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According to the United Nations, the world’s population is estimated to increase by 29% to 9.8
billion in 2050. This will put enormous pressure on the world’s resources, particularly the
agriculture sector. It is therefore essential to develop sustainable measures that will
significantly increase output to meet the demands of an ever-increasing global population. The
agriculture industry needs to transform to match the demand. One way to address these issues
while simultaneously increasing the quality and quantity of agricultural production is to
implement technology-driven farming or IoT-based farming. In the last decade, industrialised
and digitised farming has become more commonplace and is spreading fast, creating significant
disruption in the agricultural landscape. Smart farming, or IoT-based farming, is changing
agricultural practices and predictions. Therefore, in this project, with taking advantage of the
real-time data captured by IoT sensors, a control system will be developed which help farmers
to predict the weather, check soil and water conditions, prevent diseases and manage crop
conditions. These smart solutions ensure crops are well nourished and watered without human
intervention. The data collected from sensors are stored in the cloud and can be easily accessed
using a phone, tablet or desktop computer at the farmer’s convenience. IoT-based farming
solutions have become more affordable for farm owners as farming sensors are now smaller,
more sophisticated and cheaper. Commented [DMTI1]: Cuba baca cara saya tulis

Modern technologies have become more and more well-known in this age of rapid
industrial growth. The agriculture sector is the most important sector that contributes to
Malaysia, one of the largest in our state. In this regard, it is highly necessary to use the
Internet of Things (IoT) to produce a product that is more effective. This work provides
a smart greenhouse model for automatic use without the need for a lot of manual
inspection. Smart greenhouse is a system that design to protect a plants from any
weather condition such as raining, radiation, insects and pest attacks.

Agricultural field irrigation is achieved using automatic drip irrigation, which

depends on the moisture of the soil. The environment is apply to the plants accordingly
as an appropriate amount of water. Proper tanks for water management are create and
a water level sensor is used to give a signal that alerts a minimum water tank level. Led
grow light are using to give enough light intensity to the plant. Humidity sensor function
as control a room temperature inside a smart greenhouse. Favoriot software is a
application that main system to control and monitoring of smart greenhouse system. All
a data and a signal will transmit at this software and this software will react and give a
feedback or alert at the smartphone.


Agriculture is an important sector in Malaysia. For many years, this sector has been the
backbone of Malaysian economy by producing agricultural products for domestic
consumption, as the earner of foreign exchange. Agriculture also contributes to the national
Gross Domestic Products (GDP). It provides major employment for the people, especially from
the rural areas. In 2013, this sector employs more than 1.6 million people or 10.9% of the total
employment, contributed more than 23% of the total export earnings and adds about 7.2% of
Malaysia's GDP. MALAYSIA imported nearly RM20bil in processed food in 2018. That’s a
high figure for a country with a population of 32 million. .Being heavily dependent on imports
to feed our people does not augur well for our food security. Reliance on imports can leave us
exposed to vulnerabilities during an economic downturn or when climate change consequences
hit harder. And when the ringgit weakens, it will make food imports more expensive.

The Malaysia National Agrofood Policy was developed in 2010/2011, with the main focus on
improving the efficiency of agrofood industry in Malaysia. The objectives of the NAP4 are, 1)
to ensure adequate food supply and food safety, 2) to develop the agrofood into a competitive
and sustainable industry and 3) to increase the income level of agricultural entrepreneurs. One
of the key policy is to modernization of agriculture by R&D, technology and innovation. With
the current development of IT, the smart green house is the way forward to improve the
production of the food for the country.

Cerita sikit ape itu smart green house kat sini… dan last sekali selepas cerita [pasal smart green

Agriculture Smart Greenhouse is an automatic system for plant development. Smaller scale
atmosphere control condition for ideal plant development. A climatic condition inside the
nursery. For example, temperature and soil dampness are persistently observed. Little varieties
in these climatic conditions trigger Internet of Things (IoT) activities. The moves assess change
and make restorative activity in this manner keeping up ideal conditions for plant development. Commented [DMTI2]: Masukkan lagi panjang sikit

Kamu cerita pasal project ini adalah berkenaan to develop a smart control system for smart
green house using solar panel as source of power..

In globalisation era, agriculture is the most abundant source of food for humans.
The less fortunate are doing farming to save their pocket money and generate income
by marketing their crops. Agriculture is also a source of national economy by exporting
crop yields to poor nations to increase the country's source of income.[1]

In the past, most farmers used people to avoid crop-prone plants without using
science and technology methods. Nevertheless, crops were still disrupted by worms
which caused crop damage. Advanced methods of pest control can save money, time
and energy and improve the quality of the plant. Government should therefore work on
new ways of fighting these pests. Biological pest control can be introduced to tackle
this problem, such as the use of mechanical pest control, which is the use of hands-on
methods, as well as basic hardware and gadgets, which gives plants and creepy crawls
a defensive obstacle. In order to provide safe and clean food products.

