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USN 10SCE252

Ph.D./M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research Degree Examination, April / May 2014

Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions.

1 a. Discuss the characteristics of operational data store with its design and implementation
issues. (10 Marks)
b. With a schematic diagram, explain the working of a general data ware house architecture and
explain any two major data warehousing components. (10 Marks)

2 a. List the general guidelines for implementing a data warehouse. What is the most important
step in implementing a data warehouse? (10 Marks)
b. Explain the star scheme technique of modeling a data warehouse, with an example.
(08 Marks)
c. Mention the types of Meta data that is maintained in a data warehouse. (02 Marks)

3 a. Define slicing and dicing operations. (04 Marks)

b. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of a stem and leaf plot with respect to a
standard histogram. (06 Marks)
c. List and describe the characteristics of OLAP systems. (10 Marks)

4 a. Mention any four real world examples that describe the activities of a data mining task.
(04 Marks)
b. What kind of tasks is data mining suitable? Discuss. (06 Marks)
c. Suppose that you are employed as a data mining consultant for an internet search engine
company. Describe how data mining can help the company by giving specific example of
how techniques, such as clustering, classification can be applied. (10 Marks)

5 a. Given the following set of four transaction :

Transaction ID Items
101 1, 3, 4
102 2, 3, 5
103 1, 2, 3, 5
104 2, 5
Find the frequent item sets (1-item frequent, 2 – item frequent and so on) for the above
transaction with minsup = 0.5. (10 Marks)
b. Given the following set of four transactions in market basket model.
Transaction ID Items - bought
01 Milk, Bread, Cookies, Juice
02 Milk, Juice
03 Milk, Eggs
04 Bread, Cookies
Build a frequency pattern (FP tree). (10 Marks)

6 a. Describe the operation of a simple perceptron and multilayer perceptron. (10 Marks)
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b. What is a decision tree? Explain 103 algorithm for building a decision tree. (10 Marks)

7 a. What is Clustering? Briefly discuss the different types of clusters. (12 Marks)
b. What are outliers? Explain its use with an example. (08 Marks)

8 a. What is web data mining? In what situations can web data mining technique be useful?
(04 Marks)
b. Describe web content mining. List the major differences between the conventional searching
and web searching. (06 Marks)
c. Describe sequential mining technique, with an example. (10 Marks)


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