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Dwilita Putri H


Zulia & Yanuwiadi (2015) mentioned that ecotourism is a tourism activity that is also
environmentally responsible. Ecotourism activities usually involve the local communities to
participate in maintaining and preserving. After analyzed by using descriptive analysis
techniques there are several ecotourism places in Trenggalek Regency, East Java. One of
which is bamboo craft from one of commodities at District of Pogalan they have been make
bamboo crafts like braids, steamer, and baskets using an old bamboo rod. While Utama
(2015) mentioned that Bali ecotourism has many potential to bring in lots of foreign tourists
because Bali is one of the popular destinations in Asia. These are several current places of
ecotourism and activities can be done in Bali. First one is Bali safari as part of the Taman
Safari Indonesia which focuses on wildlife conservation in Indonesia and is actively involved
in ensuring the future survival and well-being of many Indonesian animal species. Second
one is Sangeh monkey forest located near Sangeh village the six hectares of this monkey
forest are filled with giant nutmeg trees capable of growing as high as 40 meters.
In other hand Wiranatha (2015) explained that ecotourism destination of Tangkahan is
located at the edge of Gunung Leuser National Park inNorth Sumatera.There are many
activities can be undertaken by visitors at this destination, such as: trekking, wildlife
watching,swimming at Buluh river, camping and outbound activities. The results of this study
Indonesia has a lot of potential for ecotourism that must be preserved.

Utama, I. G. B. R., (2015). Positioning Ecotourism for improving destination image of Bali
Indonesia. Journal of Tourism. 2(1), 43-48.

Zulia, Z., & Yanuwiadi, B., (2015). The natural and cultural resources for ecotourism
development in Trenggalek Regency, East Java. Journal of Indonesia Tourism and
Development Studies. 3(2), 45-52.

Wiranata, A. S., (2015). Sustainable development strategy for ecotourism at Tangkahan,

North Sumatera. Journal of Tourism. 2(1), 1-8.
Accommodation is one component of tourism where tourists usually stay, many types
of accommodation such as hotels, hostels, or guest houses. According to Atilla (2016) hotel
industry belong to the most important super structural elements of a tourism destination,
without hotel in tourism destination the area will be difficult to develop and less attractive.
Besides that in the hospitality industry the investors will come if they consider the destination
to be a promising and competitive tourism receiver area. Lemy & Heidi (2019) explained in
the last seven years, hospitality and tourism industry becomes one of the world’s fastest-
growing industries. Hotel has different types from comfortable to luxurios. In Semarang there
is interesting hotel called capsule hotel. Capsule hotel is a hotel that provides a closed bed
with basic facilities at a lower cost than an ordinary hotel and usually uses the shared
bathroom. In other areas like Batur Bali. Ernawati, Arjana, & Sitawati (2019) mentioned
there are several types of accommodation in the Batur such as homestay, villa, guest house,
and two/three-star hotel; and luxury accommodation inclusive tourist attractions comprising
boutique hotel. The availability of diverse accommodations could make tourist easier to
adjust and help tourists who wants to spend the night in Batur area. Therefore the existence of
a tourism destination must be balanced with adequate accommodations or hotels to add to the
tourist attraction.


Atilla, A. T., (2016). The impact of the hotel industry on the competitiveness of tourism
destinations. Journal of Competitiveness. 8(4), 85-104.

Lemy, D. M., & Heidi, E., (2019). The potential of capsule hotel service in Semarang.
Journal of Tourism. 6(2), 196-209.

Ernawati, N. M., Arjana, W. B., & Sitawati, A. A. R., (2019). Tourist accomodation: a host-
yourist matched for Batur geotourism. Journal of Indonesia Tourism and Development
Studies. 7(2), 74-82.

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