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Construction Management


Network Planning

Abdulhamid Mimi
Construction Management Lecture 10 1
Today’s Presentation Outline
• Revisit previous lectures

• Network planning

• Network term

• Critical Path Analysis Process

Construction Management Lecture 10 2

Revisit Previous Lecture
• Introduction to Construction Planning (aims and principles)

• Bar Chart

Construction Management Lecture 10 3

Network Planning
• Activity-on-Node (AON)

• Activity-on-Arrow (AOA)

Construction Management Lecture 10 4

Network Planning Cont’d
An Activity-on-Node (AoN) is just a simple flow
chart with work flowing from left at START to
right at FINISH of the presentation.

1. Each activity is shown as a square or rectangle

(circles or egg-shapes are also used)

Square Rectangle Circle Egg-shape

Construction Management Lecture 10 5

Network Planning Cont’d
2. Arrows show the dependency (or precedence)
of activities

Construction Management Lecture 10 6

Network Planning Cont’d
Example 1
• a and b start at same time,
• a must be finished before c can start,
• similarly, b must be finished before d and e can
• a and c do not have any influence on b, d and e,
even if they are finished early or late.

Construction Management Lecture 10 7

Network Planning Cont’d
Example 2
Activities Depends on
A -

Construction Management Lecture 10 8

Network Terms
-. Network
-. Activity
-. Path
-. Critical Path
-. Critical Time
-. Critical Activities
-. Earliest Start Time & Finish Time
-. Latest Start Time & Finish Time
-. Total Float

Construction Management Lecture 10 9

Network Terms-Network

Construction Management Lecture 10 10

Network Terms-Activity

Construction Management Lecture 10 11

Network Terms-Path

Construction Management Lecture 10 12

Network Terms- Critical Path, Time &Activities

Construction Management Lecture 10 13

Network Terms- ES,EF, LS& LF
ES = Earliest start time of Activity i.
LS = Latest time for start without extending project duration
EF = Earliest finish time of Activity i.
LF = Latest time for finish without extending project duration
TF = Total float = total spare time

ES = EF of preceding activities (before)

EF = ES + Duration of Activity i
LF = LS of succeeding activities (after)
LS = LF – Duration of Activity I
TF = LS – ES = LF - EF

Construction Management Lecture 10 14

Network Terms- Key
It’s important to provide a key

Construction Management Lecture 10 15

Network Terms- Key

Construction Management Lecture 10 16

Critical Path Analysis Process
The Forward Pass – Calculation of the earliest start and finish time

1.Start the network at a chosen time, nominally time zero and set this as
the Earliest Start Time (ES) of the first, i.e. Start Activity.

2. Add the activity’s duration to the Earliest Start Time to find its Earliest
Finish Time (EF).

3. Go to the next Dependent Activity and calculate its Earliest Start Time. If
this activity has only one preceding activity then its ES is the same as the
preceding activity’s EF.

4. When there is more than one Preceding Activity, the Dependent

Activity’s Earliest Start Time is the Maximum of the EF of all immediate
logical Preceding Activities.

5. Carry on repeating steps 2 to 4 until you arrive at the End Activity, its ES
and EF represent the Total Project Time (TPT).

Construction Management Lecture 10 17

Critical Path Analysis Process Cont’d
The Reverse Pass – Calculation of latest start and finish time
The Reverse pass calculates the latest time that each activity is permitted
to finish and start if the TPT is to be achieved.

1. Set the Latest Finish Time (LF) of the End Activity equal to its Earliest
Finish Time.

2. Subtract the duration from the Latest Finish Time to find its Latest Start
Time (LS);

3. Go to the next Preceding Activity and calculate its Latest Finish Time. If
this activity has only one Succeeding Activity then its LF is the same as
the Succeeding Activity’s LS.

4. When an activity has more than one Succeeding Activities, the

Preceding Activity’s Latest Finish Time is the Minimum of the LS of all
immediate logical Succeeding Activities.

5. Carry on repeating steps 2 to 4 until you arrive back at the Start Activity
Construction Management Lecture 10 18
✓Network planning

✓Network term

✓Critical Path Analysis Process

Construction Management Lecture 10 19

Any Questions??

Construction Management Lecture 10 20

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