Shift (FSK) : Explain Keying Technique Wirh Relevant

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31. a.

Explain Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) technique wirh relevant

constellation diagram.
diagrams, tuth table,

b. Explain the transmission and detecrion B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION,

signal with necessary block diagram. MAy 2017
"!"o?t" Third / Fourth Semester
52. a. Describe the following
(iD GPRS (For the candidates admitted during the academic year
20r s -
2016 onwards)
(i) Part - A should be answered in oMR sheet within first 45
over to hall invigilator at the end of 45fi minute_
minutes and oMR sheet should be handed
b. aid of a diagram, discuss uuout lou.X)optical communication
)vith-an system. Also mention (ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer
its advantages. booklet.

Time: Three Hours

Max. Marks: 100
Answer ALL euestions
l. In
AM technique the various of modulation index should be for recovery of
base band signal without distortion
(A) Infinity (B) Less than unity
(C) Greater than unity (D) Less than infinity

2. In an amplitude modulated system, if the power in carrier

is 400 W, modulation index is
unity. Then the total transmitted power is
(A) 600 w (B) 800 w
(c) 1200w (D) 1600 w
is an indirect method of FM generation
(A) Foster seeley (B) Armstrong
(C) Varactor diode (D) phase shift
4. Which one of the following technique has more noise immunity?
(c) FM rol prur

5. Master oscillator in a receiver generates

(A) Message signal (B) Sub harmonic of message signal
(C) Carrier signal (D) Sub harmonic of carrier signal
6. Intermediate frequency value in FM broadcast receiver is
(A) as5 KHz (B) 4ss KHz
(C) 10.7 KHz (D) 10.7 MHz
7. oontrols the amplitude fluctuations in FM receivers
(A) Pre-emphasis (B) Limiter
(C) Harmonic generator iO) ne_emphasis
8. The frequency range for commercial AM broad cast is
(A) 53s-l60sKLIz (B) 535-1605 MHz
(C) 88-108 KHz (D) 88-108 MHz
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9. In PPM
- system, the transmitted pulses have PART-B(5x4=20Marks)
ial cr*t""t
amplirude, varying width (B) Constant amplitude, constanr width Answer ANY FM Questions
Conslant wiith, varyingu-ptit
iCj rd" (D) Varying width' varying amplitude
for AM system?
zl. Define modulation index. what is the range of modulation index
10. Which of the following modulation is digital in nature?
(A) PAM (B) PPM index for FM modulator with
(D) PCM 22. Determine the peak frequency deviation and modulation
(c) PwM deviation sensitivity SXllzN and modulating signal 3 cos(2zr
1000 0'
11. standardizes the intemet activites in receivers?
(B) IrU-r 23. What is image frequency? How can we reject the image signal
(c) ISo (D) IAB
24. Compare various pulse modulation techniques'

12. technique detects 99.9% of alltransmission errors

(B) vRC 25. Write short note 0n EBCDIC code.
(A) Check sum
(c) LRC (D) cRC
26. ForaQPSKsystemoperatingwithaninformationbitraleofZ|Kbps.Determine
some times referred to as On-Off keying?
13. Which of the following technique is (ii)
Minimum Bandwidth
(c) PSK (D) QPSK
27. What is cell splitting and hand-ofl?
14. The input titrate of 4000 bps for a QPSK modu.lator has a band equal PART-C(5x 12:60Marks)
(A) tboo tps @) 2ooo bPs Answer ALL Questions
+ooo upr @) sooo bPs
and maximum
The possible number of output conditions with 'N' input bits can be expressed as 2g.a. For an AM DSBFC modulator with a carrier frequency fc=100KHz
I 5.
(1r) (B) M-2N+r modulating signal f*-10KHz '
u:LoG2N Determine
(C) M_2N @\ v-LOGzN+l
(i) Frequency limits for upper and lower side bands
(ii) Bandwidth
16. has more bandwidth efficiencY (iii) OutPut frequencY spectrum
(A) (B) QPSK 'for a carrier signal amplitude of 20 v and message signal
(D) (iv) trloauution index
(c) 8-PSK BFSK -

17. Microwaves are generallY described ad electromagnetic waves

with frequencies that range (oR)
from b.ExplainindirectmethodofFMgenerationwithneatdiagram.
(A) 400 KHz-1600 KHz (B) 500 KHz-300 MHz
(C) 800 MHz-300 GHz (D) 88-108 MIIz
29. a Explain AM superheterodyne receiver with neat block diagram'

18. The optical fibre uses portion of EM sPectrum (oR)

(A) rR (B) VHF discrimination circuit'
(D) rrF b. Explain the demodulation of FM signal using Foster Seeley
(c) uI{F
30. a. Explain tire generation and demodulation of PAM signal with relevant
1g. The minimum frequency Re-use distarrce D can be obtained fi'om
(A) d -3k.R (B) a -Jx.n (oR)
(c) (D) P=l6rn
a -^,[-ltc.n b.i. Explain enor correction techniques.

20. GSM is based on ii. Explain VRC, LRC error detection techniques with an example'
(c) CDMA (D) SDI\4A

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