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Environmental Microbiology Reports (2009) 1(5), 377–384 doi:10.1111/j.1758-2229.2009.00083.

Enrichment of denitrifying anaerobic methane

oxidizing microorganisms emi4_83 377..384

Shihu Hu, Raymond J. Zeng, Luke C. Burow,† process is estimated to oxidize up to 90% of methane
Paul Lant, Jurg Keller and Zhiguo Yuan* produced in anaerobic marine sediments (Reeburgh
Advanced Water Management Centre (AWMC), The et al., 1993). Anaerobic oxidation of methane has also
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia. been found in freshwater environments, although its con-
tribution as a methane sink has not been quantified (Eller
et al., 2005). Despite extensive studies, no microorgan-
isms capable of the AOM have been isolated. Molecular
The microorganisms responsible for anaerobic oxida- and biogeochemical studies have shown that for marine
tion of methane (AOM) coupled to denitrification have environments the microorganisms responsible for AOM
not been clearly elucidated. Three recent publications consist of a consortium of methanogen-related archaea,
suggested it can be achieved by a denitrifying bacte- and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) (Hinrichs et al., 1999;
rium with or without the involvement of anaerobic Boetius et al., 2000; Niemann et al., 2006). The nature of
methanotrophic archaea. A key factor limiting the the cooperation between the archaea and bacteria has so
progress in this research field is the shortage of far not been elucidated. Environmental genomic studies
enrichment cultures performing denitrifying anaero- of anaerobic methanotrophic archea (ANME) support the
bic methane oxidation (DAMO). In this study, DAMO hypothesis that ANME can oxidize methane via a reverse
cultures were enriched from mixed inoculum including methanogenesis process to a substrate used by SRB
sediment from a freshwater lake, anaerobic digester (Kruger et al., 2003; Hallam et al., 2004). The intermedi-
sludge and return activated sludge from a sewage ates transferred between species are unknown, with
treatment plant. Two reactors, operated at 35°C and at methyl sulfides proposed as the candidate by Moran and
22°C, respectively, showed simultaneous methane colleagues (2008) after Nauhaus and colleagues (2002)
oxidation and nitrate reduction after several months of concluded that hydrogen, acetate, formate, methanol,
operation. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries carbon monoxide and methylamines were unlikely
from the 35°C enrichment showed the presence of an intermediates.
archaeon closely related to other DAMO archaea and a In contrast to the numerous studies about AOM coupled
dominated bacterium belonging to the yet unculti- to sulfate reduction mentioned above, there were only a
vated NC10 phylum. This culture preferred nitrite to few publications focusing on the denitrifying anaerobic
nitrate as the electron acceptor. The present study methane oxidation (DAMO) process. Thermodynamically,
suggests that the archaea are rather methanotrophs oxidized nitrogenous compounds are more favourable
than methanogens. The highest denitrification rate electron acceptors than sulfate, where the energy
achieved was 2.35 mmol NO3--N gVSS-1 day-1. The yield of AOM coupling to sulfate reduction is only -20
culture enriched at 22°C contained the same NC10 to -40 kJ mol-1 CH4 (Strous and Jetten, 2004). The
bacterium observed in the culture enriched at 35°C but reactions may be described as:
no archaea.
5CH4 + 8NO3 − + 8H+ → 4N2 + 14H2 O + 5CO2
ΔG0′ = −765 kJmol−1 CH4
3CH4 + 8NO2 − + 8H+ → 4N2 + 10H2 O + 3CO2
Microbially mediated anaerobic oxidation of methane ΔG0′ = −928 kJmol−1 CH4
(AOM) is very important to the Earth’s climate because it
Although methane and nitrate or nitrite often coexist in
consumes methane produced from natural sediments
the environment, such as anoxic sea water or freshwater
before it escapes to the atmosphere (DeLong, 2000). This
sediments receiving nitrate from agricultural run-off, the
Received 7 May, 2009; accepted 21 August, 2009. *For correspon- DAMO process has not been found in nature. One pos-
dence. E-mail; Tel. (+61) 7 33654374; Fax sible explanation is that the process may occur within
(+61) 7 33654726. †Present address: Department of Civil and Envi-
ronmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, millimetres of the oxic-anoxic interface, masking it from
USA. geochemical detection (Raghoebarsing et al., 2006).
© 2009 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
378 S. Hu et al.

