3 Ways Content Is Changing

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What is up badass…?

Hope your day is going awesome.
I wanted to share a few thoughts & things I have noticed recently that I feel
could benefit you about content production moving into 2020.
1. People continue to devalue content more and more.
With everyone and their brother posting shitty content online thru their IG, FB,
Twitter, Etc…
The average consumer just doesn’t give a shit about what you have to say.
It takes more now to stand out and be noticed.
You need to make better, higher quality, and a higher frequency of content to
stand out.
Yes you can post the super simple raw stuff using just your phone but this is
not the level of quality you need to be at to stand out in today's space (It
takes good editing, story lines, & creativity).
This takes some time to master but the more content you make that sucks
the better you get at making better stuff.
Quantity creates Quality.
2. Everything you want to share has already been done.
Competition is steep.
No matter what industry you are in your idea and system or whatever you call
it is nothing new.
But this is not a reason to not start.
Right now what people are drawn to are people.
Your story, personality, beliefs, & life are what will make you stand out.
So if you want to do that now you must be authentic.
Show everything, state your beliefs, show the world what you are about…
Because this is far more important for your success then your super unique
system lol.
And lastly..
3. Expensive gear doesn’t make a damn but of difference.
You do not need a fancy camera with 20 different lenses to produce your
stuff anymore.
All new phones are equipped with 4k cameras and high resolution HD
Or my personal fave is a Gopro which you can get from $200-400 bucks
depending on the model you choose.
The key point though is this…
When gear doesn’t matter anymore what does?
The story you tell, the value you provide, the style in which you produce the
I look at editing as an extension of my brand.
How I make my pictures look, how my videos flow, and the overall feel and
message of my content is all far more important than a fancy expensive
So you need to get good with what you have.
A phone really is all you need, a gopro is an awesome accessory to your
phone and anything else is just extra or based on your specific needs as a
I believe so strongly in this that I am holding a one day workshop very soon
that will be showing you how to make all your content necessary for social
media with a phone & if you have one a gopro.
Super minimal.
Super effective.
I will be revealing these details very soon.
Talk Soon,
P.S, If you want help producing content this has you covered.
P.S.S. If you struggle with knowing what to post everyday this has you

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