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4 March 1977, Volume 195, Number 4281 SCIE NCE

grounds for ideas in solid-state chemistry

(5). Surprisingly, until recently the pe-
rovskites had not attracted much atten-
tion in the field of catalysis (6). In the last
few years the quest for stable and active
Perovskite Oxides: Mater:ials catalysts for the treatment of automotive
exhaust and for electrocatalytic fuel cell
Science in Catala electrodes has stimulated interest in this
class of compounds.
In 1970 anrd 1971, cobaltate perov-

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Perovskite oxides, long known in solid-state chemlistry skites were suggested as substitutes
for noble metals in electrocatalysis (7)
and physics, find new applications in catal ysis. and in automotive exhaust catalysis (8).
Encouraging results were obtained with
R. J. H. Voorhoeve, D. W. Johnsoin, Jr., cobaltate and manganate perovskites in
the oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO)
J. P. Remeika, P. K. Galllagher and the reduction of nitric oxide (NO) (9,
10). At the low CO concentrations repre-
sentative of a large degree of conversion
of CO in auto exhaust, the activity of the
Among the technological problems crystallinity, grain or p article size, poros- manganates and cobaltates is significant-
that require attention today are the chem- ity, defect structure, and compositional ly less than that of Pt, however (11-14).
ical conversion of coal into gas, of pollu- variation-are crucial for the successful The sensitivity of these particular pe-
tants into innocuous gases, of water into operation of catalysts I, whether they be rovskites to poisoning by sulfur dioxide
hydrogen and oxygen, and of air and single phase or compc sites. (SO2) later dampened the initial enthusi-
water into fertilizers. The key to the In this article we otutline the role that asm for their application in automotive
commercial and economical success of perovskites play at tthis confluence of exhaust catalysis (12). In current ap-
these conversions is catalysis, a research disciplines. Even thouigh these materials proaches perovskites substituted with
area which draws on scientific and engi- have not yet found alpplication as com- small amounts of noble metals are being
neering principles to bring about chem- mercial catalysts, theiir importance in ef- used (13, 15). Concurrently, solid-state
ical conversions in fluids as a result of forts to correlate sol id-state chemistry chemists, materials scientists, and theo-
contact with certain solid surfaces (1). with catalytic properti4 es, their properties rists have become interested in the inter-
Catalysis is a multidisciplinary field, in as they depend on pre parative methods, action of the solid-state and catalytic
which theoretical chemistry and experi- and the fact that they can be tailored for properties of perovskites so that now
mental surface physics combine to pro- specific catalytic d4 emands establish catalysis on perovskite-type oxides is a
duce a rapidly developing and increas- these oxides as prot otype models for very active area of overlap between their
ingly sophisticated conceptual frame- catalytic materials. Thoeir commercial po- disciplines. Rather than as substitutes of
work within which the catalytic chem- tential as oxidation-recJuction catalysts is noble metals, the perovskites are now
istry at surfaces may be understood (2). at present being explosred. being studied as novel and intriguing
Solid-state chemistry is also being in- catalysts in their own right (16).
creasingly brought to bear on the formu- The general formula of perovskites is
lation of catalytic materials, opening The Versatility of Perov'skites ABO3. Their crystal structure is relative-
pathways to the "'tailoring" of catalysts ly simple. The B ions may be catalyti-
(3). At the same time, the inter- Perovskite oxides, Mvhich are structur- cally active 3d, 4d, or 5d transition metal
disciplinary field of materials science, ally similar to the min Leral of that name ions which occupy oxygen octahedrons.
touching as it does on the relation be- (CaTiO3), have long been studied be- These octahedrons share corners in a cu-
tween the properties of materials and cause of technological ly important phys- bic array (Fig. 1). The A ions, which fit in-
their macro-, micro-, and atomic struc- ical characteristics siuch as ferroelec- to the dodecahedral interstices, may be
tures, provides a natural matrix for the tricity, piezoelectricitiy, pyroelectricity, large rare-earth, alkaline-earth, alkali, or
elucidation of structure-property rela- magnetism, high-temp'erature supercon-
tionships in defect solids used as cata- ductivity, and electroc)ptic effe,ts. They Members Drs. Voorhoeve, Johnson, and Gallagher are
of Technical Staff in the Materials Re-
lysts (4). For example, the same proper- are a class of materiials of such great search Laboratory and Mr. Remeika is a Member of
ties that are important in the successful Technical Staff in the Physical Research Laborato-
versatility that for d4 ecades they have ry, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey
application of electronic materials- served as both the tessting and breeding 07974.
4 MARCH 1977 827
other large ions such as Bi3+ or Pb2+. The Auto Exhaust Catalysts commercial application has yet to be
diverse properties of the perovskites are achieved.
derived on the one hand from the large The Clean Air Act of 1970 set stan- The catalytic converter designed for
variety of A and B ions which fit the dards for the ernissions of CO, hydro- the reduction of NO to N2 is the first
structure (Table 1) and on the other hand carbons (HC), and NO in auto exhaust in converter to be subjected to the exhaust
from the variation in the valence state of the United States. The predominant gases leaving the engine. It thus bears
the transition metal ions which can be strategy to meet these standards has the brunt of the load of catalyst poisons,
obtained by proper choice of the A ions. been and continues to be the use of such as Pb and S derived from the fuel
Solid solutions of AB03 with A'B03, catalytic converters in the exhaust train and their compounds produced in the
AB'03, or even A'B'03 (A' and B' sig- (17). Perovskite-type oxides of Co, Mn, combustion process. Perovskite cata-
nify substitution to the A site and B site, and Ru have been widely investigated for lysts have particular promise here be-
respectively) add to the capability of use in the three types of catalysts de- cause Pb is a common A component in
"tailoring" specific properties. signed for these devices (17). However, the AB03 formula and is not a chemical
poison for these catalysts (18). For ex-
ample, Pb2Ru2,O, which is related in
a structure to the perovskites, is nearly as
effective for the reduction of NO as
the perovskite SrRuO3 (19). Exposure
of the ruthenates to S02 in the re-
ducing conditions prevalent in the NO,
catalyst (NO, = oxides of nitrogen)

