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Last October 23rd-25th,2019, we the 5th year Civil Engineering students of Eulogio "Amang"

Rodrigues Institute of Science and Technology with our two professors went to three provinces in the
Philippines. We have an educational tour in some parts of northern Luzon: the Ilocos Sur, Ilocos
Norte and Baguio. The tour was proposed to give the students a chance to experience and to provide
some information. The estimated travel time of our travel agency from manila to Ilocos is 6-7hrs.
Meeting place for the tour was in Savemore, Nagtahan, Manila 9:00pm assembly and departure, we
left Savemore exactly 12:00am.We had a stopover at dulce for a quick toilet break ,grab food and hot
taho on the early morning trip and stretch our legs form sitting too long.We had breakfast at the
Jollibee in Ilocos Sur and took the opportunity to take sunrise and photos of Paoay church. And
continued our travel till we reached Sarrat Solar Power Plant. Sarrat Solar Power Plant, Ilocos Norte
Electric Cooperative, Patapat Bridge Pagudpod the concrete coastal bridge is 1.3km long and is
elevated 31 meters over sea level connects Ilocos Region to Cagayan Valley. Bangui Bay Windmill
this wind farm is recognized as the largest in Southeast Asia and the towers are 60 meters high located
just 10 meters from the sea edge. Then off to Playa Tropical Resort Hotel to rest for the next day’s
trip. After the relaxing night, we witnessed the sun rise. The day was an exciting day because we had
a Team Building Activity. Before the activity was start, we had a buffet breakfast. I would like to start
my team building experience,3 team and each team had 11 members. The members of our team were
very glad to take part in this activity. The objectives of this activity are: to improve team
communication and effectiveness and to have fun.I enjoyed the activity especially the game and the
jingle o our team. After team building activity, we went to Vigan. Vigan Heritage Village(Calle
Crisologo)this was our first stop and one of the top tourist destination, it is a must visit in Ilocos.Our
second stop is Hidden Garden Vigan-Lilong and Lilang restaurant passing through the narrow street
and stopped by a small parking lot, you can't tell where the garden is from the houses along the road.
It really Hidden Garden! Inside we were curious to look closely at bamboo, trees, pots, sculptures and
other plants. After the Vigan experience, we went to Hotel Henrico Kisad sa Baguio for us to relax.
Baguio is not just a cold place, it’s a touristic spot mostly visited by the Filipinos searching for the
refreshing and little bit different environment that they are living in every day’s life. We have a buffet
breakfast in Baguio and after we ate, we attended a seminar conducted by "DPWH Baguio “where the
guest speaker discussion on road maintenance. We checked out after lunch and get ready to another
destination. Our first destination is the Agua Grande Mini Hydro Power Plant. Our final Baguio
destination is the strawberry. The tour is presented to the students of the School of Civil Engineering
with the scope to improve awareness and demonstrate the importance of Engineering Geology. This
tour constitute an important addition to the course of engineering geology, offering to the students the
real scale of geological features and events together with the real scale of engineering structures
Educational Tour Narrative Report

Submitted by: Juliet O. Sayago

Year/Section: BSCE – 5A

Submitted to: Dr. Bryan V. Bantayan


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