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Submitted by:
Ayema Ahmad

Submitted to:
Mam Adela

Submitted on:
14 Dec, 2017

Interior design is all about how we experience spaces. It is all about

how we design a space it’s not about decorating a space.
Interior decorating refers to the art and science of making an interior
space more aesthetically pleasing and functionally useful for its
While designing a space things to keep in mind are:
 Elements of design.
 Color.
 Form.
 Texture.
 Lines.
They play an important role in interior designing.
There are different types of lines for different purposes e.g. vertical lines
are used to represent height, horizontal shows laziness.
Same for colors every color has its own affect. Color is a powerful
design tool in decoration, as well as in interior design which is the art of
composing, and coordinating colors together to create a stylish scheme
on the interior architecture of the space. Colors make the room feel
either more calm, cheerful, comfortable or dramatic. Color combination
make a tiny room seem larger or smaller.
Every texture has its affect which we choose according to our theme.
By using these elements we can change the mood of our client.
Comfortable homes, functional workplaces, beautiful public spaces
that’s interior design at work.
Designers are comfortable with spatial planning and can help design and
renovate interiors, right from drawing up the initial floor plans to placing
the last decorative accent. They don't just enhance the look; they
enhance the function of a room.
While designing space we also have to see its function. If the space has
no function that is useless.
Interior design is all about designing a space which is functional it’s not
only decoration. Space should be designed to give comfort. Spaces
should be in harmony with other spaces.

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