Soal Utn Bahasa Inggris

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1. Online education has gained acceleration especially with the developments in ICT. This
model of instruction is now widely seen in many fields, and language education is no
exception. Nowadays, many institutions are giving language courses online. In ELT
departments, there have been material development courses for prospective English
teachers_________ Very few books and articles provide sufficient information to ELT
teachers about the material development process with a technology- oriented approach.
The option that best completes the blank space……
A. On the contrary, in the ICT- based technology era, paper- based textbooks are still
B. However, creating online materials is not yet addressed sufficiently in these courses
C. After all, prospective teachers are teachers that need to be technologically prepared
D. Specifically, they consider it obligatory for teachers to use technology in classroom
E. For example, topics on developing online materials are scare, not to say absent.

Diskusi jawabannya B. B

Karena di kalimat sebelumnya di jelaskan bhwa sudah ada mtri yg dikembangkan utk pra
calon guru. Dan kalimat stlah titik menjelaskan bhwa hanya sdkit bku dan artikel yg ckup
menyediakan informasi ttg pngenmbngan mtri berbsis IT. Jdi bsa dilihat ini dua kalimat
yg kontradiktif. Dgn demikian, cri mki connector yg mnytakan contrasting. Cuma A dan B
yg punya.

Knpa A krg tpat, krna yg dibhas di A ttg text book. Pdhal nda prnah ada di kalimat
sblumnya yg mmbhas itu. Thus, the answer should be B

Itu pndpat sya


Yup, bener kan B. Karna kalimat sebelumnya dikatakan pembelajaran elt menggunakan
materi kursus online, padahal belum tentu materi online yg disediakan mencukupi, jadi
sebagai tambahan revesensi, ada sedikit buku n artikel yg memadai

2. With cooperative learning, student’ learning goals may be structured to promote

cooperative, competitive, or individualistic efforts. In every classroom _____ are aimed
at accomplishing goals and are conducted under a goal structure.
A. Learning indicators
B. Basic competences
C. Selections of media
D. Passionate students
E. Instructional activities

Diskusi Jawaban'a E karna semua kegiatan pembelajaran dirancang untuk mencapai

tujuan pembelajaran

Saya pilih A. Karena dilakukan dibawah tujuan. Maka kita perlu indikator pencapaian
pada setiap kelas. Sedangkan instructional activities dilakukan untuk mencapai indikator.
Begitu menurut saya

Saya pilih A Sebab, Di setiap kelas indikator PBM ditujukan untuk mencapai tujuan....
dari indicator PBM menjadi acuan Bagi guru, apakah tujuan yang dirancang itu telah
tercapai atau belum

3. Motivation has been the centre of attention among teachers throughout the years because
it constitutes the backbone of learning process. Learning is a complicated and dynamic
process, and learning in real sense gets completed through motivation.
The underlined part constitutes the backbone of in the passage may be best rephrased
A. Sets up a strong basis for
B. Becomes the structure of
C. Plays a pivotal role in
D. Makes it important for
E. Establishes a firm ground to

DISKUSI Intinya backbone disitu digunakan utk menyatakan bagaimana motivasi

berperan sgt penting dlm learning process. Dari stucture kalimatnya lebih tepat yg C

very few books..pilihan lebih logis karena based teks books...koherensinya ada Pilihannya

4. Disruptive innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and
eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market
leading firms, products, and alliances. The term was defined and first analyzed by the
American scholar Clayton M. Christensen and his collaborators beginning in 1995, and
has been called the most influential business idea of the early 21st century. Not all
innovations are disruptive, even if they are revolutionary. For example, the first
automobiles in the late 19th century were not a disruptive innovation, because early


automobiles were expensive luxury items that did not disrupt the market for horse- drawn
vehicles. The word “disruptive.” In the passage most nearly means……
A. Resulting in a large amount or supply of something
B. Having a lot of influence on someone or something
C. Causing trouble so stopping something from continuing
D. Using completely new methods or ideas of working
E. Costing a lot of money to be successful in striving

Diskusi B di wacana dijelaskan klo disruptive innovation adalah inovasi yg mencipptakan

pasar baru, bhkan smpai menggeser nilai network dan pasar yg sdah ada. Jdi secara
konteks bisa diktakan klo dia memilki pngruh yg sngat besar utk melakukan smua hal yg
disebut dalam passage. inovation market yg dapat disrupt alias yg mampu menghentikan
atau mengalahkan pasar lain...contoh outomobile

C tapi kalimat terakhir meragukan krn ada yang revolusioner

B , di text ada kata the most influential business idea...

