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Diesel Engine Applications for Evaluation of

Performance and Emission Behavior of Biodiesel

from Different Oil Stocks
Rasim Behcet,a Hu _
€seyin Aydın,b Cumali Ilkılıç, c _
Bahattin Işcan, b
and Selman Aydınd
Department of Mechanical Engineering, I_n€on€u University, Malatya, Turkey
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Batman University, Batman, Turkey; (for correspondence)
Department of Automotive Engineering, Fırat University, Elazıg, Turkey
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hakkari University, Hakkari, Turkey
Published online 00 Month 2014 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ep.12045

Extensive researches on alternative fuels have been car- vegetable oils, animal fats or from wastes of both sources is
ried out since the fossil-based fuels are limited. Many of these considered to be one of the alternative fuel sources.
studies have ever been on the usability of vegetable oils in Many researchers have reported that the use of pure veg-
diesel engines. In the current work, biodiesel were produced etable oils in unmodified diesel engines can cause various
from waste fish oil (FOB), hazelnut oil (HOB), rapeseed oil engine related problems such as severe engine deposits,
(ROB), and waste cooking oil (WCOB) by transesterification injector coking, and piston ring sticking due to their high vis-
method. The same optimized variables of 6:1 methanol/oil cosity and low volatility as reported by Meher et al. [1] and
molar ratio (mol/mol), 0.4% sodium methoxide concentra- Barnwal et al. [2]. Therefore, the viscosity of vegetable oils
tion (wt.%), 60 C reaction temperature, 1000 rpm agitation should be reduced before using them as fuel in diesel
speed and 2 h reaction time conditions were performed for engines. Biodiesel as an alternative fuel is produced from
biodiesel production from all kinds of above mentioned oils. organic sources such as vegetable oils or animal fats by using
Some of the important chemical and physical properties of transesterification reaction which is known as a chemical
test fuels were found. Without making blends with diesel process in order to reduce viscosity of oils. The sources for
fuel, pure biodiesels were used in a diesel engine in order to biodiesel production are primarily vegetable oils and animal
clarify how their usage effects on engine performance and fats. Most important of these sources are rapeseed oil, canola
exhaust emission parameters. When compared with those of oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, palm oil, beef
diesel fuel, average torque and power were reduced while and tallow oil. The waste fats and oils of domestic, commer-
brake specific fuel consumption was increased for biodiesels. cial and industrial processing can also be used as feedstock,
Besides, carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) emis- as reported by Fukuda et al. [3]. Besides, various oils have
sions were considerably lower for biodiesel usage while been in use in different countries for biodiesel production
oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions were higher than that of owing to its local availability as reported by Demirbaş [4].
diesel fuel. Furthermore, emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Most current studies have reported on engine performance
and smoke opacity were reduced for biodiesel usage. Oxygen and emissions from biodiesel produced from different oil
(O2) contained in the exhaust gases were higher for biodie- resources such as fish oil that is performed by Behçet [5], cot-
sels while they contain more oxygen molecules in their struc- tonseed oil as reported by Aydın et al. [6], Rashid et al. [7],
ture. VC 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Nurun Nabi et al. [8], animal tallow that is reported by Oner
Environ Prog, 00: 000–000, 2014 et al. [9], hazelnut oil as reported by G€ um€uş [10], safflower oil
Keywords: biodiesel, diesel engine, emissions, engine as reported by I_lkılıç et al. [11], waste cooking oil as reported
performance by Hameed and et al. [12] and Nwafor [13] and rapeseed oil as
reported by Nwafor [13]. Biodiesels generally have higher
INTRODUCTION cetane numbers, around 50, than diesel fuel as reported by
The energy need in the world is rapidly increasing day by Balat et al.[14], no aromatics, no sulfur, and contain 10–11%
day as a result of technological development. Therefore, oxygen by weight as reported by Chhetri et al. [15]. The bio-
more and more fuel is required today. Besides, environmen- diesel produced from waste cooking oil (WCOB) for partially
tal and air pollution that caused by energy processing sys- substitute petroleum diesel is one of the measures for solving
tems is becoming one of the main concerns for mankind. two problems of environment pollution and energy shortage
Therefore, both fuel depletion and emission concerns are as reported by Chen et al. [16]. In order to reduce the produc-
driving more studies to be done on finding new, alternative tion cost of biodiesel, WCOB would be a good choice as
and clean energy sources. Biodiesel which is produced from source material since it is cheaper than vegetable oils as indi-
cated by Hameed et al. [12]. Experimental tests were carried
out to evaluate the performance, emission and combustion of
C 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V a diesel engine using neat rapeseed oil and its blends of 5%,

