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Energy Policy 92 (2016) 45–55

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Trade openness and environmental quality: International evidence

Thai-Ha Le a, Youngho Chang b,n, Donghyun Park c
RMIT University, Vietnam
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Asian Development Bank, Philippines


 Relation between trade and the environment is examined for 98 countries.

 A long-run relationship exists among pollutant emissions, openness, and growth.
 Openness appears to lead to environmental degradation for the global sample.
 The relationships differ according to the income of countries.
 A feedback effect between trade openness and pollutant emissions exists.

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We examine the relationship between trade openness and the environment in a cross-country panel,
Received 18 August 2015 using the emission of particulate matter (PM10) as the basic indicator of environmental quality. The
Received in revised form panel cointegration test results show a long-run relationship between particulate matter emissions, trade
28 December 2015
openness, and economic growth. We find that increased trade openness leads to environmental de-
Accepted 21 January 2016
Available online 29 January 2016
gradation for the global sample. However, the results differ according to the income of countries. Trade
openness has a benign effect on the environment in high-income countries, but a harmful effect in
Jel classifications: middle- and low-income countries. These results are generally robust to different measures of trade
Q56 openness and environmental quality. Interestingly and significantly, the results are consistent with the
Keywords: popular notion that rich countries dump their pollution on poor countries. Finally, we find evidence of a
Trade openness feedback effect between trade openness and particulate matter emissions for the global sample as well as
Environment different income groups of countries.
Particulate matter emissions & 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Global panel data set

1. Introduction rise of China was driven to a large extent by its integration into the
global trading system. If trade leads to growth, and growth leads to
Reflecting widespread concerns over environmental degrada- environmental deterioration, the affected countries may impose
tion, protecting the environment has emerged as a global priority more stringent environmental regulations. We can expect the
in recent decades. In this context, the impact of trade on the en- consequent employment of more environmentally friendly pro-
vironment is an issue of growing importance in trade policy. There duction methods to improve environmental quality. This view is
has been an increasing number of empirical studies that in- empirically supported by Antweiler et al. (2001) who found that
vestigate the relationship between openness to trade and en- trade openness is associated with reduced pollution as measured
vironmental quality (see, e.g., Frankel and Romer, 1999; Antweiler by sulphur dioxide concentrations. Baek et al. (2009) also showed
et al., 2001; Cole and Elliot, 2003; Boulatoff and Jenkins, 2010; that trade and income positively affected environmental quality in
Shabaz et al., 2013). The evidence from these studies is mixed, developed countries and China. Boulatoff and Jenkins (2010) found
with some studies finding a positive relationship while others find evidence of a negative long-term relationship between trade and
a negative relationship. Both theory and evidence suggest that oil-related carbon emissions across different income groups of
trade promotes growth. To name just one example, the remarkable countries.
On the other hand, a number of studies have found that in-
Corresponding author. creased openness can worsen environmental quality. Conceptually,
E-mail address: (Y. Chang). a country which has a comparative advantage in products that
0301-4215/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
46 T.-H. Le et al. / Energy Policy 92 (2016) 45–55

require a lot of pollution may specialise in the production of that migration raises a serious concern that poor and less developed
commodity. But doing so will increase pollutant emissions and countries are increasingly bearing the pollution burdens of con-
adversely affect environmental quality. China’s emergence as a sumption in rich and developed countries (Copeland and Taylor,
global manufacturing powerhouse is a good example of rapid ex- 2013).
port growth coinciding with extensive environmental deteriora- Yet there are also conceptual grounds for a beneficial effect of
tion. This negative view of the impact of trade on the environment trade on the environment. Antweiler et al. (2001) argue that in-
is consistent with Kellenberg (2009) and Managi and Kumar creased openness may promote the environment through the
(2009). technique effect. Specifically, if higher real income induced by
So does trade openness harm or benefit the environment? trade liberalisation leads to a higher level of economic develop-
More specifically, does trade openness increase or reduce pollu- ment, which is usually associated with greater ability and will-
tant emissions? In this study, we characterise environmental ingness to implement and enforce environmental regulations,
quality as a stock and its rate of deterioration or improvement as a environmental quality might improve. In addition, if the greater
flow. It therefore follows that higher flows of pollutant emissions scale of economic activity due to increased openness encourages
cause a greater degradation of the environment. We present new exploration into cleaner production techniques, this will reduce
evidence from a panel dataset of countries across different regions pollutant emissions. In other words, openness to trade can benefit
of the world. Using the globally representative panel dataset, we the environment if it brings about income gains which enable
hope to contribute toward a broader and deeper understanding of some countries to specialise in relatively clean industries (Cope-
the impact of trade on the environment, in particular the linkage land and Taylor, 2013).
between trade and pollutant emissions. Since theory offers grounds for both positive and negative re-
The main findings of the study are as follows. First, we could lationship between trade and the environment, the issue must be
not reject the existence of long-run relationship between trade settled through empirical analysis. In this context, we empirically
openness, particulate matter emissions, and income for the whole analyse a large cross-country dataset of particulate matter emissions
panel as well as across different income groups of countries. The in 98 countries. Our empirical analysis of the relationship between
finding is qualitatively robust to different measures of trade trade openness and environmental pollution takes into account the
openness and pollutant emissions. Second, we find that in the long income effect – i.e. the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypoth-
run, increased openness to trade leads to environmental de- esis. This hypothesis posits an inverted U-shaped pattern between
gradation for the global sample. However, the results differ ac- environmental pollution per capita and income per capita. As income
cording to country income level. For high-income countries, the increases, environmental pollution increases up to some income
environmental effect of trade openness is found to be positive threshold, after which environmental pollution declines.1 The evi-
while for middle- and low-income countries, this impact is sig- dence on the EKC hypothesis is mixed and inconclusive. The results
nificantly negative. The results are generally robust to different from some studies are consistent with the hypothesis (e.g., Dinda and
proxies of trade openness and pollutant emissions. Third, we find
Coondoo, 2006; Managi and Jena, 2008).
evidence of a feedback effect-i.e. bidirectional causal relations-
On the other hand, many other studies (e.g., Dinda et al., 2000;
between trade openness and particulate matter emissions for the
Coondoo and Dinda, 2008; Akbostanci et al., 2009) refute the EKC
global sample as well as across different income groups of
hypothesis. Coondoo and Dinda (2002) discuss the issue of caus-
ality in the context of EKC from the standpoint of economic theory,
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. The second section
and explain how this links up with the concept of income–emis-
reviews the relevant literature. The third section discusses the
sion causality underlying the Granger causality test. Their study
empirical framework and data. The fourth section reports and
used a dataset which covers 88 countries to examine income–
discusses the empirical results. The final section concludes the
emission causality patterns separately for 12 country groups
across different continents. The results reveal three different types
of causality relationship for different country groups. These studies
that test the EKC hypothesis are, however, based on a bivariate
2. Trade and the environment: Some conceptual issues
framework which might suffer from omitted variable bias that
causes spurious results.
According to Copeland and Taylor (2013), trade openness can
To summarise, the literature on the relationships between
influence the environment through two key channels: the scale
trade openness and environmental quality is inconclusive. Further,
effect and the composition effect. The scale effect refers to the
very few studies have used a panel framework to address possible
impact of trade on the level of economic activity. Specifically, in-
cross-country dependence. We were only able to find Jaunky
creased openness leads to a greater economic activity, for instance,
(2011), Arouri et al. (2012), Haggar (2012) and Ozcan (2013). Yet,
more transportation services, and more generally, more produc-
none of these studies looks at a sample of countries from the
tion and consumption of goods and services. Since these activities
inherently entail environmental costs, one might conclude that whole world nor do they incorporate income level and the EKC
increased economic activity stimulated by trade openness worsens hypothesis into the analysis. Our aim is to contribute to the lit-
environmental quality. erature by filling these gaps.
On the other hand, the composition effect refers to the influ-
ence of trade on the composition of output across countries.
Specifically, poor countries with relatively weak environmental 3. Empirical framework and data
regulations will specialise in producing dirty goods while rich
countries with tough environmental policies specialise in clean In this section, we described the framework and data that we
goods. This leads to a shifting of polluting industry from developed use for the empirical analysis of the relationship between trade
to developing countries (Copeland and Taylor, 2013). This view is and the environment.
consistent with Baek et al. (2009) who find that trade and income
favourably impact environmental quality in developed countries. 1
Dinda (2004) provides a thorough review of the EKC literature, including
However, the study found that the environmental impact of trade background history, conceptual insights, policy implications, and the conceptual
was negative in most developing countries. Dirty industry and methodological critique.
T.-H. Le et al. / Energy Policy 92 (2016) 45–55 47

