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Adventist University of the Philippines

Level II


First Semester, C Y 2017 - 18

Drill Questions about Growth and Development

1. Which among the following options are considered essential data when making an assessment and should
be accurately plotted on a growth chart?

a. Rest and sleep

b. Height and weight
c. Growth and development
d. Immunization and allergies
2. Which of the following options best defines the term growth?
a. It refers to development of instincts of sensual pleasures
b. It refers to the ability to learn and understand from experience.
c. It denotes an increase in physical size or a quantitative change
d. It indicates an increase in skill or the ability to function (qualitative change)
3. Which of the following options is considered synonymous with development?
a. Growth
b. Milestones
c. Personality
d. Maturation
4. Which of the following terminology denotes an increase in skill or the ability to function?
a. Growth
b. Cognition…h=7105ceeb1d30903cd134c06859c1fa79&oe=5C08139F&dl=1 04/12/2018, 9G13 AM

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c. Milestones
d. Development
5. Which kind of development is measured by intelligence test and observation of children’s ability to
function effectively in their environment?

a. Moral development
b. Cognitive development
c. Psychosexual development
d. Psychosocial development

6. Which principle of growth and development supports the ability of the child to develop from the head to
the lower part of the body?

a. Development is cephalocaudal.
b. Development proceeds from gross to refined skills.
c. Growth and development proceed in an orderly sequence.
d. Development proceeds from proximal to distal body parts.
7. Which refers to an individual child’s particular manner of thinking, behaving or reacting to
environment stimuli?

​a. latent stage

b. temperament

​c. genetic make up

​d. parent-child relationship
8. Environment is one of the factors influencing growth and development. Which of the following factors in
the environment can interfere with child’s desire to eat, improve, and advance?

​b. nutrition
c. socioeconomic level

​d. parent-child relationship

9. Which of the following options best refers to the usual reaction pattern of an individual, or an
individual’s characteristic manner of thinking, behaving or reacting to stimuli in the environment?

​a. intelligence
​b. temperament
​c. genetic make up
d​ .socioeconomic level

10. Which of the following factors influencing growth and development is best referred to “as a
child’s inherited characteristics”

​a. temperament…h=7105ceeb1d30903cd134c06859c1fa79&oe=5C08139F&dl=1 04/12/2018, 9G13 AM

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​b.genetic make up
​b. socioeconomic level
d​ . parent-child relationship

11. Which stage of psychosexual development is best described“as a time in which a child’s libido
isdiverted into concrete thinking”?

​a.Anal stage
b. Latent stage

​c. Phallic stage

d​ . Genital stage

12. At which stage of Cognitive development is a child when he becomes capable of thinking in terms of
possibility - what could be (abstract thought) rather than being limited to thinking about what already

​a.Sensorimotor stage
​b. Preoperational thought
c. Formal operational thought

​d. Concrete operational thought

13. John – a 6 year old boy, tells you his broken leg wants to get better. When you respond to him you should be
aware that he is using what form of cognition?

​a. Sensorial thought

​b. Magical thinking
​c. Deductive reasoning
​d. Concrete operational thinking
14. Gaining a concept of permanence also contributes to which of the following options below?- ( a stage in
which infants continue to cry for their parents because they know their parents still exist even when out of sight)
a. centering
b. egocentrism
c. intuitive thinking
d. “eight–month anxiety”
15. During the period of intuitive thinking, when young children look at an object they are able to see only one
of its characteristics- this is referred to which of the options below?
b. assimilation
c. egocentrism
d. conservation
16. At which stage of psychosocial development is the child when he: “Strives to obtain a sense of
independence, taking pride in new accomplishments, and wanting to do everything for himself/ herself”.

a. Initiative vs. guilt

b. Industry vs. inferiority
c. Identity vs. role confusion
d. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
17. At which stage of psychosocial development is the child when heexpends effort to gain sense of identity
bringing together experiences previously learned?

a. Initiative vs. guilt

b. Intimacy vs. isolation
c. Industry vs. inferiority…h=7105ceeb1d30903cd134c06859c1fa79&oe=5C08139F&dl=1 04/12/2018, 9G13 AM

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d. Identity vs. role confusion
18. At which stage of psychosocial development is the child when he concentrates on perfecting learned skills
while seeking to enlarge his or her environment with school and community.

a. Initiative vs. guilt

b. Industry vs. inferiority
c. Identity vs. role confusion
d. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
19. At which stage of psychosocial development is the child when he comesto view the world as a safe place
after recognizing that his needs are met as they arise?

