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Potential impact of nematode parasitism on nutrient partitioning for wool

production, growth and reproduction in sheep

Article  in  Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture · January 2003

DOI: 10.1071/EA03017


25 67

3 authors, including:

Shimin Liu David G. Masters

University of Western Australia The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation


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CSIRO PUBLISHING Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2003, 43, 1409–1417

Potential impact of nematode parasitism on nutrient partitioning

for wool production, growth and reproduction in sheep

S. M. LiuA,B, D. G. MastersA and N. R. AdamsA

ACRC for the Australian Sheep Industry and CSIRO Livestock Industries,
Private Bag 5, PO Wembley, WA 6913, Australia
Author for correspondence; e-mail:

Abstract. Most ovine studies indicate that protein supply is a key determinant of the ability to mount a strong
immunity-associated response to gastrointestinal parasites. This paper quantifies the demands placed on protein
supply by various physiological states, to determine why this is so. Protein requirements in fast growing lambs and
ewes in late pregnancy and early lactation are substantially increased, amounting to a 1.43-, 0.69- and 2.50-fold
increase in maintenance requirement for dietary protein. Infestation with internal parasites may result in a total net
loss of about 12 g protein/day, which consists of a net loss of about 6 g from the gastrointestinal tract and a further
loss of about 6 g through increased amino acid oxidation in the body. This loss from the infection accounts for about
0.57-, 0.71-, 0.14- and 0.77-fold the protein requirements respectively for body growth, pregnancy, lactation and
wool production, and creates strong competition for protein. Such considerable demands for protein by activation
of immunity-associated response diminishes the animal’s nutrient status in late pregnancy and particularly in early
lactation. The total demand for protein cannot be met by pastures during the reproductive season in Mediterranean
environments, and it is this nutrient deficiency, relative to the demand of sheep, which results in weak immune
responses over these periods. The immunity-associated response requires more protein rather than energy,
particularly sulfur amino acids such as cysteine and probably methionine. Therefore, parasite infection has a more
severe effect on wool- than meat-producing sheep. Body condition of sheep could be a predominant factor in
determining immune status and current intake and quality of pastures needs to be considered to further boost
immunity-associated response. Wool- and meat-producing genotypes, and parasite-resistant sheep in particular,
may have different interactions with nutrition in response to parasite infection. These factors need to be integrated
with anthelmintic treatment to establish an effective strategy to control parasite infection in Mediterranean

Introduction degradation and associated energy consumption enable us to

It is well known that malnutrition and a high susceptibility understand more accurately the competition for nutrients and
to parasitism often occur concurrently. Most studies indicate feed efficiency for production. Estimates based on published
that protein supply is a key determinant of the ability to work and summarised in Table 1 show that protein accretion
mount a strong immunity-associated response to parasite in growing lambs gaining 150 g/day requires 1.43 times the
infection. This paper quantifies the demands placed on metabolisable protein (MP) required for maintenance.
protein supply by various physiological states, to determine Protein accreted in the gravid uterus during the period from
how growth and reproduction can affect immunity. The 119 to147 days of pregnancy is 0.69 times the corresponding
emphasis will also be placed upon analysis of some key maintenance requirement for MP. However, the protein
issues in improving immunity to parasitic infection, synthesis:accretion ratio in the foetus is high, due to a high
including nutritional status of animals, special nutrients for protein turnover rate. For example, the whole-foetus protein
immunity, and interactions between nutrition and genetic fractional synthesis rate can be estimated to be about 25%
selection. per day (calculated from a total synthesis of 63 g/day at
120 days of gestation (Schaefer and Krishnamurti 1984) and
Protein and energy requirements for body growth, gravid a protein content of 244 g (Agricultural Research Council
uterus, lactation and wool growth 1984) compared with a whole-body fractional synthesis rate
Protein metabolism in the tissues that produce animal of 6% per day in growing lambs (Liu et al. 1996). The high
products such as milk or wool provides a basis to understand turnover rate in the gravid uterus implies that energy costs
amino acid competition during growth, reproduction and for foetal growth could be high. Protein secretion in milk at
accompanying wool growth. Protein synthesis and 2 kg/day amounts to 2.50 times the maintenance

© CSIRO 2003 10.1071/EA03017 0816-1089/03/121409

1410 Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture S. M. Liu et al.

