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Volume 24, 1997
© CSIRO Australia 1997

An international journal of plant function

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Aust. J. Plant Physiol., 1997, 24, 381–387

Stomatal Responses to Leaf-to-Air Vapour Pressure Deficit

in Sahelian Species

João P. MarocoAC, João S. PereiraB and M. Manuela ChavesB

Department of Botany, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4238, USA.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Tapada da Ajuda, Lisboa, Portugal.
Corresponding author; e-mail:

Abstract. Stomatal response to leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit (LAVPD) was studied in the annual
arid zone C4 grasses Schoenefeldia gracilis, Dactyloctenium aegyptium and Eragrostis tremula and in
the C3 species, convolvulus, Ipomoea pes-tigridis and Ipomoea vagans. Stomatal responses to LAVPD
were consistent with the drought survival strategies adopted by the different species. In drought resistant
species (S. gracilis, I. vagans and I. pes-tigridis) stomatal conductance showed a negative response to
increasing LAVPD whereas, in drought escaping species (D. aegyptium and E. tremula), stomatal
conductance was independent of LAVPD. These observations suggest that resistance to drought was
associated with stomatal closure as LAVPD increased, thus reducing the negative effect of a higher
evaporative demand on water use efficiency, whereas in drought escaping species stomata showed no
response to increasing evaporative demand in the atmosphere.

Keywords: C4, C3, stomatal conductance, leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit, drought, water-use efficiency

Introduction deficit (LAVPD)*(Grantz 1990). Although it was suggested

Semiarid climates are characterised by rainfall irregular that peristomatal evaporation mediated this response in a
both in distribution and intensity. It is not unusual in semiarid kind of feedforward response (Raschke 1975; Farquhar
climates for more than 10% of the annual rainfall (generally 1978; Jarvis and Morison 1981; Sheriff 1982; Dai et al.
less than 600 mm/year) to fall in a few hours and for the next 1992), it is now accepted that the responses of stomata to
changes in air humidity are in fact the response to changes
shower to occur only after a few weeks. Between rains there
in the rate of transpiration (Mott and Parkhurst 1991;
is, consequently, frequent atmospheric drought (i.e. a high
Schulze 1994). It was suggested that localised water deficits
evaporative demand in the atmosphere) even when soil water
in the mesophyll rather than peristomatal water loss might
reserves are considerable. Plant survival under these
be responsible for that response (Schulze 1994), but other
environmental conditions has evolved mainly through two
mechanisms may be involved. For example, Kerstiens
different ‘strategies’: (1) drought escape: completion of the
(1996) suggested that cuticular transpiration might interact
life-cycle after a significant rainfall and before the onset of with such local water deficits in determining the stomatal
the dry season (generally in less than 100 days); and (2) response to LAVPD.
drought resistance: restricting water losses during droughts In spite of considerable evidence showing that stomata
(for a review, see e.g. Turner 1986). tend to close with increasing LAVPD in most plant species
Restricted water loss arises mainly from anatomical (Schulze and Hall 1982; Grantz and Meinzer 1990; Aphalo
morphological adaptations such as highly cutinised and Jarvis 1991), there are apparently some species with
epidermis or leaf rolling (for reviews, see e.g. Begg 1980; non-responsive stomata (see Ludlow 1980; Sheriff 1982;
Berry and Downton 1982) and through stomatal function Bunce 1988). Indeed, the extent of stomatal responses to
(for reviews, see e.g. Ludlow 1980; Schulze 1986). Stomatal LAVPD shows strong variation dependent on species and
closure under low-humidity atmosphere or soil is an early growth conditions, especially air humidity (Kawamitsu et al.
and quick response to drought (Cowan 1977; Ludlow 1980; 1993), water stress (Tewolde et al. 1993; Schulze 1994),
Schulze 1986). It is accepted that the ambient air humidity light (Grantz et al. 1987) and phenological stage (Jones
variable sensed by stomata is the leaf-to-air vapour pressure 1992). Non-stomatal responses of photosynthesis to LAVPD

*Abbreviations used: A, net CO2 assimilation rate; A/gs , intrinsic water use efficiency; A/E, instantaneous water use efficiency; Ci, intercellular
CO2 concentration; E, transpiration; gs, stomatal conductance; LAVPD, leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit; WUE, water-use efficiency.

