?" Said Ainai coldly.

"I know, in fact, if I weren't in a desperate situation myself, I wouldn't do this" Said Alfonso apologetically.

"What do you mean?" Asked Ainai.

"You are an expert in soul power, you should know that my soul power is mediocre, average at most" Said Alfonso.

"That's true" Said Ainai.

"However, I have abilities that requires a lot of soul power, my current self can't even make use of my abilities without
passing out, that's why, this ability of yours might be what I was looking for" Said Alfonso honestly.

Saying this, Alfonso was taking a huge risk, he was literally exposing his own weaknesses to a foreign, in case they
suddenly turned hostile, Alfonso would suffer, however, he had been observing Ainai for some time, with her reactions
he felt that this woman was a person of honor, Alfonso felt like he could trust her based on her character, after all, each
person requires different kind of treatment, in this case, he felt that honesty was the easiest way to make a connection
between him and the Amazons, of course, Ainai also knew all of this, that's why, after hearing this, her cold attitude
disappear and a more warm expression appeared on her face, Oritia was the same, the only one who seemed to be
unpleasant was Pentesilea.

"As you know, I can teach you, however, you will be risking your life by learning oversoul, after all, Drako's soul
power was three times more powerful than yours and, despite this, he couldn't handle it and losed his mind, If I teach
you, I will became a murder, I won't repeat the same mistake and created another Drako" Said Ainai.
"I have confidence that I won't lose my mind" Said Alfonso.

"Ho? Where this that confidence comes from?" Asked Ainai.

Alfonso looked at Ainai and then took a deep breath.

"You said that the reason why oversoul was dangerous was because the three powers make one go out of control right?"
Asked Alfonso.

"That's right" Said Ainai.

"However…" Said Alfonso

Suddenly he extended his right hand, above his hand some white particles appeared forming what it seemed a warm

Ainai and the rest were stunned.


Alfonso extended his left hand, above this hand, black particles formed a small blackhole.


"Don't tell me!?" Said Ainai.

"For me, those limitations don't exist" Said Alfonso.

His eyepatch went down and his green eye made everyone stunned, a small green particles appeared in front of Ainai
forming what it seems to be a clock.

Ainai and the others were speechless, they were so amazed that they didn't notice that Alfonso was slowly breathing
harder and harder, his clothes began to turn wet, he tried to calm himself and disappear the three powers slowly.

"Controlling… the powers of death and life is more challenging than I originally though" Though Alfonso while
suppressing the blood on his throat.

The particles of life and death were extracted of the Ying-Yang domain, suddenly, Alfonso felt something and looked at
his own stats.

[ Ying-Yang domain (Level 2- 70%)]

"Just by using this little bit make the ability lose a level, what a shame" Though Alfonso.

However, this was also a good thing, because, when he loss some on his powers, the power of time became stronger
and stronger.

"This… is impossible, no matter how I think about it, leaving aside the power of death and live, to be able to obtain the
power of time… how is this possible!?" Said Ainai.

"I go lucky and obtain this power, now, do you think that qualify?" Asked Alfonso.

Ortia and Pentesilea where still digestion this.

"Someone who has the three powers on his body… what kind of monster in this man!?" Though Ortia.

"… Amazing" Though Pentesilea.

Ainai was amazed as well, however, she also had other thoughts.

"OK, I will teach you Oversoul" Said Ainai.

Alfonso made a small smile and extended his hand, when both leaders shake their hands, both parties knew that the
negotiations were over.

"By the way, my friend, Hephaestus, where is he?" Asked Alfonso.

Ainai and Ortia made an awkward face, Pentesilea's face was a mix between rage and awkwardness.

"That guy is on the back house with some of our sisters" Said Ainai with a red face.

"Oh! Good, I have some things to talk to him so let's go see hi-"

"I- I think it's better if we wait for some time you know, he is… busy…" Before Alfonso could finish, Ortia intervene.

"Why? What is he doing?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well.. you know… he is… that… you know… he is fighting" Said Ortia with the face as red as tomato.

"Oh! He is wrestling with the amazons? This is a good chance, I have never seen him fighting so let's go have a look!"
Said Alfonso.


"?" Alfonso didn't know what was happening.

Even Cat one, Antiope and Cerberus were facepalming while looking at the clueless face of Alfonso.

"Hey! Is he always like this!?" Asked Pentesilea.

"Yeah, he is very assertive in everything but, for these topics in particular, he seems to be as dense as a black hole"
Said Cerberus.

"Why do I felt like I am being insulted?" Asked Alfonso.

All of the people in the house were looking at Alfonso as they were looking an idiot, well, not all of them though, there
was one person whose face was red.

"This kid really wakes up my wild instincts, so mysterious and yet, so naïve, right into my strike zone, what do to… I
want to push him and eat him right now" Though Ainai.

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133 blank
Alfonso, cat one and Cerberus were relocated in a nearby house, it had three separate rooms for the three of them.

"For now, rest for the long journey, we will talk more tomorrow, also, your friend is already aware of your arrived, he
told me that he will come tomorrow morning" Said Antiope before going on her way.

Alfonso sat down on a nearby chair, at his side was Cat one and on his lap was Cerberus.

"For now, we will wait for Hephaestus, I have some questions for him… Cat one" Said Alfonso.

"My lord"

"Cat one, based on what you saw, what are the attitudes of the amazon toward us?" Asked Alfonso.

"They have good will, although, I must say that the decision of showing your powers was rushed" Answer earnestly Cat

Alfonso made a small smile.

"It might be, however, you must understand this, people has different approaches depending their personality, Ainai for
example, she is a straight forward person, so, if we delivered hide things for her, It won't do us any good, showing good
will and being honest is the perfect way to deal with persons like her, this isn't the case with Felio for example, who is
a cunning fox, my way to negotiate with was more crafty, you understand what I mean?" Said Alfonso.

"I do" Answer Cat one.

"Cerberus, how powerful are they?" Asked Alfonso.

"At least, they are as powerful as Demeter and Artemis, specially that Ainai, I think that, even if Demeter and Artemis
attacked together, they wouldn't beat her, its hard to said, her powers were well hidden, but my instincts tell me that she
is even more powerful that what we can imagining" Answered Cerberus.

"I see… " Said Alfonso.

"My lord, I have one more thing to say" Said Cat one.


"My lord… I think that Ainai and Antiope had other plans when they bring you here" Said Cat one.

"You also notice? That's good" Said Alfonso.

"Oh? My lord also noticed?" Asked Cat one.

"Yeah… when we were entering this tribe, I notice the gaze of some people on me, I was already suspicious however…
after seeing Ainai, I confirmed it" Said Alfonso.

"Oh? How come?" Asked Cat one.

"Those eyes… are the same eyes Demeter has when she sleeps with me" Said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

Although was a little innocent(stupid) in topics like love and sex, he was, after all, an old man with experience, he
could tell that these women had other plans for him, or, to be more precise for 'Little Alfonso'.
"Isnt that good? Is not the dream of every men to be desired by so many pretty women?" Asked Cat one.

"That's for young kids, when you have my age you will see that sex isn't really that important, young people tends to be
so anxious about getting late that they became stupid, as for me, I prefer to have a good and relaxed conversation with a
girl, I won't deny that I like sex, but I have other priorities right now, I can't be as carefree as Hephaestus" Said Alfonso.

"…" Cat one was speechless.

"Or, you can just say that you are afraid of Demeter finding that you were having some 'fun' at her back, what's the use of
speaking this long monologue?" Said Cerberus.

Alfonso's cheek became red and he didn't know, or to be more precise, he couldn't refuse!

There was a small yet awkward silence in the room.

*Cough* *Cough*

Alfonso interrupted the awkward silence.

"Anyway, I am afraid that we will have some unwelcome visitors tonight so, we will take turns, or to be more accurate,
you and Cerberus will be taking turns to guard the house" Said Alfonso.

"… That's a little unfair isn't it?" Said Cat one.

"Hey, I have few privileges as the leader, one of them is that I can sleep for as long as I want" Said Alfonso.

""…"" They didn't know what to said.

"Anyway, you know your mission, let's go to our rooms and rest, tonight will be a long night" Said Alfonso


"Everyone is clear of the mission?" A shadow talked while looking at the house of Alfonso and the others.

"Yeah, take the little brother and eat hi- bring him back" Said another shadow.

"That's right, don't forget the instructions, the first taste must be for the matriarch!" Said Another shadow.

"Excuse me…I want to know something…why don't we just go and ask… I mean he is a man I don't think he would say

"Don't be stupid! , according to Antiope's report this man is different, I don't think he would agree , the matriarch also
thinks the same"

"How come? His friend was very cooperative"

"Don't know, don't care, also, I haven't tasted a man since…more than a thousand years ago, and he happens to be very
cute, so let's go!"

"For the future!"

"For the future!"

"For the future!"

"For the foo- future!"

The seven shadows went on their way to Alfonso's house, before they could get too close, a shadow appeared before

"My lord is currently resting, whatever business you have *yawnnnn* please leave it fo- *yawnn* tomorrow" Said a
seem to be half-sleep half-awake Cat one.

"…" The seven shadows looked at each other before one of them made a gesture with her hand to the other ones, in an
instant, all of them stood still and in silence.

After a couple of minutes…


A snoring sound came from the girl in front of them, one of the girls took slowly steeps towards the girl, she waved her
hand in front of her.


The girl didn't answer, after that, the woman made an 'ok' sign to the other ones, they passed Cat one and went into the


Inside the house, everything was dark, the seven girls enter the house with slowly steps.

"Do you have the item?" Asked one of the girls.

"Here" Said the girl while taking out a rope.

"What about the other item?"

"Here" Said another girl with a small bottle on her hand.

"Good…" Said the girl.

However, before she could take another step, she looked at the bottle and the rope, she stopped and said

"You know… aren't we acting like those… you know… aren't we basically kidnappers at this point!?"

"…" The other girls stood quiet for some time before realizing.

"Well, duh, of course you are, and, because of you, I have a huge headache and my eyes are killing me" A voice came
from the other side of the house.

When they notice, the lights turned on a silhouette could be seen, it was a man with a cane and eyepatch.

"Yo-yo-your highness… what are you doing awake at this hour?" Asked one of the girls.

"I set those two to make guard, but just in case, I stood awake for some time, not even an hour passed until both of them
fall sleep, god, what kind of bodyguards left their boss do the job while they sleep!?" Said Alfonso with an annoyed
"You knew we were coming?" Asked another girl.

"You make it too obvious, however, let me tell you something this… not matter how hard you try, you can't force me to
do something I don't want to" Said Alfonso.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Asked one girl.

"I am telling you, literally, you can't force to do something I don't want to do, not because of my fighting power nor
because I have those two idiots… because, LITERALLY, if I don't want to have sex, nobody can't force me, my friend
down there won't go up no matter what, so get out now, you are wasting my sleeping time!"

Alfonso usually wouldn't say this and with those words, however, the problem was that, because he hasn't sleep well,
and, as someone who love to sleep the most, he was angry and frustrated.

"God, why I am surrender by pushy women!?" Though Alfonso.

"So, now that you know that get out of he-"

"I don't accept it!" Said one of the girls.

"What..?" Said Alfonso.

"Yeah! No matter how much control you have, we are one hundred percent confident in my appearance! I mean, look at
my breast! They are huge!"

"Yeah. Yeah, look at my pretty face and lips, if makes man drool with desire!"

"…" Alfonso was speechless.

"They are too narcissistic and shameless!" Though Alfonso.

"Well, If you want to try go ahead, I will be in my room, however, I tell you, is useless" Said Alfonso while going back
to his room.

The other seven girls looked at him and a disbelieve face appeared in the face of the seven.

"There is no man with such control, right?"

This was the though on the seven girls.

They fixed their appearance and went inside the room.

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134 Two options


Alfonso made a small yawn while he woke up, he felt exceptionally great this morning, when he woke up, he stood up
and notice that his shirt and pants were gone.


Alfonso heard a strange noise coming from the side of his bed, he didn't have to turn around to know what that noise

"Hey, I told you this will turn out this way, what are you crying about?" Said Alfonso.

"Your highness I am sorry! I fell as..le…ep" Suddenly, the door open an a ashamed Cat one enter the room.

At first she was ashamed about falling asleep on this important task, however, she couldn't help it, she didn't had that
much sleep on the way here so, when she relaxed, her mind hug Morpheus's arms way too fast. However, after entering
the room, she was completely stunned.

Inside the room, Cat one saw seven beautiful women, completely naked, crying on her knees.

"Wh…at t..he… fuck?" Cat one couldn't think of anything.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"What… what happen here?" Asked Cat one to Alfonso.

"Long story, however, we wouldn't be in this situation if you had done your job" Said Alfonso to Cat one.


"Where is Cerberus?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well…he is…" Said Cat one while taking a small look behind her.

"H..e…hey Alfonso, you couldn't… get angry with me… right?" Said Cerberus while using his secret ability, Cute eyes.

Alfonso looked them, and he made a small sigh.

"Anyway, nobody got hurt this time so lets said that this didn't happen" Said Alfonso.

""My lord~""


While both culprits were rejoicing that they didn't got any punishment, one of the girls stood up with indignation written
all over her face.

NOW!" Said one of the girls.


"Sister is right, you have to take responsibility!"

"Sister is right, I feel less than an ant right now!"

"That's right! Take responsibility!"


The seven girls suddenly recover her spirits and demanded Alfonso to take responsibility.

"…" Alfonso was speechless.

"Alfonso, what did you do exactly?" Asked Cerberus.

"Well… you will have to ask the author to release the chapter, I can't say anything" Said Alfonso.


After dealing with the girls, Alfonso put some clothes and went to visit Hephaestus.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Hephaestus for almost three months" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso arrived at a small cabin, when he went inside, he recognized a man sitting on a chair while drinking what it
seems to be an orange juice.

"Hephaestus, long time no see" Said Alfonso.

"Oh, it's you mortal, yeah, it's been a while, how are my sisters?" Asked Hephaestus.

"They are fine, we returned from our trip a few weeks ago, how are you? Did you found what you were looking for?"
Asked Alfonso.

"Well, not just yet, however, I have the feeling that there is something precious to me finding somewhere nearby" Said
Hephaestus while looking at the direction of the tomb.

"I see… well, we can take some time to investigated this, have you heard about the incoming danger?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yeah, If I had at least forty percent of my powers, It will just a child's game to eradicated those pest, however, with my
current powers, I don't think I will be able to deal with Drako" Said Hephaestus.

"I have a plan; however, I will have to make some arrangements before anything" Said Alfonso.

"Got it, I will also help, I have taken a liken to this village, I will like to protect it" Said Hephaestus.

"Because of the women?" Asked Alfonso with a sly smile.

"Not exactly, of course, I like to have sex like everybody else but just because of that I wouldn't help, after all, my
standards aren't that easy to meet" Said Hephaestus.

"Oh, then why you want to protect this village?" Asked Alfonso.

"… Why do you want to protect them?" Asked Hephaestus.

"Me? Because I can benefit for them and they can benefit for me, I am not that good of a person to fight a dangerous
battle without a motive, it's a little cruel but that how is it, disappointed?" Asked Alfonso.

"Not at all, we, gods, aren't that different from you mortals, you think that Zeus created you humans without a motive?
Hehe, he isn't that good of a guy either, I like humans that don't hide their intentions, I get sick every time I must go to the
Olympus and see the façade of my brothers and sisters" Said Hephaestus.
"That's why you are always on your forge?" Asked Alfonso.

"Not exactly but it's a motive as well, it's in my nature to be in my forge to begin with, I am the god of metallurgy after
all, however, I won't lie, I prefer to be alone, I don't trust neither people nor gods" Said Hephaestus.

Alfonso made a small smile and extended his hand.

"That's why you want to kill me?" Asked Alfonso while looking at Hephaestus.

Hephaestus was a little surprise but then he stood up and made a small yet cold smile.

Alfonso had felt the murderous intent of Hephaestus since a while ago, ever since he fight against Lucio, his battle
instincts have begun to emerge once more, once more because he already had it, after all, the original Alfonso was a
soldier, however, after Alfonso took this body, theses instincts enter in an hibernation state.

"You have the power of the old man, the power of Chronos, if that is not enough motive to kill you, then I don't know
what it is" Said Hephaestus.

"If I tell you that I gain these powers by chance and I hate Chronos as much as you do, will you believe me?" Asked

"Yeah, I would, you don't seem like a person that likes to lie, for that, I respect you mortal, no, Alfonso, that's why, I
will give you two options" Said Hephaestus while extending two fingers.

"What options?" Asked Alfonso.

"The first option is that you let me take that eye and destroyed it, then I will swear a pledge to protect you for the rest of
your life... and the other option…" Said Hephaestus.

He took a step forward and looked at Alfonso straight into the eyes.

"I will kill you, right here, right now"

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135 Origin
Hephaestus declarations shake Alfonso, however, keep calm despite the murderous intent that was almost suffocating.

"If you want to deal with me, in your current circumstances, I don't think it will be easy, in fact, it will be the other way
around" Said Alfonso.

"Ho? How can you be so sure?" Asked Hephaestus.

"I can be, in fact, it won't be that hard, I only need two moves to kill you, wanna try?" Asked Alfonso.

Hephaestus looked at Alfonso and made a small smile.

"Not bad, you have change since the last time I saw you, I can tell that you are, in fact, more powerful than me, which let
me to the following question, what are you going to do with that power?" Asked Hephaestus with a solemn expression.

"… it seems that you are worried about me turning into another Chronos" Said Alfonso.

"No" Said Hephaestus "I am afraid that you will become another Zeus"

Alfonso was stunned by this declaration.

"You know what the end of those with absolute power?" Asked Hephaestus.

"Yeah" Said Alfonso.

"Ho?" Said Hephaestus in surprise.

"You die as a hero or live enough to become a villain" Said Alfonso.

Hephaestus was a little stunned with this phrase of Alfonso, however, he nodded his head in approval.

"Well said, however, I think that you are mistaken something, what you are saying is then end of those how 'fight for
justice' and became powerful, however, I am talking about those who, whatever their intention is, became powerful
enough to domain everything" Said Hephaestus.

Alfonso though for some time, but he didn't find an answer.

"It's normal that you don't, in fact, only we, immortals, can know about it" Said Hephaestus.

"The most horrifying aspect of becoming invincible"

"Is that you get BORE"

Alfonso was stunned by this answer.

"Bore? What are you talking about?" Asked Alfonso.

"That's why I told you that only us, who don't die, can understand this concept, you know why Zeus created humanity?"
Asked Hephaestus.


"Think about it, when you get your answer, come at me, If your answer satisfy me, I will follow you" Said Hephaestus.

After that, he turned around and went inside the cabin once again.


Alfonso stood there for some time, thinking about the conversation he just had, at the end, he made a small sigh and
came to a conclusion.

"Indeed, no matter how close we are or even if they lose their powers, in the very end, gods and humans are different"
Though Alfonso.

Alfonso though in Demeter and Artemis and felt a little sad inside.

He grabbed his cane and went back to his cabin in a slow pace.

"You are here Alfonso, I have been waiting for you" Said Ainai, who was setting cross-legged in front of Alfonso.

"Ainai, good afternoon, yeah, I had a REALLY long night yesterday" Said Alfonso with a small sly.

"Shishishi, you can't blame us, we have more than one thousand years without having sex, some of us can barely tolerate
it… in fact…If you want to… I can go on top and-"

"Not thanks" Cur Alfonso.

"My sisters have told me that yesterday, they visited you and, despite looking so fragile, you have quite the gun down
there, come on, just a quicky…"

"stop, can we go down to business?" Said Alfonso.


Ainai made a small sigh and stood up.

"OK, let's begin then, I will try to explain to you the basics of Oversoul and the rest will be up to you" Said Ainai.

Ainai took a deep breath, she closed her eyes and regulated her breathing, Alfonso saw that her aura changed, he felt
that something was emerging from her, but he didn't know why. Alfonso used all his soul power and put in on his eye, he
finally saw what was going on.

"Her soul power… it's ridiculous! How can a human… no… how can a living creature has such soul power!?" Though

Soul power was like an aura that the body emanates spontaneously, Alfonso's soul power, as average as it was,
emanates a some kid of aura that covers his body, if we had to put in others terms, Alfonso's soul power was at the size
of an apple, then, a high soul power was at the size of a melon, for example, Lucio's and Artemis's soul power, an
abnormal soul power was at the size of a watermelon, for example, Demeter's soul power… however… Ainai soul's

"It will be at the size of a grown man… how is this possible!"

"Impressive huh? However, this power is nothing if we compared to the champions of Godshalt, specially, if we
compare it to the soul power of the ancestor, she sure was impressive" Said Ainai with some nostalgia "Anyway, I will
explain you how this works, let me start from the beginning, the very first people on Godshalt, the Numerios, were the
first one to develop this ability, however, this ability was created in a futile effort to achieve immortality, the Numerios
knew that they would anger the gods if they tried such heretic actions, that's why, they used their own soul and divided
in nine exactly parts, the theory behind this is complex so I won't go in detail, by dividing the soul in nine parts they
assure that they would be able to experience a Rebirth, but, it came with a price, sure, they would be able to
reincarnate, but, their life span was cut in nine parts as well, for example, let's say that they could live 9999 years, when
they used Oversoul, they would live 1111 years then die and then Rebirth once more, in other words, it wasn't a perfect
ability, sure they could get killed and experience Rebirth but, this wasn't the goal, that's why, The Numerios search for
countless of years after they finally got a solution" Said Ainai.

"Wait, Antiope said that you couldn't experience Rebirth if you are killed" Said Alfonso.

"That's were I was going to get, sure enough, The Numerios found a way to have the same life span despite the fact that
they divided they soul" Said Ainai.
"That's when they discover the unlimited and yet forbidden power of nature"

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136 Encounter
"You are here Alfonso, I have been waiting for you" Said Ainai, who was setting cross-legged in front of Alfonso.

"Ainai, good afternoon, yeah, I had a REALLY long night yesterday" Said Alfonso with a small sly.

"Shishishi, you can't blame us, we have more than one thousand years without having sex, some of us can barely tolerate
it… in fact…If you want to… I can go on top and-"

"Not thanks" Cur Alfonso.

"My sisters have told me that yesterday, they visited you and, despite looking so fragile, you have quite the gun down
there, come on, just a quicky…"

"stop, can we go down to business?" Said Alfonso.


Ainai made a small sigh and stood up.

"OK, let's begin then, I will try to explain to you the basics of Oversoul and the rest will be up to you" Said Ainai.

Ainai took a deep breath, she closed her eyes and regulated her breathing, Alfonso saw that her aura changed, he felt
that something was emerging from her, but he didn't know why. Alfonso used all his soul power and put in on his eye, he
finally saw what was going on.

"Her soul power… it's ridiculous! How can a human… no… how can a living creature has such soul power!?" Though

Soul power was like an aura that the body emanates spontaneously, Alfonso's soul power, as average as it was,
emanates a some kid of aura that covers his body, if we had to put in others terms, Alfonso's soul power was at the size
of an apple, then, a high soul power was at the size of a melon, for example, Lucio's and Artemis's soul power, an
abnormal soul power was at the size of a watermelon, for example, Demeter's soul power… however… Ainai soul's

"It will be at the size of a grown man… how is this possible!"

"Impressive huh? However, this power is nothing if we compared to the champions of Godshalt, specially, if we
compare it to the soul power of the ancestor, she sure was impressive" Said Ainai with some nostalgia "Anyway, I will
explain you how this works, let me start from the beginning, the very first people on Godshalt, the Numerios, were the
first one to develop this ability, however, this ability was created in a futile effort to achieve immortality, the Numerios
knew that they would anger the gods if they tried such heretic actions, that's why, they used their own soul and divided
in nine exactly parts, the theory behind this is complex so I won't go in detail, by dividing the soul in nine parts they
assure that they would be able to experience a Rebirth, but, it came with a price, sure, they would be able to
reincarnate, but, their life span was cut in nine parts as well, for example, let's say that they could live 9999 years, when
they used Oversoul, they would live 1111 years then die and then Rebirth once more, in other words, it wasn't a perfect
ability, sure they could get killed and experience Rebirth but, this wasn't the goal, that's why, The Numerios search for
countless of years after they finally got a solution" Said Ainai.

"Wait, Antiope said that you couldn't experience Rebirth if you are killed" Said Alfonso.

"That's were I was going to get, sure enough, The Numerios found a way to have the same life span despite the fact that
they divided they soul" Said Ainai.

"That's when they discover the unlimited and yet forbidden power of nature"


"Nature holds unlimited soul power, however, this soul power is the mix on a lot of soul particles of different kind of
elements, the particles aren't dangerous, why? Because the human soul can process these particles and transform them in
soul energy, that's how oversoul works, however, the problem lays here, there some particles that can evade the 'filter'"

"Time, Life and death?"

"Exactly, these particles can't be evade, that's why, to use oversoul, you need to have a huge amount of soul power, think
it like these, the particles are like a rock, if you throw rocks to an ocean, nothing happens, however, if you throw it in a

"… I think I get it" Said Alfonso.

"That's why, no matter what, I wasn't going to teach you oversoul, however, you are different, you have control over
these three elements, although its not perfect, it's enough. When the process begin, you will make a 'contract' with this
world, you will come in contact with the soul realm and divide you soul in nine exactly parts, the terms of the contract
were made by the Numerios so each soul have the same lifespan, however, everything comes with a price" Said Ainai
with some sadness.

"What conditions?"

"Each soul retains different kinds of memories and emotions, so, every time you die, you lose part of your memories and
emotions" Said Ainai.

"Wha… that… Antiope didn't mention this" Said Alfonso.

"It's a difficult topic, that girl has lose a lot, she lost the ability to feel true sadness" Said Ainai.

"!!" Alfonso was speechless.

Ainai made a sad chuckle while looking back at the tribe.

"Can you imagine how awful would be to see your own sister die in the hands of the enemy, and, instead of crying, be
smiling?" Said Ainai.

Alfonso found this incredible, he didn't know that Antiope had such a secret!

"This is our destiny, we defied nature and the gods punish us for that" Said Ainai "Anyway, lets go back to business,
first of all, you will form the hand posture with the right hand above and the left below, both hands will make a sphere
that its about at the high or you bottom belly"

Alfonso did was Ainai told him.

"I will help you be to be one with this world, after that, make the contract with the spirit of this world and you will be
able to use Oversoul, remember, no matter what, don't make the spirit angry, even gods are nothing at its eyes, so, if it
want to kill you, not even Asteus himself would be able to help you" Warned Ainai.

"I got it"

"Then… here we go" Said Ainai.

Ainai closed her eyes and her aura changed, her black hair suddenly turned white and her eyes turned white as well, she
put her palm in front of Alfonso and shouted


Suddenly, Alfonso felt that his soul was abandoning his body, he saw himself standing up with Ainai in front of him, he
felt a force pulling him to the air, he couldn't resist and floated up to the sky.

His vision turned dark and he felt a enormous pressure that seeing like it wanted to crush him, he felt his bones cracking
while his organs were bleeding everywhere.


Alfonso wanted to pass out, but he clenched his teeth and resisted with all his might.

The pressure increased by the second and even his fingers were trembling and deforming.

"ITS THAT'S ALL YOU GOT!?" Shouted Alfonso with madness.

His eyes were bleeding and his skin was turning black.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Alfonso screamed with all his lungs.

The darkness disappeared, and Alfonso felt the pressure leave his body, he opened his eyes with great difficulty and
saw a woman looking a him with fierceness, the woman had a strange outfit, she wore a long brown skirt, she was
barefoot and topless, her hair was brown and long, so long that her hair touched the ground. Alfonso could barely keep
his consciousness, however, he saw this woman and only one word came to his mind.

"Demeter?" Asked Alfonso.

He couldn't bear it anymore and fainted out. The woman kept at looking at him, like she was waiting for something.

"How long are you going to pretend to be asleep?" Said the woman.


When the woman said this, Alfonso's body trembled a little, with a slow pace, he stood up and inspected his body, after
seeing that nothing was wrong, he made some cracking noises with his neck. He looked at the woman and made sly
smile, he took out his eyepatch and his green made a small movement, the woman looked coldly at the eye, she suddenly
frowned a little, when she noticed...

A hole that had the size of a soccer ball appeared on her body!

"That's how you greet your big brother, I thought that I taught you basic manners, didn't I?"

"Gaia" Said Alfonso.

"You are as disgusting as always"


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137 blank
"Disgusting? Its that how you greet your brother, my dear sister?" Said Alfonso, no, Chronos while chuckling.


Gaia clenched her teeth while pronouncing the name of Chronos.

"Hehe, dear sister, why are you attacking this poor human, and here I thought that you loved humanity, that's why you
still give them food and water despite their actions to destroy you" Said Chronos with sarcasm.

"Hmph, this human accepted your power, he must be as bad as you" Said Gaia.

Chronos only looked at her for a minute before making a huge smile.

"What? Feeling bad because I left you here guarding the planet, you should be grateful, if it wasn't for me, you would
have received a punishment like me and the others, why the hate?" Said Chronos.

Gaia only looked at Chronos and made a small sigh.

"Ho? Grateful huh? So, you are telling me the fact that you leave me here has nothing to do with the fact that I would,
eventually, became stronger than you, so you 'kindly' give the job of being the mother earth and left me here?" Asked

Chronos just shamelessly smiled.

"I save you, didn't I?"

"That's not-"

"Didn't I?"


"Didn't I?" Said Chronos for a second time.

"YOU ARE SHAMELESS!" Shouted Gaia.

After beating some of her anger, Gaia calmed down, however, every time she sees that smiling face of Chronos she
wanted to run and punch him!

"Anyway, what are you doing here? I don't think that you miss me that much to force me out without a reason" Said

"…I think that you already know it… but I will still tell you" Said Gaia

"A war is coming"

"A war without precedents not even the fight between you and the Olympians can remotely compare"

Chronos, after hearing this information, vanish his mocking smile and took some time he smiled once again, however,
this time, the aura of Chronos changed.

"Hehe, well, isn't that interesting" Said Chronos.

"There it goes again, this is why I hate this fucking retard" Though Gaia.

"So… I want to ask for your assistant, this time, its not only us, all living things in this planet or, to be more precise,
everything on this plane is at stake, Chronos, I am asking you not only as a fellow Titan, but also as a sister, please, help
me" Said Gaia with a serious tone.

Chronos looked at Gaia and was a little surprised, he never saw Gaia been to interested in the conflicts of the outside
world, if you don't push her bottom line, she wont interfere, even in the war between Titans and Gods, she didn't assist
any side, she just saw everything from the sidelines, it was only at the last minute when she intervene to put an end to the

Chronos stood there for some time before chuckling, he raised his shoulders and said.

"Sorry sis, I can't do it, as you see, I am just a spirit in the body of this mortal" Said Chronos.

"Don't mess with me, I know you too well, you are trying to possess the body of this mortal, went he grabs all the
legacies that you left, your spirit will be completed and, by them, he won't be able to defeat you, not to mention him,
even Zeus wouldn't be able to stop you" Said Gaia.

"Hehe, that doesn't bother you? I am, after all, trying to kill this human" Said Chronos sarcastically.

"… It's a small sacrifice for the future" Said Gaia

"And that's why I left you here instead of letting you do as you please, sometimes, you can be a real hypocrite, you know
that right?" Said Chronos.

"I don't mind, not sacrifice is too big for the survival, not even my life" Answer Gaia.

Chronos only grabbed his belly while making exaggerating gestures of laughing.

"Gaia, your firmness and rightness really make me want to puck, unfortunately, you are wrong, I am not trying to possess
this kid, of course, eventually, I will regain my powers, however, I will give him my powers and let my soul fuse with
his" Said Chronos.

"Wha! What did you say!?" Said Gaia stunned.

"Hehe, as you has heard my dear sister, I don't want to resurrect, I have been waiting for a kid like this for a really,
really long time, my instincts told me that he is the only one who can make my true wish come true" Said Chronos.

"You… you don't mean…!"

"That's right, when he came to me, I saw his future"

"That's why, I won't let anyone kill him, not before that of course, I won't interfere with the chains of destiny, but is
someone else tries to intervene, then, the rules of the game change" Said Chronos.

"Are… are you insane!? What makes you think that you will be able to make it happen this time!? Don't tell me that you
saw it, even for you, the lord and master of time, can't see that kind of future" Said Gaia

"I have confidence and a huge pair of guts, isn't that enough?" Said Chronos.

"…" Gaia was speechless.

"Anyway, we have lost too much time on this, so, let's make the contract, however, I won't have the same restrictions as
those amazon girls, so just let me grab the nature power" Said Chronos.

"Don't get carry away Chronos, I might be unable to hurt you, but you can't touch me on this plane, even if you had your
original powers back!" Said Gaia with anger.

"Hehe, that might be so, but, don't forget that I know you the most, of course I also know WHERE you hide the natural
power" Said Chronos.

"YOU! You wouldn't!" Said Gaia.

Chronos walked slowly towards Gaia with a playful smile, Gaia tried to back down.

"Not so fast" Said Chronos while activating the power of his eye.

Suddenly, chains appeared in the body of Gaia, four chains that were on her limbs make it impossible for her to move.

Chronos was in front of Gaia, he looked at her straight into the eyes, he licked his lips and grabbed the chin of Gaia.

"Don't, Don't you da- Mmmmff!"

Chronos sealed the mouth of Gaia with a kiss.

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138 Hidden Title

"What… what is happening?" Though Alfonso while he woke up.

"Oh right, I was in the middle of learning Oversoul and then… what happened after that?"

Alfonso felt his head clouded, he didn't remember quite well what happen after he entered the soul realm.

"Mmm? What is everything dark… no, wait, I have my eyes closed that's why… and this wet and yet comfortable
sensation… don't tell me…" Though Alfonso.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw, in front of him, a goddess like woman with her cheeks red and eyes closed.
"Demeter? No, she is older than her, then who is she…?" Though Alfonso.


The girl made a small moan while opening her mouth and extending her tongue, however, she didn't do anything else,
like she was too shy to do anything else.

"I don't get it… but…"

"Who cares!?" Though Alfonso.

He grabbed her by the waist and entwined his tongue with hers.


"Ha…ha… wait… let me… breath for some time…" Said Gaia.


Alfonso forcefully pressed his lips against her and pushed his tongue inside her mouth, she answered, she grabbed
Alfonso's head and return the passionate kiss. Alfonso felt something that he hadn't felt in a long time, the woman in
front of him was gorgeous, maybe even more than Demeter and Artemis, she seemed experience, but, at the same time,
she has some kind of innocent side that couldn't be hidden, this made Alfonso heart beat at a crazy speed.

Gaia bit the lower lip of Alfonso and then she used her tongue to lick it.

"Fuck…" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso's hand began to slowly slice from Gaia's back towards her buttstock, he pressed his mouth into Gaia's mouth
even more.

""Ha… ha…ha….ha""

They finally separated while a small thread of saliva linked their mouths.

Alfonso looked at her and couldn't resist to kiss her in her neck while his right hand caressed her buttstock.

"Wait…" Said Gaia slowly while she made the best of her efforts to push Alfonso.

"Sorry…" Said Alfonso.

He took out his hand from her Buttstock, nevertheless, he didn't let her go, he hugged her by the waist.

"That asshole, he left right after absorbing part of my powers" Murmured Gaia.

"Your name was Alfonso, right?" Said Gaia.

"That's right… and you are…?" Asked Alfonso.

"My name is Gaia" Said Gaia.

"!!" Alfonso was alarmed, he didn't know that this goddess like woman was the Titan Gaia!

He wanted to let her go, but she hugged him back and put her head on his chest.
"Please, hold me for some time, I am a little weak right now" Said softly Gaia.


"Don't be, if anyone is at fault here, is that fucking asshole" Said Gaia.


"You will know with time, don't ask, I can't answer you, is not time yet" Interrupted Gaia.

"Okay…" Said Alfonso.

"You came here so you could make a pact with me, right?" Asked Gaia.

"Oh yeah, there was that wasn't it" Said Alfonso.

"…Don't tell me you forgot…" Said Gaia with a small smile.

"Well…" Alfonso didn't know what to said.

"You and that guy are identical in that aspect… sigh…" Though Gaia.

"Well, don't worry, the pact has been made, in fact, its even more powerful, that the ones that the Amazons have,
however, your soul won't split in nine, so you will only have one life, don't forget" Said Gaia.

"Got it…" Alfonso replied was dull, he was looking at Gaia like he wanted to say something, however, he didn't know
how to say it.

"If you have something you want to say, then just say it" Said Gaia.

Alfonso looked at her for some time, he took a deep breath and looked at her seriously.

"Can I kiss you one more time?" Asked Alfonso.

"…" Gaia was speechless.

After a whole minute

"Aren't you ashamed to ask that with such a serious face!?" Asked Gaia.

"Not at all" Answer shamelessly Alfonso.

Gaia looked at him for some time, before her cheeks turned red, she hugged Alfonso even harder and said.

"Just…just one kis- Mmmm!" Said Gaia with a mosquito like voice.

However, before she could finish, Alfonso was already pressing his lips on her.


Ainai was anxiously looking at Alfonso, she hadn't seen something like this before!

"How is this possible! Usually, the pact with nature take a few seconds, however, he is being like this for ten minutes!"
Though Ainai "And that's not all… he has some external injuries, how!? He is in the soul realm, its impossible to suffer
physical damage!"

Ainai felt her whole world being turned upside-down.

"This man is surely strange" Though Ainai.

Just as she was thinking, a tremor run from her back, when she looked back, she saw Alfonso turning around slowly,
when he looked at her, she felt an insane amount of pressure coming from Alfonso, she looked horrified while the soul
of Alfonso expanded, it seemed that he was like a giant!

"Wha…" Ainai felt on her knees from the fear.

She closed her eyes and waited for her imminent dead.

"Ainai, what are you doing?" Asked Alfonso.


When Ainai came back to her senses, she saw Alfonso giving her a strange look, she looked back and all the pressure
that she had felt was gone, like it was never there in the first place.

"Was that my imagination? But it felt so real…" Though Ainai.


"Ah…oh…yeah…how was it? Did you make the pact?" Asked Ainai.

"Yeah, no problem" Answer Alfonso.

"Good, then let's go back, we must prepare for the war, I already teach you how to use Oversoul, the rest is on you boy"
Said Ainai.

"I know, thanks" Said Alfonso with a small smile.

The both of them went back to the tribe, however, Ainai suddenly turned around and saw something was amiss.

"Hey, why do you have a mark on your neck?" Asked Ainai.

"A mark? What mark?" Asked Alfonso.

"Here" Said Ainai while pointing in the lower part of Alfonso's neck.

Alfonso suddenly realized something and cover his neck with his hand.

"Ah…this… this is…. Yes… I got a sunburn…" Explained Alfonso.

"… Its look like a hicky to me though" Said Ainai.

Alfonso remained silence all the way back.

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139 Hidden Title
A few days passed an everyone was in a perpetual state of alert. Alfonso, Ainai and Hephaestus were the responsible
of maintaining the order and let everyone know the plan of attack, Alfonso used this remained time to train Oversoul,
however, a happy surprise happened when he was trained Oversoul, the system recognized the ability and made a full
explanation of it, however, this wasn't all, Alfonso received two more gifts.

[Allies 3 – Gaia, The mother earth

You have earned the trust and friendship of the Titan Gaia, your affinity with earth amplifies by 200%, this gives the
host the ability to use echolocation every time you are on the ground, additionally, Gaia left a small gift for you, do you
wish to open it? ]

"Yes!" Answer Alfonso.

[Item acquire: Gaia's necklace!

Descriptions: This necklace was infused in the core of the planet by Prometheus as a gift for Gaia, this necklace has
nothing extraordinary, however, its very precious to Gaia, she has never given it to anyone before, since you are the firs
one, better keep it in a safe place, who knows, one day it may be useful

Remark-Gaia left a note with the necklace:

'I will give this to you with the hope that, one day, we may cross paths again, at that time, I won't mind making you as my

With Love, Gaia.'