5. Beliefs are the intermediary between knowledge and action______ They exhibit the
knowledge that is most worth and has proven itself in action. There are core and
peripheral beliefs. The core belief is more influential in shaping teachers’ instructional
approaches whereas the peripheral one can cause discrepancy between what teachers
claim they do and what they actually do in the classroom. This distinction acknowledges
the idea of diversity in teachers to reflect their characteristic perspectives to teach in
particular ways.
The option that best completes the blank space is ………
A. For one thing
B. As such
C. In addition
D. Primarily
E. Likewise

Diskusi B Keyakinan adalah perantara antara ilmu dan tindakan, "dengan demikian"
mereka menunjukkan pengetahuan mereka dalam tindakan.

Syaa pilih D utk no 5 kan gak ada koma


6. Boni is absent minded when Ms. Rina asks him the topic with which the class is dealing.
What follows is a set of appropriate empathetic communication strategies she can do,
A. Repeating the question to help him answer the question
B. Asking the whole class to help him answer the question
C. Asking him whether he understands the question well
D. Telling him to ask her questions about unclear points
E. Asking him whether he is fine enough to join the class.

Diskusi Someone empty mind could be because he/she doesn't understand the meaning of
the questions.

Klo sya pilihannya e..karea abcd show the empathetic Yg se tau ttng empti itu ketika kt
bisa mrasa apa yg orng lain rasa dn mencoba utk mencari solusinya

I prefer the answer is B...yg menunjukkan ketidak simpatian menurut sya adalh B

Tpi klo dia b itu masi mnunjukan klo si ibu guru simpatii krna mencoba mncari jln kluar
utk mmbntu si ank plupa tdi dngn brtnya ke tmn2nya

Meurut saya jwaban nya E.. Krna sblum guru memberikan atau melanjutkan materi
seharusnya guru menanyakan kondisi siswa sbgmna yg terdpat dalam apersepsi

Kalau sya E Dalam soal ada kata 'absent minded' bisa di artikan forgetful, pelupa, suka
linglung, dst. Dan dgn kndisi sprti itu gurunya mnyakan ttg mtri yg dibahas di kelas. Utk
membuat Boni ttap mngikuti pljran, jwaban A,B,C dan D bisa digunakan. Jawaban E
memang mnunjukkan rasa empati trhdap Boni, tpi coba dilihat apakah ini brkaitan dgn
pernytaan 'Ms. rina asks him the topic which the class is dealing'?

mohon dikoreksi 🙏🙏

7. A test measures a given domain. Even though the actual performance on the test involves
only a sampling of skills, that domain is overall proficiency in a language. It implies the
following, except….
A. Test may have more specific criteria
B. Most tests measure general competence in all skills of a language
C. Multiple-choice test is accompanied with prescribed correct answers
D. A test of pronunciation might be a test of phonemic minimal pairs
E. A vocabulary test may focus on only the set of words.

B Di soal disebutkan bhwa suatu test mengkur domain trtntu yg merupakan smpling dari
kemampuan berbahasa. Dgn kata lain, satu tes mewakili satu kmampuan utk di ukur.
Cntoh, utk teks pronuounciation hnya brda pda domain speaking, etc. Tpi di opsi B
mngtakan bhwa kebanyakan test mengkur kemampuan general pda smua skill dlam
berbhsa (reading, listening, speaking & writing) It sounds contradictory, doesn't it?