a. Trust vs. Mistrust

b. Initiative vs. guilt
c. Industry vs. inferiority
d. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
20. At which stage of psychosocial development is the child when he: “Learns how to do things and needs
freedom and opportunity to initiate motor skills?

a. Trust vs. Mistrust

b. Initiative vs. guilt
c. Industry vs. inferiority
d. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
21. According to moral developmental theory, the child will act under “punishment –obedience orientation” as best
described by which of the following options?

a. “ I will be good because father and mother say so.”

b. “ I should not steal because the police will put me in jail”
c. “ I will not steal because it will deprive my neighbor of possessions they have earned.”
d. “ I will lie still while you are making the bed , so you will tell me a story as you have promised.”
22.Which of the following options is important for the parents of Helen (a 5-year old girl) to know?
a. Helen will imitate what she sees including wrong actions, assuming those actions are correct.

a. Give Helenaffection and approval for the good act and scold and label some behavior as bad.
b. Helen may not obey requests from other people so she (mother) needs to reinforce instruction
c. Helen can carry out self care measures even when nobody watches her.
23. Which of the following options is important for the parents of Frank (a 2-year old boy) to know?
a.At this stage Frank will take the initiative in activities and will question everything.
b. Frank may prefer finger foods and clothing he can put on without assistance at this stage.

c. Expect Frank to want to be held and cuddled a great deal at this stage of his development ​d.
Frank can be expected to be cooperative and easily controlled at this stage of development.
24. Which division of childhood requires that parents should learn to determine if their child is crying from hunger,
discomfort, or some other reason.
a.infancy stage
b. toddler stage
c. preschool stage
d. school-age stage
25. A 4-month – old child is offered solid food for the first time. The mother reports that she keeps pushing the food
out with her tongue. Which of the following options is the best response by the nurse?
a.Tell the mother to offer another food…h=7105ceeb1d30903cd134c06859c1fa79&oe=5C08139F&dl=1 04/12/2018, 9G13 AM

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b. Explain to the mother the child does not like the food ​
c. Explain to the mother the child is not yet ready for solid food.
d. Have the mother bring the child to the doctor as soon as possible.
26. An infant doubles birth weight at what age?

​a. 1-2 months

​b. 2-3 months
​c. 3-4 months

d. 4-6 months
27. The infant’s first tooth eruption is expected at what age?

​a. 4 months
​b.6 months
​c. 8 months

d.10 months
28. At which age does the infant say two words like da-da, ma-ma?

​a. 2 months
​b. 5 months
​c. 6 months
​d. 12 months
29. At what age does an infant “laugh out loud”?

a. 3months
b. 4 months
c. 6 months
d. 7 months
30. At what age does an infant use “pincer grasp?

a. 4 months
b. 6 months
c. 8 months
d. 10 months
31. At what age does an infant follow moving object past midline; focus without eyes crossing?

a. 1 month
b. 2 months
c. 3 months
d. 5 months
32. At what age does an infant “Sits securely without support

a. 8 months
b. 9 months
c. 10 months
d. 12 months
33.At what age would you expect an infant to be walking?

a. 9 months
b. 10 months…h=7105ceeb1d30903cd134c06859c1fa79&oe=5C08139F&dl=1 04/12/2018, 9G13 AM

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c. 11 months
d. 12 months
34. At what age does an infant “Show beginning stranger anxiety
a.6 months
b.7 months
c.8 months
d.9 months
35. At what age does “fear of stranger reaches its height” among infants?

a. 6 months
b. 7 months
c. 8 months
d. 9 months
36. Lloyd is a 12-month –old infant visiting the well-baby clinic. He was 7.4 lbs and was 20 inches long at birth. On
the basis of normal growth and development parameters, what should his weight be at this visit?
a. 22 lbs

​c. 22.3lbs

37. According topsychosocial theory infants will develop a sense of trust when:
a.Nutritional and hygiene needs are provided on a daily basis.
b. They can predict what is coming and needs are constantly met
c. They can identify and distinguish their father and their mother
d. They feel a sense of belonging and be accepted as part of family

38. Which of the following options is referred to as the process whereby a toddler learn to change the situation (or
how they perceive it) to fit their thoughts?

​a. centering
b. conservation

d. deferred imitation

39. One type of accident that occurs most frequently in toddler is known to be which of the following?

​b. vehicular accident
c. accidental ingestion or poisoning

d. aspiration or ingestion of small objects
40. Allowing self-feeding is a major way to strengthen which of the following?

​a. Trust
​b. identity
​c. industry
d. independence
41. An excellent time to encourage language development is during which of the following?

​a. naptime
​b. playtime
c. during bouts of separation anxiety

d. during the administration of discipline
42. Which of the following options best describes the type of play observed among toddlers?

