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Joey Learning English – Season 2 Episode 6 18.Joey: "School!" Renata! “They go to school!”

File Code: V5 19.Mrs Lafferty: Okay, Joey, why don't you pick it up
Time : 3:05 where Renata left off? Now this is a hard part, so take
your time.
Part 1 - Script
20.Joey: Oh, boy, yeah, this looks tough. "The bell rang.
1.Michael: Alright. Okay, great. I just gotta go pick up The students all went to the auditorium with their
my books. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. teacher." Boom! That's right, Boris. You heard it-
Auditorium! Pff.
2.Joey: No problem. I'll be right here.
21.Maria: I am so lucky to be with the smartest boy in
3.Mrs. Lafferty: Nice to see you again, Maria. class. Some words are so.. tug. (Trying to say "tough")

4.Maria: Hello, Mrs. Lafferty. 22.Joey: Tug? Oh, remember, I told you sometimes a
"gh' sounds like an "f." Tough. Like, rough, or laugh.
5.Mrs Lafferty: Welcome. What is your name?
23.Maria: Oh, Joey, make love to me toni-F-t. (Tonight.)
6.Joey: Uh, I'm Joey.
24.Joey: That is good English.
7.Mrs. Lafferty: Joey, you have a wonderful accent.
25.Mrs Lafferty: OK, I'd like everybody to take out their
8.Joey: Thank you. homework on the subjunctive tense.

9.Mrs Lafferty: Joey, this is an 'English As a Second 26.Maria: Joey, you didn't do it?
Language' class for beginners. Are you sure you're in
the right place? 27.Joey: I got it.

10.Joey: Oh, I'm in the right place. 28.Mrs Lafferty: If the present form of the verb "to be"
is "I am," the subjunctive tense is "If I..." Joey.
11.Mrs Lafferty: Let's get started. I hope everyone
practiced counting to ten over the weekend. 29.Joey: “If I was.”

12.Mrs Lafferty: Great. Let's do it together. 30.Mrs Lafferty: Oh, I'm sorry, that's not correct.

13.All: One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... 31.Boris: It's, uh, “If I were.”
eight... nine... ten.
32.Mrs Lafferty: Very good, Boris.
14.Boris: Eleven, twelve!
33.Renata: Joey are stupid.
15.Mrs Lafferty: Very good, Boris! Somebody's gonna
get a gold star. 34.Joey: Joey is stupid, Renata!

16.Boris: Thank you, thank you.

17.Joey: Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen!


Part 2 - Vocabulary Review

Vocab/Expressions Translation Vocab/Expressions Translation
1.pick up 20.auditorium

7.accent 20.boom

9.second language 22.rough

9.beginner 22.laugh

10.right place 25.take out

11.counting 25.subjunctive tense

11.over the weekend 27.I got it

19.left off 28.present form

19.take your time 30.correct

20.tough 33.stupid

Part 3 Comprehensive Questions

Questions Answers
1.Why did Joey follow the girl?(Line1-3)

2.Why did Mrs. Lafferty compliment Joey?(Line5-8)

3.What kind of class was it about?(Line9-10)

4.What did students learn last week?(Line11-13)

5.What did Joey do when Maria said ‘tug’ instead of
6. Was Joey’s answer correct?(Line25-29)

7.Why did Joey correct Renata’s words?(Line33-34)

Part 4 - Fill in the blanks

Fill in the Blanks Answer
Example His idea proved __________
Script Oh, I'm sorry, that's not ____________
Example He can now _____________ from one to twenty
Script I hope everyone practiced ____________ to ten over the weekend
Example She went over to the crying child and _________her ___________.
Script Okay, great. I just gotta go ____________my books
Example The skin on her hands was hard and _____________
4 Oh, remember, I told you sometimes a "gh' sounds like an "f." Tough. Like,
___________, or laugh
Example ________________. We are not in a hurry.
Script Now this is a hard part, so _________________
Example The classes are suitable for complete ________________.
Script Joey, this is an 'English As a Second Language' class for______________.
Example The _____________ seats over a thousand people.
Script The students all went to the ______________ with their teacher
The form of a verb that expresses an action that is happening now is
If the _____________of the verb "to be" is "I am," the subjunctive tense is "if I..."
Example She’s been having a _____________ time of it.
Script Oh, boy, yeah, this looks _____________
Example I learn English as my _______________.
Script Joey, this is an 'English As a _________________class for beginners
Example I was ___________enough to believe him.
Script Joey are _______________
Example _____________an ad in a newspaper and throw it away
Script OK, I'd like everybody to __________their homework on the subjunctive tense
Example ______________! There was a huge explosion near the police station.
Script ___________! That's right, Boris. You heard it- Auditorium! Pff.
Example His success was down to being in a _____________at the right time.
Script Oh, I'm in the _______________
Example He lost his ______________ after moving to the capital.
Script Joey, you have a wonderful _______________
Example What did you do___________________?
Script Let's get started. I hope everyone practiced counting to ten _______________
Example I don’t__________. Why would she do a thing like that?
Script _____________
Example In ‘I wish I were taller’, ‘were’ is a ________________.
Script OK, I'd like everybody to take out their homework on the_________________.
Example He looked so funny. I just had to ______________.
19 Oh, remember, I told you sometimes a "gh' sounds like an "f." Tough. Like, rough, or
Example Start reading from where you _____________last time.
Script Okay, Joey, why don't you pick it up where Renata ______________?