Ps: 'If you think that Demeter is pushy, then, no matter what happens, do not let Hera fall in love with you']

"What is this foreshadowing felling that I get with this remark" Though Alfonso.

"However, the new ability that I gain plus this is good enough"

Alfonso looked at his neck and saw a small necklace there, the necklace was made with wood and had a small gem on
the center, the gem was green which make it look like an emerald.

"Let's keep it safe for now" Though Alfonso while safekeeping the necklace.


Not so far from the tribe, a man with black scales and a muscular abdomen was looking at the other men kneeling in
front of him. These men were bleeding and had their heads put on the ground by other creatures similar to the man with
black scales, however, these men have an absent look, like they were zombies.

"Drako, we already pledge a vote of devotion towards the Lekshats, why are you attacking us!?" Said one of the men on
the ground. This man had some fur on his arms and legs, if you looked closely his head one could see a small crest on
the forehead zone.

"There has been a slightly change of plans" Said Drako while looking at the man with a cold face.
Drako stood up and saw the tribe in front of him being devoured by the flames.

"You see, since I have this power, I had a new ambition" Said Drako "I want to leave this place"

"Leave… you mean … go to the human world!?" Asked the man.

"That's right, why must humans be the only ones to receive the love from the gods? Its not fair, why must we leave in
seclusion, hidden by the rest of the world, you see, for you, and everyone else, this place its paradise, as for me?" Said
Drako while looking at the sky

"This place is a cage"

"What does you ambition have to do with us!? If you want to go, just fucking go! we won't obstruct you or anything!"
Said the man.

"No, Its unfortunate, but I can't do that, with my powers alone, I am not confident enough to leave, if Humans see us, they
will call their champions and that will be my end, that's why, I need more power!" Said Drako

Drako looked at the man and suddenly closed his eyes.


He took a deep breath and let his lungs breath.

Suddenly, his palm formed a small circle on his stomach, If Ainai was here, she would recognize this pose immediately.
Drako's hair turned white and a word appeared on his forehead.


"Oversoul!?" Shouted the man.

"Not exactly" Said Drako.

Drako used this pose and suddenly inverted his hands changing the positions of the hands, when Drako did this, his
white hair turned black and his aura changed, the original white sphere transformed into a weird mass of black matter,
this black matter impregnated itself in the hands of Drako, making him look like was wearing black gloves.

The letters disappear from his forehead and another word appeared.



"I modified this ability with my powers of Death"

"With this" Said Drako while grabbing a nearby corpse, he pressed his hand on the skull and a some blacks rays began
to been swallowed by the 'gloves'

The man was horrified by this sight.

"You-!, are you aware of what are you doing!?" Shouted the man.

"I am, I am defying the oppression of the humans and even the gods while embracing the infinity power of death, with
this ability I can empower my own soul power and…" Said Drako.
He suddenly made a small gesture with his hand, he made a small slash with his hand, suddenly, a slash appeared in a
nearby tree, when everyone saw the three, it had been cut in two!

"That! That's the ability of our tribe, the wind cutter! Don't tell me!?"

Drako made a small smile and answer.

"That's right, with this ability, I can not only absorb the soul power of the user but also the abilities of the soul"

"I like to call it… Soul Catcher!"

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140 blank
Alfonso was looking to the moon hanging out in the sky, today, it was a full moon, however, for some reason, Alfonso
felt anxious.

"What is this feeling?" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso touched his eye and felt that it was telling him something.

"What is this?" Murmured Alfonso.

"Something dangerous is coming here, even the air is becoming heavier and heavier" A voice came from behind
Alfonso, when he turned around, he saw Hephaestus.

"Hephaestus, you also feel it?" Asked Alfonso.

"It's like a six sense, however, it's always on point, so pay attention every time you sense it" Said Hephaestus.

"It's like a gut feeling?" Said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

"ja! You can call it like that if you want" Said Hephaestus.

"Ho? Alfonso you were up?"

A voice came from in front of Alfonso and Hephaestus.

"Cerberus?" Said Alfonso.

"What are you guys doing?" Asked Cerberus.

"Having some gut feeling conversation" Said Hephaestus.

"What?" Asked Cerberus.

The three of them continue talking for hours, surprisingly enough, Alfonso discover that Hephaestus was a pretty
talkative guy.

"So, Alfonso, tell us the true, how far have you gone with my sisters?" Said Hephaestus.

"They are your sisters you know? Shouldn't you be mad or something?" Asked Alfonso.

"Ja! Why should I? first of all, before my sisters, they are women, they, eventually, will fall in love, what's more,
between my brothers and sisters, Demeter and Artemis are the ones I get alone the most" Said Hephaestus.

"Come on Alfonso don't evade the question, I know that you sleep with Demeter every single night, don't tell me that you
haven't done anything" Said Cerberus with a sly laugh.

"Well, it's not on your business, however, I will tell you anyways, no, I haven't done a single thing" Said Alfonso.

"What? Really? Man, are you those who like to receive instead of giving? I mean, if you have two goddesses right in
your plate how can you not eat them! I especially like Demeter's huge breas-"

"For god sake, respect your sisters!" Before Hephaestus could finish, Alfonso interrupted.

"What's more, Alfonso is not into breast, but into legs, you haven't seeing how he looks at that Ainai girl when she turns
around, hehe" Said Cerberus.

"Wha… is… is that obvious?" Asked Alfonso.

"Of course, what? You were trying to hide it?" Asked Cerberus.

"Just go for it man, I mean, its not like you are losing anything, its just sex" Said Hephaestus.

"Are you gods always like this?" Asked Alfonso with a helpless smile.

"You haven't seeing anything, if you were talking with Ares or Poseidon, well, let's just say that those guys are twenty
times worse than me, however, Zeus, that pervert, he is on another level himself" Said Hephaestus.

"I mean to ask you this for a while Hephaestus, however, I don't know if I should ask…" Said Alfonso.

"Go ahead man, we are between friends!" Said Hephaestus.

"Since when did we became friends?" Though Alfonso.

"Its true that Aphrodite its like… super gorgeous?" Asked Alfonso.

"Oh Alfonso, you don't have any idea, if you think that Demeter is beautiful, then, believe me, before Aphrodite, she is
just average, hehe, when she was born, even Gaia, who was known to be like monk, felt aroused after seeing her, not to
mention the other gods and Titans" Said Hephaestus.

"Fuck…" Said Cerberus.

"However, you want me to tell you something interesting?" Said Hephaestus.

"What?" Said Alfonso.

"Actually, hehe, there is someone more beautiful than Aphrodite on the Olympus" Said Hephaestus.

"NO.WAY" Said Alfonso.

"Yes, and this person in particular is so beautiful that I had to make special clothes, because… every person that saw
this person… they die… the titan Hyperion was the first victim, he, by chance, picked this person in particular changing,
when he saw this person's back, he die from a heart attack, the second victim was Pan, the only Olympic god who died
after Zeus took control of the world, Pan didn't believe the myths of this person, so he went to find it, however, he
disappear short after that, we all search for him for some time, Hermes found him in the ocean, floating with a satisfy
expression on his face, however, he had die long ago from a heart attack" Said Hephaestus.

"Who… who is this person!?" Asked Cerberus.

"Hehe, this person's name is-"

"There you are, come quickly! Ainai is looking for you!"

A voice came from behind the three of them, when they turned around, they saw Antiope looking at them with an anxious

"What happen?" Asked Alfonso.

"It seems… that the Lackshets are about to arrive!" Said Antiope.


In front of the Amazon tribe, countless pair of eyes, were looking.

"Finally here" Said the guy in front of everyone.

Drako was looking at the tribe with an indifferent look, he didn't do anything, he just waited there with his eyes closed,
after one minute he opened his left eye, he lifted his head and smile.

"Ainai, as I promise I came back" Said Drako.

"Drako" A voice came from the sky.

When Drako looked, he saw Ainai in front of him, he was surprised, however, he wasn't surprised of seeing Ainai, he
was surprised that there was a man beside her.

"And this is?" Asked Drako.

"The name is Alfonso Lockheart, Lord of Wasteland Valley, nice to meet you" Said Alfonso.

Drako looked at him for some time, before speaking.

"So weak, yet, you are still here, I suppose that you have something to say" Said Drako.

Alfonso didn't get mad, he just made a small chuckle.

"Indeed, I am here for one reason, to stop a massacre, Drako, I don't know what are your motives, nor do I want to
know, however, what I know its that, I can't let you kill the Amazons, so I have a proposition for you, we will abandon
the Amazon tribe and let you whatever you want, I even compromise to give you some assistant to surpass your father, I
talk for myself and for Ainai" Said Alfonso while looking at Ainai.

Ainai only made small sigh while nodding.

"What do you say? Do we have a deal?" Said Alfonso while extending his hand.
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141 Battle against the death generals! part one

"…" Drako keep looking at Alfonso without saying anything.

Alfonso also didn't say anything.

After a quick meeting Alfonso and Ainai decided that Alfonso would be the one to do the negotiation, however, for
Alfonso, this wasn't a negotiation, this was more like a compromise, Alfonso had one priority in mind, the safety of the
amazons and his people, that's why, he didn't mind offering the Amazon's land, of course, Ainai knew this however, she
couldn't contain her displeasure after hearing Alfonso's proposal. The other Amazons were the same, however, they
decided to stay quiet, Alfonso was grateful for this, it seems that the Amazons would respect his decisions as the
representative, this was the best outcome.

"Although, for the looks of it, seems to me that Drako's goal isn't the tomb of the sword goddess nor is it the Amazon's
land" Though Alfonso.

Drako looked at Alfonso for some time, before turning around, he saw Cerberus and made a surprised face.

"Cerberus seems that you managed to evolve" Said Drako.

"Yeah, one way or another" Said Cerberus.

"You know each other?" Asked Ainai.

"More or less, we encounter each other a few years ago" Said Cerberus.

Drako only made a small chuckle at Cerberus's explanation.

"It's great that you managed to evolve, Cerberus" Though Drako.

"Alfonso, right?" Asked Drako.

"That's right" Said Alfonso.

"It's a shame, but I can't compromise with you" Said Drako.

"Why?" Pondered Alfonso.

"There has been a change of plans for me, you see, there is someone that I must kill not matter what, is not for vengeance
nor for a grudge, it's just a mean to my ultimate goal" Said Drako while looking at the direction beside Alfonso.

Ainai was surprised, she didn't remember having any animosity with Drako, however, she was a prideful woman, after
feeling the killing intent from Drako, she took a step forward.

"Drako, just because you are more powerful than before, in front of me, you are still an ant" Said Ainai with coldness.
"I wouldn't be so sure" Said Drako with a smile.

"Is there really no other way?" Asked Alfonso.

Drako looked at him.

"There is no turning back for me, don't take it personal, its just for a major purpose" Said Drako while lifting his hand.

"CAREFUL!" Shouted Ainai while pushing Alfonso to her back.

Ainai lifted her hand making a fist that collide with Drako's!


A huge explosion appeared at the center of both people. Alfonso and the others couldn't resist the waves of the impact
and were forced back.

Drako took back two steps and lifted his arm.


The red eyes that were hiding in the forest suddenly marched towards Alfonso and the others, When Alfonso saw them,
he couldn't help but felt perplexed, when he heard about Drako's soldiers, he though that they will like zombies,
however, for his surprise, this army weren't zombies, in fact, is not for the fact that they had black eyes, they will look
exactly like normal people.

"Rexter! Drako, how dare you!?" Shouted Ainai after looking at the man on the front, he had some fur on his body and a
beak. This man was Rexter, one of the leaders of the Bird's tribe and Ainai's friend.

"As I say before, this is all for the great of good, nothing personal" Said Drako.

"Ahh!" Ainai jumped up and began to exchange hits with Drako.

*POM* *`POM*

Both of them disappear from sigh and reappeared at different parts of the tribe, the battle was so fast that nobody could
see it!

"What… what kind of power is this…" Though Alfonso.

"Alfonso, this is not the time to admire them!" A voice came from behind Alfonso, it was Antiope's voice.

"Right" Said Alfonso while looking at the army, in front of them, five men stood out among the rest, one of them was
Rexter, the bird's tribe leader.

"They are the heads of the bird's tribe, the bear's tribe, the turtle's tribe, the bull's tribe and…" Said Ainai "The one in
the middle is Guiter, the ex-leader of the Lackshets"

"They are troublesome, specially Guiter" Though Alfonso.

The death army walked slowly towards Alfonso and the rest of the Amazons, Alfonso didn't move but made some
calculations in his mind.

"Come on, Come on, just a bit closer" Though Alfonso.

Just when the army was prepared to engage in battle, Alfonso snapped.


"ROGER!" Shouted Antiope.

From the houses, the other Amazons came with their bows on hand. Alfonso took a small step back and jumped with one
leg, Antiope activate Oversoul and put all her power on her right leg, she made a jum and put her hands on the ground,
she took the momentum to and propel her leg towards Alfonso's!


Ainai used the force of her leg to send Alfonso on his way towards the sky.

"TAKE THIS!" In midair, Alfonso took his Cane and throw it to the center of the army!

Feeling the incoming danger, the army made space and the cane nailed on the ground.

"That's it?" Though Drako.

"What are you planning, Alfonso" Though Ainai who was also looking at what was happening.


"Pyrokinesis!" Hephaestus, who has been taking a low profile from the sides, finally took action, his body was covered
in flames, making look like a human torch!

"GO!" Shouted Hephaestus

Immediately, all the flames on his body, expanded making it look like a wave of fire, and made their way towards the
death army!

"What's the point of doing this? They are going to evade it!" Though Ainai.

"Idiot" Though Drako.

Indeed, the army was prepared to evade this attack, since the attack was slow and it was come meters before it reached
its destiny, it would be a easy task to evade it, however, the five head tribes made a small gesture and rapidly used their
abilities to run!

Just then…

"NOT SO FAST!" Shouted Alfonso.


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142 Battle against the death generals! part two
With the power of Time running from Alfonso's right eye, the cane began to tremble, the cane released a green aura. All
the death soldiers suddenly felt their movements slow down. After two seconds they all freeze!


The wave of fire managed impact in all the death soldiers, even the bird's leader didn't manage to escaped!

While the soldiers were burning, all the amazons, including Drako and Ainai who stopped their fight were astonish.

"So this was his plan" Though Ainai while remembering the meeting she had with Alfonso two days ago.


"We don't have enough Amazons to deal with all the death army, being optimistic, they have three hundred death
soldiers, on the other hand, we have thirty-two amazons plus you guys, so, we need a plan" Said Ainai to Alfonso and
Hephaestus who were sitting in front of her.

"I have the power of fire, however, it's not a normal flame, it's a primordial flame, which is good against anything that
had death power within, of course, if we compare it to Apollo, mine is just a small spark" Said Hephaestus "However,
with my current powers, I can only use it once, and, the attack would be too slow, so they would have time to evade, so,
we need something that nailed them on the ground for a few seconds"

"It's that the case, I might have the solution" Said Alfonso.

"Oh?" Asked Ainai.

"Leave it to me, I have a plan" Said Alfonso with a mysterious smile.


"However, for him to has such a control on the power of time… its insane!" Though Ainai.

Drako looked at Alfonso and pondered for some time.

"…" Drako didn't say anything but was re-evaluating the situation.

"ARCHERS!" Shouted Antiope.

The Amazons prepare their bow and launched a rain of Arrows towards the Chronosphere!


While all the arrows were piercing the death soldiers, Alfonso was counting on his mind.

"One more second" Though Alfonso.

Suddenly, the cane became, who was releasing the power of time, turned darker and darker until its was back to normal,
when the came went back to normal, a great portion of the death soldiers, at least, two hundred, fell down, they were
either burned or had multiplies arrows on their body.

However, when Alfonso saw this, he was anxious.

"There is still one hundred more!"

Alfonso land on the ground with his bad leg, a few *cracks* could be heard, is this was his normal leg, it will be broken
by now, after all, Alfonso flew five meter in the air, however, he didn't feel anything.

"The advantages of having a broken leg I guess" Though Alfonso with a bitter smile.

"My lord! Are you okay?" Asked Cat one while extending her hand

"Somehow…" Said Alfonso.

Alonso took her hand and stood up, he saw that the Amazons were already running towards the death soldiers who
survived, Alfonso was about to join them when he noticed something.

"Where are the rest of the leaders?" Asked Alfonso.

Just when he though that, his senses alert him of danger, he pushed Cat one to the side and cover his chest.

Suddenly, a fist appeared out of nowhere and punched him on the stomach.


Alfonso felt his organs being smashed by this punch, luckily, he had the innate regeneration, if not, he will be death by

Nevertheless, he was send almost three meters before his body touched the ground, he bounced three times before

He felt his world spinning, he clenched his teeth and manage to stand up.

However, when he stood up, he couldn't contain the blood on his mouth and spit a strong amount of blood. He almost
loss his balance, lucky for him, he was sent flying just where his cane was, he grabbed his cane and managed to stay

"Shit" Said Alfonso.

"You are still alive?" Suddenly, a figure appeared before Alfonso.

Alfonso saw a huge man, his body was muscular to the point of absurdity, he had tan skin and short brown hair, he had
brown fur on his body and claws.

"You can talk?" Asked Alfonso.

"Bear's tribe leader, Dipper" Said the man.

"You all have your own consciousness?" Asked Alfonso.

"Not exactly, we are already death, however, to be better puppets, Drako let us remain some our memories, so we don't
lose our fighting experience and reasonability, that's all though, I don't have control on this body, I only have one order
now, it's to defeat you and bring you to the master, he seemed interested in your power" Said Dipper.

"If I refuse?"

"Unfortunately, you don't have a choice, sorry kid" Said Dipper.

Alfonso looked at him before making a small chuckle.

"Why do I always have to do these troublesome things"

"My lord!" Shouted Cat one while appearing beside Alfonso.

Actually, could have block, to some extent, the attack of Dipper if it wasn't for the fact that he pushed Cat one, however,
if he didn't do that, Cat one would have received almost the same amount damage as him now, without any recover
abilities, she would have die, of course Cat one knew this, that's why, she appeared in front of Alfonso, not for
obligation this time.

"I will protect you, my lord, please escaped while you can" Said Cat one.

Alfonso only made a small smile, he grabbed cat one's shoulder and say.

"If I let you here, you wouldn't be able to stop him even if you use all your powers, I will be throwing your life just to
buy me some seconds, I won't do that, go help the amazons, I will handle this" Said Alfonso.


"Believe in me, go" Said once more Alfonso.

Cat one looked at Alfonso before nodding, she disappeared from sight right after that.

"I admired you, you have the disposition of a true leader, if I was still alive, I will like to be your friend, it's really a
shame" Said Dipper.

"Yeah, its really a shame" Said Alfonso "It seems that you are a pretty nice guy"

"You humans don't hate us?" Said Dipper.

"I cant speak for everyone, I can only speak just for me, Alfonso Lockheart, I won't hate you just because we are
different, I like to see the similarities rather than the differences" Said Alfonso.

Although Dipper's face was still the same, Alfonso could feel that Dipper had a sad expression.

"Really a shame" Murmured Dipper.

He took a step forward and began to walk towards Alfonso.

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143 Battle against the death generals! part three


All the amazons shouted at the same time while engaging in a fierce battle between the death soldiers, most of the
amazons didn't use weapons, so they engaged in one on one battles, this, however, was disadvantageous for them,
because, they were too outnumbered!
"This isn't good!" Though Antiope while looking at the battle field.

She was about to enter in the battlefield when she saw something. Without warning, one Amazon fell down.


Antiope run towards the Death soldier and used her fist to destroy the undead's body.

"Fuck off!" Shouted Antiope.

Antiope looked at the Amazon who just fell down, she saw the body of her friend, however, she didn't felt sadness at

"Shit" Though Antiope.

When she was about to return to the battle, she saw something strange on the neck of her sister.

"A mark on the back of her neck… don't tell me…" She turned around and saw a shadow lurking in the trees, like a
hunter waiting the perfect opportunity.


In an instant all the amazons used her soul power to scan their surroundings, sure enough, there was someone hiding,
however, it moved to fast to pinpoint his position with certain.

"This must be the bull's tribe leader, Baizor!" Said Ainai.

"The bull's leader? Impossible, the bull's tribe people are known for their heavy bodies and super strength, in fact, only
the bears can compare to them, how is it possible that they have an assassin!" A voice came from behind Ainai.

"Cerberus, its seems that you aren't aware of the prodigy of this generation in the bull's tribe, Baizor was born with a
skinny body, he was discriminated since he was a child, however, he never stopped training, nobody knows how, but he
managed to learn the assassin's way from an expert, about four months ago, he killed his own father in a one-on-one
match and became the next head of the Bull's tribe" Explained Antiope.

"Well, isn't that interesting, leave him to me" Said Cerberus while disappearing.


Baizor wasn't the only assassin who was making their way to the battlefield, Cat one was also dancing a red song with
her two daggers, every time she appeared, a death soldier will fall down.

"Ten" Counted Cat one.


Another Death soldier fell down, she panted a little while taking the blood out of her daggers.

"Eleven" Said Cat one.

She was about to disappear when she felt a presence in front of her. She stopped and looked in front of her.

"You are strong, would you mind dancing with this old woman?" The woman in front of him had a cold expression, she
had some kind of green armor covering her body, she had white hair and some wrinkles, however, this didn't take away
her aura; she was tall, almost as tall as Alfonso, and, despite her age, she was standing perfectly fine in the ground.

"I am the Turtle's tribe Leader; my name is Kirin" Said the woman.

"Cat o-, no, Io, bodyguard of his highness Alfonso" Said Cat one.

"Io? That's a nice name" Said the woman.

"Here I go" Said Cat one.

She disappeared from sigh and when on her way towards Kirin, she didn't hesitate and aimed for her neck, surprisingly,
Kirin didn't more, she just stood there, she turned to the right and lifted her hand.

"You have to be kidding me…" Though Cat one.

She had reasons to be surprised, after all, this old woman, Kirin, just grabbed her dagger with her bare hand!

Cat one made a fast motion and managed to pull out her dagger from Kirin's hand.

"Your hand…" Said Cat one.

"Not even a scratch" Said Kirin.

"As I though" Though Cat one.

Kirin looked at Cat one from some time.

"If you have more tricks, use them now, otherwise" Said Kirin.

"You may as well kill yourself, it will be less painful"


"You came straight to me huh? Should I be honored?" Said Hephaestus after seeing the man in front of him.

This man had large red hair, he had an indifferent expression while looking at Hephaestus. He was wearing a pair of
black pants and was topless, if one had to described Hephaestus as a muscular man, then this man in front of him was
skinnier than him, however, her muscles were perfectly marked; he had blood-red eyes.

He had a saber on his back.

"…" The man didn't talk, he just looked at Hephaestus without saying anything.

"It's that's how is going to be then…" Hephaestus chuckle a little before taking a deep breath.

He put a serious face and, in an instant, all his body was covered in flames, even his eyes were emanating flames!

He looked just like a demon of hell covered in flames!

"I will go with everything I have" Said Cerberus.

"…" Guiter didn't say anything, however, he took out his saber.

In an instant Guiter disappear form Hephaestus sight!

Hephaestus didn't panic and maintain his posture.

"It's a bad idea use speed against me!" Said Hephaestus.


While lifting his fist, Hephaestus punched the ground, suddenly all the flames extended and made a small domain of
flames, everything burned in this domain, even air itself!

"…" Guiter reappeared and saw that he had a small burn on his shoulder.

He didn't complain nor did his expression changed, he looked as indifferent as ever.

Guiter grabbed his saber and made a swift gesture, suddenly Hephaestus felt danger, he jumped to the side, in that
instant, he felt an invisible force passing, this 'air cut' passed at an unbelievable speed.

"If that hit me, then it would have slice me in two!" Though Hephaestus.

He looked at Guiter and his expression was solemn.

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144 Hidden Title

While dipper was making his way towards Alfonso, Alfonso was also preparing.

"His strength is formidable, his soul power must be oriented towards physical attributes like Oversoul, if that's the case
them…" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso had a fatal weakness and that was physical strength, maybe if his opponent was someone who relied in soul
power, he could contend somehow, however, like in Lucio's case, he couldn't handle one-on-one battles with people
who relied on physical strength.

"Mark of the hunter"

Alfonso rapidly used mark of the hunter to disappear from sight, he then took some distance from Dipper.

"I will waste some time, so his soul power runs out, I refuse to believe that they have as much soul power as the
Amazons!" Though Alfonso.

"Ho? An ability that makes you disappear from sight, sure enough, your powers are quite strange, first the power to stop
time, now this… impressive" Said Dipper.

"You don't see that impressed thought" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso took some distance from Dipper, he made a radius of three meters so, if Dipper made any action to attack, then,
he will be able to react on time.
"I only have one chance to attack, If I use the same tactics that I used with Titio, then I will die, no doubt about it, I must
wait, like a hunter" Though Alfonso while observing with detail every action of Dipper.

"However, you are arrogant" Said suddenly Dipper "And that will be your demise"

Without warning, Dipper disappear from Alfonso's view!

"What! Where is he!?" Though Alfonso.

He immediately focused his soul power on his eyes to sense where Dipper has disappeared.

"I should be able to feel the waves of soul power moving, I trained for this, come on" Though Alfonso.

However, after some time, Alfonso felt more and more anxious, because he couldn't detect Dipper at all.

"What is going on… why I do not-" Suddenly a thought passed through Alfonso's mind.

"You are arrogant"

This phrase made eco in Alfonso's mind. Alfonso's heartbeat accelerated like crazy. He felt an incoming danger.

"Unless!" Said Alfonso

Suddenly, behind Alfonso A giant shadow appeared, Alfonso was too late to react because he was too focused on his
soul power.


Alfonso could hear the bones on his back cracking while he was sent flying once more.

*Crack* *Crack*

Every time Alfonso hit the ground, a cracking sound could be heard, he bounced around three times until he finally
stopped, this, however, he couldn't stand up, his body was too damaged, despite the fact that he had the overwhelming
recovery power of the Lycanthropes, he would need at least one whole minute to recover his ability to walk.

"You" Said Alfonso before coughing blood.

Dipper looked at Alfonso who was on the floor with a sad expression.

"You… you are not using any soul power!" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso didn't even think of this possibility when looked at Dipper and his insane strength, he already assumed that he
was using soul power, after all, it was impossible to have such strength.

"Not human have that kind of power!" Though Alfonso.

"That's why I said you are arrogant" Said Dipper like he was reading his thoughts.

"You see things and plan according to your own parameters, you aren't able to see further away, you think that you
respect your opponents but that isn't the case, you simply think that, with your intelligence, you will be able to overcome
any danger, that isn't called respect… that's call arrogance" Said Dipper while walking towards Alfonso "I trained my
body since the day I was born, I wasn't born with the ability of using soul power, however, I train and train every single
day, I almost lose my life over a hundred times, I bath in a sea of blood, and finally managed to acquire this power,
however, you, who has never worked hard for having power, didn't thought that, without soul power, I could have the
strength to be your opponent" Said Dipper.

He grabbed Alfonso's head and put it at his eye level, Alfonso could see the cold and sad black eyes of Dipper.

"So human… I thought that you were different, but, in the end, you are like the rest of the humans" Said Dipper.

He grabbed Alfonso's head and put it at his eye level, Alfonso could see the cold and sad black eyes of Dipper.

"ARROGANT" Said Dipper.

Dipper lifted his punch, he was ready to finish Alfonso.

However, he stopped midway, because he saw that Alfonso was making a strange expression.

"Why are you smiling?" Asked Dipper.

"It's funny, you are… not the first person to call me arrogant" Said Alfonso with a bitter expression.


"It's true, maybe I am being arrogant, after all, I didn't conceive the idea of you having such strength without using…
other methods" Said Alfonso while looking at his right leg "However, I never underestimated my opponents!"

Alfonso put his hands in his button belly forming a sphere.

"Oversoul?" Though Dipper.

"I am weak, I know that" Said Alfonso.

"That's why, I fight as the weak, always planning ahead!"

A lot of soul power began to gather on Alfonso's hand, Dipper couldn't feel it since he didn't have soul power, however,
he could felt an imminent danger!

"What is happening?" Though Dipper.

"so I don't succumb towards the powerful!"

Alfonso suddenly broke the sphere and all the soul power disappear, however, this only made the hunch of danger in
Dipper grow stronger and stronger!

"I may not be able to measure your powers since I am human, however… I know myself too well!" Shouted Alfonso.

An inconceivable scene suddenly happened, Cerberus and Cat one, who were in their own battles suddenly felt
something, they turned around and were so surprised that their mouth opened all the way to the ground.

""HOW… HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?"" Though both of them.

The crippled leg of Alfonso, the one who didn't move, actually lifted and with an almost invisible movement, kicked
Dipper on the ribs!

"WHAT!?" Dipper couldn't contain his surprise.

He tried to defend.
But the attack was too fast!


Dipper felt his bones cracking while, this time, was him who was sent flying.

Dipper almost coughed blood, but he clenched his teeth and made a back jump.

He stabilized his body and looked back at Alfonso who was standing with his leg lifted.

He saw that Alfonso's leg was enveloped with a strange green aura, even him, who didn't have soul power, could
perfectly see it!

"What… is that?" Asked Dipper.

"I… have also trained hard, to cover my own weakness" Said Alfonso

"And transform it into my most powerful weapon!"

Alfonso disappear from sight and re-appeared in front of Dipper!

"THIS IS MY NEW POWER" Said Alfonso while lifting his leg once more.


Small message:

Hello, everyone!

It's almost, at least here in South America, 2019.

This new year will bring some changes, however! we will continue to have the adventures of our favorite Crippled

I must admit that, at first, I only write this for fun, since I like to write, however, now, I feel that I have a responsibility
with all of you, maybe we are not in a high place in webnovel, however, I always feel your support, some of you in the
reviews, some of you in the comment section, and that give me more reasons to keep writing.

Please keep supporting this novel the incoming year and Happy new year!


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145 Battle against the death generals part four

In the midst of the battlefield, both sides were desperately fighting!
"Antiope! Where is the assassin!?" Asked one of the Amazons who almost loss her life in a sneak attack of Baizor.

"Baizor is too elusive for us too deal with!" Though Antiope

"Cerberus hurry up! Or more of my sisters will die!" Begged Antiope on her heart.


"That woman actually survive my attack, sure enough, the Amazons aren't that easy to deal with"

Lurking in the shadows, Baizor was planning his next attack, however, he had to be very careful, the Amazons weren't
an easy target, the ability, Oversoul, let them be aware of her surroundings, so, the slightest movement will catch their

"However, with my assassin's path, I can still deal with them" Though Baizor.

Sure enough, he had already killed four Amazons, although the number wasn't high, considering the number of Amazons,
if was a huge blow to them!

Baizor scanned the battlefield and saw an Amazon who was in a fierce battle against two death soldiers,

"Perfect" Though Baizor.

Baizor was ready to merge with the shadows when, suddenly, his alarming sense skyrocket!

Baizor didn't doubt about it and jump as high as he could.

He fell back until he was three meters away from his original spot. When he looked once again, he saw a small figure
walking towards him, he remembered something and then he quickly closed his eyes.

"Ho? Closing your eyes? Not bad, it seems that you know my abilities?" Asked the small figure.

"Cerberus" Said Baizor.

"Answer, how do you know about my abilities?" Asked Cerberus once again.

"I don't know" Answer Baizor.


"I just feel like, if I look straight into your eyes, something bad will happen, so I just closed them" Answer Baizor.

"Hey, if you didn't want to answer, just say so, why lie at this point?" Said Cerberus in a sarcastic tone.

"…" Baizor was speechless.

"Hehe let's see how powerful your assassin's path is" Said Cerberus.

After that, silence govern the area, Baizor was anxious.

"How, why can't I hear anything?" Though Baizor.


After some minutes… the silence remained!

"Why!?" Though Baizor.

He wanted to open his eyes so bad… but, he knew he couldn't.

"If I was at the third stage…!" Though Baizor.

Five more minutes passed, and Baizor was getting impatience.

"Hey! If you are gonna do something, do it already!" Shouted Baizor.

Once again… silence.

Just as Baizor was about to shout again, he heard steps coming from the bushes.

"Oh yeah, I did a big one right there, is incredible how this small puppy body can poop so much" Said a satisfy voice.

Baizor couldn't process this information, it was just like his brain had just shut down.

"Oh? Why are you still in that pose?"


Baizor's right eye were twitching.

"Oi, why are you so quiet? Are you asleep?"


Baizor's teeth were clenching so hard that one could heard it from distance.

"Oi~ wake up, or else I am gonna pee on you"


Just when Cerberus was wondering what was going on, he felt an incredible murderous area coming from Baizor.

"C.E.R.B.E.R.U.S!" Shouted Baizor.

Baizor suddenly disappear from sigh and re-appeared behind Cerberus, he didn't hesitate, and made a single slash!


A huge scar appeared on the ground.

"What a huge destructive power" Though Cerberus who had just barely evade the attack.

"Don't be so happy just yet" Just when Cerberus was thinking a voice came from behind.

Cerberus didn't hesitate and used his paw to counterattack!


Both, dagger and paw collide, making a metal clenching sound, just like that, both of them disappear and reappeared in
different positions, the smallest mistake would be fatal!


While both sides were colliding, Cerberus notice that, little by little, Baizor was getting faster and faster!

"A genius indeed" Though Cerberus.


Both of them separate, Cerberus notice a small trend of blood coming from his ear, that last attack has almost cut off his

"Cerberus, although you manage to evolve, you can't not take me seriously, stop playing around or I will kill you!"
Shouted Baizor.

Cerberus looked at Baizor and made a small smile.

"Although your body and mind are controlled by Drako, it seems that your personality hasn't changed, you are exactly
like your father, a very straightforward man" Said Cerberus "However, you are wrong, if my master has taught me
something, is that you never underestimated your opponent, no matter how assure are you of your win"

Cerberus suddenly looked at the moon and made a small gesture.

"Look up" Said Cerberus.

Baizor didn't understood.

He opened his eyes and looked up.

"Wha- how, how is this possible?" Murmured Baizor.

He was stupefied, the moon was blue!

"The moon…is…blue!?" Said Baizor.

He looked in the direction of Cerberus, however, he didn't see anybody there!


Baizor couldn't believe it, he looked in all directions, however, he couldn't find a trace of Cerberus.

"An illusion?" Though Baizor.

"However, that's impossible, with my assassin's path, there is no way that I couldn't sense that something was wrong"
Murmured Baizor.

"That's because you decide to fight against me in a full moon day" The voice of Cerberus came from behind Baizor,
however, when he turned around, he didn't see Cerberus, instead, he saw a man with blond hair with some black parts,
he had a cane on his hands and a eyepatch.

"… Who are you?" Asked Baizor.

"In my world, I can take whatever form I want, I decide to take my master's" Said the blonde guy with a smile.
"Cerberus?" Asked Baizor.

"Correct" Said the man.

"We are in your illusion world you say? Impossible! I didn't look in your eyes! How could I enter in your illusion
world!?" Asked Baizor

"That's why I said that your mistake was fighting with me in a full moon day… you see, on these kind of days… I get an
upgrade in my abilities… this one in particular makes you enter my illusion world just from entering in the range of my
domain" Said Cerberus.

Baizor though for some time, then he made a bitter smile.

"I was in your domain since I jumped up to get away from you right?" Said Baizor.

"Hehe, smart boy" Said Cerberus.

"Then, what are you going to do with me?" Said Baizor.

"I want to talk to you" Said Cerberus.

Baizor was confused.

"What do you want to talk about?" Said Baizor.

Cerberus made a solemn expression and walked towards Baizor.

"About the woman who gave you this ability" Said Cerberus.

"Where is Persephone!?" Shouted Cerberus.

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146 The path of the hunter!

"Damn, is like hitting a rock" Though Cat one.

She had been trying to break Kirin's defense for a while, however, nothing seemed to work.

"Give up, you are not my match, even if I stay still, you won't be able to hurt me" Said coldly Kirin.

"…" Cat one look at Kirin.

Facing the counter enemy of an assassin, she remembered the words of Artemis.


Artemis and Cat one wherein the outer zone of the Jubila forest, this event happened just before Alfonso and company
went to the Amazon tribe.
"Stupid disciple, do you know why I constantly tell you to stay behind Alfonso, however, he must not notice your
presence?" Asked Artemis.

"Because you don't want any girls to be near him" Answer plenty Cat one.


A few hits later~

"To perfect my assassin path" Answer the pig-headed Cat one.

"As always, you are wrong, you see, I am a hunter, the path of the hunter and the path of the assassin has a lot of
similitudes, in fact, you could even say that they are almost identical, however, people wrongly mistake them," Said

"Now the question is, what is the big difference between both paths?" Asked Artemis.

Cat one, though for some time.

"If I had to say… I would say that the kind of weapons, after all, you won't ever see an assassin with a bow and arrow"
Said Cat one.

"Almost there, as you say, the difference is the weapons that we use, however, is also wrong to assume that an assassin
doesn't use arrows, after all, I know an assassin that was famous for his archery" Answer Artemis.


"Yeah, he was a pervert called Orion" Said Artemis.


"Anyway, getting back to the topic, the real difference between both is the core of each path, if we had to be really
strict, both have the same core because the path of the assassin is a sub-product of the path of the hunter, in fact, all the
paths, including the path of the warrior, are sub-products of the path of the hunter, that's why the most famous and strong
warriors, always start as hunters, the path of the hunter has its core in three concepts, you must understand these
concepts to begin your hunter path" Said Artemis while lifting three fingers.


"That's right, when you are facing an enemy, you must always follow the three concepts, the first concept, observation!"
Said Artemis.

She suddenly closed her eyes and then he opened then abruptly!

"You have a small sprain in your left foot," Said Artemis.

"How!?" Asked Cat one.

"This is the first concept of the hunter, observation! Remember, the hunter and the prey change depending on who is
stronger, you, who is not very strong, must forcefully become the hunter, how do you do that? You exploit your enemy
weaknesses!" Said Artemis.

"The second concept, Analysis!" Said Artemis.

She suddenly disappeared from sight, Cat one took a guarding pose and began to observe her surroundings.

"Environment, weapons, allies, number of enemies, fatigue, there are too many variables in a fight, however, a hunter
must carefully plan, waiting for its chance, be patience, there is no enemy that doesn't have a weakness, even gods have
them, you use all this information and made an Analysis, after you stimulate your chances of winning you plan your
hunt!" Said Artemis whose voice could be heard in both ears of Cat one.

Just when she was wondering where her master was, she realized that a piece of mud was coming straight into her eyes!

She instinctively covered her eyes, however, this made her front completely exposed, she suddenly felt that her world
was upside down when she realized what had happened, Artemis had already put her delicate hand on Cat one's neck.

"The third concept, KILL!" Said Artemis with murderous intent.

Cat one could clearly feel the bloodlust on Artemis's eyes. This made her almost pee herself.

"When you have your prey on your hands, you don't hesitate, you go straight for their weak point and kill without mercy,
it's it or you, remember when you select your prey, your prey also selects you, there is no room for hesitation nor
negotiation, you got it?" Said Artemis.

"Y-y-yes" Said Cat one with a trembling voice.

"Good, then, answer me now, why did I give you the task to stalk Alfonso?" Asked Artemis.

Cat one remembered all the information that Artemis had given her, she got her answer.

"To learn the concepts!" Said Cat one.

"Correct, Alfonso and I are special, for me, I am so versed in the path of the hunter that I can directly skip the three
concepts, as for Alfonso, he doesn't need to do it, since he can directly see the weak points on his opponents, and, for
his personality, he automatically do the second and third concept at a master level, even I had to admit that his analysis
concept is almost at my level" Said Artemis.

"That's why I let you follow him, you had to practice the first concept every day you try to approach him, as for the
second, I believe that you already saw it, every decision that Alfonso made, he always analyzed every small detail
before planning, as for the third concept, well, something tell me that I don't need to teach you that" Said Artemis.