10.1071/PP96062 0310-7841/97/030381
382 J.P. Maroco et al.

have also been reported (e.g. Sharkey 1984; Bunce 1988). fertiliser per m3 (15:11:13:2 plus Micronutrients, Osmocote, JLV,
However, Dai et al. (1992) presented evidence that the Lisbon). Maximum daily natural irradiance in the greenhouse was
observed results might be artifacts and that the variations in 502 ± 47.8 mmol m–2 s–1, daily temperature range averaged
photosynthesis under varying LAVPD could be accounted 20–35°C and relative humidity varied between 15 and 85%. The
for by changes in stomatal conductance (gs). plants were watered every 2 days to keep a pre-dawn leaf water
Due to its functional significance in intrinsic (A/gs) and potential of –0.50 ± 0.2 MPa throughout the growing period.
instantaneous (A/E) water use efficiency (Cowan 1977;
Gas Exchange
Comstock and Ehleringer 1993), stomatal response to
LAVPD has been a topic of current research (Grantz 1990). Gas exchange measurements were made with a Walz Compact
As stomata control the diffusion of CO2 and water vapour, Mini-Cuvette system with the GK-022 measuring chamber (Heinz
Walz Gmbh, Effeltrich, Germany) on recently fully expanded
their responses to atmospheric evaporative demand (that is
leaves. At the time of the measurements plants were entering the
to leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit), are fundamental in
flowering stage. This phenological state was chosen because the
controlling the efficiency (and opportunity) of CO2 plant responses to drought at this stage are essential to survival (see
assimilation regarding water losses. Farquhar et al. (1980) e.g. Fischer and Turner 1978; Myers et al. 1992). LAVPD responses
and Cowan (1982) suggested that stomatal responses to were taken at ambient CO2 ('350 ppm) and at the optimal leaf
LAVPD are oriented towards photosynthetic optimisation of temperature for photosynthesis and stomatal aperture previously
transpiration. However, in semiarid climates, where dry air determined and shown to be within the natural range of
is not necessarily accompanied by soil water shortage, temperatures of this species habitat. These leaf temperatures were
stomata closing at high LAVPD might be ecologically chosen to avoid factors other than LAVPD that would be limiting
disadvantageous. If stomata close in response to a dry for stomatal aperture and carbon assimilation. For example, if the
atmosphere (i.e. to a high LAVPD, which is especially leaf temperature was higher than the optimum for photosynthesis,
frequent in semiarid climates between rainfalls) opportunity e.g. in the C3 plants, the decrease in the photosynthetic rate and the
increase in Ci might interact with the stomatal response to LAVPD.
for photosynthesis might be lost when there is still enough
Leaf temperature was measured with a thermocouple and the upper
water available in the soil to ensure normal transpiration leaf surface was perpendicularly irradiated with constant saturating
rates. This should be particularly detrimental for ‘drought PPFD provided by a ‘L-400 special light fiber optics’ (Heinz Walz
escaping’ plants that have to fulfill their life-cycle before the Gmbh, Effeltrich, Germany). LAVPD variations in the cuvette were
onset of the dry season. On the contrary, for ‘drought obtained by varying air humidity in the inflow measuring gas,
resistant’ plants, stomata closing at high evaporative demand assuming water vapour saturation for intercellular spaces at leaf
in the atmosphere could be an efficient mechanism to restrict temperature. Humidity of the measured gas flow was tracked by
water losses and save available soil-water for further growth high-precision dew-point mirrors in a CNF-400 bypass flow
(Davies and Pereira 1992). control unit (Heinz Walz Gmbh, Effeltrich, Germany). Dew-point
In this work we studied the stomatal responses to LAVPD of the inflow measuring gas was kept constant by a flow of dry air
of both drought escaping Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) to compensate transpiration. With this system, constant LAVPD
was achieved 3–5 min after changing initial conditions. Net CO2
P. Beauv. and Eragrostis tremula (Lam.) Steud. and drought
assimilation (A), transpiration (E) and stomatal conductance to
resistant Schoenefeldia gracilis Kunth, Ipomoea pes-tigridis
water vapour (gs) were calculated on-line by the Walz data analysis
L. and Ipomoea vagans Baker found in the Sahel (Grouzis program Diagas (ver 2.16) which uses the von Caemmerer and
1988; Elberse and Breman 1989). The ecological Farquhar (1981) general gas exchange formulae.
implications of these responses on water-use efficiency and Four measurements were made in different plants of each
drought survival ‘strategies’ will be discussed. The data species both with sequential increase and decrease of LAVPD.
presented suggest that stomata which are non-responsive to Readings were taken after steady-state gas exchange rates were
LAVPD are associated with drought avoidance ‘strategies’ achieved (30 – 40 min after LAVPD change). The curves were
while stomata responsive to LAVPD are an important obtained in 2.5 – 3.5 h during daytime (both in the morning and in
component of drought resistance. the afternoon). Standard exponential, power and polynomial
functions were fitted to observed gs, A, E, A/gs and A/E responses
Materials and Methods to LAVPD by least-squares best fits, squared correlation
coefficients and analysis of residues.
Plant Material
The Sahel dominant C4 grasses Schoenefeldia gracilis Kunth, Results and Discussion
Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) P. Beauv. and Eragrostis tremula
(Lam.) Steud. and the C3 convolvulus Ipomoea vagans Baker and Typical gas exchange responses to LAVPD for both C3
Ipomoea pes-tigridis L. were obtained from seeds collected in and C4 plants similar to those observed by e.g. Morison and
Dahra-Djollof, Senegalese Sahel (15°238N,15°308W). Seedlings Gifford (1983) were observed in I. vagans (Fig. 1a), a
were grown in a temperature controlled greenhouse in Lisbon typical ‘drought resistant’ C3 plant (Grouzis 1988). Stomatal
(38°428N, 9°118W) in 12.5 cm diameter pots (7.4 L vol.) filled with conductance (gs) increased with decreasing LAVPD in a
a 1:1 sand-peat mixture and fertilised with 1 kg of commercial power type function (explaining 76%*** of total variance).
Stomatal Responses to Leaf-to-Air VPD 383

