Python Syllabus

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Features - Setting Path - Using Python Interpreter - Basic

1 Introduction –Installation Syntax - Operators
Data Types - Variables - Conditions - Looping Statements -
Data Types – Variable - Control
2 range() - break and continue - else Clause on Loops - pass
Structure Statements -
List - del Statement - Tuples and Sequences - Sets -
3 Data Structures Disctionaries
4 Modules - Packages Standard Modules - dir() Functions - Packages
5 Input and Output Output Formatting - Reading and Writing Files

Syntax Errors - Exceptions - Handling Exceptions - Raising

6 Errors and Exceptions Exceptions - User defined Exceptions - Defining Clean Up
Actions - Predefined Clean-up Actions

Names and Objects - Python Scopes and Namespaces - Class

7 Classes Objects - Instance Objects - Method Objects - Class and
Instance Variables - Inheritance - Iterators - Generators

Math functions - Search Functions - Matching vs Searching -

8 Regular Expressions -Functions Modifier - Pattern
9 MySQL - Introduction RDBMS - DDL , DML Queries
Select with WHERE, Order by, Group By Clauses - Joins and
10 DQL - Joins types
11 Database Connectivity CRUD operations with MySQL
12 Multithreading Defining a Thread and Setting Priority
13 GUI Programming Tkinter Programming
14 Python in Web Applications Architecture - Basic Web page creation
15 DB connectivity with Web Applicati Web Applications with Database connectivity
Email from Python, Cookies , File Emailing from HTML using Python - Uploading File into
Uploading Server using Python

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