MM Grp#3 TCW Written Report

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Topic: Political Dimension of Globalization state system and its changing place in today’s world,

● What is Nation-State? the role of global governance and the direction of our
● Rise and Dominance of Nation-State global political systems.
● Nation-State in Decline Magna Carta - a document constituting a
● Nation-State in the Globalizing World fundamental guarantee of rights and privileges.
● Regionalism Peace of Westphalia - European settlements of 1648,
● Global Civil Society which brought to an end the Eighty Years’ War
● Global Governance between Spain and the Dutch and the German phase
of the Thirty Years’ War. It contained language that
Members: recognized statehood and nationhood, clearly defined
Adriano, Marry Eleina boundaries, and guarantees of security.
Aquino, Allysa Mae Global Governance or World Governance - is a
Garcia, Ramon Miguel movement towards political cooperation among
Gorospe, Roshane transnational actors, aimed at negotiating responses to
Manalo, Kyle Hyden problems that affect more than one state or region.
Manzano, Eloisa Pandemic - is the worldwide spread of a new
Tapang, Marion disease.
Communications Revolution - everybody from
Keywords: Nation-state, Rise of English Nation- everywhere is connected to anywhere and anytime. It
State, Fall of Spanish Nation-State, French Nation- is the timeline of how communications are done in
State, Rise of Modern-State, Political Globalization, different eras.
Intensification Nation-State, same culture, nation, Green Movement - a popular movement urging
refugees, Multinational State, no ethnic group production and use of environmentally harmless
dominates, City-State, smaller than a nation, Empire, consumer goods. Green politicians would curb
single monarch, Confederation, league of sovereign economic and population growth and protect the
states, Federated State, may or may not be a Nation- natural environment.
State, Globalization, Pandemic, Communications Occupy Movement - was an international
revolution, Green movement, Occupy movement, progressive socio-political movement that expressed
Regionalism, regionalism at national level, opposition to social and economic inequality and to
regionalism at international level, Global the perceived lack of "real democracy" around the
Governance, Criticism of Global Governance, world. It aimed primarily to advance social and
Jurisdictional Gap, Incentive Gap, Participation Gap, economic justice and new forms of democracy.
Knowledge Gap, Normative Gap, Policy Gap, Multinational Corporations - challenge nation-
Institutional Gap, Compliance Gap states to confront the unique issue of foreign direct
___________________________________________ investments, forcing nation-states to determine how
much international influence they allow in their
Definition of terms economies.
Nation-State - state in which the great majority Regionalism - an ideology that highlights the local
shares the same culture and is conscious of it. Nation identity, the need for independent regional planning
in the sense of a common ethnicity may include a and administrative freedom.
diaspora or refugees who live outside the nation-state.
Regionalism at the International level -
a sovereign state whose citizens or subjects are
transnational cooperation to meet a common goal or
relatively homogeneous in factors such as language
to resolve a shared problem or it refers to a group of
or common descent.
countries such as-Western Europe, or Southeast Asia,
A nation-state may be contrasted with:
linked by geography, history or economic features.
Multinational State, City-State, Empire,
Confederation, and Federated State Regionalism at the National level - a process in
Globalization - the word used to describe the which sub-state actors become increasingly powerful,
growing interdependence of the world’s economies, power devolves from central level to regional
cultures, and populations brought about by cross- governments
border trade in goods and services, technology, and Global Society - societies of the world considered as
flows of investment, people, and information. a single entity as a result of globalization.
Political Globalization - the intensification and Civil Society - a society considered as a community
expansion of political interrelations around the globe. of citizens linked by common interests and collective
Aspects of Political Globalization - modern-nation activity. It is the organization within a society that
works to promote the common good, usually taken to impacts on society, polity, diplomacy, economy,
include state-run institutions, families, charities, and security, culture, development, negotiations, etc.
community groups. Criticism of Global Governance according to
The Global Civil Society - networks of citizens and the World Health Organization supports the idea of
non-governmental, non-profit organizations (NGOs) neo-liberalism and reduces the role of the state.
and associations that combine efforts to engage in According to the World Health Organization there are
social, political, and economic reform on the local, 3 primary gaps exist: (1) Jurisdictional gap between
national, and international levels with the intent the increasing the need for global governance, (2)
advancing societal interests and the quality of life Incentive gap between the need for international
through non-violent practices. cooperation and motivation to undertake it, and (3)
Global Governance - examines gaps in the Participation gap which refers to the fact that
international system for managing complex issues. international cooperation remains primarily the affair
of governments.
Discussion 5 Gaps according to Thakur & Weiss 2015):
In the Industrial Revolution, the rise and (1) Knowledge gap is important to have resources to
dominance of Europe’s economy and military investigate the issue, (2) Normative Gap important to
colonized the entire world. The English, American, establish and develop norms to address the problem,
and French Revolutions limited the powers of (3) Policy Gap related to the specifically policies that
monarchs. Democracy, Liberty, Equality, and one can implement to address the problem, (4)
Fraternity became the new standards of government Institutional Gap are any challenges of implementing
