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Fatma : Hi, Dara! Where have you been?

Dara : Hi, Fatma! I was busy doing my script. I just had my graduation
ceremony yesterday.
Fatma : Really? Why didn’t you tell me?
Dara : Oh I am sorry. I forget to tell you.
Fatma : So, I miss your graduation ceremony?
Dara : It’s fine.
1. The underlined sentence express…
a. Admiration
b. Apology
c. Certainty
d. Permission

Sasa : Yun, next month we are going to have an exam.

Yuyun : Yeah, we must study hard for the exam.
Sasa : I think so.
2. The underlined sentence express…
a. Suggestion
b. Opinion
c. Obligation
d. Prohibition

Bagas : Excuse me, ma’am. May I leave your class for a moment, please?
Ms. Ida : Not now please. We are going to have a test.
Bagas : All right
3. From the underlined expression we know that…
a. Bagas is asking permission
b. The teacher is starting the lesson
c. Bagas needs his teacher help
d. Bagas wants to attract his teacher’s attention

4. Dewi : Tomorrow is my brother’s birthday. He wants me to buy a tablet for him asa
gift. What do you think?
Susan : Well, how old is he?
Dewi : He is still six years old.
Susan : I think you shouldn’t buy him a tablet. It will make him lazy and forget about
studying, doing homework and reading books. He will only play games. Believe me, he
will spend time much more in it than in studying. And that’s not good for him.
Dewi : You’re right.
The underlined sentence shows ......
a. obligation c. agreement

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b. admiration d. Apology

5. What will propably Dewi do then after Susan gives her a suggestion?
a. Dewi will buy a tablet for her brother’s birthday
b. Dewi will not buy any gift for her brother’s birthday
c. Dewi will ask her brother to play games
d. Dewi will find another gift for her brother

Ani : What are you doing in your spare time?

Alda : I usually read novel. What about you?
Ani : I always listen to my favorite songs.
4. In the dialogue above, Ani and Alda are talking about their ...........
a. obligation c. responsibilty
b. habit d. assignment

5. Dina : Look at the mountain, Santi. It’s so wonderful scenery. I really love it.
Santi : You are right. It’s just very amazing.
From the dialogue above, both Dina and Santi express their .........
a. admiration c. forgiveness
b. agreement d. obligation

6. The word “scenery” means .....

a. picture c. creature
b. drawing d. view

Tommy : I will go to Semarang next week.

Kevin : What’s for? Holiday?
Tommy : No. I will join an english speech contest there.
Kevin : Oh, really? What’s about the preparation?
Tommy : I have trained hard. I practice everyday. I ask Mr. John to teach me how the
way to deliver speech well.
Kevin : Well, I hope you can win the competition.
7. What will Tommy do next week?
a. He will go to Semarang for holiday
b. He will join speech contest
c. He will meet Mr. John
d. He will help Kevin about the preparation

Read the text to answer questions 9 and 10.

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8. Who must be hospitalized?
a. Dinda’s grandma
b. The writer
c. Dinda
d. Mira

9. Dinda can’t come to Mira’s house because…

a. Mira must be hospitalized
b. Dinda must be hospitalized
c. Dinda’s grandma is sick
d. Mira’s grandma is sick

Read the text to answer question

10. What is the text about?
a. Advertising on a new houuse.
b. iDescribing on a new house.
c. Buying a new house.
d. nCongratulating someone on moving to a new house

11. “ a g
blessing upon your new home” The underlined word has similar meaning
a. zoo
b. street
c. dwelling

