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Faculty of Social Science

Department of Sociology
Course: Statistics
Dr.Chudamuni Basnet
Assignment 1
Country: Zimbabwe

Report of emancipative values of Zimbabwe in 2012

Emancipative values is the average of the autonomy, equality, choice and the voice.

Diagram 1: Histogram and Normal Curve of Emancipative values in Zimbabwe 2012

As per the diagram above, it shows the histogram of emancipative values of

Zimbabwe in 2012 where it plots a almost normal curve which is slightly right
Diagram 2: Box plot of emancipative values in Zimbabwe 2012

According to diagram 2 the first quartile is 0.25, median is 0.33 and the third quartile
is 0.42. It shows the disparity of emancipative values above the mean is more than
the disparity of the emancipative values below the mean.

Stem-and-leaf plot for RESEMAVAL (Emancipative values)

RESEMAVAL rounded to nearest multiple of .001

Plot in units of .001

4* | 1
5* | 5555
6* | 39
7* |
8* | 333333338
9* | 02222366
10* | 24446669
11* | 1679
12* | 00044555799
13* | 1366888888888899
14* | 125555555678
15* | 111223355556777999999
16* | 11444455556666666777778
17* | 0133333555
18* | 00000000224566667777899
19* | 001112333333333334444444444446666888889
20* | 00011111112233333457777777777788888
21* | 00012222233334555677779999
22* | 011111112222222222222466666888888888888888899999
23* | 0001111334555555555555677888
24* | 0000222222222333457778899999999999999999
25* | 0000000000000111233444555566666666666667777778899
26* | 2333333333355555666677777788
27* | 0000000000000001222244455566666666777777777777777778888999
28* | 0111133334444444444446667778
29* | 000000011111111333344445555666667777777777777788888888888889
30* | 001222333344444455555557799999
31* | 00000111112222222223333344444445566788888888888888999999
32* | 011111222333555555555555555667888
33* | 00000012222222233333333333333333344445556677777888888888888999
... (73)
34* | 0000000011111222222246666667778888999
35* | 000012333333444444444445555666666778889
36* | 00000000011112222223444555667777777777777777888888999
37* | 00000112234444444555556777888899
38* | 000000000001111112333344455666666777778888899
39* | 0001111233344444455555555556666677889999999
40* | 00000111111111233444445555566667899999999
41* | 1111112222333344455556666666666777788899
42* | 0002222222233333333335557788999999
43* | 00000111122233334444556666677777777788889999
44* | 0111112222334444666666667889999
45* | 00000001111246667777788888888889
46* | 0001112222344444444455556778
47* | 01122223357778888999999999
48* | 0112233345557778889
49* | 0000122233334456678
50* | 01222344555677778888
51* | 112233456689
52* | 000000011112344666777777
53* | 01444678
54* | 0111114578
55* | 025789
56* | 122277899
57* | 02344666679
58* | 355
59* | 015
60* | 01244456
61* | 011577
62* | 2344468
63* | 2227
64* | 49
65* | 02
66* | 3499
67* | 2225
68* | 16789
69* | 3
70* | 0
71* | 45
72* |
73* |
74* |
75* | 2
76* |
77* |
78* |
79* |
80* | 2

Table 1: Stem and leaf plot of emancipative values in Zimbabwe

The above table demonstrates the highest frequency. As for the emancipative
values of Zimbabwe the highest frequency or the mode is 0.33 as it occurred 73
times compared to the others.

Emancipative values
Percentiles Smallest
1% .085509 .04125
5% .1494215 .055
10% .188426 .055 Obs 1,500
25% .25 .055 Sum of Wgt. 1,500

50% .3356945 Mean .3409238

Largest Std. Dev. .1240919
75% .4225 .714167
90% .501898 .714584 Variance .0153988
95% .5582635 .751759 Skewness .3251316
99% .670718 .802407 Kurtosis 2.980957

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics of emancipative values

According to table 2, the median is 0.33, the mean is 0.34 and the mode is 0.33. it
also portrays that the normal curve of the histogram is slightly right skewed that is
because of the mean being 0.1 higher than the median.

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