"I got it master" Said Cat one.

"Good, then let's go, we still have more training to do" Said Artemis.


"The three concepts" Though Cat one.

She closed her eyes and abruptly opened!

"?" Kirin was confused.

What was she doing?

Cat one didn't even blink for two whole minutes before making a small smile.

"What are you planning?" Asked Kirin.

Cat only stood up and disappeared from sight.

"Is time to start the hunt" Her voice towards the ears of Kirin.

She suddenly felt a chill on her back

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147 Battle against the death generals! part five

Dipper stood up from the small crater he had created when he impacted the ground. He touched his stomach and felt a
small pain. He checked his body, there weren't internal injuries, however,

"Titan's leg?" Said Dipper.

Looking at the green leg of Alfonso, Dipper felt some treat coming from it.

"Better be careful" Though Dipper.


"This consumes much more soul power than I initially thought" Though Alfonso.

Titan's leg was a new ability with his visit to Gaia, the two hundred percent affinity with earth came into play, Demeter
used wood and seeds to stabilize his leg back in Wasteland Valley, in other words, his leg was part wood as well, now,
the affinity with earth make him able to move his leg as well use the proprieties of earth, like hardening, now, the leg of
Alfonso had the explosive power of a modern car, however, the main problem remained there, he couldn't move his leg.

"However, if I use Oversoul, I have enough soul power to moved it for a while" Though Alfonso.

Now, he could move without his cane, however, every time he moved, his soul power was consumed, that's why he
didn't have much time.

"If I constantly move, I have five minutes, I don't have much time" Murmured Alfonso.

Alfonso didn't waste time, he grabbed his cane and went straight towards Dipper!


Alfonso bend down and lifted his left towards Dipper chin!

"Fast!" Though Dipper.

He tried to evade it, but the leg was simply too fast.


Dipper felt small dizziness while his body was sent thirty centimeters into the air. Alfonso didn't miss his chance, he
humped and made around kick towards Dipper.

"Don't get carry away!" Shouted Dipper.

He put all his strength into his arm and collide with Alfonso's leg


Like two cars colliding, Alfonso and dipper stood in a tie for some seconds Before the arm of Dipper gave away due to
the force in Alfonso's leg.

"Now!" Shouted Alfonso.

He used the ricochet momentum of his leg to rotate his body and swing his cane towards Dipper's head!


A clean hit towards Dipper's head made his world go around.

Alfonso saw the chance to end this, without even touching the ground he jumped feverishly towards Dipper!

Alfonso appeared before Dipper who was standing without moving with some blood dripping from his head, he aimed
for his ribs!


A clean hit once again!

However, this time, Alfonso felt that something was amiss.

"Why didn't he defend!?" Though Alfonso.

He felt the incoming danger, he tried to take some distance, however, he noticed that his leg wasn't moving!

Dipper was grabbing his leg!

"Let go!" Shouted Alfonso.

"I was thinking… you made your leg… this powerful… however" Said Dipper while making a cold smile "What about
the other parts?"

Dipper lifted his injured arm and punched Alfonso right into the face!

"Shit" Though Alfonso.


Dipper felt something in the environment, however, he was too busy with his attack so he didn't pay much attention in it.

Alfonso's body was buried in the ground while a small pond of blood was forming under him.


Dipper was grasping for air as he saw the immobile Alfonso, on the ground. He waited for some time, but, Alfonso
didn't move.

"What a pity…" Though Dipper.

He looked at his arm, in that last attack, he had put all his might, this caused that his injured arm had more energy that I
could handle.

"The bones are broken, and the tendons are destroyed, its crippled" Though Dipper.

He stood up with difficulty and looked at his side.

"It seems that Baizor is having a hard time, let's help him" Though Dipper.

However, when he was just about to turn around, all his senses shot an alarming sound!

"NO!" Though Dipper.

Dipper wanted to run, however…

"Not so fast" A voice came from behind him.


Dipper felt his body turning still.

"I CANT MOVE! WHY!?" Shouted Dipper.

"FALL DOWN!" Shouted Alfonso.

He lifted his leg making a perfect ninety-degree angle.



Dipper felt a creepy sound inside of his head.


His skull has actually cracked!

"Even If your body is made of steel, I am sure that your head isn't," Said Alfonso.

The face of Alfonso was covered in blood; however, Dipper realized that he didn't have a major injury.

Dipper was suddenly seeing double, the attack was just in the center on his head, he suddenly had the impulse to vomit,
he could felt that his if he was still a living creature, he would be already having a convulsion.

"How…" Asked Dipper in a weak voice.

Alfonso didn't answer, however, he had a pained expression because the system had just sent him a notification.

[You have lost the ability of goddess Demeter

'Ying-Yang domain']
"One of my saving life cards gone just like that" Though Alfonso.

In the last second before Dipper's fist smashed Alfonso he activated Ying-Yang domain which nullifies any physical
attack, that's how he survived the attack of Dipper, however, what he didn't realize what that, despite the domain being
activated, he could get injured from a no enemy attack, like, for example, the ground, that's why the blood, however, this
benefit Alfonso in the end, because made Dipper lower his guard.

"I think I broke my nose and a pair of teeth" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso walked slowly towards Dipper, not because he was making suspense, but because he was too tired, the effects
of the Titan's leg was already gone.

Alfonso saw Dipper on the ground, funny enough, Dipper, who was cover with all kind of injuries, was smiling at him.

"I…have a request…" Said Dipper.

"What is it?" Asked Alfonso.

Alfonso knew that Dipper and the others weren't their enemies, however, they were controlled by Drako, so he didn't
have much of an option, he had to end him, deep inside though, Alfonso wished he didn't have to.

"He seems like a pretty good guy" Though Alfonso.

"…" Dipper murmured something only Alfonso could hear.

Alfonso's eyes reveal his surprised with Dipper words. Alfonso looked at Dipper for some time before nodding,
Dipper made a gratitude smile and died, once and for all.

When Dipper died, a notification from the system came in.

[Congratulations to host for completing the mission

Defeat the death general!

Reward: Upgrading tool!

Description: Any tools that host get from the system can be Upgraded to be more useful.

Remark: A one-use-only-item]

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148 Battle agains the death generals! part six

"If only I had my hammer" Though Hephaestus.

While his fire was spreading towards a five-meter radius, Guiter wouldn't even get closed, he would just throw his
sabers, to be more ridiculous, the sabers will return towards Guiter after finishing their trajectory.
"This is waiting too much of my soul power" Though Hephaestus.

Guiter still looked calm and cold lunching his sabers every time he saw a hole in Hephaestus's fire domain.

"Shit, let's go one on one them!" Shouted Hephaestus.

Suddenly, all the fire retracted and began to fuse on Hephaestus' hands!


While the flames were concentrating on Hephaestus's hands, he couldn't help but cry in pain, his flames were too
powerful after all, and given the fact that he had a mortal body… the pain was almost unbearable!


Hephaestus clenched his teeth, his eyes were bleeding, but, nevertheless, he ran towards Guiter.

"…Dangerous" Murmured Guiter.

He took several steps back and make some distance between him and Hephaestus.

"Don't run!" Hephaestus followed behind Guiter, however, he couldn't get close to him!

Meanwhile, the burns on his hands were getting more severed as the time passed.

"At this rate…!" Hephaestus was getting anxious, he tried to accelerate but he couldn't catch Guiter.

"DO IT!" Suddenly, a voice came to his ears.

When he looked at his side, a man with even more severe injuries than him was looking straight at him.

"You have more power inside of you… you can catch him if you turn ba-"



Before Alfonso could finish his sentence, Hephaestus refuted and accelerate once more. After finishing Dipper, he tried
to go to help the others, however, he realized that he was way to injured to help anybody, he would only an extra
weight, so he decided to rest for a bit while drinking the juice of Hygiea.

However, just after that, he saw the fight between Hephaestus and Guiter, he knew that Hephaestus was consuming his
soul power at an alarming rate!

Not to mention…

"he will become crippled if he used that ability with a normal body!" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso knew that Hephaestus had more energy inside of him, however…

"HEPHAESTUS!" Shouted Alfonso.




The flames on Hephaestus were getting out of control, Hephaestus knew that it was a matter of seconds before his body
couldn't handle it!

"Damn!" Though Hephaestus.

Suddenly, a memory from the past came to his mind.


"TRASH! Why did I have to have a son like you!?" Said an angry woman.

"I FEEL ASHAMED TO HAVE A SON LIKE YOU, MONSTER," Said a man sitting beside that woman.


"Why don't you just die?"

"Yeah, go and die you monster"





Hephaestus closed his eyes in pain, however, this pain didn't come from his body.

"Why did I do to deserve this?"

"I didn't want to be born like this!"

"Why nobody can accept me!?"


Hephaestus keep having these thoughts while his hands lose the control of the flames and consumed the flesh of


A voice interrupted his thoughts when he opened his eyes, he saw the severe Alfonso standing up, even while his
injuries were too severe to even move a finger.

He was standing right there.

Looking at him.




Hephaestus looked with surprise at Alfonso, even Guiter stooped after listening at Alfonso's voice. His cold face made
a small and almost undetectable smile.

"be pride of myself huh"

"If the first time someone said something like that to me and didn't come from my father nor my mother, not even form
my brothers or sisters" Said Hephaestus.

"It came from a mortal that I barely knew for a few months"

"Hehe, you are indeed an interested human" Said Hephaestus.

"I have my answer now"

Hephaestus stood and the flame on his hands disappear.

Hephaestus turned around and looked at Alfonso with satisfaction.

"You are not like him," Said Hephaestus with a smile.

Hephaestus took a deep breath and then looked at the sky.

"I don't have to hide anymore" Murmured Hephaestus.

"Thanks for everything until now, Carites"

Suddenly, a black flame bath Hephaestus from head to toe.

After a minute, the black flames disappear, however, what appeared in the flames was someone else.

With a white hair and some wrinkles on his face, he had a huge smile. He was short and, despite having a belly, he had
some muscles, no matter how you look at him, he only resembled one thing.

"A… Dwarf?" Though Alfonso.

A huge '?' sign appeared above Alfonso's head.

"But… impossible! The myths never mention him as a Dwarf, he supposedly was a skinny ugly man!" Though Alfonso.

"Alfonso" Talked Hephaestus.

"Yes?" Answer Alfonso.

"You don't see so disgusted about my appearance?" Asked Hephaestus.

"Well, it's because you resemble a certain race that I already knew about" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso only smiled and put his thumb down.

"Kick his ass!"

Hephaestus only smiled and, on his hands, flames began to appear once again, however, this time, the flames were not
red like always… they were blue.

"Time for round two!"

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149 Hidden Title

"Lad, it's time for round two!" Shouted Hephaestus.

When he moved, Guiter and Alfonso were surprised.

"At least two times his previous speed!" Though Guiter.

Hephaestus was two meters away from Guiter when he pointed his arm towards Guiter.

"Pyrokinesis!" Shouted Hephaestus.

The blue flames in Hephaestus's hand went towards Guiter.


Guiter evade the attack, however, he was retreating, he felt a hit on his back.

"What?" Though Guiter.


The blue flames followed Guiter until it hit him on his back leaving a huge burn mark. With the implosion, Guiter was
sent back to the ground, he bounced a few times before reincorporating.

However, just went he stood up, Hephaestus was already running towards him.

"Icarus's dive!" Shouted Hephaestus.

Hephaestus was submerged in blue flames while he rapidly approached Gutier, the silhouette of the flames had the form
of the legendary bird.

The Phoenix!

Once again Guiter couldn't react fast enough and was sent flying.

"Was is going on? How is Hephaestus so powerful all of sudden!?" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso Opened the system and was surprised when he looked at Hephaestus info.

[Hephaestus, The Blacksmith (True form)

Level: Hero

Passive Skills:

- Prometheus's primordial flame: Hephaestus stole the heart of Prometheus and infused with his own flames, making one
of the most powerful fires on this world! With the death primordial flame and the sun primordial flame, the three form
the fire trinity.

- Blacksmith (Level 1) : Hephaestus is the most powerful expert in the world of a blacksmith, if you give him more
materials, he would be able to do even more amazing things, even the thunder of Zeus is no problem for him!

Activate Skills:

- Pyrokinesis (Level 3) : Hephaestus used his knowledge to use the power of fire for his own, while there most
particles of fire, the power of Pyrokinesis while being more powerful.

- Icarus's dive (Level 1) : Hephaestus bath in flames to use an all-out-attack towards his enemy.

- The wrath of the blacksmith (Level 2) : Hephaestus enter in a frenzied state when his powers duplicate, his hammer
contains the power of a god's wrath!

Remark: Can only be used with a special hammer crafted by Hephaestus.

- Fire's domain (Level 1): Hephaestus used his flames to form a 5-radius domain that attacks everything that Hephaestus
considers an enemy]

"WHAT!? HE IS AT THE HERO LEVEL!?" Though Alfonso.

What surprised Alfonso the most weren't Hephaestus new abilities, it was the fact that he was already at the Hero level,
how was that possible.

"I didn't help him get to the Hero level and he hasn't participated in any battles so how…" Though Alfonso "Unless…"

Alfonso remembered the first time he met Hephaestus, the portable witch he went out was very powerful compared to
Artemis and Demeter… so the only logical explanation would be…

"He was in the hero level from the beginning, however, his other self-camouflage this fact and his powers!" Though

"Ha…ha…ha" Hephaestus was grasping for air.

Although he had recovered his power, he was still weak, the previous had left serious injuries all over his body,
especially on his hands. The lifted his left hand, it was trembling.

"At the very least, is the left hand" Though Hephaestus.

While he was thinking a figure emerged from the ground, with some serious injuries, Guiter stood up with a white face.

"…Thanks…" With this last word, Guiter fell down.

Alfonso and Hephaestus came closer and noticed that Guiter wasn't moving.

Alfonso looked at Hephaestus and lifted his fist.

Hephaestus was surprised at first, but, soon enough, he made a childish smile and return the gesture towards Alfonso.

However, before they could take a breath, explosions came from the other side of the battlefield, Alfonso and
Hephaestus made a solemn expression.

"They are about to fight with seriousness" Though Alfonso.


Drako and Ainai have exchange attacks since the beginning of the battle, however, when time went by, Ainai noticed

"He isn't tired at all, how is that possible?" Though Ainai.

Drako keep colliding with Ainai, he evaded Anai's attack sometimes and other times he will just collide in a strength

"I already had a good grasp of our powers," Said Drako.

"Are you ready to give up?" Asked Ainai.

Drake only shake his head and made a serious expression, he suddenly disappeared from sight!

"This ability!" Though Ainai.

She felt danger incoming, however, it was too late, a dagger had already appeared on her neck.

"DIE!" Shouted Drako.

Drako made a swift and quick attack, some drops of blood could be seen in the blade, however, Drako didn't say
anything, he stood there and turned around slowly.

"Finally taking this serious right? Ainai"

"Or should I call you…" Said Drako while looking at the figure in front of him.

The figure had white long hair and tan skin, her eyes were also white, and a number could be seen on her chest.


The muscular had a cold face and was looking at Drako with a chill coldness.

The figure suddenly disappeared and reappeared on her position.

It was just a small move.

Nothing too outstanding.

And yet…


A few explosions could be heard on the body of Drako, when once notice, Drako had three punch marks on his chest,
leg and back respectively.

Drako made a small smile before looking at Ainai.

"I couldn't expect less from the right hand and best friend of the goddess of the sword"

"People said that you were born in the wrong era, because, if the goddess of the sword didn't exist, you would have
been the one who inherits the throne of Godshalt"

"The only person who made the goddess of the sword compromise in a tied after their battle"

The eyes of Drako turned into black while his lips made an evil smile.

"The goddess of Speed, Ainai!" Shouted Drako while, from his body, a black scythe appeared.

"…" Ainai only looked at Drako with a solemn expression.

"The grim's scythe!" Said Ainai.

"Ainai!" Said Drako.

"BECOME MY FOOD!" Said Drako while rushing towards Ainai.

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150 Desesperate situation!

Ainai frowned.

"Underestimating the power of the Amazons!" Though Ainai.

She jumped without fear towards Drako!


Within her punch, one could feel all the power that was been transmitted!

Drako didn't do much, he continued towards Ainai!

Ainai's punch landed on Drako's chest!


Drako coughted a huge amount of blood, nevertheless, he still swung his scythe towards Ainai.

Ainai senses were still alert at any changes in Drako. When she saw the scythe, she rapidly took distance. In an instant,
she was already three meters away from Drako.

She watched as Drako swung his scythe in the position she was before, she felt a pretty big danger coming from that

"I must not get sliced by that scythe… not even a small injury" Though Ainai.

Drako's injury was serious, however, he still looked at Ainai with a ferocious gaze.


Although he was clearly bleeding, Drako, instead of slowing his speed keep increasing, faster and faster!

"What is happening!?" Though Ainai.

At first, Ainai was plumbing Drako in terms of speed and strength, however, no matter how badly injured Drako get, his
power increased every second, for the first time in her life, Ainai was afraid of an opponent!

"What are you doing?" Ainai couldn't help but ask.

"... power…more" Drako's voice was distorted, he was speaking slowly, and it seems that talking was already a big
task for him.

"Don't tell me…" Ainai suddenly thought of something.

Drako didn't wait, he increased his speed once more and attacked Ainai, she moved as fast as she could and dodge
Drako, however, to her surprised, Drako didn't stop, he moved forward!

"Alfonso!" Shouted Ainai.

Alfonso who was watching the fighting between both monsters suddenly paralyzed, because Darko was just in front of

"Alfonso!" Shouted Hephaestus.

However, before he could do much, he was sent flying by Drako.

"He is on a completely different level!" Though Alfonso.

He tried to run with the Titan's leg, however, he was too tired to run for long. He inevitably felt in the claws of Drako.

Drako grabbed Alfonso by his collar and looked at him with a greedy smile.

"Your powers… GIVE ME!" Shouted Drako while opening his mouth.

"RUN!" A voice came from above him, when he looked at, Alfonso saw someone in front of him!

"AINAI!" Shouted Alfonso.

Ainai made a painfull expression, however, she quickly incorporates and punched Drako on his stomach seding him

"ARG!" Ainai grabbed her shoulder.

"AINAI!" Alfonso ran and grabbed Ainai, her injury wasn't as deep as one would think, however, what alarmed
Alfonso was that she wasn't bleeding blood!

"Your soul power…" Said Alfonso.

"Its that scythe, it contains the power of death, its like a poison that contaminates the body and rot it from the inside!"
Said Ainai while grabbing the shoulder.

Alfonso took a look and, to his surprise, half of the arm of Ainai was already hard and black.

"Rigor Mortis!?" Said Alfonso.

"Your…Powers…are MINE!" A terrifying noise came from the other side.

Alfonso looked and saw the power of Drako increase in at a tarrying rate!

"He is… absorbing my powers!" Said Ainai while clenching his teeth.

"How is that possible!? He hasn't killed you!" Said Alfonso.

"Is not just me" Said Ainai while looking at Drako.

"He is absorbing all the death aura on this place, he is absorbing the soul of the dead ones!" Said Aina.

"FUCK!" Shouted Alfonso.

He noticed that the rottenness kept spreading out in Ainai's arm, it was almost at her shoulder's high!

"This is for me… Alfonso take the Amazons and run! "Said Ainai.

"I will not let you here" Said Alfonso.

He didn't wait for Ainai's answer and grabbed a nearby sword.

"Clench your teeth!" Said Alfonso.

He grabbed the sword and with a swift motion.


"ARGGGGG!" Shouted Ainai.

He cut Ainai's arm!

"ENDURE IT!" Said Alfonso while sealing the injury with his shirt.

"DRINK THIS!" Said Alfonso while

With all her will, Ainai took the Drink and stabilize, however, her hair had already turn back to black and her powers
were already gone.
"I am sorry… for dragging you in this mess" Said Ainai with a weak voice.

"I will complain all I want went we get out of here, let's go!" He grabbed Ainai by the arm and dragged her with all his


"YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" A voice came from behind Alfonso, Drako was looking at him, however, his
appearance has changed.

He had White hair and in his forehead was the symbol of soul!

He had a huge zero on his chest.

"Oversoul!?" Said Alfonso.

"He… has at least half of my powers… he is too strong now" Said Ainai by his side.

Alfonso looked at Drako with a desperate expression, he tried to figure out how to get out of this situation!

"If only I was stronger!" Though Alfonso while clenching his fist.

"My lord! You must run, we will buy you some time!" A voice came from behind Alfonso.

When he turned around, he saw Cerberus and Cat one looking at him.

"Alfonso, no matter what, you must return to Wasteland Valley and evacuate at fast as you can!" Said Cerberus.

"My lord," Said Cat one.

"How can I let you here to die!? Even if you forgive me, even if the gods forgive me, I couldn't forgive myself"

"To run like a coward"

"To abandon my people"


Cat one, Cerberus and Ainai were moved when they heard this.

However, Alfonso didn't say this to encourage them and himself, nor did he feel that it was an exaggeration.

"This the way I, Alfonso Lockheart, do things!" Said Alfonso with conviction.

"YOUR…POWERS…MINE!" Said Drako while his powers made everyone to fear and kneel in front of him.

Alfonso closed his eyes and though for some time before deciding something.

"System, use the upgrade tool to upgrade the hero badge" Said Alfonso.

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151 Hero Bagde- Version 2.0

Alfonso received a message from the system and his face turned pale.

"five minutes!?"

"Why don't you just tell me to go die!?" Complained Alfonso.

"FUCK!" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso looked at Drako, or, whatever that was, coming to then, there was little time.

"Think, come on, in desperate times, is when you have to be the calmest" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso took a look at his ring and clenched his teeth.

"Drakini, I need your help"

"S-s-sir, I am at your service!" Said Drakini.

"Everyone!" Shouted Alfonso "Behind me! Cerberus, bring Hephaestus!"

Cat one and Ainai looked at Alfonso and then nodded, they hide behind his back.

Cerberus ran towards the unconscious Hephaestus and bring him by their side.

"The power of stagnation has the power to freeze time, so if I put a little more power…" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso put all of his remained soul power in his left's eye, a small green smoke began to spread around him.

"HAAAA!" Drako arrived quickly at Alfonso's group, however, when his body touched the green smoke.

He stopped.

Just like that.

"GIVE… GIVE!" Drako became angrier and angrier, he tried to move however, his body didn't answer him.

However, after some time, Alfonso began to feel the fatigue.

Drako was slowly but surely, moving!

"Drakini, help me!" Said Alfonso.

Drakini didn't say anything, the ring emitted a green light, Alfonso felt Drakini's power inside of him.

"Come on!" Though Alfonso.

"GIVE!!" Drako loss his mind.

His pupils turned completely black, the rated of him devouring the death power accelerated!

His scythe was slowly moving towards Alfonso.


""My lord!""

Cat one, Ainai and Cerberus looked anxiously at Alfonso who was so wounded that his eye began to bleed.

"MORE POWER!" Said Alfonso.




"MORE POWER" Said Alfonso.


The erosion of time has begun to affect your vision. The process of blindness has begun!

Myopia: 0.5

Astigmatism: 0.5

Blindness: 1%

The system hardly suggest host stop his actions!]

Alfonso, like he didn't hear the warning of the system began to put more power on his eye to stop Drako from moving!

However, not long enough, he began to suffer the consequences of his actions!

"My head…" Alfonso began to feel dizzy.


Myopia: 3.0

Astigmatism: 3.0

Blindness: 15%]

"I…cant…" Alfonso felt his head exploding.

His vision was becoming burrier and burrier, he couldn't differ the factions of Drako, only a blurry silhouette.

"I…" Alfonso couldn't talk anymore!

The fever was almost unbearable!


The green smoke disappeared!

Alfonso had reached his limit!

"GIVE…POWERS!" Drako, been free, began his attack towards Alfonso.

"Must… protec…t" Alfonso didn't know what was happening, his fever was far too severe!

"I will save your ass this time, kid" Suddenly a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"W…h..o…?" Though Alfonso.

Just as Drako's scythe was about to cut Alfonso in half, the smoke came just in time to stop his attack!

Alfonso felt the fever-reducing while his vision began to recover.

"Who is there?" Asked Alfonso.

However, there was no answer.


Alfonso looked at him.


When Alfonso received the message from the system, he couldn't help but made a small smile.

"About time" Murmured Alfonso.

He looked once more at Drako.

"You have gone insane for power… I must stop you"

"Right here"

"Right now"

He extended his hand and a small badge appeared on his hand.

The badge was glowing, when once looked it had a small 'H' sign on the center!

"Hero badge, version 2.0!" Said Alfonso.


With the upgrade, this badge let you choose the hero from below god level.

Remark: A unique item that can turn the tides!]

"A follower of death… I have the right guy for the job" Though Alfonso.

Like an earthquake, the ground began to tremble!

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Though Everyone on the scene.

"What is this power!? Even my elder sister didn't have this power!?" Though Ainai.


In a faraway place, a man was sitting on his throne, his silhouette was imposing, if one was to stand before him,
kneeling was the most natural course of actions, even the so-called champions were ants in front of him!

His eyes were closed, however, like never before, the suddenly opened and looked at the north.

"Interesting… however" Murmured the man.

"Not interesting enough"

The man only closed his eyes and rest in his throne once again.




"What is happening… I only know one man that has this kind of aura" Said A man in red while looking in a certain

"Don't tell me that another one is joining the competition?" Though the man while clenching his fist.




"This aura… how can someone with this kind of power escaped our gazed?" Said a woman while looking at the south
of her castle, she was dressed in an elegant white dress while her hair danced with the wind.

"Interesting… it's coming from the Jubila forest, is worth a visit" Said the woman.

She suddenly vanished, leaving a small trail of wind behind her.





"Again, in the north… it seems that we will have to take this more serious than I originally thought" A giant man sitting
in a huge throne murmured while his green pupils looked far away. He couldn't help but felt a certain pair of red eyes
mocking at him




Without knowing how Drako was sent flying.

He rolled without controlled until he landed on the ground.

He flew ten meters!

When he checked his body, Drako felt a horrible pain his chest, when he ducked his head, he was stupefied when he
saw a huge hole!

"Wha…t?" Said Drako.

He looked back and saw a man looking at him with cold eyes.

This man had small black hair and a beard.

He was tall and had a handsome look.

He had a shield on his left hand and a sword on his right hand.

"He really…came" Said Alfonso.

He couldn't help but sit on the ground, he was too tired.


[The hero has successfully been summoned!]

A message from the system came.

Alfonso made a relieved sigh and looked at the man who was in front of him.

"I leave the rest to you, he, who eradicates death!" Said Alfonso.



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152 The might of a Hero!
Standing in front of Alfonso a tall man with a savage look stood proudly, he didn't had any particular expression on his
face, however, people couldn't help but kneel in front of him, Alfonso wasn't an exception.

"What is happening?" Though the kneeled Alfonso.

Alfonso lifted his head and looked at Perseus's info.

[Perseus, The Immortal!

Level: Demi-god (Path to godhood 20%)

Skills: ??????

Remark 1 : Due to host being too weak, the information of Perseus can't be displayed.

Remark 2 : Perseus level has been reduced to the Demi-god level due to the system restrictions.

Time left : 00:04:59 ]

"5 minutes!? But the original badged said 5 minutes… maybe is because he is THE Perseus?" Though Alfonso.

Everyone looked at the short haired man who was looking at his surroundings, he made a small cracking sound with his
neck and turned around, he looked at the kneeling Alfonso before lifting his finger, the suppressing feeling that Alfonso
and everyone else felt was lifted.

"Where you the one who summoned me?" Asked Perseus, not slowly but not fast either, it was a pretty calm voice,
Alfonso was surprised he imaged that this legend would have an imposing voice.

"Y-yes! My name is Alfonso Lockheart, is my honor to be in front of the legendary Hero, Perseus" Said Alfonso.

"Mmm… I have been sleeping for a very long time, is good to be back, even if its only for some time" Said Perseus
with a casual smile.

Alfonso didn't notice; however, he was… charmed by this small smile, know you have to image how Cat one and Ainai
were, if they weren't in this kind of situation, maybe they would already be undressing him, they were doing that with
their eyes though.

A little bit of drool could be seeing in the other Amazon's mouth.

"A handsome and powerful man… not wonder Andromeda felt for this man, even some gods did" Though Alfonso.

"So, why did you summon me?" Asked Perseus.

"Eh? Ah, ah, yes! Is because of that guy, Drako, he-"

"A follower of Hades?" Interrupted Perseus.

"Yes" Said Alfonso.

Perseus looked at Drako who was slowly transforming into a small size dragon.
"GIVE…DEVOUR…POWER!" Pronounced Drako.

Perseus looked at him and slowly walked towards Drako.

"In my youthful days, I had a lot of conflicts with the gods, beginning with that bastard father of mine and ending with his
stupid brother" Said Perseus.

"GIVE!" Shouted Drako while running towards Perseus.

"But I have to said"

Perseus keep walking while talking, he was so calm that one couldn't possible think that he was in a death battle!

"DIE!" Shouted Drako while swimming his scythe.

The scythe reached the neck of Perseus!


"What… the…. Hell…?" Alfonso, who was looking nervously at Perseus, made a shocked expression, his mouth was
so open that an egg could perfectly fit, an ostrich egg.

A huge '?' question mark appeared in the head of everyone on the battlefield appear above the head of everyone in the

However, the must stunned one was Drako.

"What!?" Said Drako.

"…" Perseus didn't say anything.

Why everyone was so surprised?


"I must say that Hades has really lowered his standards, even the Kraken was a far much strong opponent" Said Perseus
while grabbing the scythe with his two fingers.

That's right, with just TWO fingers, he was grabbing the "death" scythe.

Drako tried to move the scythe, however, he wasn't able to move it one inch.

After seeing that he wasn't able to move the scythe, Drako didn't give up, he used the power of death at his most to wrap
Perseus in a black curtain!


However, before the death curtain could reach Perseus, the death energy disappeared in thin air.

Perseus only looked at him and made a small smirk.

"Wanting to deal with me with Death power?" Perseus put a bit of strength in the scythe.

The scythe was broken in little pieces!

"FAR TOO NAIVE" Said Perseus with a cold voice.

He grabbed the head of Drako.

Drako tried to fight back but he couldn't move!

"Look at me" Said Perseus.

Perseus looked at Drako straight into the eyes.

"What.. is… happening!?" Said Drako.

He discovered that the death energy in his body was being… drained!

"Let me go!" Said Drako while his body returned to his original form.

The eyes of Perseus were like to black holes, the death energy on Drako's body was being drained and it was being
purified in the body of Perseus!

After fighting for some minutes, the body of Drako returned to his formed original size.

Perseus looked at the motionless Drako and tossed his body to one side.

"Done" Said Perseus.

"Just like that?" Alfonso couldn't help but ask.

Drako, that entity that no one could face… was done…just like that?

"It feels a little bit anti climatic right?" Said Cerberus.

"Well… he is Perseus after all…" Said Alfonso.

Perseus walked towards Alfonso and cop.

"Its done" Said Perseus.

"I don't have enough words to appreciate what you have done for us" Said Alfonso.

"Don't worry, I would always help anyone who is a lover of Gaia, she did a lot for me when I was young" Said Perseus.

"Lo…ver…?" Asked Alfonso.

"That necklace you have, it's from Gaia, it like a symbol of propriety, you know, like a mark…" Explained Perseus.

"What!?" Alfonso didn't know this!

"Wait… I perceived other auras on you… Demeter… Artemis… I must say… you really have a huge pair of balls, even
Achilles wouldn't be so… heroic" Said Perseus with a bitter voice.

"I… I am not… never mind" Alfonso gave up.

"Anyway, we still have one minute, so let's talk for some time, but first…" Said Perseus.

He suddenly closed his eyes and a soul power like Alfonso hasn't seen before emerged.

"THIS!?" Ainai and Alfonso were the most stunned ones.

His soul power was at least, ten times bigger than Ainai in the Oversoul form!

"Lets keep the outsiders in their place" Said Perseus.


A certain lady was rapidly approaching the Jubila forest.

She was in a transparent form.

Alfonso didn't know her, but the rest of Leitol did!

She was the leader of the second most powerful house of the south region.

Even the head of the Boltors should think it twice before making her angry.

Her name was Allison Veritia.

Also know as the queen of the winds!

The truth head of the Veritia Familia!

"Almost there" Though Allison.

However, just as she was about to enter in the perimeter of Wasteland Valley, she suddenly felt a strong force
approaching her.

She stood in mid air looking at the aura with a solemn face.

"Stop, turn around and go back" A voice came into the mind of Allison.

A silhouette appeared in front of her, it was a handsome man with black hair and a shiny gold armor.

"Sir, nice to meet you, my name is Allison Veritia, from the Veritia Family, might I know who you are?" Asked Allison.

"My name is not important, you just need to know that this area is forbidden, however, I can assure you that I am not an
enemy, I have a proposal for you" Said the man.

"Ho?" Said Allison.

"I want you to give this land a protection period of three years" Said the man.

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153 Blank
"Protection?" Asked Allison.

"That's right, I want you to protect this land, the land near the Jubila forest, the name of the lord is-"

"The fallen prince, Alfonso Lockheart, right?" Interrupted Allison.

"You know him? Good, make things easier, this is the deal, you protect him and his people for three years, in exchange,
I give you something you desperately need" Said the man.

"Ho? Something that I need? That's interesting, I have everything that I want in this world, and, what I don't have, I get it
with my own hands, what can you give me?" Asked Allison with some curiosity, and, at the same time, with disbelief.

The man didn't say anything, however, he took out from his pocket a bottle with a red liquid inside, when Allison saw
the bottle, she almost rushed to get the bottle.

"Y-y-y-you! That's!"

"DRAGON'S BLOOD!" Said Allison.

Suddenly, a thought came to Allison.

"I see! You aren't the guy with that incredible aura, you are the king of the Jubila forest"

"One of the four primordial"

"The void Dragon"

"Leviathan!" Said Allison.

The man didn't say anything he just looked at Allison.

"What are you doing here? I thought that-"

"Stop wasting my time, if you don't accept, I will get someone else to do it" Interrupted Leviathan.

He turned around and was prepared to leave.

"WAIT!" Shouted Allison.

She disappeared and reappeared in front of Leviathan.

"Three years right!? I will do it! In these three years, nobody shall touch that Little boy!" Said Allison.

"Good" Said Leviathan while throwing the bottle to Allison.

She rapidly grabbed the bottle as she was grabbing the most valuable treasure, she took a quick look again at the bottle
before making a big smile and keeping the bottle on her.

"The period starts now, there are a lot of people who want to take a look here, I don't need to tell you what to do right?"
Asked Leviathan.

"Of course!" Said Allison.

Leviathan didn't say anything, he turned around and disappear.

Allison couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

"With this bottle, the path to godhood is near, let's see who will stop me now!" Though Allison.

She took a deep breath and exhaled.

She felt a lot of soul auras trying to invade Wasteland Valley.

Her eyes turned serious and she made a fist gesture with her hand.


Suddenly, all the auras retreated, how could they stay when the Queen of the Veritias has announced her protection.

Even the four families should think it twice before defying her!

Not to mention, the Veritias had a strong back up in Dragon City.

It was no one other than Alfonso's brother, the first prince, Fernando Lockheart!

After the announced of Allison, everyone retreated, well, almost everyone.

Allison felt a strong pressure in front of her, however, she didn't retreat, she made a small smirk and a black wind
suddenly appear behind her.

"Allison,I must remind you that, even if you are the 'Queen', I AM the king of the north, shouldn't you show me, at least,
some kind of respect," Said a voice in front of him.

"Hehe, dude, that sure is hilarious, If I remembered correctly, the last time we fight, I almost snapped your neck, or, do I
need to remind you WHY you are still the king of the north?" Said Allison with confidence.

The voice made a small sigh and a muscular tan man appeared, he seemed to be in his forties, he had a proud aura,
however, in front of Allison, he was a little dejected, why? Well the fact is that, he, Karl Boltor, actual head of the
Boltor family has lost to her in more than one occasion, in fact, he was prepared to hand over the position of the head of
the north towards the Veritias, however, for god knows what reason, Allison always reject this position.

"Allison, I don't want troubles, at the very least, I need to know what is going on, his majesty and the other powers in
Leitol had felt the aura, you must know, this kind of aura is only possible if a new King is born, the number of King that
Leitol has, including you, is no more than ten" Said Karl.

"Don't try to be smart with me, if you want, you can stay quiet and said that the aura was from someone on your family,
not even his majesty can pressure you so much to speak or else, the other houses could rebel" Said Allison with a smile.

Karl grabbed his head and made another sigh; indeed, she wasn't called the queen just for fun.

"Listen, I will let it pass today, but this can't repeat, or else, even I could get in trouble, ok?" Said Karl.

"Sure~" Said Allison with a playful smile.

The aura of Karl disappeared, and Allison disappeared as well.

Without knowing, Alfonso had gained a powerful backup.


"I hoped that this makes the kid consider my offer" Though Leviathan while floating towards Alfonso and company.


Before Perseus could begin his attack, he opened his eye and made a confused face.

"Hmm? They retreat, strange… well, that's good itself… wait… there is someone else there" Said Perseus while
looking at the forest.

Hiding behind a tree, a man was looking at the group with uneasiness.

Alfonso looked at the man, however, he didn't recognize him.

"Who is he?" Asked Alfonso.

"He… is one of the same kinds as that Drako guy, however, his blood is purer… he is a dragon, however, he has not
fallen" Said Perseus.

"Same type… don't tell me he is…" Though Alfonso.

"H-hello, I am the father of that stupid lying there, my name is Leviathan, do you mind… if we talk for some time" Said
Leviathan nervously.

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154 Impossible task

Everyone was surprised, the only who had a relaxed face was Perseus. Funny enough, the most nervous of all of them
was no other than Leviathan himself.

"He… is the king of the Jubila forest… The dragon Leviathan… right?" Asked Alfonso.

He turned to Aina and Cerberus.

"He is right?" Asked once again Alfonso.

Is was quite understandable why he was so… skeptical, on his mind, a DRAGON was a thing for legends, of course, he
had already met the "gods"… but!

One thing was meeting a god that looked like a human and one completely different was meeting A Dragon.


"To me, he looks like a frightened cat…" Though Alfonso.

Cerberus facepalmed.

"Unfortunately, he is…" Said Cerberus.

"Old man! At least, had some dignity! God!" Shouted Aina.

"What old man!? We are almost the same age, you! young lover!" Said Leviathan.

"WHAT!? Said that again motherfucker, I will fight you to death!" Said Aina.

"Well… its true" Though the rest of the Amazons.

"Enough, say your business, Dragon, I have little time to waste" Said Perseus.

When Perseus talked everyone keep quiet, Levithan was trembling, however, he managed to gather some courage, he
walked towards Perseus in a slow…


However, every time he took a step, he always looked at Alfonso back, like asking for help.


Alfonso couldn't watch this anymore.

It was like he was bullying this poor old man!

He wasn't that old though!

"Your business is with me right?" Said Alfonso.

Leviathan looked at Alfonso like he was look at his savior.

"RIGHT! That's right, surely, this young lord is filled with wisdom! As you say, this little one had something to ask this
young lord… no …. This young king!" Said the ass kissing dragon.

Even Alfonso felt ashamed by this man…

"Really? Young king? Even sellers will blush in front of you!" Though Alfonso.

"Well, what do you want?" Asked Alfonso.

"Hehe, its nothing too serious… its just something insignificant to such to the almighty young hero, even your father was
trash in front of my lord… no! my god-"


The almighty dragon looked at Perseus with a frightening look, he turned back to Alfonso and say.

"Just…a…little…bit…of…blood" Murmured Leviathan.

"What?" Said Alfonso.

"A…bit…of…blood" Said Leviathan.

In that instant, before anyone could say anything, Perseus had already grabbed the collar of Leviathan.