requirement. Wool protein at a growth rate of 10 g/day energy retention in the gravid uterus or in wool accounts for
accounts for 0.7 times the maintenance requirement and is only a small fraction (about 0.1 and 0.05, respectively) of the
associated with high rates of protein synthesis in the wool maintenance requirement because of their low fat content.
follicles. In addition, the concentration of cysteine (Cys) plus The MP:ME ratios in Table 1 suggest that the
methionine (Met) in wool protein is 104 g/kg protein, about production-related protein requirement is high relative to
3 times that in the whole body (3.1 g/kg protein (MacRae that for maintenance, so the MP:ME ratio of a diet should be
et al. 1993) and milk (3.3 g/kg protein; Degussa 1996). This increased, particularly for pregnant ewes in late pregnancy.
high demand for Met and Cys accounts for more than half the The lowest ratio is found in growing animals, indicating
absorption of Met and Cys from the diet at maintenance energy is more important for growth.
feeding, and creates a unfavourable profile of amino acids in An analysis of body composition of growing sheep as
the metabolic pool for the remaining body protein synthesis given by the Agricultural Research Council (1984) indicates
if dietary supply is not adequate. that Merino lambs retain more fat at the same liveweight than
The energy accreted in tissue, milk and wool, calculated other breeds during growth (Table 1), but similar amounts of
from protein and fat content, is also presented in Table 1, and protein to other breeds. Therefore, Merino sheep require
the metabolisable energy (ME) requirements are compared more energy to support their weight gains. Possibly Merinos
with the maintenance requirement. In pregnant and dry ewes, have a relatively lower mature weight compared with meat

Table 1. Estimated requirements of metabolisable protein and energy by growing lambs, pregnant and lactating ewes, and wool growth,
and extra costs from infection of gastrointestinal parasites
The requirements are calculated according to the Agricultural Research Council (1984) and Standing Committee on Agriculture (1990)
The efficiencies of protein for maintenance, growth, pregnancy, lactating and wool growth are 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.75 and 0.45, and energy efficiencies
are 0.7, 0.43, 0.13, 0.6 and 0.18 for a diet containing 10 MJ ME/kg dry matter
Protein composition in growth castrates (g/kg) = 0.2028 LW (kg)–0.1045
Energy composition in growth castrates (MJ/kg), non-Merinos = 0.022 LW (kg) 0.821 × 39.3 MJ/kg + 0.2028 LW–0.1045 × 23.1 MJ/kg, and for
Merinos = 0.0144 LW (kg) 0.024 × 39.3 MJ/kg + 0.2028 LW–0.1045 × 23.1 MJ/kg (derived from the Agricultural Research Council 1984)
Milk energy (MJ/kg) = 0.0329 fat (80 g/kg) + 0.0025 days of lactation (20 days) + 2.203 = 4.885 MJ/kg.
The net cost of protein for infection is estimated to be 12 g/day; the energy cost for protein synthesis = protein accretion (g/day) × 23.1 kJ/g + protein
synthesis (g/day) × 5.4–7.2 kJ/g, plus 5.7–3.6 kJ/g for degradation of protein (Lobley 1994a); an efficiency of 0.7 is used to convert the net protein
and energy costs to metabolisable protein and energy

Growth (20–40 kg, Pregnancy (gravid uterus, Lactation (milk, first Wool growth (dry greasy
castrates) single, 119–147 days) 3 weeks) wool, 3-year-old sheep)
Liveweight (kg) 30 50 50 50
Tissue accretion 150 g/day 96 g/day 2 kg/day 10 g/day
or product output
MP for maintenance (g/day) 21 35 48 30
MP for productionA (g/day) 52 46 142 22
Total MP (g/day)B 73 81 190 52
ME for maintenance (MJ/day) 5.1 6.8 6.8 6.7
MP for productionA (MJ/day) 7.4 5.1 17.5 1.3
Total ME (MJ/day)B 12.5 (14.0)C 11.9 24.3 8.0
MP:ME ratio
MP:ME for maintenance 4.1 5.1 7.1 4.5
MP:ME for accretion 4.9 (3.9)C 6.3 7.4 17
Overall MP:ME ratioB 5.8 (5.2)C 6.8 7.8 6.5
Estimated extra costs from parasite infection
MP (g/day 17 17 17 17
ME (MJ/day) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Overall MP:ME in infected sheep 6.8 7.7 8.2 7.8
Including wool growth.
Total MP and ME for growing, pregnant and lactating animals include 22 g MP and 1.3 MJ ME for 10 g wool growth/day, and they are also included in
calculation of the overall MP:ME ratios.
Merino sheep in parentheses.
Impact of nematode parasitism on nutrient partitioning Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 1411

