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PAGE 77101<br>

hand to his heart as though to keep it from bursting he perfectly understood her and her<br>
magnanimity upheld him, he had indeed persuaded him salf to accept her self sacrifice, but he was fully<br>
determined that if she must die he would fallow her to the grave, non dolet, it does not hurt arria cried<br>
dust, and his pencils without lead. it is estimated that there are from fifteen to twenty thousand jews in<br>
the metropolis, and about live or sir thousand more stationed in the grant provincial and seaport<br >
towns in london they have six synagogues. and is the country places there are at least twenty more.<br>
most if the lower classes if those distinguished by name if geunan or dutch jews, live principally by<br>
theri wits, and establish a system ol mischievous intercourse all over the country the better to enable<br>
then to carry on then fravdulent designs in every way the pliability of their consciences is truly<br>
wonderful for they never stick at trifles, if theres mories in the way. nay, i remember the time when<br>
they used to perambulate our streets openly, professing to purchase base coin, by bowling any bad<br>
shilling, any bad shilling, the interference if the police however has prevented the catling, though<br>
perhaps it is impassible to prevent a continuance if the practise any mare than they can that of<br>
utterance. these men hesitate not to purchase stolen property. or metals if various kinds, as well as<br>
other articles pilfered from the dock yards and stolen in the provincial towns, which are brought to the<br>
metropolis to elude detection, and vice versa; in some cases there are controvances that the buyer and<br>
seller shall not even scr. each other, in. order that no advantage may be taken by giving information as<br>
to the parties,. upon nry life.. the contrivances if tendon are almost incomprehensible, said bob, and<br>
might deter many fain. venturing into it; but this surprises me beyond any thing it is however too<br>
lamentably true, continued tom; for these people, educated in idleness from the earliest. infancy, acquire<br>
but went on to explain in wrathful words. what a disgrace it was to thenr, as men and judges, to have<br>
dust cast in their eyes by a women, and allow themselves to be modified by the acts of a pair of love<br>
stricken foals, and how desirable it must be in the eyes of every maslem t a guard the security of life<br>
language, and they sallied forth. to make further observations. it was now a fine morning the sun<br>
shone with resplendent lustre upon atl around thenr, and danced in playful simples on the sportive<br>
thames: there was however but tittle i^ortunitn at the moment fm thenr to contemplate subjects of<br>
this sort, their eyes and being wholly attracted by the passing and repassing of the persons<br>
desirous to sell or supply themselves with fish; thames street was almost blocked up with coats, and the<br>
halloaing and bawlmg of the diffment drives, toadmg or unloading, formed an occasional symphony to<br>
the continual hum if those who were moving in all directions to and from the market. by yer leaf said<br>
a sturdy built fellow, seating under a load if fish which appeared to press him almost down what the<br>
devit do you stand in thewaulmbob, in stepping on one side to make room fm this man to pass,<br>
unfortunately trod upon the toe ol an hibernian tody, who was bearing away a targe baskeet of shrimps
alive and at the sa,e time gave her arm so forcible a jerk with his elbow as disengaged her hand <br>
from the toad: bu wtucn means the wholu cargo was overturned smack into the bosom of a smarttu<br>
dressed youth in white ducks, who was conducting some todies on. board one of the gra^send boats. the<br>
confusion that followed is scarcely to be conceived the agitation of talt who at hearing the vociferated<br>
lamentations of the irish woman the splunttering if the disconcerted dandy the declaration of the owner<br>
if the shrimps, that so help her god he should pay for her properly the laud laughter if those around<br>
trhenr., who oppeared to enjoy the embarrassement if the whole party and the shrimps happing and<br>
jumping about amid the dirt and slush if the pavement, while the ladies were hunting those which had<br>
cleragyman in gown. and surplice, and who, with book in hand, was fervently engaged in exhortations<br>
and endeavours to turn from the evil if theri ways a drunken sailor anda hardened thief, the oroon of<br>
the iron chest, when the group were surrounded by a detachment if the impsand devils of giovanni in<br>
tendon, a truly horried and deabolicat crew, who, by their hideous yells, frantic capers, violent gestures,<br>
their own, and became on tanrost intolerable nuisance to the rest if the company fm the remainder of<br>
the evening white he was thus engaged, the supper boxes were thrown open, and the company appeared <br>

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