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Republic of the Philippines

Region II – Division of Isabela


Email Address:
Contact No. 0916-512-6664


Portal for Maximized Teaching-Learning Outcomes

Learning Resource Management and Development System of Quezon National

High School was introduced and immediately organized upon the mandate of DepEd Memo
number ___ series of ___, thus, requiring all schools to have a coordinator for the school
Year 2015-2016.

As a response to the invitation to a meeting of school heads and coordinators of

LRDMS on August ___ , the school head, Mr. Joel Antipolo together with the LRDMS
Coordinator, Mrs. Marietta C. Regino went to Cabagan, Isabela. Listening to the lectures
of the Provincial LRDMS focal person, Dr. Acosta guided us on the know-how for the
implementation of this new upscaling means of education.

It was understood that there is a ready website to provide resources for a more
productive teaching-learning engagements on condition that teachers must have their own
e-mail accounts for accessibility. On the other hand, teachers who have created their
learning materials on their own may also upload these in the portal for others’ reference as
it is open to all.

In school, the LRDMS Coordinator, together with the Subject Area Chairpersons
had a consensus on the issue of identifying resources needed in the disciplines of their
concern. They agreed that working together as one department will ease the work and will
lead to a more focused endeavor on spotting competencies that need to be enhanced by the
use of varied learning resource materials which can be crafted by the teachers themselves
sourcing out references from the LRMDS portal. Subsequently, they met the teachers in
their respective disciplines to come up with the identified needed materials.

From the output of the department meetings, the School Learning Resource Plan
was crafted.

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