"Die" Said Perseus.

"Wait! Please wait!" Said the frightened Leviathan.

"What do you mean by blood?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well… you see… when I was watching your fight before, I saw that you used… a specific kind of power… the power
of life… you know… the one in your left leg, I, I just want some blood of your left leg… just a tiny bit will do!" Said

"Why do you want it?" Asked Alfonso.

"Simple, because he is dying" Answer Perseus.

"Dying?" Asked Alfonso.

"You can't feel it because you are too weak, however, his soul power is infected by the pestilence of death, he has a
couple of years more at beast" Said Perseus.

Leviathan had a grave expression.

"I have been searching a lot about the power of life, in my research, I tried every method I know, the best method I
found was to feed myself with life energy from the living, that's why, I woke up once a year and go to through the jungle
and hunt life energy" Said Leviathan.

"That's why the horde existed!" Alfonso realized.

"However, a few months ago, my son, Drako, learned about my condition, and saw a chance, that's why everything
happened" Said Levithan.

"I don't understand, why didn't you come to us, Amazons, we could have though you Oversoul, which is the epitome of
energy, natural soul power!" Said Aina.

"You are wrong, Oversoul isn't just natural soul power… I think that you also know what true lies when someone use
Oversoul right?" Said Leviathan while looking at Alfonso.

Alfonso looked at Aina and nodded.

"Oversoul is a contract between one and the goddess of earth, when the pact is formed, your soul becomes one with
nature, naturally, that means that, when time comes to die, you will return to nature, your soul would never be able to
reincarnate and you will wander the earth as particles of soul power that are only waiting for someone to absorb them
and, after that, your existence will disappear from this reality… forever" Said Alfonso with sadness.

After gaining the power from Gaia, he somehow figures out things out, especially because his contract with Gaia was a
little different from the Amazons, he wouldn't tell them that though.

"You mean that… when we die… we will become food from someone else?" Asked Ainai.

"I am afraid…" Said Alfonso.

Aina stood there, motionless. The other Amazons weren't better.

"That's why, I want your blood, there is something on your left leg, something that only gods have… I can sense that
your leg, has the same condition as me, however, there something in your leg that is giving such incredible live soul
power, that is keeping the process of death in halt" Said Leviathan.

Alfonso remember the seed that Demeter put on his leg that day a few months ago.

"You are not fooling anyone with your words, Dragon, if you want to regain all your vitality, you will need at least ten
liters of blood, your only answer would be to kill him and drink his blood from his decaying body" Said Perseus.

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155 News from far away

Alfonso's face when pale, Perseus gripped harder the dragon's neck.

"Please…let me… explain…myself…" Said leviathan who almost at the point of suffocation.

Perseus looked back at Alfonso who nodded.

"You have one minute," Said Perseus.

He threw him to the floor, however, Leviathan didn't say anything, he just looked at Alfonso with some gratitude.

"Is as his highness says, I indeed would need a large amount of blood to revitalize my energy, however, In the past days
a notice came to me, my brother, the king of the seas, has fallen by the hands of the crown prince of Greycastle, it
happen so that my sister was around at the time of the fight, she retrieved one of the heads of my brother and called me,
she has always been kind and took care of us since we were dragonites. She proposed to me and my other brother to
meet in our birthplace in two years, I told her about my situation and she agreed to give me the head of my brother to
revitalize, however, I need enough energy to go there, since the journey is long, that's why I want your help" Said

Alfonso and the others looked astonished at this information, however, what surprised Alfonso the most was that
someone has actually managed to defeat the king of the seas!

Leitol and Greycastle had been enemies since the beginning, however, as the saying goes, know your enemy and
yourself to win, Alfonso and his brothers had studied all the information they got about the powers in Greycastle.

Like Leitol had the Lockheart family, Greycastle also had a royal family.

"The Laplace family" Though Alfonso.

The Laplace family had been in the power since the beginning, contrary to the Lockheart family who had been in power
since the five generations, the Laplace's where the first ones to acquire the power and stood there since then.

"The Laplace family had in total five members, the current emperor, Henry Laplace, also known as the calamity
emperor, the queen of the sands, Henrietta Laplace, they got married about thirty years ago and gave birth to two
children, twins, to be more acquire, Julianna and Marvin Laplace, however, the head of the family isn't decided by a
patriarchy, the strongest assume the throne, just like here in Leitol, so, how is that possible that there is a 'crown'
prince?" Murmured Alfonso.
"That I don't know, however, my sister told me something else, it seems that the one who defeated our brother was only
twenty-something years old and yet, he is almost as powerful as your father, the current emperor, William Lockheart!"
Said Leviathan.

Alfonso's heart from cold and he started sweating.

He knew his father, although he hated to the bones, he had to admit that he wasn't a rival to him, not to mention him, even
if his brother Fernando and his sister Diana joined to defeat him, his father wouldn't lost, at the very least, he would be
able to escape and, in the best case, he would be able to kill Diana and Fernando!

"The only people capable to defeat my father is the head of the four dragon families, and that is they joined hands, that's
how of a monster is my father, and you said that this twenty-something year old man is almost at his level!?… what's
more" Said Alfonso.

Suddenly, A figure of a small boy with black hair appeared in the mind of Alfonso.

"It's impossible for Marvin to have that kind of power, not him" Declared Alfonso.

Everyone looked at Alfonso quiet with doubt.

"It sounds like you know him" Said Perseus.

"… more or less" Said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

Alfonso seemed to know something more, However, he didn't say it.

"Anyway, what I say its all from my sister's mouth, so, this is my propose, I already arrange someone to protect you for
three years, in addition, I will give you some dragon's blood and an old tooth of mine, keke, my teeth are almost as hard
as the material of the seven legendary swords!" Said Leviathan.

Alfonso analyzed the proposition of Leviathan.

"How much blood do you need?" Said Alfonso.

"A liter would be enough!" Said Leviathan with enthusiasm.

Alfonso smiled and lifted two fingers.

"I will give you two liters!" Said Alfonso.

Leviathan eyes shined like stars!

"However, I want to change the deal" Said Alfonso.

"I want to make an alliance with you… or to be more precise… an alliance with the dragons!" Said Alfonso.

Everyone was stupefied by Alfonso's words.

Leviathan's eyes shrink.

"What… what do you mean by that?" Asked Leviathan.

"I am not stupid enough to believe that you will meet your brother and sister just to make a funeral and have some tea…
you are preparing something big, I want a piece of that" Declared Alfonso.

Leviathan eyes showed his surprised.

Perseus smiled.

"Indeed, this kid remains me when I was young, he is worthy to be friends with" Though Perseus.

"What kind of alliance are you proposing?" Said Leviathan.

"Let's discuss the details later, after all, we are all very tired, come to Wasteland Valley in two months, you will be my
personal guess, however, I will give you a small advance…" Said Alfonso.

His smile grew colder and colder.

"In an event that you were to suddenly attack the royal family… I wouldn't mind giving my bastard father a visit to settle
accounts" Said Alfonso.

Everyone's heart skipped a bit.

Leviathan looked at Alfonso before smiling.

He nodded and then disappear from sight.

"You are pretty clever… as well as cunning… I like it" Said Perseus.

"You honor me" Said Alfonso.

"Well, it's almost time for me to leave, I had one small request though, I don't know if you might hear it, friend?" Asked

"Your wish is my duty" Said Alfonso with seriousness.

Alfonso was truly grateful to Perseus, he was a person of principles, Perseus saved him and protect him not only from
Drako but also from the other powers that were aiming at Wasteland Valley, he even protected him from an unexpected
guess, the void dragon Leviathan!

What? Do you think that Leviathan came with good faith since the beginning?

Please, if Alfonso was alone, Leviathan wouldn't ask so...politely.

"Thank you, friend is not that big of a deal, when I came here, I faintly manage to sense the aura of my wife, Andromeda,
I wanted to ask you to look for her and protect her" Said Perseus with a serious expression

"Don't worry, I will be sure to find her, it's my, Alfonso's Lockheart, promise!" Said Alfonso.

"Thank you, friend, that calms my heart… well, it's time for time to go… I pray that it won't be too long before we see
each other once again" Said Perseus with his charming smile.

"WAIT!" Shouted Alfonso.

"What is it?" Asked Perseus.

Alfonso looked in his pocket and, from god knows where, picked pen and paper.
"Can you give me your autograph?" Asked Alfonso with a serious face.

"…" Perseus.

"…" Everyone else.

"I am a big fan" Added Alfonso.

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156 Trash
It has been three days since the fight in the amazon tribe ended, all the tribe was destroyed by Drako and the death army,
so, the question that lingered in everyone hearts was.

Did we win?

When one think about it, the answer should be obvious, however, there were a few people who disagree.

"We didn't win, we just didn't lose" Said Alfonso when someone asked.

If history tell us something is that the history is written by the winners, however, Alfonso had a different opinion, he has
lived in the past for almost all his life, and, if something could be learned was, that…

No matter the time…

No matter the epoch…

No matter the circumstances…

There wasn't a winner in a war, there was just a side that didn't lose.

War is as simple as that.

"However, there are always people trying to trigger it, maybe is our nature to seek our own destruction" Said Alfonso to
Aina who was in front of him.

After the fight ended, she and Alfonso were the most wounded, especially Aina, who had lost her right arm, when
Alfonso walk up after sleeping for two days, he and Aina started talking about life, like two good old friends.

"I think is the opposite, because there are wars, people are able to adapt and evolve, if you think about it, war is what
makes people move and not remain still, fear is what moves people, is not good, but is reality" Said Aina.

"Ha, maybe you are right" Said Alfonso with a small smile.

He was drinking a juice that the amazons prepared for him, although most of the crops in the Amazon tribe died, some
fruits survive, Alfonso recognized this small juice.

"Strawberry juice, my favorite" Said Alfonso while savoring the strawberry.

"Alfonso, I don't have enough words to said how grateful I am to you, I won't be able to paid this favor even if I gave
my life to you, so, I will make you a proposal" Said Aina while looking at Alfonso.

"What is it?" Asked Alfonso.

"Let my people and I go back with you, we will serve you as our lord, I don't ask for much, I just want to have food and
place to live for my people" Said Aina "My village is destroyed, if we stay here, we may be able to reconstruct it,
however, it will take too long and it will require a lot of materials that we don't have, instead of that, I prefer to make a
path to my sisters, so they can live happily"

Alfonso was a little surprised about this request from Aina.

"Disappointed that we ask for help? Hehe, maybe my sister is wallowing on her tomb if she knew that I asked a man to
be our benefactor, if you want to think of me as a weak woman, I won't blame you" Said Aina.

Alfonso only smiled.

"What is the point saying a weak woman, men like to think that is their duty to protect woman and women think that they
are meant to be protected, I don't think like that, I don't see you as a woman asking for pity" Said Alfonso while looking
at her straight into the eyes.

"I see 'Aina', the most fearsome warrior I have ever met, requesting a hand from a friend" Said Alfonso.

Aina looked at Alfonso with a stunned expression before smiling with satisfaction and kneeling on the floor.

However, before she could kneel, Alfonso stopped her, he made a gesture and he extended his arm, Aina was a little
perplexed, however, she copied Alfonso and both on their arms linked.

"In a place called Japan, this was the way when two leaders made an alliance, this alliance shall never end, and we
will never betray ourselves, you are now my 'sister', what do you say?" Asked Alfonso.

Ainai was a little surprised however, she made a resolute face.

"Shall never, my brother" Said Aina with a sweet smile.

"Hey, did you hear!? She called him brother, Ia~, Alfonso sure has balls!"

"I know right!? Wait until Demeter heard about this, that would be quite the show!"

"Master will find this news interesting, I shall inform without delay, Cerberus and Hephaestus, you should be digging
his highness's tomb"

"Hey, hey, what are the three of you talking about, AHH!, Sister is inside there with mister hero!"

"Shh! Antiope, they will heard us, but, yeah I think sister will for that kind of man, he looks a little bit younger,
however, had a strong determination, his seed should be quite effective!"

"Hey, do you think that sister will share? I want to think a bite, look at that ass, omg!"

Alfonso was surprised, and a little bit scared, about the voices outside, meanwhile, Aina was covering her face in

"…" Alfonso didn't know what to say.

"I am sorry, I will make sure that they restrain" Said Aina.

"Ok…" Answered Alfonso bitterly.

Just like this, the Amazon became officially a part of Wasteland Valley.

However, Alfonso and company didn't know, that his actions the past few days had more consequences that they could
ever imagine.


"Mother did you call me?" A beautiful blonde woman with a sword on her back was kneeling in front of a throne.

Sitting on the throne, a woman with white long hair and beautiful factions was sitting looking at her daughter.

"Anastasia, I remembered that I send you on a mission to Tulip town a couple of weeks ago, did you do everything I told
you?" Said the woman.

"Yes, I bring out the youngest son of the Pentagate family, Lucio Pentagate, he is currently locked up in one of our cells,
of course, we haven't touch even a single hair of his, brother Giovanni is currently in negotiations with the Pentagate
family, hehe, it seems that they want to do this as secret as possible, they can't tolerate the humiliation of trading with
the north" Said Anastasia.

"I already received a report of Giovanni about that, what I am asking you is, why didn't I receive the second task, the
forces of Tulip and Arcadia had a huge conflict that involved champions, what I want to know is, why don't I have the
full explanation of what happen? Where are the parties involved? Who else participate in this battle? Where are the
champions in question? Where is that information, don't tell me that the daughter of mine, Allison Veritia, can't handle
something as easy as that?" Said Allison with coldness.

Anastasia felt a chill on her back.

"M-my queen, I-I-I saw that there was no time for that-"

"No time? I heard from your guards that you have plenty of time in the way home to spare with Lucio" Said Allison
while standing up "Tell me, do you think I am an idiot?"

Anastasia felt the pression coming from Allison, she couldn't help but felt suffocated.

Even if she was a champion, in front the queen of winds, she was just an ant.

"Mother! PLEASE! Forget this irresponsible daughter of yo-"


Before Anastasia could end, she was sent flying to the wall.


Allison walked towards Anastasia.

"You are lazy, what? You think that because you are part of the Veritia family, you can do whatever the hell you want?
If isn't your brothers, is me who has to wipe your ass every time you screw things up" Said Allison

"You are exactly like your father, thinking that you deserve everything while you don't do anything, you know what I like
to call people like you?"

Anastasia looked at her mother, she had never seemed her so enraged in her entire life.

"I call them trash" Said Allison with coldness.

"I wont tolerate trash to be in my house, so pack up your things, you are no longer welcome in the Veritia family"

"MOTHER!" Shouted Anastasia while crying.

"This is a perfect opportunity, I will send you to work"

Allison grabbed Anastasia's collar.

"Don't ever think of coming back if you don't do the job right this time"

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157 My name is...

It's being a long journey, but finally, Alfonso and company left the tribe of the Amazons and returned to Wasteland
Valley… well, most of them.

"Hephaestus and Aina stayed behind so they could explore the tomb of the sword goddess, apparently, Hephaestus
thinks that the core of the flame sword, ignite, is hidden somewhere there" Explained Alfonso to everyone.

"I understand; however, the initial plan was to bring out Hephaestus so he could do something back at home right?"
Asked Cerberus.

"I was wondering about that issue too, my lord," Said Cat one.

"That's why, I refused at first, however…" Said Alfonso while looking behind him.

Behind him where the Amazons that were doing the job of bodyguards, however, behind them, there where two young
women who were discussing among themselves with a huge paper on his hands, they had all the appearance of a young
woman, however, they had something that made people pondered about them, their hair was… somehow… strange, they
had 'gold' hair.

That's right, not blond, but gold, putting emphasis on gold.

"Sister, with the materials at hand, we might need two years to finish this" Said one of the women.

"Sis, lord Hephaestus gave us a maximum of five months to finish this, we need to change a lot of things and work a lot,
but, I must make it! How about we use some wood here and here instead of…"

The two identical sisters were discussing were known as the golden maidens, they were two automatons created by
Hephaestus back in his days as a god, Alfonso and Hephaestus had a big fight about him going back to Wasteland
Valley, when Hephaestus remembered his two assistants, Alfonso search for them in the system's shop, surprisingly
enough, they were there, however, what made Alfonso suffocate was the fact that both of them cost almost 10000
Drachmas, now, Alfonso had more or less, with the missions that he had completed back in Tulip and this one in the
Amazon Tribe, more or less, 1200 Drachmas, he, with tears in his eyes, bought the two sisters, however, Alfonso must
admit that their abilities were worth the price. Alfonso didn't know much about infrastructure, that was the job of a civil
engineer or an architect , but, he had seemed before maps and architecture of the past, so he had, more or less, a notion
on the subject, coincidently enough, one of the sisters was as skillful as an experienced architect while the other one
was as good in numbers and measurement as an engineer, Alfonso had problems in telling them apart though, they were
exactly the same, the only difference they had was their voices, one of them, the architect, had a lovely yet profound
voice, the other one, had a soft and cheerful voice, other than that… let's just say that if people put them in front of the
other one, people would think that there is a mirror between them.

"We had the heads and the labor force," Said Alfonso while looking at the Amazons.

Of course, Alfonso knew that twenty-something women wouldn't be enough to finish his city in five months, which is the
deadline that the system gave him to declare independence, what's more, the search for the four ministers was another
thing that gave Alfonso a headache.

"I already have in mind three of them, however, I need one more for culture… where to find him or her?" Though

"My lord, we are almost there, Miss Demeter and the other ones were really anxious the time you were gone" Said the
wolf that was transporting Alfonso, it was the good old white fang.

Before parting, Alfonso knew that he couldn't waste much time (and he was lazy) walking, so he sends Cerberus to call
for his companions so they could transport Alfonso and the others.

The Amazons refused though, it seems that they prefer to walk, however…

"I feel like the president after the accident of JFK" Though Alfonso.

The twenty Amazons were surrounding him, looking for danger everywhere, when an animal tried to even get closed,
they activated their soul power and the poor animal are so afraid that they play dead.

"Anyway, this is something good… I guess?" Said Cat one, who was also mounting a wolf beside Alfonso.

"Yeah, we are going to be one family from now on, we need to protect each other's backs," Said Alfonso.

"…" Cat one looked at Alfonso and made a strange expression, after that she just looked at him and didn't say anything.

"If you want to say something, just say it" Said Alfonso.

"…How…are…your injuries?" Asked Cat one with a guilty expression.

"…" Alfonso was surprised, he was planning to lie to her, however, he saw her expression and knew that it was
pointless to lie, she already saw through him.

"You are sharp" Said Alfonso with a small smile.

"…" Cat one didn't answer.

Alfonso didn't say anything and signaled at his eye, his 'good' eye, the left one.

"I can't see well with this eye" Said Alfonso in a low voice.

The face of Cat one became uglier.

"How bad is it?" Asked Cat one.

"Not that bad, however" Alfonso stretched his arm.

He looked at his hand for some time before sighing,

"My sense of profoundness is severely damaged, I can't detect if my hand is too far away or too close to my face, is a bit
troublesome, however, there are some exercises that I can do to get better" Alfonso said.

He turned around and saw that Cat one had a sad expression on her face, he made a bitter smile and said.

"It's not your fault, I was my choice to be reckless, not yours"

"However, if I was more powerful, your highness, you wouldn't have…" Said Cat one.

"When you spend time thinking about the infinite possibilities that the word 'if' give you, you became lost in a spiral of
disillusions, there is no pill for regret nor there is a machine to go back in time and amend your mistakes" Said Alfonso.

He looked at the girl with black eyes and looked at her straight into the eyes.

"Learn from the past, live for the present and prepare for the future, that way, you would always be able to look forward
to the future"

Cat one was surprised by the words of Alfonso, she nodded and grabbed Alfonso's hand.

"My real name is Io Rossi, from this day on, I pledge to dedicate my whole life to protect you and serve you as my only
king" Said Io, then, she kissed Alfonso's hand.

Alfonso was surprised, he didn't understand what made Cat one say this so suddenly, however, when he saw his hand, a
small tattoo appeared in his hand when Alfonso saw it, the tattoo had the form of a rose.

Alfonso didn't understand that the words that he says today, had saved the life of Cat one in more than one way nor did
he know the big consequences that this tattoo will bring him in the future and the huge identity of Cat one… no, Io Rossi,
however, one thing was sure…

Even the emperor of Leitol, Alfonso's father, wouldn't dare to mess with the Rossi family…

However, that is a story for the future.

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158 Reflexions
"Well, I expect as much but still…" Said Alfonso with a heavy sigh.

Its been a few hours since Alfonso and company returned to Wasteland Valley, of course, everyone was very happy and
a huge party was going on, everyone in Wasteland Valley was invited. Of course, it was just a simple bonfire, however,
to the Amazons and the people was a huge opportunity to know each other, the Amazons had a huge blow in the previous
fight, so relaxing a little was a perfect way to forget and enjoy, at least for some time.

The Amazons spread the heroic(exaggerated) tale of Alfonso and the others and how they defeated the son of the king of
the Jubila Forest, Drako. To Everyone in Wasteland Valley, especially the kids, was an amazing and inspiriting story,
the older ones were elated, the soldiers were prideful and the kids were fascinated, of course, there were some people
who didn't believe it, but, it was only a minority.

While everyone was enjoying and celebrating, back in the manor, there were three individuals who were not precisely
in the mood…

"As I said, the situation got out of hands, it was inevitable!" Said Alfonso.

"It's not an excuse! How dare you come back almost blind! Do you want to die that bad!?" Said one woman who had
both of her hands across her chest, although her face was calm, Alfonso could see that she was enraged.

"My lord, this is not a matter or not you had to do it, the fact is, WHY you had to participate when things go south, you
could have called us, instead you decided to fight an impossible battle! Is already a miracle that you came alive!" Said
the other woman who was grabbing Alfonso's collar.

"I admit that I was a little bit over-optimistic, however, we managed to solve everything, and we gain an important ally!
Plus, we received the protection of someone for three years, aren't both of you overreacting!?" Said Alfonso.

"Overreacting!? You go for two months and you come back injured and with twenty-something women behind you, how
do you expect to feel!?" Asked Demeter.

"What's more, you hide from us that you could use the power of time, do you think that Chronos is so much of a nice guy
that he will let you have his inherence!? If he doesn't have an agenda, then my name isn't Artemis!" Said Artemis.

Alfonso had been arguing with Demeter and Artemis since he came back, at first, they were touched at seeing him,
Demeter gives him a big hug while Artemis made a small and yet candid smile, however, they immediately notice that
something was different about Alfonso. At first, Alfonso wanted to fool them, however, he failed miserably, Artemis
was the first to notice the problem in Alfonso's eye, Demeter check out with her soul power and discover that Alfonso
hadn't said all the true to Cat one, he indeed had a problem with the profoundness, however, he had also develop some
Astigmatism and Myopia, in consequence, he couldn't see well.

"If you want to die that badly, then, at least, save us the pain of watching you destroy yourself and die somewhere
alone!" Shouted Demeter.

She left the room with some tears in her eyes.

Alfonso didn't say anything, however, he wasn't going to apologise, after all, he didn't think that he was wrong, he did
what he had to do, however, he didn't feel good about it.

"Did I make a mistake?" Asked Alfonso.

Artemis didn't say anything but when to the door.

"Demeter… and I… aren't mad for the reasons you believe" Said Artemis without turning back.

Alfonso listened.

"Is it your nature, you prove it back in Tulip town, that's how you are, however… Just because you can, it doesn't mean
that you have" Said Artemis "What sad us, is that you didn't stop for one second that, there are people who care and
think about you, if you died back there, who is going to take your place in mine and Demeter's life?"
She closed the door.

"If you aren't able to understand that, then, you are exactly like my father"

The sad voice of Artemis vanished in the air and made Alfonso perplexed.

He stood there for some time before laying down on his bed, he wasn't sleepy, he just wanted to rest.

"You tell me that I was wrong, however, you don't tell me what the right answer is, fuck… I hate this feeling" Though

He wasn't stupid, he knew exactly what he was feeling.


He didn't feel guilty of saving the Amazon Tribe, but, for some reason, the guilty sensation he had won't go away.

"Why didn't I ask for help? I had the time…"

"Why didn't I invoke Perseus before… why did I wait until the last second?"

"Why did I had to went so far for people that I barely know?"

Alfonso though of these questions while touching his eye, suddenly a thought came to his mind.


Alfonso though a lot and finally came to a conclusion.

"Indeed… I am arrogant, just because I have some powers, it doesn't mean that I am an invincible…"

"Just because you can it doesn't mean that you have… haha, Artemis, you know me better than myself sometimes…"
Murmured Alfonso

That night, for the first time in a long time, Alfonso didn't sleep.

He went to Artemis and Demeter's room first thing in the morning.

He didn't apologise for what he did, however, he did apologise for the reasons for his actions.

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159 Big Reconstruccion Project! Part one

"Well everyone, the reason we have this emergency meeting is because we are way behind schedule, I hope that
everyone listens to what I have to say and keep in mind that we only have 5 months before we got to finish all the
projects that I have in mind" Said Alfonso to everyone in the hall.
Alfonso had summoned the important people on Wasteland Valley to an emergency meeting this morning, the people
here included Camel, Deferio, Caesar, Ribeiro, Hygeia, Little Pit, Taylor, Cat one, Susana, the golden twins, Antiope,
Artemis, and Demeter.

As for the wolves, they were represented by White Fang and Cerberus, who was in his usual place.

"First at all, I had a plan to reconstruct Wasteland Valley, however, because of the expedition The Amazon Tribe, we
are late by two months, so, we need all the hands we can get to do this, I already explained the reconstruction project I
had to our architects, they are the golden twins over there, they are the apprentices of Hephaestus, I don't much about the
subject in particular so I will leave the explanation to them, golden twins, please" Said Alfonso while making a gesture
to the twins to explain.

"I will explain" Said one of them.

She took out a map who signalized the four parts of Wasteland Valley as well as the general infrastructure of Wasteland

"My sister and I had a lot of ideas based on the design that his highness wanted, however, after seeing the materials that
we could work at, we decided to work with wood, however, we will use another technique by using a reinforcement of
tenon, we will use rocks as the foundation so the wood doesn't get wet and, for the backing, we will use thick poles, this
was his majesty idea and, after discussing with my sister, we think that this is the best way to proceed" Said one of the

Alfonso was a little amazed when he heard the plan of the sisters because he came with the same idea when he first
analyzed the situation in Wasteland Valley.

The model of constructions that the twins wanted to create was called Stavkirke, it was a way of construction used by
the Vikings back in the medieval era if one visited Norway we still could see some chapels and temples that have this
kind of infrastructure.

"However, they came to this conclusion just by looking at this place for one day, amazing" Though Alfonso.

The twin looked at Alfonso and nodded before going back to her sister side.

"As the twins said, we will use the Stavkirke model as a foundation to our own houses, we had a lot of resistant wood
as well as big rocks back in the Jubila forest, so the materials aren't a problem, however, we lack man force, so I will
ask you, Antiope as the representative of the Amazon Tribe to help us with this, Ribeiro, I will also assign you as my
represent, put advice on the central plaza, all the men above twenty are obligated to participate in the construction
project, we will provide free meals and a payment of food, the same goes for the Amazons" Said Alfonso.

"" As his highness wishes"" Said Antiope and Ribeiro.

"One more thing, the other sister, come explain the new arrangements of the terrain," Said Alfonso.

"Got it!" Said the other golden sister.

"As you may see, the arrangements of the four areas, in other words, the commoner's zone, the agriculture zone, the
military zone and the royalty zone are too bad divided giving the amount of space that each zone needs so here is the
arrangement" Said the sister while signaling the names in the map.

"The Royalty zone has been reduced by half and the zone will be giving to the commoners zone, while the commoners
zone will be divided in two, the resident zone and the commercial zone, apart from that , the royalty zone will be
divided in further two, the inner zone and the outer zone, the inner zone will be the place where his majesty and his
ministers will live in while the outer zone will be the place of the three new building that his majesty plans to build,
these are the justice palace, the Hospital, and the University; the military zone will not suffer many changes, however,
they will have a new sub road that will lead straight to the Jubila forest, as for the agriculture zone, it won't suffer
changes" Said the other sister.

Everyone was surprised by these incredible changes.

"I will further explain, if you have any questions, please wait until I finish, first at all, let's talk about the ministers, as
you may know, the people at my side who can handle things are Ribeiro, Demeter and Artemis, however, that's too
little, that's why I have been recruiting talents, so they can assume positions of powers, I have been nurturing them and
they have shown excellent results, these people will be my right hand and will head authority only below me and the
people who live in the manor, this are my ministers, I need five ministers, these five people will handle the matters of
economy, education, infrastructure, health and culture, as who the heads are, four or well, five of them are in this room!"
Said Alfonso.

Everyone looked at each other wondering who were the selected.

"For economy, I have selected Little pit to be my minister; for health, It will be Hygeia, for Infrastructure, it will be the
twins; for Education, it will be Susana and for Culture, I don't know yet, however, I will find him or her before the end
of this five months" Said Alfonso.

"M-m-m-m-me? Such an important position! I-I-I-I don't think I can-" Said Hygeia.

"… Hey dad, that means I won't have time to study right? I don't wanna~" Said Little Pit.

""…"" The twins didn't say anything.

"If that's means that I won't have to be in the bed all day, bring it on!" Said Susana with excitement.

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160 Big construction project! part two

Some of them were excited, some of them were worried, however, Alfonso didn't give them time to ponder, he
continued with his explanation.

"The decision I made was based on the criteria I wanted for every ministry, as for the exact functions of every ministry
and how it will work… I will enter in detail with the ministers themselves, however, I will tell you something from
now on, this ministry will serve for the people and will respond only to me, since ancients times, regulations were
needed for a society to survive, we are the same, I plan to do a massive immigration project, this land is huge,
nevertheless, we have three hundred people at most, this is unacceptable! We need ten thousand people at the very least!
So, for people to find this place attractive enough we need two things, commerce,and land, we already have one and the
other one, we will get that eventually" Said Alfonso.

Everyone agreed with Alfonso's thought process, it was true, Wasteland Valley was huge, however, there were so little
people that not even 2% of the land was used.

"Next in the agenda is our commerce, Tulip town will send the people I requested in three days with that, we will begin
our commerce, as for what will sell, well… the Amazons will help me with that, Antiope" Said Alfonso.
Antiope when to the front and put two objects on the table, one was a potato and the other one, incredible enough was

"Most of our vegetations were destroyed with our village, however, this two managed to survive, luckily, our leader
loves potatoes, so she safeguarded them in a special place near the tomb of our ancestor, the amount we have there are
almost five tons! As for the salt, thanks to his highness, we went to the tribe of one of our neighbors to look for
survivors, we didn't find one, however, we found a small cave with dozens of rocks of salt… I don't know the use of
this, however, his highness said this is extremely important so we made a route to transport this salt, some of our sisters
will bring these rocks in carriages as soon as we tell them"

The discovery of this mine of gold, aka mine of salt, made Alfonso cried, he finally got lucky!

And what luck!

"Salt, it's as good as gold, maybe you don't understand this, however, this small rock will be our principal product, this
will not only serve for food but also for medicine, I will explain the uses later, Hygeia, you will need to assist some
classes as well, got it?" Said Alfonso.

"Got it!" Said Hygiea.

"Good! The ministry of Economy will handle the commerce, as for this, Taylor, you will be in charge of the commerce,
you are the only one here who had been in other parts of Leitol besides me and Ribeiro, plus, you are a scholar, I will
tell you the properties and the uses of the salt, you will make an esteemed of the price and we will sell them ,I trust that
you will do a good job" Said Alfonso.

"As your orders, your highness," Said Taylor.

"Finally, we will talk about the military, Deferio, how is the Spartans doing?" Asked Alfonso.

"Sir! The platoon is in their highest mind after hearing your heroic feats, we are training with diligence and are ready to
fight for you anytime! Plus, the new recruits have matured and with a couple of months more, they will be at your stand"
Said Deferio.

"Good! Now is the turn of you, Caesar, how are my Romans doing?" Asked Alfonso.

"Sir! We have followed your training plan, we are ready to show our results!" Said Caesar.

"Alright, I will give you your first mission them, go with the Amazons to the Jubila forest and explore others tribes, if
you find survivors, bring them here, if you don't, look for their source of food, I will give you one month, Antiope assign
the two elders to go with them" Said Alfonso.

"I will not fail my lord!" Said Caesar while kneeling.

"I will tell them… however… Sister Pentesilea may be against…" Said Antiope.

"Oh right, she hated men didn't she…" Though Alfonso.

"Whatever just tell her that I asked her this favor," Said Alfonso.

"Oh right, I almost forgot, Cerberus, you and a group of wolves go to the other side of the Jubila Forest, we used to have
mine there if my memory doesn't fail me, we used to have a gold mine… correct Ribeiro?"

"Yes, your highness" Said Ribeiro.

"Go there and search the mine, I remembered that there was something there that made the mine closed after you
investigated, bring me the report" Said Alfonso.

"Eh~? Why do I have to go… its cold, let White fang do it~" Said Cerberus while yawing.

"This lazy dog…" Though Alfonso.

"White fang can't go because he has to be with Susana" Said Alfonso.

"…ok…" Said Cerberus.

"Good, everyone has your own duties, that will be all, dismiss!" Said Alfonso.

""YES, YOUR HIGHNESS!"" Said Everyone.

After that everyone left except for Artemis and Demeter.

"Artemis, I have a mission for you, you have to-"

"I refuse" Said Artemis interrupting Alfonso.

"… At least let me finish…" Said Alfonso.

"You will go and do something reckless again, so, I decided to be by your side all time, I don't have time to do a
mission," Said Artemis.

"…Demeter, help me a little, will you?" Said Alfonso.

"Sorry Alfonso, I think the same as Artemis, you can't be alone so she and I will take turns to be with you, you don't
have any objections, right?" Asked sweetly Demeter.

"… Listen, the mission I want you to do has to do with your student, plus, I gave you my word today in the morning that I
won't do anything like that again, my word means so little to you!?" Asked Alfonso.

""Yes"" Answered both of them without a single bit of hesitation.

Alfonso felt the word 'yes' piercing his heart.

"Look, I only want you to train harder than usual and asked about her origins, okay?" Said Alfonso defeated.

"I can do it; however, I will do it if Demeter is with you, otherwise, forget it"

"…Alright…" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso stood up and made a small sigh.

"Well, now that everything is settled let's go bac-"


Before Alfonso could finish, He listened to the doors closing from the inside…

"Why…are you locking the door…" Asked Alfonso feeling that something was wrong…

"There is something we need to talk about" Said Demeter.

She walked towards Alfonso and touched his neck.

She retrieved a small collar…

Alfonso's face was becoming whiter and whiter.

"What could this be~?" Asked Demeter.

"Well…that's…you know… I…I found it… yes! I found it lying there in the ground…so-"

"Strange, this looks exactly like grandma's collar, doesn't it?" Said Artemis.

"Haha… a coincidence like this actually exists, how strange the world works right!? Well, I have things to do, so-"

"You know, those Amazons told me an interesting story… it implicated a certain someone returning with a hickey" Said

"What a coincidence~ I also heard another story, it was a certain boy that let seven naked girls in his room~" Said

"…What a player that guy was, I mean, seven girls, really! I envy him, well, it's already late so-" Said Alfonso while
running towards the door.



The word help sounded in all the manor of Alfonso, however, nobody dared to enter.

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161 More than a puppe

"Your majesty, someone is here to see you" The only maid in the mansion called for Alfonso late in the night, it was
almost ten o' clock and Alfonso was ready to review his duties for tomorrow, after hearing this, he had an idea who was

"Tell him to enter"

The maid bowed and a man entered the manor, it was a middle-aged man.

"Your Highness" Said the man while bowing.

"Taylor, I didn't expect your visit so late in the night, please have a sit," Said Alfonso.

Taylor took a sit and looked at Alfonso with a strange look. After a minute of silence, Taylor made a bitter smile.

"His Highness is wise indeed, it seems that you already know that I will come here and why did I come" Said Taylor.
"Haha, I got an idea," Said Alfonso.

In fact, he knew well why Taylor came, after, he had been in a similar situation back on earth, to be honest, a lot of
people had been on the same spot.

"Then I won't waste your highness time and ask…" Said Taylor while looking at Alfonso into the eyes.

"Your Highness, Did I fail you?" Asked Taylor.

"No, never," Said Alfonso.

"Did I do something to upset you?" Asked Taylor.

"As far as I know, you have never," Said Alfonso.

"Then… Do…Do you some kind of favoritism with women?" Asked Taylor.

"That question is very rude, Taylor, however, I will answer, no, I don't, " Said Alfonso.

"Then… I don't understand…" Said Taylor.

"What do you don't understand?" Asked Alfonso.

"Why… why didn't his highness choose me as a minister?" Said Taylor with some anger.

Anger and frustration, this was the sentiment that Taylor had since the meeting this morning. And, to be frank, it was

"Taylor is the only scholar in Wasteland Valley, he is more than qualify to be the minister of education, and yet, the one
in charge is a foreigner who doesn't have that much of education and, to put the cherry in the cake, she is a woman, in
these times, women are looking down, at least, if we talk about education, in earth and here, it was usual that women
didn't study, at least, they were the only heir of a noble house, Susana was a good example, Felio never remarried after
her wife died, so, he only had one heir, Susana, so she, by right, had to study; giving the circumstances, it will be a
miracle if Taylor wasn't, at the very least, bothered" Though Alfonso.

"So, Do you think I made a mistake?" Said Alfonso.

"No… I… I wouldn't dare to question your highness, until now, your decisions have always been right, and you possess
such wisdom that even the great sages from Dragon city don't possess! You are always right!" Said Taylor.

"If you don't question my decisions, why are you here?" Said Alfonso.

"I…" Taylor didn't know how to answer.

Alfonso only smiled and took a sip of water, he stood up and looked up at the window giving his back to Taylor.

"You know Taylor, there are a couple of things you need to understand, maybe that will clear your mind," Said Alfonso.

"Please" Said Taylor.

"Let me ask you this… Do you know people of the church?" Asked Alfonso.

Like in earth, here also existed the church, however, their power wasn't that big, at least for now.
"Yeah… I used to have a friend there" Said Taylor.

"What were your impressions of them?" Asked Alfonso.

Taylor took some time to think.

"I… I believe they are madmen," Said Taylor.

"And why is that?" Asked Alfonso.

"Because they don't question anything that the only god's book says! They only follow their decisions like puppets and,
to make things worse, they always think that they are right!" Said Taylor.

"That's right, If we had to put in other words, they are in a trance, they adore the only 'god' like it was a perfect being
and do whatever it asked them to do without a second thought, however, they believe they are in the right, tell me
something them, are you like them?" Said Alfonso.

"Of course not!" Said Taylor.

"Then why are you saying that I am always right?" Asked Alfonso.

Taylor was stunned.

"I am not perfect, not in the slightest, I make mistakes like everyone else, I feel and bleed like everyone else" Said
Alfonso "Taylor, I am a human, and being human, is the same as saying that I am an imperfect creature, I am not a god, I
don't need 'puppets' at my side, I need allies, that's what I need you to understand, that's why I didn't choose you as a
minister… Taylor, when we were in the meeting, I was testing you, being a minister isn't just about knowledge, its about
character, my ministers need to be my right hand, and being my right hand means that, when I made a mistake, they will
be there to correct them, in terms of knowledge, you are superior to Susana, however, in terms of character" Said

"You are way behind"

Taylor was stupefied.

"If you had talked in the meaning, even if it means that you would have to contradict me, I will let you be a minister"
Said Alfonso.

"I… I am… ashamed" Murmured Taylor.

"You are a good and talented person, Taylor" Said Alfonso while turning around and grabbing Taylor's shoulder.

"However, you have room from improvement, go and reflect in what I told you, come back tomorrow at the same time,
if you still want the position, then I will give it to you" Said Alfonso.

Taylor was surprised; however, he only nodded and exist the room.