8. Born on September 6, 1962 in Paterson, New Jersey, Elizabeth Anne Vargas was the
daughter of Rafael Vargas, a U.S. Army colonel of Puerto Rican descent, and Anne
Vargas of Irish- American descent in 1962. She is an American broadcast journalist.
Beginning in 1996, she worked for ABC Network on a variety of news shows, including
Good Morning America, 20/20, World News Tonight and also served as a host for ABC
News specials. In September 2016, Vargas publicly discussed her longtime battle with
alcohol and anxiety during a 20/20 segment and subsequently released a book, Between
Breaths: A Memoir of Panic and Addiction. In December 2017 Vargas announced she
would be leaving ABC to pursue other projects, which included a production deal with
A+E Networks’ nonfiction series A&E Investigates, slated for 2018.
The text implies that the reason for Vargas to quit ABC is….
A. To try to do a new profession
B. To produce fictional film series
C. To write a new autobiography
D. To start a new deal with A&E
E. To start an A&E Investigates

My answer is A. Setuju, D and E itu kan sama klu tdk ada option D bisa pilih E, I think

Kalo A menurut saya qt tdk tw itu berbeda profesi atau tdk? Jelas tau lah bu.. new
projects nya itu included A+E series.. berarti itu salah satu dari sekian project nya.. dan itu
bukan hosting.. tapi series artinya sudah beda profesi.. paling masuk akal ya A.

Soal diskusi: Tahun ajaran baru sudah berlangsung selama 2 bulan, namun buku paket yang
seharusnya dibagikan

secara kolektif pada semua peserta didik belum datang. Hal ini membuat para peserta didik

kesulitan dalam belajar. Bagaimana Anda menyikapi hal tersebut?

A. melaporkan kepada kepala sekolah tentang kondisi yang ada dan meminta solusi agar proses

belajar mengajar dapat berlangsung dengan baik

B. membuat rangkuman materi pelajaran dan soal-soal latihan yang selanjutnya dibagikan pada

peserta didik agar dapat tetap belajar


C. meminta pada peserta didik untuk melakukan belajar kelompok dengan materi yang sudah


D. meminta peserta didik untuk meminjam buku paket dari kakak kelas agar tetap dapat


E. meminta maaf pada peserta didik karena keterlambatan buku paket dan meminta untuk

B. Karena guru bisa mendownload materi di internet

nampaknya soal kepribadian harus di tekankan juga pembahasannya karena itu nilai
dasar juga ,,,isu test PPG banyak yg jatuh di soal kepri,,,soalnya sepele namun mengecoh

Makanya kondisinya harus benar dulu.. itu cuma berlaku di pulau jawa.. di pulau
manapun di indonesia ini gak ada begitu.. hanya jawa.. dan kondisi ketiadaan buku paket
hanya dialami wilayah luar pulau jawa karna SAYA SELALU MENGALAMI nya di
kalimantan.. solusi memang saya download materi via internet dan buat rangkuman..

9. A Bulletpoint Life by Ben Zackheim

He crawled under the table on 13 month old knees and looked up. The first memory
crackled somewhere behind his left ear, forever, of sunlight breaking against the red and
white-checkered plastic tablecloth.
At 8, he left his father forever
At 10, he found a new one
At 18, he made the friend of his life
At 27, he watched him die
At 31, he looked into his wife’s eyes for the first time
At 36, he held his son
At 41, he wrote. And wrote
At 45, he wrote. And made money
At 54, he kissed his son in front of his new dorm mate, and winked,
as if to say “I’m a man who will always kiss his son, son.”
At 63, his heart protested
At 64, he gave himself a break
At 67, his heart protested too much
A bullet pointed life, like a bullet through a life

We learn from the story that ………

A. Everything that starts well ends well
B. A good beginning invites happiness
C. Life has its ups and downs
D. Love is not always long lasting
E. Happy life may reach a dead end

Jawabannya masih membingunkan, saya kira soal listening

10. What learning resources for his students can Mr. Dion choose that best meet these
conditions? The learning objective he sets up is as follows: “upon conducting a series of
learning activities through SQ3R, students summarize the life cycle of an insect using
150 words on using correct grammar and vocabulary, as well as an appropriate text
structure’. His students are typically those who prefer using verbal expressions.
A. Picture series
B. Audio recordings
C. Flowcharts and graphs
D. Reading written materials
E. Observations and note taking

Kalau begitu picture series jg bisa.. bahkan lebih masuk akal... Life cycle gimana
mempresentasikannya pakai flowchart? Impossible.. Picture series is the best answer.

