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Azad Kashmir Elementary Education Board Poonch

Class 5th
Paper: Science Part : “I”
Marks : 40 Time: 40min

Roll No: ………………………… Answer Sheet No: …………………………

Sig Can………………………….. Sig D. Sup…………………………………..

Note: Cutting & Over Writing not allowed.

Q No 01(A)- Encircle the correct answer. (1×15=15)

1 Scientist have divided organisms into kingdoms 3 4 5 6
2 The bird that run is Sparrow Pigeon Ostrich Parrot
3 Ring-worm and athlete’s food are caused by Bacteria Fungi Algae Virus
4 The part of seed developing from the plumule is Root Stem Leaf Flower
5 French been seed has cotyledon’s One Two Three Four
6 The oil leakage from oil tankers caused Air pollution Sea pollution Land pollution River pollution
7 Water boil at 90Oc 100Oc 110Oc 120Oc
8 Swimmers push the water with hands and feet. Backward Forward On right side On left side
9 Kind of leaves are 2 3 4 5
10 The moon of the first day is called Hilal Badar Qamar Moon
11 Sun provides us Heat Light Heat and light None of these
12 A magnet has ………………poles Two Three Four Five
13 Compass needle is used to locate Direction Length Height Depth
14 Moisture provides the roots of the plants Air Water Light Food
15 The number of planets in solar system is 6 8 10 12

(B)- Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (1×15=15)

1. All the living and none living things around us are 2. Vertebrates are the animal with
called ______________________ ______________________
3. Microorganisms are very ______________________in 4. Water is supplied to the seed through
size. ______________________
5. Solid, liquid and ______________________are the 6. The quantity of matter in a body is called
states of matter ______________________
7. The point of rotation of lever is called_____________. 8. The image on a camera is formed on
9. Electric charges of ______________________types. 10. Compass needle is used to locate______________.
11. The upper part of crust is mostly made of 12. Life of ______________is not possible without soil.
13. The year of mercury has ______________days 14. Water covers ______________of earth.

(C)- Write (√) on the right statement and (×) on the false statement. (1×10=10)
1- Unicellular organisms have 2- All the microorganisms are alike.
more than one cell.
3- Falling of hail is called snow 4- In 5 kg sugar, 5 kg is the weight of the
fall sugar.
5- Luminous objects are self 6- Earth behaves as a huge magnet.
7- Sand is best soil for 8- Satellite revolve around the planet.
9- One cell seed are alike in their 10- Only one percent water in the world is
size, colour and shape. useable.

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