3.1. The baseline model and data description small size. They pose a human health hazard, potentially causing
heart disease, lung cancer, asthma, atherosclerosis, cancer (as soot
To illustrate theoretical relationships among trade openness, particles can contain carcinogenic material), and even death
per capita income and environmental quality, we first define en- (Brunekreef and Holgate, 2002). These particulates also contribute
vironmental quality (EQ) as a function of trade openness (TO) and to global warming, since increase in suspended PM directly in-
per capita income and the square of per capita income (GDP and creases greenhouse gas emissions (Miah et al., 2011). Several
GDP2) as follows: studies in the literature use PM10 as an indicator of environmental
quality (e.g., Nowak et al., 2006; Plassmann and Khanna, 2006; Lee
EQ = f TO, GDP , GDP 2) (1a) et al., 2009; Miah et al., 2011; Salvador et al., 2012).
To conclude, there are several indicators of environmental
As illustrated in Eq. 1a, since income plays a strong role in
quality in literature, namely, SO2, NOx, BOD, COD, and particulate
determining environmental outcome, we incorporate the EKC into
matter (PM10 and PM2.5). In this study, due to the data availability
our analysis. Since environmental quality is a key variable in the
of our global panel data set, we use particulate matter 10 μm or
analysis of this study, it is important to choose an appropriate less in diameter (PM10) as the main measure of environmental
indicator for it. The environmental impact of trade might take quality, which is taken from Word Development Indicators (WDI).2
various forms of pollution. In other word, trade might entail sev- Nonetheless, we will attempt to judge the robustness of our results
eral types of environmental effects (Frankel and Rose, 2005). by examining carbon dioxide emissions (CO2, measured in metric
For example, in modelling the effect of trade on a country’s tons per capita) (CE hereafter) as another indicator of environ-
environment for a given level of per capita GDP, Frankel and Rose mental quality since data is available for our global sample. The
(2005) look at seven measures of environmental quality, namely, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently determined that
SO2 (sulphur dioxide), NO2 (nitrogen dioxide), PM (total sus- CO2 emissions pose a threat to human health and welfare (Bou-
pended particulate matter), CO2 (industrial carbon dioxide emis- latoff and Jenkins, 2010). PM10 has local and trans-boundary im-
sions), deforestation (average annual percentage change), energy pacts whereas CO2 is a greenhouse gas and has a global impact.
depletion (the product of unit resources rents and the physical Trade openness variable has been measured in various ways in
quantities of fossil fuel energy extracted which consists of coal, the literature. By employing different measures of trade openness,
crude oil and natural gas, as a percentage of GDP), and rural clean we are able to examine the relationship between trade openness
water access as percentage of rural population. Nevertheless, their and environmental quality more thoroughly. Squalli and Wilson
study focuses on the first three measures of local air pollution, (2011) review several common measures of trade openness that
since they are the most relevant. In particular, they argue that it is have been used in literature, and list M/GDP, X/GDP and (X þM)/
impossible to address CO2 by regulation at the national level since GDP (which, respectively, express import, export and total trade as
it is a purely global externality. Deforestation and energy depletion a share of GDP of a given country) as the three most widely used
are not measures of pollution. Furthermore, while it might be measures of trade openness. A large number of studies have also
worthwhile to look at these broader measures of environmental employed these three indicators of trade openness in their em-
quality, Frankel and Rose (2005) assert that the measurements of pirical investigation, for instance, Deme (2002), Kim and Lin
deforestation, energy depletion and water access might involve (2009), Squalli et al. (2010), Herrerias and Orts (2011), Kim (2011),
serious problems of composition and data reliability. Harris et al. (2011), Hye (2012), and Liargovas and Skandalis
Since our study covers a global panel data set, availability of (2012). Hence, to check for the robustness of the results, besides
data that is commensurable for a large number of countries and using the ratio of total trade to GDP as the main measure of trade
over long time periods is a major problem. Data are not available openness, we also experiment with alternative measures, namely,
for many environmental quality indicators, such as NOx (nitrogen the ratio of exports to GDP and the ratio of imports to GDP.
oxides), VOC (volatile organic compound), CO (carbon monoxide), As such, the baseline model in this study could be written in
PM2.5 (particulate matter up to 2.5 μm in size), ozone, measures this following compact form:
of water quality such as BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) and
COD (chemical oxygen demand), indicators of soil degradation, PMit = f (TOit , GDPit , GDPit2) (1b)
deforestation, biodiversity loss, and the like. Also, we did not use
or, alternatively:
composite environmental quality indices, such as the Environ-
mental Sustainability Index or the various indices for anthro- PMit = νi + η1iTOit + η2iGDPit + η3iGDPit2 + εit (1c)
pogenic ecological footprints (, because they are
available only for very few (most recent) years and usually com- where i¼ 1, 2, 3, … N for each country in the panel and t¼ 1, 2, 3,
bine ecological and environmental policy components (Bernauer … T refers to the time period. PMit is the particulate matter 10 μm
and Koubi, 2009). On the other hand, data for PM10 is reliable and or less in diameter (PM10, as measured in micrograms per cubic
available for a large number of countries (98 countries) during the metre), TOit is the trade openness (measured as the ratio of the
value of total trade to GDP), GDPit is per capita real GDP (constant
investigation period. As such, we use PM10, an indicator of local air
pollution, as the main indicator of environmental quality in this 2005 US$), and GDPit2 is the square of per capita real GDP.
study. The data of all required variables are taken from World De-
Air pollution is indeed a major environmental concern in most velopment Indicators (WDI, 2014). The data used in this study is
major cities across the world (Nowak et al., 2006). Specifically, pooled annual time series. All variables are converted into natural
logarithms to reduce heteroskedasticity. The variables are entered
particulate matter (PM) air pollution is one of the major causes of
into the model [1c] in their log level or first log difference,
poor environmental quality in many cities all over the world, with
serious effects on human health, buildings, and vegetation (Sal-
vador et al., 2012). PM is solids or liquids that are dispersed in 2
According to WDI (2014), PM10 are “capable of penetrating deep into the
ambient air (Miah et al., 2011). PM10 are particulates with a dia- respiratory tract and causing significant health damage. Data for countries and
meter less than 10 μm, small enough to be inhaled. They may thus aggregates for regions and income groups are urban-population weighted PM10
levels in residential areas of cities with more than 100,000 residents. The estimates
enter deep into the human respiratory tract and pulmonary sys- represent the average annual exposure level of the average urban resident to
tem (Shandilya et al., 2007). These particles are responsible for outdoor particulate matter. The state of a country’s technology and pollution
most of the airborne particle threat to human health due to their controls is an important determinant of particulate matter concentrations”.
48 T.-H. Le et al. / Energy Policy 92 (2016) 45–55