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can be withstood fairly well (20). The
ability of many perovskites containing
Ru, including SrRuO3, LaRuO3,
{Lao.8K0.2}[Mno.94Ru0.06JO3 (21), and
{Lao.8Sro.2}[Co0.Ru0.JO3, to reduce NO
in synthetic gas mixtures (NO, CO, H2,
H20, and inert diluent) and in automo-
tive engine exhaust has been studied ex-
tensively (15, 19, 22, 23). The prime
characteristics of these catalysts are
a highly selective conversion of NO
to N2 [low yield of ammonia (NH3)]
and high activity. In these respects,
these catalysts are similar to Ru metal.
The activity per exposed Ru is almost
identical for metallic Ru, SrRuO3, and
{Lao.8K0.2}[Mno.94Ruo.0]O3 (16). The ad-
vantage of Ru in the perovskites over Ru
metal is the dispersion and dilution of Ru
in the B sites, which make the catalyst
more resistant to losses in efficacy
caused by agglomeration and particle
growth ("sintering"). The binding of Ru
in the perovskite also significantly
diminishes the loss of activity resulting
from the evaporation of oxides of Ru.
To date, perovskites with small amounts
of Ru in the B site are among the prime
contenders as NO, catalysts in dual-
bed converter designs (24). Figure 2a
illustrates the effective performance of
{Lao.8Sro.2}[Co00.Ru01J,O3 in reducing NO
in engine exhaust from leaded gasoline.
The reduction of NO can be carried
out simultaneously with the oxidation of
CO and HC if the composition of the
Fig. 1. Structural properties of ABO3 perovskite oxides. (a) Structural model showing oxygen exhaust gas is maintained not far from
(open circles) octahedrons containing the B ions (shaded), linked through corners to form a three- stoichiometric conditions. This require-
dimensional cubic lattice. Eight octahedrons form a cage to fit the A ion (filled circle). (b) Photo- ment may be particularly suitable for
graph of {LaO.7PbO.3}MnO3 crystals grown from a lead borate flux. The cubic morphology reflects perovskite-type catalysts based on Co or
the (almost) cubic symmetry of the perovskite lattice. (c) Scanning electron micrograph of small
flux-grown {LaO.7PbO.3}MnO3 crystals. (d) Surface topography in Nomarski contrast photomicro- Mn, since these oxides show their high-
graph of {LaO.7PbO.3}MnO3 crystals. The domain structure may be ferromagnetic in Qrigin. (e) est activity for CO oxidation when they
Debye-Scherrer x-ray diffractogram of {LaO.7PbO.3}MnO3 powder. The splitting of lines is due to are in a slightly reduced state whereas
deviation from true cubic symmetry. their activity for the reduction of NO is
828 SCIENCE, VOL.' 195
highest in a slightly oxidized state (16, Table 1. Cations commonly found in perovskite-type oxides. In parentheses is the coordination
24-26). One of the metals actively being number, if the radii given are not for 12 coordination; HS and LS refer to high spin and low spin,
studied for application in these "three- respectively.
way" catalysts, Rh (27), shows a high Dodecahedral A site Octahedral B site
activity for the reduction of NO when Radius
present in small amounts in the pe- Ion Radius Radius Radius
rovskite {La0.8K0.2}[Mn0.9Rh0.1]O3 (23).
(A)* (A)t Ion (A)* (A)t
Particularly promising is the com- Na+ 1.06 1.32? (IX) Li+ 0.68 0.74
K+ 1.45 1.60? Cu2+ 0.72 0.73
bination of Ru and Pt at the B site Rb+ 1.61 1.73
in {Lao.6Sro.4}[COO.94Pto.03Ru0.03]03 (15). Mg2+ 0.66 0.72
Ag+ 1.40 1.30 (VIII) Zn2+ 0.74 0.75
These two metals, chosen for selective Ca2+ 1.08 1.35 Ti3+ 0.76 0.67
reduction of NO to N2 at the reducing Sr2+ 1.23 1.44 V3+ 0.74 0.64
side and efficient oxidation of CO and Ba2+ 1.46 1.60 Cr3+ 0.70 0.62
Pb2+ 1.29 1.49 Mn3+ 0.66 0.65
HC at the oxidizing side of the stoichio- La3+ 1.22 1.32? Fe3+ 0.64
metric range, provide an operating win- 0.64
Po+ 1.10 1.14 (VIII) Co3+ (LS) 0.52
dow (shaded area in Fig. 2b) in which the Nd3+ 1.09 1.12(VIII) Co3+(HS) 0.63 0.61
conversions of all three pollutants are Bi3+ 1.07 1.11 (VIII) Ni3+ (LS) 0.56
quite high. At present, it is not clear Ce4+ 1.02 0.97 (VIII) Ni3+ (HS) 0.62 0.60
Th4+ 1.09 1.04 (VIII) Rh3+ 0.68 0.66
whether the auto industry will use either Ti4+ 0.68 0.60
Ru or Rh for the control of NO in auto- Mn4+ 0.56 0.54
motive exhaust catalysts. Both metals Ru4+ 0.67 0.62
are in short supply. Perovskites with Ru Pt4+ 0.65 0.63