The changes in net photosynthesis could be to a large extent explained by changes in gs (63%***). Stomatal opening as a
(86%***) accounted for by the variation in gs. Although the result of LAVPD changing from 25 to 15 Pa/kPa, caused an
increase in gs by lower LAVPD promoted a higher A, the abrupt increase in transpiration which was lost as the
increase was less than proportional to the increase in gs, evaporation driving force decreased with further reductions
suggesting that at high conductances the importance of in LAVPD. At high LAVPD, gs decreased more than
stomatal limitation to photosynthesis decreased. This might proportionally as compared to A, leading to high intrinsic
be explained by an increase in resistance to CO2 diffusion WUE (A/gs). This reflects an efficient stomatal control of
due to increased collisions with water molecules (Nobel water losses by this species. As for the instantaneous WUE
1991) and by the uncoupling of mesophyll carboxylation (A/E), the highest values were recorded at both high and low
capacity from stomatal conductance, when the stomata are LAVPD. However, while for high LAVPD the high A/E was
fully open at very low values of LAVPD. Therefore, as due to stomatal control of gas exchange at low LAVPD, the
LAVPD decreased, intrinsic water use efficiency (A/gs) high A/E arose passively as a result of the low evaporative
decreased. The increase in instantaneous water use demand on transpiration. Therefore, I. pes-tigridis should be
efficiency (A/E) as LAVPD decreased was achieved by a particularly efficient in water use for CO2 assimilation under
passive reduction in E, due to the reduction in the the extreme conditions of air humidity (high and low).
evaporating ‘driving force’ and by the increase in CO2 Furthermore, the morphological characteristics of the leaves
uptake as a result of the opening of stomata. of this species, namely dense epidermal hairs, help to
Gas-exchange responses of I. pes-tigridis to LAVPD were prevent water loss from leaf surfaces at high evaporative
similar to those observed in I. vagans (Fig. 1b). In this demands (Berry and Dowton 1982; Bòlhar-Nordenkampf
species stomatal behavior showed, however, a clear and Draxler 1993). The shading of the leaf surface caused by
hysteresis with a greater stomatal sensitivity to LAVPD these morphological characteristics could also help to
during the closing phase (increasing LAVPD) than during the prevent other stresses, namely high temperature and high
opening phase (decreasing LAVPD), as reported for other light, on the photoassimilatory apparatus.
species (Barradas et al 1994). The gas-exchange response to LAVPD of S. gracilis
Assuming that stomatal closure at high LAVPD resulted (Fig. 1c) was also compatible with this species ‘drought
from local water stress in the mesophyll cells, possibly not resistance’ behaviour (Grouzis 1988; Elberse and Breman
detectable if xylem water potential were measured (Schulze 1989) as discussed above for the C3 convolvulus species.
1994), this hysteresis might result from one or two Stomatal conductance increased exponentially with
mechanisms. One possibility would be a lag in rehydration decreasing LAVPD (R2=0.93**), with the observed variation
of the guard cell complex after the lowest LAVPD was in A being satisfactorily explained by gs responses
reached. This might be more important if the hydraulic (R2=0.59*). However for this species, intrinsic WUE (A/gs)
conductance within the leaves is low. Another possibility tends to be constant for low and medium LAVPD. As for the
would be the persistence of ABA in the guard cell instantaneous WUE (A/E), the highest values resulted from
environment after stomatal closure. It is possible that there the passive reduction of E as LAVPD decreased. The strategy
might be a release of ABA from the mesophyll cells of S. gracilis under water stress seems to result in water
associated with the local water deficits (Slovik and Hartung saving rather than keeping a high instantaneous water use
1992). The redistribution of ABA would serve to keep the efficiency.
stomata closed after reaching a low LAVPD rather than Both ‘drought avoiding’ species E. tremula and
inducing the stomatal response to LAVPD (Kerstiens 1996).
D. aegyptium (Grouzis 1988; Elberse and Breman 1989)
Moreover, Hartung and Slovik (1991) modelled the effects of
lacked stomatal sensitivity to LAVPD (Figs 1d and 1e).
increasing LAVPD in ABA concentrations in the guard-cell
Indeed, the best fitted power function for E. tremula and
environment and concluded that these concentrations may
exponential for D. aegyptium’s gs response to LAVPD
increase after exposure to dry air and that, if LAVPD is low
enough, it would take some time for [ABA] to return to the explain less than 10%ns of total variability, showing no effect
initial values. Even though this would explain the observed of LAVPD in the stomatal function. As suggested by Sheriff
hysteresis in stomatal response to LAVPD, this hypothesis has (1982) for Tradescantia virginiana which responds weakly
not been clearly proven. Differences between species to LAVPD when the plants are well watered (Schulze 1994),
regarding the hysteresis response might therefore result from high hydraulic conductance in the leaves could at least in
differences in hydraulic properties of leaf tissues or in part compensate for the evaporation losses from the
sensitivity of the stomata to ABA. mesophyll and prevent the occurrence of localised water
Most of the variation in stomatal conductance for this deficits. For the species studied, a high proportion of thin-
‘drought resistant’ species was explained by LAVPD wall bulliform cells (for D. aegyptium) and high vascular
(94%*** and 98%*** for increasing and decreasing LAVPD density (for E. tremula) (data not shown) could lead to the
respectively) with an abrupt reduction in gs for LAVPD high hydraulic conductance of leaves and the absence of
greater than 20 Pa/kPa. The variation in A was satisfactorily response to LAVPD. Indeed, thin cell walls in opposition to
384 J.P. Maroco et al.