"You can come out now, it seems that you have something to ask me" Said Alfonso while looking at the corner.

"You have other plans for him, right?" Asked Artemis, who has been here the whole time standing besides the pillar at
the corner.

Alfonso only smiled and looked outside of the mansion, he saw Taylor been guarded by the wolves on his way home.
"He has the potential to be more than a minister, I hope he doesn't disappoint me" Said Alfonso while closing the

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162 First task

"Alfonso wake up"


"Its almost time for breakfast"


Demeter tried to wake up Alfonso, however, after seeing him for some time, she just made a small sigh, she dressed up
and went outside.

"Demeter, how many times I must tell you to sleep in your room?" Said A voice coming from the left.

"Don't be like that Artemis, you know I got to sleep with little Al~" Said Demeter with a smile on her face.

Artemis only looked at her and made a small sigh.

"Where is Alfonso? Why isn't he up yet?" Asked Artemis.

"He is sleeping" Said Demeter.

"Wake him up, he has a tight schedule," Said Artemis.

"I tried, but he doesn't wake up, how about we let him sleep a little bit more? He is always so busy… he must be tired"
Said Demeter.

"You spoil him too much, what's wrong with being busy? If anything, he has a lot of responsibilities as a leader and our
master, its to be expected that he is busy" Said Artemis.

"You are too harsh on him, let him rest" Said Demeter firmly.

"And you too soft on him! Let me enter, I will wake him up myself!" Said Artemis.

"Are you going to defy your elder sister~?" Said Demeter with a scary smile.

"Hooo? Its been a while since I got a little exercise, let have a go them, I have been wanting to punch that little smiley
face of yours for a while" Said Artemis who changed her pupils from black to red.

"Would you mind being a little bit lousier?" Said an angered voice.

When Demeter and Artemis looked up, they notice an angered Alfonso looked at them.
"Demeter, its alright to wake me up, like Artemis said, I have a thigh schedule and few time, don't worry I can handle it"
Said Alfonso.

"Okay…" Said Demeter.

"That's correct-"

"And you, what you say it's okay, however, you must understand that I also get tired, so, be a little bit more flexible ok?"
Said Alfonso to Artemis.

"Hmph!" Artemis didn't say anything and only turned her head to the right.

"Now, both of you, go back to your rooms" Said Alfonso.

""Why?"" Asked both of them.

Alfonso signaled to the window, if one looked well, it was still dark with a little bit of light.

irritated, he shut the door and went back to sleep.

Demeter and Artemis looked at each other and their face turned red from the embarrassment.

They have mixed up the time of the day and woke up Alfonso three hours earlier than usual.

""Ups"" Though Both of them.


Alfonso was irritated all the morning, and for some(obvious) reason, both goddesses disappeared in the morning to do
some things, Alfonso was very grumpy when he didn't sleep his eight hours after all.

"Well, it not entirely their fault… nah, screw it, it all their fault" Murmured Alfonso.

"Dad let it go already, it's bad for your health to be irritated" Said the woman at his back.

"Listen Susana, I know that I told you that you could call me Dad when we are alone, however, don't treat me like an old
man ok!?" Said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

He is an old man though, a grumpy one.

"How that this felt, Dad?" Said Susana while making a sweet smile.

"It feels good" Said Alfonso.

Currently, Susana was giving Alfonso a small massage, it seems that she used to do this for Felio back when she could
walk, Alfonso came to talk to her after breakfast, however, after seeing how tensed Alfonso was, Susana offered to give
him a shoulder massage, Alfonso refused at the beginning, however, after some minutes of pushing the issue, he

"I really need it though" Thought Alfonso.

"Anyway Dad, what you wanted to talk about?" Asked Susana.

"You see, I want to give your first task as a minister, I need someone who is going to be in charge of being the
administration of the shopping center I am going to open, basically, this person is in charge of counting the money and
take measures, as you know, we are about to begin external commerce, however, our internal commerce is based on
barter, this can't go on, we must begin to use real money, that's why, I will put some of the meat and goods that the
Amazon give me so we can start the internal flux of money, now, you have been in the education program for a while
now, in your opinion, who is suitable for this position?" Asked Alfonso.

"Mmm… well, this person must be trustful because he or she is going to handle money, what's more, this person must
have above average skills in mathematics… there are only three people who come to my mind, however, two of them
are already doing other things, so, that only left me with one option" Said Susana.

"And this person is?" Asked Alfonso.

"The daughter of Camel, Zeti" Said Susana.

"Her?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yep, she is exceptionally good in math, she is only behind me and little Pit… to be fair, is not for the fact that I have
studied since I was a child, she would already be better than me, math isn't my forte after all" Said Susana.

"That's true, I saw your results, for someone who has studied in Dragon city you- OW, OWWWWWW! OKAY, OKAY,
I GOT IT! SORRY!" Said Alfonso.

"Hmph! You are really insensitive dad, this is why don't you have a girlfriend!"

"Believe or not, your dad is really popular with women" Said Alfonso with some(huge) confidence.

Somehow, after Alfonso said that, the atmosphere changed.

"Ho? Dad, you are popular? Really?" Asked Susana.

"…no…I was just…joking…"

"OH! That's good, you shouldn't joke like that, dad, you are, the lord here, you have to take care of this land, the
commerce, me, the Amazons, me, the people, me, you have a lot of things to do, so you can't be distracted by such
mundane things like love right?" Asked Susana.

"It's just me, or she said three times the word 'me'?" Though Alfonso.

"Maybe this girl, it's way more dangerous than Demeter and Artemis together…" Though Alfonso.

He felt a chill on his back.

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163 All efforsts have its rewards

"Come in!" Said Alfonso who was enjoying a little bit of his free time.

"Your Highness… you called me?" A woman's voice could be heard through the door.

"Hygiea, good timing, come, have a sit" Said Alfonso.

Hygeia entered the room and sat in front of Alfonso, even now, Hygiea was nervous in front of Alfonso, in the time she
had been in Wasteland Valley, she had heard a lot of Alfonso, she didn't know about Alfonso's past, she only knew that
people called him 'The stupid prince' or 'The fallen prince', at first, she was perplexed, after all, there was no way in
hell that someone stupid could do all the thing that Alfonso do in his daily life, once, she heard Alfonso's teachings in
mathematics, she was so impressed, she didn't know much about numbers, just the basics, sum, rest and multiplication,
however, after listening to Alfonso, she got to one single conclusion.

"There is no fucking way this man is stupid if he is stupid, then ninety-nine percent of the population in Leitol are
retards" Though Hygiea.

She also wasn't stupid, of course, she was really grateful to Alfonso, she felt that she owes him her life, however, she
also couldn't stop thinking about this, if he isn't stupid, then, why did he act like one, and for more than twenty years.

"There must be a reason, he deceived even his own family, he got what he wanted, if he didn't, he would still act like an
idiot… what did he get? Or more importantly… why spend all this effort? What is his agenda?"

All these thoughts flashed in Hygiea's mind, after thinking a lot about this matter, she came to a conclusion.

"If I want to survive, then, I must be on the good side of this man! No matter the cost!" Decided Hygiea.

That's why she was always so nervous when she saw Alfonso.

Of course, Alfonso had no way to know this, is he could, he would loud his ass off, after all, he wasn't an evil
mastermind who wanted to conquer the earth or something stupid like that, and one more thing, he knew for a fact that
the previous Alfonso wasn't an idiot either.

"Hygiea?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yes! I am sorry your highness!" Said Hygiea apologizing.

"Easy there, I only wanted to ask you a few questions, so, how are your studies doing? Any new progress?" Asked

"YES! As a matter of fact, a few days ago, I made some progress"

Hygiea had spent endless sleepless nights trying to come with something good, fortunately, a few days ago, she did
make an advance.

Hygiea took a red potion that was in a small bottle.

"This juice is based on more than four fruits, the principal ingredients are strawberry and grapes, I was lucky enough to
spot some when the Amazons came to Wasteland Valley, after begging a little to one Amazon she gave me a few, I
called it 'Ambrosia'!" Said Hygiea with pride.

Alfonso grabbed the bottle and inspected it, he opened the bottle and felt a strong smell of strawberry.

"Indeed, strawberry and grapes in huge doses" Murmured Alfonso.

I was ashamed though, all the strawberries from the Amazon tribe were destroyed, only a few survived, however,
Alfonso was curious, leaving aside the strawberries, where did they found the grapes?

"This is worth a little bit of investigation" Though Alfonso.

"Ambrosia… well, what this does?" Asked Alfonso.

"This Ambrosia is able to vitalize the body, it has a huge amount of nutrients that can replace a day worth of meal, in
other words, if someone drinks this juice, it will be able to pass an entire day without eating and he or she wouldn't feel
hunger! I am currently using it, since yesterday that I don't eat anything, however, I don't feel any hunger!" Said Hygiea.

Alfonso's heart beat faster after hearing Hygiea.

"Impossible… Let me try" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso took the Ambrosia and drank it.

After a few minutes, Alfonso felt the effects.

"Jesus, I felt that I ate three plates of meat! However, my body stills felt light! This is amazing!" Said Alfonso.

Hygiea made a sigh of relief after hearing Alfonso.

"So this means that, If I took this Ambrosia all day… I wouldn't need to eat!?" Asked Alfonso.

"No, the most you can use this Ambrosia in a row are three days, after that, your body will felt the recoil, after all, even
if It had a lot of nutrients, is still not food, your body needs to have the special nutrients that only meat can give… sorry"
Said Hygiea.

"What are you apologizing for, this is amazing, way beyond my expectations… tell me, how is the cost of making one of
this?" Asked Alfonso.

"Making a row estimation… one gold coin for two bottles of Ambrosia" Said Hygiea.

"Two bottles for one gold coin… we can easily sell one bottle for five gold coins, even six if we pushed a little bit, a
gain of more than three times the price of making it… Hygiea, well done, I am indeed lucky to have found you that day"
Said Alfonso.

"It's the other way around, your highness! You believe in me, you gave me space, food and especially, you gave me your
trust, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't repair your kindness!" Said Hygiea while bowing.

Alfonso smiled.

"You know, Hygiea, when I see people like you, who always put their one hundred percent in what they do, without
taking shortcuts or trying to deceive others, makes me want to do more than what I do, you, and not only you, Taylor,
Little Pit, Ribeiro… all of you makes me want to go further, so, I am quite happy right now, of course, this also means
that my hopes in you have increased, I will give you more responsibilities, after all, you prove me what are you capable
of, however, more responsibility means also more benefits, I will give you everything you need, also, I will award you
with a monetary benefit, ten percent of the gains that we will gain with the Ambrosia will be yours, what's more, I will
give your own personal carry boy to bring you the materials you need and help you in everything you need and finally, I
will give you a free a week to lazy around all you want, you deserve a good rest, well done!" Said Alfonso.

All effort came with a reward, this was true in any time or world.

Alfonso was more than satisfying with Hygeia process, and, just by looking at the bags under her eyes, one could see
that she really put an effort.

"I-I appreciate your highness words! I, Hygeia, promise that I won't fail you!" Said Hygiea while kneeling.

"I know you won't, which remains me, before you start your vacations, let's have the lesson of salt that I told you about,
it's a huge project that you will be in charge of, so I need to give you the basics and the rest will be up to you, it's that
okay?" Asked Alfonso.

"OF COURSE!" Said Hygeia.

Just like that, the two of them begin the lesson, Alfonso though whatever he knew while Hygiea listened and came to her
own conclusions, the day passed in the blink of an eye and it was already dark outside when Hygiea went home to
finally had a good night of sleep.

Just before called the day off, someone knocked on his door.

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164 A position of trus

"Who is it?" Asked Alfonso.

"Your Highness, is this a bad time?" Asked a voice came from the other side.

"No, come on in, Taylor" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso had been waiting for Taylor all day, finally, he was here.

"Good evening, your highness!" Said Taylor with a bow.

"I am sorry to interrupt; however, I need to speak with you about the matters of yesterday" Continued Taylor.

"Good evening to you too, so, have you made a decision?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yes, I thought a lot about this, about the decisions you make… and I made a conclusion" Said Taylor.

"Continue" Said Alfonso.

"Your Highness…"

Taylor Kneeled in front of Alfonso.

"For giving me this huge responsibility confirms your trust in me, for the words of yesterday, I apologize, I was blind
and didn't see the bigger picture," Said Taylor.

Alfonso heard the words of Taylor and smiled internally.

"My eyes didn't deceive me, Taylor is really the man I was looking for" Though Alfonso.
"Ho? Do you mind explaining further?" Said Alfonso.

"I thought a lot about what you say, you said yourself that sometimes, you also made mistakes, however, you didn't say
that you were mistaken this time, so, based on what I know about your highness, you may get to a wrong decision,
however, you train of thoughts are always in the right foot, yes, is true that the position of minister would have been
better for me, however, you want to put my abilities further, If I stayed in the minister position, I would be stuck in what
I always do forever, however, the right now, I am in the minister of economics, or, to be more precise, in the commerce
part!" Said Taylor.

Alfonso stood up and nodded, he made a gesture for Taylor to take a sit and he stood up. He went to his library and took
a bunch of papers, these papers were writing by him these past few days, Alfonso put in the table and looked at Taylor
with a satisfied smile.

"Taylor, you are an excellent scholar and even better parent, however, what you have the most is the will to learn and
never be satisfied, I detected that since the moment we meet, as for the reason… well, let's just say that you remain me a
certain acquaintance of mine" Said Alfonso while remembered his days as a university student.

"Marco, you were one of the most incredible people I knew, your perseverance always surprised me, even when you
were a widower, you always put your son first second and third in your life, however, that didn't stop you in your
professional career, hehe, I still remembered that time when you became my boss for some time, I really admired you"

Alfonso didn't have a lot of friend in his previous life, in total, he had five, and each of them was very precious to him,
Marco was one of the pals he met at university back in his firsts years, he was a little older than him and was married
with a son, however, that didn't stop him for following his dream to become an engineer, he and Alfonso met
coincidently in a bar near the campus, the funniest thing was, that they didn't have anything in common, only one thing,
soccer. It turned out that both of them were fans of the Arsenal football club.

"The first time we met we were so drunk that we ended sleeping on the street" Though Alfonso with happiness and

"Those happy days won't come back, but that how life is… you were the one who told me that, no matter what obstacle
you have in the way, your sight always had to be in front, just when you felt that there is no more road, you can turn back
and see with a smile what you build with your own hands"

Alfonso was absorbed in the nostalgic feeling of his past life.

He took a long and deep breath and put himself together.

This wasn't the time to be nostalgic after all.

"As you say, the position you are in is extremely important, you basically will be in charge of all the money that flux in
and out here, you will be also the one who regulates the taxes and commerce with the merchants, you may even need to
commerce with some lord like Felio, that's why, you must be mentally prepared for all of this, I wouldn't put someone
who I have even the tiny bit of doubt in his or her character, I trust you completely, I know that you won't disappoint me"
Said Alfonso.

He signaled the papers and took one of them.

"The problem here is… I don't know much about economy, I only know the basics, I would have liked to send you to
study for a couple of months to Dragon city, however, I don't have the royalty name anymore and we don't time, so I
used every single knowledge that I had to make these small essay for you, it contains eleven papers of all I know, the
rest will be up to you to complete, however, you won't be alone" Said Alfonso while making a gesture.

Suddenly, at the door, someone appeared.

"Mister Artemis!" Said Taylor.

"Did you bring him?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yes" Said Artemis.

She opened the door and behind it, Little Pit showed his little head.

"Dad~ Uncle~ , this big brother said that you had some times to talk?" Said Little Pit.

"Your Highness, this…" Said Taylor confused.

"Artemis is the best hunter here, she may not know a lot, however, in terms of the quality and quantity of the products
we are going to sell, nobody is better than him, also, he is the most qualify person to talk you about the process of
conservation and all sort of things, I also send a message to Hygiea, she will be here in a moment, she will also talk
about the other products we will be selling, little Pit will help you in the mathematic formulas you will need, he would
only give you the process and the way of resolving the formulas, the way to interpret them and pass the values to real
life circumstances will be up to you, however, don't worry, On this papers are some theory behind the basics of
economics and commerce, I am sure that you will be able to come with a solution yourself" Said Alfonso.

"I promise to be up to your expectations!" Said Taylor.

"Good, let's begin them, the nigh is long and we have short time!" Said Alfonso.

Just like that, the five of them studied and discussed all night to come to a decision about the commerce in Wasteland

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165 Do you like music?


When Alfonso woke up, he realized something immediately, someone was looking at his face with a sweet smile.

"Good morning Little Al, or, to be more precise, good afternoon," Said Demeter.

Alfonso looked up, indeed, the face of Demeter was reflexed on his eyes.

"Wait, if she is up, then that means…" Alfonso looked at his 'pillow'.

"You like it? There hasn't been a human or god to managed to get to touch my legs, aren't you the lucky one~?" Said

"… I guess" Said Alfonso.

Indeed, Alfonso was currently enjoying a nice nap on Demeter's legs.

"I remembered being with Artemis and the others studying…" Said Alfonso.

"That's right you and the others studied until early in the morning, when I entered the room, all of you were asleep on the
floor, I arranged for Little Pit and Taylor to sleep on other rooms, as for Artemis, well, I kick her out of the room,
surprisingly, she didn't wake up~" Said Demeter.


"What, she is a tough one, back in the days, she even slept in a cave, sleeping on the ground is nothing~" Said Demeter.

"And this situation?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well, I didn't want to wake you up" Said Demeter.

"…Thanks" Said Alfonso.

He wanted to stand up, however, Demeter put her hand on his head and stopped him.

"You looked so tired these days, always doing things here and there, writing even when your eyesight its damaged…
how about you take a break? Let me spoil you a little "Said Demeter with concern.

Alfonso though for a bit before nodding and closing his eyes, enjoying the caress of Demeter.

"I think that, deep inside, I am still a little brat" Said Alfonso.

"Why?" Asked Demeter.

"Because I still like to be spoiled" Said Alfonso with some mockery.

"Everyone enjoys being spoiled, however, there are very few people who deserve be spoiled, you earn it, so, do you
want anything special, little brat?" Asked Demeter with a smile.

"Nothing, just being like this is enough… I love your legs after all" Said Alfonso.

Demeter blushed a little and looked back at Alfonso, who had fallen slept once again.

"Smooth brat" Though Demeter.

They stayed like that for a couple of hours more before resuming their activities.


After a few days of constant work, Alfonso finally managed to put everything on track.

"Anyway, everything is going according to the plan, we are still behind schedule, but we will make it by the end of the
year" Said Ribeiro with a paper in hands.

"Good, now to the next issue, the people of Tulip will be here in one week, how are the houses for them going?" Asked

"The project has already begun, if we put some effort, we will make it just barely make it" Said Antiope.

"I don't like this tight dates, however, there is not much we can do, we have few hands after all, anyway, remember to
let them have a good night of rest, I don't want them to get overly exhausted, in things come to worst, they will just had
to sleep with some commoners until their homes are done" Said Alfonso.
"I appreciate your kind words; however, you don't have to worry, we are working because we want to" Said Antiope.

"Okay, that's all, thanks for your hard work" Said Alfonso.

"Yes, your highness"" Said both of them.

After that, they retired.

Alfonso was so busy these days, that now that he had some free time, he didn't know what to do.

"I know, I will go with Susana, we can do some debates about whatever" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso went to Susana's room.

He knocked on the door, after a few seconds, a voice came from the other side.

"Who is it?" Asked Susana.

"It's me, is this a good time?" Asked Alfonso.

"Dad? Come on in, its open" Said Susana.

When Alfonso entered, he realized that Susana's bed was packed with books, on her desk, a small mountain of papers
could be seen.

"It seems that she has also been working hard" Though Alfonso with satisfaction.

Sitting on her desk Susana, looked at some papers, however, Alfonso could notice that she wasn't paying much attention.

"You seem exhausted, how about you take a break?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yeah, I was about to, however… there is that much I can do" Said Susana while looking at her legs with a bitter smile.

"Well, I brought this to myself, no point in complaining now" Said Susana.

"There is a lot of ways to spend time without the necessity to walk you know?" Said Alfonso.

"Apart from reading and writing, what else can you do with my condition?" Asked curiosity Susana.

"Well, I used to have a lot of ways to spending time, however, there isn't anything right now that I can work with like
cards or a computer…" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso though for some time, after that, he thought of an idea.

He sat on the bed and looked at Susana.

"Do you like music?" Asked Alfonso.

"Music? Well… yeah, I have heard some minstrels but…" Said Susana.

"Great, we will do some singing then!" Said Alfonso.

"Singing? But I don't know how to sing…" Said Susana.

"Me neither, however, nobody is listening so who cares!" Said Alfonso.

"Okay… but what song?" Said Susana.

"Hehe, you have never heard them, just follow me with the rhythm and repeat the chorus, okay?" Said Alfonso.


"Okay this is what you gonna say" Alfonso say someone words to Susana.

She was perplexed.

"What kind of lyrics are those?" Asked Susana.

"Hehe, just go with the flow, okay, here we go!"

"Tum, tum , tum~ , turu turun, turu turuuuun~"

Alfonso set the rhythm.

"Do you remember the 21st night of September?"

When Alfonso began singing Susana was a little perplexed, however, after hearing a little more…

"Love was changing the minds of pretenders"

She also began to feel the beat.

"While chasing the clouds~ away~~"

She also started to move her body a little

"Our hearts were ringing"

"In the key that our souls were singing~"

Susana closed her eyes and felt the rhythm, she suddenly looked forward to her part!

Alfonso sang for a little more before making a gesture to Susana, she prepared and then…

"Ba de ya, say do you remember"

"Ba de ya, dancing in September"

" Ba de ya, never was a cloudy day"

"NOW TOGETHER!" Said Alfonso.

""Ba de ya, say do you remember~!""

""Ba de ya, dancing in September~!""

""Ba de ya, never was a cloudy day~!""

Both of them didn't realize, but they were singing louder and louder and moving their shoulders and arm at the rhythm of
the music; indeed music is universal, and a good song would always be a good song.

After all, who hasn't felt their body moving on its own while hearing 'september'?

However, this was only the start.

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166 blank
"He didn't have to be like that, idiot goddess, how dare he" Murmured Artemis.

She had been complaining all day since that happened in the morning.

"Master, it was your fault you know, how did you mess the hours anyway?" Asked a smaller girl beside her.

"… Because I was bored…" Replied Artemis.

"…" Io was speechless.

"Anyway, changing subjects, you have improved a lot since the battle in the Amazon tribe, especially that thing, you told
me that you used that to win against that turtle, right?" Asked Artemis.

"Yes, Although, it was only effective because I took the chance that she gave some time to analyze her and reveal her
weakest spot," Said Io.

"Your power needs two conditions after all, first, you need a vulnerable spot to attack, second, you need time, it's a
little inconvenient, however, if you can actually manage to use it, even I in my best form would need to look out"
Explained Artemis.

"Its alright I guess, I never wanted it the first place, my family forces me to accept it" Said Io.

"Complicated family huh?" Asked Artemis.

"Yeah…" Said Io, however, she didn't explain further.

"Its alright, I get it, the important thing is that you are right here, right now, don't worry, If anything bothers you, come to
me, I am your master after all" Said Artemis with a candid smile.

Io smiled a little while feeling warm on her heart.



Both girls suddenly heard some noises coming from the end of the hall, she pondered whose voice, or to be more
precise, whose voices were this.
"Hey Ya~" Suddenly a voice entered both, master and disciple ears.

"It sounds like Susana" Said Artemis.

"hey Ya~"

"That sounds like my lord…" Said Io.

When they got closer, the voices sounded louder and louder.

""Hey Ya~""

"Now the best part!"

Artemis heard the voice of Alfonso and pondered what the hell was happening in there.

Io looked at her master, she had a huge question mark above her head.

"Shake it~"

"Sha-sha-shake it~"

"Shake it~"

Artemis couldn't resist it anymore and entered the room.

What she saw was a happy Alfonso moving the upper part on his body from one side to the other, on the other hand, we
had Susana, who had a huge smile on her face while moving her hands up and down.

""Hey babe, not mess around-"" Before Alfonso and Susana could continue, they notice two pair of eyes looking at

"What are you doing?" Asked Artemis.

"Ah… well, we were… you know…" Alfonso was a little embarrassed.

After all, it wasn't common for an old man to be dancing around and singing.

"We were singing!" Said Susana.

"" Singing?"" Asked both master and apprentice.

"Yeah! His Highness knows a lot of cool songs! Its fun!" Said Susana.

"Really?" Asked Io.

"Why don't you try it!? My lord, come on, lets continue" Said Io.

"I want to try to!" Said Io.

Alfonso felt more embarrasses than ever, this didn't escape Artemis eyes, who, for the first time, saw this side of

She made a smirk and said:

"Well, well, aren't we quite childish today~ yeah, let's continue, my lord"

Alfonso wanted to run, dig a hole and jump straight into it.

"S-sure" Said Alfonso.

He did his best to be as serious as possible and try to remember a song that everyone here would like.

"Just for the record, I will only be looking, unlike SOMEONE, I am not that childish," Said Artemis with pride while
showing her white teeth.


"Where is everyone? It's almost time for dinner" Though Demeter while pondering on the dinner table.

She came back from her work about two hours ago, usually, she would have searched for Alfonso, however, she was a
little bit more tired than usual, so, she went back to her (Alfonso's) room, and took a nap.

When she woke up, it was already dark outside, she stretched her body and went to the dining hall, usually, everyone
would be here by now, however, it was unusually quiet today, she sat down and waited for almost an hour, however,
nobody appeared.

"Miss Demeter? Are you here alone?" Asked Ribeiro, who was going back home.

"Ribeiro, good timing, do you know where his highness and everyone else is?" Asked Demeter.

"No, I haven't seen them since the morning… oh, now that I think about it, I think I saw Mr. Artemis in the dormitory
part with Cat one a couple of hours ago" Said Ribeiro.

"Thanks!" Said Demeter.

She went to the dormitory of Artemis; however, she wasn't on her room either.

"Where is everyone?" Pondered Demeter.



Demeter was about to go back to the hall when she heard a small sound coming from one room, she slowly went to the
source of the sound.

"Anni… Are you… OK…"


Demeter clearly heard the voice of her sister coming from this room, she pondered for a bit before opening the room.

She saw a scene that she would never forget.

Artemis was wearing what it looked like a white hat while dancing on the floor, Alfonso, Io and even Susana, sitting on
her chair of course, were dancing behind her.

""You bee hit by"" Said Susana and Io

"You been hit by" Said Alfonso.

Artemis made around on her right feet while grabbing the hat and made a pistol like gesture with her hand.

"A smooth criminal!" Shouted Artemis.

She had accidentally turned around and was facing Demeter, when everyone noticed the new guess, all of them, except
for Susana, was speechless.

Artemis had the funniest expression, in the instant she Demeter, her face become as red as a tomato, her lips trembled,
and she didn't know what to say.

Demeter only looked at her and the scene before her, she stood there for some time before quietly closing the door,
leaving the four people there in a petrified stated.

That day, everyone when quietly to the dining hall without talking much, however, there was one big absent in the

[Back in Artemis room]

"Someone, kill me"

A young woman was covered in her blankets while murmuring some pretty heavy stuff while her face was completely

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167 Arrival-part one

In a snowy road, a group of three hundred something men was walking towards the north escorted by fifty soldiers,
these soldiers had a small Tulip on their armor, this symbol represented the town of Tulip.

Inside the group, a particular trio were traveling with heavy steps, the group was conformed by one young man, he
seemed to be about fifteen to sixteen years old, at the very center of the trio was an old man with a huge back and, at the
other side, was a small girl with lovely purple eyes, she appeared to have thirteen years old.

"Hey, Gramps, do we really need to go this far!? It's freezing here!" Asked a boy, who was shaking from the cold, to the
man beside him.

The old man looked at the boy and made a gesture with his hand.


"Ow! What was that for!?" Asked the boy.

"First, I told you hundreds of times that my name isn't gramps, my name is Socrates, second, yes we need to, the voice
told me to go north to find this man called 'Alfonso', however, I haven't found him yet, so, we still need to go further!"
Said Socrates.
"Still with that, gramps, a voice in your head? Really? You are the smartest person I know, and yet, you follow a voice
in your head? Are you sure you aren't going senile?" Said Dalton.


Another smack went to the head of the young son of the Hauss family.

"That name… is a little strange isn't it? Alfonso, I haven't heard someone with such a name so far… however, I just
have this feeling that I know it somehow…" Said a small girl on the other side.

"Of course, that name rings a bell, my little sister, that name belongs to the idiot prince, don't you remember? The one
who got disowned and was sent to who knows where to die" Said Dalton.

"Ho? There is such a thing? Why was he disowned?" Asked Socrates with curiosity.

"You don't know? It's was a pretty popular notice a few months ago, the idiot prince let hundreds of his men to die, after
that, his majesty disowned him and sent him to die somewhere where he wouldn't ashamed his family, truly an idiot
really" Said Dalton.

"…I see…" Said Socrates.

Tili and Dalton were a little perplexed, usually when Socrates didn't talk, it means that he was pondering about
something, however, he didn't why would he pondered about this matter in particular.

"Anyway, there is no way that we are talking about the same Alfonso here, after all, if the voice in your head says the
true, then, based on the description, there is NO WAY that is the same Alfonso, after all, the idiot prince wasn't exactly
known for being an erudite, now, If we were talking about his little sister, then That would be understandable" Said

Socrates kep listening, however, his mind was pondering about this matter.

"The voice in the head wouldn't lie to me, I just know it. Coincidence? No, the timing is to perfect, besides, the name
'Alfonso' isn't exactly a common one, so here is the question, why would the voice send me to see an idiot?..." Though

"Hey, Dalton" Said Socrates.

"Yeah?" Said Dalton.

"You belong to a powerhouse in the north… so you must know something about the royalty, who is the relationship
between the royal family?" Asked Socrates.

"Well, that much I don't know…" Said Dalton.

"I know a little bit!" Said Tili.

"You know?" Asked Dalton.

"Yeah, I overheard mom and dad when they were having a meeting with the representative of the Boltors, they said that
the situation was tense, each prince and princess were gathering their forces to inherit the throne, each prince and
princess are the best in their respective field and each of them are ambitious to the core, just like their father, well, all
except for the youngest one, Carolina, who nobody actually knows" Said Tili.
"Well, in some way, is a good thing that he disappeared just before the fight for the throne, I mind, he had absolutely
zero chance of obtaining the throne, he would either subordinate to one on his brothers or die, that's some kind of luck,
right?" Said Dalton.

"…" Socrates analyzed all the information.

"The voice wouldn't send me to an idiot… a fellow prince… fight for the throne… cero changes of winning…don't tell
me…!" Socrates process all the information.

Suddenly his eyes opened and an astonishing expression could be seen, he stopped in his tracks, Dalton and Tili notice

"Hey gramps, what's wrong?" Asked Dalton.

"Are you okay?" Asked Tili with concern.

"… If… If what I think is true, then… the consequences are… no… I must this person face to face… at any cost!"
Murmured Socrates.

"Gramps?" Asked Dalton once again.

"Oh? Ah, no, let's go, we must meet this Alfonso at any cost, let's go!" Said Socrates.

""Okay?"" Said brother and sister with a confused expression.

"By the way, how this place was called again? Is literally at the end of the fucking world!" Said Dalton.

"it's called Wasteland Valley" Said Tili.


"Well, tomorrow its finally the day" Though Alfonso while looking at the dark night.

"What's going on tomorrow?" Asked Demeter, who was at his side.

"Tomorrow, the new residents of Wasteland Valley will get here form Tulip town, these people basically consist of the
ones who lose a family member on the war against Arcadia and wanted a fresh beginning," Said Alfonso.

"Oh? You seem pretty happy about this?" Said Demeter.

"I am, I can finally put my plans of expansion on track, the new houses were finished just a couple of hours ago and the
great banquet to receive this people is going as planned, after tomorrow, we can actually call ourselves a 'Valley', is not
quite the number yet, however, is pretty close" Said Alfonso.

"Sounds that you will have your hands busy for some time," Said Demeter.

"Tell me about it, however, I hope that everything's works right, this land is not as bad as people think, with your help
and everyone's help, we have made this land a place we can call home, I kind of like this piece of paradise" Said
Alfonso while looking at the window.

Demeter smiled and walked beside Alfonso, she also looked through to the window.

"Yeah, it's quite pretty"

"It's too cold though"

A voice came from behind them, Artemis was also looking at their direction.

Alfonso made a small chuckle and retrieve his gaze.

"Tomorrow would be a good day" Though Alfonso.

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168 Arrival-part two

"We are finally here!" Said one guard to the caravan behind him.

"Attention!" Shouted the captain of this small group, Serio.

Everyone stopped and looked in front of them.

"We are about to enter what is going to be our new home, some of us will stay for a period of time, other ones would be
staying here, however, regardless if you are the former or the later, we must not put in shame the honorable name of our
Lord, the former lord of Tulip, Felio!" Said Serio while looking at everyone.

"Captain! There is someone coming!" Said one of the guards.

When Serio looked up, a figure could be seeing, or to be more precise, two figures.

When Serio looked up, they were stunned, the two figures were one big wolf and one woman.

However, what left everyone with their mouth open was the woman.

She was breathtaking after all.

"OMG, such a beautiful woman actually exists on this desolate place!" Said one of the guards.

"I- I can't believe what I am seeing… she is even more beautiful than princess Susana!" Said, other guard.

"Is she a goddess!?" Said one of the villagers who was in front.

"… She is indeed beautiful" Though Serio.

The woman walked until she was in front of everyone, with a sweet smile on her face, she said.

"Welcome, everyone, to Wasteland Valley, my name is Demeter, I am one of the assistance of his highness Alfonso
Lockheart, he is currently waiting at the central plaza with a huge banquet to greet everyone, so if you would please
follow me," Said Demeter.

"Hello beautiful, my name is Rodolph, I am one of the guards of his highness Felio, as well as great swordsman! Would
you mind if we chat a little!?" One of the guards couldn't help himself and went in front to talk to Demeter.

Demeter looked at the guard and didn't say anything, she turned around and went back.
"Bad luck buddy! hehe" One of the commoners in front mocked at the soldier 's misfortunate.

The soldier was ashamed.

"Hey! Wait! I am talking to you damnit!" The soldier went and lifted his arm to stop Demeter.

However, before his arm reached too far…

"STOP IT!" Shouted Serio.

The soldier shivered a little after hearing Serio, he stopped his hand.

"I- I am sorry, captain, I was a little bit over the top, however, that woman-"


Before the soldier could finish a slap came into his face, stunning him.


"Wha- why are you so serious suddenly?" Asked the soldier with some annoyance in his tone.

"Idiot, the captain just saved your ass!" Said another soldier looking a little bit afraid.

"What are you talking about?" Asked the soldier.

The first soldier didn't say anything and just pointed to the right.

When the soldier looked at his right, he almost fell on the spot.

In front of him, a huge pair of yellow eyes were looking at him.


When did the wolf come so close!?

That was what the soldier wanted to ask, however, the words didn't leave his mouth.

"PLEASE! Forgive my subordinate insult!" Said, Serio, while bowing towards Demeter.

"You are a good captain," Said Demeter without turning around.

"I forgot to mention, this land is protected by these wolves, their our friends and we treat them as equals, the name of
this little one is Leprico, come here Leprico" Said Demeter while waving his hand.

Leprico left the soldier side and went towards Demeter's side, the wolf happily waved his tail while fondling his head
in Demeter's hand.

"They are usually friendly so don't be scared… however… if you tried to break the rules that his highness made…
hehe~" Demeter laughed sweetly.

She continued her walk while leaving a scared audience behind her.
Serio and the other soldiers gulped.

"What is this place!?" All the soldiers had that question in mind.

"Wooo~ wooo" 'I just protected that dude, why is he so scared!?' Asked Leprico.

Of course, only some people could understand what he was trying to say, one of them was Demeter thanks to her link
with nature.

"They think that you wanted to attack him and protect me" Chuckle Demeter.

"Woo? Woo, wo!" 'No way~ , Me? Protecting you? If he had touched you back then, his arm would have been the only
piece intact on his body! ' Said Leprico.

"I am not that of a monster~ I would have, at the very least, leave the corpse in one piece, I don't want to scare our new
guesses after all" Said Demeter.

Leprico and Demeter continue their chat while they were followed by the caravan from behind.

The soldier would never realize just how lucky he was that Leprico was there and he had a soft spot for idiots like him.


"They are here!" Said one of Spartans that was looking from a tall spot.

"Okay everything is going according to the plan, how is the banquet!?" Shouted Ribeiro.

"Everything has been prepared! The Amazons already made the food!" Shouted Deferio.

"You can lift so much weight that not even men can, you can fight, and you can cook, you Amazons are truly
impressive!" Said Ribeiro

"Thanks for your kind words, we just want to retribute some of the kindness that his highness had with us," Said Antiope
who was at his side.

"His Highness is really impressive, I mean, just a few months ago, this land was about to perish… and now… look, it
looks so…" Said Ribeiro with a smile on his face.

"Lively? Yeah, I was very worried that my baby would grow in such a place… but now… I am glad that we stayed"
Said a voice from behind them.

"Zeti? What are you doing here? I thought that you would be at home?" Asked Ribeiro.

"I wanted to walk a little bit, my sisters wanted to spoil my child a little bit, so I took the chance" Said Zeti.

"Where is his highness by the way?" Asked Zeti.

"He would be here in a moment, he is making the last preparations," Said Ribeiro.

[Back in the manor]

"Hmm… Is everything already set?" Asked Alfonso.

"It seems that they already got here, it's time to go" Said Artemis, who was at his side.
"Okay! Its show time!" Said Alfonso.

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169 Arrival-part three

Alongside the caravan, one child was looking at all sides while walking with his mom

"Mom, what is this place?" Asked the child.

The mother was a not so young woman, she had about thirty years old, she wasn't that much of stunning beauty, however,
she had a mature aura, she had a black short hair and a pair of green eyes, she was slightly slim and a worn-out dress.
However, what actually stands out on this woman was the sad look on her eyes.

"Mommy?" Asked the little child.

"Oh, ah, sorry dear, I was lost in my thoughts, this will be our new home, it's quite pretty, right?" Said the woman with a

"Is Papa here?" Asked the child.

This wasn't the first time that this child asked this question, however, every time he asked, the woman would feel a sting
on her heart. His husband was one of the casualties in the fight against Arcadia.

History always tells us the general explanation of war and how this affects in the big picture to the culture, the people
and so on; however, the small histories always remains in the dark, after all…

Who would tell the history of a small soldier that die without grief or glory.

The name of Felio and Titio will live in history forever.

As for this soldier?

Only a memory in the head of few.

"What is worth fighting for people that won't ever know about you, dear?" Though the woman.

"No, my little boy" Said the woman while caressing the head of the boy.

"Your dad is always with you, here" the woman pointed her finger towards the chest of the small boy.

"?" The boy didn't understand what this means, nevertheless, he made an innocent smile and continue walking.

Listening to the conversation between this woman and his child, the nearby people could empathy.

Some of them lowered their heads.

Some of them were lost in thoughts.

Some of them even cried a little.

All of them had their own history as to why they came here after all.


After walking for around twenty minutes, the soldiers, as well as the rest, finally arrived at the main plaza.

However, it was totally different as to what it was five months ago.

For instances, there were at least two times the number of houses, and every chain of houses formed a semi-circle and
the center of that circle was the main plaza.

When the caravan got there, the first thing they notice was that two huge women were at the main plaza, these women
were tan skinned and had a beautiful face, however, they also had this kind of wild aura.

""Miss Demeter, welcome back"" Said both women with a salute.

"Don't be so stiff~ Where is Antiope?" Asked Demeter.

"She is currently with everyone in the main plaza for the welcome banquet" Said of the Amazons.

"Good" Said Demeter.