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2014 1
Table 1. Some of important fuel properties of test fuels.

Petroleum die- fish oil biodie- Hazelnut oil bio- Rapeseed oil bio- Waste cooking oil
Property/fuel sel (D2) sel (FOB) diesel (HOB) diesel (ROB) biodiesel (WCOB)
Density (kg/m3) (at 15 C) 843.50 895 877 874 897
Viscosity (mm2/sn) (at 40 C) 3.666 4.451 4.51 5.32 6.1
Calorific value (kJ/kg) 43,356 40,546 41,374 38,960 39,340
Flow point ( C) 215 214 220 – –
Flash point ( C) 60 155 30 135 128
Cetane number 52 52.4 – 49.6 52.49

Table 2. Chemical structure and fatty acid composition of tested biodiesels.

Fatty acid Chemical structure FOB HOB [10] (Max.) ROB [30] WCOB
Myristic C 14:0 6.71 – – 0.78
Palmitic C 16:0 20.20 5.87 3.5 24.82
Stearic C 18:0 4.2 2.49 0.9 3.11
Palmitoleic acid C 16:1 6.59 0.48 0.1 0.25
Oleic C 18:1 19.71 82.80 54.1 50.58
Linoleic C 18:2 2.63 18.70 22.3 20.11
Linolenic C 18:3 1.64 0.076 – 0
Arachidic C 20:0 0.79 – – 0
Docosa-oic acid C 22:1, 4, 5, 6 22.4 – – 0
Saturated fatty acids C 14, 16, 18 31.11 8.20 – 28.71
Unsaturated fatty acids C 16:1 C 18:1,2.3 C 20–C 22 53.76 94.20 – 70.94

Table 3. Technical specifications of the test engine. CO and HC emissions were usually found to significantly
decrease with biodiesel as reported by Lapuerta et al. [19].
Type Rainbow–186 diesel Currently, more than 95% of the world biodiesel is pro-
Injection system Direct injection duced from edible oils which are easily available on large
Cylinder number 1 scale from the agricultural industry, Gui et al. [20] and Refat
Stroke volume 406 cc [21]. Concerns states that biodiesel feedstock may compete
Compression ratio 18/1 with food supplies in the long-term as indicated by Balat
Maximum power 10 HP et al. [22], Refaat [21], and Chhetri et al. [23]. Thus the use of
Maximum engine speed 3600 rpm 620 non-edible vegetable oils when compared with edible oils is
Cooling system Air cooling very significant in developing countries because of the tre-
Injection pressure 19.6 6 0.49 MPa (200 6 5 mendous demand for edible oils as food, and they are far
kgf/cm2) too expensive to be used as fuel at present, Balat et al. [22],
Mean effective pressure 561.6 kPa Pramanik [24], and Mahanta et al. [25].
(Mep) In this study, biodiesels were produced from various kinds of
Medium piston speed 7.0 m/s (at 3000 rpm) oils such as fish oil, hazelnut oil, rapeseed oil and waste cooking
oil by transesterification reaction. Among them, fish oil is marine
anchovy fish oil of Turkish origin and also very abundant in all
costal region of Turkey. Therefore its non-edible oil derived bio-
20%, and 70%, and standard diesel fuel. It was reported that diesel can be considered as a smart choice. As reported by
the use of biodiesel produces lower smoke opacity (up to G€um€ uş [10], Turkey is the main hazelnut producer country.
Therefore, hazelnut oil can be used as an alternative diesel fuel
60%), and higher brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) (up
especially by the farmers around the Black Sea region which is
to 11%) compared to diesel fuel. The measured CO emissions the main production area. Waste cooking oil is also a good
of B5 and B100 fuels were found to be 9 and 32% lower than choice for biodiesel production as it is not an edible oil. Also,
those of the diesel fuel, respectively as reported by Buyukkaya rapeseed oil is also one of the most known biodiesel resources
[17]. In a research, engine performance and emission charac- all around the world. Rapeseed farming is increased in Turkey
teristics of marine fish-oil biodiesel produced from the dis- especially for the purpose of biodiesel production. All biodiesels
were used in single cylinder diesel engine, as pure form. Exhaust
carded parts of marine fish have been investigated as reported emissions from usage of biodiesel were experimentally investi-
by Lin et al. [18]. It was found that as compared with ASTM No. gated and compared with those of diesel fuel.
2D diesel, both marine fish-oil and waste cooking-oil biodie-
sels appears to have a lower gross heating value, cetane index,
exhaust gas temperature, equivalence ratio, black smoke opac- Fuel production processes and engine tests were per-
ity, elemental carbon content, and CO emission and a higher formed at Fuel and Engine Test Laboratories at University of
fuel consumption rate and elemental oxygen content. Batman. Biodiesels were produced from waste fish oil
Most of studies report slight increases in NOx emissions (FOB), hazelnut oil (HOB), rapeseed oil (ROB), and waste
when using biodiesel as indicated by Lapuerta et al. [19]. The cooking oil (WCOB) by transesterification reaction according
majority of studies have found sharp reductions in particulate to the production method that clarified in our latest study by
emissions with biodiesel as compared to diesel fuel. Besides, Ilkılıç et al. [11]. Biodiesel were used as pure forms in a