Malaysia adopted the National Agro-Food Policy (NAP4). Malaysia has also
introduced a number of new agricultural technologies that are organic fertilizers that
have once helped our country's agricultural sector as they produce better quality crops.
In addition, this organic fertilizer was previously tested and it is evident that the use of
organic fertilizers can produce crops of higher quality.

The agriculture is popular sector for development system. The idea for develop a
system in agriculture sector is improve a smart greenhouse system [2]. A smart
greenhouse system is to monitoring and controlling a plant. The research is expect to
cover the plant development system in greenhouses. This is to lift crop profitability that
exist in the regular habitat. For instance, the framework is to be utilise in the program
administration of conditions. For example, temperature monitoring and water system in
a green house. This data about the conditions in the greenhouse. This data will be
transferred in type of software which the client will likewise have the option to control
and modify values as needs be which will thus change a good condition of the
greenhouse suitably. Automatically control greenhouse environmental conditions
allowing any plant type to be grown throughout the year. Eliminates the risk that, due
to human error, greenhouse is not maintained under specific environmental conditions.
Minimize labor costs associated with greenhouse maintenance.

This project describes the design of an arduino-based IoT-based greenhouse

monitoring and control system. This project is on the rise in unique forms of
technological progress in recent times, even in urban areas, making the growth of the
plant sector high. The IoT's way of storing daily life and information will change
dramatically. This monitoring and control system uses sensor and IoT to provide
updates to perceive different parameters inside the greenhouse.

Agriculture Smart Greenhouse is an automatic system for plant development.

Smaller scale atmosphere control condition for ideal plant development. A climatic
condition inside the nursery. For example, temperature and soil dampness are
persistently observed. Little varieties in these climatic conditions trigger Internet of
Things (IoT) activities. The moves assess change and make restorative activity in this
manner keeping up ideal conditions for plant development.

Nursery is a sort of spot which can change plant development condition, make the
best conditions for plant development and evade impact on plant development due to
outside changing seasons and extreme weather. For nursery estimation and control
framework [1]. As addiction to build harvest yield, improve quality, control the
evelopment time frame and improve the financial proficiency, the ideal state of yield
development is gotten based on taking full irrigation system of normal assets by
changing nursery condition factors [3]. For example, temperature, light, and a good
condition of moisture at the plant.

3.0 PROBLEM STATEMENT Commented [DMTI3]: Problem statement adalah problem kita

According to the United Nations, the world’s population is estimated to increase by 29% to 9.8
billion in 2050. This will put enormous pressure on the world’s resources, particularly the agriculture
sector. It is therefore essential to develop sustainable measures that will significantly increase output to
meet the demands of an ever-increasing global population. The agriculture industry needs to transform
to match the demand. One way to address these issues while simultaneously increasing the quality and
quantity of agricultural production is to implement technology-driven farming or IoT-based farming. Commented [DMTI4]: Betul tak ini problem dia...ini problem
yg utama..
Therefore a smart green house with affordable control system is needed to help the farmers to achieve
higher food production.

i. The high cost of plant development to monitoring and control asystem of a plant
in good conditions.
ii. This system using solar energy to make sure a system still working eventhough
power supply was not working properly.
iii. Light intensity is very crucial as it is the main solar energy that helps the plants
iv. The various plants require different amounts of humidity, temperature and light
v. Lack of awareness of this information or negligence on the part of a grower can
cause plants to die before the plant is mature


(i).To develop smart greenhouse control system using Internet of Thing (IoT).

(ii).To analyze and data collection about smart greenhouse system.


The work on the historical method was carried out on the existing project in this
project and the multiple methodology occurred in the agricultural environment. The aim
of this project is to make it much easier for farmers to take care of their land and earn
their plants products much faster. This project uses IoT application developer such as
Favoriot software, water level sensor, soil moisture sensor, servo motor, DC fan, solar
panel, Arduino Uno and smartphone to develop farming technology.

In this studyventure, the Arduino Uno has will be been used as a microcontroller
because there are many useful requirements that fit to be used in the farming technology
that involves the internet of things [4]. The water level sensor will then be used to sense
the plant's water level so that the plant will get enough water to grow.

In addition, the soil moisture sensor will also play a role in ensuring that the crop
has the appropriate amount of pH and humidity to ensure the best growth for the new
seeds to be planted on the surface. A humidity sensor function as to detect a room
surrounding temperature inside a smart greenhouse system [5]. This project will use
FavorIoT as an IoT and smartphone software to inform farmers of their plant's basic
needs by integrating all of the system's sensors. This plan will therefore stimulate
development and make farming technology more effective in order to achieve a better
farming environment.

This undertaking would focus on four primary sections, using a renewable energy
from solar panel, detecting a a room temperature of smart greenhouse, detecting the
soil's moisture by measuring the soil's condition and ensuring enough plant's basic
needs and giving a light intensity to a plant by LED light grow. This structure can also
be related to a plant in a crop ranch in general.