and society. A new attachment to one’s nation, any policies, and (5) Compliance Gap final
culture, language, and religion produced powerful challenges that include effective implementation as
forces of Nationalism. All of these contributed to new well as enforcement
ideologies in the 20th century such as Fascism, Due to the different definitions and changing
Socialism, and Communism. ideas of globalization, the nation-state's function in
The role of the nation-state in a global world globalization is a complicated one in part. Some
is largely a regulatory one as the chief factor in global scholars have theorized that nation-states in a
interdependence. While the domestic role of the globalized globe will be less important, inherently
nation-state remains largely unchanged, states that separated by physical and economic limits. While
were previously isolated are now forced to engage progressively decreased obstacles to international
with one another to set international commerce trade and communication are sometimes viewed as a
policies. Through various economic imbalances, potential threat to nation-states, such developments
these interactions may lead to diminished roles for have occurred throughout history. Another potential
some states and exalted roles for others. impact is for nation-states to examine their financial
Globalization is generally recognized as the policies in light of the many difficulties and
fading or complete disappearance of economic, possibilities presented by multinational corporations
social, and cultural borders between nation-states. and other international trade organizations. In
Some scholars have theorized that nation-states, specific, multinational companies challenge nation-
which are inherently divided by physical and states to address the distinctive problem of foreign
economic boundaries, will be less relevant in a direct investment, forcing nation-states to determine
globalized world. how much global impact they enable in their
To understand regionalism, we need to know economies.
various dimensions of the region. Region as a
geographical unit is delimited form each other.
Region as a social system reflects the relation Insights
between different human beings and groups. Regions Gorospe: Political Globalization usually talks about
are organized cooperation in cultural, economic, the growth of the political system worldwide. It is
political or military fields. Region acts as a subject very important because people should be aware that
with a distinct identity, language, culture, and sometimes we should not just focus on growth but we
tradition. Regionalism is an ideology and political should also accelerate and build a formation of the
movement that seeks to advance the causes of United Nation. Nation-State is relevant because
regions. As a process, it plays a role within the nation people usually share their national identity based on
as well as outside the nation i.e. at the international common culture with those people who surround
level. Both types of regionalism have different them in their territory.
meanings and have positive as well as negative Manalo: Borders may just be an idea of the past. As
we move into the 21st century, in Europe, the national depending on the farmers who are working hard to
borders have little meaning because all citizens can earn crops of rice & wheat. We are slowly gradually
travel, work and live freely as long as the country growing more dependent on globalization that we are
they’re moving in is part of the European Union. forgetting where we came from or our own identity.
Furthermore, many citizens are not aware of what Nation-state is still relevant because it serves as a
citizenship and borders really mean. Instead of balancing point because what about our own
working together to bring out the greatness at products, own language, etc. It serves as a reminder
everyone else, instead of nurturing friendship and that we have something to contribute as well to other
partnership across imaginary borders, we subject to countries, not just them contributing to us.
our human emotions. We must unite for a progressive
country so that future generations may enjoy and
benefit from it.
Garcia: Globalization and nation-states, for me, are
not really against each other. Both can co-exist with
one another and the present time itself is proof for
this. However, they tend to tip beyond balance and
therefore, as variables living inside both phenomena,
we are the ones responsible for keeping these two
intact. We can harness the benefits that they offer
both without sacrificing anything by keeping nation-
states’ identities while maintaining a healthy
relationship with others to nurture globalization.
Adriano: Regionalism could actually have a great
effect on Globalization for me. Especially at the
International level because people from other
countries get to experience education. For the
national level, I think some people or groups want to
have their own government is because of the
difference between cultures and traditions. Also, there
are cities and places wherein food, proper education,
health are not given. Sometimes it is given but it is
not enough. That’s why I think Regionalism has its
benefits and downsides you just need to choose
whether the government approves or accepts it, or
Aquino: Global civil society is a great help to our
society. It unites the people for a certain cause. It
helps people to build camaraderie. Global civil
society is important in a country because it
undertakes diverse ambitions such as eradicating
poverty, promoting democracy, resolving social
conflict, preventing environmental degradation, and
protecting human rights.
Mansano: Global Governance is helpful in order to
solve the problems and issues of the world as a
whole. But in my opinion, it may lead to
Neoliberalism which tax and regulations are
minimized and public services are getting privatized
it only means that country who needs help from the
international community are taking advantage.
Tapang: So basically, Nation-state in Globalization is
slowly fading through the course of time. Because
countries, for example, the rice issue with the
government here in the Philippines, they want other
countries to send rice stock here so we will not be

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