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A brand is an identifying symbol, mark, logo, name, word or

sentence that companies use to distinguish their product

from others.

According to Judie Lannon has graphically described that a

brand, drawing on anthropological analysis as consisting of a

mosaic of meaning. She also describes branding as the

mechanism that creates and sustains “consumption myths

and consumption rituals, involving products and services

endowed with symbolic meanings. As Stephen King J. Walter

said that:-

 A product is something that is made in a factory but

brand is something that is bought by customers.

 A product can be copied by a competitor but brand is

 A product can be quickly outdated but a successful

brand is timeless.

A successful brand draws its unique character from the

combination of elements in the marketing mix including its

functional characteristics and their effects in the minds of


Seven characteristics of successful brands are :- Audience

knowledge, Uniqueness, Passion, Consistency,

Competitiveness, Exposure, Leadership. The main important

point is that the marketing communication in creating the

brand and developing its strength.

According to American Marketing Association "advertising is

any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion

of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor".

There are four role of advertising are:- By creating

awareness; By providing essential information; By helping to

build a relevant brand image and once the brand has become

more or less established, By acting as a regular reminder to

try, to buy or use the brand.

Although advertising’s primary role for new product launch

is to announce and provide information, it has a role in

communicating the desired positioning for the brand from

the start once the brand is established, the advertising is

much more concerned with ensuring that the positioning

becomes fully part of the target audience’s mental furniture

with appropriate imagery and associations.

Advertising do for the brand is that advertising sells brands.

Advertising works marketing thinkers for more than 100

years on the basis of AIDA - attention, interest, desire, action.

My view of all this is very clear that brands are real in the

minds of consumers. Strong brands exist because they have

become deeply rooted in the minds of consumers and are

part of the texture of people’s lives. They become part of this

texture because people are willing to respond to the brands

and the ways in which they are presented and advertising is

often the most visible and dramatic aspects.

The relationship between brands and advertising is a

complex one. A brand can be visualized as a form of seesaw,

achieving a balance which may vary widely for different

types of brands between rational and emotional elements.

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