thick cell walls (more suberised cell walls) have higher stomatal conductance in dry air, others were non-sensitive to
hydraulic conductivity according to Sheriff (1982). It makes LAVPD changes. We may speculate that these stomatal
sense as it is known that more-suberised cell walls have responses to atmospheric humidity are compatible with the
fewer plasmodesmatal connections (symplast transport) and drought survival strategies postulated for the Sahelian
the higher thickness of the cell wall reduces water transport species studied. For the ‘drought resistant’ I. vagans, I. pes-
efficiency (by increasing the length of the apoplastic tigridis and S. gracilis, stomatal closure in response to
pathway). It is possible that, as found in other species, water increasing atmospheric drought reduced soil water usage,
stressed leaves show a greater sensitivity to high LAVPD
preventing rapid exhaustion of soil moisture reserves.
(Schulze 1994).
Besides other morphological adaptations (such as dense
Intrinsic WUE of both species (D. aegyptium and
epidermal hairs or leaf rolling) this stomatal behaviour
E. tremula) was independent of LAVPD as A also had no
response to this atmospheric variable, as could be expected might restrict soil-water usage enabling a sort of
if direct, non-stomatal effects of LAVPD on photosynthesis feedforward response to the occurrence of drought.
do not occur (Dai et al. 1992). Increasing instantaneous Although opportunities for carbon uptake may be lost at
WUE with decreasing LAVPD was, thereafter, explained times when soil moisture might provide enough water for
satisfactorily (more than 57%** for both species) by the ‘normal’ transpiration flow, this strategy would insure plant
reduction of transpiration due to the decreasing evaporation survival until the next rain and, therefore, the fulfillment of
driving force as LAVPD decreases (Figs 1d and 1e). The the longer life-cycle of these plants.
response of these species to atmospheric drought seems to The strategy of ‘drought escaping’ species, E. tremula
rely only on a passive response of transpiration to the and D. aegyptium, which have the C4 type of photosynthesis,
LAVPD. This should not be necessarily an ecological would be to make maximum use of the available soil
disadvantage. Stomatal functioning of E. tremula and moisture in order to maximise their carbon assimilation so
D. aegyptium seems oriented for maximising gas exchange that they can complete their life cycle before the onset of
independent of atmospheric dryness. This is compatible with soil-drought. Even though we have not studied the responses
a full usage of soil-water resources and the fulfillment of the
of stomata to air humidity under soil water stress, we may
life cycle after a significant rainfall and before the onset of
speculate that stomatal insensitivity to LAVPD, and stomatal
soil-drought, and it may be supported by a high growth
closing only in response to soil water depletion, could be
potential at early stages of life of these C4 species (Maroco
1995). If stomata closed in response to a high evaporative hazardous if the next rainfall were to occur too late in the
demand in the atmosphere, the opportunity for carbon season. Other characteristics found in these species, like
assimilation would be lost even when the soil reservoir was seed dormancy requiring intense rainfall to leach out the
able to insure a normal transpiration flow, which is usually inhibitory substances (Maroco 1995), might prevent
the case between rainfall events. Stomata closing at high germination when the rainfall is not enough to insure plant
LAVPD could indeed be disadvantageous for completion of growth and development. These seed characteristics, as well
the life-cycle before the real onset of the dry-season. as other morphological responses such as leaf rolling, can
Although we did not measure non-stomatal transpiration, compensate for stomatal insensitivity to high LAVPD by
it is plausible to assume that this alternative pathway of reducing transpiration and preventing lethal dehydration at
water loss might play a role in stomatal responses to high times of very high evaporative demand. It must be
LAVPD. As suggested by Kerstiens (1996), the degree of emphasised, however, that the stomatal non-responsiveness
stomatal sensitivity to LAVPD may correlate with cuticle to high LAVPD of well watered plants would ensure a
permeability. Whereas species with higher cuticular water competitive advantage over other species for minerals, light
permeance may have more sensitive stomatal responses to
and water.
LAVPD, less permeable cuticules would lead to lower
stomatal sensitivy to the LAVPD (Kerstiens 1996). This may
explain the lack of sensitivity of both D. aegyptium and Acknowledgments
E. tremula, where more cutinised epidermal cells were To Drs T. Nolan, J. Connoly and Agronomist C. Shall for
observed (Maroco 1995), comparatively to the other species logistic support in seed collecting and to Dr M. E. Poulson
in this study (unpublished observations). and two anonymous reviewers for the critical review of the
manuscript. This work was financed by the EU Project,
Conclusions Contract Nr. TS3-CT93-0202. Financial support to one of us
This paper shows two contrasting responses to (JPM) was provided by a scholarship from the ‘Junta
atmospheric humidity (sensed as LAVPD): whereas some Nacional de Investigação Cientifica e Tecnológica’
species showed the more usual pattern of decrease in (Contract No: BM/3112/92-IE), Lisbon, Portugal.
(a) Ipomoea vagans (b) Ipomoea pes-tigridis (c) Schoenefeldia gracilis (d) Eragrostis tremula (e) Dactyloctenium aegyptium