Process engineers consider methane a potentially the phylogenetic affiliation of the dominating archaeal and
inexpensive external electron donor for denitrification for bacterial groups and to compare them with other DAMO
the treatment of wastewater or landfill leachate where organisms and ANMEs. The characteristics of the cultures
methane is generated on site (Islas-Lima et al., 2004; obtained are compared with previous studies and the
Modin et al., 2007). However, several attempts to enrich roles of archaea and bacteria in the DAMO cultures are
the DAMO microorganisms in the laboratory failed discussed.
(Mason, 1977; Thalasso et al., 1997; Eisentraeger et al.,
2001). The slow growth of these microorganisms is a
likely explanation for persistent failures to obtain DAMO Results and discussions
Enrichment of DAMO cultures at different temperatures
Using freshwater canal sediment as inoculum, Raghoe-
barsing and colleagues (2006) obtained a DAMO culture Three reactors were set up to enrich microorganisms
after 16 months of enrichment, with nitrate and nitrite as capable of DAMO. The inocula were a mixture of sedi-
electron acceptors. The culture contained a bacterium ments from a local freshwater lake, anaerobic digester
belonging to the candidate division NC10 and an sludge and return sludge from the Luggage Point waste-
archaeon distantly related to ANME-II. It was hypoth- water treatment plant (Brisbane, Australia).
esized that DAMO was performed via reverse methano- Denitrification rates in all reactors decreased to lower
genesis by archaea with electron shuttling to the than 0.3 mmol NO3--N l-1 day-1 within 40 days of start-up,
denitrifying bacterium (Raghoebarsing et al., 2006). suggesting organic residues contained in the inoculum
However, the archaeal population slowly disappeared were consumed in this period (Fig. 1). The enrichment
after the reactor was scaled up and optimized to improve running at 45°C was stopped on day 90, as no denitrifi-
the activity (Ettwig et al., 2008). Ettwig and colleagues cation activity was detected after day 40. Culture B (35°C)
(2009) reported another successful enrichment of NC10 showed a sharp increase in the denitrification rate after
bacteria dominated culture with sediments from ditches day 220 reaching 2.0 mmol l-1 day-1 by day 312. Although
draining agricultural land. These studies showed that the denitrification rate of Culture A (22°C) was only about
the denitrifying anaerobic methanotrophic bacteria can 0.11 mmol NO3--N l-1 day-1 between day 50 and 260, the
achieve DAMO with or without archaea. Ettwig and col- data showed that methane was consumed in this reactor
leagues (2008) conjectured that the archaea in the initial (Fig. 2).
enrichment (Raghoebarsing et al., 2006) were anaerobi- As shown in Table 1, the measured nitrogen gas pro-
cally oxidizing methane with or without a bacterial partner, duction rates were close to the predicted values, indicat-
or they could actually be methanogens performing ing the complete conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas.
methanogenesis. Detailed physiological and biochemical This was also supported by the fact that no nitrite or
studies of the DAMO microorganisms are still limited by nitrous oxide was detected in the reactors and that neg-
the shortage of DAMO cultures. ligible ammonium decrease occurred (data not shown).
The primary aim of this study was to enrich DAMO Culture B (35°C) consumed 16.7% more methane than
cultures from inocula different from previous studies and stoichiometrically predicted. The involvement of aerobic
at different temperatures. To this end, inocula were pre- methane oxidation was very unlikely since the reactor was
pared with samples from different anoxic niches where always operated over-pressure, and oxygen was not
DAMO process may occur. After DAMO activity became detected in either the liquid or the headspace. Methane
apparent, clone libraries were constructed to determine utilising sulfate reduction was not involved since no