For the first time, Demeter turned around and looked at everyone with her characteristic sweet smile.

This made men and women be hypnotize by her beauty once again, she didn't do it on purpose though.

"Attention everyone, we are about to enter the commoner's main plaza, there, his highness will welcome you with a huge
banquet, so, look forward to it" Said Demeter.

"WOOOAH!" A small clamor could be heard.

They have traveled more than a week to get here, they haven't had a decent meal all this time, so the notice of a banquet
lifted the mood of everyone.

"However, before that, let's make some introductions first, these two women are part of the Amazon tribe, they are
allies of Wasteland Valley as well as honored guesses of his highness, don't be scared of her appearance, they are
actually very nice people, they are all woman and use this kind of outfit so you will recognize them immediately… a
piece of advice for married woman, be careful, the Amazons are quite the sex predators, so, they will go after every
man that meets their conditions, you have been warned~" Said Demeter.

Everyone, including Serio and the soldiers, were so shocked by Demeter's declarations that for some time, everything
was in complete silence.


"Those women are huge! However, now that I looked a little bit closer, they are really pretty!"

"My moment has come…"


"I was born for this moment"

"This part of my life, this small part of my life, I call happiness!"

Suddenly, a lot of voices (male voices) could be heard from the group, those men who shouted were the ones who were
single, however, even those who came with someone, couldn't help but stare at the Amazons, they all made calculations
while trying to not be discovered.

"What a bunch of whores"

"If you touch them, *sap*, I will castrate you!"

"Actually, they are quite pretty, maybe if we ask one of her to join us…"

"I wonder if they would also go for boyish woman?"

The females also voiced their opinion.

The Amazons listened to what Demeter said and didn't deny it, however, one of them said

"We won't go for married man, unless the woman in question agreed to, however, for single ones, hell we would, that's
why, miss Demeter, you should guard your man with more caution, after all, there are a lot of people who want to 'eat'
your prey, hehe" Said one of the Amazons.

After that, she quickly disappeared using Oversoul.

"Hey! Tebe you little- ah"


The other Amazon didn't have the time for complaining when she received a huge smack on the rear.

"OWWWWW, MY BUTT!" Cried the Amazon while grabbing her rear.

"Hmph! See what happens if you touch little Al" Said Demeter.

"But I wasn't the one who said it! In fact, his highness isn't even my type, guuhh! Tebe you bitch, wait until I catch you"
Said the Amazon in tears.

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170 Welcome to Wasteland Valley- part one

Alfonso walked alongside Artemis and Io, who was behind them, at the right of Alfonso was Susana who was mounting
one of the wolves that were free.

"Sorry about this Ikvos, I know that today was your free day" Said Susana while caressing the wolf.

"Woo, woo~" 'Don't worry, brother white fang its busy with the patrol so he told to look after you' Said Ikvos.
"Thanks for the hard work" Said Alfonso.

"Woo!" Smiled Ikvos.

"Speaking of which, my lord, the wolves seem to be awfully close to you, who did you do it?" Asked Susana.

"Hehe, if I tell you that, at first, we almost wiped each other, would you believe me? In fact, if I remembered correctly,
Ikvos, it was you who bite me in the arm when I was ambushed by you and white fang, right?" Said Alfonso with a

"Woo, wooo!" 'I almost got you, but your reflexes were slightly better than what we originally planned' Said Ikvos with
a small laugh.

It was all in the past after all.

"?" Susana was a little bit confused and took a mental note to investigate more about this matter.

"Anyway, speaking about wolves, isn't Cerberus taking his time?" Asked Artemis.

"Yeah… I will for another two days, if he doesn't show up, I will go to investigate" Said Alfonso.

"NO, YOU WON'T, I will go" Said Artemis.

"…You know that I am the lord, here right?" Said Alfonso.

"Sadly, for your past actions, you don't have a vote here" Said Artemis.

"I agree" Said Susana.

"If its needed, I will use force to stop you, my lord" Said Io.

"Woo~" 'You don't have enough balls to go against them~' Said Ikvos.

"…" Alfonso wanted to say something, however…

He had to admit that he didn't have enough pants to go against them.

"IT'S NOT THAT! I am just making a tactical retreat!" Though Alfonso.

Whatever you say, buddy…


At the main plaza, the new incomers were talking with the soldiers and residents of Wasteland Valley, surprisingly,
nobody was shy, the ice was easily broken, and everyone was enjoying themselves, the Amazons were distributing the
food, however, they also mention that nobody could eat until the lord came in.

Of course, some tried to disobey.

The result? Well…

"My food!" Cried one man.

*Gulp* gulped one little girl, she had an arrow and a bow on her back.
"Why did you do that!?" Said the man while standing up.

"…You…eat…prohibited" Said the girl with a paused but firm tone.

Suddenly, all the gazes turned to the man, the man felt ashamed and turned to the small girl.

"…! You little!" The man lifted his hand in other to slap the little girl.

"You beast!" Shouted one of the soldiers who tried to stop him.

"?" The little girl looked at him with a strange look.

When the man was about to hit the little girl, he suddenly felt a force in front of him.

"Hmm?" The man looked up and saw one man with a white shirt, who looked like a resident, grabbing his hand.

"Don't interfere!" Shouted the man.

The man only made a small sigh and pointed his finger to the man, then, he made a gesture with his hand.

The man was perplexed and turned around.

He saw the ten little girls identical to the one he was about to punch behind him.

"What… the…" Murmured the man.

"Buddy, you better not mess up with these little girls, they are our guardians and teachers, if you touched then, them, not
even god will be able to save you" Said the white-shirted man.

"Hmph! You think that you can protect them with just big words!?" Said the man.

"Me? Ha, what for? One of them can easily defeat ten me, however, I am not talking about them nor the wolves, who by
the way, spoil these little girls a lot" Said the white-shirted man while looking at the other side.

The man looked at his side and saw five wolves showing their fangs with a dangerous look on their eyes.

"Hii!" The man shouted in fear when he saw the wolves.

"Don't worry, they won't do anything since you didn't actually touch the girl, however… even leaven the little girls and
the wolves aside, there is someone even more dangerous than them will appear if you touch them, hehe" Said the white-
shirted man.

The man looked at the wolves and asked in fear.

"W-w-who is more dangerous than those wolv-lv-es" Asked the man.

"That would be me"

A voice came from behind everyone, everyone saw a handsome young man with a white outfit and long black hair.

"Fuck me, he is so hot!" One girl murmured.

"Who- who are you?" Asked the man.

"…" The man didn't answer and only looked at the man.

The man suddenly felt a strong pressure coming from the gaze of this man, shortly but surely, he found that it was harder
and harder to breathe.

"Pl- wa-" The man could barely talk and was about to collapse.




"Don't bully him Artemis, he almost pissed his pants right now, I am sure he already learned his lesson, right?" Said a
man with a cane and eyepatch.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" Said the man while crying.

Alfonso made a small sigh and looked at everyone who was looking at the spectacle.

"*cough*, sorry for the wait, everyone, welcome to Wasteland Valley, my name is Alfonso Lockheart, I am the current
lord, pleased to meet you" Said Alfonso.

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171 Welcome to Wasteland Valley part two

"Look, he is the lord!"

"He is so young… wait, its that… a cane?"

"He is crippled?"

"So young and in that condition…"

A lot of people were surprised by Alfonso's appearance, it was understandable after all, not every day you see a young
man with a cane and an eyepatch.

"Ar-are you really the lord?" Asked someone among the crow.

"Yep, I am" Said Alfonso.

He looked at everyone and walked slowly to the platform, he had a smile on his face, however, his steps were firm and

"As I was saying, welcome, everyone, to Wasteland Valley, from today onwards, you will be living in this beautiful
land, as you might have heard, this land was unfertile and dead, however, with the efforts of everyone here, we made
this land alive once again, feel free to see it for yourself later; everyone here will have their own house for free, don't
thank me yet, because this benefit comes with a condition, all the people above eighteen have to work, as what work
would be? That would depend on your abilities, however, don't worry, every job has its own benefits and you will have
a fixed schedule, so you won't have to work overtime… as for those below eighteen, they have two options, join the
army or enroll in the university, those who choose the later one will have a one year period to show result, we will
provide the best teachers we have and materials, however, if you don't show the results that I expect, then, you will
have to join the army and pay a fee to the university, so choose carefully, if you want more details, the university will
open in two weeks, you can ask Susana, this young lady right here, who is the director of the University" Said Alfonso
while signaled Susana, who made a small wave with her hand.

"Wow! Another beauty!"


"The education program sounds interesting… maybe I will give it a go"

"Pay a fee if you don't achieve what they want… Hmph! Sounds like a scam"

Different opinions could be heard; however, Alfonso didn't mind, he just listened for some time before signaling to the
crow to shut up.

"As for the adults, I will give you a basic education for free, you can assist the night courses for adults if you want,
however, don't forget that there are a lot of benefits, monetary speaking, if you have a certain degree of education, there
would be an annual exam that will indicate your level, if you have a good result, then, I will provide free university
education as well and you will have the benefit of not having to work because we will provide the meal for you and
your family, what's more, those who finished their university education program can postulate to administration
positions on the ministries, monetary speaking, that's way more than labor works" Explained Alfonso.

Everyone tried to process the information.

"That's it for work and education, as for security, you may already notice however, I will still tell you, Wasteland
Valley DON'T TOLERATE CRIME, the wolves and the little girls will patrol constantly Wasteland Valley, if they
catch you breaking the laws, the punishment will be severe, if you don't believe me, hehe, just try" Said Alfonso in a
playful way.

Everyone gulped saliva.

'What an evil smile' Though Everyone.

"As for major crimes, well, the one in charge of those will be Deferio and the Spartans, come here Deferio" Said

"YES, YOUR HIGHNESS!" Shouted Deferio.

"Deferio, tell them what the major crimes are and what will be the repercussions" Said Alfonso.


Everyone was scared by imaging such a horrible way of dying.


Some men touched their crotch in pain while other girls touched hugged their breast.

ALL! " Said Deferio.

Alfonso touched his face, this wasn't part of the plan…

"Not even a single hair…"


"I-I almost touched his shoulder when he was walking, please don't kill me!"

"Deferio…" Said Alfonso.

"I did this for them, your highness, after all, if they touch you, not even all of us, Spartans, will be able to stop the wrath
of miss Demeter" Murmured Deferio while looking at Demeter who was smiling innocently.

"…Good job" Murmured Alfonso.

"*Cough* anyway, now you have heard it, I want my people to live as peaceful as possible, that's why, I have strict
norms in terms of crimes, speaking of which, what I despise the most are burglars, so, although is not a major crime, I
WILL BE THE ONE who dictates the punishment for robbery, believe, you don't want that" Said Alfonso firmly.

All of the people in the crow were surprised by these norms, after all, it was not so often that lords and royalty cares
about crimes so much, in fact, some lord had their own groups of burglars.

"ITS THAT'S YOUR JUSTICE?" Someone on the crow shouted out.

"Hmm?" Alfonso looked at the one who shouted when he took a look, one old man with two teenagers, one small black-
haired girl and one handsome young man were behind the old man.

However, what surprised Alfonso the most was the name that the system provided when he looked at the old man.
Alfonso smiled and say

"That's right, my friend, you have any opinions?"

The old man climbed the platform and looked at Alfonso straight into the face.

"Let's discuss your justice, young man!" Shouted the man with excitement.

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172 Duel of brilliant minds! Alfonso vs Socrates! part one
"… just in character, I guess?" Though Alfonso after taking one more look at the notification of the system.

[Congratulations to the host for finding a hero!

Socrates, The Philosopher!]

"Who do you think you are to challenge his highness!?" Shouted Deferio while drawing his spear.

Io also made her move, appearing at the back of the old man while taking her knife and point it to the young man.

"OLD MAN, ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Shouted in his heart Dalton, while putting Tili on his back and lifting both arms.
The air was heavy; however, Socrates seems to be immune, he just looked at Alfonso with an expectation.

"Is okay, everyone, back off" Said Alfonso.

"But…" Deferio hesitated.

"Is okay, this man has no ill will, he is just like a curious child" Said Alfonso.

Dalton listened to Alfonso's words and became angry, he suddenly overcomes his fear and said

"Are you insulting my master? Just because you are the lord of this place don't think you can do as you please! In the
first place, an idiot pri-" Before he could continue, her sister, Tili, punched him in his stomach, grabbed his head as
well as hers and bowed until their fronts touched the ground.


Some were nervous.

Some were sighing.

Some were spectating the show that was about to come.

However, all of them had a common thought on his mind.

"That kid is super dead"

Even Dalton himself, was surprised, when did he grow such a pair of balls?

"Wh-wh-what have I done!? This is his domain, the soldiers are just three feet away from me, I am not tired of living
just yet, I-I-I must apologize!" Though Dalton.

However, he suddenly felt something behind him, when he looked back, he saw two beautiful legs behind him, he felt
something was wrong, he touched his eyes… and his face suddenly becomes pale.

"B-b-b-blood!?" Murmured Dalton.

His head felt heavy like a hammer was pressing his skull.

"PLEASE, MY LORD, SHOW MERCY!" Shouted Tili while crying.

Alfonso looked at Dalton on the ground, however, he didn't say anything, he just watched this, like he was waiting for


"Eh…" Suddenly, Dalton felt that the pressure was lifted from his head, he passed out from the pain.

When Alfonso looked back at Demeter, who was looking at the fallen Dalton, she was a little surprised, she looked at
the old man, who had a tired look on his face.

"Not bad" Murmured Demeter.

The old man was breathing heavily while touching his forehead.

"Please, don't make this foolish old man work this hard if my disciple offended you, I offer my apologies, as his master,
I will accept the punishment," Said Socrates.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Asked Alfonso.

"Ti-Tili, Tili Hauss" Answered Tili.

"Give this to your brother, he should recover soon" Said Alfonso while throwing a small bottle to Tili.

"We will not forget your kindness" Said Tili while grabbing the bottle and giving it to her brother.

"You asked about my justice, right?" Asked Alfonso with a mysterious smile to Socrates.

"Tha-that's right," Said Socrates.

"If I tell you that this is my justice, what will you say?" Asked Alfonso.

"…I want you to tell me, what's justice? How can you say that what you did, its, in fact, justice!" Said Socrates.

"I can say in fact that what I did is justice, because MY definition of justice, putting emphasize in the word 'my', says
that, no matter what, this is my house, and, as the owner, I don't want to be insulted in my own house, that's why the kid
has to get his punishment" Said Alfonso.

"What you say isn't the definition of justice, you are evading the question, young man!" Said Socrates.

"That's why I said, my justice, that's because my justice isn't the same justice as yours or anybody here, maybe we can
have some points in common, however, there would always be discrepancies, why? Because… there is no actual
definition for justice!" Said Alfonso.

Socrates was surprised by Alfonso's answer, however, he got more and more curious.

"What you said doesn't make sense, after all, in language, we invented words to give meaning to things, that's why, when
justice was invented, we needed to have a concrete definition to the word; your previous words makes you sound
mediocre in academia, young man!" Said Socrates.

Alfonso looked at Socrates for some time and then opened his mouth.

"No, you are wrong" Said Alfonso.

"What do you mean?" Asked Socrates.

"for instance, we didn't create words to give meaning to something, we create words to associate words with things that
already existed, in this way, our brain would make a relation with something and the word that describes that object, for
example, the word table, if someone tells you, table, some people could imagine a red table, others a wood like table,
same can be said about the size some imagine a large familiar table, others a small business like table, anyway, we can
imagine a lot of different things, however, the core of the word with it's a table won't change, something with 4 legs and
its used as an object to put things on it, that's a table, you can see that there is a predeterminate relationship between
object and meaning, that's the first point, and, because we use words to establish a relationship with things, we have
two different kinds of things in our plane, the tangibles and the intangibles, a table, for example, its something tangible
because we can touch it, smell it and so on, however, there are things that are intangibles and, nevertheless, our brain
associate the word with a meaning, but, that's where the problem comes, because we can actually smell it, or touch it or
taste it, in other words, we can our senses to describe it, we need to use our own judgment to give that a meaning, this
words… no, let's call it, this values of self, this values of self aren't part of this world, they are part of an external
world, I like to call it, the metaphysic world!" Said Alfonso.

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173 Duel of brilliant Minds! Alfonso vs Socrates! Part two

"Meta… what?"

"Any idea what they are talking about?"

"Not in the slightest, it sounds deep though"

"Let's heard some more, who knows, maybe we can get a glitch of what the hell they are talking about"

A lot of people were interested in what Socrates and Alfonso were talking about, of course, they were only curious at
the best, however, those who understand what they were talking about were speechless.

For example, the young lord of the Hauss family, Dalton.

"A separate world where concepts exist? What the… that… that is preposterous!" Though Dalton.

Dalton forgot about his previous injuries and listened carefully.

"Metaphysic world? Another world? Hmph! Young man, you are being disrespectful to Academia, just because you
can't prove a concept, that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist in this realm, we just need to analyze further! It might take
years, but! We will reach it eventually" Said Socrates.

Alfonso looked at Socrates for some time before smiling.

"Impossible huh… I disagree" Said Alfonso.

"You are being stubborn, young man!" Asked Socrates.

"Ho? Stubborn huh, well let's make a hypothesis, lets follow the Academia, if what you say its true, then we have to
assume that, there is, in fact, a solid denomination of justice, that we, somehow, see the whole picture, then, for
whatever reason, we don't know the actual meaning of the word, however! We can assume that all follow the same
"justice", after all, we all know the true justice, the problem is, we can't put in words what it means right?" Said

"True" Said Socrates.

"Then, a little friend over there," Said Alfonso while looking at Dalton.

"Y-yes?" Said Dalton.

"If someone robs you, what will be a suitable punishment?" Asked Alfonso.

"I-I think that thirty whips would be enough" Said Dalton.

"Do you agree, young lady?" Asked Alfonso to Tili.

"Yes" Answered Tili.

"What about you, friend?" Asked Alfonso to Socrates.

"I also agree" Said Socrates.

"Ok, now let's add something else, just as this thief rob you, you followed him with your guards to punish him when you
got in his or her house, you see that he or she has one ill son and he rob you to buy medicine, what will you do?" Asked

"I-I think I will forgive the thief, after all, it was for his or her fami-"

"What are you saying brother? No matter the circumstances, a thief is a thief, he must be punished!"

"I think that we could reduce the punishment and offer a job or something else…"

After hearing the three answers, Alfonso didn't say anything, he just looked at Socrates.

Socrates though for some time before realizing the problem!

"The core of the idea is different!" Said Socrates.

"Exactly" Said Alfonso

"No matter how far we are from the original source, if even the nucleus of the idea is different, then, you can't say that
we actually know the meaning of something, they are all part of the same yes, however, the principals that they are
based on are entirely different, it variates from person to person, that's why, if you want to say that the meaning exists in
this world, then… you have at least 2 billion answers to analyze" Said Alfonso.

Socrates was shocked by this answer, Dalton even more!

"Since when Alfonso had the time to study such profundity on philosophy?" Though Artemis.

"An intellectual Alfonso…. I like it~" Though Demeter.

"Dad is super-duper hot right now, there is nothing more attractive than a smart person, well, I wouldn't expect less
from MY dad" Though Susana.

"The hell he is talking about, justice is justice, right? Why they are giving so many rounds in such a simple word?"
Though Antiope.
"His Highness was this good in Academia!? As expected of the man I follow" Though Ribeiro with pride.

"…" Io didn't think anything in particular.

"But… but still, how did you reach the conclusion of another world, I… I don't get it" Said Socrates.

"That's another question, let's follow academia once again, let's assume that there is, in fact, a word were the concepts
of Justice, Love, etc.. are there, then, what do we see here in this world then? Well , what we actually see is a
projection of the concepts, that's why we have a notion of the concept, we know that it exists, however, we can't see it
in its totality, that also explains why people see it differently, let's do a little experiment, little boy, come here, sit here"
Said Alfonso to Dalton.

Dalton walk and sat on the platform, Alfonso walked and stood five steps behind Dalton.

"Young man, do you see my shadow?" Said Alfonso to Dalton.


"Then, how would you describe me if you see could only see my shadow?" Asked Alfonso.

"W-well, I will say you are an average tall man with short hair… nothing else I guess" Said Dalton.

"Good, now, Young Lady, come here, sit here" Said Alfonso.


Tili did the same as Dalton however, Alfonso stood two steps behind her this time.

"Ok, Now, The same question young lady" Said Alfonso.

"I will say that you are tall…long haired man… what?" Said Tili confused.

She turned around and saw that Alfonso was putting his arms close to his head and stretching both arms while keeping
the hands close to his head, making the illusion that he has long hair.

"Surprise~" Said Alfonso.

"Wow" Said Tili with stars on her eyes.

"You see?, my friend, even a small change would completely alter my image, like this, my actions represent the
circumstances and I represent the concept, just a small change in the circumstances can alter the image that we see,
why? Because we only see a projection, we can't see the whole picture" Said Alfonso.

Socrates Analyzed for a long time, three to five minutes, everyone was in silence, even Dalton was stupefied by this
sudden development.

"Hey dad, uncle is like, super smart right!?" Murmured Little Pit.

"A genius…" Though Taylor.

Socrates finally made a small sigh and then smiled he stretched his hand and say

"It's my lost, Let discuss more in the future!"

"With pleasure," Said Alfonso while shaking his hand.

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174 Blank
After the small "encounter" between the two nerds, the banquet took place.

Everyone was happily eating and chatting, all in all, it was a good environment for a meeting, surprisingly, the
newcomers found that the people of Wasteland Valley were pretty sociable, after chatting and drinking for some time,
someone inevitably asked for the lord of this land, the answers were diferent and variant.

This is mostly the general positive comments.

"He is a good lord, he treats us well and fairly"

"He looks young, however, I heard from our teacher that he has a knowledge than even great masters in Dragon City
would be invidious of, I wonder if he is really as young as he looks like"

"He is awesome! He is the hero of this land! I was part of the battle against the wolves! His highness fought bravely and
saved this town!"

On the hand, we have this commends

"He is a little bit over the top with its taxes, I know that we have to pay tax, however, he doesn't even eat that much"

"He is a tyrant! He cut the tongue of one man just because he told a lie! This isn't a fucking prison!"

"I think that he isn't in conditions the be our lord, I mean, have you looked at him? He is literally a cripple, he can only
walk in one leg and he lost an eye! I mean, sure, I am glad that he sacrificed himself and all, however, this and that are
two different things"

The opinions were different however, even the retractors, had to admit that Alfonso was doing, overall, a good job as a
lord and leader.

Obviously, the opinion of the newcomers changed as they heard the different opinions, they were more and more curious
about this young lord, so they asked about the men and women by his side, the answers were very funny in a sense.

The opinions about Demeter were really straightforward.

"You see that goddess-like woman by his side? Is better if you don't approach her too much, the only man I have ever
see her talking in friendly terms besides his majesty, is Camel, she doesn't show it that much because of her smile,
however, she has this pride aura around her that makes you retreat, she isn't rude and even one could say that she is
quite friendly, however, even Deferio has to bow in front of her, I think she is the lover of his highness, oh and one more
thing, don't even think about trying to flirt with her"

"Yeah, and take a mental note on this, DO.NOT.TOUCH.HER, not even if your life depends on it, one time, I talked to
my friend who is part of the Spartans, he mentions that he had a crush on Miss Demeter, so, he went and try to ask her
out, she obviously rejected him, however, he stupidly try to touch her in the shoulder… the result? He almost lost the
arm, Deferio had to kneel in front of Demeter and beg for mercy for his brother, miss Demeter forgives him under the
condition that he suffers a cruel punishment, run naked for three hours without stopping, do you imagen that? Running
naked and in this cold! Now, image what kind of punishment would have it been IF he had actually touched her"

"Listen to this old woman, If you aren't tired of living, then, don't try to eat that swam, even the gods aren't worthy, I
wonder, what kind of magic his majesty used to win her heart?"

The newcomers were stupefied.

Some even admired Alfonso from the bottom of their hearts, it wasn't easy to conquer a woman, however, that goddess?
That was another level itself!

As for Artemis, the answers were even funnier.

"Mr. Artemis is the cold prince of Wasteland Valley! He is the right hand of his highness as well as his protector! He
was the one who touches us how to hunt!"

"Yeah! He is the best archer in the world! However, he has some serious problems with his personality, he, I don't
know, but I have the feeling that he has some kind of… disgust… for men?"

"Yeah, he always looks at men with this look that says, "you trash", however, he is pretty nice to women, right?"

"Yeah, especially pregnant women, I remembered that he would always go to Zeti's house to leave meat that he hunted
and help her with anything she needed, even now, she helps her now and then"

"Maybe he has this weird and strange fetish for pregnant women?"

"HEY! Don't talk bad about our prince! Just because you are as ugly as a horse's butt you don't have the right to trash
talk our prince!"

"YEAH! He is every women's cold prince, I wonder if he could look at me with that ice-cold look, hehehe"

"Hey girl, you are drooling, however, I get where it comes from, just looking at him, with that white and elegant outfit
makes my heart go crazy!"

However, among all, the funniest ones, where, surprisingly, the opinions about Susana.

"That's the daughter of your previous lord, right? She is quite the character, I attend the evening class you see and I
always see her attend to class and so on, nothing too peculiar, however, I happened to take a look on her notebook, she
was drawing his highness and her with a huge heart mark wrapping them and, the most strange part was that his highness
had this kind of collar on his neck and he chained to her arm"

"Do you think that's weird? I sit next to her you see, and I happened to murmur some strange things, went I got closer, I
heard hers said 'Daddy, I love you daddy' and 'When are you coming back, you are mine, don't even think of cheating or
else…', dude, that girl has something seriously wrong going on her head"

The newcomers couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Some cried blood tears.

Some shook their heads in denial.

Some girls nodded in approval.

If Alfonso could hear this, he would surely have a chill running on his back.


"Hmm?" Alfonso thought that he heard a famous line of forest gump when he turned around and looked at the smiling

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175 The calm before the storm

"Man, I am tired" Said Alfonso while sitting on his throne.

"Tell me about it, I had to walk all day while being stared literally by more than three hundred people, I am not an
attraction you know, maybe I should start charging~" Said Demeter while she also sat beside Alfonso with an exhausted
look on her eyes.

"Haha, maybe" Said Alfonso with a chuckle.

"You two really need more physical, especially you, Demeter, you are a goddess," Said Artemis.

"I am the goddess of agriculture~ I don't really need to move that much you know~" Protested Demeter.

"You can't really blame us, you are a hunter, you obviously have at least two times more physical than us" Added

"It's not mainly to put excuses Alfonso" Answered Artemis.

"Ho? I thought you hated "manly" things?" Said Alfonso with a playful smile.

Artemis blushed a little, however, her expression didn't change.

"Idiot" Said Artemis.

""Hehe"" Both Alfonso and Demeter laughed.

"My lord, you shouldn't make fun of master, the one who has to pay the broken plates later its me after all," Said a voice
from behind Alfonso.

"Io? I didn't notice you, you are improving a lot" Said Alfonso.

"For my lord, I shall become stronger," Said Io.

"She has a long way to go, don't praise her too much" Said Artemis.

"Anyway, are they still on it?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yeah, after my lord left, the newcomers began a bonfire, they are still there, well, a lot complain that there wasn't any
alcohol, but that's a small matter" Reported Io.
"I guess is kind of my fault there, after all, I should have, at the very least, prepare some alcohol, but… It just that I don't
like Alcohol that much, so I tend to forget" Said Alfonso.

"Ho? You don't drink?" Asked Demeter.

"I do, but I prefer a cup of tea" Said Alfonso.

"That's a no-no, my lord, you need to be a heavy drinker to be a good lord, or at least, that was my dad used to tell me"
A voice came from the corridor.

"Susana? How come you aren't at the party?" Asked Alfonso.

"It was funny at the start, however, I got bored, they asked stupid questions and wanted to dance with, they are blind or
simply stupid, how could I dance when I can't even walk" Said Susana.

"How about the old man and the two young lads, I think their names were Tili and… Diego?" Said Alfonso.

"Dalton" Said Io.

"Oh yeah, those two, they seem to be scholars as well" Said Alfonso.

"Tili say that he was tired from the trip and went to sleep early, as for the old man, he was murmuring something about
the metaphysic world, and I lost sight of him" Said Susana.

"What about Dario?" Asked Alfonso.

"Dalton" Repeated Io.

"Oh yeah, him"

"He came with me, he was at my side though, where is he?" Said Susana.

"I-I am here" Said Dalton while showing his head through the door.

"What are you doing there?" Said Alfonso.

"Well, I- I wanted to speak…no… to apologize with your highness about… my rude comment" Murmured Dalton.

"Don't worry, I don't take comments to heart, even if you call me the idiot prince, I wouldn't really mind, after all, a lot
of people know me by that name" Said Alfonso.

"No, I wouldn't dare… not after seeing that" Said Dalton.

"That?" Asked Alfonso.

"You know, the way you discussed with my master, he has discussed with a lot of masters and scholars of different
cities, however, more than a discussion, it was more like a one sided massacre, this is the first time that I saw someone
make my master listen instead of making him talk" Said Dalton.

"Oh, that? Its nothing to be that impress really, in fact, I can tell you that I actually borrowed the premise from another
person, I just added some of my thoughts on it" Said Alfonso frankly.

For him, academia was really important, and passing the thesis and ideas of another person as they were their own, was
a huge taboo, it was despicable and a low act.

"Really!? How come I never heard about this master!?" Said Dalton.

"He is a low-profile person, however, I can tell you his name, he is called Aristoteles, someday, he will come once
again, if you want to stay, I can present him to you" Said Alfonso.

"I-I, it would my honor to meet such a master!" Said Dalton.

"Good, then, do you have another business with me? I don't think that you came here just to apologize" Said Alfonso.

Dalton's face became red and he wanted to hide, however, Susana encouraged him, he took a small break and walked
towards Alfonso and kneeled.

"My lord, I would like to assist the discussion that you have with Miss Susana, I think that it will expand my horizons
and, more than anything, I wish to see what your thoughts about different topics are" Said Dalton with respectfulness.

Alfonso was surprised and looked at Susana.

"How come you talk with him about our usual discussions?" Asked Alfonso.

"I think that this kid has potential, and, more than anything, he has the heart to listen and learn, he is willing to apologise
when he is wrong but stand firm about his ideas, It remains me a little bit of my lord, so I couldn't help myself" Said

"You have a good eye, I also think that he is a good seed, it only needs some water to shine, very well, Dante-"

"Dalton" Said Io.

"*cough* Dalton, you can come here in two days, ask for Susana and both of you can come to my office," Said Alfonso.

"I appreciate the kindness of my lord" Said Dalton.

"Good! Now that is settled, I think that we are all tired, let's go to sleep! Tomorrow would be a busy day" Said

Like that, the first day of the newcomers ended and Wasteland Valley became busier than ever.

However, Alfonso didn't know... that two troublemakers were about to come…

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176 The next step

It was already late at night; however, Alfonso was still awake, these past few days has been one thing after another and
he hadn't been able to sit down and think like he usually did.

"Mmm… it really bothers me" Though Alfonso.

There have been two thoughts in Alfonso's mind these days.

"What the hell was that?" murmured Alfonso.

Going back to the first that the newcomers came, Alfonso didn't think about it so much back then, however, after thinking
for a while he realized something.

"How did Socrates stop Demeter? He didn't use soul power at all!"

Ever since Alfonso came to this world, what surprised him the most wasn't exactly the existences of gods but the fact
that, what we commonly call 'soul', its actually a tangible think that we can manipulate and use.

As time when on, even Alfonso managed to barely 'use' this power.

"Empathize in the word 'use', because I can't say by any means that I understand this power, the system helps me in using
this power, but, I don't have a clear idea how I am able to use it in the first place, I do have some theories but… that's
why I don't like to use the system that much…I used it anyway though" Murmured Alfonso.

He didn't trust this so-called 'system', what the hell what is in the first place? Anyone who is barely aware of their own
situation would be suspected of something that is randomly attached to you, and you don't have any idea where it comes
from or, more importantly, who or what put it with you in the first place.

"I don't believe that I transmigrated to this world by chance, something, or, even scarier, SOMEONE brings me here…
but how, and more importantly, why?" Though Alfonso.

However, no matter how many times he thinks about it, nothing concrete comes to his mind, he was just an old man with
a very normal and simple life back on earth.

"Well, I won't get the answer any time soon, I need more information and more understanding of how the 'soul' power
works… wait, I got out of topic, yeah, so, anyway, giving the fact that I use soul power, I can, more or least, feel when
someone uses it… but… in the case of Socrates… what was that?" Said Alfonso.

"That's the next step" Said a voice.

"Artemis?" Asked Alfonso.


Alfonso looked back at the desk, Artemis was lending her body at the sofa while looking at him.

"How long have you been there?" Asked Alfonso.

"I am always by your side, you should know that by now" Said Artemis.

"True, however, I didn't feel you… strange" Said Alfonso.

"My powers are recovering from the battle in Tulip Town, every time I go to a battle, I become stronger, that's my
'nature' as the goddess of hunting, that's why you don't feel me even when I am at this distance, however, your powers
are also increasing, that's why, I usually stay at this distance, by the way, cat one is also here, it just that she is a little
bit further away" Said Artemis.

"Oh, that makes sense… anyway, what did you mean by 'the next step'?" Asked Alfonso.

Artemis looking at him and say

"That man, Socrates, doesn't have any soul power, his 'soul' is in a dormant stay, only, if a miracle happened, he would
able to awake his soul power, so, for your first dude, is as you though, he doesn't have any kind of soul power" Said
Artemis " As for the next question… you should know by now that we, gods, surpass mortals because we can
manipulate and use soul power… however, that's only the first step, the second step is the use of our 'nature' to use as
secondary energy on our body, when we manage to have both powers on our body, we will be able to reach the next
level, the semi-god level, by then, we have a long way to go to achieve godhood, to put in short words, we have to
achieve a perfect resonance between our 'nature' and our souls… as for that old man, he doesn't have the first one, but
he has the second one, and that force is at the same level as the soul power or maybe even more, that power was very
troublesome for us, gods, back in the day" Said Artemis.

"Why?" Asked Alfonso.

"As you see, the soul power, isn't something that any human can use randomly, nor it can be trained, only by receiving an
'impulse' from us, gods, can a human activate their soul power, what you humans call champions are humans that have
received the 'grace' from the gods… on the other hand, this other power is troublesome because this one CAN be
activated without the need of a god, and, what is, even more, scarier, it can be trained! Perseus, Heracles, Achilles,
Hector and many more were clear examples of this, they didn't receive the grace of the gods, nevertheless, they were
able to make use of their second power and change fate, that's why we always looked carefully these individuals, we
couldn't let them develop too much… well, some of them do deserve to stand beside us so we just let them be" Said

"What is this amazing power you are talking about?" Asked Alfonso.

Artemis took a deep breath and say

"Is what you humans like to call 'will'" Said Artemis.


"Ah, we, gods, don't need to train will because our own 'nature' defines us, so we obtain the 'nature' in birth and 'train' it
in our daily life, but, I can also be achieved by actual training, of course, you have to awaken it first, that man, Socrates,
awaken it a long time ago, he just doesn't realize it himself, a shame, if he has at least, a tiny bit of soul power, he could
become a 'king' easily, a weak one, but a king nevertheless" Said Artemis.

"Will? How do you activate it!?" Asked Alfonso.

"It comes naturally, you can't force it, at least, that happened with the humans I chose as my champions, let it come
naturally, for now, you don't need it, and, even if you had it, both powers would fight for the control of your body and
you will suffer a serious backslash, before even trying to search for that power, consolidate your soul power first" Said
Artemis with a serious face.

"One step at the time, a good saying indeed," Said Alfonso who looked back to his window.

"Now that, that is settled, let's discuss our next issue" Said Alfonso with a serious face.

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177 The troublemaker has come! Part one
"That mother of mine is a tyrant! A tyrant I said! She is the head of the Veritia family, and yet, she always comes to mess
my, the Boltors, household!" Said a young woman with blond hair in a horse, she had a not so elegant outfit.

"Young lady! You mustn't say that! What will happen if people heard that the actual mother of the sons and daughters of
the Boltor house are from the Veritia family!" Said a young man with black long hair, his hair was messed up and it
covered his eyes, he also had some freckles and a huge backpack on his back.

"Hmph! It's not any secret that my father and Allison have a romance, my mother was unfertile, so my 'oh so kind' dad
took the chance to "adopt" us, however, what a HUGE coincidence that we all resemble the famous queen of winds,
please, even my 'mother' knows about it, however, she allowed it because she loved him so much… ridiculous!" Said
the young girl.

"Haaa~ , miss Anastasia, it's true that maybe the lord isn't exactly a role to follow, however! He loves you and your
brothers dearly! He was completely against the idea of sending you here!" Said the young man.

"Hans, You should really stop idolizing my father so much, yes, he was against the idea, however, Allison said it so he
didn't put that much of a resistant when both of them talked about my future! Ha~ ever since my 'mother' died, my father
is gradually becoming more and more stupid" Said Anastasia.

"Young miss, Miss Salina loved you dearly, don't forget that" Said Hans in a serious way.

"… Dad is not here, you can call her sister you know?" Said Anastasia.

"…" Hans didn't say anything.

"Anyway! I can yell as hard as I fucking want… look around us! We are literally in the middle of nowhere!" Said
Anastasia irritated.

"It can't be helped; Wasteland Valley is literally at the very end of Leitol" Said Hans.

"That's another thing! Why do I have to go and protect that idiotic fallen prince! He is trashier than trash!" Said

Hans made a small sigh and grabbed a paper from his pocket.

"Alfonso Lockheart, the third son of the Lockheart Family, he is the youngest son of his majesty, at the age of ten he
failed to pass the exam in Dragon Academia and went to train with the ex-battalion commander Victor Farinther, he
learned some abilities before his master was accused of treason, he is now a prisoner of the most dangerous prison in
Leitol" Said Hans.

"Alcatraz" Said Anastasia with some fear on her voice.

Alcatraz, the most dangerous prison in all Leitol, only a few selected people are suitable to be in there; It is said than
even death is better than being in Alcatraz, the actual details are still unknown, however, what people do know is that,
locked in Alcatraz, are even renegade champions and even some kings.

Once you are sentenced to go to Alcatraz, you will experience hell on earth.

"Only thinking about it makes me scared… anyway, lets move on, at the age of fifteen, he failed his exam to enter
Dragon Academia, at the age of eighteen he made his first battles against the army of Greycastle, he won a few battles
but nothing out of the ordinary, at the age of twenty-three, he suffered a big loss after losing more than half of his men in
the battle of Uties, where we not only lost the city but, his highness became crippled, he was expulsed from the royal
family and now is leaving as a lord in Wasteland Valley… honestly, is a miracle that he isn't dead yet" Said Hans.

"Such a waste of air and I have to go and protect him? Ugh" Said Anastasia.

"For better or for worse is a direct order from your mother, she must have her reasons" Said Hans.

"Are you on my or her side!?, eh, Hans!" Said Anastasia.

"Always on your side, my lady, however, you must also learn a sense of responsibility, haa~ that's why I told you to let
go with you last time, but no~, you say you wanted to do it yourself" Said Hans.

"…" Anastasia blushed a little but didn't say anything.

"Well, look at the bright side, at least, you would have a little bit more freedom there" Said Hans.

"At the very least… well, I already made my plan though, I will get there and trap that trash for the next three years,
Hans, you will in charge of feeding him; I always wanted to rule my own town, this is going to be fun!" Said Anastasia.

"… My lady, her majesty said-"

"Oh! Come on! Don't spoil this for me, I already have a huge headache trying to figure out how to make my stay, more or
less, bearable, don't come with the 'her majesty said' sermon!" Said Anastasia.

"…" Hans grabbed his head in frustration but didn't say anything.

"Oh! Look, Hans, we have arrived!" Said Anastasia.

"Yep, here it is" Said Hans.