depending on whether they are I(0) or I(1) series. In the latter case, data. For instance, in the case of short time series, using panel data
we can obtain the growth rate of the relevant variables by their allows for more observations by pooling the time series data
differenced logarithms. The coefficients η1, η2, η3 correspond to the across countries and results in higher power for the Granger
elasticities of particulate matter dioxide emissions with respect to causality test (Pao and Tsaim, 2010). In addition, in contrast to time
openness to trade, real GDP per capita, squared real GDP per ca- series and cross-sectional data, by controlling for individual het-
pita, respectively. Under the EKC hypothesis, which implies non- erogeneity, panel data allows for “more informative data, more
linear effect of income on the environment, the elasticity estimates variability, less collinearity among the variables, more degrees of
of particulate matter emissions per capita with respect to real GDP freedom, and more efficiency” (Baltagi, 2005).
per capita and the square of real GDP per capita are expected to be The first step of the analysis is to test cross-sectional depen-
positive and negative, respectively. The sign of η1, the elasticity dence to decide appropriate unit root tests. Cross sectional in-
estimate of particulate matter emissions per capita with respect to dependence states that error terms are not cross-correlated, and
trade, is the main variable of interest, in light of the mixed and zero error covariance is a very important issue in panel unit root
inconclusive effect of trade on the environment found in the and cointegration tests. Relaxing this assumption makes the de-
literature. rived distributions of panel unit root and cointegration tests no
Our country sample includes 98 countries and our sample longer valid. Instead, they are dependent in a very complicated
period spans 1990 to 2013. The choice of countries in the sample way upon various nuisance parameters, which result in correla-
and the sample period is based on data availability. The sample tions across individual units (Chang, 2002). As noted in Cerrato
countries included are at various stages of economic development. (2001), cross sectional dependence can be caused by different
Previous studies seem to indicate that the relationship between factors such as model misspecification or common shocks. Failure
economic growth and the environment might be different for to take into consideration cross-sectional dependence between
countries at different income levels (e.g., Al-Mulali, 2011). In ad- the series may cause significantly biased results (Breusch and Pa-
dition, Tayebi and Younespour (2012) showed that it is useful to gan, 1980; Pesaran, 2004).
examine the trade-environment relationship conditional on In terms of econometrics, cross-sectional dependency could be
country characteristics. This is because besides differences in fac- explained as individuals forming panels are related to error terms
tor endowments, trade flows are also determined by differences in in the panel data model, as indicated in Eq. 2. That is, if individuals
environmental and pollution policy. Tayebi and Younespour (2012) forming a panel are affected by a shock, other individuals of the
argue that countries with higher per capita income tend to have panel are affected as well.
more stringent environmental regulations since environmental yit = αi + βi xit + εit (2)
quality is a normal good. This gives rise to the pollution haven
hypothesis, which implies that dirtier industries have been shift-
cov(εit , εij ) ≠ 0.
ing from the developed to the developing world to escape tighter
environmental standards (Esty, 2001).3 A number of Lagrange multiplier (LM) tests are available to
In light of this possibility, in addition to analysing the whole check cross-sectional dependency (CD), namely, CDLM1, CDLM1adj,
world panel, we divide the 98 countries into three sub-samples CDLM2 and CDLM. All CDLM tests come with the null hypothesis of
according to World Bank’s income classification. Specifically, the no cross sectional dependency across units. The first two LM tests,
first sub-sample includes high-income countries, which have in- i.e. CDLM1 and CDLM1adj tests, are developed by Breusch and Pagan
comes of US$12,616 or more, the second sub-sample is middle- (1980) and Pesaran and Yamagata (2008), respectively. These tests
income countries (lower-middle income countries have incomes are useful when N is fixed and T goes to infinity (T4 N). The other
between US$1,036 and US$4,085, and upper-middle income two LM tests, which are CDLM2 and CDLM tests, are proposed by
countries have incomes between US$4,086 and US$12,615) and Pesaran (2004). However, the CDLM2 test is useful when T and N
the third sub-sample consists of low-income countries, which are larger enough (Guloglu and Ivrendi, 2008). Meanwhile, the
have a per-capita income of US$1,035 or less. CDLM test is better to use when N is larger and T is smaller (T oN),
Table 1 presents the averages and the average growth rates of which is the case of this study. As such, this study employs the
the key variables used in the study. The levels of most variables are Lagrange multiplier CDLM test to check cross sectional dependency.
higher for high-income countries than those of the low- and In the second step, panel unit root tests are conducted. There
middle-income countries, except for particulate matter emissions. are two groups of panel unit root tests developed in literature. The
However, the pattern is different for growth rates. All the income first group consists of first generation unit root tests that ignore
groups have negative numbers for particulate matter emissions. cross-sectional dependence. The second group includes second
High-income countries have the biggest negative growth rate generation unit root tests that allow for cross-sectional depen-
while low-income countries have the lowest negative one. Middle- dence (e.g., Phillips and Sul, 2003; Bai and Ng, 2004; Moon and
income countries have the highest growth for carbon dioxide Perron, 2004; Smith et al., 2004; Pesaran, 2007).
emission and GDP per capita while low-income countries have the This study employs the IPS unit root test by Im et al. (2003). The
highest growth for different measures of trade openness. test removes cross-sectional averages from the data to control for
the cross-sectional correlation (as suggested by Levin et al., 2002).
3.2. Methodology IPS test is used as it is suitable for panel with N → σ and T is fixed.
The third step involves investigating the long-run relationships
To investigate the relationships between particulate matter between TO, CE, GDP and GDP2. We perform panel cointegration
emissions (PM) and trade openness (TO), real GDP per capita tests on the three following sub-samples. The first sub-sample
(GDP), and square of GDP per capita (GDP2) for 98 countries in the includes all the 98 countries in the global sample. The second sub-
world for the period 1980 to 2013, we use a panel data model. sample consists of only high-income countries, the third panel
Panel data has many advantages over cross-sectional or time series includes only middle-income countries, and the fourth panel
comprises low-income countries. This study uses the panel coin-
3 tegration tests developed by Westerlund (2007) and Persyn and
Here if trade flows could be specified by income group, it would be optimal.
However, this is not empirically feasible due to the lack of comprehensive data for a Westerlund (2008). Two different classes of tests can be used to
global panel during a sufficiently long period. evaluate the null hypothesis of no cointegration and the
T.-H. Le et al. / Energy Policy 92 (2016) 45–55 49