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or Rh in the B site would have to be Nb5+ 0.69 0.64
Ta5+ 0.69 0.64
dispersed on a carrier oxide to provide Mo6+ 0.62 0.60
economical usage of the noble metals. In W6+ 0.62 0.60
the work at DuPont (15), active catalysts *From (47). tFrom (48).
were prepared which meet this condi-
In current catalytic systems [and in the
dual-bed system (17)] the concentrations a
of CO and HC emissions are kept below
legislated standards by an oxidation cata- 80
lyst on which these compounds are con- 0
verted into CO2 and H20 with air added °- 60
to the exhaust mixture. Although the 0

noble metal technology based on the use pRu O.1] 03 /Torvlex >

of Pt-Pd oxidation catalysts is already -

well developed, perovskites may offer an 0
b a
economical alternative which conserves X r
the resources of noble metals. Figure 3
illustrates the high activity that can be
attained with perovskites of Cu and Mn 100 200 300 400 500
(28, 29). Perovskite catalysts, like other {La 0.6Sr O.4) [CoO.94 Pt 0.03Ru 0.03] 03 /Torvex Inlet gas temperature (°C)
oxide catalysts, can be poisoned by S 2 1 0 1 2
that occurs naturally in the petroleum Excess 02 (%) Excess CO (%)
products used as fuel. The susceptibility
to poisoning in oxidizing atmospheres is Fig. 2 (left). Application of cobaltate perov-
a serious drawback to the use of such skites in the treatment of automotive exhaust _ J
catalysts in automobiles. However, from single-cylinder engines. [Adapted from i;
small amounts of Pt in the perovskites (15)] The shading indicates the operating win- I cm PM
dow in the air/fuel ratio for automotive appli-
can significantly improve their poisoning cation. (a) The Ru-substituted perovskite {La4.8Sr0.2}[Co0.Ru0.1]03 supported on a Torvex alu-
resistance (12, 14). It has been reported mina honeycomb after 1000 hours of exposure to exhaust from gasoline containing 2 grams of
that Pt- and Ru-substituted catalysts of Pb per gallon is still effective for the removal of more than 90 percent of the NO in the reducing
the type shown in Fig. 2 are resistant to conditions appropriate for the first bed of a dual-bed catalytic system. The flow of exhaust gas
treated in a catalyst volume of I liter was 18,000 liter hour-'. (b) Cobaltate perovskite substi-
poisoning by Pb and S (15). The mecha- tuted with Ru and Pt, {Lao.6Sr0.4}[Co0.94Pt.03Ruo.03]O3, on Torvex alumina support after 800
nism of S poisoning is believed to consist hours of exposure to exhaust from unleaded fuel is effective for the simultaneous removal of
of the oxidation of SO2 to S03 and sub- HC, CO, and NO, in the operating "window" of the three-way catalyst system operating at.
sequent reaction of S03 with the oxides near-stoichiometric conditions. The flow of exhaust gas treated in a catalyst volume of I liter
to form sulfates. This poisoning has been was 20,000 liters per hour. Fig. 3 (right). Catalysts supported on cordierite ceramic honey-
combs. In the preparation of the perovskite catalysts nitrates were first freeze-dried (28, 29) and
observed under highly oxidizing condi- then decomposed to oxides and applied to corrugated supports; {La0.5Sr0.5}MnO3 and
tions. It is conceivable that, under the La[Mn0.5Cu0.5]03 were loaded at the rate of 0.14 and 0.10 gram of perovskite per cubic centime-
more nearly stoichiometric conditions of ter of device, respectively. The surface areas of perovskite were 32 and 22 square meters per
the three-way catalysts, oxidation of SO2 gram, respectively. (a) Rate of conversion of CO as a function of the temperature of the gas at
the inlet of the reactor. (b) The perovskite-covered device. (c) A close-up of the perovskite de-
to S03 could be prevented. Present de- vice in scanning electron microscopy shows the support (smooth area) and the perovskite over-
signs for noble metal catalyst systems layer (grainy area).
4 MARCH 1977
also tend toward more stoichiometric op- gen in the surface. For the (100) pe-
eration to reduce local pollution prob- rovskite surface with composition B02
lems which may be caused by sulfates (Fig. 1), E(O) is determined by the sum
emitted by automobiles with catalysts.
Advances in the practical application
of the energies of two B-O bonds in the
first layer and of two A-O bonds to the
of perovskite catalysts will likely come second layer. If the identity of the B02
from empirical studies. It may also be layer is maintained, E(O) can be modi-
possible to tailor the catalytic properties fied through the A-O bonds by substitu-
of these systems on the basis of their tions in the A sites. The most drastic
known solid-state properties. 14
modification is the introduction of a ca-
tion vacancy 4 on the A site. The pres-
ence of such vacancies and of a complete
Catalysis and the Solid State oxygen sublattice in the compound
Lao.9g0.,MnO3 has been demonstrated by
A knowledge of the relation between x-ray and neutron diffraction studies
the catalytic and solid-state properties of (35). Because of the lower E(O), this
inorganic compounds is essential for the d-Orbital occupation
compound is a much more active cata-
systematic (rather than empirical) design Fig. 4. "Activity" of first-row, transition met-
lyst than LaMnO3 for the conversion of
al oxide perovskites for the oxidation of CO
and tailoring of efficient catalysts. In the (16). As a measure of the activity, 104/T is
NO (34). In manganate perovskites
pursuit of these relations, the availability plotted (T is the temperature at which the con- (A,A')MnO3 with A site substitutions ad-
of a large class of isostructural com- version rate is 10- gram mole per second per justed to vary E(O) while maintaining the
pounds characterized by flexibility and square meter of surface area in a 2: 1 mixture same average Mn valence state (and the

