Benefits of English Language Learning in Elementary

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Benefits of English Language Learning in Elementary

We all know that English is used internationally. It means that people who come from diverse
backgrounds goegrafi, religion and culture have had an agreed media to communicate with
each other, namely English. So if you want insightful and knowledgeable then the English
language is something that is very important to learn.

English gave leeway as possible to us to dissolve into the public part of the global
community of the world. Even in certain areas English is absolutely indispensable. Therefore,
it is fitting for us as teachers to introduce the English language to students from an early age.
With the right method to learn English will be fun that will add insight in their playing.

English in primary schools is a local content, but it is very useful to them in this era of
globalization. Policies include English as a local content SD is a step forward. When
children graduate from primary school into higher education, the English language is not
foreign anymore.

According to Vice Chairman of Commission D of Parliament of Bandar Lampung Albert

Alim said removal of subjects in English in 2013 in the primary school curriculum brings
adversely affecting education in the area. When referring to the development of education in
the city of Bandar Lampung, he was worried students would be less fluent in English.

"We hope the policy of the Ministry of Education and Culture was revised. English Education
at the primary level should not be abolished. Very sad, in every country competing to be the
universal state, Kemendikbud delete it in English," he said yesterday.

In other cities : Reaction to the rejection of the plan the Ministry of Education and Culture
(Kemendikbud) removing subjects of English language education curriculum Elementary
School (SD), is becoming widespread in Bali. Not only educational and academic observers
who threw his opposition, representatives in the City Council Commission D Denpasar also
perform a similar rejection.

Because the removal of English from elementary school curriculum assessed as a step
backward for the nation of Indonesia in the international level of competition in an
increasingly competitive. In addition, removal of the English language is not in line with the
characteristics of Bali which is now a popular tourist destination in the world.

If Kemendikbud keep removing English lessons, so it asked the Denpasar Government

retains the subjects taught in elementary school education. The trick, the subjects could be put
in charge of local subjects. '' After all, English is still to be taught from an early age because
of the ability to speak English is very important for the younger generation.

However, it also remains to be accompanied by a commitment to optimize learning

Indonesian as the national language and mother tongue as the language of Bali Balinese
people,'' he said.
Entering the era of globalization or better known as the free market, requires each
individual to prepare a reliable resource, especially in the field of science and technology. To
know that, it takes adequate knowledge in the face of competing demands of a globalized
world closely. Here the role of the English language is very important in mastering the
science of communication and interact directly with the global world. By giving English
lessons to elementary school children, children will be more to know about the global world,
with one language, namely English, children can travel the world, because the English
language has been used in different countries, though as a second language after the official
languages in each country. Benefits of learning the English language may not be so
noticeable when the child is still in elementary school, but it will be very useful for the future
of the child, to continue to pursue education beyond, because the child was getting lunch in
elementary school.

English is a language that is very important in the international world, especially in the
current era of globalization. English is used to communicate with other people in different
countries. By mastering the English language, With the introduction of English in primary
school, then the student will know and understand the English language early. So, they will
have a better knowledge base before proceeding to a higher level of education. A teacher can
provide supplies for students to master the English language that it can provide a more open
opportunity to develop themselves in order to obtain a better chance to compete jobs and
careers in the future. English has become a crucial tool for continuing education, employment
and social status.

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