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COURSE – 2.3.




PARIMAL DEY – M.ED. Trainee 3rd Semester (2018-19)


Introduction of EDUSAT :-

With the success of the INSAT - based educational services , a need was felt to launch a satellite
dedicated for educational service and ISRO Conceived the EDUSAT PROJECT in October 2002. EDUSAT is
the first exclusive satellite for serving the educational sector. It is specially Configured to meet the
growing demand for an interactive satellite based distance education system for country through audio
visual medium, complying Direct to home (DTH) quality broadcast. The 1950 Kg EDUSAT is launched
from satish Dhawan space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota , into a Geosynchronous Transter Orbit (GTO)
by ISRO’S Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV). From GTO, Edu.sat Will reach the 36000Km
high Geostationary Orbit (GSO) by firing in stages, its on board Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM). In GSO, the
Satellite will be Co located with KALPANA – I and INSAT -3C Satellites at 74 deg East Longitude. Edusat
Carries Five ku band transponders providing sport beams, one ku bank transponder providing a national
beam and six extended C- band transponders with national Coverage beam. It will join the INSAT system
that already has more than 130 transponders in C band, Extended C- band and Ku - band providing a
variety of telecommunication and television services.

It is Specially configured for the audio – Visual medium, employing digital interactive classroom
and multimedia multi Centric System. EDUSAT is primarily means for providing Connectivity to School,
College and Higher level Of education and also to support non formal education including development

For any nation, the leavel quality of education is one of the most important parameters for

In India, the total literacy has gone up over the years but the quality needs tremendous
improvement. The Synergy between education and leaning has to be well perceived and organized. The
result of learning is the application of knowledge and Skills by the individual for the benefit of the
Society, nation and the world. One of the Serious problems associated with Indian School education has
been high dropout rate. The reasons are many and varied but the major Constraints are non availability
of adequate number of Competent and trained teachers in most of the Schools and other institution
including teacher training institutions.

Objectives of EDUSAT :-

 Providing support to formal and non formal education.

 Teachers training program.
 Increasing access to quality resource persons.
 Enhancing Community Participation.
 Taking education to remotest Corner of the Country.
 Teleconferencing through EDUSAT to be effective for any type and propose would require
planning teaching Strategy, development of Content and materials, presentation techniques and
evaluation etc. It will require a massive effort on the part of all educators.
 Edusat aims to Connect urban and rural educational institutions throughout India to provide a
formal educational intrastructure and also to help Spread knowledge about health and other
related issues to more remote areas of the Country.
 An education in which the students receive instruction over the internet from a video, etc,
instead of going to School; it is also known as e-leaning which Comprise all forms of
electronically Supported learning and teaching Systems.
 Tele –education – New word Suggestion an education in which the Students receive instruction
over the internet, from a video, etc. Instead of going to School; it is also known as e- learning
which Comprises all forms of electronically Supported Learning and teaching Systems.

Full Form of EDUSAT :-

Educational Satellite (Edusat) or GSAT -3 is a Communication Satellite launched by the Indian Space
Research Organization. EDUSAT is the first dedicated “Educational Satellite” that provide the Country
with Satellite based two way Communication to Class room for delivering education material.
Educational satellite was a Communications satellite launched by the Indian Space Research
organization on Sept-2004. Full Forms is a worlds leading online Source for abbreviations and full forms,
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Characteristics of Satellites:-

The Characteristics of all Communication Satellites are Smilar. These are ;-

(i) Porwer :- A life Satellite does not require Conventional power to maintain its position in
Space, except tiny require Conventional power to maintain its position occasionally. The
power for receiving and transmitting signals Comes from the solar batteries built into the
Satellite. These batteries are recharged. Solar panels which Convert Sunlight into electrical
energy are used for the functioning of the Satellite System.

Large Coverage :-

Satellite basrd Communication is independent of distances and serves The rural and Urban, Central
and far flung areas simultaneously. It can cater to very widly dispersed populations at a time. This
characteristic of the satellite is particularly useful for education at a distance. Space scientists claim that
three satellites in the geo-synchronous attitude orbit can provide communication services to the entire
earth on a full time basis, except for the polar regions, which are not visible from this orbit (nicholson,

Multipurpose uses:-

Satellites can be used simultancously for the radio, telephone, television and data traffic, Multi-
purpose satellites offer a wide variety of combinations. Besides serving communication purpose the
satellites are also used for remote sensing, such as is required in soil serveys, flood, forestry (tree
resources, tree diseases, etc.) oceanography, etc.