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adaptability is a great benefit (5, 30). The of CO and 02 at atmospheric pressure). The ac-
tivities of chromates (0), manganates (A), fer-
same electrical conductivity), the catalyt-
structure and composition of the ABO3 rates (0), and cobaltates (@) are plotted at the
ic activity increased as the value of E(O)
perovskites simplify the formidable task appropriate d-orbital occupation correspond- decreased for combinations of A and A'
of sorting out the needed correlations: ing to the average valence of the transition in the sequence (La,Sr), (La,K), (La,4),
the A ions are in general catalytically metal ion.
and (Bi,K) (36).
inactive, and the active transition metal The oxidations of CO with 02 over
ions at the B position are placed at suffi- perovskite-type catalysts at temper-
ciently large distances from each other these oxidations, oxygen from the oxide atures between 1000 and 300°C have
(about 4 angstroms) that a gas molecule catalyst is consumed and replenished been suggested as examples of supra-
interacts with a single site (31). Even for continuously. A correlation with elec- facial catalysis (33). This suggestion was
a single active metal B center, there is tronic parameters of the solid is more supported by extensive work on the sys-
still the freedom to vary its valence and appropriate in suprafacial catalytic pro- tem (La,A')CoO3, where A' was chosen
many physical properties by choices of cesses (33), inwhich the surface serves to vary the valence of Co-by charge
the "modifying" A ion. as a template providing electronic orbit- compensation-between Co2+ and Co4+
It is probably naive to expect that als of the proper energy and symmetry when A' is Ce4+ or Sr2+, respectively.
catalysis can be correlated with a single for the bonding of reagents and inter- Introduction of Co2+ led to an increase in
physical parameter, be it conductivity, mediates. catalytic activity, and introduction of
magnetization, orferroelectricity. Exper- An example of an intrafacial process is Co4+ to a decrease (26). The valence
imental observations (6, 32) of anomalies the reduction of NO, which occurs states of Cr in LaCrO3 and of Mn in
in catalytic rates at the ferromagnetic through dissociative chemisorption on LaMnO3 were similarly changed by the
and ferroelectric Curie temperatures of an vacancy (VO) on many cobaltate introduction of A site substituents that
some perovskites cannot be generalized. and manganate perovskite catalysts (13, were shown (5) to lead to charge com-
In fact, the search for correlations with 23, 33, 34) pensation (26, 33). Variations in the va-
solid-state parameters must be guided by lence states were also brought about by
NO + [M-V0-MF Nads + [M0OM]
fairly detailed knowledge of the mecha- partial reduction, within the homogene-
nism of the catalytic reaction selected to In this reaction, the reduced and oxi- ity ranges of the perovskite systems. In
test the correlation. The test reaction dized surfaces are symbolized by [M- the oxidation of CO over this series of
chosen should be simple but representa- Vo-M] and [M-oM], respectively. The perovskites, the catalytic activity was
tive of the particular group of chemical valence of the metal M is increased by correlated with the occupation of the 3d
conversions of interest (oxidation reac- this reaction; N8dS, the resulting N frag- levels in the surface (Fig. 4). For opti-
tions, hydrogenations, or whatever). ment, which probably has to be stabi- mum activity the d.2 level, the lowest eg
What kinds of correlations may be ex- lized by interaction with other adsorb- level in the truncated octahedral crystal
pected? Thermodynamic parameters, ates, may react further to form N2, field of surface ions, has to be occupied
such as the enthalpy of formation of N20, and so forth. The VO is restored by by less than one electron, whereas the t2g
oxygen vacancies, are appropriate to cor- a reducing agent in the gas, for example, levels below the d.2 level must be filled.
relate with intrafacial catalytic process- This correlation can be understood in
es, in which by definition (33) the cata- connection with the kinetic data (26)
lyst enters as a reagent that is partly It is understandable from the mechanism which show that the binding of CO to the
consumed and regenerated in a contin- that the number of V0 in thesurface is surface is a critical part of the process,
uous cycle. Many selective oxidation important for the rate of conversion of since the reaction rate varies as the par-
processes in industry, such as the forma- NO. In the perovskite systems based on tial pressure of CO, pcon, where 0.3
tion of butadiene from butene or the LaMnO3, we have a means of system- < n < 0.9. In the Chatt-Dewar model
production of acrylonitrile from propyl- atically varying the relevant solid-state for the binding of CO as a carbonyl to
ene and NH3, belong to this class (3). In parameter, the bond energy E(O) for oxy- transition metals, binding is optimal
830 SCIENCE, VOL. 195
when donation of the carbon lone pair Table 2. Comparison of preparative techniques for perovskites.
into the d,2 metal orbital and simulta- Range of
neous back-bonding of t2g electrons to Technique Advantages Disadvantages surface
the antibonding ir* orbital of CO are areas (m2/g)
possible (37). The correlation of the rate Mixed oxide Simple, no specialized Low surface area, <2
with the occupation of 3d orbitals is equipment, wide range difficult to achieve
therefore consistent with the kinetic data of composition chemical homogeneity
and a mechanistic view based on the Freeze-drying Very good chemical Needs mutually soluble 10 to 30
Chatt-Dewar model. However, indepen- homogeneity, high compounds, two-step
surface area drying process (freeze
dent measurements of the adsorbed spe- and freeze-dry), spe-
cies are necessary for the formulation of cialized equipment
a detailed mechanism. Spray-drying Good chemical homogeneity, Needs mutually soluble 10 to 20
It is to be expected that further experi- high surface area, single- compounds, highly
mental correlations of catalytic activity step drying process specialized equipment
Precipitation Uses simple laboratory Needs mutually soluble I to 10
and solid-state parameters will be devel- equipment compounds with com-
oped. The perovskites offer a wide scope mon precipitating agent
for such work. They are also useful as
relatively simple and well-studied model
systems in theoretical work. Surface
states and mechanistic pathways for tain the high surface area necessary for for catalytic studies when a high surface
chemical conversions at the surface are commercial effectiveness. The loss of area is not necessary. A large number of
currently being explored, for example, in surface area due to sintering can be mini- rare-earth manganate perovskites have

