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Subject: Electrical and Electronic Measurements

Subject/Course Code: 18EE36 / C206

Module 1

Dec 2018/Jan 2019

1. List the limitation of Wheatstone bridge and explain how low resistance is measured by KDB.
2. With the neat circuit diagram derive the balancing equation for Maxwell inductance –
Capacitance Bridge.
3. A Maxwell’s capacitance bridge shown in fig Q1© is used to measure an
unknown inductance in comparison with capacitance. The various values at
balance, R2=400Ω: R3=600Ω. R4=1000Ω: C4=0.5µF. Calculate the values of
R1 and L1 Calculate also the value of storage (Q) factor of coil if frequency
is 1000Hz.
4. Explain in brief fall of potential method for earth resistance measurement.
5. Describe the working of Schering Bridge. Derive the equation for
capacitance and dissipation factor. Draw the phasor diagram of the bridge under balance
June /July 2018

6. Discuss limitation of wheat stone bridge and explain how low resistance is measured by KDB.
7. For an ac Bridge evaluates unknown impedance in the arm DC when bridge is balanced at 2Khz
with following components in each arm.
a. Arm AB: 10K Ω c. Arm BC: 100µF series with 100K Ω
b. Arm AD: 50KΩ
Detector is connected between B & D.
8. Discuss how capacitance of the capacitor is measured by Schering Bridge.

Dec 2017/ Jan 2018

9. Illustrate with neat sketch, Kelvin double bridge to measure the internal resistance of an
ammeter accurately.
10. The Thevenin’s equivalent voltage of a Wheatstone bridge is 25mV and the galvanometer
current is 20µA. The Resistance of the galvanometer is 50Ω. The ratio arms have resistance of
1000Ω and 5000Ω respectively. Find the value of the standard resistance for which the above
conditions are satisfied. The value of the resistance to be measured is 600Ω.
11. Discuss the fall of potential method of measurement of earth resistance.
12. With the neat circuit diagram, Describe the operation of Maxwell wein bridge . List its merits
and Demerits.
13. Discuss the method of determining capacitance and dissipation factor using how voltage
Schering bridge.

Course Instructor: Mr. Vishwanath G

Subject: Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Subject/Course Code: 18EE36 / C206

June/July 2017

14. With neat sketch, explain the operation of the Megger.

15. The four impedance of ac Bridge are Z1=400∠500 Ω, Z2= 200∠400Ω , Z3= 800∠-500Ω ,Z4=
400∠200Ω. Find out whether the bridge is balanced under this condition or not. Mention the
application and limitation of Whetstone Bridge.

Dec 2016/2017

16. Define the sensitivity of wheat Stones Bridge with necessary circuit diagram. Hence deduce the
expression for sensitivity of bridge “SB”.
17. Explain Source and detectors used in AC Bridges.
18. Derive the balancing equation for Kelvin’s Double Bridge.
19. A sheet of Bakelite 4.5 mm thick is tested at 50 Hz between electrodes 0.12m in diameter. The
Schering Bridge employs a standard air capacitor C2 of 106 p.f capacitance, a non reactive
resistance R4 of 1000/π Ω in parallel with a variable capacitor C4 and non inductive variable
resistance R3. Balance is obtained with C4 =0.5µF and R3= 260Ω. Calculate the capacitance,
power factor and relative permittivity of the sheet.

Module 2

Dec 18/Jan 19

1. Explain the construction and working principle of electrodynamometer wattmeter for the
measurement of power in the circuit.
2. Discuss the constructional features and working principle of rotating type phase sequence
3. A three phase induction motor draws a power input at a voltage of 250V, 20A and 0.8 power
factor lagging :Find percentage error in wattmeter reading if ,
a. Pressure coil is on supply side
b. Current coil is on supply side
c. Assume current and pressure coil resistance =0.2Ω and 5000Ω.
4. Explain the error in a LPF wattmeter and give the adjustments done to compensate for the
5. Explain the working principle of Weston Frequency meter
6. A 250V, single phase energy meter has a constant load of 5A passing through it for 8 Hrs at
0.8pf. If the disk makes 3200 revolutions during this period, what is energy meter constant in
revolution per kilo-watt-hour? Calculate the Pf of the load, if the number of revolution made by
the energy meter is 600, when operating at 250V, 6A for 2Hrs.