Picture series kan di presentasikan dengan verbal

Kalau merujuk SQ3R ya bisa juga.. tapi itu kan bukan verbal? Jawaban saya e

11. Young children learn differently from adults in the following ways except…..
A. Their understanding mainly comes from what they see, hear, and touch
B. They respond well to learning that uses themselves as main topics
C. They are reluctant to absorb information from their the world
D. They can easily get bored, losing interest after ten minutes or so
E. They are keen to talk about themselves rather than others

Soalnya : anak kecil belajar dgn cara berbeda sama org dewasa,kecuali... (Artinya
diantara pilihan jawaban ada cara belajar yg sama antar anak kecil dan dewasa)

Soalnya : anak kecil belajar dgn cara berbeda sama org dewasa,kecuali... (Artinya
diantara pilihan jawaban ada cara belajar yg sama antar anak kecil dan dewasa)

Se dapt ini wkt up ulang kmarin dn sya jawabnya jg c..krna yg mmbdakan young dn adult
itu adlh cara merka menolak menrma informsi yg mreka dpat dskitr mreka
12. World Englishes (WE) has roots in British colonialism.________ The inner circle is
composed of native English speakers like US, UK, AUS. The outer circle consists of
former colonies of English speaking countries where English has a strong presence such
as India and Pakistan.
The sentence that best completes the blank space is ….
A. WE is used in different geographical areas
B. There are three aspects characterizing WE
C. In general, WE has three levels to consider
D. In terms of its use, WE is of three domains
E. WE different significantly in three features

Karena B sampai E itu disebut 3 bagian.. sedangkan di penjelasan setelahnya cuma ada 2

13. To some of us, the cancellation of the research project by the head of our department is a
A. Big
B. Great
C. Large
D. Broad
E. Deep

Izin bntu jawab...

Klo Big kesannya lebih umum, klo deep itu lebih personal....

Krna d soal ada kata "some of us" identik dgn jumlah org yg lebih personal/ beberapa saja
dari keseluruhan org yg kecewa,,

Dan krna itu jwabannya bs jd "E", kecewa yg teramat kecewa mendalam bagi "some of

14. English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) is not a new phenomenon. On the local level, ELF
serves a language uniting people of one country in which various languages are spoken
by its population, _______ it functions as a language uniting people from different
countries/ of differently first languages. This best completes the blank space is …….
A. Globally, ELF is a communication tool among people from different cultures
B. On the other hand, intercultural people are united in communication with ELF
C. Similarly, ELF plays a crucial role as a uniting force beyond regional boundaries
D. Simply, for people with various cultural backgrounds, ELF is a unifying language
E. In addition, there are more global functions that ELF can play cross culturally.
E. Krn kalikat sblm nya dia bahas fungsi elf secara local in one contry.. N kalimat stlh .....
Dia bahas ttg fungsi elf bagi org2 dr negara n bahasa yg berbeda.. Jd E krn dia fungsi elf
nda hanya scra local tp jg global

15. Born on September 6, 1962 in Paterson, New Jersey, Elizabeth Anne Vargas was the
daughter of Rafael Vargas, a U.S. Army colonel of Puerto Rican descent, and Anne
Vargas of Irish- American descent in 1962. She is an American broadcast journalist.
Beginning in 1996, she worked for ABC Network on a variety of news shows, including
Good Morning America, 20/20, World News Tonight and also served as a host for ABC
News specials. In September 2016, Vargas publicly discussed her longtime battle with
alcohol and anxiety during a 20/20 segment and subsequently released a book, Between
Breaths: A Memoir of Panic and Addiction. In December 2017 Vargas announced she
would be leaving ABC to pursue other projects, which included a production deal with
A+E Networks’ nonfiction series A&E Investigates, slated for 2018.

We learn from the text that…..

A. A child does not always inherit talent from his/ her parents
B. As a child Elizabeth Anne Vargas was very talented
C. Rafael Vargas let his children choose their professions
D. Changing professions is common among celebrities
E. Starting a new profession is not always smooth

I choose D. Karena berdasarkan teks Rafael Vargas berganti profesi dr an american

broadcast journalist menjadi mengerjakan project kalin di A+E Network's nonfiction
series investigates

ya.. A juga sprtinya bisa. krna dsana Ayahnya berprofesi sbgai Army colonel..

Maaf yg berganti profesi itu anaknya Rafael vargas,Elizabeth anne vargas..