Table 1
Summary of the Variables, 1990–2013.

CO2 (metric tons per PM10 (micrograms per cubic GDP per capita (constant 2005 TO (TRADE/ EXPORT/GDP IMPORT/GDP
capita) meter) US$) GDP)

In levels
All countries 4.352 52.498 12080 84.623 41.590 44.362
East asia & Pacific 7.021 46.251 15764 125.100 64.987 57.545
Europe & Central asia 8.034 37.246 29001 88.556 42.180 40.930
Latin america & Caribbean 2.106 53.379 4484 69.134 39.057 45.886
Middle east & North africa 3.374 70.395 4579 92.035 44.526 54.659
North America 17.878 23.588 36529 45.954 21.961 21.781
South Asia 0.654 125.230 724 43.624 18.099 23.648
Sub-Saharan africa 0.983 56.630 1643 78.754 35.197 42.371
Low-income countries 0.206 58.160 363 53.369 21.006 34.323
Middle-income countries 2.174 63.458 2979 79.001 40.368 44.767
High-income countries 9.115 34.527 29590 105.495 51.879 48.106
In growth rates
All countries 0.59%  5.62% 2.20% 2.00% 3.00% 3.50%
East Asia & Pacific  2.74%  6.04% 3.40% 1.60% 3.10% 3.00%
Europe & Central asia  4.88%  6.67% 1.70% 2.40% 3.50% 3.50%
Latin America &  2.44%  5.19% 2.10% 1.20% 3.50% 4.70%
Middle East & North  3.12%  5.32% 2.40% 0.90% 1.80% 0.30%
North America  5.16%  7.65% 1.40% 1.60% 2.10% 2.70%
South Asia  0.80%  4.38% 3.80% 2.30% 3.10% 2.30%
Sub-Saharan Africa 11.08%  4.81% 1.90% 2.80% 2.50% 3.90%
Low-income countries  2.88%  4.31% 1.50% 3.80% 4.10% 4.20%
Middle-income countries 4.46%  5.25% 2.30% 1.80% 3.10% 4.00%
High-income countries  3.23%  6.70% 2.00% 1.50% 2.50% 2.70%

alternative hypothesis: group-mean tests and panel tests. Wes- and solves the following minimisation problem, function of β :
terlund (2007) develops four panel cointegration test statistics (Ga,
Gt, Pa and Pt) based on the Error Correction Model (ECM). These M M
S(β ) = (∑ Zi′εi(β ))′W (∑ Zi′εi(β )) = g (β )′Wg (β ) (5)
four test statistics are normally distributed. The two tests (Gt, Pt) i=1 i=1

are computed with the standard errors of the parameters of the

Error Correction (EC) estimated in a standard way, while the other where Zi′ is the instrument matrix for the i-th cross-sec-
statistics (Ga, Pa) are based on Newey and West (1994) standard tion, εi(β ) = (Yit − α − Xit′ β )and W is a weighting matrix.
errors, adjusted for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelations. In addition, desirable properties of the GMM and system GMM
By applying an Error-Correction Model in which all variables estimators hold asymptotic for large N, particularly more suitable
are assumed to be I(1), the tests proposed by Westerlund (2007) when N 4T, as in this study. Meanwhile, GLS is more suitable for
test the absence of cointegration, by determining whether error- samples with a small number of cross-sectional units. This gives
correction is present for individual panel members and for the rise to an important reason for choosing the GMM method as the
panel as a whole. Depending on the presence of cointergration, we main method in this study. The final step is conducting panel
estimate the long-run parameters in the cointegrating vector. In
short-run and long-run causality tests. To determine the direction
cross-sectional analysis, the error variance is likely to vary across
of Granger causality among the variables in both the long-run and
the groups, affecting the consistency of the estimators. Using the
the shot-run, a panel-based error correction model is employed,
generalised least squares method (GLS) in the estimation could
following the two steps of Engle and Granger (1987). The study
address this issue. However, other sources of variance variability
might still exist, for example the correlation of the squared re- first estimates the long-run parameters in Eq. 1c via the FMOLS
siduals with the regressors in each group. There are two sources of estimator to obtain the residual. It then defines the first-lagged
within-group heteroskedasticity, which could be given either by residual as the error correction term and estimates the following
differences in the unconditional variance of the residual terms or dynamic error correction models:
by differences in the variance of the residual terms conditioned on
m m m
the regressors. For this purpose, we use an efficient estimator
which uses the generalized method of moments (GMM) to control
ΔPMit = γ1i + ∑ γ11ikΔPMit − k + ∑ γ12ikΔTOit − k + ∑ γ13ikΔGDPit − k
k=1 k=1 k=1
for both heteroskedaticity sources. m
Considering the model: + ∑ γ14ikΔGDPit2− k + ϕ1iECTit − 1 + ε1it
k=1 (6)
Yit = α + Xit′ β + δi + γt + εit (3)

where i = 1, N , t = 1, T , Y is a dependent variable, α is a constant, m m m

X is a vector of explanatory variables, β represents a vector of ΔTOit = γ2i + ∑ γ21ikΔPMit − k + ∑ γ22ikΔTOit − k + ∑ γ23ikΔGDPit − k
coefficients to be estimated, εit represents the residual terms, δi k=1 k=1 k=1
and γt are the cross-section and, respectively period fixed or ran- m

dom effects. + ∑ γ24ikΔGDPit2− k + ϕ2iECTit − 1 + ε2it

The GMM estimator is computed based on the following: k=1 (7)

g (β ) = ∑i = 1 gi(β ) = ∑i = 1 Zi′εi(β ) (4)
50 T.-H. Le et al. / Energy Policy 92 (2016) 45–55

Table 2 Table 3
Results of Bias-adjusted LM Test of Error Cross-section Independence. Panel Unit Root Test Results.