Fig. 1. Denitrification rates of the reactors

operated at different temperatures [22°C (䉭),
35°C ( ) and 45°C (䊉)]. Each reactor has
1.6 l liquid volume and 0.4 l headspace. The
headspace was flushed periodically with
mixed gas containing nitrogen, methane and
carbon dioxide to provide methane. Nitrate
was added periodically to ensure its
availability. The reactors were operated
over-pressure (1.1–1.3 a.t.m.), and helium
was injected into the headspace to confirm
that no gas leakage occurred (data not

© 2009 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology Reports, 1, 377–384
Enrichment of DAMO microorganisms 379
Fig. 2. Denitrification and anaerobic oxidation
of methane by Culture A (A) and Culture B
(B). The consumption of methane (䊊) and
nitrate ( ), and production of nitrogen gas
(䉱) were observed. The methane and
nitrogen gas data are the total amounts of
these substances in both the gas (measured)
and liquid (calculated using Henry’s law)

sulfate decrease was observed during the entire period of produced (1.7 mmol), strongly suggesting that the C-
the experiments. Methane assimilation into biomass and labelled methane consumed was converted to C-
measurement inaccuracies could have contributed to the labelled carbon dioxide.
Control experiments with Culture B (35°C) in the
Microbial analysis of cultures A and B
absence of nitrate or methane confirmed that AOM was
linked to denitrification. In the absence of nitrate between Genomic DNA from the biomass in Culture B (35°C) was
days 255 and 258, the partial pressure of methane extracted and bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene
remained at 0.76 a.t.m., indicating no methane oxidation libraries were constructed. A total of 48 clone inserts from
(or production) in this period. The endogenous denitrifica- the bacterial library were grouped into eight operational
tion rate in the absence of methane was determined to be taxonomic units (OTUs) by restriction fragment length
0.14 mmol day-1, which was only 7% of the rate when polymorphism (RFLP). Representatives from three domi-
methane was available. nant OTUs (represented 25, 15 and 3 of 48 clones) from
To investigate the denitrification ability of Culture B the bacterial clone library were chosen for sequencing.
(35°C) with different nitrogenous compounds, nitrite Other OTUs from the bacterial library were not sequenced
was added to the reactor to a concentration of as they were represented by only one clone each.
0.7 mmol NO2--N l-1 in a batch test on day 310. During the Sequence analysis of the two most dominant OTUs
8 h experiment, nitrite was consumed much faster than revealed two sequences (FJ907181 and FJ907182) clus-
nitrate (1.73 versus 0.46 mmol N l-1 day-1) when both tering inside ‘NC10’ division (Fig. 3). They are 99.9%
were present. similar to each other and 98% similar to other NC10
A carbon balance was performed with the use of 13C- bacteria (DQ369742) (Raghoebarsing et al., 2006). The
labelled methane in Culture B (35°C) between days 250 sequence (FJ907183) retrieved from the OTU represent-
and 255. Briefly, 120 ml of 13C-labelled methane was ing three clones is about 85% similar to other NC10 bac-
injected to the reactor on day 250. Liquid and gas teria of this study and of Raghoebarsing and colleagues
samples were analysed with GC-MS to determine the 13C (2006) and Ettwig and colleagues (2009).
content in gas and liquid. The total amount of 13C-labelled The archaeal clone library consisted of only one OTU
methane consumed after 120 h (1.8 mmol) was very (48 out of 48 clones). Two representatives were
close to the amount of 13C-labelled carbon dioxide sequenced. The archaeal clone library showed two

Table 1. Nitrate and methane consumption rates and nitrogen gas production rate of cultures A (22°C) and B (35°C), determined by averaging the
rates of batch studies shown in Fig. 2.

Measurement Calculateda

NO3- N2 CH4 N2 CH4

mmol day-1 mmol day-1 mmol day-1 mmol day-1 mmol day-1

Culture A (days 220–260) -0.065 0.03 -0.038 0.033 -0.04

Prediction errorb -10% -5.3%
Culture B (days 283–312) -3.2 ⫾ 0.4 1.7 ⫾ 0.2 -2.4 ⫾ 0.2 1.6 -2.0
Prediction errorb 5.9% 16.7%

a. Based on reaction (1) and the measured rate of nitrate consumption.

b. (measured value - calculated value)/measured value.