breeds, and have higher fat content at the same body weight. during the period from 5 to 7 and 11 to 13 weeks of infection
Merinos also deposit more protein for wool growth so the with T. colubriformis and these changes vanished by
overall protein:energy ratio may not differ significantly from 18–20 weeks of infection (Yu et al. 2000), possibly because
other breeds. the nature of the immune response had changed. Differences
between sequestration and oxidation, which accounts for Leu
Effects of parasite infection on protein metabolism used for protein synthesis, did not alter during infection.
Direct measurements of changes in protein and energy Fractional synthesis rate (FSR) of protein, measured as direct
metabolism associated with the immune responses, incorporation of an isotope into tissue protein, was
including both metabolic rates and mass changes in the unchanged in the small intestine of guinea pigs infected with
immune system, would help to understand nutrient T. colubriformis and N content of the intestinal tissue relative
partitioning and competition during parasite infection. to liveweight increased (Symons and Jones 1983). These
However, defining and measuring the total mass of the results indicate that FSR in the GIT may change depending
immune system is difficult. Some analyses of the chemical on a period of infection, probably increasing during the
composition of the immune response, indicating the major period of development of immunity. An increase in amino
nutrients required by the system, are briefly outlined below acid oxidation in the GIT would certainly reduce its
in order to compare the cost of immunity with the costs for availability to the peripheral tissues.
body growth, reproduction and wool growth. A recent study using multi-tracers revealed that the GIT
oxidises essential amino acids in a differential manner and
Changes in the rate of protein turnover in response to
not all essential amino acids are necessarily oxidised by the
parasite infection
GIT (Lobley et al. 2003). The GIT of sheep oxidised Leu and
Whole-body changes. The effect of parasite infection on Met, but not Lys and Phe. Oxidation of Leu and Met by the
whole-body protein turnover can be indicated by the amino GIT accounted for 25 and 9%, respectively, to their
acid irreversible loss rate (ILR). If the nutrient intake is whole-body oxidation, reducing their net appearance across
controlled at the same level in both infected and uninfected the portal-drained viscera by 23 and 11%, respectively
animals, the ILR indicates the availability of an amino acid (Lobley et al. 2003). Parasite infection enhanced Leu
from both gastrointestinal absorption and breakdown of oxidation, as mentioned above, but reasons for this increase
body protein. Infection of the small intestine with are not clear. Met oxidation could also be stimulated by
Trichostrongylus colubriformis did not significantly affect parasite infection, probably during the first pass across the
ILR of leucine (Leu; Yu et al. 2000), valine (Val; GIT as indirectly indicated by reduced Met ILR (see above).
Bermingham et al. 2000), tyrosine (Tyr; Jones and Symons, The catabolised Met can be used for synthesis of Cys or
1982) or phenylalanine (Phe; Hoskin et al. 2002) when feed spermidine and spermine. Cys is a substrate for the synthesis
intakes were controlled to be similar in infected and of many compounds involved in development of immunity
uninfected sheep. The ILR of Met (Liu et al. 2002) and Cys (Grimble 2002). Spermidine and spermine are associated
(Bermingham et al. 2000) were reduced by 13–15%, but this with the proliferation rate of cells, and their concentrations
was not statistically significant. Cys ILR per unit nitrogen in the jejunum of sheep were significantly increased by
(N) intake tended to decline by 8–17% depending on stage of parasite infection (S. M. Liu et al. unpublished data)
infection (Hoskin et al. 2002). The lack of any significant indicating an increased demand for Met. Although our
change in the ILR of Leu, Val and Phe at the same intake knowledge of utilisation by the GIT is limited to only a few
level implies that the degradation rate of the body protein amino acids in uninfected sheep (Lys, Leu, Met, Phe, see
was not altered by infection, or that degradation rate may Lobley et al. 2003), and even fewer amino acids in parasite
have increased to compensate for the decreased absorption, infected sheep (Leu, Yu et al. 2000; Cys and Val,
whereas the reductions of the ILR of Met and Cys are likely Bermingham et al. 2000), it may be concluded that amino
resulted from reduced absorption from the gut. Therefore, acid profiles across the GIT are changed by the infection.
parasite infection does not alter the whole-body turnover However, at this stage it is not possible to give a quantitative
rate, but tends to change the profiles in the free amino pool description on changes in all the important individual amino
of the body by affecting availability of some amino acids acids.
from the gastrointestinal source. Liver and other tissues. Liver protein FSR was increased
Changes in the gut. Most changes in protein and energy by parasite infection in the small intestine of sheep when
metabolism attributable to internal parasites occur in the compared with pair-fed uninfected animals, while total liver
gastrointestinal tract (GIT) where it is generally accepted N content declined or remained unchanged and albumin FSR
that protein synthesis increases for repairing damaged increased (Symons and Jones 1975; Jones and Symons
tissues. Arterio-venous difference techniques showed that 1982). Increase in FSR of liver protein has also been
Leu sequestration by the whole GIT in Suffolk crossbred observed in guinea pigs infected with T. colubriformis
lambs increased by 24%, while Leu oxidation also increased (Symons and Jones 1978).
1412 Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture S. M. Liu et al.