PM10 CO2 Intercept case

Trade Test Level 1st difference

Test Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic IPS Statistic IPS Statistic
Fixed effect Random effect Fixed effect Random effect
CDLM 10.878*** 15.997*** 8.945*** 12.719*** TO  1.169  8.329***
Export GDP 4.8483  4.6323***
Test Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic GDP2 8.286  4.942***
Fixed effect Random effect Fixed effect Random effect IM/GDP  0.449  7.267***
CDLM 22.516*** 32.230*** 8.945*** 12.719*** EX/GDP 0.723  6.276***
Import CE 2.985  3.933***
Test Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic PM 1.444  6.745***
Fixed effect Random effect Fixed effect Random effect
CDLM 19.486*** 27.235*** 8.776*** 11.412*** Note: Ho: All panels contain unit roots.
indicates rejection of the null hypothesis at the 1% significance level. Cross-
H0: cross-sectional independence. sectional correlation is controlled by removing cross-sectional means (Levin et al.,
indicates rejection of the null hypothesis at the 1% significance level. 2002). The number of lags for each panel is chosen by minimising the AIC, subject
to a maximum of 4 lags.
m m
ΔGDPit = γ3i + ∑ γ31ikΔPMit − k + ∑ γ32ikΔTOit − k deviations from long-run equilibrium.
k=1 k=1 Our empirical strategy follows several previous studies which
m m
employed the EKC hypothesis in their examination (for example,
+ ∑ γ33ikΔGDPit − k + ∑ γ34ikΔGDPit2− k + ϕ3iECTit − 1 + ε3it Lean and Smyth, 2010; Wang et al., 2011; Hamit-Haggar, 2012;
k=1 k=1 (8)
Ozcan, 2013). With respect to the estimation method, Eqs. (6) and
(7) are estimated using Arellano–Bond (1991)’s linear dynamic
m m panel-data estimation, and Eqs. (8) and (9) are estimated using
ΔGDPit2 = γ4i + ∑ γ41ikΔPMit − k + ∑ γ42ikΔTOit − k Zellner (1962; 1963) and Zellner and Huang (1962)’s seemingly
k=1 k=1 unrelated regression as this allows joint tests. Subsequently, the
m m
Wald test is used to determine the short-run and long-run
+ ∑ γ43ikΔGDPit − k + ∑ γ44ikΔGDPit2− k + ϕ4iECTit − 1 + ε4it causality.
k=1 k=1 (9)

where the term Δdenotes the first difference, m is the lag length
set at three, which is based on Akaike information criterion. ECT is 4. Empirical results and discussions
the error-correction term, ϕj, i (j¼1, 2, 3, 4) is the adjustment
coefficient, and εjit is the disturbance term presumed to be un- In this section, we report and discuss the results of our em-
correlated with zero means. pirical analysis. In the first stage of the analysis, we test for cross-
The error correct term in Eqs. (6–9) can be derived from the sectional dependence. Table 2 reports the results of conducting the
long-run equilibrium Eq. (1c) as follows: Lagrange multiplier CDLM test.
The CD test statistic strongly rejects the null hypothesis of no
ECTit = PMit − ν^i − η^1iTOit − η^2iGDPit − η^3iGDPit2 (10) cross-sectional dependence. This implies the presence of cross-
sectional dependence under a fixed effect (FE) specification. Fol-
Two sources of causation can be derived from the estimation of lowing Baltagi (2005), we also report the results of the model
the dynamic error correction models as in Eqs. (6–9), including the using the random effect (RE) estimator.4 The finding is the same as
short-run causality and long-run causality. In terms of short-run the case of FE estimator and qualitatively robust to different
Granger causality represented in Eq. 6, causality runs from ∆TO to measures of trade openness and pollutant emissions. Thus, we
∆PM if the null hypothesis: γ12ip=0, ∀ ip is rejected, while causality proceed by conducting panel unit root tests that take cross-sec-
runs from ∆GDP and ∆GDP 2 to ∆PM if the joint null hypothesis: tional dependence into account.
γ13ip = γ14ip=0, ∀ ip is rejected via a Wald test. In Eq. 7, causality The results of conducting IPS (2003)’s panel unit root test are
runs ∆PM to ∆TO if the null hypothesis: γ21ip=0, ∀ ip is rejected, reported in Table 3. The unit root statistics reported are for the
whereas causality runs from ∆GDP and ∆GDP 2 to ∆TO if the joint logged variables in level and in first difference. For the variables in
null hypothesis: γ23ip = γ24ip=0, ∀ ip is rejected. In Eqs. 8 and 9, due level, the results reveal that we can accept the null hypothesis of a
unit root for all the variables at conventional significance levels.
to the presence of two variables related to GDP growth (∆GDP and
Meanwhile, when taking the first difference, the test rejects the
∆GDP 2) in the system, we need to make cross-equation restrictions
null hypothesis at the 1% level for all the variables.
to determine the causality from either ∆PM or ∆TO to GDP growth
The third step of the empirical study involves investigating the
via a likelihood ration (LR) test. Causality from ∆PM to ∆GDP and
long-run relationship between TO, PM, GDP and GDP2, using the
∆GDP 2 is supported if the null hypothesis: γ31ip=0, ∀ ip and panel cointegration tests developed by Westerlund (2007) and
γ41ip=0, ∀ ip is rejected. Similarly, causality from ∆TO to ∆GDP and Persyn and Westerlund (2008). As these results in Table 2 strongly
∆GDP 2 is supported if the null hypothesis: γ32ip=0, ∀ ip and indicate the presence of common factors affecting the cross-
γ42ip=0, ∀ ip is rejected.
With regard to long-run causality in Eq. 6, if the null hypoth- 4
We conducted the Hausman test (with random effects is preferred under the
esis: ϕ1i=0, ∀ i is rejected, then ∆PM responds to deviations from null hypothesis due to higher efficiency, while under the alternative, fixed effects is
long-run equilibrium. In Eq. 7, if the null hypothesis: ϕ2i=0, ∀ i is at least consistent and thus preferred) for all models in our study. The results
suggested fixed effects are preferred for all the models, regardless of the different
rejected, then ∆TO responds to deviations from long-run equili-
measures of trade openness and environmental quality. Nevertheless, we also
brium. Finally, in Eqs. 8 and 9, if the null hypothesis: conducted and present the results for random effects in Table 2 for robustness
ϕ3i = ϕ4i=0, ∀ i is rejected, then ∆GDP and ∆GDP 2 jointly respond to checks. The Hausman test results are available upon request.
T.-H. Le et al. / Energy Policy 92 (2016) 45–55 51

Table 4
Westerlund (2007) Panel Cointegration Test Results.

