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Leadership in few words

Foundations, Concepts and Techniques of Modern Management

(Business Management)

If we would like to shortcut the words in order to express in simple way the
meaning of what is the leadership, we can say that leadership is the ability to
influence individuals so that they will have the desire to achieve the goals that all
people are seeking to achieve.
If we address institutional work, the leadership considered as the link between
employees and the plans of the organization and its future’s vision, the leadership is
unifying the efforts of the employees in order to achieve the goals set, and allows the
control of the problems of work, and design plans to resolve them, also developing,
provide training, cares of the employees and motivating them; in addition to
increase their ability and improve their humanitarian and practical skills.
Your success or failure as a manager will certainly depend on the
leadership qualities you enjoy, without which you cannot have the potential to be a
successful leader by helping your subordinates in order to find solutions to their
practical and human problems.
Returning back to addressing institutional work, you are sharing in the in all
organization’s resources or the business institution, in the formulation of strategies,
organizing and monitoring the activities in order to achieve the objectives, the
appropriate choice of the organization's goals and objectives, in making decisions,
and finally in motivating the people to do so.

Thus, the leadership is a management function that is largely involved in
setting goals and motivating people to help achieve these goals, and the most
important thing for leaders to do is to set and develop goals that the organization or
business institution wants to become a reality and, help subordinates and guide them
on the right path to achieve those goals.
A person can be an effective manager, a good planner, a disciplined
administrator, but at the same time, he lacks the motivational skills that a leader
must have.
An effective leader can also have an inspiring skill, dedication and
enthusiasm, but he lacks managerial skills to guide the energy required in order to
stimulate and motivate the subordinates in the organization or the business
Because of the complexities and the interference between works in the
organizations to manage them quickly and properly through sound decision-making,
and in order to promote the effective participation of all employees, the choice of
the organizations and business institutions of today, is focusing to bring managers
who possess leadership skills required.

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Dr. Ibrahim H. Hussney

Foundations, Concepts and Techniques
of Modern Management
Int. Licensed lecturer and Instructor
Business Management Consultant and Developer
Member of ISDS





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