Corporal Punishment: Ryeu Angelo SJ. Pike Grade 10 - St. James The Greater

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Ryeu Angelo SJ.

Grade 10 – St. James the Greater

Corporal punishment is a discipline method in which a supervising adult deliberately inflicts
pain upon a child in response to a child's unacceptable behavior and/or inappropriate
language. The immediate aims of such punishment are usually to halt the offense, prevent its
recurrence and set an example for others. The purported long-term goal is to change the
child's behavior and to make it more consistent with the adult's expectations. In corporal
punishment, the adult usually hits various parts of the child's body with a hand, or with canes,
paddles, yardsticks, belts, or other objects expected to cause pain and fear.

Research on corporal punishment has shown that it may be harmful. Many other methods of
discipline are effective in promoting self-control, eliminating undesirable behaviors and
promoting desired behaviors in children. There are people that recommend non-violent
methods of addressing inappropriate behavior in schools, such as behavior management and
school-wide positive behavior supports.

Corporal punishment signals to the child that a way to settle interpersonal conflicts is to use
physical force and inflict pain. Such children may in turn resort to such behavior themselves.
They may also fail to develop trusting, secure relationships with adults and fail to evolve the
necessary skills to settle disputes or wield authority in less violent ways. Supervising adults
who will-fully humiliate children and punish by force and pain are often causing more harm
than they prevent.

What are some positives/advantages of corporal punishment?

Corporal punishment may be divided into three types:

1. Parental or domestic corporal punishment – (within the family) typically, children

punished by parents or guardians;

2. School corporal punishment – (within the school), when students are punished by
teachers or school administrators;

3. Judicial corporal punishment – (as part of criminal sentence ordered by a court of

law), closely related is prison corporal punishment, ordered.

The main advantage to corporal punishment is that it is quick and relatively inexpensive to
administer. The offender learns to associate pain with the bad behavior. In time, hopefully the
negative reinforcement will stop the bad behavior. The punishment is also quickly
administered as paddling, caning, and other types of corporal punishments used all over the
world typically are executed quickly.

Another advantage is that the punishment is simple and transmits the message that the
offending behavior is unacceptable. Small children who do not grasp the ability to use reason
can associate pain with an action and avoid the action in the future. Corporal punishment may
also be used to keep others in line as others do not want the same punishment to happen to
Ryeu Angelo SJ. Pike
Grade 10 – St. James the Greater

The disadvantages outweigh the advantages to corporal punishment. The person may not
associate the punishment with the action and he/she may start to either fear or hate the
punishment administrator. Some offenders may commit the offense anyway as the pain of
corporal punishment is often temporary. Corporal punishment can also cross the line into

Is Corporal Punishment Should Be Reintroduced

All the Yes points:

1. Bad behaviour is on the increase in the classroom
2. There has been an increase in crime
3. There is a lack of father figures in the home
4. Other sanctions have no effect
5. Rights culture need to be impeded
6. It will improve the lives of those who are bullied
7. Swift punishment may prevent bad behaviour later
8. It works!
9. The administration of corporal punishment made us grow up to become responsible
10. It depends on how the actual punishment is administered
11. It makes a direct link between a behaviour and its bad consequences

All the No points:

1. It has been made illegal in so many countries for a reason
2. It increases the rate of crime and violence
3. It has negative psychological effects
4. It is wrong and inappropriate
5. Harms children with genuine behavioural disorders or other disabilities
6. It brings fear in the person
7. It makes the victim hardened
8. It can lead to death
9. For children, action speaks louder than words
10. Many students who misbehave in school come from unstable families
11. Allowing children to be hit sends the message that it is OK to treat children in this

What is Corporal Punishment in Schools?

Corporal punishment in school refers to disciplinary action that is physical in nature and
delivered by teachers or school administrators as punishment for some type of student
misbehavior. Examples of corporal punishment include:

 spanking (usually with an object such as a paddle or stick)

 slapping (on the face or hands is most common)
 pinching (anywhere on the body)

The corporal punishment might be applied in the classroom in front of other students or
privately in the principal's office. Though some abhor the use of corporal punishment in
schools, there are still many people who believe that corporal punishment has a rightful place
in the educational system.

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