The effects of parasite infection on protein turnover in the indicated by urea concentration in plasma). Leu oxidation in
lymph nodes and the spleen of sheep have not been reported. the GIT of sheep infected with T. colubriformis was
The abomasal lymph nodes of Merino hoggets (about 63 kg) increased (Yu et al. 2000). Urinary N excretion in Scottish
weighed 1.8 g in uninfected sheep and increased to 7.0 g in Blackface lambs infected with Haemonchus contortus was
sheep infected with T. colubriformis for 18 weeks (S. M. Liu higher compared with their pair-fed controls (Abbott et al.
et al. unpublished data). In 10-day-old chicks protein 1985). It is not very clear why oxidation is increased during
synthesis in the thymus was increased by 18–42% and in the infection, and it is speculated that an imbalance of amino
spleen γ-globulin synthesis was 21–52% higher 2–6 days acids related to Cys deficiency could be one of the reasons.
after chicks were immunised with sporulated oocysts of a Increase gluconeogenesis from amino acids by the liver may
mixture of Eimeria tenella and E. acervulina; protein be another reason (Campbell 1999). Changes in some
synthesis at the infection site in the intestine rose by 22–36% hormones, such as cortisol and insulin, may also be involved
(Mishin et al. 1982). These responses may be a short term in increased catabolism (Adams and Liu 2003). Prichard
reaction to coccidial infection, which may differ from et al. (1974) found that plasma cortisol concentration rose
chronic responses to continuous challenge with nematode and insulin levels fell at the time sheep became anorexic and
larvae. lost weight when infected with T. colubriformis.
Muscles. In response to infection with T. colubriformis In summary, the costs of immunity-associated response to
muscle protein synthesis was similar to that in uninfected, parasites may be estimated as follows:
pair-fed sheep (Symons and Jones 1975; Jones and Symons (1) Replacement of protein loss from the GIT, including
1982). Total N content of muscle was reduced in infected leakage of plasma proteins, sloughing of epithelial cells and
sheep, indicating a substantial increase in protein secretion of mucoproteins. The extra costs caused by
degradation in muscle in response to parasite infection. parasitism can be estimated from a range of sources and
Recent measurements of arterio-venous differences across information: these include 1.2–0.9 g N/day during weeks
the hind limbs showed that the net flux of amino acids was 8 to 14 of infection with T. colubriformis (Kimambo et al.
not affected by infection with T. colubriformis for 48 days 1988); 1.5 g ileal N plus 0.9 g plasma protein N/day in lambs
(Bermingham et al. 2002), suggesting no change in protein (Poppi et al. 1981); 0.5–1.2 g N/day (0.44 g enteric plasma
turnover in the muscle. These results indicate that protein N loss/day in uninfected sheep) depending on severity of
synthesis rate in skeletal muscle is not altered in response to infection (Steel et al. 1980), or about 1 g plasma N/day loss
