Human Geography OUTLINE

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Human Geography  A process of opening up and settling of a

previously uninhabited area by the people

 A process of grouping of people and
Global population: total number of humans acquiring of some territory to build houses
living on earth as well as their economic support
 Mortality rate: decreasing
 Median age of the world increased: 24 years Compact/Clustered/Nucleated Settlements-
in 1995-28.5 years in 2010 concentrated in one central sites and is distinct
 Asia: most populous continent: 60.11 % of and separated from farms and pastures
world population
 1.35 million lived in China: one-child policy Semi-Compact Settlements- characterized by a
small but compact nuclear around which
2015 Population: hamlets are dispersed

1. Africa-1,166,239,305 Major Problem of Rural Settlements

2. Asia-4,384,844,097
3. Europe-743,122,816 1. Have poor infrastructure facilities
4. North America-361,127,818 2. Water borne diseases are common
5. Oceana-39,359,270 problems
6. South America-415,053,269 3. Supply of water is not adequate
7. World Population-7,324,782,225 4. Villages are adversely affected by the
conditions of drought and flood
Population Distribution and Density 5. The absence of toilet and garbage disposal
Population Distribution-the pattern of where 6. Houses made up of mud, wood and thatch
people live get damaged during heavy rains and floods
Population Density- measurement of the 7. Paved roads and lack of modern
number of people in an area communication network
8. Most houses are not proper ventilated
Factors of High and Low Density 9. It is difficult to provide adequate health and
educational infrastructure for large rural
Physical factors
1. Relief 2. Resources 3. Climate
Urban Settlements are classified on the basis
Human factors of:

1. Physical 2. Social 3. Economic 1. Population Size- the cut off figure depends
on the density of the population
Consequences of High Rate of Population 2. Occupational Structure
Growth 3. Administrative Structure

1. Threat to Child and Maternal Health Factors that can determine the Site of the
2. Poverty Settelement:
3. Environmental Threats
4. High rate of Unemployment 1. Close to Water Supply
5. Scarcities of Food and fresh Water
2. Fertile Land
3. High Ground
 any form of human habitation which ranges
4. Materials and Resources
from a single dwelling to large city
5. Defense

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