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SrTiO3 (38). mized in several ways. The simplest ap- been prepared by this method (40). Ho-
proach is to prepare a catalyst that is mogeneous perovskite catalysts with
sufficiently active at low temperatures, higher surface areas may be made by
Preparation and Characterization so that sintering is not a problem. Alter- solution techniques. During removal of
natively, the crystal chemistry may be the solvent and decomposition of the
Since catalysis occurs at surfaces, on- controlled to ensure low diffusion rates remaining salts to oxides, it is necessary
ly the exterior layers of atoms play a of the ions. Information on the effect to preserve the chemical homogeneity
significant role. The remainder of the during use of the partial pressure of oxy- which was present in the liquid solution
material is "wasted" in a catalytic sense gen on the oxygen stoichiometry, vacan- as much as possible. This allows final
except as a suitable support for the exte- cy concentration, and cation oxidation synthesis of the perovskite at low tem-
rior layers. Catalysts are therefore pre- states is seldom available. However, em- peratures, resulting in high surface
pared with the maximum surface-to-vol- pirical evidence demonstrates the advan- areas. A variety of perovskite catalysts
ume ratio consistent with low cost of tages of some perovskite compositions has been prepared from nitrate solu-
preparation, ease of handling, and stabili- over others. Perovskites with the compo- tions by freeze-drying (41), spray-drying
ty toward particle growth at the temper- sition La,-,Sr,MnO3 (0 < x < 0.5) can (42), and precipitation (43). Table 2 com-
ature of use. As an illustration, a cube of be easily synthesized with a high surface pares these methods of preparation with
catalyst with a volume of I cubic cen- area and are resistant to loss of surface the mixed oxide technique.
timeter has a surface area of 6 cm2; di- area by sintering (28). Perovskite cobal- The perovskite catalysts are generally
vided into cubes I micrometer on an tates with noble metal substitutions were used on relatively inert ceramic sup-
edge it has a surface area of 6 x 104 cm2 also reported to be resistant to deactiva- ports. This hinders sintering by dis-
and into cubes 100 A on an edge it has a tion by sintering at 900°C (15). Segrega- persing the catalytic material while at the
surface area of 6 x 106 cm2 or 600 Mi2. tion of inactive binary oxides at the sur- same time minimizing the amount of cata-
Although average particle sizes of I ,um face of the catalyst is similarly associat- lyst needed by providing for the ready
are easily attainable, specialized prepara- ed with diffusion. Deleterious effects access of gaseous reactants to the sur-
tive techniques are needed for those of were demonstrated for La0.7Pb0.3MnO3, a face. One may prepare the device by
100 A or less. In ceramic processing, the perovskite catalyst that is easily deacti- dipping the support into a slurry of the
preparation of oxides with high surface vated at temperatures as low as 400°C perovskite powder, drying, and firing to
area has long been a major goal, because (13), both by loss of surface area and by bind the powder to the support. To im-
such materials are needed for the produc- the migration of Pb compounds to form prove the bond, other inert powders
tion of dense sintered bodies with fine an inactive layer at the surface (39). such as very fine hydrated aluminum
grains. This microstructure is often nec- Synthesizing perovskites is an easy oxide are sometimes added to the slurry.
essary in applications of the mechanical, task because such a large array of ions This procedure may also improve the
magnetic, or electrical properties of ce- can be used (Table 1). The simplest meth- rheology of the suspension. Alternative-
ramics. Not surprisingly, many of the od is often by mixing the constituent ly, the perovskite may be synthesized
special techniques developed with this oxides or their carbonates. But, because directly on the support; in this case the
goal in mind are directly applicable to the these reagents have relatively large parti- support is impregnated with a solution of
preparation of perovskite catalysts. cles and are poorly mixed on a micro- the appropriate cations, then dried, and
However, there is an important differ- scopic scale, a chemically homogeneous fired. The process is similar to that used
ence. In ceramics the usual goal is a compound is often produced only at rela- for Pt catalysts.
dense sintered body with a very low tively high temperatures. This results in The initial characterization of perov-
surface area, and, in fact, the surface a product with large particles and low skite catalysts includes a determina-
free energy of the powder is the driving surface areas, typically I to 2 square tion of the compositional analysis, the
force for densification. In catalysts the meters per gram. Nevertheless, the tech- crystal structure, and the surface area.
goal is to prevent sintering and to main- nique is very versatile and is often used For detailed characterization, it is desir-
4 MARCH 1977 831
able to define the valence states and lat- their study and application. Because of have recently been found between the
tice positions of the cations. A study of the wide range of ions and valences rate and selectivity of oxidation-reduc-
the perovskite {La0.7Pb0.3}MnO3 doped which this simple structure can ac- tion reactions and the thermodynamic
with various amounts of Pt serves as an commodate, the perovskites lend them- and electronic parameters of the solid.
example (44). As stated above, noble selves to chemical tailoring. It is relative- For commercial processes such as
metals in perovskites can play an impor- ly simple to synthesize perovskites be- those mentioned in the introduction, pe-
tant role, particularly with respect to cause of the flexibility of the structure to rovskite catalysts have not yet proven to
resistance to S poisoning. However, pri- diverse chemistry. Many of the tech- be practical. Much of the initial interest
or to the study of Johnson et al., the niques of ceramic powder preparation in these catalysts related to their use in
oxidation state of Pt in perovskites was are applicable to perovskite catalysts. In automobile exhaust control. Current in-
not known. These investigators used ES- their own right, they are therefore of terest in this field centers on noble metal-
CA (electron spectroscopy for chemical interest as a model system for the corre- substituted perovskites resistant to S poi-
analysis, in which electron emission is lation of solid-state parameters and cata- soning for single-bed, dual-bed, and
stimulated by x-rays incident on the lytic mechanisms. Such correlations three-way catalyst configurations. The
sample) to determine the oxidation state formulations commercially tested to date
of Pt in {La0.7Pb0.3} MnO3 prepared under have shown considerable promise, but
a variety of conditions. These results long-term stability has not yet been
(Fig. 5) show that in single crystals and a
Mn 3s
{Lao.7PbO.31 MnO3 achieved.
in polycrystalline samples inpregnated doped with Pt A very large fraction of the elements
with Pt and fired at 700°C in 02 the Pt at that make up presently used commercial
the surface is primarily in the tetrava- catalysts can be incorporated in the
lent state. Metallic Pt was predominant structure of perovskite oxides. Con-