parasitic infection, while degradation rate may increase. with Ostertagia circumcincta infection (Symons et al. 1981).
Protein synthesis in wool follicle homogenate declined in On average, 1 g N/day, equivalent to a net loss of about
sheep infected with a single dose of 60000 T. colubriformis 6 g protein/day seems probable, although this may change
larvae (Symons and Jones 1975). with stage of infection.
(2) Costs related to changes in the GIT metabolism. As
Interactions between nutrition and parasitism/immunity — discussed above, gut FSR does not increase but oxidation of
analyses and suggestions amino acids does. Small-intestinal infection increased Leu
Possible changes in nutrient demands in parasitised oxidation by 2.7 mmol/day (Yu et al. 2000), equivalent to 6
animals. In order to understand nutrient partitioning during g of all amino acids assuming that Leu in plasma accounts
infection, the overall detrimental effects of parasitism on for 0.06 of total amino acids (calculated from arterial
production must be separated from the effects of reduced concentrations, Lobley et al. 1996) and the other amino acids
feed intake, and the effects that are caused directly by are oxidised in the same proportions as Leu by the GIT.
activation of the immune response per se. The latter can be Poppi et al. (1981) reported an extra 1–1.5 g N lost from
determined by comparing uninfected sheep pair-fed to urine in lambs infected with T. colubriformis which is very
infected animals. close to the estimated 6 g increase in amino acid oxidation in
Symons and Jones (1975) compared Merino × Border the GIT.
Leicester sheep infected with Trichostrongylus with Components (1) and (2) are equivalent to about 12 g
uninfected pair-fed sheep. While there were no significant protein/day, and represent a net cost because they are not
differences in muscle and liver protein synthesis, the weight recycled. It should be emphasised that the protein loss could
gain of infected sheep was 14% lower, plasma urea vary with the stage and level of parasite infection, parasite
concentration 26% higher, and total muscle N was species and organ affected, and quantitative relationships
significantly lower (28%). These results suggest that between the nutrient loss and the development and
immunity-associated response (or pathophysiological expression of immunity to infection should be defined when
reactions) to larval challenge can result in a loss of more information is available. Other demands for amino
productive performance over and above that caused by a acids include increased synthesis of γ-globulin and other
reduction in food intake. The immunity-associated loss immune proteins, although these may be recycled. Recycling
seems to be related to increased oxidation of amino acids (as of proteins will increase losses from oxidation, but this loss
Impact of nematode parasitism on nutrient partitioning Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 1413

