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Class: English 5

Teacher: Lic. Madelin Moreno

Modality: Virtual

Homework: Summary about Global Warming

Date: 10/30/2019

Global warming refers also know at some point as climate change
which affects us real bad now a days. T hese drastic changes in the
temperature are causing nothing but chaos in the nature’s
environment, producing death and extinction of some species due to
their habitat being damaged by many of the as we call natural

It’s really sad to see how far this has come to and the saddest part
is that if we would have thought different before maybe we wouldn’t
have gotten to this limit when it’s basically almost too late to try to
do something to change what is going on.

Now the whole future generation is going to suffer ever more than
what we did because we can say it’s just beginning. In the following
summary I will detail a little more about Global Warming and what
it’s doing to the world we live in.

Global Warming
Known as the increment of earth’s tem perature up till now in the
days causing it very difficult to live now due to the high
temperatures because it damages the environment and natural
habitat of many creatures.

Even makes it real difficult to get natural products like fruits or

vegetables due to climate changes we can only find some products
in a certain time of year even when it’s the time for these products
we seem to run out of them imagen if it’s this ways now future
generations will find it mu ch harder.

Many industries only think on benefit to them but don’t take time and
think on the damage they do to the environment by just destroying
all the natural things that God has provided to us. Maybe if they took
the time and said to their selves if we pick 10 tomatoes from
different trees we will plan 10 more trees things will be different.

The globe is heating up, both land and oceans are even warmer now
than ever. Humans are partially to blame the causing of this
phenomenon, and we still ask ourselves why? The reason is that we
contribute with many things that cause this problem to get even
bigger. The main starter of today’s warming is the combustion of
fossil fuels, hydrocarbons causing the planet to heat up even more,
let’s not forget the greenhouse effect gasses know as carbon
dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, water vapor, methane, and nitrous

This effect is caused by interaction between the atmosphere and

incoming radiation from the sun and the burning of these fossils
fuels preve nts that heat to get out of the atmosphere causing
nothing but damage.

Honestly it’s so sad to see how little by little earth is falling apart
and being destroyed but it’s even worst to see how nobody cares
about this.

Some people think this type of subjects don’t matter but little do
they know is that they should really start worrying about this
because what are the kids of the future going to do if we don’t do
nothing to try and slowing the process or put a stop to ev erything
that will cause damage to the planet in general I know there is
nothing we can do to stop damages because we took too long to
really start worrying about this but at least we can make it spread a
little slower by cooperating and working by the han d doing things
that benefit the planet.

W hen investigating about this subject I understood the value and

importance of cherishing every single thing we have because some
places are being affected even more than our country I watch many
videos of people ha ving to walk for miles to get water that isn’t even
purified and here we are complaining because we don’t like to eat
beans and rice some people would to have at least beans.

Bibliography -warming-101 -is-climate-
change.html -warming/global-
warming-overview/ -warming/


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