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Social Statistics

Hypothesis Test Assignment

Submitted To:
Dr Chudamani Basnet
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Faculty of Social Sciences
South Asian University

Submitted by:
Dinesh Pant SAU/SOC (M)/2018/09

Date of submission: 9th September 2019

Datasets of China are chosen for analysing. The source of dataset is the World Values Survey1. In the
Chinese dataset there 2,300 respondents and the survey was conducted in between 07-11-2012 - 21-01-
2013. The data collection was done by The Research Center for Contemporary China (RCCC) Peking
University. In this report I will examine following two claims, and I will use Stata 13 application as a tool
for calculation:

1. In China, the government claims that people strongly agree that “being a housewife is just as
fulfilling as working for pay”. The variable for this claim is V54.
2. In China, a well-respected politician claims that both men and women think “On the whole, men
make better political leaders than women do”. The variable for this claim is V51 and V240.

In both cases, t-test will be employed. The significant value will be 5%, i.e. α=0.05

Problem 1

First, let’s check the integrity of the sample

The table for the variable V54 will be

The dataset with along questionnaire and codebook can be accessed through this webpage
The histogram for the variable will be


-2 0 2 4
Being a housewife is just as fulfilling as working for pay

From the table and histogram, we observe that there are outliers (328) which are the Don’t know and
No Answer

Now eliminating the outliers the table and histogram will be



1 2 3 4
Being a housewife is just as fulfilling as working for pay

Now, calculating the mean, median, standard deviation, mode of the dataset variable V54.

The dataset for variable V54 is nearly normal. Since mean 2.22 is near to median, i.e. 2.5 and mode 2.
The histogram also shows the bell-shaped pattern. Now we can examine the claim through t-test. We
will use one sample t-test since the examination involves only one variable.

Let’s assume the null hypothesis as being a housewife is just as fulfilling as working for pay.

Ho=4 (here we don’t have neutral value, taking one of the extreme value)

Alternative hypothesis will be being a housewife is not just fulfilling as working for pay.

Ha ≠4
Calculation proceeds as

From the calculation the probability for the alternative hypothesis is very near to zero. Which is less than
significance value α=0.05. This shows that the probability for the claim being a housewife is just as
fulfilling as working for pay is almost zero. So we reject the null hypothesis. This indicates housewife is
not just fulfilling as working for pay.

Problem 2

First, let’s check the integrity of the sample

The table for the variable V51 is

The histogram for the variable V51 is


-2 0 2 4
On the whole, men make better political leaders than women do

From the table and histogram, we observe that there are outliers (68) which are the Don’t know and No

Now eliminating the outliers the table and histogram will be



1 2 3 4
On the whole, men make better political leaders than women do

Now, calculating the mean, median, standard deviation, mode of the dataset variable V51.

The dataset for variable V51 is nearly normal. Since mean 2.43 is near to median, i.e. 2.5 and mode 2.
The histogram also shows the bell-shaped pattern. Now we can examine the claim through t-test. We
will use two-sample t-test since the examination involves two variables, namely dependent variable
(better political leader) V51 and independent variable (sex) V240.

Let’s assume the null hypothesis as, on the whole, men make better political leaders than women do.

Ho=Mean male (1) V51-Mean female (2) V51 =0

Alternative hypothesis will be, on the whole, men make better political leaders than women do is not

Ha ≠ Mean male (1) V51-Mean female (2) V51 =0

Calculation proceeds as

From the calculation the probability for the alternative hypothesis is very near to zero. Which is less than
significance value α=0.05. This shows that the probability for the claim; on the whole, men make better
political leaders than women do is almost zero. So we reject the null hypothesis. This indicates, on the
whole, men make better political leaders than women do is not true.

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