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EVacuum cleaved
in polycrystalline samples impregnated versely, it is anticipated that perovskite
with Pt and reduced in H2 at 400°C. oxides, appropriately formulated, will
One usually measures the catalytic ac- show catalytic activity for a large variety
tivity by passing the reactant gases over of chemical conversions. Even though
the perovskite at controlled temper- this expectation is by no means a predic-
atures and analyzing the exit gases for tion of commercial success in the face of
the desired products or unreacted gases. competition by existing catalyst sys-
Gas chromatography, mass spectrosco- tems, it makes these oxides attractive
py, nondispersive infrared analysis, and models in the study of catalytic chemical
flame-ionization analysis have been conversion. By appropriate formulation
used. In initial evaluation it is customary many desirable properties can be tai-
to use synthetic gas mixtures. For evalu- lored, including the valence state of tran-
ations of perovskite catalysts that are sition metal ions, the binding energy and
more representative of automotive use, diffusion of 0 in the lattice, the distance
internal combustion engines are used 6
4+ c rystaeta between active sites, and the magnetic
(15, 25). and conductive properties of the solid.
A simple and rapid technique for com- Only a very small fraction of possible
paring the activities of small amounts of perovskite formulations have been ex-
90 80 7000 0
perovskite catalysts is differential ther- plored as catalysts. It is expected that
mal analysis (45, 46). A small amount of further investigation will greatly expand
catalyst is placed in contact with one the scope of perovskite catalysis, extend
junction of a differential thermocouple, the understanding of solid-state parame-
and a catalytically inert material is ters in catalysis, and contribute to the
placed in contact with the otherjunction. development of practical catalytic pro-
The reactant gas is passed over the cata- cesses.
lyst while the temperature is increased. heat-treatedCatD7000C D
As the reactants are oxidized, the heat References and Notes
generated by the oxidation is sensed by 1. We are concerned here entirely with hetero-
the differential thermocouple and the dation state of Pt in the perovskite geneous catalysis, and we exclude from consid-
eration the acceleration of chemical conversion
magnitude of this output is proportional {La0.7Pb..3}MnO3 doped with Pt (44). The illus- brought about by substances dissolved in the
to the activity. This technique can be trated energy spectrum encompasses the Mn reacting fluid.
3s and Pt 4f electrons. The oxidation state is 2. T. E. Mady, J. T. Yates, Jr., D. R. Sandstrom,
made semiquantitative (46), but it is of identified by the shift in binding energy of the R. J. H. Voorhoeve, in Treatise of Solid State
value primarily for the rapid screening of Pt 4f 90ttrae at 700° in°;thstetmn 0e Chemistry, N. B. Hannay, Ed. (Plenum, New
electrons. (a) A vacuum-cleaved single
York, 1976), vol. 6B, pp. 1-124.
catalysts. crystal containing an insignificant amount of 3. W. R. Moser, Ed., Catalytic Chemistry of Solid
Pt. (b) A crushed crystal containing about State Inorganics (New York Academy of Sci-
5200 parts per million of Pt which is shown to
ences, New York, 1976).
4. As part of the Boston meeting of the Materials
be tetravalent. (c) A polycrystalline material Research Society (15-18 November 1976), a
Summary with 5500 parts per million of Pt added from a symposium on "Materials science and catalysis"
chloroplatinic acid solution, reduced and provided ample illustration of the overlap be-
tween these fields.
In a time of growing need for catalysts, 5. J. B. Goodenough and J. M. Longo, in Landolt-
perovskites have been rediscovered as a sults in a heavy concentration of tetravalent Bornstein Numerical Data and Functional Rela-
Pt near the surface with a detectable amount tionships in Science and Technology, K.-H.
family of catalysts of such great diversity of metallic Pt. (d) Same as in (c) but with a re- Hellwege and A. M. Heliwege, Eds. (New
that a broad spectrum of scientific dis- duction of chloroplatinic acid in H2 at 400°C, Series, group III) (Springer-Verlag, New York,
1970), vol. 4a, pp. 126-314.
ciplines have been brought to bear in resulting in largely metallic Pt. 6. To our knowledge, the only published data prior
832 SCIENCE, VOL. 195