© 2009 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology Reports, 1, 377–384
380 S. Hu et al.
coal tar contaminated groundwater
(AF351217, FJ810544, AF351214)

Bootstrap values
denitrifying AOM enrichment (FJ621546)
100% - > 90%
90% - > 80% coastal aquifer
80% - > 70% (DQ837241, DQ837259)
70% - > 60%

denitrifying AOM enrichment

(DQ369742, FJ621551, FJ621552, FJ621557, FJ621559, FJ621562)

denitrifying AOM enrichment

(FJ621545, FJ621553, FJ621554, FJ621555, FJ621556, FJ621558, FJ621560, FJ621561)

denitrifying AOM enrichment

(FJ907181, FJ907182)

TCE contaminated site (AF529103)

denitrifying AOM enrichment (FJ621533)

uranium mill tailings (AJ519669)

karst water (AM991185)

vadose soil (AY177763)

TCE−contaminated site (AF529101)

saturated horizon C soil

(EU335141, EU335143, EU335206, EU335212)

seafloor lava (EU491462)

cave (AF317743)

seafloor lava
(EU491346, EU491416, EU491450) A
marine sediment clone MD2902−B8, EU048615

hydrothermal sediment clone AT−s30, AY225657

Subsurface soil
(DQ906846, DQ906849, DQ906858, DQ906859, DQ906860, DQ906861)

denitrifying AOM enrichment

(FJ621531, FJ621532, FJ621535, FJ621538, FJ621539, FJ621540, FJ621547, FJ621548, FJ621549)

denitrifying AOM enrichment

(FJ621537, FJ621541, FJ621542)

anaerobic benzene degrading enrichment (AB426238)

denitrifying AOM enrichment (FJ621543)

uranium mill tailings

(AJ519650, AJ519670)

saturated horizon C soil (EU335192)

denitrifying AOM enrichment (FJ621534)

soil around iron−manganese nodule (EF492972)

anaerobic benzene degrading enrichment (AB426228)

denitrifying AOM enrichment

(FJ621536, FJ621544)

to prairie soil
outgroup (EU134303, EU134304, EU134857)

denitrifying AOM enrichment (FJ907183)

prairie soil clone (EU132429)

prairie soil clone (EU132789)

hypersaline microbial mat

(EU245945, EU245635)
subseafloor sediment
(EU385754, EU385793)

mangrove soil (DQ811954)

mud volcano (FJ712458)
hypersaline microbial mat (EU245176)

hypersaline microbial mat (EU245868)

sea grass bed sediment (EU488010)

hypersaline microbial mat (EU245526)

uncultured Caldithrix spp.

(FJ902136, FJ902298, FJ902365, FJ902382, FJ902492)

Caldithrix sp.
(AJ430587, FJ999729)


© 2009 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology Reports, 1, 377–384
Enrichment of DAMO microorganisms 381
Fig. 3. Maximum likelihood (AxML) phylogenetic tree of 16S rRNA gene sequences of bacteria implicated in anaerobic oxidation of methane
(AOM) coupled to denitrification. Group A 16S rRNA clone sequences belong to the NC10 phylum. Group B clones include a sequence
obtained in this study and nearest neighbours identified using the SILVA rRNA database SINA webaligner. Clones obtained in this study are in
bold face. Sequences shorter than 1250 nucleotides were inserted into the tree using the ARB parsimony insertion tool. Bootstrap values were
obtained after 1000 resamplings. Nitrospira marina (X82559) was used as an outgroup to root the tree. The scale bar indicates the number of
changes per nucleotide position.