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d. hospital

Text for no. 1-3


You have a slow computer?
You want to boost your computer capacity?
Your computer is broken and you want to repair it?
We have the solution with a great advantage in our grand opening 50% off sale.
We only offer this special discount once.
Don’t miss the opportunity!
Besides, we also offer technology solutions and support for home users,
home offices, and small mid sized business.
Discount 50% to all services for home users: anti-virus/spy ware removal, backup,
wireless networks, hardware upgrades, vista, etc.
Free consultation for small mid sized business: network set up, new office setup,
web design, web developments servers, etc.
Contact us:
Twitter : @SparkleID_Solutions
Facebook : Sparkle Solution Indonesia
Phone : (021) 7892-57830
Office : Kalimantan Street no. 78, Durian Payung, Central Jakarta
12. What does the advertisement focus on?
a. Sell new computers and laptop
b. Sell many kind broken of computer/laptop
c. Provide a virus and malware on computer/laptop
d. Help people to fix computer problem and technology solution
13. “. . . wireless networks, hardware upgrades, vista, etc.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . .
a. Up to date
b. Decrease
c. Destroy
d. Powerless
14. After reading the text, we know that . . .
a. The costumers will get the solution freely
b. The company will give the lower prices in grand opening
c. Consultation gets interesting discount
d. The offer is for a week
Text for no. 7-9

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Our school will commit the annual youth conference that will be held in Paraqia
Mountain, on March 21st from morning until evening. Please, mark your calendar
and register yourself by March 10th.
Information about school programs, teaching procedures, and others will be discussed.
For enrolment and further info, please visit our website:
Be sure you have completed your registration.
15. What event will be held by the school?
a. School extracurricular
b. Learning procedure
c. Conference of the annual youth
d. Register of the meeting
16. The text is most likely found at . . .
a. The principal room
b. The announcement board
c. The library door
d. The entrance gate of a school
17. What is the important thing that the student should do before the event?
a. Coming to the event in time
b. Bringing the stationery when the conference starting
c. Registering to the event
d. Visiting Paraqia mountain to join the event

Drug facts
Activate Ingredients
Isopropyl alcohol, 95% ..........................................................Ear drying aid
Dries water in the ears and relieved water-clogged ears after: swimming,
showering, bathing, washing the hair
Flammable: Keep away from fire or flame
Do not use in the eyes

Ask a doctor before use if you have

● Ear drainage or discharge
● Pain, irritation or rash in ear
● Head surgery
● Dizziness

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Stop use and ask a doctor if irritation( too much burning) or pain occurs

Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Centre
right away.
Apply 4 to 5 drops in each affected ear
Inactive Ingredient
Anhydrous glycerine 5%
18. The text gives us information of the product related to its....
a. ingredients, procedure, size, weigh
b. manufacturer, brand, ingredient, direction
c. material, function, direction, precaution
d. title, function, size, weigh

19. According the label, users should . . .

a. Keep using it though it is a bit painful
b. Store it in a higher place in their bedrooms
c. Use more than 4 drops in their affected ears
d. Bath and wash their heir after swimming

The following text is for questions no 21 and 22

20. What
I is the purpose of the text?
a. NTo explain the weakness of the product
b. GTo suggest users use the product wisely
c. !To tell people how dangerous the product is
d. To make users aware of the product’s side effect.
21. TheH product is not recommended for people who....
a. I Like sweets
b. Has sensitive teeth
c. Suffer from diabetes
d. Control their weight.
TheRfollowing text is for questions no 23 and 24

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22. What is the writer’s intention of writing the text?
a. To tell Sarah about Aliy’s birthday
b. To ask Sarah to attend Aliya’s party
c. To share information about Aliya’s birthday
d. To inform of the time and place of Aliya’s party

23. Regrets only to Andika (0876877900), by 1st May 2018

What can infer from the sentence?
a. Sarah should call andika after 1st May 2018 to confirm her attendance
b. Sarah may ask andika to accompany her to the party before 1st May 2018
c. Sarah must call Andika to tell him about her absence at least on 1st May
d. Sarah may call andika to get information about the party after 1st May 2018

Riding on a canal bus is an enjoyable and relaxed way of getting around Amsterdam canals
and it takes you to pass all the city’s top sight. You’ll see many kinds of buildings, from historic
ones to the city’s narrowest houses. Canal bus boats also cruise along the most famous canals,
bringing you to Amsterdam’s major museums, such as Van Gogh Museum, the Rijkos-Museum
and the ann Frank house.
On board we provide a multilingual commemntary. Our comfortable boats affer a frequent
and regular service with 4 routes and 20 stops, including 6 transfer points. The stops are located
near the museum, shopping district and tourist attractions. Your 24 hours ticket allows you to
hop and off as often as you like.