may have been accounted for in increased amino acid A ration that contains 0.1 lupin seeds, 0.2 barley and
oxidation described above. Some extra energy will be used to 0.7 oaten hay gives a MP:ME ratio of 7.1 g/MJ. The
support this recycling. estimated MP:ME ratio provided by pastures comprising
The net cost of 12 g protein for the immunity-associated 15% capeweed, 15% clover and 70% grass in a
response can be converted to a MP requirement using an Mediterranean climate from February to May (autumn) is
efficiency of 0.7, assuming a similar efficiency for both body estimated to be about 4.6 g/MJ (R. Dynes pers. comm.).
protein gain and immunity associated-protein synthesis. There is therefore a significant deficiency of protein for
Therefore 17 g/day of additional MP is needed which is reproduction if autumn lambing is arranged to be in May.
equivalent to 0.57, 0.71, 0.14 and 0.77 of the MP When rain comes and green pastures start growing, MP:ME
requirements for growth, late pregnancy, early lactation and ratio of pastures increases to 7.2–8.9 g/MJ as green growing
wool production respectively (see Table 1). These pastures contain relatively more protein and also relatively
calculations indicate that the protein costs of development high proportions of capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) and
and expression of an immunity-associated response to clover (Trifolium subterraneum, R. Dynes pers. comm.).
internal parasites will result in a strong competition for However, because of low pasture intake, a deficiency in the
nutrients between the immune response and production. This energy supply from green pastures in late autumn, and in
is particularly so in late pregnancy and early lactation, since both energy and protein in late summer and autumn (Allden
the estimated MP requirements for immune activation plus 1981) is likely to compromise the ability of parasitised sheep
production amount already to about 1.2 and 2.8 times to gain weight or grow wool.
maintenance. Such high demands for protein could not be The protein:energy ratio is helpful in determining dietary
matched by pastures in late summer and early spring in protein requirements. However, using the ratio may also lead
Mediterranean environments, and would effectively reduce to a misunderstanding of energy needs in parasite infected
the animal’s nutritional status. The deteriorating body animals. Both total energy intake and protein:energy ratio
condition during late pregnancy and early lactation is should be simultaneously taken into consideration. There are
accompanied by a relaxation of immunity and consequent two reasons for this. The level of energy intake affects
increase in faecal egg count (Adams and Liu 2003). A protein utilisation, and protein efficiency (accretion/intake)
protein deficit is apparently more critical to immunity than is positively related to non-protein energy intake (Miller
an energy deficit by the end of pregnancy since ewes are 2002). A low level of energy leads to more amino acids being
highly responsive in wool growth and weight gain to oxidised to satisfy energy demand and more dietary protein
rumen-protected protein supplementation in late pregnancy being required to retain the same amount of body protein.
(Masters and Mata 1996). Therefore, energy should be provided as much as possible to
ensure protein is used efficiently.
Protein or energy
The energy cost for the synthesis of 12 g protein is about Body conditions and current feed intake
0.36 MJ, or 0.51 MJ ME (see note with Table 1 ), less than Malnutrition and a high susceptibility to parasitism often
5% of the daily ME requirements (Table 1), and includes the occur concurrently, making it difficult to resolve cause and
energy value of the protein (23.1 kJ/g) per se, which is effect relationships between the malnutrition and parasite
released when amino acids are oxidised and used by the infection (Koski and Scott 2001). A relaxation of immunity
body. On the other hand, there will be some energy seems to be triggered by a severe nutrient deficiency,
consumption related to degradation of these proteins, which possibly through hormonal mechanisms. However, a
is usually about half of that utilised for protein synthesis subclinical infection can still be established in sheep fed
(Lobley 1994b). Overall, an estimated 5% increase in ME ad libitum with a good diet providing 62 g MP/kg and
requirement seems reasonable. There is no evidence that 8.5 MJ ME/kg, and loss of the productivity (weight gain and
changes in fat deposition are associated with activation of the wool growth) gradually occurs after 10 weeks of challenge
immune system. The extra energy requirements to cope with with parasitic larvae (S. M. Liu et al. unpublished).
parasitism and increased immune function are not expected Conceptually, it has been well accepted that body condition
to be as significant as the demands for additional protein. affects susceptibility to infection. However, quantitative
The consequence of changes in demand for protein and relationships between the changes in the body condition,
energy by immunity-associated response are that the development of immunity and parasitological epidemiology
MP:ME ratio required would be further increased to 6.9, 7.9, have not been fully described. These relationships have to be
8.3 and 8.1, respectively, for growing, pregnant, lactating and defined for developing guidance to parasite control.
wool-producing animals. Such a high protein:energy ratio Comparing relationships between body condition, feed
can be provided by feeding legume hays (for example, intake and susceptibility to infection is important,
lucerne hay provides a MP:ME ratio greater than 10 g/MJ), particularly in late pregnant — early lactating ewes. During
but not by feeding grass hays (generally less than 6 g/MJ). protein depletion, tissues with high turnover rates such as the
1414 Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture S. M. Liu et al.

