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‘WESTERN SYDNEY Z s UNIVERSITY Professional Practice II Uv Secondary Program Report Pre-servoe Teachers name | Tala Machlouch ‘Student 1834085 Curriculumiteaching area | EnglishiHistory Dates: soerig- 111g | 30days ‘School Tumea Figh School Wof placement | 20f2 ‘SUMMARY COMMENTS by the SUPERVISING TEACHER ‘Tala has made outstanding progress during her practicum, This has been a positive and enlightening experience as she has bbeccme more aware of the complex and challenging responsibilities ofthe teaching profession, Tala's strength was her receptiveness to professional advice and feedback, as well as her eagemess to implement these into her lesson planning, Her lessons displayed thorough preparation and knowledge of content taught. She has demonstrated outstanding ‘communication, organisational and interpersonal skills During her time at Lurnes High Schocl, Tala has developed a positive rapport with both students and staff. Tala is sinertig Teaches rane EE... Presence sane. AAS ‘STANDARD 5: ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REPORT ON STUDENT ND] DY] E LEARNING Focus area. ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 'S.1 Assess student | Demonstrate understanding oF assessment Srategies, inclading informal and learning {ormal, diagnostic, formative and surmmative approaches to assess student U Jearsing Sa Provide ‘Demenstate an understanding ofthe purpose of providing timely and feedback to appropriate feedback to stadents about their learning 0 students on their learn 53 Make [Demonstrate understanding oF assessment moderation and is application t Consistent and | support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning o comparable |} judgements 5.4 Interpret Demonstrate tie capacity o interpret student assessment data to evaluate student data student learning and modify teaching practice Oo ‘SS Report on | Demonsiraie understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students student and parents/carers and the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of o achievement ‘sudent achievement Comments Tala provides verbal and written feedback regularly to her students about their performances in the class. She i abe to ‘motivate students in her class by providing timely remarks and progress reports. She has also provided verbal and writton eedback and repons to parents in the form of letters and phone calls. Proper records of student achievements are kept for her reference and as required by faculty policies. Her record keeping has been accurate and effective, her records meeting deadlines and adhering to policies and requirements, ‘Tala plans for assessment using both formative and suramative strategies. Using Sentral (the school tracking system) she collates and records data accurately and consistently to monitor students” progress. At faculty meetings she has been key in the analysis of Stage 4 assessment, Aroas of need were identified and shared with colleagues. Ske understands the {importance of reflecting on lessons and her teaching and how informal means of assessment provide her witha guide for future planning. ‘Tala provides opportunities for students to reflect on their learning, An example ofthis is by providing timely, effective feedback to students about their achievement inthe Yearly Examinations thal she ran and assessed with supervision by her supervising teacher. She has heen involved inthe supervision and marking ofthe Year 7 English advertising assessment ‘task, Year 7 English yearly examination, Year 10 English across the form assessment task, Year 10 English yearly ‘exatnination and the Year {1 Ancieat History preliminary examination, a is aware of both Faculty, school and depertmentel policies and meets deadlines for mandatory reporting, As such she tna always remained professional in reporting to parents and corers with accurate and clear information about student achievement re areas for development. She has wilised Sentral for both positive and negative incidents af reporting and thas continually used positive reinforcements in the classroom to report on students achievement and lesming. ‘STANDARD & ENGAGE IN PROFESSIONAL LEARNING. TN] > TE Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 6.1 Identify and plan | Demonstrate an understanding of ihe role ofthe Australian Professional professional leaming | Standards for Teachers in identifying professional leaming needs. O needs 6.2 Engage in Understand the relevant and appropriate sources of professional Teaming professional learning | for teachers. O ‘and improve practice 63 Engage with, ‘Beak and apply constructive Feedback from superisors and teachers vo colleagues and improve teaching practices. oO improve practice ‘64 Apply professional | Demonstate an understanding ofthe rationale for continued professional Teaming and improve | leaming and the implications for improved student learning. a ‘student learning ‘Comments “Tala has involved herself in professional leaming