Kayaknya tdk sama.. Anne vargas bukan selebritis tapi jurnalis yg beralih profesi.
Kayaknya lebih ke A krn anne vargas tdk mewarisi bakat ayahnya yg seorang tentara

16. The Jurassic period is the second of the three divisions of the Mesozoic era, “The Age of
Reptiles.” The Jurassic lasted for 64 million years, from about 208 to 144 million years
ago. The period is named for rock strata found in the Jura Mountains on the border
between Switzerland and France. During the Jurassic, the supercontinent Pangaea began
to break apart. This created two landmasses, a northern mass called Laurasia (North
America, Europe, and Asia) and a southern mass called Gondwanaland (South America,
Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and India). During the early Jurassic, North America


separated from Africa and South America and moved northward, but still remained
connected to Europe and North America.

It can be inferred from the text that …….

A. There was an assumption that Asia was formerly a part of Europe
B. There were massive changes on earth during the Mesonic Age
C. The North Atlantic was once a part of the Gondwanalland
D. The Jura Mountains were the origin of the Jurassic age
E. Laurasia was located between America, Europe, and Asia.

B, di awal paragraf sdh dijelaskan dan ditekankan dgn kalimat during the jurassic, the
super continent pangaea began to break apart

17. The scoring procedure that enables the teachers to give a glimpse and general impression
on students’ writing of a hortatory text would be ……
A. Dichotomous
B. Primary- trait
C. Continuous
D. Analytical
E. Holistic

Ya hortatory kan hampir sama dgn analytical ya... Iya, beda nya analytical kan generic
structure terakhir ny reiteration, hortatory recomendasi

kalau a glimpse bisakah kita lakukan dlm holistik? holistik itu kan artinya menyeluruh?

18. In our department there are two books that deal with classroom action research
comprehensively_________ always become my references whenever I conduct my
A. Which they
B. Which both
C. Two of them
D. Two of which
E. Both of which

Saya pilih B. Kalimat sblmnya ttg 2 buah buku referensi ttg PTK, trus kalimat ke 2 ttg
selalu menggunakannya setiap melakukan referensi.

Relative pronun dn prepsition

19. Green building refers to both a structure and the application of processes that are
environmentally responsible and resource- efficient throughout a building’s life- cycle:
from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and
demolition. This requires close cooperation of the contractor, the architects, the
engineers, and the client at all project stages. The Green Building practice expands and
complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility durability, and
comfort. LEED is a set of rating systems for the design, construction, operation, and
maintenance of green buildings which was Developed by the U.S Green Building
Green building practice complements the traditional building design in terms of their….
A. Design, construction, operation, and maintenance
B. Contractor, architects, engineers, and clients
C. Economy, utility, durability, and comfort
D. Planning, cooperation, practices and sustainability
E. Construction, operation, maintenance, and renovation.

C. Jelas ada di teks

20. Mr. Harun observes from the beginning of the class that Nina looks unresponsive to the
task he has assigned to the class. To know what really happens to her, he can use which
of the following effective, empathic, and polite expression?
A. “Nina, what happens to you? Please tell me, dear.”
B. “Are you alright with you Nina? You look sad, dear.”
C. “Nina, may I know anything that troubles you, dear?”
D. “Nina, why are you sad? Please do not feel sad, dear.”
E. “Nina, are you OK, dear? May I help you from your trouble?”

Jelas E. Karna hanya itu yg menawarkan pertolongan.

21. Born in Denver, Colorado, in 1981, Todd Joseph “T. J.” Miller is an actor known for his
comedic work on TV and in film, and more recently, for his off- screen misbehavior,
notably a federal charge for calling in a fake bomb threat. In 2018 he appeared in two
major movies: Dead pool 2 and Ready Player One and started in the acclaimed HBO
show Silicon Valley until 2017. HBO’S Silicon Valley, an Emmy- nominated comedy
that launched in 2014, follows the growth of a tech company called Pied Piper. Miller
plays Erlich Bachman, a software designer, venture capitalist and brazenly obnoxious
character who always finds time to smoke pot no matter what drama unfolds. Miller left
the show in 2017, midway through Season 4, a departure that was heavily covered in
Industry media.