gut and skin lose their protein reserves more rapidly than sequences of various mucins (mouse and humans), as shown
tissues with low turnover rates (e.g. muscle, Adams and Liu in the protein database of the National Centre for
2003). When animals undergo a sub- to super-maintenance Biotechnology Information. These concentrations of Cys are
cycle the proportional loss and gain of splanchnic tissues is 2–4 times higher than for other body tissue proteins (about
of higher magnitude than the proportional loss and gain of 2–3%, except for wool protein). Cys is also used in the
liveweight and the changes in the small intestines seem to be synthesis of acute-phase proteins, leucocytes and
attributed to the changes in the epithelium while the weight glutathione. Both Cys and glutathione (GSH) are required in
of muscular layers remains constant (Ortigues and Doreau the biosynthesis of the inflammatory mediators, leukotrienes
1995). Reduced protein mass in the gut mucosa is likely to C, D and E and some cytokines (Grimble 2002).
impair development of local immunity, although directly Supplementation of 2 g/day cysteine to Romney sheep
experimental confirmation of the relationship between the infected with Haemonchus contortus and T. colubriformis
epithelium mass and the magnitude of immune response has increased peripheral eosinophilia and abomasal globular
not been reported. A relaxation of immunity occurs during leukocyte counts, both of which have effector roles in
this period while feed intake is usually increased, though not combating parasites, during the infection period of 3 weeks,
enough to meet nutrient demands as indicated by negative indicating that extra Cys can improve certain aspects of
energy and protein balances (Adams and Liu 2003). This immunocompetency in sheep (Miller et al. 2000). Although
suggests that the body condition in reproductive period it is expected to be high, the actual consumption of Cys for
would be predominant factor responsible for immunity these compounds is still unknown and there is no reported
relaxation. quantification of mucins excreted in uninfected and infected
Young lambs in Mediterranean environments are often animals, or of the inflammatory mediators.
susceptible to parasite infection. This usually occurs during Metabolism of amino acids that have been studied in
summer and autumn when pasture supply is reduced sheep infected with parasites include Tyr, Leu, Phe, Val, Cys
substantially and lambs usually gain little or even lose and Met and of these, the latter 2 seem to be most affected
weight. There is no doubt that the body condition of animals with whole-body ILR declining by 13–15% (Bermingham
deteriorates, which accompanies with a high susceptibility to et al. 2000; Liu et al. 2002). Hoskin et al. (2002) observed
parasitism. Coop and Kyriazakis (1999) proposed that when that Cys ILR per g N intake declined by 8, 14 and 17% in
feed supply is limited, nutrients are partitioned in a priority weeks 4, 8 and 12, respectively, of infection with
order of maintenance of body protein, protein gain, T. colubriformis, compared with the pre-infection period,
expression of immunity and gain of body lipid. Young and daily abomasal supplementation of 2 g Cys/day partially
growing animals not gaining in liveweight are not expressing reduced the magnitude of the decline. Consistent reports of
their genetic potential for body growth and may be reduced Cys ILR with infection indicate a preferential use of
considered to be in a state of nutrient deficiency. It can be Cys by the immune system and a reduction in the availability
envisaged that the highly parasitic susceptibility is resulted
of this amino acid for tissues. A reduction of Met ILR is
from nutrient deficiency. An improvement of nutrition by
attributed to an increased conversion of Met to Cys through
supplementation can greatly affect the expression of
the transsulfuration pathway, supporting the high demand of
immunity of growing animals as reviewed by Coop and
Cys during infection. The reduction in Cys and Met ILR
Kyriazakis (1999). The body condition is the result of a
without a change in the other amino acids suggests that either
long-term plane of dietary intake. In young growing animals,
absorption was reduced or oxidation of these 2 amino acids
the level of body condition and the required body growth rate
is increased disproportionately to the other amino acids. In
that indicates a nutrient supply sufficient to satisfy the
addition, there is a reduced absorption of Met from the GIT
requirement for both body gain and immune response is
as indicated by lower Met available in the mesenteric vein
unknown. Clarification of the relative importance of body
compared with levels in the artery, hepatic and portal veins
reserves v. current intake for immune development is needed
and the vena cava of infected sheep (Liu et al. 2002).
to develop effective nutritional strategies for young animals
Glutamine (Gln) is another amino acid that is considered
with parasitism.
to play an important role in maintaining immune function. It
Special demands for some amino acids by the immune system also serves as a major energy source for the GIT. The
Requirements for specific amino acids may be estimated significance of Gln to protein and energy metabolism and
from the chemical composition of immune components and production has been reviewed recently (Lobley et al. 2001).
the nutrient demands to maintain the system. It has been However, quantitative data on changes in Gln demand by the
suggested that the Cys requirement for immunity-associated immune system have not been reported. Recent work (Reeds
responses may be high, possibly due to the very high et al. 2000) demonstrates that dietary glutamate, not Gln, is
concentration of Cys in mucins, a component of mucus. a major energy contributor to the gut mucosa of fast growing
Indeed, Cys accounts for about 4–9% of amino acid pigs, and its functions apparently differ from those of arterial
Impact of nematode parasitism on nutrient partitioning Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 1415

