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When people learn of a good looking young man spending most of his time in community
service, they ask a big WHY with all the facial works. People think it is a complete waste of
time, right?


Jeremy Layug, Jeremy to most of his friends and fans, is one man who had decided early in life
that he is a ‘people-person.’ He had dedicated his talents, time and efforts to serving others. He
found being with other people more of an asset than a liability.

Nurse Gone Bored

At the time when Nursing was the ‘in course,’ Jeremy joined hundreds who believed that the
course is where the green pasture is, initially to fulfill the wishes of his family and eventually to
seek foreign employment. However, the call of being with people started whispering to his ears.
Jeremy then thought he was not for the white uniform and began trekking a different path after
finishing Practical Nursing.

He found history appealing because it is the study of culture which may be equalized with, you
guessed right – people. He fancied Asian history because of its rich and interesting tales, which
goes without saying includes development of man. Again, this did not sustain his drive to excel.
He was searching for a deeper meaning from his interaction with people. He knew he has yet to
find the purpose which will make him calm and at peace.

The Road to Damascus

Just like people who seek happiness and contentment, Jeremy continued his journey, following
the voice which remained in his senses. Finally, manna! Jeremy got converted to become a
Renewed Christian and developed into a people-magnet.

“The only really happy people are those who have learned how to serve.” – Rick Warren, The
Purpose Driven Life: What Am I Here For?

Jeremy, as earlier mentioned, wants to be with people. The phrase “like to serve people’ is an
understatement. He lives for others. He found serving people more fulfilling than any
professional title he may always acquire anywhere anytime.

Even in high school, Jeremy thought that his destiny was for the arts. In fact, in San Luis, Tarlac,
he was a soloist in the choir while also being involved in dance and in theater. He thought he had
to share his talents and skills with other people to be able to reach their hearts.
The Bridge to Fame

To connect with these hearts, he saw an opportunity too good to pass – the World Championship
of the Performing Arts 2016. Yes, Jeremy was a delegate to the prestigious competition and what
a better decision to join as this was his greener pasture!

Jeremy bagged the highest award any delegate from the Philippines can receive in the
Competition. He was the Overall Finalist! His winning piece – Bridge Over Troubled Water.
Also, he won silver medal in the gospel song category with his rendition of We Are the Reason.

Even with his performance, his choices are geared toward others. “Bridge…” is about being a
lean-on post for anyone who is agitated, problematic and of course, troubled. He put more than
his 100% to his performance not because he primarily thought of the award but most importantly
because Jeremy’s mantra is ‘make sure when you sing, you make people happy.’

When asked in the interview of his dream project, he thought of releasing a single or album
which would sell and proceeds of which will help fund a benefit project for a people cause. He
has vowed to better his craft to be of service to his community in Bulacan where he gives glory
to God through his melodies. He wishes to wax a single via a duet with no less than his idol,
Brian McKnight. In fact, most of his worship songs follow the style of McKnight in a more
calming way.

Proverbial Talent

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.

Jeremy’s guide to living – from Proverbs Chapter 3, is one which makes him truly a link not just
to distressed people but to anyone who wants to discover the pasture that is greener than any rich
and famous land.

Jeremy’s purpose transcends even his own presence. His drive toward other people makes him a
sought after talent and performer not only because of the great gift he shares but more because of
his tremendous effect in his audience. No genre will best contain his vocal power, whatever he
sings, his voice will always find its home.

With all these, Jeremy indeed is a “bridge over troubled water because he will ease your mind!”

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