Trade/GDP as TO measure

Statistic All countries High income Middle income Low income

Intercept Intercept and trend Intercept Intercept and trend Intercept Intercept and trend Intercept Intercept and trend
PM10 Gt  4.133***  0.598*  0.34 1.643**  4.607***  2.606**  1.298**  2.56**
Ga 9.415 15.259* 4.065 6.594 6.2*
10.45 5.834  3.331
Pt  26.096***  13.689*** 20.293*** 23.954***  31.735***  20.291*** 2.232  15.74***
Pa 0.715*** 10.128** 1.977*** 7.045*  1.846*** 5.873** 4.87**  11.157**
CO2 Gt  0.709**  0.462*  0.34 1.549** 1.832 2.385**  2.974***  3.298***
Ga 9.855 14.754* 4.065 6.378 7.142 10.609* 5.426  4.392
Pt  1.829**  0.242* 10.293** 11.751**  11.517*** 11.705***  11.025***  20.127***
Pa 4.534* 11.052** 1.977*** 5.146* 2.779* 8.139* 12.854***  16.007***
Export/GDP as TO measure
Statistic All countries High income Middle income Low income
Intercept Intercept and trend Intercept Intercept and trend Intercept Intercept and trend Intercept Intercept and trend
PM10 Gt  3.065***  0.345* 0.112 1.719**  3.927***  1.528*  0.603*  2.691**
Ga 9.802 15.033* 4.392 6.679 6.782 10.452* 5.587  3.92
Pt  14.049***  12.77*** 10.557*** 11.554***  17.072***  14.193*** 12.131**  10.603**
Pa 2.912** 8.615** 2.412** 5.332** 0.326*** 4.354*** 4.547**  2.172
CO2 Gt  1.164**  0.084*  0.702  0.55 1.495 3.204  3.277***  3.584**
Ga 9.457** 14.78** 4.179* 6.387* 7.086** 10.776** 4.787** 7.927
Pt  1.311** 0.895* 2.12 *
1.473*  0.764 3.394*  3.384**  7.368***
Pa 4.001** 10.975** 2.567* 15.101** 2.966* 8.198** 1.142** 4.58***
Import/GDP as TO measure
Statistic All countries High income Middle income Low income
Intercept Intercept and trend Intercept Intercept and trend Intercept Intercept and trend Intercept Intercept and trend
PM10 Gt  3.824***  0.78* 1.252* 3.568**  5.847***  4.249***  0.371* 1.335*
Ga 9.655* 15.341* 4.575 6.763 6.183* 10.469* 5.921 8.984*
Pt  16.679***  8.221**  10.16** 12.404**  20.992***  12.117*** 2.656* 7.235**
Pa 2.913*** 10.803* 2.356** 15.134**  0.668*** 6.146** 5.101** 8.537**
CO2 Gt 0.134* 0.283 1.473* 1.652** 0.654* 2.455  0.371*  3.536***
Ga 9.728* 14.88* 4.537 6.296 6.818 11.042* 5.921 7.84
Pt  1.594** 0.513* 1.869* 3.523*  2.067** 3.169* 2.656*  9.843***
Pa 4.39** 11.311*** 2.783* 4.958** 2.907* 8.675** 5.101** 4.027***

Note: H0: no cointegration.

indicate rejection of the null hypothesis at the 10% significance level. Using the bootstrap approach of Westerlund (2007) to account for cross-sectional dependence, the
number of replications is 400.
indicate rejection of the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level. Using the bootstrap approach of Westerlund (2007) to account for cross-sectional dependence, the
number of replications is 400.
indicate rejection of the null hypothesis at the 1% significance level. Using the bootstrap approach of Westerlund (2007) to account for cross-sectional dependence, the
number of replications is 400.

sectional units, the study bootstraps robust critical values for the parameters in the cointegrating vector using GMM panel estima-
test statistics. Table 4 reports the within and between dimension tion techniques that allow for estimating heterogeneous coin-
results of the panel cointegration tests. The results indicate that tegrated vectors.5 The results are shown in Table 5. Since all the
we can reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration at conven- variables are expressed in natural logarithms, the coefficients can
tional significance levels. We thus conclude that the variables TO, be interpreted as long-run elasticity estimates. The results show
PM, GDP and GDP2 move together in the long run. This result holds that, increased openness to trade causes environmental degrada-
across different income groups of countries. The results are robust tion for the global sample. For the panel of high-income countries,
to different measures of trade openness and environmental however, increased openness to trade benefits the environment.
quality. One possible interpretation is that increased foreign trade re-
The finding of a long-term relationship among the variables sults in income gains which enable some countries to specialise in
could be explained due to the important channels through which relatively clean industries (Copeland and Taylor, 2013). Trade is
trade can affect the environment, including scale, technique, and beneficial primarily because of its effect on wealth. Trade increases
composition effects proposed by Copeland and Taylor (2004) and wealth and therefore environmental quality through a technique
Antweiler et al. (2001), reviewed thoroughly in Section 2. The effect that improves production efficiency. Furthermore, greater
overall environmental effect of trade on economic growth depends wealth increases investment in environmental protection (Bhag-
on the net result of all three effects. Our finding is consistent with wati, 2000). This result is consistent with the finding in Baek et al.
previous studies in literature which also found evidence of a long- (2009) that trade has a positive effect on environmental quality in
term relationship between trade, income and the environment developed countries. However, Baek et al. (2009) use a time series
(e.g., Halicioglu, 2009; Boulatoff and Jenkins, 2010; Shahbaz et al., dataset, while in this study we use a global panel dataset which
2013; Mehrara et al., 2014). However, most of these studies are includes twice as many countries.
individual country studies while our paper covers a global sample
of 98 countries. 5
Before the GMM estimator, the Di Iorio and Fachin (2007)’s test for breaks in
The implication of the cointegration test results is that there is cointegrated panels is performed to examine the stability of the relationship be-
a long-run relationship between PM, TO, GDP and GDP2 for a cross tween the variables of interest. The results show that we can accept the null hy-
pothesis of no break. That is, the relationship among the investigated variables is
section of the countries. This result is robust to different measures
stable and not subject to structural breaks during the investigation period. To
of trade openness as well as environmental quality. Given the conserve space, the results are not presented here but they are available upon
presence of cointergration, this study estimates the long-run request.
52 T.-H. Le et al. / Energy Policy 92 (2016) 45–55