24. What does the text mostly tell us about ?

a. Tourist resort
b. Amsterdam canals
c. Canal bus boats
d. City boats

25. What is the second paragraph about ?

a. Routers of the bus
b. The cost of canal bus
c. The canal bus boat services
d. The scedhule of canal bus

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26. From the text we can conclude that ....
a. The canal bus boats offers only regular service
b. Passangers can enjoy the beautiful museums as well
c. Passanger are not permitted to hop and off as they like
d. The canal bus boat provides only a bilingual commentary

The following text is for number 28 to 31

Once upon a time, there was a young man called Ma Liang. He was poor. He help a rich bad
man to tend cattle. He liked drawing and drew pictures everywhere. One night, he dreamed that
an old man gave him a magic paintbrush and asked him to use it to help poor people. When he
woke up, he found the magic paintbrush in his desk.

From that day on, he used the paintbrush to help people. Whenever he drew pictures, they
became real. But a few days later, his master heard about the magic paint rush and stole it. He
drew a lot of pictures, but they could not become real. He was very angry and asked some people
to get Ma Liang.

When Ma Liang came, he said to him, “If you draw some pictures for me and turn them to
life, I will set you free.” The young man said, “I can help you, but you should obey your words.
The bad man felt very happy and said, “I want a golden mountain. I will go there to gather gold.”
The young man drew a sea first. Then the young man drew a golden mountain which far away
from the sea. After that he drew a big ship. The bad man jumped into the ship. When the ship
sailed to the middle of the sea, the young man drew a large wave and it destroyed the ship. After
that, the young man lived with his family happily and kept on helping the poor people. So the
magic paintbrush was known by everyone.

27. What is the best title for the text above?

a. A good painter and a greedy king
b. A magic paintbrush and the bad man
c. A clever painter and a wise king
d. A young man and his king

28. How was Ma Liang like?

a. he was smart and helpful
b. he was smart but greedy
c. he was clever but cunning
d. he was humble and helpful

29. What would happen if Ma Liang didn’t kill the King?

a. The king would get a lot of gold
b. The King would kill him
c. He would get big prize from the King
d. He wouldn’t be able to help poor people

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30. “He liked drawing and drew pictures everywhere.”
The underlined word is closest meaning to ...
a. wrote
b. painted
c. built
d. arranged

The text is for number 32 to 34

One day I went to Bandung with my friend for vacation. We went there on a bus. When we
arrived in Cianjur, the bus stopped for a rest. I got off the bus to get a cup of coffee, but my
friend didn’t. Then I went to a mosque to pray. It took only a few minutes to pray, but when I
came out again the bus was not there. I had gone! Shocked and confused. I asked the
shopkeeper about the bus. She said that the bus had departed about five minutes ago.
I tried to call my friend on my cell phone, but the battery was running low. I couldn’t do
anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back! I got
on the bus and walked to my seat. I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I
could feel my face turned red.
I asked my friend why she didn’t tell the driver that I was still outside.
“I did, I told him several times that you were outside, but he said that you were in the bus
toilet because he saw a man going into the toilet,” my friend replied, laughing. The other
passangers smiled at me. I was so embarassed.
31. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
a. To describe about the writer’s embarasing experience
b. To show the writer’s bad vacation
c. To retell the writer’s unlucky experience.
d. To entertain readers about the writer’s vacation

32. What did the writer do after she knew that the bus had departed?
a. She asked for help to the shopkeeper
b. She asked to the shopkeeper to stop the bus
c. She tried to call her friend and run the bus
d. She just hoped and prayed since she couldn’t make a phone