2 Month 2014 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 1. A schematic diagram of the engine setup. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

Table 4. Technical properties of the gas analyzing device.

Parameter Measuring range Precision

HC (ppm) 0–20,000 1
CO2 (%) 0–20 0.1
CO (%) 0–15 0.001
O2 (%) 0–21.7 0.01
NOx (ppm) 0–5000 1
Smoke opacity (%) 0–100 1

diesel engine. Petroleum based diesel (D2) were also used in

the same engine and same testing conditions for making
comparisons. The important fuel properties of test fuels are
presented in Table 1. Also, chemical structure and fatty acid
composition of tested biodiesels are presented in Table 2. Figure 2. Variation of engine torque with engine speed for
Tests were carried out on a single cylinder, four strokes, diesel and different biodiesels. [3] [Color figure can be
and air cooling diesel engine. Technical specifications of the viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonli-
test engine are given in Table 3. A BT-140 model hydraulic]
dynamometer was used for loading the test engine. The sche-
matic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Figure 1.
The CAPELEC CAP 3200 brand exhaust gas analyzer was
used to measure emissions of the test fuels. The technical
specifications of the device are presented in Table 4. from different feedstocks are presented in Figure 2. Maximum
Tests were started firstly with diesel fuel and until the torque values were obtained at 2000 rpm of engine speed, for
engine reached to the operating temperature. Tests were per- all of test fuels. The highest average torque values were
formed at full open accelerator position. It was loaded with obtained for diesel fuel. Average torque values of D2, FOB,
the hydraulic dynamometer to adjust the specified engine HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels were calculated as 17.84, 15.94,
speeds. When a certain speed was reached, the engine was 14.76, 15.5, and 14.25 Nm, respectively. When compared with
no more loaded and the data’s were recorded. The engine that of diesel, the average torque reductions for biodiesel were
was loaded, at fully open accelerator position, till four vari- 10.65%, 17.26%, 13.11%, and 20.12% for FOB, HOB, ROB, and
ous speeds in the range of 1000 rpm to 2500 rpm with a WCOB, respectively. Namely, torque values were considerably
period of 500 rpm, were obtained. The fuel consumption decreased for all test fuel, compared to diesel fuel. These
was measured with a burette with 50 and 100 mL volumes reductions in torque for biodiesel can be mainly attributed to
and a stopwatch. The mass flow rate (kg/h) was calculated lower calorific values of biodiesel. Another reason for torque
from volumetric flow rate and fuel density. decrease, for biodiesel, is considered to be higher density and
viscosity of biodiesel. Utlu and Kocak [26] also found that the
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION respective decrease of torque and power values of WCOME
are due to higher viscosity and density and lower heating
Performance Results value (8.8%).
The variations of torque of the engine operation, according The variation of power versus engine speed for diesel
to the engine speed, for diesel fuel and biodiesels obtained fuel and biodiesel obtained from different feedstock are