closely related sequences (99.8% identity), which were and this successfully detected cells in Culture B (35°C).
98.2% similar to the only known DAMO archea enriched Probes designed for the third bacterial sequence
by Raghoebarsing and colleagues (2006) (DQ369741) (FJ907183) did not detect cells. Probes specific for
(Fig. 4). archaea sequences from Culture B were also designed.
Both the bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene However, they did not bind to the DAMO archaea in
sequences were used to design specific probes for fluo- Culture B. Instead, the archaeal probe DARCH-872
rescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The FISH probe designed by Raghoebarsing and colleagues (2006) was
S-*-NC10-1162-a-A-18 (5′-GCCTTCCTCCAGCTTGACG used. This probe covered a broader range than expected,
CTG-3′) was designed to target NC10 phylum sequences, with some methanogens also targeted.

minetrophic fen clone (EU155958)

submarine permafrost sediment (FJ982666)

Bootstrap values
100% - > 90% ferromanganous micronodule (AF293017)
90% - > 80%
80% - > 70% petroleum contaminated soil (AB161352)
70% - > 60%
denitrifying AOM enrichment (DQ369741)

ferromanganous micronodule (AF293016)

submarine permafrost sediment (FJ982704)

denitrifying AOM enrichment (FJ907179)

denitrifying AOM enrichment (FJ907180) A

petroleum contaminated soil (AB161329)

limestone sinkhole (FJ902710)

coal seam groundwater (AB294257)

minetrophic fen (EU155957)

acidic peatland
(DQ301885, DQ301886)

acidic peatland (DQ301884)

deep sea hydrothermal vent

(EF644782, EF644783, EF644786)

deep sea hydrothermal vent (EF644785)

(AF354131, AF354133, AJ578115)

(AJ578128, AJ578107, AM745238, AM745257, FJ712637, FJ555679, FJ555681)

(AF354128, AF354140, AB461391)

(AF354136, AJ578119)
(AF354126, AF354137, AF419624, AF419625, AJ578084, AJ578136)


Fig. 4. Maximum likelihood (AxML) phylogenetic tree of 16S rRNA gene sequences of archaea implicated in anaerobic oxidation of methane
(AOM) coupled to denitrification or sulfate reduction. 16S rRNA clone group A includes sequences obtained in this study and nearest
neighbours identified using the SILVA rRNA database SINA webaligner. 16S rRNA clone group B includes methanotrophic archaea associated
with sulfate reducing bacteria. Sequences shorter than 1250 nucleotides were inserted into the tree using the ARB parsimony insertion tool.
Bootstrap values were obtained after 1000 resamplings. Methanocorpusculum sp. MSP (AY260434) was used as an outgroup to root the tree.
The scale bar indicates the number of changes per nucleotide position.

© 2009 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology Reports, 1, 377–384
382 S. Hu et al.

draining agricultural land

Ettwig enrichment 2009

Sediments from ditches

continuous stirred tank

0.66b (month 9)

Bacteria 70%
Archaea 0%
NO2-, NO3-

5 months

Ettwig enrichment 2008

continuous stirred tank

0.16b (month 22)


Bacteria 70%

Archaea 0%
NO2-, NO3-

b. Calculated from protein data, by assuming 0.55 g protein gVSS-1 (Modin et al., 2007), and therefore representing VSS of active biomass.

Fig. 5. Fluorescence in situ hybridization of biomass from

freshwater canal
Culture B on day 297. Epifluorescence micrographs taken after

Sequencing batch
Sediments from a

0.11b (month 16)

hybridization with the archaeal probe DARCH-872 (green) and


Archaea 10%
Bacteria 80%
specific bacterial probe NC10-1162 (red).