Todd Joseph “T. J.” Miller is popular for the following except….
A. Appearing in a number of films
B. His off- screen misconduct
C. Starring in a TV show
D. Playing Erlich Bachman
E. Brazenly approving character

22. The question of the relations between man in society and the geographical environment
in which he lives is a very old one. Hippocrates wrote a treatise, “on Airs, Waters, and
Places,” which is generally regarded as the first formed expression of an environment
doctrine, although it is not appropriate to regard this as a statement for a serious critique
of environmentalism, as Toynbee does (1934). Environmental considerations play a
considerable role in Montesquieu (1748) and perhaps reached their peak in the mid-
nineteenth century, with Victor Cousin’s “give me the map of a country ______ And I
pledge myself to tell you, a priori, ______ What part that country will play in history not
at one epoch, but in all epochs.”
The best title of the text is …….
A. The Relations between Man and the Environment
B. The Human Geographical Environment
C. The History of Hippocrates’ Treatise
D. The History of Environmentalism
E. The Airs, Waters, and Places.

23. During the ‘revision’ phase, the teacher needs to go back and review the new language
briefly. This aims to do the following except…
A. Vary presentations by using a different presentation method
B. Help any students who were absent in the previous lesson
C. Use presentation methods in a logical order
D. Give practice of items to presented in the following session
E. Give students a change to clear up any outstanding questions.

Setuju.B karena yg b.tidal ada hubunganya DG review ke new language.

24. The following are among the disadvantages of discovery learning, except…
A. It requires a teacher to have through knowledge of the language point
B. Students might be resistant to this method if they’re not used to it
C. Students come up with something they have heard somewhere else
D. This approach engages students in the excessive learning process
E. Their misunderstanding needs to confirm or correct.

Soal no 24 yang di sajikan adalah kerugian dari metode pembelajaran discovery learning,
jdi di situ ada kata except, mk jwaban yg kita cari adalah keuntungan nya kan ibu/bpk..jdi
mnrut sya jwaban lbih cndrung ke C.. Karena dalam discovery learning siswa bisa
mendapatkan pngetahuan dari luar..


25. The banks should be realistic in expecting the payment for the loan by farmers who got
natural disasters. They should_______ their debt.
A. Free
B. Forget
C. Forgive
D. Release
E. Discharge

Saya pilih C.

Debt itu cenderung bermakna mistake. Jadi harus di forgive.

Kayak dlm kekristenan ada doa begini "forgive us our debt as we forgive our debtors.."

26. Mr. Rommy’s learning objectives are to enable his students to generate ideas and
organize the ideas for their essay on advantages and disadvantages of gadgets for
learning. Which instructional activities would potentially optimize his student learning?
A. Brainstorming and rearranging jumbled sentences
B. Note taking and dicto- composing activities
C. Flowcharting and cluster mapping
D. Mind mapping and idea outlining
E. Table making and idea listing

D mind mapping and idea outline ( kata kuncinya generate ideas and organize the ideas for
their essay). Begitu menurut saya

27. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) originated in the US in 2008 to describe free,
easily accessible, and______ which offer you the opportunity to study with top
universities around the world.
The option that best completes the blank space is …..
A. Completely courses online
B. Completely online courses
C. Complete course online
D. Complete online courses
E. Online complete courses

B completely online courses. Knpa tdk D karena hrus paralel sm free dan easily accessible
= Adv + Adj

28. Which of the following reflects the importance of conducting a preliminary study by
administering a test?
A. To confirm that the problem is real, not merely perceived by teachers
B. To compare the results before and after an innovative strategy is used
C. To try out the feasibility of the teaching strategy to solve problems
D. To identify the baseline on students’ competence to be improved
E. To trace possible areas of difficulties students have encountered

Preliminary study is meant to identify I think. So I choose D

29. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning ______ but also for helping
teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement
A. What is taught
B. How they learn
C. That teachers aim
D. Which is important
E. Why mastery is vital

What is taught

30. Mr. Ramadadi requires his students to store any of their work on reading passage
materials assigned to them for later retrieval electronically among group members only.
For the purpose, he can make use of ….
A. Web blogging platforms
B. Podcasts in an episode
C. Services in the Internet
D. Google drive facilities
E. Email conveniences

menyimpan bahan reading kn itu internetkn google drive sih bisa jg tapi buat akses GD
perlu internetkn? kalau menurut saya. Heeee BINGUNG