33. “She said that the bus had departed about five minutes ago.”
The underlined word is closest meaning to ...
a. returned
b. left
c. turned
d. arrived
How to make fried potatoes

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● 4 red potatoes

● 1 tablespoon olive oil

● 1 onion, chopped
● 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
● 2 tablespoons olive oil
● 1 teaspoon salt
● 3/4 teaspoon paprika
● 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
● 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley


● Large skillet

● Plate
● Pot


1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add potatoes and cook until
tender but still firm, about 15 minutes.
2. Drain the potatoes and cut them into 1/2 inch cubes when they are already
3. In a large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil over medium high heat. Add
onion and green pepper. Cook about 5 minutes stirring often, until soft.
Transfer to a plate and set aside.
4. Pour remaining 2 tablespoons of oil into the skillet and turn heat to
5. Add potato cubes, salt, paprika and black pepper. Cook, stirring
occasionally, until potatoes are browned about 10 minutes.
6. Stir in the onions, green peppers and parsley and cook for another minute.
Serve hot.



34. What does the text tells about ?

a. the potatoes and their use
b. how to make fried potatoes
c. boiling potatoes in good ways

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d. someone‟s experience in cooking

35. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. It takes 25 minutes to cook the food well.
b. You need 3 kinds of equipment to cook the meal.
c. the food should be served hot
d. The potatoes must be cut after they are getting cool.

36. How long do we need to try the recipe until it is ready to be served?
a. 45 minutes
b. 40 minutes
c. 25 minutes
d. 20 minutes

37. “Transfer to a plate and set aside.”

The word “transfer” in the sentence nearly means…
a. bring
b. move
c. drain
d. take
Orangutans of Pongo pygmaeus belong to the Primate order. The Orangutan
spends most of its time in trees. Each evening it builds a new treetop nest. They
are endangered because of habitat lost and poachers keep on killing, owning,
and exporting orangutans. They only live on the island of Borneo and in the
northern corner of the island of Sumatra.
Orangutans are charecterized by rough, long, reddish-brown fur. Male
orangutans are about 95 cm (37in) in length and about 77 kg (170 lb) in weight.
Females are smaller, reaching about 78 cm (31 in) in height and weighing only
about 37 kg (81 lb). The male has puffy cheeks and a hanging throat-pouch. This
pouch contains air sacks that help produce a groaning, bubbling call, which can
be heard at least 1 km (0.6 mi) away.
Half of the orangutan’s diet consists of fruit, but they also eat young leaves, soft
inner bark, termites, eggs, and occasionally monkeys.
When a female is ready to mate, she will seek out an adult male. Orangutans are
mammals;Females give birth to a single infant about once every four to eight
years. The gestational period for orangutans is just under nine months, nearly the
same as in human beings. Infants stay very close to their mothers for the first
three years until they don’t consume their mother’s milk.

38. The text tells us about Orangutan in term of its...

a. Living, body, mate and characteristics
b. Family, types, weight, and charecteristics
c. Habitat, size, diet, mate, and reproduction
d. Habitat, types, characteristics, and reproduction

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39. What does Orangutan use for making a very deep long sound?
a. Air sacks
b. Puffy cheeks
c. hanging throat-pouch
d. Air sacks in his pouch

40. Based on the text we can conclude that Orangutans just exist in Borneo and...
a. Certain parts of Sumatra
b. All parts of Sumatra
c. The whole Sumatra
d. The nonth part of Sumatra


e Sydney Opera House

1.p What is the intention of the text?
2.e Why the Opera House looks so special ?
3.r How many functions of The Sydney House are there?
a Arrange the following words into a good sentence
4. Ceremony – for – have to – The Paskibra Team – went – the – does – flag –
o practice - ?.
5.u Arrange the jumbled sentences below into a good procedure text.
s P
e o
i r
l e
r m
g i
e x
Diunduh dari
p d

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