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Gemma Q. Manalastas D.P.

BSed II (Eng) 11/11/19
“ENG 109”

Title: The Selection

Author: Kiera Cass
In the dystopian monarchy of Illéa, formed by the remnants of the USA, after World War
Three, the society is divided into a caste system ranging from 1-8, in which 8 is the lowest
caste. The Ones consists of the rich royals, whilst the Eights are the poor, unemployables and
the handicapped. It is hard to rise in the caste system, as people are born into them, which
means that the population doesn't have complete freedom to choose work or education, since
that would be chosen for them by the caste.
America Singer is a sixteen-year-old girl and a member of caste Five, the Artist caste. This
means that she is very poor and are required by law to be artists. America plays the violin.
There are several rebel groups trying to overthrow the government, as they are against the
One day, America receives a letter from The Crown Prince of Illéa, inviting her to take
part in "The Selection", a competition where 35 girls are chosen to compete for the hand of the
prince and a crown. America's mom urges her to participate, but America refuses to, because of
her secret boyfriend, Aspen. Aspen is a member of the caste Six, which means that he is a
lower and poorer citizen than America.
The pair frequently meet in America’s treehouse. America decided to make a surprise
dinner for Aspen, but gets upset, because he wishes he could take care of her, but he can't
because he doesn't have any means to provide for her. Their relationship gets conflicted when
Aspen realizes that America would be even broker than she already is if she married Aspen,
and therefore asks her to apply to the “The Selection”, assuming she won't be chosen. America
decides to enter the selection.
When, to everyone’s surprise, America is chosen, Aspen decides to break things off with
Finally at the palace, America meets the other participants, but she feels so trapped and
alone that she has a panic attack. She tries to get out of the palace and into the gardens but is
stopped by the guards. Suddenly a man comes, with the authority to command the guards to let
her through, and she quickly realizes that it is the prince, Maxon. She yells at him and tells him
all her problems, while he is compassionate and nice to her. She is pleasantly surprised by his
gentlemanly behavior.
The next morning, when the participants officially meet the prince, America tells Maxon about
Aspen, though she doesn’t reveal his name, and Maxon tells her that he will keep her in the
competition as a companion and advisor.

Maxon and America spend a lot of time together over the next few weeks, and they
make hand gestures to contact each other. (Tugging on the ear.) America also gets closer with
the other participants, and within the first week becomes close friends with Marleen Tames, but
her ability to draw attention from the members of the palace causes Celeste Newsome to
despise her.
There is a rebel attack on the palace, and America learns that there are two main rebel
groups: The Southern rebels, who are very violent and kill for their cause, and the Northern,
who don't kill, though no one knows what they want.
Another night, America talks to Maxon about her life as a Five, and the horrible reality it is to be
a part of the lower castes. The Revelation leads Maxon to start a food assistance program for
the poor that touches America, and Maxon gives America his fist kiss. She realizes the extent of
her feelings for Maxon when she becomes jealous when Maxon spends times with the other
girls as well.
America comes across Aspen again one day and he informs her that he has moved up
the ranks to become a member of the guard. America’s feelings for Aspen comes rushing back
and she is confused of who has her heart – Maxon or Aspen? However, she knows that if she
pursues a relationship with Aspen whilst being a member of the Selection is equivalent to
At the same time, rebels are attacking the Palace, which pressures Maxon to narrow down the
Selection to six girls, known the Elites. America makes hit though as an Elite and realizes that
she wants to be with Maxon. As such, she tells Aspen that she does not want to be with him.
However, the book ends with Aspen declaring to fight for America.

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