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Many people like to memorize the list of the books of the

Bible in the order they are found in their version of the

Scriptures. This helps to find books and verses more
quickly, and I encourage everyone who wants to use their
Bible more effectively to do so.
But, how about memorizing the authors along with the
books? Bible believers believe that God wrote the Bible
using human writers. Learning who these writers were
would give you a better understanding of the perspective of
the book; assuming you know a little bit about the author.
In some cases the author is not absolutely known. I will
first list the name of the commonly accepted author. If
there are multiple people who possibly authored the book I
will list them in descending order of common acceptance.
There is much debate on some of the authors and probably
won’t be definitively answered by us here, but you are
welcome to comment as to why you think a certain person
was the author of a particular book.
Old Testament
In the English Bible the Old Testament is arranged in
groups based on the type of book. They are then arranged
chronologically within their grouping. That means that
some books towards the end of the Old Testament (in the
section of the prophets) actually fit chronologically earlier
in the Old Testament with the books of history.
These are the books of the Law. These are also called the
Books of Moses. This includes the first five books:
Genesis, written by Moses
Exodus, written by Moses
Leviticus, written by Moses
Numbers, written by Moses
Deuteronomy, written by Moses
The Books of History
The Books of history are so named because they contain
historical records and these books include:
Joshua, written by Joshua (except the parts relating to his
Judges, written by Samuel, Nathan, Gad
Ruth, written by Samuel, Nathan, Gad
1 Samuel, written by Samuel, Nathan, Gad
2 Samuel, written by Samuel, Nathan, Gad
1 Kings, written by Jeremiah
2 Kings, written by Jeremiah
1 Chronicles, written by Ezra
2 Chronicles, written by Ezra
Ezra, written by Ezra
Nehemiah, written by Nehemiah, Ezra
Esther, written by Mordecai: It is probable that the book
was compiled after his death based on his personal records
The Books Poetry

Bible believers believe that God wrote the Bible using human
Also called the books of Writings include the following
Job, written by Job: Moses may have compiled the book
based on Job’s records
Psalms, written by David, and several others including
Asaph, Ezra, the sons of Korah, Heman, Ethan, Moses and
a host of unnamed authors
Proverbs, written by Solomon: Agur and Lemuel are
specifically named as the writers of Proverbs 30 and 31
Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon
Song of Solomon (also known as, Song of Songs or
Canticles), written by Solomon: though this is debated
Major Prophets
The Major Prophets are so named because their books are
longer, not because they are more important.
Isaiah, written by Isaiah
Jeremiah, written by Jeremiah
Lamentations, written by Jeremiah
Ezekiel, written by Ezekiel
Daniel, written by Daniel
Minor Prophets
The Minor Prophets are so named because they are shorter
not because they are less important.
Hosea, written by Hosea
Joel, written by Joel
Amos, written by Amos
Obadiah, written by Obadiah
Jonah, written by Jonah
Micah, written by Micah
Nahum, written by Nahum
Habakkuk, written by Habakkuk
Zephaniah, written by Zephaniah
Haggai, written by Haggai
Zechariah, written by Zechariah
Malachi, written by Malachi
New Testament
The New Testament is also divided into groups. All of these
books were written in the first century AD.
Matthew, written by Matthew
Mark, written by John Mark
Luke, written by Luke
John, written by John, the Apostle
Acts, written by Luke
Pauline Epistles
Romans, written by Paul
1 Corinthians, written by Paul
2 Corinthians, written by Paul
Galatians, written by Paul
Ephesians, written by Paul
Philippians, written by Paul
Colossians, written by Paul
1 Thessalonians, written by Paul
2 Thessalonians, written by Paul
1 Timothy, written by Paul
2 Timothy, written by Paul
Titus, written by Paul
Philemon, written by Paul
General Epistles
Hebrews, written by Paul, Luke, Barnabas, Apollos
James, written by James: there are several men named
James who could have been the author. Most scholars say
this is James the brother of Jesus and Jude (not the
Apostle, brother of John).
1 Peter, written by Peter
2 Peter, written by Peter
1 John, written by John, the Apostle
2 John, written by John, the Apostle
3 John, written by John, the Apostle
Jude, written by Jude, the brother of Jesus and James,
not the Apostle (Jude 17)
Revelation, written by John, the Apostle


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