Table 5 Table 5 (continued )

Estimation Results of Models with Different Measures of Trade Openness and En-
vironmental Quality. All GMM

All GMM (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
PM PM PM CE CE CE (3.82) (2.73)
ΔGDP 0.053 0.039 0.044 1.793* 1.827* 1.710*
*** *** ***
ΔCE(  1) 0.621 0.628 0.611 (1.38) (1.21) (1.17) (2.12) (2.33) (2.18)
(23.82) (24.62) (23.00) ΔGDP2  0.042  0.063  0.035  1.218*  1.165*  1.118*
ΔPM(  1) 0.736*** 0.739*** 0.729*** (  1.37) (  1.00) (  1.68) (  2.00) (  2.18) (  2.00)
(15.47) (15.00) (16.25) ΔEX/GDP 0.078*** 0.218**
ΔTO 0.105** 0.607** (4.08) (2.83)
(2.97) (3.55) ΔIM/GDP 0.060*** 0.148*
ΔGDP 0.131* 0.140* 0.148* 0.169 0.167 0.204 (4.37) (2.07)
(2.07) (2.16) (2.26) (1.44) (1.38) (1.71) _cons 6.294*** 6.538*** 6.285*** 15.62 14.11* 13.78
ΔGDP2  0.016  0.171  0.168 0.127 0.114 0.117 (4.86) (5.05) (5.10) (1.94) (2.01) (1.85)
(  1.73) (  1.32) (  1.77) (1.32) (1.18) (1.22) N 679 678 678 664 664 664
ΔEX/GDP 0.006 0.013
(0.48) (0.37) Note:
ΔIM/GDP 0.203** 0.552** *
indicate rejection of the null hypothesis at the 10% significance level. t sta-
(2.60) (2.76) tistics are in parentheses.
*** ***
_cons 4.018 4.158 4.121***  4.104 **
 4.057 **
 4.192** **
indicate rejection of the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level. t sta-
(5.46) (5.69) (5.44) (  2.67) (  2.62) (  2.73) tistics are in parentheses.
N 1937 1925 1925 1860 1854 1854 ***
indicate rejection of the null hypothesis at the 1% significance level. t sta-
High-in- GMM tistics are in parentheses.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) On the other hand, for middle and low-income countries, we
PM PM PM CE CE CE find that the environmental impact of trade was significantly ne-
ΔCE(-1) 0.740*** 0.740*** 0.744*** gative. The results are similar to Baek et al. (2009), which finds
(17.07) (16.98) (16.87)
that trade has detrimental effects on environmental quality in
ΔPM(-1) 0.800*** 0.789*** 0.790***
(20.41) (19.39) (19.74) most developing countries.
ΔTO  0.201**  0.109* Overall, our results could be explained by the theoretical fra-
(  2.90) (  2.40) mework for the trade-environment nexus proposed by Tayebi and
ΔGDP 0.095 0.0885 0.108 0.238* 0.236 0.273* Younespour (2012). The framework posits that international trade
(1.73) (1.55) (1.83) (1.98) (1.90) (2.21)
ΔGDP2  0.009  0.0775*  0.0966** 0.0258 0.0355 0.00821
has an impact on environmental quality that varies with the
(  1.08) (  2.33) (  2.94) (0.40) (0.49) (0.12) comparative advantage of a country. They argue that capital
ΔEX/GDP  0.602*  0.040* abundance plays a critical role in determining comparative ad-
(  2.31) (  2.40) vantage. Specifically, all else equal, if a country is relatively capital
ΔIM/GDP  0.105  0.108*
abundant (sufficiently rich), it should export the capital intensive
(  2.89)** (  2.58)
_cons 2.345*** 2.132 ***
2.384***  2.553**  2.684*  2.335* (polluting) good. Meanwhile, a poor country is normally relatively
(4.83) (4.08) (4.76) (  2.79) (  2.46) (  2.42) labour abundant, and hence it should export the labour intensive
N 298 293 293 284 282 282 (clean) good. In this context, our results support the argument by
Middle-in- GMM
Copeland and Taylor (2013) that dirty industry migration transfers
countries the pollution burdens of developed countries’ consumption to
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) developing countries. These findings are robust across different
PM PM PM CE CE CE measures of trade openness.
ΔCE(  1) 0.315** 0.313** 0.312**
Further, for the global sample as well as different income
(2.77) (2.77) (2.74)
ΔPM(  1) 0.678*** 0.682*** 0.678*** groups of countries, we could not find evidence of an inverted
(11.41) (11.73) (12.14) U-shaped pattern between particulate matter emissions and in-
ΔTO 0.109** 0.309* come per capita at 5% significance level. The results are robust to
(2.92) (2.16) different measures of trade openness as well as environmental
ΔGDP 0.104 0.140 0.140 0.728 0.696 0.752
(1.45) (1.86) (1.81) (1.84) (1.70) (1.71)
quality and hence refute the EKC hypothesis. In fact, Suri and
ΔGDP2  0.123*  0.195*  0.001  0.279  0.260  0.279 Chapman (1998) contend that the developed countries shift the
(  1.90) (  2.00) (  0.86) (  1.01) (  0.92) (  0.97) production of pollution-intensive goods to developing countries,
ΔEX/GDP 0.209* 0.305* thus reducing their own emissions. Therefore, factoring in inter-
(2.50) (1.98)
ΔIM/GDP 0.161** 0.203*
national trade weakens the EKC. One reason EKC may not be ob-
(2.98) (2.33) served in some cases is that even though there may exist an un-
_cons 3.616*** 4.067*** 3.989*** 1.646 1.278 1.498 derlying relationship between pollution levels and income, the
(5.23) (5.09) (4.63) (0.39) (0.31) (0.36) observable indicators of environmental quality may continue to
N 960 954 954 912 908 908
worsen due to stock effects.
Low-in- GMM
come Furthermore, the existence of EKC may depend upon the type
countries of environmental indicators chosen. This explains the conflicting
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) nature of observations made by studies in the past. A con-
sequential implication of this explanation is that perhaps one must
ΔCE(  1) 0.622*** 0.600*** 0.600***
(4.68) (4.05) (4.07) not put too much emphasis on proving the existence of EKC, be-
ΔPM(  1) 0.842*** 0.817*** 0.820*** cause it may give misleading policy implications. Pollution may
(33.21) (30.90) (28.71) indeed decline over time with technological advances or increas-
ΔTO 0.053*** 0.139**
ing preferences for environmental qualities, but there may be
T.-H. Le et al. / Energy Policy 92 (2016) 45–55 53