31. You’ve probably heard of the vegan diet, and likely the Paleo diet too. But odds are you
haven’t come across the vegan diet- a mashup of both of these trendy diets. According to
Dr. Hyman, the vegan diet is low- glycemic with a focus on eating plant foods, healthy
fats, and high- quality protein. The vegan diet specifically emphasizes healthy fats,
plants, nuts, seeds, and suggests avoiding dairy, gluten, beans, and sugar. “ Stay away
from most vegetable oils such as canola, sunflower, corn, and especially soybean oil
which now comprises about 10 per cent of our calories,” Dr. Hyman says. “Focus instead
on omega- 3 fats, nuts, coconut, avocados, and yes, even saturated fat from grass fed or
sustainably raised animals.” He also suggests taking with your doctor before trying the
vegan diet, specifically if this type of healthy eating is drastically different than your
everyday diet.


It is implied in the study that in general…..
A. The vegan diet is suitable for people suffering from the heart attack
B. Both the vegan diet and the Paleo diet are important these days
C. Most people have not come across the idea of the vegan diet
D. The vegan diet is significantly different from the Paleo diet
E. The vegan diet is much healthier than other kinds of diet

E... Ada di akhir paragraf

C.... Dr kalimat ke 2 but odds of u haven't come accros

32. There is nothing like the prospect of death to cut through the long term grievances that
get in the way of people healing the rift. Yet the decision to repair a relationship must be
a decision for the person who is dying. “You won’t get this time back. Make that contact
or you’ll regret you didn’t do it.” Says Mary Waterford at the hospice Clare Holland
House. “It’s about offering yourself back into that relationship. Stand steady, feel the fear
and do it anyway.”

Even if your contact is initially rejected, remember that he or she is dealing with a storm
of feelings and emotions and may feel that facing you is just too hard. People who are
dying are less able to deal with conflict, but chances are they will want to reconnect and
forgive or be forgiven. So don’t be afraid to gently, carefully and compassionately create
the opportunity for that to happen.
The text suggests that when visiting a dying person we need to ……..

A. Accept that he/ she is less able to deal with conflict

B. Create gently, carefully and compassionately relationship
C. Make an effort to reconnect and forgive or be forgiven
D. Feel that facing the person who is dying is just too hard
E. Offer yourselves back into close communication with him/ her.

33. The following are ways of reducing stress of moving to a new house.
1. Three weeks before moving:
- Have a removal firm come round to quote for the job
- Discuss matters and items that will need special handling
2. A week before moving:
- Pack a box with precious items ready to take with you in your car
- If you’re moving yourself, consider taking out extra insurance
3. On the day:


- Get an early start: it always takes longer than you think
- Make sure all boxes are labeled
- Speak to the removal man and give instructions only to him
- Keep the workers supplied with tea and biscuits.
4. Just before leaving:
- Lock all doors and windows before you hand over the keys
- Check you have done everything you agreed with the new occupants
- Leave your new address, so that they can forward stray post

The word “only” in the expression “- give instructions only to him “implies that …..

A. There is just a single person to be instructed

B. The instructions are limited to him rather than to other persons
C. It is assumed that something unpleasant can happen
D. Giving instructions to him is considered to be silly
E. It is regrettable to give the instructions to him.

34. Stepping Out, With Pencil by Ben Zackheim

He used a pencil to say goodbye. Maybe that would make it less permanent. Words are
only as strong as their intent and he didn’t want to leave.
His parents had once hinted that they knew the truth. But by the end of the day their
heads were back in The Good Book- their eyes on everything but him.
So with a whisper he crafted his goodbye on paper.
He made the sentences sharp. His points were daggers. An eraser could make them go
away. But he knew his parents wouldn’t see that.

“That’s why I have to go in the first place,” he thought.

And when he took his first step into the world as an honest man he felt fixed. He’d left
the note next to the TV. Burnable, tear able. Erasable.
Maybe after they did all that, they’d remember he was just their son.
The purpose of his writing in pencil is to…..
A. Make it easy to erase
B. Conceal the truth about him
C. Hide his reluctance to say goodbye
D. Be careful not to hurt his parents
E. Make it less hard to forget them.