to 1970 are those of G. Parravano [J. Chem. 20. L. E. Trimble, ibid. 9, 1405 (1974). 37. J. Chatt, J. Chem. Soc. 1953, 2939 (1953); M. J.
Phys. 20, 342 (1952); J. Am. Chem. Soc. 75, 21. Curly brackets are used to group ions at the A S. Dewar, Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. Ser. 5 18C, 79
1497 (1953)] and of P. G. Dickens and M. S. site and square brackets to group ions at the B (1951). A similar dependence of rate on orbital
Whittingham [Trans. Faraday Soc. 61, 1226 site in complex perovskite formulations. occupation is expected if the rate-determining
(1965)]. 22. R. A. Dalla Betta, H. S. Gandhi, J. T. Kummer, step were the head-on attack of CO on an M-O
7. D. B. Meadowcraft, Nature (London) 226, 847 M. Shelef, U.S. Patent 3,819,536 (1974); H. S. terminal 0, resulting in an M-O-C-O transition
(1970). Gandhi, J. T. Kummer, M. Shelef, U.S. Patent state (K. H. Johnson, personal communication).
8. W. F. Libby, Science 171, 499 (1971). 3,835,069 (1974); T. P. Kobylinski, B. W. Tay- 38. T. Wolfram and F. J. Morin, Appl. Phys. 8, 125
9. G. L. Bauerle, N. T. Thomas, K. Nobe, Chem. lor, J. E. Young, Soc. Automot. Eng. Tech. (1975).
Eng. J. (Lausanne) 4, 199 (1972); R. J. H. Voor- Pap. 740250 (1974); M. Shelef and H. S. Gandhi, 39. P. K. Gallagher, D. W. Johnson, Jr., F. Schrey,
hoeve, J. P. Remeika, P. E. Freeland, B. T. Platinum Met. Rev. 18, 2 (1974); H. S. Gandhi, Mater. Res. Bull. 9, 1345 (1974).
Matthias, Science 177, 353 (1972). H. K. Slepien, M. Shelef, Soc. Automot. Eng. 40. G. J. McCarthy, P. V. Gallagher, C. Sipe, ibid.
10. R. J. H. Voorhoeve, J. P. Remeika, D. W. Tech. Pap. 750177 (1975); G. Mai, R. Siepmann, 8, 1277 (1973).
Johnson, Jr., Science 180, 62 (1973). F. Kummer, U.S. Patent 3,900,428 (1975). 41. Freeze-drying was first reported for oxide pow-
11. J. C. Schiatter, R. L. Klimisch, K. C. Taylor, 23. R. J. H. Voorhoeve, J. P. Remeika, L. E. ders by F. J. Schnettler, F. R. Monforte, and W.
ibid. 179, 798 (1973). Trimble, in The Catalytic Chemistry of Nitro- W. Rhodes [in Science in Ceramics, G. H. Stew-
12. S. Katz, J. J. Croat, J. V. Laukonis, Ind. Eng. gen Oxides, R. L. Klimisch and J. G. Larson, art, Ed. (Academic Press, New York, 1968),
Chem. Prod. Res. Dev. 14, 274 (1975); D. W. Eds. (Plenum, New York, 1975), p. 215. vol. 4, p. 79]. The rapid freezing of the solution
Johnson, Jr., P. K. Gallagher, E. M. Vogel, F. 24. For the reduction of NO, a variety of perov- to prevent large-scale segregation is carried out
Schrey, in Thermal Analysis, I. Buzar, Ed. skites with Mn, Fe, Co, or Ni at the B site by spraying small droplets into a refrigerated
(Heyden, London, 1975), p. 181; P. K. Gallag- have also been studied, but none has activity liquid. The frozen solvent (ice) sublimes under a
her, D. W. Johnson, Jr., E. M. Vogel, F. equal to that of the perovskites containing Ru, vacuum such that no liquid phase is present to
Schrey, Mater. Res. Bull. 10, 623 (1975). even though some have equal or superior selec- destroy the homogeneity. Freeze-drying has
13. P. K. Gallagher, D. W. Johnson, Jr., J. P. Re- tivity [see (10), (23); R. J. H. Voorhoeve, L. E. been reported by A. C. C. Tseung and H. L.
meika, F. Schrey, L. E. Trimble, E. M. Vogel, Trimble, C. P. Khattak, Mater. Res. Bull. 9, 655 Bowan V. Mater. Sci. 5, 604 (1970)] to be the
R. J. H. Voorhoeve, Mater. Res. Bull. 10, 529 (1974); G. L. Bauerle and K. Nobe, Ind. Eng. only preparative method by which NiO doped
(1975). Chem. Prod. Res. Dev. 13, 185 (1974); M. W. with Li could be made with high surface area.
14. Y.-F. Y. Yao, J. Catal. 36, 266 (1975). Chien, I. M. Peterson, K. Nobe, ibid. 14, 131 42. This technique was described for solutions by J.
15. A. Lauder, U.S. Patent 3,897,367 (1975); unpub- (1975)]. G. M. DeLau [Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 49, 572
lished data; Chem. Eng. News 53, 8 (8 August 25. S. C. Sorenson, J. A. Wronkiewicz, L. B. Sis, (1970)]. The solution is atomized into very fine
1975). G. P. Wirtz, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 53, 446 droplets (10 to 20 ,um) and quickly evaporated to
16. R. J. H. Voorhoeve, in Advanced Materials in (1974). dryness in a stream of hot gas. The small droplet
Catalysis, J. J. Burton and R. L. Garten, Eds. 26. G. W. Berkstresser, thesis, University of South- size and the rapidity of evaporation minimize
(Academic Press, New York, in press). ern California (1973). the segregation of components during drying.

