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Health Script- Group 1

Raphael: Goodmorning class

Students: Goodmorning Mr. Macapagal

Raphael: Today we are going to tackle about a healthy family. As you all know, a healthy
family is not being physically healthy but emotionally and psychologically healthy. We might
argue about little things or big issues, but that is a part of the challenges we encounter, and
we should face it as a family.

*school bell rings*

Raphael: Alright. Goodbye and thank you class.

Students (AR, BT, RB, FA): Goodbye and thank you Sir! See you tomorrow

*on the way home*

Francis: Oh, Dad and mom are still not here. We got home first. Where's the key?

Ryme: Here.

*at home*

*moments later*

Stacey & Pyrrhus: Kids, we're home!

Abrielle: Oh no!

Blessie: We have to clean up our mess!

Stacey: *walks in w/ Pyrrhus* What is this?! I don't wanna go home seeing all this mess! Oh,
what about these papers hanging around? Clean them up!

Pyrrhus: I see a lot of papers at work, I don’t want to see papers at home as well!

Ryme: I’m tired of you guys yelling at us when you come home! Can’t you see that we’re
also tired from school too.

Abrielle: We also want a break, it’s not like you’re the only ones tired all the time.

*all the children goes to their room*

Stacey: It’s hard to see them like this

Pyrrhus: Yeah, we have to talk to them later

*diner time*

Stacey: Food is ready!

*children sit down*

Pyrrhus: We did not mean to be that harsh to you guys. We all know that we are stressed

Stacey: Please forgive our actions earlier, we never meant to hurt you.

Ryme: Sorry too mom and dad. I didn't mean to be disrespectful to you guys

Abrielle, Joseph, Francis, Blessie: We’re sorry too mom and dad

Pyrrhus: Ok! Now let’s eat

*after diner*

*entire family wash the dishes together*

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