35. Situated right next to the Letzigrund stadium and with bus and tram stops only 50 m
away, the self- check- in Swiss Star Marc Aurel offers a convenient location and easy
access to the centre. Housed in a typical Zurich town house, the Marc Aurel self- catered
apartments are very nicely and functionally furnished. Aussersihl is a great choice for
travelers interested in city trips, scenery and city walks. This property is also rated for the
best value in Zurich! Guests are getting more for their money when compared to other
properties in this city.

The following are the conditions around the stuff except ……

A. Easy self- check-in
B. Bus and tram stops
C. Inexpensive in Zurich
D. Functionally furnished
E. Scenery and city walks


Pie charts showing employment types in the US, Brazil, and Nepal.
The charts show that the secondary employment in America is …………
A. Much higher than the primary employment in Nepal
B. Higher than the tertiary employment in Nepal
C. Lower than the tertiary employment in Nepal
D. Similar to the secondary employment in Brazil
E. The same as the primary employment in Brazil

37. The following are ways of reducing stress of moving to a new house.
1. Three weeks before moving:
- Have a removal firm come round to quote for the job
- Discuss matters and items that will need special handling
2. A week before moving:
- Pack a box with precious items ready to take with you in your car
- If you’re moving yourself, consider taking out extra insurance
3. On the day:
- Get an early start: it always takes longer than you think
- Make sure all boxes are labeled
- Speak to the removal man and give instructions only to him


- Keep the workers supplied with tea and biscuits.
4. Just before leaving:
- Lock all doors and windows before you hand over the keys
- Check you have done everything you agreed with the new occupants
- Leave your new address, so that they can forward stray post

Below are among the ways of reducing stress of moving to a new house except….

A. Spare extra time for labeling

B. Lock all the doors before leaving
C. Sort items that will need special handling
D. Pack precious items to take with you
E. Say good bye to the new occupants

38. Points:

0,0- 0,4 Speech is so halting and fragmentary or has such a non- native flow that
intelligibility is virtually impossible.
0,5-1,4 Numerous non-native pauses and/or a non- native flow that interferes with
1,5-2,4 Some non-native pauses but with a more nearly native flow so that the
pauses do not interfere with intelligibility.
2,5-3,0 Speech is smooth and effortless, closely approximating that of a native
The list of scoring categories is most suitable for testing the students’ …….
A. Fluency
B. Reading
C. Speaking
D. Pronunciation
E. Spelling

39. The World Bank assessed Indonesia as well positioned to deal effectively with the risk of
global financial and capital market volatility, which is still considered the biggest threat
to macroeconomic stability as the faster-than-expected normalization of the United States
monetary policy could trigger portfolio capital outflows. The second Indonesia Economic
Quarterly report for 2018 issued on Wednesday commended Bank Indonesia (BI) for its
sound and transparent monetary policy and the Finance Ministry for its prudent fiscal
management despite the election year. BI made the right decision when it raised its policy
rate by another 25 basis points at the end of May to 4.75 percent.


Text above intends to …….
A. Report Indonesia’s position in dealing with global market volatility
B. Inform the results of an assessment on Indonesia economic stability
C. Describe the external threat to microeconomic stability in Indonesia
D. Argue about the way in which financial and capital market is managed
E. Discuss the faster- than-expected normalization of this country.

40. The World Bank assessed Indonesia as well positioned to deal effectively with the risk of
global financial and capital market volatility, which is still considered the biggest threat
to macroeconomic stability as the faster-than-expected normalization of the United States
monetary policy could trigger portfolio capital outflows. The second Indonesia Economic
Quarterly report for 2018 issued on Wednesday commended Bank Indonesia (BI) for its
sound and transparent monetary policy and the Finance Ministry for its prudent fiscal
management despite the election year. BI made the right decision when it raised its policy
rate by another 25 basis points at the end of May to 4.75 percent.
The capital outflows in Indonesia capital market could be triggered by……
A. Global financial sudden changes
B. Global macroeconomic stability
C. Annual prudent fiscal management
D. US faster- than- expected normalization
E. Sound and transparent monetary policy

**Sukses UTN**


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