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17. For a complete catalytic system, two designs 27. K. C. Taylor, in The Catalytic Chemistry of 43. Precipitation is a common laboratory technique
have been prominent. In the "dual-bed" design, Nitrogen Oxides, R. L. Klimisch and J. G. Lar- whereby a solution containing the desired ca-
the engine is operated with a slight excess of fuel son, Eds. (Plenum, New York, 1975), p. 173; T.. tions are mixed with a solution containing ani-
in the air-fuel mixture. As a consequence, the Ohara, in ibid., p. 191. ons which form relatively insoluble compounds
exhaust contains sufficient CO (1 to 3 percent) 28. D. W. Johnson, Jr., P. K. Gallagher, F. Schrey, with the cations. For example, one can prepare
and H2 (about 0.5 percent) to reduce NO, to N2- W. W. Rhodes, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 55, 520 LaMnO3 by dissolving La(NO3)3 and Mn(NO3)2
This reduction is carried out in the first catalyst (1976). and adding this solution to an excess of
bed of the dual-bed design (the "reducing" cata- 29. P. K. Gallagher, D. W. Johnson, Jr., E. M. (NH4)2CO3 solution. An intimate mixture of the
lyst). To eliminate the excess CO along with HC Vogel,J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 60, 28 (1977). carbonates of La and Mn will precipitate which,
from the exhaust, the exhaust stream leaving the 30. A somewhat smaller but still very useful class when filtered, washed, and fired, will form the
reducing catalyst is mixed with air and led over a form the compounds ABO4 with the scheelite perovskite.
second catalyst (the "oxidizing" catalyst), in (CaWO4) structure [A. Sleight and W. J. Linn, 44. D. W. Johnson, Jr., P. K. Gallagher, G. K.
which CO and HC are burned. In the "three- Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 272, 22 (1976)]. Wertheim, E. M. Vogel, J. Catal., in press.
way" design, a single catalyst bed is used to 31. These simplifications are not applicable to anoth- 45. R. J. Farrauto and B. Wedding, ibid. 33, 249
convert NO,, CO, and HC simultaneously. The er large class of compounds, the spinels. (1974); K. Papadatos and K. A. Shelstad, ibid.
three-way exhaust has to be close to stoichio- 32. T. Kawai, K. Kumimori, T. Kondow, T. Onishi, 28, 116 (1973).
metric conditions in order for this design to K. Tamaru, Z. Phys. Chem. (Frankfurt Am 46. P. K. Gallagher, D. W. Johnson, Jr., E. M.
work, and this goal is accomplished with an Main) 86, 268 (1973). Vogel, in Catalysis in Organic Synthesis, P. N.
oxygen sensor and fuel-control feedback system 33. R. J. H. Voorhoeve, J. P. Remeika, L. E. Rylander and H. Greenfield, Eds. (Academic
[see the Report by the Committee on Motor Trimble, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 272, 3 (1976). Press, New York, 1976), p. 113.
Vehicle Emissions (National Academy of Sci- 34. _ _, A. S. Cooper, F. J. DiSalvo, P. K. 47. S. K. Dickinson, Jr., Air Force Cambridge Res.
ences, Washington, D.C., November 1974)]. Gallagher, J. Solid State Chem. 14, 395 (1975). Lab. Publ. AFCRL-70-0727 (1970).
18. In contrast, Pt is quickly poisoned by relatively 35. A. Wold and R. J. Arnott, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 48. R. D. Shannon and C. T. Prewitt, Acta Crystal-
small amounts of Pb [see G. J. K. Acres, B. J. 9, 176 (1959); B. C. Tofield and W. R. Scott, J. logr. Sect. B 25, 925 (1969); ibid. 26, 1046 (1970).
Cooper, E. Shutt, B. W. Molerbi, Adv. Chem. Solid State Chem. 10, 183 (1974). 49. We thank our many colleagues at Bell Laborato-
Ser. 143, 54 (1975)]. 36. Both {La0.8Na0.2}MnO3 and {La0.8Rb0.2}MnO3 ries who have contributed to the study of pe-
19. R. J. H. Voorhoeve, J. P. Remeika, L. E. have the same binding energy and catalytic activ- rovskite catalysts, in particular, L. E. Trimble,
Trimble, Mater. Res. Bull. 9, 1393 (1974). ity as {La0.8K0.2}MnO3 [see (23, 34)]. E. M. Vogel, A. Cooper, and F. Schrey.

4 MARCH 1977 833

Perovskite Oxides: Materials Science in Catalysis
R. J. H. Voorhoeve, D. W. Johnson Jr., J. P. Remeika and P. K. Gallagher

Science 195 (4281), 827-833.

DOI: 10.1126/science.195.4281.827

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