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2014 3
Figure 3. Variation of engine power with engine speed for
diesel and different biodiesels. [Color figure can be viewed
in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlineli- Figure 5. Variation of exhaust gas temperature with engine] speed for diesel and different biodiesels. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonli-]

Figure 4. Variation of Bsfc with engine speed for diesel and Figure 6. Variation of NOx emissions with engine speed for
different biodiesels. [Color figure can be viewed in the online diesel and various biodiesels. [Color figure can be viewed in
issue, which is available at] the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.

indicated in Figure 3. Power values of all test fuels were turbulence those occurred in the engine cylinder are not suf-
increased as engine speed increased and almost linear incre- ficient to maintain a homogenous air-fuel mixture. Therefore,
ments were obtained. The higher engine power values were locally rich fuel-air mixture zones occurred and resulting in
always obtained for D2. Average power values of D2, FOB, an incomplete combustion. As a result, specific fuel con-
HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels were calculated as 6.81, 6.17, sumption increases.
5.41, 5.48, and 5.64 kW’s, respectively. In comparison to that When test fuels were compared, the lowest average bsfc
of diesel, the average power reductions for biodiesels were values were obtained for D2 fuel while the highest ones were
9.32%, 20.58%, 19.44%, and 17.17% for FOB, HOB, ROB, and obtained for ROB. The average bsfc values for biodiesels were
WCOB fuels, respectively. Main reasons for power decreases higher than that of diesel by amounts of 2.36%, 5.19%, 9.92%,
of biodiesels are considered to be the poor atomization due and 7.90%, for FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels, respec-
to higher viscosity, and lower heating values of biodiesels. tively. The main reason for these increases is considered to be
The same range between power loss and the decreased heat- the lower heating values of biodiesels. Most of researches (up
ing value was reported by Y€ ucesu and I_lkılıç [27]. The to 87.1%) agreed that the fuel consumption of an engine fueled
authors found that the torque and power reduced by 3–6% with biodiesel becomes higher because it is needed to com-
for pure biodiesel compared to diesel, and they claimed that pensate the loss of heating value of biodiesel as reported by
the heating value of biodiesel was less 5% than that of diesel. Xue et al. [28] and references therein.
Also they contributed to the difficulties in fuel atomization as The exhaust gas temperature (EGT) indicates the effective
the reason of the loss of power value. use of the heat energy of a fuel. It was observed that the
The brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) variation of exhaust gas temperature was reasonably higher for FOB,
the test engine using diesel fuel and biodiesels from different HOB, ROB, and WCOB biodiesel when compared to baseline
feedstock with engine speed are presented in Figure 4. For diesel as depicted in Figure 5. The higher value of engine
all of test fuels, bsfc values were decreased with the increase exhaust gas temperature indicates that biodiesels have higher
in engine speed. The main reason for these decreases was combustion temperature in the cylinder when compared to
considered to be the power increments rates of the engine. diesel fuel. These may be due to more fuel being burnt at
At lower engine speed, the power obtained was lower for all higher loads to meet the power requirement and higher oxy-
test fuels. Also, at the lower speeds of the engine, swirl and gen content of the biodiesel, which improves combustion and

4 Month 2014 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 7. Variation of CO emissions with engine speed for
diesel and different biodiesels. [Color figure can be viewed Figure 9. Variation of CO2 with engine speed for diesel and
in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlineli- different biodiesels. [Color figure can be viewed in the online] issue, which is available at]