Gln. If this applies in sheep, the function of glutamate in system, including T-cell function. It is also an antioxidant, a
local immunity of the gut warrants study. substrate for synthesis of some inflammatory factors,
The GIT is the tissue directly affected by nematode provides Cys to tissues and also affects the redox potential of
parasite infection. The impact of the infection on host the tissue. All these functions may be related to development
nutrition depends, at a large extent, on the responsive of strong immunity or resistance in the GIT.
magnitude of the GIT over and above its ‘basal’ metabolism, Parasites secrete proteases (e.g. cysteine protease, serine
and the changes related to the inflammatory responses from protease) to hydrolyse surface proteins, haemoglobin,
the infection. The GIT preferentially takes up essential fibrinogen, collagen and immunoglobulin G (Rhoads and
amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, Leu, Lys, Phe, Thr and Val Fetterer 1995), presumably for their amino acid source.
being studied) from the arterial supply and the lumen of the Surface proteins containing free thiol groups are more likely
tract, according to amino acid concentrations of its protein to be attacked by the proteases compared with their
(MacRae et al. 1997), and the partitioning of sequestrated corresponding disulphides, so surfaces with disulphide
amino acids either to protein synthesis or to oxidation differs crosslinking are possibly more resistant to proteolytic
significantly between amino acids (Fuller and Reeds 1998; digestion (Papanastasiou et al. 1997). Resistant sheep also
Lobley et al. 2003). It is not clear how this kind of preferable excrete high levels of mucins from the GIT (G. E. Lobley
use changes with parasite infection, particularly with an pers. comm.), probably leading to increased demand for Cys.
inflammatory response. More information is essential to On the other hand, nutrient costs directly related to tissue
optimise nutritional strategies for production in parasitised damage by worms per se would be less because of lower
animals. worm egg output and worm burden in resistant genotypes. So
the overall changes of protein and energy demands in worm
Interactions between immunity and genetics resistant and susceptible sheep may be similar, but Cys and
Wool and meat type sheep. Responses associated with Met requirements by resistant sheep would be higher. Wool
immunity to parasites demands more protein relative to growth rate could be reduced if immunity requires more
energy, similarly to the nutritional physiology of wool sulfur-containing amino acids. Consistent unfavourable
production. It can be expected therefore that there is strong correlations between faecal egg count (FEC) and fleece
competition between the immune response and wool growth, weight in Romney sheep (Morris et al. 2000) and Merino
particularly in wool-producing genotypes which grow more sheep (Eady et al. 1998) support this speculation. The impact
wool totally or per unit skin area and so require more protein. of genetic selection for low FEC on the nutritional status of
Protein accretion in weight gain is similar between breeds sheep is poorly understood and may be important in
(Agricultural Research Council 1984). A high demand of determining whether breeding for resistance can be
Cys for wool protein synthesis draws disproportionately on universally recommended (Adams and Liu 2003).
Cys and Met from the total body amino acid pool and creates There seems to be an interaction between the capacity of
a relative deficiency of Met. Because of this, efficiency of sheep to resist parasites and the level of nutrition, and good
protein utilisation for weight gain in wool-producing sheep is nutrition is required to maintain strong resistance. This was
likely to be lower than in meat type sheep and parasitic observed in Scottish Blackface lambs (Stear et al. 2000)
infection would be expected to have greater impact in the where relatively resistant sheep on a normal diet
former at the same protein intake. This expectation has been supplemented with urea allowed fewer larvae to establish,
demonstrated by (Abbott et al. 1984) where the level of and a combination of relatively resistant sheep and
anaemia, hypoproteinaemia and pathophysiological changes nutritional supplementation appeared most efficient at
following H. contortus infection were more marked in controlling infection. In contrast, in a recent review on the
Merino compared with Scottish Blackface lambs. To manage influences of nutrition on pathophysiological changes
this impact more dietary protein will be required by wool resulting from infections with Haemonchus in Scottish
producing sheep. Blackface, Finn Dorset, Hampshire Down and Merinos,
Worm resistant v. susceptible sheep. If the resistance of Coop and Kyriazakis (1999) concluded that resilience can be
sheep to worms is attributed to stronger immunity-associated improved more by nutrient supplementation in susceptible
responses, then the concomitant nutrient costs of the sheep, whereas in relatively resistant sheep the improvement
responses will be high. The level of specific nutrients, for was more marginal. Further investigation is needed to
example Cys, Met and Gln, would be more important than determine whether this conclusion can be applied to
the overall level of protein and energy. Our recent experiment infection with other parasite species.
(S. M. Liu et al. unpublished data) showed that
worm-resistant sheep had lower blood GSH concentrations Summary
during infection with T. colubriformis compared with Infestation of the small intestine with internal parasites
susceptible sheep at the same level of dietary intake. GSH is may result in a total net loss of up to 12 g protein/day,
involved in a number of regulatory steps of the immune resulting in a strong competition for protein. This
1416 Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture S. M. Liu et al.

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