opportunities using aspects ofthe school plan and both staff and faculty meetings. She as attended and participated in faculty, staff and team meetings and has often shared her ideas and has provided valuable contributions. ‘Tala has been able to repeatedly access advice from colleagues and make links tothe Australian Professional Standards for ‘Teachers to identify and plan her professional learning needs. She has met with her supervising teacher to discuss her goals for each Tessons, and used feedback from: lessons to improve her practice. She has utilised feedback from colleagues in| Professional Practice Report Supeisng Teaches signature. SPEER. re senice Teachers sont: AL ‘onder to improve her pedagogy and this was both formally through waitin dally feTpack and verbally through Gsoussions ‘and professional dialogue, eis clear that Tala aims to continually improve her pedagogy and engage in professional leaming in order to further gain knowledge af how to improve student leaning. She engages in professional conversations while establishing @ rapport with her colleagues, which has allowed her to share her teaching ideas and guin knowledge in oer teaching strategies. She has demonstrated the ability to work collaboratively with other staff, which was evident during her tear teaching lessons withthe learning and support teachers. Tala displays a positive atitude towards the professional community and shows respect for all individual personalities. Tala is committed and always conducts herselfin a professional manner. She has been a valuable member of the English and History faculty at Luraea High School. Througliout her five week practicum, she was always prepared, punctual and ‘eager to teach her classes. Tala wes quick to think on her fet and took on challenges that showeased her ability to be flexible in the classroom, She attended lessons that were run by other teachers inthe faculty, as well as lessons by teachers in other faculties. She was able to gain knowledge and experience of different teaching practices, behaviour management and forms of feedback. Tala is constantly looking to further engage in professional learing. ‘STANDARD 7: ENGAGE PROFESSIONALLY WITH COLLEAGUES, NDT D TE PARENTS/CARERS AND THE COMMUNITY. Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS “Tl Meet professional | Understand and apply the key principles deseribed in codes of ihics and cthies and conduet forthe teaching profession 0 sesponsbilties 72 Comply with ‘Understand the relevant legislative, administrative and organisational legislative, policies and processes required for teachers according to school stage. administrative and o organisational requirements ee 7.3 Engage with the | Understand strategies for working effectively, sensitively and T parentscarers confidentially with parentslearers FA Engage with ‘Understand the role of extemal professionals and community professional teaching | representatives in broadening teachers’ professionel knowledge and 0 networks and broader | practice ‘communities ‘Comments Tala understands and respects the needs of aur school community. She i sensitive to cultural differences when communicating with parents, She contributes to discussions during faculty and staff meetings, and applies constructive {ecdback from lesson observations o improve her pedagogy inthe classroom. As a member of the English and History Faculty she has communicated effectively and appropriately with parens ofthe school cormmonity by various modes of communication, including both phone ealls and letters to parents Tala maintains high ethical standards and has always ‘engaged professionally with colleagues, parents and the schoo! community. Tala hes engaged with the Learning and Suppor: feculty in great detail in order to plan for Year 7 English on a daily basis. ‘She needed to meet, plan and prepare activities and lessons that were suitable co teach this low level literacy class. The ‘meetings consisted of both Tala nd the Head Teacher of Leatning and Support (who supported the class every single lesson) discussing the activities and content that were o be taught andthe outcomes that students needed to meet. She was always professional and a competent communicator. As wel as this, Tala alweys worked effectively with the SLSO"s that ‘were present in her teaching periods in order to maximise student leaning. “Tala was involved in all the daily responsibilities ofa teacher which included attending staf, faculty and teara meetings. She also attended playground duty, was always punctual to class and recorded both positive and negative incidents on Sentral, as well as marked the rol of the classes she taught ona daily basis, Tala understands the importance of engaging professionally with colleagues, with parents/carers ané the community and how this will enrich both her pedagogy and her ‘own professional development, Protest Prat iReport RO Supenising Teachers signatures BEE. Pre-corvice Teachote cigaahue:

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