Figure 8. Variation of HC emissions with engine speed for Figure 10. Variation of O2 in the exhaust gases with engine
diesel and different biodiesels. [Color figure can be viewed speed for diesel and different biodiesels. [Color figure can be
in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlineli- viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonli-]]

thus may increase the exhaust gas temperature. Besides, late

combustion phase which may be extended toward exhaust (2008) and references therein. Thus, almost for all biodiesels,
stroke is considered to be occurred during the biodiesel opera- NOx emissions were higher than that of diesel fuel. The
tions and thus resulted in higher EGT. At the same time, due to average NOx values for biodiesels were higher than that of
the fact that the density and kinematic viscosity of biodiesels diesel by amounts of 4.76%, 9.77%, 6.25%, and 22.92%, for
are higher than petroleum diesel fuel, the spray penetration FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels, respectively.
for biodiesels especially at low engine speed may be long and HC and CO emissions are main products of incomplete
this causes a poor atomization rate. Consequently, these fac- combustion. Variation of CO and HC emissions with engine
tors may cause to incomplete and prolonged combustion and speed for biodiesels and diesel fuel were presented in Fig-
resulting in a higher exhaust gas temperature. ures 7 and 8. Both CO and HC emissions were highest for
petroleum based diesel fuel in all engine operation condi-
tions. Besides, for all the test fuels including diesel fuel, CO
Emission Results and HC emissions decreased with increased engine speed.
The NOx emission variation of the test engine using die- The average CO emission values for biodiesels were lower
sel fuel and biodiesels from different feedstocks with engine than that of diesel by amounts of 22.58%, 14.19%, 29.67%,
speed is presented in Figure 6. For all test fuels experiments, and 20.01%, for FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB, respectively.
the NOx emissions were highest at medium speed of the test It is clear that the CO reduction for HOB is lower than the
engine, 2000 rpm. At the mentioned speed, due to the other biodiesel origins. According to this result, it may be
increased air movements in the cylinder, more homogenous considered that CO emissions decrease as the saturation level
charge occurs thus resulting in improved combustion and is increased [19]. Besides, the average HC emission values for
consequently in higher combustion temperature so higher biodiesel were lower than that of diesel by amounts of
NOx emissions. However, at the highest engine speeds, in 41.11%, 36.11%, 35.01%, and 29.44%, for FOB, HOB, ROB,
spite of the increased air movements and higher combustion and WCOB fuels, respectively. The HC reduction trend for
temperature, NOx emissions decrease again due to the nar- WCOB is lower than the other biodiesel origins. This result
rowed combustion time. It is accepted generally that higher may be attributed to the final boiling or distillation points of
oxygen content and cetane number in biodiesel enhances waste cooking oil probably due to that it may be considered
formation of NOx, as also reported by Lapuerta et al. [19] as a not a pure oil and may content some impurities. This

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2014 5
smoke opacity levels were ever obtained for diesel fuel. The
average smoke emission values for biodiesels were lower
than that of diesel by amounts of 1.12%, 0.85%, 0.47%, and
0.61%, for FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels, respectively.
The oxygen inherently contained in the biodiesel blends
which remove any possible local oxygen deficiency is con-
sidered to have helped in decreasing smoke level. The low-
est ones were obtained for FOB fuel in all operation
conditions. Among biodiesels the highest smoke opacity lev-
els were obtained for ROB and WCOB. The higher viscosity
of both these fuels is considered to be the main reason for
higher smoke opacity in comparison to FOB and HOB. The
higher viscosity and bigger size fuel molecules contained in
the fuels is considered to result in poor atomization.

