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1) Level 3 evaluation form for TITI training programs (Participant)

Below are questions about the impact on you and your job since participating in
the TITI training program. Thank you, in advance, for completing the
following survey.

Confidentiality Statement: Your responses are confidential and will be analyzed collectively
with other participant responses. Aggregate data are used to provide instructors and course
designers with feedback regarding the quality of the program and the collective benefit to
participants. TITI does not disclose individually identifiable responses.

Please mark only one answer for each question unless otherwise requested.

1. Are you in the same job position that you were in when you completed the TITI
training program about three months ago?

(☐) Same position

(☐) Same position with expanded management responsibilities
(☐) New position with same organization
(☐) Other (please describe):

2. Since attending the TITI training program, have your job responsibilities in your
current job:

(☐) Increased
(☐) Stayed about the same
(☐) Decreased

3. Looking back over the past three months, indicate your level of agreement on the
TITI training program components and their contribution to increasing your job

(☐) Strongly Agree

(☐) Agree
(☐) Neutral
(☐) Disagree
(☐) Strongly Disagree

4. The TITI training program components continue to serve as a resource for me in my
job role:

(☐) Strongly Agree

(☐) Neural
(☐) Strongly Disagree

5. Please let us know the training components of the TITI training program that you
have applied most often on your job.

6. During the last three months, have you had opportunities to apply the information
gained in the TITI training program?

(☐) Yes
(☐) No
(☐) Unsure

7. If yes, please give one or more specific examples of how you applied the information
(e.g., technical or practical work-related issues the information helped you address).
If no, please give us the reason why you could not apply the information gained in
the TITI training program.

8. Looking back, how would you rate the TITI training program in terms of overall
usefulness to you?

(☐) Excellent

(☐) Very Good
(☐) Good
(☐) Fair
(☐) Poor

9. Looking back, how would you rate the TITI training program in terms of overall
usefulness to your organization?

(☐) Excellent
(☐)Very Good
(☐) Good
(☐) Fair
(☐) Poor

10. Looking back, how satisfied are you with your experience in the TITI training

(☐) Very Satisfied

(☐) Satisfied
(☐) Somewhat Satisfied
(☐) Dissatisfied
(☐) Very Dissatisfied

11. Please describe the overall value or impact of this TITI training program on your job

12. Have you recommended the TITI training program to someone else?

(☐) Yes - I have already recommended the training program

(☐) No - But I am likely to recommend the training program in the future
(☐) No - I probably will not

Thank you for completing this survey!


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