In front of them, a somehow shattered wood entrance could be seeing.

"It's worse than I thought" Said Anastasia.

"Look, my lady, there is someone there!" Said Hans.

In front of them, a figure appeared a woman figure.

"Welcome~ to Wasteland Valley, what may your reasons from your visit be?" Said the woman with a charming smile.

"Oh my god… she is simply gorgeous!" Said Anastasia.

"Indeed" Said Hans.

"?" The woman only smiled at them without saying anything else.

"Ahem! Hello, I am the young lady of the Boltor family! Also known as the north thunder!" Said Anastasia.

"Self-proclaimed" Though Hans.

"My name is Anastasia Boltor! Be glad and rejoice! I have come to protect this land and take the place of that good for
nothing lord of yours! Now! You don't need to kneel in gratefulness just a small bow would be- hey! Where are you

When Anastasia was about to finish her speech, she noticed that the young woman had already turned around.
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178 The Troublemaker has come! part two




"Hey! Are you deaf or what!?"

No matter how much Anastasia shouted, the gorgeous woman didn't turn around.

"Fuck me! I said wait!" Anastasia couldn't tolerate it anymore and jumped off the horse and ran towards the woman.

She extended her arm and tried to grab her…

However, when she was getting closed to her…

She felt something was wrong…

A word came to her head…


"Lighting steps!" Shouted Anastasia.

Her eyes turned gold and she quickly retreated.

"My lady! What happened!?" Shouted Hans while jumping in front of Anastasia and dragging out his sword.

"Go back Hans, that woman is dangerous" Said Anastasia.

Anastasia took a baton from her back and pointed it towards the woman.

"You are strong, however! I am stronger! I will let you call me by my name, what is yours?" Said Anastasia.

"Demeter" Said flatly the Demeter.

"Demeter! Good! Let's fight!" Said Anastasia.

"…I don't have the patience to deal with kids, I am tired~, I now that you are watching, go and dealt with her, would
you? I will go and wake up Alfonso" Said Demeter.

"I don't want to deal with her either… But I let my stupid disciple back at the manor… it's your job in the first place, so
clean up the mess" Said A voice that came from nowhere.

"Who's there!?" Said Hans while scanning his surroundings.

"He is there, besides that woman, he is barely visible through" Said Anastasia.

"In fact, I wouldn't have noticed if he didn't speak up" Though Anastasia.

"I am the big sister~ so be a good gi- hehe, I mean, a good boy, and listen~" Said Demeter.

"Big sister? Hmph! only at these times, you are the 'big' sister!" Said the voice.

"Anyway, I don't have the patience to deal with kids… so you do it" Said Demeter.

"No, you do it" Said the voice.


"You do it, old woman!"

"Manly woman!"





"HEY! I AM NOT THE FUCKING PLAGUE!" Shouted the poor Anastasia who had been listening, the whole time

""ZIPP IT BRAT!"" Shouted the voice and Demeter.


"This is… sad" Said Hans while taken back his sword.

"*cough* I am sorry for the almost misunderstanding, my name is Hans and this one here is the young lady of the Boltor
family, Anastasia Boltor, we came as per requested by the queen of winds, Allison Veritia, to protect the lord of this
town Alfonso Lockheart" Said Hans while taking a small letter, he passed it to Demeter.

It was a letter that had the seal of the winds, the mark of the Veritia Family.

'As per requested by Leviathan, I send you my stupid daughter

And her friend to protect you, don't worry, although she is a moron,
She is quite powerful herself, in any case, If you have something you can't handle,

Just shout my name to the winds, they will let me know

Allison Veritia

Ps: While she is in there, taught her some manners, I know that you aren't the stupid prince that everyone thinks you are'

"…Know that you say it… Alfonso mention something about a protection" Murmured Demeter.

"Her? Protect Alfonso? I will rather have Cat one doing it, although she is powerful, her mentality is at the eight years
old level at the best" Said the voice.

"Yeah, you are Anastasia, right? Sorry, but your services aren't needed, you can go back now, shoo shoo" Said Demeter
while making a disgusted expression.


A small sound could be heard coming from Anastasia's side when Hans heard it, he put his hand on his face with a
frustrated expression.

"No, not again" Murmured Hans.


"I am trash"

"I am scum, no, I am worse than scum"

"Just let the earth open and eat me"

"I am sorry that I contaminated the air with my breathing"

"I am sorry for being born~, wahhh~"

Anastasia cried in the ground under the astonish watch of Demeter and Artemis.

"What is all this fuss?" A voice came from behind both, when they turned around, they saw Alfonso looked at them.

"Alfonso? How come you are here?" Asked Demeter.

"You were taking too long so I asked White fang to bring me here… Anyway, what the hell is happening? Who is that
girl crying on the ground?" Asked Alfonso.

"WAAHHH! They told me that I am trash, that I am worse less than a fly, that I should just go and die!
WAHHHHHHHHH" Cried Anastasia.

"" THAT ISNT TRUE!"" Shouted both.

"…" Alfonso looked at Demeter and Artemis with a cold gaze.

"Really? At your age? Bullying a little girl?" Said Alfonso.

"Wait! That isn't how it happened!" Said Demeter.

"That's right!" Said Artemis.

"Hey! come and help me out!" Shouted Hans.

"What can we do?" Said Alfonso.

"Tell her nice things, that's the only way to stop her tantrum.

"…" The three of them looked at Hans with a face that says

'Really nigga?'

"Believe me, she can stay in this state FOR DAYS so, help me out here!" Said Hans.

"Young lady~ you are awesome~ the most powerful girl of all Leitol~" Said Hans.

Alfonso looked at Hans who looked him back with a begging expression.

Alfonso made a small sigh and go close to Anastasia.

"Young lady~ you are the best of the best~" Said Alfonso.

He looked back at Demeter and Artemis who had an unwilling face, however, by the insist look of both, Hans and
Alfonso they also came closer.

"Young lady~ you awesome~"

"Young Lady~ you are prettier than the sun itself~ come on~ cheer up~"

"Young Lady~ you are the best~"

Like this, with the combined effort of everyone, Anastasia recovered and the five of them went back to the manor.

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179 Get ou
Back in the manor, Alfonso and Anastasia were face to face in Alfonso's studio, Alfonso requested to leave them alone,
so, it was just the two of them right now.

"So, let's start over, I am Alfonso Lockheart, welcome to Wasteland Valley, Young lady of the Boltor family, Anastasia
Boltor" Said Alfonso while stretching his arm.

"…You are weak, so you can't shake my hand" Said Anastasia.

"I see… fair enough" Said Alfonso with a smile.

He didn't take it to heart, it just that she did it for being mean, it just that she was just a simple-minded spoiled brat.
"So, Miss Anastasia, why did you come here?" Asked Alfonso.

"My mother, Allison Veritia, Asked to come here and protect you for three years in her place, as a matter of fact, I was
planning to take over this town and lock you down since you can't oppose me anyway, however, since you help me with
my… 'predicament' I will pass on the thought, just tell that woman and that man to fight me regularly, also, don't bother
me with trivial things, do that and we can have a peaceful three years" Said Anastasia.

Curiously, she didn't say it with an air of dominance, she said it naturally like it was completely obvious that Alfonso
should do what she said.

"… I think there is some kind of misunderstanding here, Miss Anastasia, true, maybe I am not as powerful as you are,
however, I have a lot of confidence that I can kill you without much effort, second, you are in WASTELAND VALLEY,
not in the Boltor manor, so, if you have to actually do your work, then, you are more than welcome, if not, the door is
right there" Said Alfonso.

Anastasia was shocked by Alfonso's words, after all, since when did the famously stupid prince Alfonso Lockheart, has
such backbone.

"I see, so you hired two powerful bodyguards and suddenly you think that you are the big shit? Don't fool yourself,
stupid prince, you are nothing, without those two, you would be dead already" Said the angry Anastasia.

Alfonso only smiled and turned around.

"It's in my own abilities to 'hire' such goo bodyguards don't you think? What's so wrong about them protecting me?"

"Aren't you a fucking man!? You are making a beautiful woman protect you! " Asked Anastasia.


" 'And' you say!? Where is your dignity, your honor!?" Said Anastasia.

"I don't see man and woman, I see people, yes, there are some things that men can do that women can't and vice versa,
however, I am sure that you have noticed that Demeter is beyond a human, she is someone who can fight champions, so,
the previous condition doesn't apply, once again I ask you, what's the problem?" Asked Alfonso.


"Enough, I am someone tolerable, however, even I have my limits, get out of my sight, come back when you change your
attitude, else, go back to the Boltor manor for all I care, this conversation is over" Said Alfonso, after that, he made a
gesture and a figure appeared by the door, it was Io.

"Io, show her the way to the host room" Said Alfonso.

"Wait! I haven't finished!" Said Anastasia.

Alfonso looked at her with an unnatural cold gaze and pressed his cane hard on the ground.


"Wha…" Anastasia wanted to move, however, she noticed that her body was getting slower and slower!

"H…O…W" Anastasia though.

However, she noticed that even her process of thoughts was being affected!

"Get out" Said Alfonso once again.

"Ha!" Anastasia finally felt the time returning to normal, she grasped hard for air and looked at Alfonso with a scared

She didn't say anything else and walked towards the door with a trembling hand.

Io nodded towards Alfonso and closed the door.

Alfonso waited for a few seconds before covering his mouth.


Alfonso watched his hand and saw that he had cough blood, he made a bitter smile and wiped the blood with his

"To think that I would be this hard to stop her just for one second, indeed, she is powerful… and I am too weak" Though
Alfonso "The power of stagnation has being evolved ever since I got it, I am pretty close to entering the first stage, the
information in my head tells me that there is three stages, initial, middle and late… when I get to the third stage, I would
have dominated the first concept of time… there still a long way to go"

Alfonso looked back at the door and made a small smile.

"How long do you plan to watch; didn't I tell you to let the young lady to her room?" Asked Alfonso.

"I don't stand her, I had one of the small girls to let the way for her… I don't understand, we don't need her here, and she
is such a bit- unpolite person, why don't we just chase her out?" Asked Io, who made herself visible.

"She is actually not a bad person, is just that she was too pampered, so, she thinks that she is the center of the world, in
other words, just a spoiled brat" Said Alfonso.

"…Spoiled brats are the thing I hated the most" Said Io.

"Be patient with her, she is the young lady of the Boltor family after all" Said Alfonso.

"…My lord… I want to do an unreasonable request, it's okay?" Asked Io.

"Go ahead"

"I… I will become stronger! I swear…so… can't I ask… to not be replaced as your guard?" Asked Io.

Alfonso was speechless for some time, before turning back.

"My back… is for you to protect, as your lord, I order you, Io, to protect Alfonso Lockheart, until the day I return to the
earth" Said Alfonso with solemnness.

Io smiled and kneeled on the floor.


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180 A shocking discovery!

"Young lady, this time you went a little too far, it's not good to fight with the one we are supposed to protect" Said

"…Something doesn't match up" Said Anastasia.

"What do you mean?"

"You view his profile right? I myself have seen him once a lot of time ago, I am telling you Hans that Alfonso and this
one aren't the same person" Said Anastasia.

"People change"

"But the change can't be so abruptly! When I was there, I saw that his personality was completely different! The
previous Alfonso could be described by many words, but the one I find it the more suitable was childish… but this
one… it's like he is a wise old man!" Said Anastasia.

"Maybe is due to the fact that he was expelled from the royal family that he matured faster?"

"Its too shallow to be a valid reason… however, let's just say that it was really the case… what about the fact that he
has powers now! Believe me, he ISNT a champion, there are only two ways to be a champion, to be born as one or to
defeat one, there is currently twenty-five champions in Leitol, neither of them has been defeated since they awoke their
powers… which only means that Alfonso didn't steal someone's 'gift'!" Said Anastasia.

"What about the champion of Arcadia, Alberto Kiltops?"

"He still has his powers, because, when we passed Arcadia in our way here, they still had the bless from the goddess of
earth, however, I don't know where he is right now" Said Anastasia.

"…" Hans put a hand on his chin and thought deeply.

"What are you thinking?" asked Anastasia.

"I was wondering… my lady, how do you know that Alfonso wasn't born with a blessing?" Asked Hans.

"He wasn't like by any god, the oracle itself confirmed when Alfonso was a child" Said Anastasia.

"…My lady… I might have a theory… but… I think is too scary to say it" Said Hans.

"Speak" Said Anastasia.

Hans doubted for a second before taking a deep breath.

"The test of the oracle is done at the age of three years old in every royal family… right?" Asked Hans.

"Yes, that's right"

"the test of the oracle is absolute, there is no doubt about that… so his highness is definitely not a champion… what if…
he isn't using a god's power" Said Hans.
Anastasia was pondering what Hans said for some seconds before her face made a shocking expression.

"No…its not possible! There must be another explanation!" Said euphorically Anastasia.

"I know that this sounds completely nonsense! However, it will explain everything! In fact, it could explain why her
highness Allison its trying to protect him!" Said Hans.

"Its not possible! Not even the emperor himself awoke his will powers at such a young age! Its absolute madness to
think that someone, at such a young age, would awake his will! Furthermore! If he, by any chance, had the power of
will, why didn't he say it!? He would have gained his majesty's grace! He could even be the crown prince instead of his
highness Fernando!" Said Anastasia.

"I just notice… the fallen prince, no, the lord Alfonso Lockheart, isn't as straightforward as he appeared so, for
example, why he didn't expel us from his manor even when you were so rude to him?" Asked Hans.

"Now that you mention it…why?"

"Because he wants to be on good terms with you and, even more, make you stay by your own will!" Said Hans in an
alarming tone.

"Why? If he wanted the Boltor's favor, there are other ways to do it, simpler ones" Asked Anastasia.

"…I don't know… but, my guts tell me that there is a lot that we need to be careful on while interacting with his
highness" Said Hans.

"…However, this doesn't answer the question, why would he hide his powers until now? There is no meaning!" Said

"Young lady, when his highness Karl retires, who will assume the throne of the Boltor's family?" Asked Hans.

"That would be my big brother" Said Anastasia.

"Why?" Asked Hans.

"Because he is the oldest one and the first son of the family, also, he is extremely powerful, most champions aren't his
match and even some kings wouldn't be able to kill him" Said Anastasia.

"What if he wasn't powerful?" Said Hans.

"Well, I suppose that my second brother would… wait… are you saying that!"

"The brothers and sisters of his highness are extremely powerful, they are the top of the top in Leitol… even as a will
user, I wouldn't dare to challenge princess Diana, far less, his highness Fernando… however…I won't ever need to,
because I am out of their sight…" Said Hans "But that doesn't apply for their family itself, they are constantly watching
over their facts…because they know that the four of them are powerful…so"

"The first step to survive… would be to step out of their radar!" Said Anastasia.

"If someone doesn't represent a treat, why would they protect their backs against him or her? It doesn't make sense…the
cards are already on the table when it comes to the inherent of the throne, the princes and princesses are already forming
alliances with different houses to prepare for the big fight, the only one who we know that won't enter the battle would
be her highnesses Susana… so, in fact, each prince would eventually try to gain the favor of the four dragon families,
that would make a somehow balance fight for the throne where there would be not much blood, because each party
would be equally balanced.

"But that's only if we assume that there are 'four' forces" Said Anastasia.

Both of them looked at the direction of the hall, they suddenly felt a chill on their backs.

"Alfonso Lockheart, what are you planning!?" Though Anastasia

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181 Alfonso“s promise

"I am not planning anything though" Said Alfonso with an amusing smile.

"That's what they say, it seems that your actions left a huge impression on Anastasia, and that lead to a
misunderstanding," Said Artemis.

"Good job in don't getting discover by the way" Said Alfonso.

"It's because the mark of the hunter level up, unless they are heretics, they won't be able to find me even if I am a few
inches away from them" Said Artemis.


"It's how we call Will users, those who took one step closer to gods; more than humans, less than gods, they had the
audacity to get closer to the gods and commit heresy, so, we called then heretics" Said Artemis.

"I see…that means that, at some point, Perseus and the others were also Heretics?"

"No, the thing about Perseus is that he had divine blood on him, he had the blood of Zeus, so, he was also blessed by the
gods, he was very strong headed though, he never accepted his divine blood and become a will user instead of using his
gifts, I admired him for that though; in the world we came from, will users without divine blood were almost
nonexistent, I only remember one human, he was the first Heretic who try to challenge the gods, he really was an
interesting human" Said Artemis.

"Oh? Who this person may be?" Asked Alfonso.

"If my memory doesn't fail me, his name was Odysseus, he had the most powerful will I had ever seen, he challenged
Poseidon and almost won, that shook our core and all gods had a meeting, it was a shame to kill such a 'unique' human,
however, Poseidon was enraged, although I don't like him that much, he must be one of the most 'decent' brothers I have,
so, to see him that furious, was really something to watch, so, we made a vote an decide to make things difficult for him,
hehe, who would know that we shot ourselves on the foot" Said Artemis.

Alfonso had an idea of what coming next, after all, who hadn't read the Odyssey.

"He got stronger right?" Asked Alfonso.

"As you say, when he got back to his wife, his will power was too strong, even I would say that, if we faced in an open
area, I wouldn't have been his match, so, we decided to leave him alone and give him a 'grace' from Zeus himself,
however, he told us that he wanted Poseidon's grace, obviously, he was mocking at us, that event made the already
enraged Poseidon almost loss his mind, at the end, we decided to take a step back and offer him a place in the Olympus
with the condition that his blood would end with his son, he accepted… but Poseidon had other plans, he asked the
sisters of destiny to make his dead as cruel as possible… I don't know what he offered in exchange though… anyway,
after the events… he was killed by his own son and had to see how his son married his wife, however, he was 'trapped'
in the Olympus, so he couldn't do much, eventually, he became crazy and we banish him to the Tartarus… truly a sad
story for such an incredible man" Said Artemis with an unusual sadness.

"It seems that you two were close?" Asked Alfonso.

"He was my very first male friend, in fact, he was the one who saved me from my stupid disciple Orion, I pledged for
father to reconsider his decision, however, what was done was done, nobody could enter the Tartarus… since then, my
hate for men got stronger, just seeing my father made me want to puke… as for Poseidon… what could I do, 'he
challenged the gods, alias, he was punished' those were his words… since that day, I went to the forest and lived there
on my own" Said Artemis.

Alfonso listened to Artemis's history and remained silent.

He stood up and kneeled in front of her, then he grabbed her hand.

"I am sorry, that I made you remembered…" Said Alfonso.

"It's okay, it's all in the past after all" Said Artemis.

"… I will make you a promise right here, right now" Said Alfonso.

He put his pinky finger on Artemis's

"I will bring back Odysseus, no matter the cost" Said Alfonso with a serious face.

Artemis looked back at Alfonso with a surprised expression, she made a small smile and kissed the finger pinky friend
of Alfonso.

"It's a promise" Said Artemis.


Alfonso was looking at his window like he usually does when he needed to relax.

"It seems that you are troubled with something, it's for what Artemis said?" Said a voice behind him.

"Eavesdropping isn't a good habit you know?" Said Alfonso.

"I didn't, but, I got the idea when I saw Artemis, she never gets sad, never, at least, she talks about Odysseus; however,
after making a sad face she looked at her pinky and the sadness disappeared, it was a simple as add two and two to
figure out what happened" Said Demeter with a playful smile.

"You knew?"

"As you know, I don't really get involved with the world affairs, however, Odysseus also caught my attention when he
challenged Poseidon, I wanted to intervene when Poseidon when to the sisters of destiny, however, Zeus didn't want a
war between gods to happened, neither do I, so I took a step back, it really saddened me when Odysseus loss his mind
and was sent to the Tartarus" Said Demeter.

Alfonso didn't say anything and looked at the window once again, however, he didn't realize that his nails were craving
on his palm.

Demeter looked at Alfonso's hand and notice some blood running out, however, she just made a sweet smile.

She stood up and lend her back on Alfonso's back.

"You really love us very much" Said Demeter.

Alfonso looked at his reflex in the window and realized that his right eyed was burning!

"Poseidon, If I don't make you kneel in front of Artemis, my name isn't Alfonso Lockheart"

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182 Blank
"Alfonso, he is here, AGAIN" Said Artemis with annoyance.

"Maybe I made a mistake" Said Alfonso with bitterness.

Its been two weeks since the newcomers came, all in all, they managed to adapt really well, furthermore, they didn't
broke any of the laws…

To be fair, it was quite hard to break any law when you have twenty something wolves looking at you; Wasteland
Valley was huge, yes, however, the places where people actually live in was reduce to the twenty percent of the land at
most, so, it wasn't that hard to distribute.

Another good thing that happened was that Felio was kind enough to send two merchants that taught Zeti the "Jacques of
the trade", finally the internal commerce in Wasteland Valley was going in the right direction.

It was slow yes, but, it was flowing nevertheless.

"The economy is going in the right direction and the newcomers are adapting well, everything is going according to
schedule, however…" Said Alfonso.

"I AM HERE TO SEE MR.LOCKHEART! LET ME IN!" A voice came from the hall.

"Sir, The lord is currently busy, so-"

APOLOGIZE!" Said the voice in angered.

"I am sorry, I am so, so sorry!" Said another voice, apologizing to the guard.

"I came here by myself; I don't know these two idiots" Said a female voice.
"Alfonso, I didn't sign for this" Said Artemis.

"When did I made you sign anything!?" Said Alfonso.

This scene had repeated itself over and over for the last week, the trio outside was no other than Socrates and coop.

"Let them in" Said Alfonso with a defeated voice.

The guard felt relieved after hearing Alfonso's voice and let the old man and the two youngsters in.


"Socrates…you are here…again… what a delightful… SURPRISE" Said Alfonso.

"I am so, so sorry" Dalton Apologized once again.

"Don't worry, Damian-"

"Dalton" Said a voice behind Alfonso.

"Ah, yeah, Dalton, don't worry, I kind of know the… 'habits' of your master already" Said Alfonso.

"What are we wasting time for!? Lets debate!" Said Socrates.

"I am sorry, my friend, today, I must excuse myself, I have things to do" Said Alfonso.

"What!? Nothing is more important than knowledge! Go cancel your things, I will wait here" Said Socrates stubbornly.

"... Give me a hand here" Said Alfonso to Tily, who was looking by the sides.

"He wont give up, my lord, since that day, he started to write a book about your discussions, its being a pain in the-,
hard for us too" Said Tily.

"But I am really busy today… wait…" Alfonso suddenly thought of something.

"You want to discuss right?, how about you discuss with my apprentice first? He was about to give a lesson" Said
Alfonso with a mischievous smile.

"No! It has to be you!" Said Socrates.

"Don't be so stubborn, my friend, how about you met him first?" Said Alfonso.

"…Ok…" Said Socrates unwillingly.

"Io, call Taylor please" Said Alfonso.

"As you order" Said Io.

"He is coming in a minute, meanwhile, why don't you tell me why did you come here for?" Asked Alfonso looking
towards Tily and Dalton.

"I came here to meet Miss Demeter" Said Tily respectfully.

"Demeter?" Said Alfonso in surprised, After all, the only people who came to visit Demeter was Camel.

"Yes, Miss Demeter told me that I had talent for medicine, so, she asked to come here to meet her, so she could
introduced me to someone" Said Tily.

"A talent for medicine… how come? When did she said that?" Alfonso was curious.

"By coincidence, Miss Demeter was walking by when I was making this… it has been a hobby of mine since I was a
child" Said Tily.

She took out a small basin that had some crushed herbs, Alfonso looked at it curiously.

"What is this?" Asked Alfonso.

"Since I am not good at studying as my brother, I used to play in the backyard of my house, there, a maid used to play
with me and taught me to make this sabila, its basically the essence of the herbs and can ease bruises and burns, is
nothing extraordinary though"

Alfonso was stunne when he heard the description, who would have thought that this little girl was a hidden gem!
Demeter, Good Job!

"Demeter always had good sight for people, indeed, we need people like you, young lady, guard, escort this young lady
towards Hygeia's room, told her that I send you and show her that sabila" Said Alfonso.

"As my lord wishes, young lady, this way please" Said the guard.

Tily made a small bow and accompanied the guard towards Hygeia's room.

"Now then, Demetrio-"


"Dalton, what brings you here?" Asked Alfonso.

"… Well I was accompanying my master…so…" Said Dalton while looking at the sides, like he was looking for

"Hoo~" Alfonso looked at the red Dalton with a courius smile, he also looked at the sides and though for a bit.

"Demeter…nah… way out of his league, and he knows it… Artemis? Nope, she looks like a guy on his eyes… Susana?
Could be, however, I have the feeling that she isn't… so, who could it-, maybe…" Though Alfonso.

"Io" Said Alfonso.

"You called, my lord?" Said Io, while showing herself by Alfonso's side.

Dalton looked at Io and his face blushed a little.

"Bingo" Though Alfonso.

"Darwin" Said Alfonso.


"Dalton, you wanna kept waiting with your master? Because I have to go somewhere" Said Alfonso with a smile.
Dalton looked at Alfonso and Io, with her usual cold face, like her master, and though for a moment before saying

"I- I want to go with you! If, if you don't mind…" Said Dalton.

"Sure, come on, Socrates, stay here, my student will be here soon!"


Alfonso and Dalton made a bitter smile and went out.

"Where are we going, my lord?" Asked Dalton.

"To meet the troublemaker" Said Alfonso.

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183 The worries of a mother

*Knock* *Knock*

"Who is it?" A voice from inside asked.

"Its me, can I come in?" Asked Alfonso.

"Sure, come in" Said the voice.

When Alfonso entered, a tall man with a huge piece of meat on his mouth received him.

"Yo! Alfonso, how are you this beautiful day!?" Asked the man.

"… Leviathan… its been three days already, when are you planning to go!?" Asked Alfonso.

"Jaja, soon~, despite being injured, I am the fastest dragon among dragons; I can get to the capital in one month at most"
Said Leviathan.

Alfonso face palmed and regretted that he let this troublemaker stay in.

Three days ago, Leviathan came in the form of a human to meet Alfonso as per deal, Alfonso made a request to
Leviathan in exchange for giving him more blood, Leviathan accepted and they make their deal, however, because the
date of the promise is still far away, Leviathan decided to be a pain in the a-, prolong his stay.

"Alfonso… are you sure about your decision, My lord? There is no turning back once Leviathan arrives there" Said Io
behind him.

"Did you made an important decision, my lord?" Asked Dalton.

Alfonso looked back at Io and Dalton and made a serious face.

"Yeah, a very important one" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso turned around and left, Dalton and Io followed from behind, however, they didn't talk.

"You think that you can just go happily and kill me huh?" Said Alfonso with a smile.

A huge wave was coming to the capital.

However, nobody knew it yet.


"Felipe, you have been in good humor since you left Arcadia, what's on your mind?" Asked the young lady of the Veritia
family, Sana Veritia.

"Nothing, its just that, something interesting is going to happen really soon" Said with a smile.

"Hmm? And what's that?" Asked Sana.

"Alfonso Lockheart" Said Felipe.

"The idiotic prince?"

"Yep, he, I think that he is going to come to the capital for his funeral" Said Felipe.

"Why should he? He is stupid, not suicidal, if he goes back to the capital, he is going to get himself killed, think about it,
the emperor makes a nice funeral for his son and results that he isn't dead, that would be such an humiliation for him, if
something stills remains of his corpse that would be a miracle" Said Sana.

Felipe smiled and looked through the window, he looked at the road and felt the sound of the wheels in the wagon.

"I am looking forward to your performance, Alfonso" Though Felipe with a smile.


"The blood of a real dragon is really something else, I should say thanks to Alfonso when I get the chance" Though

She has been in seclusion since she made the deal with Leviathan, although nobody noticed since she always stayed out
of sight to begin with.

"The royal funeral is in four months… I don't want go for fuck's sake, what's the big idea of gathering all the forces in
Wasteland Valley for a funeral of an empty coffin" Though Allison.

"Mom, are you there?" A voice interrupted Allison's thoughts.

"Pierre? Come on in, its open" Said Allison.

A young boy with blond long hair and a bow entered to the room, he bowed in front of Allison.

"Good morning to you, Your majesty" Said Pierre.

"Pierre I have told you many times to stop with the formalities, we are son and mom" Said Allison with a sweet smile.
"No, despite our relationship, you are the head of the Veritia family" Said Pierre.

Allison smiled and made a gesture for Pierre to sit beside her.

"My son, you are always so right and perfect that I worry about your future, I hope that you would choose a nice girl to
marry in a near future, I want some grandchildren after all~" Said Allison.

"What are you talking about mom? You are too young to be a grandma and I am too young to marry lot less talk about
children, I am only sixteen after all" Said Pierre.

"Well, that's also true, *sigh*, If only your sister had half of your sense of responsibility, I wouldn't be so worried about
her future" Said Allison.

"You are too harsh on her mom, sparky it's still a child after all, let her enjoy her freedom and mess around, we don't
mind cleaning out her mess" Said Pierre.

"And that attitude it's what made her like that In the first place, she is way too spoiled, or, to be more acquired, you and
the Boltor family make her like that, Pierre, I hope that, in this two years, you and your brothers don't interfere with her"
Said Allison.

"Aren't you worried that this Alfonso would make her do something despicable?" Said Pierre.

"Ho? I didn't though that you would ask me that" Said Allison.


"After all, how could someone like him, who is known as the stupid prince, do something to her?" Asked Allison.

"I also have some network, mom, I am one hundred percent sure that this Alfonso isn't an idiot, in fact, I think that he is
as cunning as his brother Raul, or maybe even more; furthermore, maybe he isn't as powerful as sparky, but, his
assistants are, especially the gorgeous woman, I think she is a king" Said Pierre.

"She is a perfect candidate for a wife right?" Said Allison.

"Yes she is" Said Pierre.

"Wanna go for her?"

"No, I don't think she would like me" Said Pierre.

"Why?" Asked Allison.

"Just a feeling, however, my guts have never fail me" Said Pierre with a smile.

"You know who I am right? Even if the emperor interferes, she would still be yours" Said Allison

"Mom, stop treating people like objects, I hope that my future wife would love because what I am, not for what I have"
Said Pierre.

Allison only smiled and hugged her son.

"That's why I said that you are too naïve, however, that's what make you so cute~" Said Allison.

"Stop it, mom" Said Pierre with a bitter smile

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184 A certain...
"Ok… lets practice… I came here to apologize for my behavior the other day… once more… I came here to apologize
for my behavior the other day… yes, that's about it…" Though a young lady while looking at the door nervously.

"That's the spirit young lady! You can do it" Said Hans.

Its been five days since the 'argument' between Alfonso and Anastasia, in all these five days, Anastasia has since
Alfonso sometimes, however, like she was invisible, Alfonso didn't notice her, finally, yesterday, she decided to
apologies to Alfonso, although, she didn't feel good about it.

"I don't understand, why I, the young lady of the Boltor family, the north thunder, had to apologies to the lord of this god
forgotten place" murmured Anastasia.

"My lady… please, even if you don't feel like it… just don't screw up this time ok?" Said Hans helplessly.

"Hans…you-!" Said Anastasia with some anger, however, she didn't complete the phrase because, someone opened the

"You two realize that I can heard everything that you are saying, right?" asked someone.

When Anastasia and Hans looked up, they realized a cold ice gaze looking at them.

"M-m-miss Demeter" Said softly Anastasia.

"…" Demeter didn't say anything, she just looked at her.

"Miss Demeter, sorry to interrupted your busy schedule, however, we came to see the lord, i-is he here?" Said Hans.

"Alfonso isn't here at the moment" Answered coldly Demeter.

"Ca-can we wait for… him?" Asked Hans.

"…" Demeter didn't answer.

Anastasia and Hans looked at her, and, after one whole uncomfortable minute, Demeter said

"Come on in"

Anastasia and Hans entered the room behind Demeter, she didn't turn around and sat on Alfonso's sit, while Hans and
Anastasia stood up in front of her.

"And? What are your business with Alfonso?" Asked Demeter.

"We-well, we came to-"

"Stop it kid, I think that the young lady over there also has a mouth… speak, what are you here for?" Asked Demeter.
Hans looked at Anastasia, she turn back the look and turned around to face Demeter, she took a small breath and said

"I came here to apologize for my behavior the other day" Said Anastasia.

"And?" Asked Demeter.

"Excuse me, what?" Anastasia was surprised for the sudden answered and couldn't help but ask.

"Are you deaf? I asked you, and?" Repeated Demeter.

"What do you mean by 'and'?" Asked Anastasia.

"I mean what I mean, I asked so you once again, and?" Said Demeter.

"Hans, give me a hand here" Begged Anastasia.

"Even if you asked me that…"

The three of them stayed in silence before someone broke the ice…




Demeter laughed while grabbing her stomach.


"I-!" Anastasia had her face all red after seeing Demeter's laughing that hard.

"HAHAHA, Sorry, sorry, I will stop, I will stop" Said Demeter.

She took a deep breath and looked back at them with a serious face.

"Now, state your business" Said Demeter.



Demeter interrupted Anastasia once again and laughed with all her might, Anastasia and Hans faces were so red that
they looked like tomatoes.

Finally, after some time, Demeter controlled herself.

"You came here to apologize? Sure, stay here for some time, Alfonso should be back some time soon" Said Demeter.

"I, I will wait" Said Anastasia.

Anastasia sat down while Hans stood behind her, Demeter minded her own business.
"Ex-excuse me" Anastasia suddenly asked.

"What is it~?" Asked Demeter.

"Are-are-are you mad?" Asked Suddenly Anastasia.

"Mad, why, did you do something to piss me off?" Asked Demeter.

"NO! we wouldn't dare" Answered Hans.

"That's right, Miss Demeter! We wouldn't dare" Repeated Anastasia.

"Then why do you ask~?" Asked Demeter once again.

"Well… you know…" Hans said while looking at Anastasia.

She also looked back, and, after exchanging gaze.

"You ask"

"I am scared, young lady, you do it"

"I am the young lady!"

"We aren't in the Boltor family, so it doesn't count!"


"I want to live!"

As expected for childhood friends, they could talk even without exchanging speaking.

"?" Demeter looked at them puzzled.

Anastasia looked angry at Hans who turned his head and looked at Demeter with a shy look.

"Miss Demeter, I-I may have been a TINY BIT, JUST A LITTLE, LITTLE, MICROSCOPOLI, offensive towards his
highness, so… you know…" Said Anastasia with a small voice.

In these past days, they have heard the rumors about Demeter, especially, the rumor about her being SUPER
OVERPROTECTIVE about the young lord of Wasteland Valley, so, they came here to apologize to Alfonso in order to
avoid the upcoming disaster. It was a shame that they encountered Demeter first; however, they needed to remove the
needle and asked…

"Me? Of course I am angry, you called my love the idiotic prince and threatened him to lock him in a cell for a few
years~" Said Demeter with a sweet smile.

Anastasia and Hans felt their backs go drench with sweat.

"However~ you don't need to worry, Alfonso already told me to do anything to you, I don't understand why though~"
Said Demeter.

Anastasia, unconsciously, thanked Alfonso from the bottom of her heart.

"Alfonso is a nice guy, a little bit too nice, he doesn't mind when people insult him or humiliate him, in fact, I am pretty
sure that he wasn't mad when you insulted him" Said Demeter.

"?" Anastasia was confused.

"Its because you don't understand him, you live in your own little world looking at everyone else like ants while you are
the only human, really, people like you remains me of a certain someone that I know" Said Demeter

"A certain someone?" Asked Anastasia.

Demeter smiled and looked at Anastasia.

"A certain BITCH called Hera" Said Demete.

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185 Fifth person

"Alfonso, the golden twins have submitted their monthly inform" Said Artemis after passing some papers to Alfonso.

"Lets see" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso always give freedom to his 'workers' to do things as they see fit, he didn't pressure them too much because he
trusted them, however, like an boss, he was worried about pace of the work as well how they distributed their
resources and so on, so, he came out with the idea of the reports.

"Everything seems to be going faster than planned, the golden twins are automatons after all, however, I don't like this
night schedule, Artemis, go to Antiope and tell her that I don't want the Amazons to work overnight, they end their work
at four, end of the story, tell the Automatons that as well, if anything, tell them that they can start earlier" Said Alfonso.

"Got it" Said Artemis.

"Lets move on the schedule, Artemis, any news of Cerberus and coop?" Asked Alfonso.

"No, nothing at all" Said Artemis.

"Call White fang Io" Said Alfonso.

"As my lord wishes" Io, who was, as always, behind him, when to get White fang whowas playing with Susana.

After some minutes, white fangs came

"My lord called?" Said White fang.

"White fang, thanks as always for helping Susana" Said Alfonso.

"Don't worry my lord, I quite like Miss Susana, she is a very funny woman" Said White fang.

"What do you mean?" Asked Alfonso.

"The other day she told me how everyone was dancing and Miss Artemis was singing like-"

White fang suddenly froze, he turned around and saw a pair of eyes looking at him.

"I-I didn't hear anything" Said White fang.

"You bet you didn't" Said Artemis while turning around.

Alfonso wanted to laugh, however, he wasn't tire of life, so he didn't.

"They might have encounter some trouble, that's why, I shall go and-"

"No" A voice interrupted him.

Alfonso rubbed his forehead when he heard the voice.

"Artemis, we already had this conversation; you can't trap me in my office!" Said Alfonso.

"I am quite sure I can, wanna bet?" Answered Artemis.

"We wont discuss this here, White fang, you can go now, I will let you know later who will go with you" Said Alfonso.

"I understand" Said White fang.

He made a bow and left the room.

However, just as he left the office, he heard the voices of Alfonso and Artemis.






"Those two fight like a married couple" Though white fang.


It was late at night and the princess of the Boltor family, spark-, *Ahem*, Anastasia Boltor, was sleeping soundly. When
she left the room, she didn't notice it, however, after giving it sound though, she realized that Miss Demeter had
indirectly called her a bitch, she was furious, there wasn't much she could do, so, she bent her anger on her poor guard

After benting her anger, she was exhausted so she went to sleep early.


She heard a voice calling for her.

"Shut up Hans, I am sleeping" Answered Anastasia.

"I… say…w"

Once more, she heard the voice.

"Shut up Hans, I will kick your ass" Said Anastasia.

However, just as she was about to enter Dreamland once more.


She felt a burning sensation in her face.

"HANS, HOW DARE Y-*Hmm*!?" Before she could scream, she felt a hand tapping her mouth.

"Shh! We cant do any sound, change and follow me quickly, remembered don't make a sound" A person murmured to

"Alfonso Lockheart what are you-"

"Shh! What part of be quiet you don't understand!? Hurry up! Your friend is already on the outside waiting for us" Said

"????" Anastasia didn't understood the situation, however, she did as told and changed.

Both of them sneaked out form the mannor, outside a wolf and two horses were waiting for them, sitting in one horse
was Hans.

"My lady!" Said Hans.

"Hans how you dare leave me alo-"

"You will have time for the reunion later! We have to leave now!" Said Alfonso.

Anastasia mount the horse and Alfonso followed behind her.

"What are you doing!?" Said Anastasia when she felt two hands grabbing her waist.

"I cant mount a horse! Hurry up! We need to go, White fang, let the way!" Said Alfonso.

With the voice of Alfonso, the two horses run will all their might behind White fang.

After twenty Alfonso, Alfonso finally relaxed.

"We should be fine now" Said Alfonso.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Asked Anastasia.

"We are going on a mission!" Said Alfonso.

"Huh?" Anastasia was confused.

Alfonso explained the situation to Anastasia and Hans.

After hearing it, Anastasia looked at Alfonso with a confused expression.

"You have to sneak out because your guards don't let you go out? That just… sad you know?" Said Anastasia.

"Its not like that okay!? I can go out whatever I want, its just that… you know…that… yes! I don't want them to worry,
that's why- "

"That's why you sneak out in the middle of the night?" Said Anastasi with a smirk.

Alfonso blushed a little and didn't say anything.

