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To the Man Who Can’t Be Named

By: Marinel D. Delatado

You have taught me much. About your life, about the world, about the people
who have left and forsaken you, and about the person who has abandoned you. Then,
in exchange, I told you mine. My struggles, my weakness, my pain, everything. And
all I have asked of you is to keep it a secret, but you’ve betrayed me. And after that,
you’ve left me. Funny how people can easily do that in just a flash of light. It was
painful. Really, it was.
But that does not mean I’ll forget you. Because, how can I? When your story
has only encouraged me to keep on striving, keep on moving, and keep on fighting
no matter how hard life is.
Many years ago, I’ve asked myself, “What is the point of striving? For
happiness? For pleasure? For our family? For our future? For love?”
Then, years after that, I’ve answered my very own question.
“Because life is not easy and it will never be easy. It will only get harder and
harder each and every time we step forward. And that, that is what encourages us to
fight and strive more. That is the reason why we keep on fighting. Life is
challenging. And who would not like a challenge?”
Life would be pointless if it was not that tricky and demanding after all. It
urges us to move, to stand up, and prove something to the world. We can never shun
competition anyway, so why avoid it? Remember, great success requires great
sacrifice. So, shut all the doors and windows out if you like but you can never avoid
But of course, I could not have answered my question if it was not for that one
particular man. But anyway, who is this man I’m talking about?
That man whom I’ve trusted.
That man whom I’ve understood.
That man whom I’ve comforted.
That man whom I’ve teased and loved.
That man who left me.
That man who betrayed me.
That man who has forsaken me.
That man…
That man who can never be named.

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