Figure 11. Variation of smoke opacity with engine speed for CONCLUSIONS
diesel and different biodiesels. [Color figure can be viewed In this study, biodiesels were produced from different
in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlineli- feedstock such as fish oil, hazelnut oil, rapeseed oil, and] waste cooking oil. Biodiesels were used in a diesel engine
with the purpose of investigation of engine performance and
exhaust emission parameters. The results of this report are
final fraction of the diesel may not be completely vaporized summarized as follows:
and burnt, thereby increasing HC emissions. Generally, bio-  1 When compared with that of diesel, the average torque
diesel that contains high concentrations of oxygen inherently reductions for biodiesels were 10.65%, 17.26%, 13.11%,
from oil sources, lead to considerably lower amounts of CO and 20.12% for FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels,
and HC emissions in the exhaust gasses. The oxygen content respectively. Namely, torque values were considerably
in the biodiesel molecule, which leads to a more complete decreased for all biodiesels, according to diesel fuel.
and cleaner combustion is considered to be the main reason  2 In comparison to that of diesel, the average power reduc-
for HC reduction and thus CO [29,30]. Besides, the increased tions for biodiesels were 9.32%, 20.58%, 19.44%, and
engine speed which caused to increased air movements in 17.17% for FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels, respectively.
the engine cylinder which lead to more homogeneous air- Main reasons for torque and power decreases of biodiesels
fuel charge and thus resulted in an improved combustion are considered to be the poor atomization due to higher
and consequently lowered CO and HC missions. viscosity, and lower heating values of biodiesels.
The most important factor of global warming problem of  3 The average bsfc values for biodiesels were higher than
the world is the increase of CO2 emissions which lead to that of diesel by amounts of 2.36%, 5.19%, 9.92%, and
greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. CO2 emission is an 7.90%, for FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels, respec-
emission product related to the entire combustion of the tively. The main reasons for these increases are consid-
fuel. High post-combustion temperature and existence of ered to be the lower heating values and higher density of
enough oxygen for a more complete combustion increases biodiesels.
the amount of CO2 in the exhaust gases. The CO2 emissions  4 It was observed that the exhaust gas temperatures were
of the diesel engine fueled with the various types of biodie- reasonably higher for FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB bio-
sel and diesel fuels are shown in Figure 9. At lower engine diesels when compared to diesel fuel.
speed CO2 emissions resulting from biodiesels were lower  5 The average NOx values for biodiesels were higher
than that of diesel fuel. However, at medium engine speeds than that of diesel by amounts of 4.76%, 9.77%, 6.25%,
there were no significant differences between CO2 emissions and 22.92%, for FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels,
from diesel fuel and biodiesels. The total CO2 emissions respectively.
from biodiesels were lower than that of diesel fuel. The aver-  6 The average CO emission values for biodiesels were
age CO2 emission values for biodiesels were lower than that lower than that of diesel by amounts of 22.58%, 14.19%,
of diesel by amounts of 21.58%, 20.70%, 8.72%, and 11.01%, 29.67%, and 20.01%, for FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB
for FOB, HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels, respectively. fuels, respectively. Besides, the average HC emission val-
Figure 10 shows the O2 emissions of the diesel fuel and ues for biodiesels were lower than that of diesel by
other types of biodiesel operation at different engine speeds. amounts of 41.11%, 36.11%, 35.01%, and 29.44%, for FOB,
When compared with diesel fuel, biodiesel contains about HOB, ROB, and WCOB fuels, respectively.
11% higher oxygen than diesel fuel. The higher oxygen  7 The highest smoke opacity levels were ever obtained
amount of biodiesel helps to improve combustion of fuels for diesel fuel while the total CO2 emissions from biodie-
and more complete combustion lapuerta et al. [19] and refer- sels were lower than that of diesel fuel.
ences therein. The surplus oxygen in the biodiesel can be Consequently biodiesel produced from all tested oils can
seen in the exhaust gases. Hence, burning of the biodiesel be used as alternative fuels in existing diesel engines without
produced more residual oxygen than the burning of the die- any modification. However, among biodiesels, as it is clear
sel fuel. Therefore, the O2 emissions resulted from biodiesel that the FOB can be considered to be the best one as, when
from various types of vegetable oil were observed lower compared with petroleum diesel fuel, its performance reduc-
than that of diesel fuel. tion is lowest with lowest bsfc increase and along with better
Smoke opacity levels of diesel fuel and biodiesels applica- emission parameters.
tions in the diesel engine for different engine speeds have
been presented in Figure 11. Smoke levels for all test fuels
were decreased with increase of engine speed. It can be LITERATURE CITED
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