Table 6 relationship running from ΔGDP and ΔGDP2 to ΔPM and ΔTO. The
Long-run and Short-run Causality Test Results. results also suggest that there is a feedback effect-i.e. bidirectional
causal relations-between trade openness and particulate matter
emissions for the whole sample as well as different income groups
Environmental Dependent Sources of causation of countries. This finding is maintained using carbon emissions
quality indicator variables (CE) as an indicator of environmental quality.
PM10 ΔGDP, Short- ΔTO Long run In addition, the presence of a long-run causality is indicated by
ΔGDP2 run ΔPM ECT(  1)
– 5.39 39.32 ***
the statistical significance of the estimated coefficient for one
ΔPM 7.87* – 14.48*** 144.99*** period of lagged error correction term. The consistent finding
ΔTO 32.86*** 11.16** – 1.84* across the world sample and sub-samples of different income
CO2 ΔGDP, Short- ΔTO Long run groups suggests long-rum causality running from ΔGDP and
ΔGDP, ΔGDP2 – 11.97** 39.98***
ΔGDP2 and ΔTO to ΔPM.
ΔCE 34.52*** – 16.69*** 935.61***
ΔTO 35.46*** 6.07** – 5.82**
High-income countries 5. Policy implications
Environmental Dependent Sources of causation
quality indicator variables
PM10 ΔGDP, Short- ΔTO Long run
Interestingly and significantly, our central finding that trade
ΔGDP2 run ΔPM ECT(-1) benefits the environment in high-income countries but harms the
ΔGDP, ΔGDP – 2.23 15.10*** 12.01*** environment in low- and middle-income countries is consistent
ΔPM 7.29 – 9.56*** 62.55*** with the popular notion that rich countries dump the pollution
ΔTO 5.45 13.22*** – 2.47**
associated with their consumption on poor countries. The former
CO2 ΔGDP, Short- ΔTO Long run
ΔGDP2 run ΔCE ECT(-1) have outsourced a lot of their environmentally dirty manufactur-
ΔGDP, ΔGDP2 – 2.47 14.41*** 5.92* ing activities to the latter but often remain the major market for
ΔCE 2.75 – 6.02** 58.70*** the manufacturing output of the latter. For example, foreign direct
ΔTO 4.60 12.49*** – 1.03* investment from advanced economies has helped to transform
Middle-income countries
Environmental Dependent Sources of causation
China into a highly polluted factory of the world, which exports
quality indicator variables much of what it produces back to the advanced economies.
PM10 ΔGDP, Short- ΔTO Long run Therefore, our evidence lends some support to calls for rich
ΔGDP2 run ΔPM ECT(-1) countries to provide assistance for the efforts of rich countries to
ΔGDP, ΔGDP2 – 4.79 12.15** 8.00**
*** tackle pollution. To the extent that rich countries are outsourcing
ΔPM 21.14 – 6.72* 495.68***
ΔTO 22.13*** 11.04*** – 10.96*** pollution, there is a case for their contributing to the clean-up of
CO2 ΔGDP, Short- ΔTO Long run the outsourced pollution.
ΔGDP2 run ΔCE ECT(  1) International environmental cooperation is vital for mitigating
ΔGDP, ΔGDP2 – 8.75* 11.20** 6.20** trans-boundary pollution and other negative spill-over effects.
ΔCE 5.68 – 5.97* 453.95***
ΔTO 25.55*** 10.07*** – 2.08*
Furthermore, cooperation based on technology sharing can pro-
Low-income countries mote economically beneficial efficiency gains and innovations
Environmental Dependent Sources of causation (Beghin et al., 1994). Some countries view incorporating environ-
quality indicator variables mental provisions into trade agreement as the most effective way
PM10 ΔGDP, Short- ΔTO Long run
to protect the global environment. These countries include Cana-
ΔGDP2 run ΔPM ECT(  1)
ΔGDP, ΔGDP2 – 3.99 40.41*** 36.85*** da, the US, the European Union, and New Zealand. Among devel-
ΔPM 12.81*** – 12.74*** 28.72*** oping countries, the efforts of Chile to include comprehensive
ΔTO 34.32*** 10.77*** – 30.19*** environmental chapters in its trade agreements are noteworthy
CO2 ΔGDP, Short- ΔTO Long run (OECD, 2007). Trade agreements can strengthen the capacity for
ΔGDP2 run ΔCE ECT(  1)
governments to address environmental issues. In particular, the
ΔGDP, ΔGDP2 – 45.29*** 51.17*** 20.57***
ΔCE 18.57*** – 16.32*** 162.06*** reduction of trade barriers on environmental goods can lead to
ΔTO 25.52*** 10.80*** – 13.21*** increased access to green technologies at lower cost. For instance,
the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is expected to help
Note: χ2 statistics are reported for the Wald test.
developing countries shift into cleaner industries and transition to
indicate rejection of the null hypothesis at the 10% significance level.
low-carbon pathways by providing access to green goods, services,
indicate rejection of the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level.
indicate rejection of the null hypothesis at the 1% significance level. and investments (Meltzer and Tania Voon, 2014).
On the other hand, some economists believe that trade agree-
ments are unsuitable for tackling environmental issues. The pro-
stock effects from emissions which are irreversible and subject to blem is that not all countries face the same incentives to join trade
hysteresis (Ranjan et al., 2003). agreements with environmental provisions. As such, environ-
The existence of a long-run cointegration vector necessitates mental issues may hinder agreement between the negotiating
the exploration of Granger causality. Table 6 summarises the parties. This is particularly relevant to trade negotiations between
causality estimates for the global sample and separately for low- high-income countries on one hand and low- and middle-income
income, middle-income, and high-income countries. The optimal countries on the other. Low- and middle-income countries often
lag structure is set to three and the significance of the causality face many practical constraints in incorporating the environment
tests is determined by the Wald F-test. into trade negotiations. These include a lack of environmental
For the global sample, the results indicate no short-run re- knowledge among negotiators, opposition from higher levels of
lationship running from particulate matter emissions (ΔPM) to governments, insufficient coordination among trade and en-
economic growth (ΔGDP and ΔGDP2). Based on the statistically vironment ministries, and underdeveloped national environ-
significant and positive coefficients of ΔGDP and ΔGDP2 in the mental legislation. In such scenarios, the outcome of the nego-
ΔPM and ΔTO equations of the world and low-income country tiations many depend heavily on economic size and power, which
sub-samples, one may conclude that there is a short-run transitory is likely to be highly asymmetric. Furthermore, strong political
54 T.-H. Le et al. / Energy Policy 92 (2016) 45–55

will, which is often lacking, is required to negotiate environmental References

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