Course Instructor: Mr. Vishwanath G

Subject: Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Subject/Course Code: 18EE36 / C206

Jun/Jul 2018

7. Reproduce the errors in 1-Φ KWHr meter and explain how energy meter calibrated.
8. A 1-Φ energy meter operating at normal 1- Φ voltage has a constant load of 4A passing through
it for 6hrs at 0.8 pf. If the meter disc makes 2209 revolution during this period , What is the
meter constant in revolution /Kwhr? Calculate the power factor of the load if the number of
revolutions made by meter is 1472 when operated at normal 1- Φ AC supply at 5A for 4Hrs.
9. Explain the construction and operating Principle of Weston frequency meter and 1- Φ pf Meter.
10. Discuss Phase sequence Indicator
11. A wattmeter has current coil and pressure coil resistance of 0.2Ω and 5000 Ω respectively.
Evaluate the percentage of error in wattmeter reading when load takes 20A, at 250V with 0.8 pf
lag for two methods of connection of wattmeter.

Dec 17/Jan 18

12. Discuss the error and their compensating techniques used in dynamometer type wattmeter.
13. Discuss the constructional Features and working principle of rotating type phase sequence
14. Discuss the construction and working principle of electrodynamometer type single phase power
factor meter.
15. Explain the error in a LPF wattmeter and give the adjustments due to compensate for errors.
16. Explain the working principle of Weston frequency meter.
17. A three phase induction motor draws a power input at a voltage of 250V, 20 A and 0.8 Pf lag.
Find the percentage error in wattmeter reading if
a. Pressure coil is on supply side
b. Current coil is on supply side
Assume current and pressure coil resistance =0.2Ω and 5000Ω.

Jun /Jul 17
18. What are the errors and adjustments in dynamometer type wattmeter?
19. With a neat sketch, explain the operation of Weston frequency meter?
20. A 230V single phase watt-hour has a constant load of 4A passing through it for 6 Hrs at unity
power factor. If the meter disc makes 2208 revolution during this period. What is the meter
constant in revolution per kwh? Calculate the power factor of the load if the number of
revolution made by the meter is 1472 when operating at 230 V, 5A for 4Hrs.
21. Explain the operation of LPF Dynamometer type wattmeter.
22. Explain the working principle and construction of single phase electrodynamometer power
factor meter.
23. Write a note on phase sequence indicator.

Course Instructor: Mr. Vishwanath G

Subject: Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Subject/Course Code: 18EE36 / C206

Dec 16/Jan 17

24. Derive the torque equation of a single phase electrodynamometer type wattmeter?
25. Explain the principle of operation of 10W power Factor wattmeter.
26. If the reading on two wattmeters in 3-phase balanced load is 836 and 224W, the latter reading
being obtained after the reversal of current coil connections, calculate the power PF of the load.
27. Discuss the various adjustments required in energy meter for the accurate reading.
28. A single Kwhr meter makes 500 revolutions per kwhr. It is found on testing as making 40
revolutions in 58.1 seconds at 5KW full load. Find out the percentage error.
29. With the help of neat sketch, explain the construction and working of Weston frequency meter.

Module 3

Dec 18/Jan 19

1. Explain the Construction and theory of instrument Transformer.

2. Explain the characteristics of current transformer.
3. Explain the measurement if magnetizing force (H)
4. What is shunt? How it is used to extend the range of an ammeter.
5. With neat circuit diagram, explain Silsbee’s method of testing C.T.
6. Explain the measurement of leakage factor using search coil.

Jun/Jul 2018

7. Discuss Silsbee’s Method of testing CT

8. What do u mean by shunt and multiplier and derive the expression for shunt and multipliers
9. Discuss how iron losses are measured by using wattmeter.
10. List advantage of instrument transformers
11. Discuss how leakage flux is measured

Dec 17/Jan 18

12. Discuss the procedure used to extend the range of DC ammeter and DC voltmeter using Shunts
and Multipliers.
13. Describe the operation of a current transformer using a phasor diagram. Differentiate a current
transformer from a potential transformer.
14. A moving coil instrument has a resistance of 50Ω and gives a full scale reading of 50 mA
a. The shunt resistance required to increase the range of 200A
b. The series resistance required to use it as a voltmeter of range 0-750V
c. Power consumed in both the cases
15. Describe the operation of potential transformer using equivalent circuit and phasor diagram.

Course Instructor: Mr. Vishwanath G

Subject: Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Subject/Course Code: 18EE36 / C206

Jun /Jul 17
16. Describe with neat sketch measurement of iron loss using wattmeter method.
17. Explain the construction and working principle of a power transformer.
18. Write a note on turns compensation used in current transformer.
19. What are shunts and multipliers? Derive an expression for shunts an multipliers with reference
to the meters used in electric circuit.
20. Explain the measurement of leakage factor using search coil?
21. What is the advantage of instrument transformer?

