Republic of The Philippines University of Rizal System Morong, Rizal

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Republic of the Philippines


Morong, Rizal
College of Industrial Technology

Subject: Industrial & Environmental Sanitation

Course: BT-Electrical Technology

Professor: Domingo G. Bermas Jr.

Reporter: Ericson L. Mariano

Topic: Air pollution

I. Title:
What are main causes of air pollution?

II. Objectives:

The overall aim of the proposed research is to further understand the link
between air pollution levels and chemical composition and to investigate and
assess the effects of air pollution on the distribution of related health impacts,
socio-economic and welfare in the. In pursuing this aim, the following objectives
will be investigated:

a. High spatial resolution emissions

b. Integrated modeling:
c. Health effects of air pollution
d. Assessment and quantification of health impacts:
e. Distribution of welfare and challenges for the Nordic welfare systems:

III. Introduction:

Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. Car emissions,
chemicals from factories, dust, pollen and mold spores may be suspended as
particles. Ozone, a gas, is a major part of air pollution in cities. When ozone forms
air pollution, it's also called smog.
Some air pollutants are poisonous. Inhaling them can increase the chance you'll
have health problems. People with heart or lung disease, older adults and children
are at greater risk from air pollution. Air pollution isn't just outside - the air
inside buildings can also be polluted and affect your health.

IV. Content: .

1. . High spatial resolution emissions: Performing a detailed common

emission inventory Down to 1 km x 1 km resolution, based on emission
databases in the individual Nordic countries. Official data available will be
used as well as preparation and incorporation of additional spatial
disaggregation proxies in order to achieve the high spatial resolution
emission inventory needed for the air quality modeling. Different
methodologies and proxies used in different countries will be analyzed and
preferable methodologies recommended. Special attention will be given to
sources with large contribution to the total emissions in the Nordic
countries, specifically residential wood combustion. The emission inventory
will be conducted in WP1 and will be input to WP2

2. Integrated modeling: Setting up of a state-of-the-art advanced and

integrated air pollution model system from hemispheric scale, European
scale, and national scale, for calculation and assessment of high resolution
(down to 1 km x 1 km resolution) air pollution levels and human exposure,
including assessing the contribution related to different emission sectors
and regions. This work is carried out in WP2. The results will be hourly
values of air pollutants, on a 1 km x 1 km resolution covering the Nordic
countries over several decades (input to WP3).

3. Health effects of air pollution: Investigate the potential causal impact of

individual chemical air pollutants as well as mixtures of air pollutants on
health outcomes. In pursuing this aim, we utilize the unique Nordic
population-based registers allowing linkage between historical residential
address, air pollutants over decades and later health outcomes. By linking
the exposure to health outcomes, new exposure-response relationships are
determined of health effects for different population Groups (e.g. age,
education, ethnicity, gender, lifestyle, and working life vs. retirement
conditions) related to air pollution for the individual chemical air pollutants.
The objective will be conducted in WP3.

4. Assessment and quantification of health impacts: An assessment and

quantification of overall negative health outcomes of air pollution in terms of
premature deaths, hospital admissions, days of reduced activity,
respiratory diseases, mental disorders, etc. on high resolution down to 1
km x 1 km in the Nordic countries for the different population groups, using
the integrated model system EVA, based on the impact pathway chain. The
EVA system will be further developed utilizing the new exposure-response
relationships found in WP3 and will be carried out in WP4.

5. Distribution of welfare and challenges for the Nordic welfare

systems: Assessment and quantification of socio-economic impacts from
air pollution and effects on distribution of welfare in the Nordic countries.
This will be related to explaining and reducing inequalities in the distribution
of health depending on population group and the challenges these thus
imply for the Nordic welfare systems. The objective is to increase insight
into the effect of demographic, social, and environmental factors on the
distribution of health and well-being. This work will be conducted in WP5.

V. Reaction/Implication

Think pollution is a problem? Now you know why pollution

is such a controversial topic and why solving the problem is so important.
Think of years from now, if we don’t stop pollution it will have critical effects
on everyone and everything. It can destroy habitats and erase species from
existence. People most likely will not be able to survive and all because of the
industrial revolution and our need to make money and make things easier for
ourselves. However, we can still live that way without having such a big
impact on the environment. Simple things such as switching to a more energy
efficient fuel that pollutes less than fossil fuels. Or putting in simple
technologies that now help reduce the amount of pollution you produce in
your own home. If you actually would like to do something about pollution
there are many ways to help the cause. When you need a new car, buy one
that runs on electricity instead of gas and use natural gas to heat your home
instead of oil. If you live in a noisy environment you can plant shrubbery to
help block and reduce the noise that could damage your hearing. Also send
letters to manufacturing companies urging them to use better eco-friendly
equipment and make the life suitable for the aquatic environment they may be
dipping into for cooling equipment. How does pollution affect you? Well if you
live on the coast then water pollution might be killing or somehow affecting
the aquatic life, and perhaps that has an effect on the fish produced by your
coastal town. You might be a fisherman and the pollution would be affecting
your livelihood and your income. In urban environments hazardous waste
pollution has a big effect on you and so does noise pollution. Your hearing
can be damaged and the temperature of your city could be higher than towns
that surround you. In rural areas water pollution usually affects you because
of the fertilizer and pesticides used on farms that poison the water supply.
When you think about it pollution doesn’t have a positive effect on anything
unless you like your city warmer or you like loud noises that destroy your
hearing. If you don’t like either then pollution is having a very negative effect
on your environment. It can tear apart ecosystems and affect the food chain
by taking out a whole species. Things like acid rain come from air pollution
and the destruction of the ozone layer comes from a lot of the forms of
pollution. And then there are the increased chances of getting cancers and
diseases which can lead to death and even hearing loss is an effect pollution
can have on you. I personally think that pollution can be stopped in its tracks
and a crisis can be averted if everyone just helps out. Can you imagine a
world where there is no pollution and everyone lives in peace? I think all we
have to do to reach this goal is work together. Don’t you think so too?

VI. References:





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