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Assignment No. 3

Section: A

Assignment 3 - Environment

Submitted to:

Sir Salman Zaheer

Submitted by:

Uzair Uddin 15052005017

DATE: 24-03-2019
Question #1
A. The author is discussing the different ways the concept of PEST is written and explained. It has no limit
where we hear the variation of PESTLE as an extension of the original four letter model. The ground
reality is that the additional variations are mostly covered in the original model in some way or the
other with the most visible example of the addition being legislative which is covered under the
heading of political. In the same way, demographics and ethical points are covered in social and
political headings respectively. The four point perspective model is more appealing and easier to
understand while implementing for a strategic point of view. The additional headings are somehow
more of a contribution to under the primary headings for strategic purposes. The author is intrigued
by the number of variations available for this model and is interested in seeing more of them.
In the end, he also asks the readers to give their own variations if they have seen any and also
shows one last variation which indicates that there is no end to the possibilities in this model and its

Word Count: 189 words

B. PEST serves a strategic purpose for assisting in decision making and business development decisions.
It encourages the individuals or a group to think on their feet rather than depending on the same old
solutions expecting different outcomes. The PEST grid helps analyze all the issues on hand to draw a
clear picture of the market and assist in making the decision accordingly. PEST best serves its purpose
when there is a decision to be made from a particular standpoint.
SWOT is used preferably after PEST to help identify the issues on hand with respect to the idea or
business in discussion. It also covers some of the factors which would be covered in PEST indicating
that there is an overlap over factors in the two models when applied. It is used to either analyze your
own business or understand a competitor on how things are being operated and what can we do to
make them better.

Word Count: 157 words

Question #2
This article talk about the many ways we can live our daily lives while being efficient in our consumption
of goods and services which will ultimately be on par with the teachings of Islam and serve the rest of the
humanity. The most important thing that this article highlights is the fact that Allah tells us that we should
not waste resources and only keep enough for ourselves that we can utilize to live a happy life and not
more as that will lead us to wasting resources. The biggest example of this the food that is cooked in the
household where we mostly have food that expires and we are prompted to throw it away instead of
which we could have simply just cooked the right amount for everyone in the household and give out the
rest to the poor or our neighbors.

The second most important lesson discussed here is related to water consumption where our Holy
Prophet has guided us to shower by using a limited quantity of water which is enough for us to take a
proper bath.

As per our Prophet (PBUH), it is recommended to use 5 liters of water to perform ghusl which will help us
a lot to save water.
Moreover, we should eat healthy by eating the home grown food rather than eating fast food of
5 star restaurants which have to send their secret recipes across the globe and make huge profits on it.
We should also make a habit of walking daily to perform our activities for example, when we go to work,
which in some cases, on foot by travelling an average of 4-6km will keep us extremely healthy. Another
way to build a habit of walking is by travelling to the masjid 5 times a day to offer our daily prayers.

Additionally, we should invest in installing energy savers for lighting in our houses and use the air-
conditioning on an average temperature of 26 so we can save electricity. These few steps can all be
combined to reduce overall pollution in the world. It seems small but if at least 50% people in a city start
taking these reforms, they can truly make a big change and ultimately take the form of communities of

Lastly, we should be inclined to eat more vegetables as they consume fewer resources to grow
and are extremely god for our health. We should do this without compromising on beef related products
as they are equally important even though they need more water and gas to make them edible to eat. All
these things will ultimately bring a huge change in our lifestyle when we begin taking care of ourselves
things around us by also throwing the waste products in the garbage cans and reduce fewer plastic bags.
We need to care for our environment that we live in to live a prosperous and healthy life.

Word Count: 514 words

Question #3
The ideology that buying more or consuming more leads to happiness is a fuss. People need to realize that
the multinationals are just trying to lure us into buying more from them to make them more profits while
the truth of the matter is we do not even need 90% of the things that we purchase. The marketing of
these products are so aggressive that we are inclined to believe that these products and services are our
need whereas the reality is that they are nothing but a want and demand. Since, we all have a smartphone,
we need to have an app that acts as our daily budget checklist so that we know what we spent our money
on daily and how many of those things are something we truly need. In the modern era, we are also
encourages to shop online so that we have more options to buy from but, the truth is that this is just a
way to lure in buyers so that they can offer them things that would never even use more than once.

In the end, the most important things we need to keep in mind is that we should only buy things
as per our needs and minimalize our wants, keep a digital checklist and buy from our local shops so that
we know what we are buying and pay for it straight away.

Word Count: 233 words

Optional Question – Dangers of Fast Foods

Fast food is a huge danger to health. Our lives have become so busy that we prefer eating while on-the-
go which leads us to unhealthy eating habits. These eating habits if turned regular can become highly
dangerous as they lead to a number of diseases that can cause death. The biggest problem with fast food
is the consumption of high number of calories which is the root cause of obese in the people nowadays.
It has also been identified as the root cause of heart related problems due to the high level of sugar in
them to make the taste sweeter. Lastly, the studies have shown that eating a lot of fast food also causes
early death because it ruins the internal organ system of the human body since we normally do not health
enough healthy fruits & vegetables.

Word Count: 139 words

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