​a. solitary play

b. parallel play
c. associative play
d. competitive play…h=7105ceeb1d30903cd134c06859c1fa79&oe=5C08139F&dl=1 04/12/2018, 9G13 AM

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43. Which of the following anticipatory guidance is appropriate for parents regarding the nutritional needs of a
a.limit exposure to finger foods
b. appetite is never a problem of toddlers
c. unrestricted fat intake until age 3 years
d. toddler appetite decrease from those of the infant
44. When developing a teaching plan for the parents of a toddler in preparation for toilet training, which
of the following suggestions would be most helpful?

a. “wait until the child is at least 3 years old”

b. “follow a regular schedule for using a potty”
c. “flush the toilet while the child is still sitting there”
d. “Have the child sit on the potty until he urinates or defecates”
45. Which of the following is referred to “as a universal fear that begins at about 6 months of age and persists
throughout the preschool period?”

a. negativism
b. toilet training
c. temper tantrums
d. separation anxiety
46. A toddler’s mother uses timeout for punishment. Which of the following options best apply?

a. Children are not ready for timeout until school age.

b. Timeout activities could include quiet play or reading books.
c. The child should sit still for as many minutes as he misbehaves.
d. The child should sit still for as many minutes as his age in years
47. Which of the following options is referred to a forward curve of the spine at the sacral area?

a. Lordosis
b.Genu valgus
d.Landau reflex

48. Which of the following behaviors indicates that the toddler sees himself or herself as a separate individual with
separate needs?

a. negativism
b. temper tantrum
c. magical thinking
d. separation anxiety
49. Which of the following options is the best way to deal with toddler’s temper tantrums?

​a. provide privacy

​b. call for a time out.
​c. ignore them with their behavior

d.. pay attention to things they want and be ready to give it to them.
50. Which of the following fears IS NOT experienced by preschoolers?

​a. fear of the dark

​b. fear of rejection
​c. fear of mutilation
​d. fear of separation…h=7105ceeb1d30903cd134c06859c1fa79&oe=5C08139F&dl=1 04/12/2018, 9G13 AM

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51. Which of the following options best describe Oedipus complex?

​a. it is the strong emotional attachment a preschool boy demonstrates toward his mother
​b. it is the strong emotional attachment a preschool girl demonstrates toward her mother
​c. it is the strong emotional attachment a preschool boy demonstrates toward his father
​b. it is the strong emotional attachment a preschool girl demonstrates toward her father
52. Which of the following options best referred to as a repetition and prolongation of sounds, syllables and words
among preschoolers?
a. Bruxism
b. Broken fluency
c. Bathroom language

d. Ectomorphism
53. Which of the following is the standard schedule for infant health care visit?

​a. 2-day, 2-week, , 4-month, 6-month, 9-month, 12-month visits

​b. 2-day, 2-month, 4- month, 6-month, 9-month, 12- month visits
​c. 2-week, 2-month, 4-month, 6-month, 9-month, 12-month visits

d, 2- week, 4-month, 6-month, 9-month, 10- month, 12- month visits
54. Which of the following national health concerns is related to preschoolers and parents should be alerted
regarding these concerns?

​a. death caused by poisoning

b. dental visit at age of 2 years

​c. use of child automobile restraints

d. increased acute middle ear infection
55. Which of the following options is correct regarding language development among children?

​a. 3-year old child has vocabulary of 500 words

b. 3-year old child has vocabulary of 900 words

​c. 3-year old child has vocabulary of 1,500 words

d. 3-year old child has vocabulary of 2,100 words
56. Which of the following physical changes takes place earlier in life and disappears at the end preschool period?

​a. lordosis
b. genu valgus(knock-knees)
c. ectomorphic body build

d. endomorphic body build
57. Which of the following options does not support the truth about play among preschoolers?

​a. Many of the preschoolers have imaginary friends

b. Preschoolers do not need many toys because of their keen imagination.
c. Preschoolers love to sit together while playing but are not interacting with one another.

​d. Preschoolers enjoy games that use imitation/pretending such as pretending they are teachers
58. In promoting preschooler safety, which of the following options require that parents need to caution/monitor the
child’s activities or experiences in school?
a. Describe how police officers look like
b. Never to talk or accept a ride from a stranger
c. Teach the child how to call for help in an emergency
d. Explain that bullying behavior from other children is not to be tolerated

59. Preschoolers are highly imaginative. This explains why they have difficulty falling asleep or wake up having
nightmares. Which of the following would be the best advice to help preschoolers go to sleep?