Dec 16/Jan 17

22. What is shunt? How it is used to extend the range of an ammeter?

23. A moving coil meter gives a full scale deflection with a current of 5mA. If the coil of the
instrument has the resistance of 10Ω, How it can be adopted to work as,
a. Ammeter of range 0~10A
b. Voltmeter of range 0~10V
24. Write a note on turn compensation used in instrument transformers.
25. With neat circuit diagram, explain Silsbee’s method of testing C.T.
26. Explain the wattmeter method of measuring the iron loss.
27. Explain Hop Kinson’s Permeameter.

Module 4

Dec 18/Jan 19

1. With a block diagram, explain the working of a true R.M.S responding voltmeter.
2. With a Block diagram, explain the working of a Ramp type DVM.
3. List the advantage of electronics energy meter over the conventional energy meter.
4. List the performance characteristics of Digital voltmeter.
5. With a neat sketch, explain the principle of working of electronics energy meter.

Jun/Jul 2018

6. List advantage of electronic meters over the conventional meters.

7. Discuss construction and operation of TRUE RMS reading voltmeter.
8. List characteristics of DVM and explain successive approximation type DVM.
9. Explain the principle of operation Q meter and discuss different application of Q-meter
10. List different type of DVM. Explain with Sketch the ramp Type DVM.

Course Instructor: Mr. Vishwanath G

Subject: Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Subject/Course Code: 18EE36 / C206

Dec 17/Jan 18

11. Using a block diagram schematic, Explain the working of an electronic energy meter . List the
draw backs of traditional energy meter.
12. With a neat sketch explain the working of the following.
a. True RMS reading voltmeter
b. Q meter
13. With a neat sketch , Explain the working of the following
a. Integrating type DVM
b. Ramp Type DVM
14. Explain the working of electronic Millimeter.

Jun /Jul 17
15. Explain the operation of true RMS reading voltmeter.
16. Explain with the help of block diagram the function of integrating type digital voltmeter.
17. Write a note on performance parameters of Digital voltmeter.
18. Explain the operation of successive approximation digital voltmeter.
19. With a neat block diagram, explain the principle of working of electronics energy meter.
20. Mention the advantage of electronic instrument over conventional meters.

Dec 16/Jan 17

21. With a Block Diagram, Explain the working of a true RMS responding voltmeter.
22. With a neat diagram, explain the working of electronic multimeter.
23. What are the errors in the measurement of q –factor of a coil? Explain.
24. With a block diagram, Explain the working of a Ramp type DVM.
25. A coil with a resistance of 12Ω is connected in the direct connection mode of Q meter.
Resonance occurs when the oscillator frequency is 1 MH and the resonating capacitor is set at
0.75 pf. Calculator the % error introduced in the calculated value of Q by the 0.02Ω insertion
26. With a neat block diagram, explain the Principle of working of electronics energy meter.

Module 5

Dec 18/Jan 19

1. Explain LED and LCD display

2. Write short note on nixie tube
3. Write a short note on strip –chart recorder.
4. Write a short note on types of segment display
5. With a neat sketch , explain the working of X-Y recorder
6. Write a short note on NULL balance recoders.

Course Instructor: Mr. Vishwanath G

Subject: Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Subject/Course Code: 18EE36 / C206

Jun/Jul 2018

7. Explain why recorders are essential? With Sketch explain X-Y recorder.
8. Discuss with necessary figure i) ECG ii)EEG
9. Write a short notes on i) LED ii) Nixie tube iii) LCD
10. With neat sketch explain LVDT recorder.
11. Write a short note on dot matrix display.

Dec 17/Jan 18

12. With a neat diagram

Jun /Jul 17
13. Explain with a suitable circuit diagram working of an cathode ray tube (CRT)
14. Explain the Principle of operation of galvanometer recorder and state its advantages
15. Write a note on display devices
16. Explain the block diagram of an Electro Cardio Graph [ECG]
17. Write a note on
a. DOT matrix Display
b. Bar Matrix display
18. Distinguish between frequency modulation recording and direct recording.

Dec 16/Jan 17

19. Explain LED and LCD displays

20. Write a short note on nixie tube
21. Write a short note on strip chart recorder
22. With a neat sketch, explain the working of a X-Y recorder.
23. With the help of neat block diagram, Explain ECG machine. Write important features of
ECG machine.
24. Write the feature of EEG.

Course Instructor: Mr. Vishwanath G

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