NO2-, NO3-

16 months

Sludge samples collected over the enrichment period
were hybridized with these probes to show the develop-
ment of the DAMO organisms in the two cultures. Over

Same as Culture A

Sequencing batch
time, both the DAMO archaea and NC10 group bacteria

1.73 (batch test)

0.85 (month 10)
became increasingly enriched in Culture B. After 297

Archaea 40%
Bacteria 30%
days, approximately 40% of cells in Culture B (35°C) were
Culture B

8 months
archaea (based on area), all of which hybridized with

probe DARCH-872. The remainder of the culture con-

sisted of bacteria, of which approximately 50% hybridized
with the specific probe targeting the NC10 bacteria
digester sludge and activated sludge

(Fig. 5).
Mixture of freshwater Lake sediment,

In Culture A (22°C), the NC10 bacteria became

enriched after 9 months of incubation. On day 260,
around 15% of bacteria in the culture hybridized with the
NC10 group specific probe and no archaea were detected
with the general archaeal probe. The absence of archaea
Sequencing batch

in this culture was also confirmed by PCR using universal

1.60 (month 9)

Bacteria 15%

primer for the archaeal domain.

Archaea 0%
Table 2. Comparison of different DAMO cultures.

Culture A




Roles of archaea and bacteria in DAMO cultures and

their potential interactions
This study re-confirmed that DAMO can be achieved by
Onset of apparent DAMO activity
bacteria in all microorganisms

NC10 bacteria with or without archaea. Ettwig and col-

a. Volatile suspended solids.

leagues (2008) hypothesized that the archaea present in

Raghoebarsing enrichment may be methanotrophs or
DAMO archaea, NC10
rNO3 (mmol l-1 day-1)
rNO2 (mmol l-1 day-1)

methanogens. The results obtained in this study strongly

suggest that they were likely involved in methane oxida-
Operating mode

VSSa (gVSS l-1)

tion rather than its production. The amount of archaea

N feeding

cells in Culture B (35°C) slowly increased over the enrich-


ment period, which could not have been supported by

waste products or dead cells. Furthermore, in the

© 2009 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology Reports, 1, 377–384
Enrichment of DAMO microorganisms 383