​a. Don’t allow children watch tv until they are 5 years of age.
​b. Discuss with the child that TV does not necessarily reflect reality.…h=7105ceeb1d30903cd134c06859c1fa79&oe=5C08139F&dl=1 04/12/2018, 9G13 AM

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​c. Allow the child to watch cartoons so they won’t be seeing violence.
​d. Encourage children to watch specific DVD’s their parents choose for her
60. Which of the following care of the teeth best apply to preschoolers?
a. First visit to the dentist should be arranged between the ages of 4-5 years.
b. It is alright to allow them snacks that are sweet provided they drink fluoridated water.
c. One good tooth brushing period per day is better than more frequent half-hearted attempts
d. Preschoolers want to learn how to do things so they can be relied upon with their oral hygiene.
61. Preschoolers need to be taught discipline. Parents need to be taught how to use time-out for punishment. Which
of the following options is correct?

​a. Children are not ready for time out until school age.
b. The child should sit still for as many minutes as his age.

​c. Time out activities can include quiet play or reading a book.
​d. The child should sit still for as many minutes as he misbehaved.
63.Which of the following options reflect one of the major physical development of an adolescent child?
a. cessation of bodily growth
b. fine motor coordination matures
c. eye adult level of vision is achieved
d .posture is more erect as lordosis and knock-knees disappears

64. Which of the following options reflect physical development in a school-aged child?

a. brain growth is complete at 10 ​

b. slowing down of physical growth
c. secondary sex characteristics changes
d. they grow rapidly and mature dramatically

65.The following statements are the different developmental milestones of an adolescent. Questions 3-6 refers to
a. learning to establish satisfactory relationship with the opposite sex.
b. adolescents learn who they are and what kind of person they will be .
c. adolescents are capable of thinking in terms of possibility
d. adolescents are capable of abstract thought, internalizing standards of conduct

3. Which of the following options best reflect a psychosexual developmental milestone of adolescent?
Option __
4. Which of the following options best reflect a psychosocial developmental milestone of adolescent?

Option __
5. Which of the following options best reflect a cognitive developmental milestone of adolescent?

Option __
6. Which of the following options best reflect a moral developmental milestone of adolescent?

​Option __
66.Which of the following national concerns among school-aged children can the nurse support to achieve by urging
children to begin consistent exercise program?

a. helmet use by bicyclists

b. safety belt use in automobiles
c. death caused by motor vehicular accidents
d. physical education as a requirement from schools both public and private…h=7105ceeb1d30903cd134c06859c1fa79&oe=5C08139F&dl=1 04/12/2018, 9G13 AM

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67. Which of the following options is an appropriate nursing diagnosis for a school-aged child?
a. Low self-esteem r/t facial acne
b. Anxiety r/t slow growth pattern of the child
c. Disturbed sleep pattern r/t lack of bedtime routine
d. Risk for injury r/t independence outside the home

68. Which of the following options is an appropriate nursing diagnosis for a toddler child?
a. Low self-esteem r/t facial acne
b. Anxiety r/t slow growth pattern of the child
c. Disturbed sleep pattern r/t lack of bedtime routine
d. Risk for injury r/t independence outside the home

69. Which of the following options is an appropriate nursing diagnosis for a preschool child?
a. Low self-esteem r/t facial acne
b. Anxiety r/t slow growth pattern of the child
c. Disturbed sleep pattern r/t lack of bedtime routine
d. Risk for injury r/t independence outside the home

70. Which of the following options is an appropriate nursing diagnosis for an adolescent child?
a. Low self-esteem r/t facial acne
b. Anxiety r/t slow growth pattern of the child
c. Disturbed sleep pattern r/t lack of bedtime routine
d. Risk for injury r/t independence outside the home

71. Which of the following nursing implications is related to school aged child?
a. If the child is hospitalized, continue toilet training
b. If the child is hospitalized, provide a permanent Care giver.
c. Accept fondling of genitalia as a normal area of exploration
d. Provide positive experiences with learning so self-esteem can grow.

72. Which of the following nursing implications support the psychosocial development of the preschool child?
a. If the child is hospitalized, continue toilet training
b. If the child is hospitalized, provide a permanent Care giver.
c. Accept fondling of genitalia as a normal area of exploration
d. Providing opportunities to finish simple tasks so the child will feel rewarded for the accomplishment

73. Which of the following behaviors best reflects an adolescent desire to be independent from parents?
a. adolescent’s feeling about himself
b. knowing what kind of occupation will be a fit
c. having little idea what kind of person they are
d. fighting bitterly for a right-like staying out until midnight…h=7105ceeb1d30903cd134c06859c1fa79&oe=5C08139F&dl=1 04/12/2018, 9G13 AM

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