Joey followed the girl because she was attractive.
2.Why did Mrs. Lafferty compliment Joey?(Line5-8)

Mrs. Lafferty complimented Joey because he had a

wonderful accent.
3.What kind of class was it about?(Line9-10)

The class was about 'English As a Second Language'

for beginners.
4.What did students learn last week?(Line11-13)
Part 2B Vocabulary Review
They learned how to count numbers in English.
Vocab/Expressions Translation 5.What did Joey do when Maria said ‘tug’ instead of
1.pick up ‘tough’(Line21-23)
7.accent Joey tried to correct her pronunciation by giving some
9.second language examples.
6. Was Joey’s answer correct?(Line25-29)
10.right place No, it wasn’t.
7.Why did Joey correct Renata’s words?(Line33-34)
Joey corrected Renata’s words because she used the
11.over the weekend wrong grammar form.
19.left off
19.take your time Part 4 - Fill in the blanks
20.tough # Answers
20.auditorium 1 correct
2 counting
20.boom 3 Pick up
22.rough 4 rough
5 Take your time
22.laugh 6 beginner
25.take out 7 auditorium
8 Present form
25.subjunctive tense 9 tough
10 Second language
27.I got it
11 stupid
28.present form 12 Take out
13 boom
14 Right place
33.stupid 15 accent
16 Over the weekend
17 I got it
Part 3 - Comprehensive Questions 18 Subjunctive tense
19 laugh
Questions & Answers 20 Left off
1.Why did Joey follow the girl?(Line1-3)

V5-Speaking Worksheet
File Code: V5 WRITING – Part 3
Show Name: FRIENDS With a partner, write a grammatically correct answer (1 sentence)
File Title: Joey Learning English for each of your questions. Make sure to use the word in your
SPEAKING – Part 1 (Ex: tough – The toughest course I have ever taken was math.)
Discuss the following questions with a partner. Listen and write
your partners key information. Make sure to ask follow up Word Answer

1. Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?


2. Have you ever spoken English on the phone?


3. How often do you practice your English?

Discuss your vocabulary questions with 3 different partners.
4. What is your favorite way to practice your English? Listen and write your partners key information.

________________________________________ Partner 1: Partner 2: Partner 3:

5. What is the most difficult thing about English?


6. Why are you learning English?

_________________________________________ SPEAKING – Part 5

Discuss the following questions with a partner. Make sure to ask
WRITING – Part 2 follow up questions.
Choose 5 vocabulary from the script. With a partner, make one
question for each word. Make sure to use the word in your 1. How do you use the Internet to learn English?
question. Questions do not need to be related to the scrip. 2. How can learning English help your career?
(Ex: tough – What is the toughest course you have ever taken?) 3. Which country is the best place to study English?
4. Do you go to an academy to study English?
Word Question 5. What is the best way to improve vocabulary, reading,
listening, writing, speaking, pronunciation?
6. How important is learning English grammar?

WRITING – Part 6
In 2 to 3 sentences, write your opinion of the video.




1 Hour Lesson Plan

(using the Lesson File)
Never watch the video first. Waiting to show the video at the end of the
IMPORTANT lesson will help keep students focused on the lesson.

Time Step Section Directions

In pairs, review the vocabulary and write the Korean translation. Review as
a class and have everyone say the Korean translation and explain in more
10min 1 Vocabulary detail if needed.

(I let students use Korean to explain vocabulary to each other. There are many
opportunities later in the lesson for students to practice using the vocabulary.)

This can be difficult, so divide the fill ins into sections. Have each group
10min 2 Fill in the blanks work on one section. For example, if I have 5 groups of 2, I will give each
group 4 fill ins each. Then check as a class.

3A Read* In small groups, read scene one

3B Listen Listen to scene one. Tell students to be aware of intonation.

scene Re-read scene one. Keep the same character as the first reading. Try and
3C Read*
copy the intonation you heard during the listening.

Comprehension Have groups discuss the comprehension questions for that scene. Then
Questions review as a class.

per 4 Repeat Steps 3 Repeat Steps 3 for each scene, EXCEPT the last scene.

Have each group discuss what they think will happen in the last scene.
5min 5 Predict**
Review predictions as a class. Do not read or listen to the last scene.

5min 6 Watch Video For lower levels, you may want to watch twice.

Have each pair or group choose a scene from the video. Tell them next
class each group will have to read out loud their scene. The group that
Scene Reading
Homework reads with the best intonation is the winner. (or tell them it’s worth points to
make sure they all practice) Students will need to listen and repeat one
character as much as possible in order to be prepared for the competition.

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