absence of nitrate between days 255 and 258 (and hence Dr Greg Crocetti for the FISH probe design. This work was
no methane oxidation in this period), the methane con- funded by the Australia Research Council (ARC) through
centration in the headspace remained constant, suggest- project DP0666762.
ing that Culture B did not produce methane.
The detailed roles of archaea and bacteria in a DAMO References
process and their potential interactions remain to be elu-
cidated. However, hypotheses may be made based on the Boetius, A., Ravenschlag, K., Schubert, C.J., Rickert, D.,
Widdel, F., Gieseke, A., et al. (2000) A marine microbial
results summarized in Table 2. Both Culture B (35°C) and
consortium apparently mediating anaerobic oxidation of
Raghoebarsing enrichment displayed about 30 times
methane. Nature 407: 623–626.
higher nitrate reduction rates than Culture A (22°C) and DeLong, E.F. (2000) Microbiology – resolving a methane
Ettwig enrichment 2008, suggesting that archaea in these mystery. Nature 407: 577–579.
cultures may play an important role in the reduction of Eisentraeger, A., Klag, P., Vansbotter, B., Heymann, E.,
nitrate to nitrite. Ettwig enrichment 2008 and Culture A, and Dott, W. (2001) Denitrification of groundwater with
which contained bacteria only and showed a low nitrate methane as sole hydrogen donor. Water Res 35: 2261–
reduction rate compared with Culture B and Raghoebars-
Eller, G., Kanel, L., and Kruger, M. (2005) Cooccurrence of
ing enrichment, had nitrite reduction rates that are com-
aerobic and anaerobic methane oxidation in the water
parable to those cultures. This observation suggests that column of lake Plubsee. Appl Environ Microbiol 71: 8925–
the bacteria in Culture B and Raghoebarsing enrichment 8928.
may contribute significantly to nitrite reduction. It is pos- Ettwig, K.F., Shima, S., van de Pas-Schoonen, K.T., Kahnt,
sible the DAMO archaea can only reduce nitrate to nitrite J., Medema, M.H., op den Camp, H.J.M., et al. (2008)
or prefer nitrate reduction to nitrite reduction. If this is the Denitrifying bacteria anaerobically oxidize methane in the
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case, archaea would require bacteria to remove nitrite,
Ettwig, K.F., van Alen, T., van de Pas-Schoonen, K.T., Jetten,
which is an inhibitor to a wide range of physiological
M.S.M., and Strous, M. (2009) Enrichment and molecular
types of microorganisms (Yarbrough et al., 1980). This detection of denitrifying methanotrophic bacteria of the
may explain why all archaea-containing DAMO cultures NC10 phylum. Appl Environ Microbiol 75: 3656–3662.
obtained to date also contained NC10 bacteria. Hallam, S.J., Putnam, N., Preston, C.M., Detter, J.C.,
Rokhsar, D., Richardson, P.M., and DeLong, E.F. (2004)
Reverse methanogenesis: testing the hypothesis with envi-
Effect of temperature on DAMO microorganisms ronmental genomics. Science 305: 1457–1462.
Hinrichs, K.-U., Hayes, J.M., Sylva, S.P., Brewer, P.G., and
From the same inoculum, DAMO archaea were enriched DeLong, E.F. (1999) Methane-consuming archaebacteria
in Culture B at 35°C but not in Culture A at 22°C, suggest- in marine sediments. Nature 398: 802–805.
ing that the higher temperature may have favoured the Islas-Lima, S., Thalasso, F., and Gomez-Hernandez, J.
enrichment of the archaeal DAMO organisms. However, (2004) Evidence of anoxic methane oxidation coupled to
Raghoebarsing and colleagues (2006) enriched archaea denitrification. Water Res 38: 13–16.
in a reactor at a temperature of 25°C, although the ratio of Kruger, M., Meyerdierks, A., Glockner, F.O., Amann, R.,
Widdel, F., Kube, M., et al. (2003) A conspicuous nickel
archaeal to bacterial cells in Raghoebarsing enrichment
protein in microbial mats that oxidize methane anaerobi-
(approximately 1:8) was much lower than that in Culture B cally. Nature 426: 878–881.
(approximately 4:3). Ettwig and colleagues (2008) further Mason, I. (1977) Methane as a carbon source in biological
showed that the archaea contained in Raghoebarsing denitrification. J Water Pollut Control Fed 49: 855–857.
enrichment disappeared after the temperature was Modin, O., Fukushi, K., and Yamamoto, K. (2007) Denitrifica-
increased from 25°C to 30°C. tion with methane as external carbon source. Water Res
Due to the limited number of DAMO enrichment cul- 41: 2726–2738.
Moran, J., Beal, E., Vrentas, J., Orphan, V., Freeman, K., and
tures, the effect of temperature on DAMO microorganisms
House, C. (2008) Methyl sulfides as intermediates in the
is uncertain at this stage and requires further research. anaerobic oxidation of methane. Environ Microbiol 10:
However, reactors inoculated with a mixture of various 162–173.
sources and operated under different temperatures would Nauhaus, K., Boetius, A., Kruger, M., and Widdel, F. (2002) In
likely yield different DAMO enrichments, which can be vitro demonstration of anaerobic oxidation of methane
used for further physiological studies aimed to gain a full coupled to sulphate reduction in sediment from a marine
understanding of the DAMO process. gas hydrate area. Environ Microbiol 4: 296–305.
Niemann, H., Losekann, T., de Beer, D., Elvert, M., Nadalig,
T., Knittel, K., et al. (2006) Novel microbial communities of
Acknowledgments the Haakon Mosby mud volcano and their role as a
methane sink. Nature 443: 854–858.
We would like to thank Dr Beatrice Keller and Ms Jianguang Raghoebarsing, A.A., Pol, A., van de Pas-Schoonen, K.T.,
Li for assistance with FIA measurements. We are grateful to Smolders, A.J.P., Ettwig, K.F., Rijpstra, W.I.C., et al. (2006)

© 2009 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology Reports, 1, 377–384
384 S. Hu et al.
A microbial consortium couples anaerobic methane oxida- Thalasso, F., Vallecillo, A., GarciaEncina, P., and FdzPo-
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© 2009 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology Reports, 1, 377–384

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