Stomatal Responses to Leaf-to-Air VPD

Fig. 1. Stomatal conductance (A), net photosynthesis (B), transpiration (C), intrinsic WUE (A/gs ) (D) and instantaneous WUE (A/E) (E) response to LAVPD. Different symbols refer to
different plants. Open symbols, measurements made with decreasing LAVPD; closed symbols, measurements made with increasing LAVPD. (a) I. vagans measured at 27.7 ± 0.0°C leaf
temperature, 1157 ± 3 mmol m –2s –1 PPFD and pre-dawn leaf y = –0.3 ± 0.1 MPa. Solid line, best fitted power function as described in Material and Methods. (b) I. pes-tigridis measured
at 26.1 ± 0.0°C leaf temperature, 1178 ± 19 mmol m –2s –1 PPFD and predawn leaf y = –0.3 ± 0.1 MPa. Solid line, best 3rd-order polynomial function as described in Material and Methods.
(c) S. gracilis measured at 29.8 ± 0.1°C leaf temperature, 1459 ± 6 mmol m –2s –1 PPFD and predawn leaf y = –0.6 ± 0.2 MPa. Lines, best fitted 2nd-order polynomial function as described
in Material and Methods. (d) E. tremula measured at 34.0 ± 0.1°C leaf temperature, 1182 ± 12 mmol m –2s –1 PPFD and pre-dawn y = –0.5 ± 0.1 MPa. Solid line, best fitted power
function as described in Material and Methods. (e) D. aegyptium measured at 30.2 ± 0.1°C leaf temperature, 1477 ± 6 mmol m –2s –1 PPFD and pre-dawn leaf y = –0.4 ± 0.1 MPa. Solid
line, best fitted exponential function as described in Material and Methods.

386 J.P. Maroco et al.

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