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“ES ME Utilities India Pvt. Ltd. 103-105, orion Business Park, Chodbunder Road Kapurbawa BAJAJ ine | | - 400 61C Ons Sc aeas PayEezz Mandate Registration Form -NAGH / €cS/SI/ Direct Debit mn tte te eon ei oe oe Feat eran tome een man hime ouing a nena Non Camm Trsacon NC sng wt CEI form ‘he Fie nane egstrd ona Woh Sor Bee Bebe Seen SMT a oped bomen Resta Sesohin bah eon bck Ae LUNITHOLDER INFORMATION cr oR connontecoonnanoarcon | | | | | | | | | a ofthe Fite Hldr TTTTTTTitT it itt tit t 3. * Group Order Reference Number (GORN} /MFU Mandate Reference Number [MMRN): ‘GORN MAN - © Authorization of the Bank Account Holder (to be signed by the Investor]: Bank Account Number [BANKERS ATTESTATION (FOR BANK USE ONLY. Toy ott Se oN FTTH ST Solent Appa / Garden PORE Second Appear er © DEBIT MANDATE: A Mr Uuies Mandate Registration Form-NACH /ECS/SI/Direct Debit oare 7 7 ween [aoe] feeare [7] soomorsaracore —[ ] vainycoae [ ] [ence Dx] iwereretyaunote ATES WORATED —] tose) [STAT TE NTO) rrequeney [x]wontiy Drlaseney Defrarventy[aliewy [2] Aandwienpreenes orate [X] Factanoon [¥7] wasimoranoant ane [ ] prone PERIOD SS LTR ESESSR ha aio a Fore) te DDT) I" ooo z 5 (on [Juri eaneotad a [MF UTILITIES INDIA PUT, LTD., saa 10830, series Oven duane Po hades ond apron hare We) A030, Reco om Me Me Me sn sopeaton ftrepitaton of One tine/SIP ands (GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Payer Manse or be regitred 3th te of Cl Rgiaton or ngepdery za OTM epi or along wan SP agiravon ‘he Payest mands willbe repscradundr the ht ed made NAC ar tS Des Deb hedeccon of MAF or sapped Poymer Agregar. ‘nee the mandte registered success, MEU wi commit othe evertor/she Pez Reference Nae (PR) an the mode unde which the mate regtred Invector can quote he Pa forthe um SIP investments thes ard he payne debited tte customers scout 1 Fayezz Mandate can nl be rep steed forthe Bane cout aed repstered unde 8 CAN- Ut oes) need roe along Wh he mandate frm amoral cancelled ‘hegre wth ame and accunt umber pe pits ofthe bank account tobe ester forrepitaton ef the mandate fing whlch regisretion my no be acted. 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Teinvestar ase the entre i of wg tie facly andtas fl resonsby ‘Ths section needs tobe seed bythe appcan/ unt hells tthe paces marked 3s pr the mede of hong recorded wih snl Anyone or unite’ roe "TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ECS CLEARING “The ibs [nls ances eat maybe modded change removed ye uur ny the dar cion spective Maal Fond whoa STGAAE SAY reasonsor pro roc any ry bane / branch move, SP nsrucns foresters sich bank branch a [ES] (Oe Clear) / vet Deb ute wl be scontued stots fori Eft: ‘at, Aveda, Alahsbd, risa, Aan Asansol, ranaba, Bangalore, Btdhame, Bred, Begaun, Bhar, hiwara, hood Shubaeshwer, apr Shane, Cast, ‘hangar, Chena Cerin, Colmbstre,CattakDarlsng Davengre, trae, lh Dhabad Drapur, rode, Gade. Gangtok Goa Corthpur Guba, Guwahati, Gall, Ha, bi, aerate, nore, apr pr lanham naar lanshed, Jatou, akined Kaur, Klpa, oat, at Lune adn, Mads, Maya, Monglr, tanba, Mor, Nagpur, atk Nelo Pans, Pndehry, Po, acu, Rp Rake, anc Sle, Shi, mo, Slur, ig, ur, Tupuy,eunal, “rapa er, Thy Tard, us asp Uap Veranda ‘Appltns fo sit £s acy woul be accept onthe bark bench atptesin lal MICKTECS cig Ineae the investor bank chon to cor very the ECS dot mandate withhim/er the ton’scustomer investor Would ned prompty acon the sme. MFL/ RM Sede Provider wil note able or sy tranvaction fara dus toreecton of he ania by nestor bank anchor tare torepter the Pda ory charge tht maybe levied by the Bank / ranch on vestr aplant INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL THE NACH / ECS / SI DIRECT DEBIT MANDATE TDR Cae, pons” Ce, DY Code Rerence& Reena ls eo Tal el Paved it we yr ther BnesBaee ‘hefllonirginforaton hs tote mandatory ld inte Mantes nate any of hse el arent ld the mandate befor ection {s)Pena tk the appropiate Acsunt Type anh the Rar Accunt rer rom wc the insert arto be eed {0} Peasemeton the Bank Name 11 Dip FSC cede, 9 pt HIER Code your ann the peoprat ones prove rte purpose. The ME code te number appearing net to ‘the cheque nub nthe RR Ean tthe oto fhe chegu.In the aber ofthese information Mandate reps ale ob je. {cease mention he maximum amount tht an be deited wr hs mandate. The aman eae tobe mandoned both in wees swe a MumBes (a lese meron our Moble Numba ard Eman the mands orm. {6) Please poise the Start ard End at forthe eid we the Mandate shoud act ye not wh prove an nd Date lease ek he chek oe fr‘Unt Cane ‘herman nes tobe sre by althe account holders in re wih the mode a engrecorse wth the investor's bank The cout oles names have tobe writen a per helr rade of holdngindezont

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