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Welcome, newbies.



1. Think before you post. When posting, including pictures or images and videos, to or through our group
page and group chat, you agree that you shall NOT:

�Post images or videos that are disturbing, sexually explicit or pornographic.

�Post content that harasses or advocates harassment of another person, or promotes racism, bigotry,
hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual.

�Post content that you know is false or misleading.

�Post content that promotes illegal activities or conduct that is abusive, threatening, obscene,
defamatory or libellous.

�Post content that violates, or promotes the violation of, the intellectual property rights of any third

�Post about RELIGION and POLITICS.

2. Do not advertise your business on this group.

3. Be RESPECTFUL. All opinions will be treated with mutual respect, unless they violate the
aforementioned rules. Treat your fellow group members with that same respect.

4. Don't be a TROLLER. If a single individual starts a discussion that all other members disagree with, it
may, at the discretion of the group admin, be considered trolling. Trolls will be booted out of the group.

5. Avoid personal attacks. If a member personally attacks another member with words that are harmful,
threatening or not in-line with our mutual respect policy, that member will receive a warning. Three
warnings and you're out.
6. Please stick to the mission statement of this group which is to create a harmonious alliance with each
other. Irrelevant content does not belong here it belongs on other pages.

7. If someone mentions you by name please respond directly to that person on the same post. If the
comment is inflammatory please report it to the group admin.

8. If you are going to comment, we would prefer it if you could try and add valuable discussion to the
conversation. Be friendly, be fair and use common sense.

9. The group admin is entitled to deny entry to any member they choose. They are also allowed to boot
out members that don't comply with the house rules.

10. When you share attachments in our group please make sure that your settings are on 'public' or no-
one will be able to see your attachment.

Please be guided accordingly.

Thank you and God bless.

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