Anastasia looked at Alfonso and laughed a little.

"Well, its not like I don't understand, back in the day, my father used to protect me too much, so, I sneak out of the manor
with Hans" Said Anastasia.

"The lord always punished me though" Added Hans.

Alfonso smiled a little.

"Sorry about this" Said Alfonso.

"Don't worry about it, the five of us shouldn't have any problems, believe or not, I am the north thunder after all!" Said
Anastasia with a proud smile.

"That's what I was hoping to hea- wait… what did you just say?" Asked Alfonso.

"? I was saying that I am the north thun-"

"No, not that… did you just say… the five of us?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yeah? You, me, Hans, the wolf and…" Said Anastasia while pointed out at Hans.

"The person behind Hans… hey… what's wrong?" Said Anastasia while looking at Alfonso who was trembling.

"Well… you see…"

Alfonso looked at Anastasia.

"There isn't supposed to be a fifth person" Said Alfonso while turning around.

The person behind Hans also turned around, she took out her hood and a beautiful face appeared.

However, despite the beauty of this person, Alfonso felt scared than ever.

"Little Al~ where were you planning to go~?"

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186 Weird Tendecies
"Escaping like a little naughty boy, aren't you a Little bit old for this, Alfonso?"


"Its that all you got to say? Did you really think that no one will have an eye on you?"


Its been fifteen minutes since Demeter suggest (force) Alfonso to kneel on his knees and heard her 'speech'

Do you remember how it feels like to be caught watching TV by your mother when you were supposed to be doing your

This is exactly how Alfonso feels right now.

"I-I am not a little kid you now!" Said Alfonso.

"Then stop acting like one! You are too old to be doing whatever you want!" Said Demeter.

Alfonso was speechless once again.

While both mother and so- *Ahem* Demeter and Alfonso were discussing, Anastasia and Hans were watching from the

"To tame that Alfonso Lockheart, she must be quiet the character, don't you think, young lady?" Murmured Hans.

"Indeed, its better if we stay away from her… anyway, Hans, didn't you notice when she mount on your horse?" Said

"Not in the slightest, I don't know how it happened either!"

Demeter scolded Alfonso for five more minutes before finally stopping.

"Anyway, lets get going" Said Demeter while standing up.

"Eh? We aren't going back?" Asked Alfonso.

"What's the point? You WILL eventually try this again, since that's the case, I might as well go with you" Said Demeter.

She mounted on Anastasia's horse and waited for Alfonso to mount on Hans's horse, obviously, they changed partners,
as for the reason? It's pretty obvious right?

That's why, Alfonso didn't say anything and mounted on, however, when he turned around, he saw a young lady with
tears in her eyes looking at him.

She didn't talk, however, her eyes told the whole story.


"I am sorry, but, you will have to take this bullet for the team" Said Alfonso with his eyes.

Hans also turned around and so the begging look on Anastasia's face, he also gave his answer via his eyes.
"I will make sure that you are remembered as a heroine, young lady!"

Then, Hans, with a swift and yet dramatic move of his hand, make the horse move.

When Anastasia saw the horse leaving her at her own luck, she couldn't contain herself.

"HELP ME! I don't want to ride with this monst-"

Before she finished her answer, Anastasia taped her mouth with both hands.

"What were you saying~?" Asked a voice behind her.

"NOTHING! I SWEAR ON MY LIFE!" Answered quickly Anastasia.

"Hmm~ then, lets get going~" Said Demeter.

"Sure, sure, whatever you say ma'am! " Said Anastasia.

They went on their way towards the mining cave and to find out what happened to Cerberus Team.

In midway though, a question pondered in Alfonso's head.

"Demeter" Asked Alfonso.

"What is it~?"

"How did you find out that I was escaping?"

"Artemis had lock you on with her Mark on the hunter, so, she told and I followed you~" Said Demeter.

"And how come she didn't come?" Asked Alfonso.

"Hehe, well I promised her to- oh" Demeter suddenly remembered something.

"What is it?" Asked Alfonso.

"Upsi~" Said Demeter.


[Back in Wasteland Valley]

"Master, what are you doing here?" Asked Io.

"…" Artemis was at the front door of the manor with an annoyed expression.

"Master?" Asked Io.

"She…pro…that…da… bit" Artemis murmured something, however, she was pressing her teeth so hard that it was
barely understandable.

"What did you say, master?" Asked Io.

After some seconds, Artemis finally exploded.

DAMNIT HOURS!" Shouted Artemis with flames on her eyes.

"Oh-oh" Io felt the danger and she tried to retread slowly.


"…" io didn't make a notice and turned around as slowly as possible.

"I must escape!" This was the only thought on Io at the moment.

However, just as she was camouflaging in the darkness, a hand touched her shoulder.


"Fuck me"

Though the poor Io in tears.


The previous lord of Wasteland Valley had closed the mine because of the invasion of creatures from the Jubila forest,
he asked for help from Dragon city, however, due to the fact that they had lost their title as a 'Town', they didn't had the
right. So, he didn't have another option and closed the mining and prohibit anyone for walking to close. That's the story
that was told to Alfonso when he first came here, however, this story had too much holes.

"First of all, what mineral could we possible have? Since I was a child, I had the best of education and new a bit of
everything, I know what kind of goods every town in Leitol had, Wasteland Valley has NONE" Though Alfonso.

Since he became the lord of Wasteland Valley, he had been pondering about that.

"However, the question is… what creatures were there? Creatures like Cerberus maybe? Or something even more
bizarre?" These questions were on Alfonso's mind all the way towards the mining.

"White fang" Said Alfonso.

"Hmm? What is it?" Asked White fang.

"You have experienced a lot more than me; do you have any idea what kind of creatures would invade a mine?"

"A mine? Mmm… well, in the Jubila forest there are a lot of weird creatures, especially in the inner core, as far as I
know, a mine isn't exactly a place to live in, the number of creatures who would like to live in a mine are zero" Said
White fang.

"I see… then, let me rephrase the question, what creatures would represent a problem for you, wolves?… creatures that
like dark places" Asked Alfonso.

"A creatures that like dark places and a problem for us? Well, I can think of two fellows, the Syngurps and the Jurios;
the Syngurps are creatures that like dark places and can fly, so, we have a natura disadvantage, however, they are
usually calm creatures so we don't collide, on the other hand, the Jurios, those nasty fellows, are creatures that have this
weird natural ability of erasing their trace when they stay in the dark, so, they are natural night hunters, however, the
real problem is that they have a really hard sense of belonging, when someone attacks their nest, they will destroy the
person even at the cost of their lives"
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187 A shadow in the dark

"Lets sleep tonight, we are pretty close towards the mine, we will get there by noon" Said White fang while looking at
Alfonso and company, they were in the borders of the Jubila forest, so, they were between the forest and the snow.

They made a bonfire and sat in circle, warming themselves.

"How is it, white fang? Can you smell them?" Asked Alfonso.

"Barely, I know they are inside the mine, however, there is a strong smell there that is making it hard to identify where
exactly are they" Said White fang.

"Strong smell?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yeah, I haven't smell something like this before… it makes my head a little bit dizzy" Said White fang.

"…And that's it when you are here, I cant imagine how bad will be inside the mine, are you sure you wanna come?"
Asked Alfonso.

"Of course I would, they are my kind, we protect each other, don't worry, I have my means to protect myselft"

"That's good" Said Alfonso.

While Alfonso and White fang were talking, they didn't notice that two youngters were looking at Alfonso in a funny

"Hey Hans, what it he doing?" Asked Anastasia.

" I don't know my lady… If I have to take a shot in the dark… I will say that they are talking to each other" Said Hans.

"Indeed, they are talking to each other" A voice came from their side.

Both of them turned around and saw Demeter sitting while taking a sip of her can of water.

""They are talking?"" Asked both of them at the same time.

Why they were asking this? The answer was quite simple, to Alfonso, the wolves talked just like humans, however, to
others, their "conversation" looked like this

"Woo? Woooo~ woo" Said White fang.

"Wo,wooo,wooo~" Answer Alfonso.

If Alfonso was in earth, somebody would call the cops… or the circus, depending on the location.

"Talking to the beast… if he is a beast master?" Asked Anastasia.

In this world, there was this particular kind of people that have the ability to 'talk' to beasts, they were called beast
masters; however, the name can be a little be misleading, after all, they weren't actually 'taming' a beast, they have an
affinity with them, as for why, were, there were two reasons, the first one was to have a summited the animal and both
form a contract of pet an owner basically, this type of beast master were the most common, however, this was quite
difficult, after all, forcing a beast to be your pet was as a huge blow towards their pride, a lot of beasts prefer to die
rather than be a human pet.

The second reason was not known by many, in fact, very few people knew about this method, it was basically a legend.

"Legend says that there this kind of 'pact' between both parties pledge loyalty towards each other, they mix their blood
and connect at a soul level, after that, the person in question not only gain the favor of the beast in question but all of its
kind, there is also some other theories, some say that the human in question win some abilities of the beast, and the beast
also gains intelligence and wisdom, however, nobody is sure, after all, beasts who are able to make this kind of pact are
unknown" Said Hans.

"A beast tamer?" Asked Anastasia in astonishment.

To see a living beast tamer was quite difficult, in fact, she, as the young lady of the Boltor family, has only seem three
beast tamers in leitol, one of them was known as the lord of the beast, blessed by the god of hunt, Archer.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Alfonso.

"No-nothing in particular, rather than that, how close are we?" Asked Anastasia.

"We will be there by noon, let have some sleep, we will need energy for tomorrow" Said Alfonso.

Everyone nodded and he put out the fire.

The night was cold, however, Alfonso and company were quite warm, after all, they were sleeping on White fang.

The hours passed and everyone was in deep sleep.

Suddenly, from the shadows a few figures emerged, they were small and were completely black, the only thing that one
could see clearly were their purple eyes and white fangs.

"Humans?" Suddenly, a voice came from the shadows.

After hearing the voice, the creatures kneeled.

"Interesting, to think that there was people in this god forgotten place… how come? The information that his majesty
send me said that the lord here died a couple of months ago"

The silouthe looked at Alfonso and company and made a small smile, he reached his waist and took out two pairs of

"There is going to be a feast today, kids, prepare your teeth" Said the voice.

"Grrr" The black creatures looked fiercely with their purple eyes at White fang, like they were looking at a huge piece
of meat prepared to be devoured.

"Let's begin… wait…" The silhouette was about to move, when he noticed something strange.

"One… two… three… wait, where is that young lady?" Asked the voice.
"Just behind you, motherfucker" Said A voice behind the silhouette.

Anastasia's golden eyes stared at the silhouette, she didn't hesitate and charged her sword with thunder and slashed the

The shadow was surprised, however, it quickly recover and evaded the slash.

"A champion?" Asked the silhouette.

"Did you get him?" The voice of Alfonso came from below, He took his cane and stood up, after him Demeter, Hans and
White fang did the same.

"How are you? How did you get to this place?" Asked Alfonso.

"Hehe, to think that I will be able to see a prince of Leitol, what an honor indeed" Said the shadow.

"It will rude to not introduce myself" The man walked and the moonlight reveal his form.

He was a young man with red hair and short hair, he looked skinny, however, his muscles were well trained, he had
both eyes closed and was smiling.

"My name is Bernio Storm, I come from the Storm family back in Greycastle" Said the Bernio.

"I came with a single purpose"

"And that is to kill the young lady and young master of the king of the north, Anastasia and Pierre Boltor" Said Benio.

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188 Anastasia and Alfonso vs Bernio! part one

"Greycastle!?" Alfonso asked in astonishment.

"It's impossible! Greycastle is all the way back to the south, the border between Leitol and Greycastle is far too away
from here, how come a spy came from Greycastle and passed all the borders and checkpoints without begin notice!?"
Though Alfonso.

As every nation, Leitol had their own checkpoints when people pass the borders, the soldiers made a strict check on
them, specially, people who come from Greycastle.

"How did you make it?" Asked Alfonso.

"I have my means" Said Bernio "Anyway; It's a fact than I am here, so, would you let me do my mission peacefully and
kill that young girl over there, or, would you make things the hard way?" Asked Bernio.

"What's the difference? You are planning to kill us all anyway, Am I right?" Said Alfonso with a smirk.

"Ho? That's quite the clever deduction, coming from the shame of Leitol, I am quite impressed" Said Bernio.
"The shame of Leitol, that's a new one" Said Alfonso.

"However, what I am more surprised is that you are alive, how come? Some of us were invited to your funeral after all"
Said Bernio with a smile.

"As you can see, I am alive and with good health, you should know that, despite everything, in my blood, there is royal
blood, killing me is the same as insulting the emperor, are you willing to take the risk?" Asked Alfonso.

Bernio looked at Alfonso and said with a nonchalant voice

"Of course I am"

Alfonso knew that it was impossible to negotiated things at this point.

"You want to kill me and Brother Pierre, should I be impressed for your courage or for your stupidity?" Asked
Anastasia with her golden eyes

"It seems that I touched a sensitive nerve" Said Bernio.

"You can come to me wherever you want, I am the north thunder, I can play with you or anybody else, however, to dare
to threaten my family in front of me, it seems that you tired of live!" Said Anastasia.

"Haha, we will see that" Said Bernio.

He grabbed his both daggers and walked slowly towards Anastasia.

"You won't touch my young lady!" Shouted Hans.

However before he could rush towards Anastasia, three creatures appeared in front of him.

"Enjoy yourself with my familiars, don't worry, I will end soon and come back for you all" Said Bernio.

"Damn it" Cursed Hans.

Soon enough, more and more black creatures appeared around Hans, he felt the murderous eyes of the creatures.


The creatures growled and spring forward!

Just as Hans was prepared to defend…

"Scythe" A voice came from behind him.

"I will assist you"

Hans turned around and saw Demeter with bright scythe on her hand.

"HA!" Demeter swung her scythe and 'cut' one of the creatures; the scythe pierced the creature but, didn't leave any sign
of damage on it!

"Wha…" before Hans could say much, the creatures back up a little; they seem to be fearful of the scythe.

Hans didn't understand what was happening.

"GaGaGAgAGgA" A sound came from their side.

Hans turned around and saw the creature that Demeter had sliced; it was grabbing its chest while rolling on the ground,
like it was suffering from a burning.

"Don't lose your focus, they are coming" Said Demeter.

Hans follow the gaze of Demeter and saw more than thirty creatures coming on their way.

"Fuck" Murmured Hans.


"Thanks for coming to me, you save me a lot f time" Said Bernio to Anastasia.

"You are annoying, with that cheeky smile of yours" Said Anastasia while grabbing her sword.

"Lighting steps!"

Anastasia disappeared from sight while moving at high speed!

"Quite fast" Said Bernio

He stood in place without moving



Bernio lifted his dagger and his dagger collide with Anastasia's sword!

"Not fast enough"


Anastasia was astonished, however, before long; she noticed that Bernio wasn't in front on her!

"Where!?" Anastasia looked at the sides and didn't see anyone.

"ABOVE YOU!" Someone shouted to Anastasia.

Anastasia lifted her head and saw a blade coming straight to her. She made a swift motion with her body and avoided
the cut, however, she couldn't evade it completely and her eye was injured!

"Damn it!" Anastasia grabbed her injured eye while looking at Bernio who was holding his dagger with a strange

"It seems that you also have some tricks on you" Said Bernio.

He looked at his dagger and felt the faint essence of soul force.

"Alfonso Lockheart" Said Bernio.

Anastasia turned around and saw Alfonso at her side.

"That eye!" Anastasia was surprised when she saw the green eye of Alfonso!


"I cant move my fingers? How did he do it?" Though Bernio.

Anastasia took the chance and rushed towards Bernio.

Bernio lifted his other hand and collide with Anastasia's sword!


"FASTER!" Shouted Anastasia.

She moved so fast that only her shadow could be seeing!


Anastasia's sword and Bernio's dagger collided time after time!

"Why can't I penetrated his defense!?" Thought Anastasia.

"Damn… I cant… Anymore" Alfonso was using all the power of time he could managed, however, he reached his limit
and the power was deactivated!

"Got' cha" Said Bernio.

"Oh no!" Anastasia tried to make some distance between them, however, Bernio didn't allowed it!


With his other dagger, Bernio pierced Anastasia armor and made a hole on her left shoulder!

"AHHHHHH!" Anastasia shouted form pain and kneel on the ground while grabbing her injury.

"Its time" Said Bernio whie grabbing his daggers.

He approached Anastasia.

"I… am…not… defeated… yet!" Said Anastasia.

She grabbed her sword and used it as a holder to stand up.

"Why resist, its futile" Said Bernio.

However, just as he was about to lift his dagger, he stopped and made a tsk sound.

"Persistent cockroach" Murmured Bernio.

Bernio turned around and saw Alfonso holding his cane with his right hand, however, something seemed off.

Alfonso suddenly disappeared from Bernio sight!

"What the-"


Bernio felt an intense pain in his stomach!

He unwittingly kneeled and saw Alfonso with his bad leg lifted.

"It's time for round two"

"Titan's leg!"

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189 Alfonso and Anastasia vs Bernio! part two

"Alfonso Lockheart!" Shouted Bernio in frustation.

Alfonso didn't wait for him and rushed towards him.


With his leg in the air, Alfonso aimed for Bernio's head!

Bernio didn't allowed it and dogded the kick.

Bernio reincorporate and grabbed both daggers.

"DIE!" Shouted Bernio.

Bernio moved fast, he aimed at Alfonso's weakest points, with the burst of the Lover's necklace and the regeneration of
the wolves Alfonso was barely able to endure the injuries that were accumulating on his body while injuring Bernio's
stomach and arms at the same time, however, Alfonso began to feel anxious.

"Is like he has the mark of the huinter! At this rate…" Alfonso though.

"I don't know how didi you acquired your powers, however! Even with that, you cant defeat me! You are indeed the
shame of Leitol!" Shouted Bernio.

"And you talk too much" Said Alfonso.

Suddenly, his normal eye changed colors!

Alfonso rushed towards Bernio, went he was just in front of him, he suddenly stopped.

Bernio was confused, nevertheless, he swung his daggers to the thing in front of him!

Bernio was confused, how come he didn't touch anything!?

"Where are you!?" Shouted Bernio.

However, nobody answered.

Just as Bernio was about to say anything else…


A huge sound came from above him and his head buzzed.

The last thing Bernio felt was a tremendous pain on his head.

Then, Bernio felt to the ground.

"That was close" Though Alfonso while grabbing his cane.

When he rushed, he activated the Chrono's sphere just before Bernio could protect himself.

"He didn't watch me leave the cane, or, to be more aquirated, he couldn't, he is blind" Though Alfonso.

When Alfonso rushed, he left the cane of Chrono on the ground and activated the Chrono sphere, the rest was easy.

"Fuck, My head, I used too much power of time again" Though Alfonso while grabbing his bleeding eye.

"Anastasia, are you okay?" Asked Alfonso.

"Somehow" Said Anastasia.

"Let's grab him and go back to Wasteland valley, the search of Cerberus will be postponed, this is too important" Tough

"Yeah" Replied Anastasia.

Both grabbed the fallen Bernio and lifted him.

"Help me out here" Said Alfonso.

Anastasia was about to grab Bernio when she noticed something.

Bernio made a small smirk!

"ALFONSO, WATCH OUT!" Shouted Anastasia.

Alfonso felt the danger and tried to released Bernio, however, he was a step too late!


The sound of the blade penetrating flesh could be heard in all the silence forest.

Alfonso kneeled on the ground while looking at the dagger that was incrusted on his shoulder.

"H…How…" Asked Alfonso in pain.

Bernio was about to answer when he felt his world spinning.

He felt to the floor and saw blood coming out from his head.

"Because…I…I have a reason to…win" Said Bernio.

He trembled a little, but nevertheless, he stood up and looked at Alfonso coldly.

"What is your reason… to fight… Alfonso Lockheart?" Asked Bernio.

Alfonso Looked at him and was about to answered, however, he couldn't utter any word because of the pain.

"Your… will… is weak… Alfonso Lockheart… that's why… despite all your powers and advantages… in the end…
you are nothing but a clown" Said Bernio wile lifting his other dagger.

Alfonso felt his body go colder and colder, he tried to use the power of time to stop the bleeding, which give him some
time, however, he knew, that in a few more minutes, he would die.

"At the very…last… left them live… please" Said Alfonso.

Bernio looked at him and didn't say anything.

"Anastasia Boltor… must die… AND YOU AS WELL" Said Bernio.

"You talk like you have already won… I am still standing!" A voice came from behind Bernio.

He turned around and saw Anastasia with all her injuries, lifting her blade with a fervent expression.

"He is in my care, nobody have the permission to kill him! Not even the emperor himself!" Shouted Anastasia.

"Ha! How can you save somebody… if you can't even save yourself?" Said Bernio with a small chuckle.

"I!" Shouted Anastasia.

"I AM THE NORTH THUNDER!" Said Anastasia.

"Shut up… you are just… a little pampered girl…" Said Bernio while touching his head.

Anastasia took a deep breath and her eyes turned golden again… however, she spat a little bit of blood, she was already
beyond her limit!

With the power of thunder, Anastasia moved faster and faster towards the already damaged Bernio.

"Come back… my kin!" Said Bernio while making a gesture with his two fingers.

"Take this!" Anastasia swung her sword towards Bernio who barely managed to dodge.


Anastasia swung her sword again and again while the moves of Bernio became sloppier and sloppier.

"Why aren't they here yet!?" Though Bernio while looking at the other side.





Though Anastasia.

Her moves became faster and faster while her injuries worsened, however, she didn't care, she swung her sword at a
speed that she never managed to achieve before!

"THIS IS BAD!" Though Bernio.

However, in a death match, if you distract, even for a millisecond, the consequences could be fatal!


The sword achieve its objective and cut Bernio from his shoulder all the way to his waist.

"Agg!" Shouted Bernio in pain.

"Ahh" However, he wasn't the only one injured.

Anastasia, after putting her body at its limit, finally couldn't take it anymore, she kneel on the ground while looking at

"I…" She wanted to finish her sentence, but, before she could, she collapsed on the ground.

"Je… to think… that I will meet my end… in this godforsaken place" Though Bernio.

He looked at Anastasia and took out a collar from his pocket.

He looked at it, and a sad expression could be seen on his eyes.

"Sorry, It seems that brother wont be able to come back this time…" Murmured Bernio.


Bernio, with only pure will, slowly but surely, walk towards Anastasia.

"I will not let you die, Brother… will finish this mission…" Said Bernio.

He walked towards Anastasia and took out his dagger; however, he noticed that his hand was shaking.

"Fuck… more time… let me swing you just one more time!" Though Bernio.

His hand stabilized and, when he was prepared to give Anastasia the final touch. He felt something on his stomach.

He looked below.

"My… dagger?" Murmured Bernio.

"I also… have people to fight for" A voice came from behind him.

Bernio could only smile in bitterness and let his last breath of life escaped from his body.

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190 It will be fun

Alfonso was holding the dagger while looking at the fallen Bernio, he tried to talk but his head was already spinning, he
collapsed on the ground once more.

"Drakini, how long can you maintain my life?" Asked Alfonso.

"S-s-sir! I wont be able to maintain it too long! My powers are reaching its limit!" Said Drakini with worry.

The only reason he could walked up and stab Bernio was because of the power of Drakini, who was using the few
power of time it had to maintain him alive. However, he was gradually losing the control over Alfonso's injury.

"Ja, this is the third time I am close to death, it really is amusing how come I already experience this, is still frightening"
Murmured Alfonso.

"SIR! You must endure it! Miss Demeter and company will come soon!" Said Drakini.

"I know that… I am going to be fine… I have so much to do…"


Gradually, Alfonso's eye began to close.


"Keep it down Drakini… its nothing… I… am just sleepy… I am going to close my eyes for a bit…" Said Alfonso…

"Alfonso!" Someone said something, however, Alfonso couldn't heard it anymore he closed his eyes and immersed in


"What is this bad feeling?" Though Demeter.

She was having a hard time with the dark creatures, although she was powerful, her strength hasn't come back just yet.

"Hurry, I must hurry!" Said Demeter.

"Miss Demeter, the creatures seem strange!" Shouted Hans, who was also fiercely fighting at her side.

When Demeter looked up, she saw the creatures backing up, they retreated slowly to the darkness, Hans and Demeter
where confused, however, they knew that something must have happened to the Beastmaster.
"Hurry! That guy wasn't an easy opponent" Said Demeter.

"My lady!" Shouted Hans while ignoring the injuries in his bodies.

Both of them rushed towards the way Alfonso and Anastasia headed to.

When they arrived they were stunned, they saw one small pair of blue eyes looking at them.

"Cerberus!?" Asked Demeter.

"Demeter, you finally came, it seems that your battle was hard" Said Cerberus.

"Where is Alfonso?" Asked Demeter.

"… He is over there" Said Cerberus.

"ALFONSO!" Shouted Demeter.

"MY LADY! WHERE IS MY LADY!?" Asked Hans in hurry.

"She is over there, she is gravely injured, however, her life isn't in danger" Said Cerberus.

"My lady" Hans run towards the body of Anastasia, who was being carried up by the wolves.

"Come with me Demeter" Said Cerberus while he slowly walked towards Alfonso.

Demeter rushed towards the place where Cerberus signaled at, when she get there, she almost burst in tears.

"Hey Demeter, good to see you are fine" Said Alfonso with a small smile.

She felt as a heavy stone was lifted from her shoulder, she almost rushed towards Alfonso to give him a big hug,
however, someone stop her.

"Demeter, don't be happy so early, I have some bad news for you" Said Cerberus.

"What is it?" Said Demeter.

Cerberus looked in front of him and made a fierce expression.

"The person in front of you is not Alfonso!" Shouted Cerberus.

Alfonso looked at Cerberus and smiled.

"What are you talking about Cerberus? I am indeed Alfonso Lockheart, come on Demeter, give me a big hug" Said
Alfonso while opening his arms.

Demeter looked at Alfonso, she walked towards him and hugged him.

"I knew that my Demeter would know me better" Said Alfonso.

"I know you like the palm on my hand… because I love Alfonso Lockheart, now…" Said Demeter.

She grabbed the collar of Alfonso.


Alfonso looked at Demeter with a playful smile.


"CHRONO!" Said Demeter with hate.

Alfonso looked at Demeter and couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"What is so funny!?" Asked Demeter

"Nothing~ is quite amusing to me actually; a god falling in love with a mortal, this kid has quite the luck" Said 'Alfonso'.

"You…" Demeter tightened harder.

"Are you sure you want to keep pressing like that? I might not be Alfonso, but this body is certainly his~" Said Alfonso.

Demeter wanted to say something more but she couldn't, in the end, she released Alfonso.

Alfonso…no… Chrono massaged his neck and tied his outfit.

"How come you were so happy after seeing a mortal, but, when you see your own family, you such a disgusted face, this
old man feels quite sad" Said Chrono with a 'sad' expression.

"Don't push it… I might not b able to injury Alfonso's body, however…" Said Demeter while grabbing her scythe.

"I can extinguish your soul… right here, right now!" Said Demeter.

"Je, be my guess, I am already tired of live, however, I will remain you this since you care for this boy, Alfonso's soul
is currently resting in my domain of time, since he was at the verge of death, if I died, my domain dies with me, and he
will enter the underworld, giving your current strength, you won't be able to save him" Said Chrono with amusement .

"Such a thing…"

"I can be whatever you want, however, I am not a liar~" Said Chrono.

Demeter looked at the smiling face of Chrono and was infuriated, however, she unwillingly nodded.

"Hehe, I knew you were reasonable, come on, take the chance, you won't be able to embrace Alfonso once he returns to
this body, come on~" Said Chrono.

"Once Alfonso's comes back, I will send you to the Tartarus myself!" Said Demeter in anger.

"I will be waiting for that, however, you will need to bear with me for some time, after all, the kid will need at least
three months to recover" Said Chrono.

"Three months!?" Asked Cerberus.

"And that's thanks to the fact that I am using the power of time, if not, he could be stay there for years, don't need to thank
me, I am benevolent and magnificent" Said Chrono.

"Don't talk anymore; I don't you to use Alfonso's voice" Said Demeter.
"Hehe, I will enjoy this months a lot" Said Chrono.

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A couple of hours have pass and Alfonso, aka Chrono, was having a meal with Demeter and Cerberus, Demeter decided
that they have to first understand the situation before they could get back, since Anastasia was gravely injured, she and
Hans decided to go back first with the wolves

"Basically… *Munch*… *Munch*… Alfonso was at the verge of death so… *Munch*… so I decided to be benevolent
and safe him, however… *Munch*… this body would eventually discomposed without life on it, so *Munch*… I
decided to stay here in the meantime… thanks, it was delicious" Said Chrono.

"…" Demeter was on the verge of explosion; however, she tried to understand the whole situation.

"And? What about Alfonso's external injuries, how come you are fine?" Asked Demeter.

"Fine? My whole body is screaming in pain, however, thanks to my mastery in the powers of time, I am suppressing my
injuries, quite clever right?" Said Chrono with a smirk.

"I want to punch so badly" Murmured Demeter.

Chrono only smiled with a face that said 'BE MY GUESS'

"However, what I am curious about, is where you have been this whole time, little puppy, I understand that the kid came
here to search for you, right?" Asked Chrono.

"Don't call me little Puppy, my name is Cerberus" Said Cerberus in annoyance.

"When we first arrived, we detected the creatures from far ahead, I knew that something was wrong and my intuition
told me so too, so, we decided to hide and wait for the opportunity to ambush them, when the beast master and some
creatures went away we took the chance and killed the other creatures… I was so focus on the killing that I didn't
manage to catch Alfonso's essence… If only I…" Said Cerberus with remorse.

"We all feel that way, stop feeling bad about yourself, Alfonso wouldn't want that" Said Demeter.

"That's right, I would feel sad-"


Before Chrono could finish, Cerberus and Demeter shut him down.


[A couple of days later]

Demeter with an apology face was sitting on the ground with Cerberus at her side, in front of them a demon- ups, and
enraged Artemis was looking back at them.
"Do you have anything else to say to excuse yourself?" Asked coldly Demeter.

""No, we don't"" Said both of them.

Artemis touched her head in fury.

"I can understand how you, Demeter, a respected goddess could be such an Idiot!"

"Sorry" Said Demeter.

"Don't 'sorry' me, think about the current situation! How the hell are we going to live with 'that' thing here" Said Artemis
while signaling at her back.

"Hey, calling me that is hurtful you know? I have a name~" Said the person behind her.

Alfonso, aka Chrono, was currently looking at the mirror with a narcissistic look.

"However, I had to admit that I had my doubts about why did you like this kid so much, he is so fragile and his skin is so
white, he almost look like a girl, however, looking closely, the muscles are there and the cane and eye patched give a
savage aura, moreover…"

Chrono took down his pants.

"He is really develop right here, not bad, not bad at all~" Said Chrono.

""SHAMELESSS!"" Shouted both goddesses while covering her eyes.

However, both of them couldn't help but take a small peck between their fingers.

"How pervert~ and you call yourself goddesses~" Said Chrono.

Artemis wanted to say something but her face was totally red and she couldn't say anything, the same went for Demeter.

"Anyway, The fact that the kid will take some time to wake up is a fact, lets enjoy our time together shall we?" Said
Chrono with a smile


"Wahh!" Alfonso open his eyes and the first thing he saw was a brilliant sun.

"What the… how come I am here again!?" Said Alfonso while looking at his sides.

Sand, sand everywhere, and the only thing that one could see was a huge green throne.

"This place… wasn't this place destroyed!?" Said Alfonso.

"No, Chrono just played a bad prank; he is that kind of asshole"

A voice came from behind Alfonso and, when he looked behind him, he saw a man standing by his side, this man was
wearing a huge black cloth that covered all his body, even his face couldn't be seeing.

"Who are you?" Asked Alfonso.

"Just call me shadow, I was asked by Chrono to train you while you are here" Said Shadow.

"Train me?" Asked Alfonso.

"The power of time is omnipotent and endless, however, you use your powers so wrong that is painful to watch, so, we
took the chance to let you enter here, so you can train and conquer the power of time, at the same time, I will use the
memories of the previous owner of this body so we can train your body as well" Said the shadow.

Alfonso wanted to say lot things, however, he analyzed the situation for some time and then he nodded.

"I know my own flaws, until know, if not for my luck, I will be already dead, I want power" Said Alfonso.

The shadow didn't say anything he stood there and turned around.

"A year is a week outside, so we have plenty of time, be prepared, those who seek powers have to sweat blood and
break their own limits, do you have what it takes, Alfonso Lockheart?" Asked the shadow.

Alfonso was surprised for this new information, however, he took a deep breath and thought of everything that has
happen until now, he stood firm on the ground and said

"I am ready, let's begin!" Said Alfonso.

"Then follow me, we have a long way to go" Said Shadow.


"Emperor, the families are already on their way to Dragon City" Said a man in golden armor kneeling towards the man
in front of him.

"Good, let Fernando and the other kids lead the funeral I don't have time to waste since I am in a critical moment" Said
the man sitting in the throne.

"As my emperor wishes, the other princes and princesses are on their way, they all should get here by the end of the
month" Said the man.

"Good, if nothing else, be on your way" Said the emperor.

"Yes, your highness!" Said the man

The man went on his way and the emperor stood there.

"Alfonso, you can meet with your bastard mother in the underworld for all I care, however, since you have my blood on
your veins, I will give you this final farewell, rest in peace, my stupid son"

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192 Protest- part one

It was a usual morning on Wasteland Valley, as usual, 'Alfonso' woke later than usual, surprisingly enough, neither
Demeter or Artemis were at his side. Noticing this, Alfonso smiled and opened his curtains.

"Today is going to be a good day, lets meet with that Leviathan fellow, however, before that, lets meet my cute
daughters" Said Chrono.

He put on his outfit, took his cane and walked to the door, when he opened he saw that Artemis and Demeter were
already waiting for him.

"How come you didn't come to slept with me like always?" Asked Alfonso.

"I sleep with Alfonso, not with you" Said Demeter coldly.

"Nevertheless, you protected me here all night right?" Said Alfonso with a smile.

"We protect Alfonso's body, as for you, you can go die for all I care" Said Artemis.

"Je, cold as always, but I like it, lets go, I want to eat breakfast" Said Alfonso


Usually, everyone eat breakfast together, and today was not an exception, however, the only one eating was Alfonso,
everyone else was seeing him with a strange look.

"Miss Demeter..." Whispered Susana on Demeter's ear.

"What is it?" Asked Demeter.

"Did something happened to dad?"

"... Why do you ask?" Asked Demeter.

"I don't know, something seems off... like... that smiley face of him... dad never makes such a... how do I put it... its
kinda creepy" Said Susana.

Demeter looked back at 'Alfonso' who had this big smile on his face and said back to Susana

"Susana, I cant say why, but, you must trust this that there is Alfonso but, at the same time, isn't, try to stay far from him,
at least for the next three months" Said Demeter.

"What do you mean by that?"Asked Susana.

However, Demeter didn't answer, she resumed her eating and didn't look back at Alfonso.

After breakfast was finished, Alfonso, aka Chrono went to see the freeloader Leviathan who was still sleeping.

"Hey~ wake up" Said Alfonso.

"Ahh... wha... what time is it? its breakfast ready?" Asked Leviathan.

"I want to ask you, are we ready to depart?" Asked Alfonso.

"Ah,ah, yes, yes, its already late, we will depart by night" Said Leviathan.

"Good" Said Alfonso.

He left and Leviathan, with a silly face, went back to sleep.


Just as Alfonso closed the door, two shadows appeared at his side.

"Where do you think you are going?" Asked Artemis.

"I? I am going to my funeral of course, the kid already had plans to go, however, now that he isn't here, I shall go in his
place" Said Alfonso.

"I wont let you, not you,who knows what will you with Alfonso's body"

Said Demeter.

"Ho? and what do you plan on doing to stop me?" Asked Alfonso.

"I wont mind using a little bit of force" Said Artemis.

"Ha! I don't believe so" Said Alfonso.

Demeter wanted to refuted but she backed up.

Alfonso looked at her with a peculiar smile, he passed both and went on his way, Demeter and Artemis, however,
followed behind him.

"This kid has some matters to attend there, there is no way that you will not let me go" Said Alfonso while walking out
of the manor.

"Chrono, dont think that we are helpless against you, in the worst case, I will lock you down until Alfonso wakes up"
Said Demeter.

"If you that, he might take longer than three months to wake up... lets say... a couple of years maybe~?" Said Alfonso
with a playful smile.

"C-H-R-N-O" Artemis pressed her teeth hard.

Alfonso didn't say anything else and walked to the commoners zone, he glanced at the people lives.

"Mortals, spend half of their live building the means to be happy, however, went they get it, they are too old to enjoy it,
I will never get them" Said Alfonso.

"You don't anything about humans, who are you to talk?" Said Artemis.

"Oh, that's where you are wrong, my little child, you see, passing the eternity sitting in the Tartarus is quite boring, so, to
pass time, I like to watch humans and how they evolved, you know, they are super fun and super interesting, I specially
enjoyed the world war two, that guy... I think the was called... Hitler, right? he was a fascinating human, its a shame that
he was, in the end, a human" Said Alfonso.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Demeter.

"Nothing~ just an old man talk" Said Alfonso.

Just as they were walking, a group of people were shouting something on the main plaza


A man in his twenties with a imposing look was shouting to a group of people.

Chrono got curious at this sight.

"What is happening there?" Asked Artemis to a commoner who was passing.

This person was a young man with a delicate face, he looked back at Demeter and Artemis and immediately recognized
their identities, he made a reverence towards Alfonso and said

"They? they are just some fools that group together"

Without knowing it, Alfonso had already got to that group.

Demeter and Artemis felt that something terrible was about to happen and went to stop him.

"LOOK EVERYONE, LOOK WHO WE HAVE HERE!" The man noticed Alfonso went was coming.

Soon, all eyes where focus on Alfonso who had a huge smile on his face.

"It seems that you are doing something interesting, so I came to see~" Said Alfonso.

"You think that we are playing? unlike you, we have to work our asses of just to have something to eat, despite this, you
take our meat and give us money in exchange, money that we cant use in this godforsaken place!" Shouted the man.



The group behind the man also shouted.

Suddenly more and more people came to see what was going on.

Artemis, afraid of Chrono would do something went out and said

"That food isn't just for us, the workers who build your houses, the food that the military eats, the education program,
everyone has to eat, we do this taxes so they can also have something to eat" Said Artemis.

DON'T TRY TO FOOL US!" Said the man.


"You are being unreasonable!" Said Demeter in anger.

"Shall I silence them for good?" Said A voice behind Artemis.

"No, we don't do things like that, Alfonso wouldn't like it" Murmured Artemis.

IDIOTIC PRINCE!" Said the man.

""WELL SAID!"" Shouted the group.

Everyone was speechless, of course, a lot of people talk about Alfonso behind his backs, however, this man was the
first to talk to him like this so directly.

"You can't do anything to me, there isn't a rule that says that I can's speak my mind! Besides, there is a large of group
behind me, he wont do anything reckless or else, he would get on the bad side with the people" Though confidently the

Waiting for an answer the man looked at Alfonso confidently, however, to everyone's surprise, Alfonso didn't make any
expression, his smiling face didn't change from the beginning.

"What about it?" Suddenly said Alfonso.

"Eh?" The man didn't expect that answer.

"I asked you, what if you work like dogs while I eat from your efforts? I am the lord here,I am the law here, I write the
laws and you follow them, it's that simple, so, I asked you once more, what about it?" Said Alfonso.

"I-" The man was surprised once again.

Did he just admit that he is a tyrant? what the actual fuck?

"And one more thing" Said Alfonso.

He suddenly extended his hand and make a gripping gesture.

Suddenly the man, felt that something was wrong.

"What- wha- it hurts" Said the man while touching his chest.

"Who the hell are you to tell me what I can or cant do?" Said Alfonso with a playful smile.

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