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Presented To Fullfill Requirements of Task of Paragraph Writing

Subject Guide by : TRFITA HANDAYANI, M.Pd.

Presented by :

NPM : 1801073007


1. Paragraph Writing
it contains 12 point :
1. Paragraph Structure
2. The Mechanics of Writing
3. Characteristics of Good Writing
4. The Writing Process
5. Despcription Paragraph, process & procedure
6. Description Paragraph, Psychal
7. Narrative
8. Definition
9. Classification
10. Comparison and Contrast
11. Cause and Effect
12. Interpretation of Data

A. Paragraph Structure
Definition : paragraph is a group of related sentence with main idea. To give some
information. There are three part of paragraph :
 Topic Sentence : topic of paragraph
 Supporting Sentence : give more detail from main idea
 Concluding Sentence : the result or conclusion
Unity in the paragraph that every sentence must be related to the main idea. Coherence in a
paragraph there are logically fit together and the details are connected.

B. Mechanics of Writing
The definition mechanics is use for rules of the written language. Writing is a complex task.
Writers must make many considerations. They must decide on a topic, determine what ideas
to include, and then analyze how the message is most clearly conveyed. On top of that, they
must make sure their ideas are grammatically correct.
Basic Punctuation
Mechanics are the small parts of your writing that stick everything together to ensure that
everything makes sense and that emphasis is placed where you want it to be. Basic
punctuation mechanics include commas (,), colons (:) and semicolons (;), apostrophes (‘) and
hyphens (-).
When used properly, these mechanics give your sentences the meaning they should have.
However, when used incorrectly, they can transform the meaning of the most basic sentence
and leave your readers completely baffled as to what you are trying to tell them.
Table 1 contains some basic punctuation mechanics rules that you should apply when writing.
This table is not extensive, but provides the most important ‘do’s and don’ts’.

Table 1: Basic punctuation mechanics rules

Do Do Not
Use to split up sentences Overuse (can make your writing
Comma (,)
Use where there is a pause more confusing)
Colon (:) Use before listing items
Use to join sentences with directly Confuse colons and semicolons
Semicolon (;)
related information
Use when something belongs (Mike’s
test tube) Confuse with plurals (test tubes,
Apostrophe (‘)
Use when contracting (we’ve, she’d, not test tube’s)
Use after words ending in y
Use to link compound words (25-mile
Hyphen (-) Use if the same meaning is
achieved without one

C. Good Writing
What's good writing?
a.) Clear : easy to understand
b.) Precise : says exactly what is meant
c.) concise : to the point
Good writing almost always will be excellent in most-if not all-of these areas. So, how well
do you write?
You can improve, if you decide that you want to become a good writer, and if you are willing
to practice, you can steadly improve your writing skills.
 Good writing communicates an idea clearly and effectively.
 Good writing is elegant and stylish
Traits, give the writer a clear picture of what to do to review their writing. And it is six trait
that make you can be a good writer you must have :
 Ideas : the heart of messages
 Organization : gives direction to all writing then drawing by the reader
 Voice : gives writer flavor and style
 Sentence fluency : easy to read aloud
 Word chance : the variety words that use
 Convention : the last that we have to do is to know and can be corrector. We can edit/fix
our work.

D. Writing Process
 Prewrite : organize and construction the ideas
 Draft : use the idea and make to be a draft
 Revise : nake changes to improve your writing
 Edit : correct your mistakes on your writing
 Publish : write and present your writing and don't forget to use paragraph structure as
good as possible on your writing.
the way to write is like the ingredients of hamburger with top bread, filling of hamburger
slice by slice and button bread.

E. Sentence Fluency
It contents :
 Varied beginning, choose the interest word and be a nice first sight on your writing.
 Varied length and structure, you must make a simple sentence but exactly know what
it's meant.
 Easy to read aload, the writing make us enjoy to read it. Make it flow word to word.
 Rhythm and flow, rhythm is beat or tempo so, sometime you need other effects are used
to make beginning.
 Well builts sentence, it will be simple or complex but must be structured and not make
them confused.

F. Description Paragraph
A descriptive paragraph is a collection of multiple sentences to convey a distinct message of a
single person, place or thing. It begins with a descriptive sentence that clearly states the topic
that will be rolled out in the following sentences. A well-written descriptive paragraph pulls
in all five senses to engage the reader. The use of smell, sight, touch, sound and taste in
expressive language captivates the reader on many levels. If done well, your short piece of
descriptive writing will have the opportunity to leave a strong impression on the reader.
Describing people is one the most activity that we sometimes doesn't realize it. Description of
people or person should consist of :
 A general information or introduction, maybe like name or when/where first
 A details of main body that describe the physical, personal qualities or hobbies.
 A conclusion that you must give whatyour feeling about the person.

G. Interpretation of Data
Interpretation is making data that has been collected and analyzed. Data analysis and
interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the collected information. The important
by data interpretation is True and easily to see and understand.
The purpose of interpretation data is useful and help improves processes and identify
problem. And, four step to data interpretation is :
 Prepare and collect the data.
 Develop finding, make you get on accurate data.
 Develop conclusions.
 Develop recomendations, base on your finding and conclusion.

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