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1.1 Background
Scholarships are financial assistance given to individuals, students or
students for the sake of continuing education that leads
( According to Murniasih (2009)
scholarships are interpreted as a form of appreciation given to individuals so that
education can be carried out to a higher level. Recognition can be in the form of
special access to or finance. Basically, scholarships are the opposite for those who
receive them. This is in accordance with the provisions of article 4 paragraph (1)
of the PPh / 2000 Law. It is stated that understanding is an additional capability
with whatever name and form you get from or from Indonesia that can be used to
increase or increase the taxpayer's wealth. Because scholarships can be interpreted
as adding ability to recipients, namely scholarships are rounds.
Scholarships can be given by government institutions, companies or
foundations. Granting scholarships can be categorized at the time of free gifts or
given with work ties (commonly called official ties) after the completion of
education. The duration of this service tie varies, depending on the institution
providing the scholarship. scholarships are also given to groups (groups) for
example there are competitions held by educational institutions, and one of the
prizes is a scholarship.

1.2 Problem formulation

1. What is the definition of a KGSP scholarship?
2. What are the terms of payment for KGSP scholarships?
3. What is the KGSP scholarship procedure?
4. What are the kgsp selection stages?
5. Any documents that are needed by KGSP ?


1.3 Purpose
1. Know the definition of kgsp scholarship
2. Know the payment terms for a kgsp scholarship
3. Know what the kgsp scholarship procedure is
4. The stages scholarship selection
5. Know what documents are required by KGSP


2.1 Definition
KGSP stands for the Korean Government Scholarship Program. This
scholarship program is managed by NIIED (National Institute for International
Education) which is an executive institution under the South Korean Ministry of
Education. The KGSP scholarship is given by the South Korean government to
International students who want to study in Korea for the D2 (Associate Degree),
S1, S2 and S3 levels.
KGSP is one of the government's CSR programs as Korea's gratitude to
countries in Asia, as well as countries that have helped Korea's infrastructure
development to date. This scholarship is a full scholarship (all costs are borne by
the government) except the cost of making a passport, translate diploma fees, and
health check fees (check the latest KGSP Guideline form) -which is needed when
100% have been accepted as scholarship recipients-For details the scholarship
given, can be seen in further information which I will describe below.
KGSP scholarships are divided into 2, KGSP for S1 (Undergraduate) and S2
and S3 (Graduate). The KGSP scholarship that I meant by this guide is KGSP
Undergraduate. For KGSP Graduate, God willing, I will make a guide in the next
post. Patience, uncle, aunt hehe All faculties and departments can be registered
through this scholarship. Except, majors that require graduation time exceed 4
years. For example, the Department of General Medicine (> 7 years), the
Department of Architecture (5 years), and the Department of Law in some Korean
universities require more than 4 years. Almost all universities in Korea can be
registered, no matter whether it's a private university or government. SKY
University (Seoul-Korea-Yonsei), Ajou, Pusan, Konkuk, Dongguk, Hanyang,
Ewha Womans, KAIST, Kyunghee, Sogang, Sungkyungkwan, there are a total of
60 more universities that can be entered through the KGSP scholarship.


2.2 Requirements For Joining The KGSP Scholarship

1. Maximum age 25 years at the date of registration. (in KGSP 2016, applicants
must be born after March 1, 1991).
2. Must have citizenship in accordance with their respective countries. Both
scholarship applicants and parents cannot choose Korean citizenship.
3. Information on S1 and S3 Bachelor Scholarships
4. get the latest scholarship information 4
5. Healthy physically and mentally. For participants who have a shortage of
limbs (disabilities), they may apply for scholarships. Not allowed for
applicants who are pregnant.
6. Both Single or Married are allowed to register.
7. Have graduated, or will graduate from high school or equivalent on March 1,
2016. Applicants who already have a bachelor's degree or more are not
allowed to register.
8. The average score of the last semester report card (Even semester, grade 3
SMA - CGPA) must have an average of above 80 points out of a total of 100
points. Or ranked in the top 20 (If a total of 100 students) in the last semester.
9. Have never received a scholarship from the Korean government in previous
10. Have never taken an exchange student, or undergraduate program or
equivalent in Korea.
11. The scholarship committee prioritizes applicants who speak English and

2.3 Registration Rosedures

First, applicants must fill out a form and choose a university from the list
provided by NIIED. This information can only be downloaded after the
announcement of the scholarship absence. Visit the NIIED official website,
announcements will be issued in September for undergraduate programs and
February for Masters programs. In addition to the registration form, the
documents that need to be entered are:

1. Documents that must be translated by a sworn translator:

a) Report card and high school diploma (from beginning to end of semester)
After reading must be legalized by the school
b) Birth certificate, after the text needs to be legalized by a notary
c) Family card
d) ID card registrants and parents
2. Two letters of recommendation (can be from the principal and teacher) in
English. The letter must be given a signature and official stamp, then put in a
separate envelope. The envelope must be sealed by the recommendation writer.
3. Personal Statement that explains why you want to study at the university, the
expertise and excellence you have and get a scholarship.
4. Study plan that explains why you choose that department and what you want to
do after graduating.
5. Promise NIIED (can be obtained on site NIIED after the announcement of
scholarship registration is issued).
6. Photocopy of TOEFL / IELTS and TOPIK certificates (if any).
7. Passport of the registrant and parent (if any).
8. Health report
9. D2 Visa Verification
10. Certificates or awards ever achieved

2.4 The Stages Scholarship Selection

1. Selection of documents, participants are required to send documents to the
office of the South Korean Embassy in Jakarta according to the date stated on the
KGSP Guideline in their respective countries. Document selection is the most
competitive and most selective stage in KGSP.
2. Interview test. There are 2 rounds.:
a. Interview at the Embassy, later participants who have successfully passed
the document selection will be called to the South Korean Embassy to be
interviewed. The interview is easy. There is no interview asking about that,
so there's no need to bother studying science / science. Interviewer during
my year there were 2 people. The first is a person from the Minister of

Culture, the only native Korean lecturer. Relax, they interviewed using
English. For interview material, more about individual personality. Just be
you. Don't be nervous, just interviewed, how come. Not forced by rabbi
b. Telephone interview. Well, after being positively received by the embassy,
the embassy will send the documents sent by participants to three
universities according to the Application Form (Form 1). The three
universities will later contact each participant via email to hold a short
interview by phone. The interview schedule is different, depending on the
agreement. Interview is relaxed too, so again ... don't be nervous.
3. Health tests. In this test, participants only need to carry out a personal health
test according to the procedure listed on form 8. Then the test results are sent to
the embassy and the photocopies are taken to later be submitted to the Korean
university who received you. Briefly, the flow of the test stages is; the candidate
sends the requested documents (can be delivered directly or by post), after which
the name of the successful candidate will be announced to proceed to the
interview stage (will be contacted by telephone), and after passing the interview
selection, participants will be notified by the university Korea (via e-mail)
whether they accept or not, the last participant took a medical test - until finally
there will be a number of scholarship recipients who are entitled to depart for
South Korea.

2.5 Documents Needed

All documents I mentioned below, there must be 3 photocopied sheets
1. An original set of complete documents (KGSP Guideline 2016), which consists
of: 1. A complete application form form (Form 1)
2. One sheet of NIIED Pledge, signed (Form 2)
3. One sheet of Personal Statement (Form 3). Well, I will describe the Personal
Statement tips and tricks in Q & A.
4. One sheet of Study Plan (Form 4). This too, later in Q & A.

5. Two sheets of recommendation letters (Form 5). It can be from the principal, or
the teacher, or people who know the scholarship applicant well. The higher the
position, the more familiar you are, the more comfortable.
6. One verification D2 Visa form (Form 6). Just fill it up.
7. One health form sheet (Form 7). Just fill in, check-check according to your
8. One health test sheet (Form 8).


3.1 Conclusion
KGSP stands for the Korean Government Scholarship Program. This
scholarship program is managed by NIIED (National Institute for International
Education) which is an executive institution under the South Korean Ministry of
Education. The KGSP scholarship is given by the South Korean government to
International students who want to study in Korea for the D2 (Associate Degree),
S1, S2 and S3 levels.
KGSP is one of the government's CSR programs as Korea's gratitude to
countries in Asia, as well as countries that have helped Korea's infrastructure
development to date. This scholarship is a full scholarship (all costs are borne by
the government) except the cost of making a passport, translate diploma fees, and
health check fees (check the latest KGSP Guideline form) -which is needed when
100% have been accepted as scholarship recipients-For details the scholarship
given, can be seen in further information which I will describe below.

3.2 Prepositions
In making this paper, the author realizes that there are still shortcomings and
errors caused by the limited knowledge that I have. Therefore, the author asks for
criticism and suggestions from readers.



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