U 4factors Affecting Media Selection

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Factors affecting Media Selection:

Following are the main considerations in media selection

1) Nature of product: product to be advertised can be industrial /technical product or consumer
product. Industrial and technical products can be better advertised in specific trade journals and
magazines. Consumer products can be better advertised through mass media such as television,
newspapers, outdoor advertising etc.

2) Nature of customers: an appropriate media plan must be considered in its type, no. of
consumers, for whom the advertising is to be done. Different consumers differ in the age group,
sex, incomes, personality, educational level, attitude etc.

3) Distribution of products: if the product is to be distributed locally or regionally then media

with local coverage and reach should be considered like local newspapers, cable-network. If the
product is to be distributed on national level, then media with national coverage will be suitable.

4) Advertising objectives: The main objective of every advertising campaign is to get favorable
response from customer, but the specific objectives can be different. If the objective of
advertising campaign is to get immediate results then fast media of communication such as
newspapers, banners, pamphlets will be considered.

5) Nature of message: if the message is informative in nature, then newspaper will be suitable. If
ad-message is to persuade consumers then they need to be given emotional appeal, rational
appeal, demonstration of product, then television is suitable.

6) Size of ad-budget: if amount of advertisement budget is more, then costly media like television,
national dailies, and popular magazines can be selected.

7) Media reach and coverage: such media should be selected which has wider reach and can
cover out target customers.
8) Media cost: advertiser should compare the cost of each media by considering the no. of
audience covered by such media. It is possible that a media seems to be costly, but if it can cover
large no. of audience, then cost per audience will be less.

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