Cost :- The initial investment in the development and launchings of a satellite is very high, especially for
the third world countries. A multipurpose satellite such as INSAT, needed a huge financial allocation in
its fabrication and launching, But when INSAT-IB ways launched and became operational, all demands
for communication were met without adding new investment.

Planning :- The implementation of satellite based communication requires advance planning. It needs
more lead time than terrestrial communication does. Therefore, the use of satellite should be linked to
the overall socio economic and educational development of the country. Since it is closely linked with
the educational development and economic growth of the country.

National and area Specific Communication :- satellite based communication has the capability to cater to
both the national and the area specific needs of a country. It can be regionalized as well which can
provide area specific service.

Life of a Satellite :-

The use of solar panels/cells describe the life of a satellite, The electrical energy output from a solar cell
will decrease with age, after 8 to 10 years, the electrical output from a solar cell will decrease by about
20 percent. INSAT -1A and 1B ways seven years. Launched in August, 1983, INSAT-1B completed over
108 months of operational service in August 1992.

Scope of Edusat And Teleconferencing

AICTE plans to cover Engineering Colleges and institutes of Technology across the country under
EDUSAT. The Scope of EDUSAT is to make distance learning more effective and bring best teachers in
the country within the reach of all sectionof students including semi-urban and rural students. EDUSAT
primarily meant for providing connectively to school, college and higher level of education including
developmental communication. The scope of EDUSAT programme is planned to be released in three
phases. Karnataka became the first Indian state to impact education in schools and colleges through

Function of EDUSAT And Teleconferencing

EDUSAT is technology network comprising EDUSAT world’s first satellite means only for educational
purposes, is being used. Training by teleconferencing overcomes the problem of transmission loss since
participants are watching listening and interacting with the primary resources persons. Educational
satellite is a communication satellite launched by the Indian Space Research Organization. EDUSAT is
the first dedicated Educational satellite that provide the country with satellite based two way
communication to class room for delivering educational material. It is specially configured for the
audiovisual medium, employing digital interactive classroom.
Significant of EDUSAT And Teleconferencing

EDUSAT is a technology net work comprising. EDUSAT world’s first satellite means only for educational
purposes is being used. Training by teleconferencing overcomes the problem of transmission loss since
participants are watching listening and interacting with the primary resource persons. Teleconference
in simple words, is a meeting between one individual with many people through telephone or network
connecting located in same city or in different cities, states and countries. It is a real time exchange of
information between people. People can conduct meetings training, demonstration, data transfer etc.
Educational teleconferencing is a valuable medium for distance education.

Educational Implication of Edusat and teleconferencing

Use of Edusat in teacher Education. The results of learning is the application of knowledge and skills by
the individual for the benefit of the society, nation and the world. One of the serious problems
associated with Indian school education has been high dropout rate. Edusat world’s first satellite means
only for educational proposes, is being used. Training be teleconferencing overcomes the problem of
transmission loss since participants are watching, listening and interacting with the primary resources
persons. Tele-education, New word suggestion, an education in which the students receive instruction
over the internet.

Conclusion of EDUSAT And Teleconferencing

Recognizing the importance of Teacher Training institutes and the crucial role of Teachers in brining in
an awakening and skill development among the target groups (student, community leaders and school
teachers), it was decided to put EDUSAT to use in different spheres of Teacher Education. It is expected
to be put to use to enhance the communication and presentation skills of the teachers, to motivate
them through dissemination of best practices in the field, make available research material online and
finally create an IT culture across the nation of introducing and developing IT literacy course for the
teachers. With large number shake holders involved, it will be a major challenge to make the operation
of network smooth and effective since life span of EDUSAT satellite is almost 10 years.


Behera, A 2008 Edusat and its utilization. Educational Technology for Teachers and Educators. Prakashan
(PP 184-199)

 Chaudhary, S. and padhy 2005. Educational television and teleconferencing. In Reddi & Mishra
(ed.), perspectives on Distance Education 1985. Challenge of Education A policy perspective
1985. Ministry of Education 1985.
 Pallai, Pratima. 2011. Evaluation of Edusat video conferencing programs of teachers: An in depth
study. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Edu; LKU
 Trivedi, Bela. 2004. Teleconferencing in India : Rural Development in Teleconferencing : A
Training kit. Common wealth of learning, commonwealth Educational media centre for Asia.

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