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Question 8.

Try to remove an injured party (if a minor injury) to a private area to determine the injuries
and whether the victim wants to go the emergency room.
If the victim is unconscious or clearly debilitated, call 911.
Inspect the area where the injury happened, and take detailed notes, photos or videos to
document conditions.
Never assign or admit liability, but determine the facts and obtain phone numbers and
addresses of customers and employees who witnessed the accident.
Have a good first aid kit available to treat minor injuries.
Restaurants that have video surveillance should secure any corroborating video.

Question 9

#1: Bad Customer Service.

#2: Poor Food Quality.
#3: Incomplete Menu. ...
#4: Dirty Restaurant. ...
#5: Inconsistency. ...
#6: Negative Word of Mouth.
#7: No Incentive

Question 10

Stay calm
Listen well
Acknowledge the problem
Get the facts.
Offer a solution

Question 11

Stay calm.
Don’t argue with the intoxicated guest.
Don’t embarrass the guest, especially in front of other people.
Invite the problem guest to an area away from other guests, where you can talk.
Deal with the situation in a calm, friendly way. Speak to the person directly, and firmly explain
that what they are doing is unacceptable at your party.
Listen and empathize with your guest. Acknowledge your guests anger or frustration, but also
remind them that it is your house, and you are responsible for their safety and don’t want to
see them get hurt.
Point out that if they were sober they would agree that what they are doing is a bad idea.
If you cannot calm the guest down or convince them to stop what they are doing, ask a friend
of theirs to try.
If you decide to ask this person to leave, remember that you are still responsible for their
safety (call a cab, get someone to drive them home, or if the situation gets out of control – call
the police).

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