Wireless Sensor Network can be characteristic as a system of gadgets that can

import the data accumulate from an observed field through remote connections.
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) refers to a group of spatially distributed and dedicated
sensors to track and record environmental physical conditions and to coordinate data
collected at a central location. WSNs calculate environmental conditions such as
temperature, noise, emissions, humidity, speed and direction of air, pressure and other


6.1 Description of Methodology

The flowchart in Figure 1 below explain briefly about the methodology of this project.
This project is begin with identifying the common problems in managing their field.
There are have three problems are watering, temperature, and led light plant grow.
Therefore, one system with combination of three function are been create as a plant

For irrigation system, adequate power supply is essential for the manufacturing
process. This is to allow the signal to be sent to the relay module in order for the water
pumps to pump water accordingly to the soil [4]. Next, make sure the wires are
connected correctly to guarantee that it can operate without any error. It is important to
ensure that the hands are dry when touching the components to avoid being exposed to
electric shock. The height of the water container needs to be lower than the plant due to
the pressure factor. Then, water level sensor function as to detect a level of water in
water tank . A minimum of water level at water tank is below 3 centimeter (cm). If
water level sensor at the minimum, a signal was direct through the Favoriot software at
shows that “water tank minimum”. A smartgreenhouse is indoor system, so need a LED
grow light to make sure that plant continuously get a light to perform photosynthesis.

Furthermore, connection with Wi-fi needs to be strong and functioning well in

order to interface with the software used which is Favoriot . A Wi-fi that using is
ESP8266 Wifi module. A Favoriot is a software can monitoring a whole system of smart

An addiction, a humadity sensor is detect a temperature surrounding of smart

greenhouse. As model a smart greenhouse is model close design [3]. So if humadity
sensor detect a temperature is high temperature, a fan was function maximum speed
and control a temperature in smart greenhouse while if a temperature in low, a fan also
function but in minimum speed [5].

6.2 Flow chart of Research Activities



(i) control a temperature surrounding

(ii) renewable energy

(iii)watering a plant

Proposed the solution

Combination of sensor with microprocessor

Water Level Sensor Humadity Sensor Soil Sensor


Detect a condition in Detect a wet moisture

Detect a water level Detect a dry
smart greenhouse
Servo motor will rotate
Equal to water
level value Waterpump


Waterpump is active

Watering the plant

Watering the plant

Set the water level
equal to value

Solar Panel (monitoring/ controlling)



7.1 Gan chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Conduct literature
review to identify
problem statement
Proposal report
Submission of
proposal to
FYP 1 report
Preparation for
oral presentation
Oral Presentation
Finalise the FYP 1

7.2 Milestones
Milestone Expected date of Actual Date of
completion completion
Problem 23 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2019
identification of
Search 23 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2019
information for
Make 4 Oct 2019 5 Oct 2019
among existing
Develop the 8 Oct 2019 10 Oct 2019
concept of
Research the 15 Oct 2019 15 Oct 2019
suitable for
Create multiple 17 Oct 2019 17 Oct 2019
design for project
Identify the 22 Oct 2019 22 Oct 2019
Proposal report 25 Oct 2019 8 Nov 2019
Interface 28 Oct 2019
prototype with
Development of 30 Oct 2019

Integration of 8 Nov 2019

coding with

Testing the 14 Nov 2019

overall prototype

Improvement of 27 Nov 2019

features for
system design

Preparation of 4 Dec 2019

final report
Submission of 15 ec 2019
final report
7.3 Financial Planning


1 Water level sensor 1 5.70
2 Humidity sensor 1 11.20
3 Moisture sensor 1 7.20
4 DC Fan 1 18.00
5 Relay module 5 V 2 7.30
6 LED grow light 1 16.00


[1] Ö. Alpay and E. Erdem, “Climate Control of an Smart Greenhouse based on Android,”
2018 Int. Conf. Artif. Intell. Data Process. IDAP 2018, pp. 1–5, 2019.
[2] E. A. H. Fernando et al., “Design of a fuzzy logic controller for a vent fan and
growlight in a tomato growth chamber,” HNICEM 2017 - 9th Int. Conf. Humanoid,
Nanotechnology, Inf. Technol. Commun. Control. Environ. Manag., vol. 2018-Janua,
pp. 1–5, 2018.
[3] M. Huh and J. Park, “Design of Interfaces among Functionalities for Smart
Greenhouse,” pp. 649–652, 2017.
[4] M. S. Kumar, T. R. Chandra, D. P. Kumar, and M. S. Manikandan, “Monitoring
moisture of soil using low cost homemade Soil moisture sensor and Arduino UNO,”
ICACCS 2016 - 3rd Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Commun. Syst. Bringing to Table, Futur.
Technol. from Arround Globe, pp. 4–7, 2016.
[5] L. Alwis, T. Sun, and K. T. V. Grattan, “Temperature-compensated optimized relative
humidity and refractive index sensors using a hybrid fibre grating configuration,” 2015
IEEE SENSORS - Proc., pp. 2–3, 2015.

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