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What is pushups

• A pushup (or press-up if the hands are wider than shoulders placing more emphasis on
the pectoral muscles) is a common calisthenics exercise beginning from the prone
position, or the front leaning rest position known in the military.

What are the benefits of doing pushups every day?

• Traditional push-ups are beneficial for building upper body strength. They work the
triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders. When done with proper form, they can also
strengthen the lower back and core by engaging (pulling in) the abdominal muscles.
• Push-ups are a fast and effective exercise for building strength. They can be done from
virtually anywhere and don’t require any equipment.
• Doing push-ups every day can be effective if you’re looking for a consistent exercise
routine to follow. You will likely notice gains in upper body strength if you do push-ups
• For the best results, continue to add variety to the types of push-ups you do. You can
also follow a “push-up challenge“ where you gradually increase the number of push-ups
each week. You can work up to doing 100 reps in two months.
Are there risks of doing pushups daily
• One risk of doing any one exercise every day is that your body will no longer be
challenged after a while. That increases your risk of plateauing (when you no longer gain
the same benefits from your workout).
• This happens because your muscles adapt and improve their function when they are
stressed (as they are when you’re weight lifting or doing other exercises like push-ups,
for example). So it’s important to continue to challenge your muscles to improve your
strength and physical fitness level.
• If you’re going to do push-ups each day, having the correct form is also important. Doing
push-ups without proper form can lead to an injury. For example, you may experience
lower back or shoulder pain if you don’t do push-ups properly.
• If push-ups are too difficult at first, modify the exercise. Do them on your knees or
against a wall.
• If push-ups are too hard on your wrists or you have a former wrist injury, see a physical
therapist before performing push-ups. They may recommend dolphin push-ups (which
are done on your forearms instead of your hands) or knuckle push-ups as an alternative.
• Always check with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.

Here are 6 TYPES of PUSHUPS:

• Traditional Pushup
The traditional push-up is the one that probably first comes to mind. It begins with your
hands beneath your shoulders or slightly wider. Your core should be tight. Your back should
be straight and depending on your level, you can be up on your toes or on your knees. If you
cannot do a push-up on your toes, then start with your knees on the ground until you

• Wide Grip Pushup

If you want to engage your chest and front shoulders more, then try the wide grip. It is
the same as a traditional push-up but your hands further apart. This means that your
elbows will bend more when you are lowering yourself to the ground.

• Diamond Pushup
The diamond or close grip push-up is another version that you can try. While your body
is the same as in the conventional push-up, your hands are closer together, narrower than
shoulder width. Position your hands together so your two indexes and thumbs are touching.
The space in between your two hands should form a triangle shape.

• Staggered Pushup
One of the different kinds of push-ups you can include in your training is the staggered
push-up. This involves positioning yourself into the traditional push-up position. The
variable that changes are your hands. One hand should be situated higher than the other,
which should still remain in line with your shoulder.

• Clap Pushup
There are different kinds of push-ups that are dynamic and use explosive power. One of
these is the clap push-up. In this version, your starting point mimics that traditional push-
up. After you lower yourself to the ground, this is when the clap push-up begins. As you
come up, you really need to propel yourself off the ground so that you have enough time
and space to clap your hands together before landing in the starting position again, ready
for the next rep.

• Superman Pushup
Different kinds of push-ups that also use explosive power is the superman. The
superman takes the clapping push-up to a whole new level. Instead of just your torso
coming off the ground, your entire body leaves the floor. As you push yourself off the
ground, your hands, torso and feet should be in the air. Your arms go above your head in
front of you so you are doing the superman post mid-air before safely catching yourself and
getting into your next rep.

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